PRODUCTS and BRANDS 1. product catalogue - a list of different products of one company 2. product mix - a range of similar in some way products considered together 2. product range - different particular and specific products of a company 3. product lifecycle - the stages of product lifetime and amount of people who use it at each stage 4. product positioning - is how we see a product or how a company would like us to see it in relation to other products 5. product placement - hidden commercial of a product. Customer can see a product in films, music videos and so on. 6. raw materials - basic materials from which products are made or manufactured 7. finished goods - are goods(products) that have completed manufacturing process and are ready to be sold and used by the end user 8. consumer goods - goods which are produced to satisfy consumer current needs and are bought for individual use 9. consumer durables - long time lasting products,...
Estonian history between 1710-1850 and 1850-1918 Contents Contents.................................................................................................................................. 2 17101850.............................................................................................................................. 3 Population and social structure........................................................................................ 4 Serfdom and the intensifying manorial economy ............................................................. 4 Influences of Pietism and the Moravian Brethren............................................................. 5 Enlightenment and enlightened absolutism...................................................................... 6 18501918.......................................................................................................................
Mikk Hödemann 12.d klass English Parliament What can I say about the English history at all? I think that this is the most interesting history I had to study. During this subject (British civilization), I discovered some exciting facts, occasions which took place in the British history. One of these "discoveries" was the English Parliament. I was amazed how fast it grew within the centuries, from eleventh to seventeenth centuries. The political history of British Isles over the past 800 years has been largely one of reducing the power of the monarchy and transferring authority to a London-based Parliament as the sovereign legislative body for all of Britain. This development has resulted in political, social and religious conflicts, as well as evolving governmental and constitutional institutions.
The Fall of the Empire The fall of the British Empire was caused by World War II for two reasons. Firstly, many nations felt that their sacrifice should be rewarded with independence, for example India. Also, the losses to the Japanese destroyed the myth of the European omnipotence. Secondly, heavily in debt to the United States, the United Kingdom was financially exhausted. This left it almost impossible to defend its wider colonies by force. So the vast markets were opened to American companies and to weaken the UK in general. No empire has been larger or more diverse than the British Empire. At its apogee in the 1930s, 42 million Britons governed 500 million foreign subjects. Britannia ruled the waves, and a quarter of the earth's surface was coloured red on the map. Where Britain's writ did not run directly, its influence, sustained by matchless industrial and commercial sinews, was often paramoun...
Form 10A 2009 Introduction The climate is cyclical England is in the middle latitude The English weather changes frequently 52% of the year is overcast England is washed by the warm Gulf Stream Spring March, April, May Wild areas may still be cold and muddy Animals start emerging from their hibernation Plants start blooming Sun and showers Summer Plants and animals start breeding Warm weathers The landscapes are covered with flowers Warm rain The average temperature ranges from 10 0C 150C Britain's highest temperature recorded is 38.5°C in August 2003 Autumn
ENGLISH LITERATURE Ancient Britain Lived on the British Isles in the 1st millenium. They most probably came from Eastern Europe and belonged to the Celtic race and also spoke Celtic. They were primitive hunters- gatherers, farmers. Some Celtic words are still used in modern English, however they are used mostly in place names. For example: · avon river · cumb valley · ford shallow place in the river Ancient Britons had their own religion and priests or druids and temples. In the year 55 BC Britain became a Roman province. Romans were highly developed and had their own language latin, which has also greatly influenced English. The military occupation of the Isles ended in 410 AD
From: Gerton Korsten Sent: 3th April Subject: Re: New job I´m very glad to hear that you got a job that you wanted. It´s good to hear that you´re doing well and that your financial stats are improving. The experience will come, you just have to work hard and be positive. Just do things you are suppose do and you will be fine, trust me and if you must ask questions just be straight and nothing more or less. You have to tell me more about the job and what will you do there. I would like to know everything about the job and how you are doing there. Especially you have to tell me about your first day at your job. I wish you luck and stay strong! Gerton
Effectivemultitasker good at prioritizingtasks and working on several at once. Experience 2000-now Press Office searchscientist. Nixon Inc, UK. Professional development July 2005FutureexecutivesdevelopmentcourseorganizedbyNixon. January 2003Two-weekcourseinouterculturaltraining at LancasterAssociates, UK. Qualifications 1999-2000Master'sdegreeinJournalism, New York, USA. 1996-1999Bachelor'sdegreein Media Studies, New York University, USA. Languages NativeRussianspeaker, fluent Estonian and English. Interests Asiancooking, designing, volleyball, swimming, kross-countryskiing Jobenquiry DearSir/Madam, I amwritingtoenquire a job at yourcompany. I havevisitedyourcompany'swebsite and I likethe look of whatyoudo! I amwritingspecificallywith a referencetothesection on yourwebsiteaboutworkingforyourorganization. Firstly, astheattachedmy CV relates, I have a Master'sdegreeinJournalismfrom New York University. Inaddition,
Story Sophia Romero is a successful business woman, she has a wonderful family and loving friends. Everything hasn’t always been so perfect in her life. About 15 years ago, when Sophia had graduated from University of Washington, she didn’t have a clue what she wanted to do with her life. Although Sophia studied business management, she didn’t feel like this was what she wanted to do. Sophia loved cooking- she would wake up in the middle of the night just to bake a cake. When Sophia was 25, in her own apartment, with bachelor’s degree, with no work and no money, she decided that she had to do something with her life. She applied to every job she could find but unfortunately, none of them worked out. Sophia was about losing her last hope, then one night she saw a dream of her life five years later. When she woke up, it still seemed so real, so she decided to act just like she remembered from i...
