He managed to combine the influences of different metaphysical poets while keeping his own originality. (Coursebook, pp. 8-10; Sanders, pp. 194-209, 235-238) 4. The arrival of classicism in England. The impact of the art collections of the Earl of Arundel and Charles I. The arrival of classicism had a huge impact on the cultural identity of the British. One of the most remarkable things that happened was the further sophistication of the cultural output. Architecture, art and literature received more emphasis. Different areas to do with culture drew inspiration from the age of classicism. This movement was greatly influenced by many important figures. Perhaps the greatest proponents of this movement were the Earl of Arundel and Charles I, both of whom possessed great collections of Italian antiquities and artwork. Their art collections definitely left an impact, as they represented the pursuit of a greater ideal through art. (Coursebook pp. 25-31) 5
English literature is one of the oldest literatures in Europe; dates back to the 6th century AD. Oral literature, i.e. not written down, spread from person to person. In 449 AD Anglo-‐Saxon tribes invaded England – beginning of the Anglo-‐Saxon period in English literature. The first form of literature was folklore, carried by scops and gleemen, who
Opposition to abstract, untested theories &ideologies. Friedrich Nietzsche ,,God is dead"-through explaining and putting forward theories had killed Christian god. The essence of Freudian theory: the process in the human psyche Superego-society, conscience, morals, traditions, religion, a moral censor Ego-rational behavior, motivation, self-identification, conscious decisions Id-instincts, natural responses, the pleasure principle, aggressive instincts, the death wish Influence: In art and literature, Freud's theories influenced surrealism . Like psychoanalysis, surrealistic painting and writing explores the inner depths of the unconscious mind. Freudian ideas have provided subject matter for authors and artists. Critics often analyze art and literature in Freudian terms. 2. Literary Modernism and its sub-movements. The influence of Structuralism and psychoanalysis. Main characteristic features of Modernism. Denial of
Style: metaphors, rhetorical phrases, free flow of words, unrhymed iambic pentameter; deviations Renaissance (end of 14th century) Italy, reaches rest of Europe Elizabethan era (16th II h - 17th I h) Theatre: combined medieval theatre, morality plays & Roman drama to create Elizabethan tragedy Poetry: Italian influences, sonnet (English: cddc ee) Rulers of England: Henry VII (brings prosperity, repairs economic situation; made alliances); Henry VIII (beginning of English reformation; killed "traitors"; 6 marriages); Mary I (Catholic); Elizabeth I (The Virgin Queen restores order; Religious Settlement; cautious measures in foreign affairs) Authors: Thomas Kyd's "The Spanish Tradegy" (revenge); Christopher Marlowe (moral dramas; blank verse); Ben Jonson (comedies; theory of humors, caricature and satire); Edmund Spenser's "Faerie Queen" (longest, most famous poem; Spenserian stanza)
In Deism, there is no interference by a deity, and man controls his own destiny. These ideas stirred the masses into action, as the people dreamed of carving their own futures. Adopted by the Founding Fathers, Enlightenment ideals became the vision for modernday America, where these ideologies are deeply rooted in the nation. The Enlightenment was important America because it provided the philosophical basis of the American Revolution. The Revolution was more than just a protest against English authority; as it turned out, the American Revolution provided a blueprint for the organization of a democratic society. And while imperfectly done, for it did not address the terrible problem of slavery, the American Revolution was an enlightened concept of government whose most profound documents may have been the American Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution. To feel the full impact of the Enlightenment
biographies, accounts of voyages, diaries, sermons, pamphlets. Much of the material addressed the problems of Church and State. There were few examples of fiction, poetry or drama. Anne Bradstreet of Massachusetts published some lyrical poems of high literary quality (1650) and Edward Taylor, who was born in England but lived in Boston, wrote some poetry in the style of John Donne and the metaphysical poets. All 17 th cent Am writings were, both in content and form, similar to English lit of the same period. The great literary figures of the 18th cent were Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Thomas Paine (1737-1809) and Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). The common sense and witty aphorisms of Franklin's popular Poor Richard's Almanac series appealed to colonial readers. Franklin also wrote effectively on the question of allegiance to the British crown but it was his protégé, Thomas Paine, who
He shows a very rich and leisurely portrayal of this Baltic world, providing many customs like the close relationship between lord and man in the war-band and others. All this encouraged the supposition that the unknown author of the poem was himself a bard of the ancient type portrayed within the poem (a lord's scoop). However, many people propose that the author could be Christian poet, perhaps a monk, versed not only in old native traditions, but also in the culture and literature of the Latin Church, and whose purpose of writing was highly moral. For example, the fate is a `providentia' and the monster Grendel is an embodiment of evil fighting against Christian militant. This contrast corresponds to the poem itself. The poet is looking back from his own Christian times to an old society with different customs and beliefs. The poem is set, as it is announced in the very first line: `in days gone by'
Hampton Court were opened to public · Why were the Brits obsessed with the middle ages? People were afraid of new things, they didn't feel comfortable in new and fast-moving world; people wanted security and they found it in old things; Middle ages became popular, "Morte d'Arthur" by Thomas Malory 2) Ruskin and the medieval revival · Who was Ruskin and what were his ideas of art and culture? He was the greatest critic in the English language; rhetorician (person in the society, who always has sth to say about anything; not part of the politics, usually from arts department...); cast nature as a reflection of divine truth; instead classicism, looking for sth essentially British; believed in artistic socialism art and morality closely linked; against mass production , emphasis on quality; preferred Gothic, medieval revival
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