the county of Setomaa. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Seto: Kõik inemiseq sünnüseq avvo ja õiguisi poolõst ütesugumaidsist. Näile om annõt mudsu ja süämetun'stus ja nä piät ütstõõsõga vele muudu läbi kjauma. Estonian: Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt. Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim. English: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Thank you
according to- vastavalt accuse of- süüdistama adapt to- kohanduma adjust to- kohanema angry about- vihane olema (asjad) angry at- wihane olema (sõnad) angry with- vihane olema (inimesed) arrive inat- saabuma at the end of (week)- (nädala) lõppus be ashamed of- häbi olema be bored with- igav olema be different from- kellestkist erinema be fond of- armastama, armunud olema be good at- hea milleskis olema be in a harry- kiirustama be satisfied with- rahul olema be similar to- olema sarnane kellegagi be under arrest- olema aresti all belong to- kuuluma blame on- süüdistama by air- lennates (reisimine) carry on- jätkama charge with- süüdiatama depend on- sõltuma disagree with- mitte nõustuma dream about- und nägema dream of- unistama escape from- põgenema find out- välja selgitama happen to- juhtuma heard of- mul pole aimugi help with something- aitama milleskis in (my) opinion- (minu) arvates in finding- leidmises in good time- aja va...
ENGLISH IDIOMS Nõmmik Vilian Apprentice 10 "A" class Ahtme Gymnasium Kohtla-Järve Relevance of the topic Ø The English language becomes the means of international communication, the language of trade, education, politics, and economics. People have to communicate with each other. It is very important for them to understand foreigners and be understood by them. Goal of my research work Ø Goal of my research work is to prove that idioms in the English language are integral part of it, which make our speech more colorful and authentically
Report A task was given to write a report which conveys the results of a survey about shopping habits of people of different ages and gender. The results of the survey were mostly the same, although there are some differences in answers. How much does one shop? About 1/3 of the 9 people surveyed said that they go shopping once a week. Others said that they shopped at least two times a week and it takes about 30 minutes for men and a hour for women to buy groceries and at least an hour if it's a shopping spree. How much do you spend on your hobbies? All men (4 out of 9 people surveyed) said that the most enjoyable products to shop for are electronics while all the women agreed that clothing and acessories are the most fun things to buy. Men also spend less than women, about 50 euros and about 80 euros a week respectively. The experience itself Women said that they enjoy shopping with friends ...
Living in the country has acquired certain reputation, that indicates dirtiness, dullness and uncoiseness with a life in the countryside. True, that a life in the city may seem more entertaining, rapid and fastinating, but it's only an illusion which is brought out due to the commotion in the city. But life in the countryside is more healthy due to the unpolluted air, possibility to evolve agriculture and an elbowroom in which one can dabble sports. One negative side effect accompanies living in the country is absense of infrastructures. Many important institutions locate too far and due to that transportation is an important subject while living in the country. To sum up, living in the city is comfortable but noisy and living in the country is peaceful but time-consuming.
open to a `heavenly home'. 3. The Gen. Charst. Of OE poetry and prose. The distinction between verse and prose is by no mean always clear in that period of time. Anglo-Saxon verse is the product of a tradition which reached far back into pre-literate times and which was challenged and eventually replaced after the Conquest by a quite different tradition, so to say Eng poetry began with an end. But by contrast, the earliest monuments of English prose represent the true beginning of a tradition of written prose. But indeed the only work of prose which can claim a foothold of English literature is `Mandeville's Travels' and it's translated from the French. With the religious works bulk much larger and important writers are Thomas More, Jeremy Taylor, etc. The main tradition of vernacular prose began in England in late 800s with the Anglo-Saxon chronicle and with the group of translations made or inspired by the king himself
For thousand of years scientists all over the world have sought for three main goals of alchemy. The most renowned goal of alchemy is the transmutation of any metal into gold or silver. Also they tried to create universal panacea. It's a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. The philosphper's stone was the key in these goals. This mythical substance could just as well be powder or liquid. Alchemy is considered as the precursor of the modern science of chemistry. The Philospher's stone is perhaps best known in Britain through the best-selling book and movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. But its origins go back thousands of years to ancient world. In those times a philospher was a secret wizard and a powerful sage. But what exaclty is a philospher's stone? To begin with its not actually a stone at all. It's not a solid rocky substance but a compound substance. That would have been kind of a liquid ...
Memo To: Sales Director From: Head, Interviewing team Subject: Appointment: Sales Manager, Central and Eastern Europe We recently interviewed three canditates for this positsion. We have decided to appoint Robert Kaminsky. He seemed the best as far the speaking goes, he was understandable and calm. He is experienced in variety of industries, which coukd show his knowledge in different subjects. He was respected in old jobs by the staff which shows his great thoughts and results. He has been increasing sales by 12% over the five years. Succesess in his mind stays in the office at least seven o´clock. All members exept one had a unanimous pick. We defenetly recommend him for this job. Greetings, Interviewing team
To: John Howell From: Anna Abi Subject: Suggestions Date: 2nd March 2009 Purpose The purpose of this report is to suggest ways of making the shop more profitable. Rewards cards Firstly, I think it would be a good idea to start giving out rewards cards to loyal customers to show them that we value them as clients and it would also show to our future clients that we are a company that supports their customers. Lower prices Secondly, I would suggest slightly lowering our prices and letting the public know of it. We should grow a reputation as a company that is not trying to rob their clients of their money. This would be a great advertisement for the shop and would boost our clientele, making up for the little lost from the lower prices. Advertising campaigns Finally, we should start an advertising campaign. We should invest a good sum of money into it as without people hearing about our shop, we cannot grow. A good idea would be to th...
Report Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in reply to an ad I saw in the daily newspaper and am applying for the parttime job in the Accounts Department of Your company. I am currently acquiring education in high school and I am more than interested in the position at hand. After leaving school, I plan to study accountancy and this job would give me just the right experience needed to be successful in the occupation. I do not have any work experience yet, though I am sensible, mature, easy to work with and a team player, which makes me perfect for jobs that require working around people and with people. I am also honest and reliable and have no problem taking commands and basically doing anything I am needed for. I would appreciate the oppertunity to visit Your offices for an interview and talk about my qualifications. I am available at any time by telephone or at the above addres...
Moved to Cali 2005 Was Born Traveled to Europe Husband 1978 School graduates @ Oxford 1999 Started Got married School 1983 2008 2 The Six English Verb Tenses Three Simple Tenses Simple continuous Present You walk. You are walking I run. I am running. Past You Walked You were walking. I ran. I was running. Future You will walk. You will be walking. I will run. I will be running. Three Perfect Tenses Perfect continuous
English download B2 workbook lk 15 harjutus 1 vastused (Use your English 2) 1. Satisfied 2. Miscalculate 3. Respectful 4. Dissatisfied 5. Ashamed 6. Uncontrollable 7. Disrespectful 8. controllable
English download B2 workbook lk 9 harjutus 2 vastused (Use your English 2) 1. Inappropriate 2. Indirect 3. Lonely 4. Unaccompanied 5. Immodest 6. Personal 7. Avoidable 8. Impersonal
English download B2 workbook lk 9 harjutus 1 vastused ( Use your english 2) 1. Have been doing 2. Plenty of 3. Are you aware 4. Have you stopped 5. Have been calling you 6. Was alone 7. Has a huge amount 8. Beware of the
English download B2 workbook lk 15 harjutus 2 vastused (Use your English 2) 1. Bottle up 2. Would not ever stand 3. Got used with 4. Used to drive 5. Would not get up 6. Did not use to 7. Irrational fear 8. Am not used to working
Topic Estonia, Tallinn The Republic of Estonia is the northernmost of the three Baltic States on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. To the east Estonia borders on Russia and Lake Peipsi and on the south on Latvia. The area of Estonia is 45 100km2, its coastline is 774km long. The geography of the land is surprisingly varied. Islands make up 9,2 per cent of Estonian's total territory, the largest islands are Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Vormsi. The highest point is Suur Munamägi, which is 317m high. Estonia has a surprisingly mild climate for an area so far north. Sea winds keep the weather from becoming very cold or hot. The population of Estonia is 1.5 million. Of this number 62 per cent are Estonians. Estonians speak the Estonian language, which is closely related to Finnish. Estonia's flag has three horizontal stripes. The blue stripe at the top of the fla...
Click icon to add picture Click icon to add picture Steven Paul Jobs 24. Feb 1955 5. Oct 2011 Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco. Adopted at birth by Paul Reinhold Jobs (19221993) and Clara Jobs (19241986). He frequented afterschool lectures at the HewlettPackard Company in Palo Alto, California, and was later hired there, working with Steve Wozniak as a summer employee. Following high school graduation in 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester, he continued auditing classes at Reed, while sleeping on the floor in friends' rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money, and getting weekly free meals at the local Hare Krishna temple. Jobs later said, "If I had never dropped in on that single calligraphy course in college, the Mac would have ne...
Mercy kill as a way out Mercy killing has always been a controversial topic, some believe that practicing it should be punished because it could lead to bad consequences but others think a person should never be punished just for helping. Mercy killing should not be punished. People with terminal illness usually experience a lot suffering and when they have a choice whether to live in pain and be a burden to their family and hospital or die in peace, many usually prefer the second choice. Some prefer to die with dignity and if mercy killing would be punished they simply would have the freedom of choose. On the other hand mercy killing should be punished. If mercy killing becomes something usual younger people might start thinking life has a smaller value. A tremendous amount of resources is used to keep the terminally ill people alive and doctors might start using euthanasia as something to save up the resources...
advertised by you. To start with, where in England/in which area of England is the workplace located? Could you also tell me which positions are available/you are seeking to fill, and how long a workday/how many hours a shift would be? As for accommodation, what would the three-month rent be in total? Finally, I was wondering/may I ask how much I could expect to earn/what the offered salary is. Being an 18-year-old school leaver from Estonia, I am eager to improve my English skills as well as gain work experience in catering services abroad. I would therefore appreciate it if you gave me more details about your job offer. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely M.Mets Mari Mets (See the rubric at LETTER OF APPLICATION Make sure it is specific to both the organization and the job. Consider discussing the
and the Jutes in Kent. 569 AD Pope Gregory the great sends missionaries led by St. Augustine to Britain. The Benedictines establish a chain of monasteries; Britain is linked to the Latin civilization of the roman Church and Christian cultures of Western Europe. Aethelbert 1 of Kent becomes the first Christian King of England. By the end of the 7 th century all the kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon Britain accepted the Christian faith. 3.) Describe Old English Poetry in terms of form and content. Old English poetry is highly formal. Each line of it is divides into two halves, separated by a caesura, or pause, and is often represented by a gap on the page. The verse form contains complicated rules for alliteration designed to help scops, or poets, remember the many thousands lines they were required to know ny heart. Each of the two halves of an Anglo-Saxon line contains two stressed syllables, and an alliterative must
"The English Patient" is the most well-known book by Canadian writer, poet and academician. The main activity happens in 1930.-1940. Egipt and during the last days of World War II in one Italy nunnery which was changed after the war to sickbay. · Almásy is not English. He is Hungarian by birth. Almásy's manner is knowledgeable and reflective. Almásy is not a highly dynamic character, he is intriguing and mysterious figure. He is portrayed in a sympathetic light. He was part of a British archaeological group and also as afterwards reveals a spy. · Hana was a twenty-year-old Canadian Army nurse. She put all of her energy into caring for the English Patient. When the hospital was abandoned, Hana refused to leave and
Irregular English Verbs (Tense Table) Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle abide abode, abided abode, abided arise arose arisen awake awoke awoken be was been bear bore borne, born beat beat beaten become became become befall befell befallen beget begot begotten begin began begun behold beheld beheld bend bent bent, bended bereave bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft beseech besought besought beset beset beset bet bet,...
THEY SPEAK ENGLISH London is the capital of the United Kingdom .The people of the UK are British and they speak English. London is a very big city. Big Ben, the big clock tower, is the symbol of London. There are big red buses called double deckers. People sit upstais and downstairs on these buses. Tourists like them very much. The rose is the symbol of England. Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. Its capital is Cardiff. There are a lot of mountains in Wales, but they are not very high.The daffodil is the symbol of Wales. Scotland is also a part of the United Kingdom. The capital of Scotland is
English speaking countries Ingrid Kaups X class Ireland The "Titanic'' made in Belfast Ireland Flag Orange- Irish Protestants Green- Irish Catholics White- peace Ireland No snakes in Ireland Wales Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level New Zealand The southernmost capital. 11 sheep per citizen . England Shortest war in 1896 Less than 38 minutes Scotland Scotland prints its own banknotes which are accepted all over the UK The Usa Alaskan purchase check Canada ...
Europe Great Britain (British English) · Black British English · England (English language in England) o Northern Cheshire Cumbrian (Cumbria including Barrow-in-Furness) Geordie (Newcastle upon Tyne) Lancastrian (Lancashire) Scouse (Merseyside) Mancunian-Salfordian (Manchester & Salford) Mackem (Sunderland) Northumbrian (rural Northumberland)
English began as a west Germanic language which was brought to England bt the Saxons around 400 AD. The spoken and written laguage berween 400 and 1100 AD is referred to as Old English. Many words used today come from Old English. In the 9th and 10th centuries, when Vikings invaded England, Old Norse words entered the language English from about 1300 to 1500 is known as Middle English. It was influenced by French and Latin. French brouht many words connected with goverment. Modern English eas greatly influenced by the English used in London and changed a great deal until the end of the 18th century. Many words were introduced from Greek and Latin to express new ideas, especially in science, medicine and philosophy. Nowadays 80 percent of the word-stock is foreign-born. So we can say that most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of the languages are resisting the
English speaking countries English is world-wide language. Its spoken in very many countries. For example many countries in Europe, Asia, America and even in Africa. In many of them it's spoken as an official language. But it's also spoken as the dominant (domineeriv, valdav) language. Nowadays you can go almost everywhere and you can make through everything when you know some English. But still, no matter in which country you go, they're still very different. For example Australia, United Kindgom and its parts Endland and Scotland. Australia is located in the Pacific ocean and it's sixth country in the world for it's size. It's total area is 7741220 km². This country doesn't have an official language, but it's national language is English. Australia has much lakes and rivers in it. More exactly about 68 920 km² is made up by lakes and rivers
Why learn English? Nowadays English plays a major international role. Personally I believe, that in order to survive in present society we have to, at least, know the basic English, because almost everything is based on English. Firstly English is the international language and knowing English shows the eruditeness of people, because every person who considers him or herself to be educated has learnt it. English has switched places with Latin, which once was the language of educated people. Not to mention the fact that people can use it for communication with eachother. In my opinion it is not necessary to learn that country's mother tongue while most of the people are able to talk in English. I find that English connects different people and helps us to feel like a
Present Simple · Korduv, regulaarne tegevus: I WORK every day / each Monday / only on Wednesdays. · Üldine, tavapärane tegevus; loodusseadused / füüsika etc. reeglid: I usually DO NOT WORK in summer. She DOES NOT WORK at night. Magnet ATTRACTS iron. · !!! Spordikommentarid: ... and now he PASSES the ball ... and off he GOES towards the goal... · 1pv (+s/es Å he/she/it); ? DO(ES)+ 1pv ; - DO(ES) not + 1pv Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 Present Progressive · Hetkel toimuv, pooleliolev tegevus: S/he IS TALKing on the phone now. I AM READing an interesting book. · Ajutine, regulaarsele ja tavapärasele vastanduv tegevus (tulevikku viitav): This summer they ARE not GROWing cucumbers as usual. They'RE GROWing tomatoes instead. · !!! Halvakspanu väljendus harjumuspärase tegevuse kohta: He IS always COMPLAINing! · BE (am/is/are) + 1pv-ing Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 ...
(teach right from wrong) or ecclesiastical (biblical subject). Middle ages – English becomes a literary language. Geoffrey Chaucer (1343–1400) – Father of English literature, The Canterbury Tales in English, increased the prestige of the language, provided a standardised form. The Canterbury Tales: frame story. Majority in verse, some prose. Intended to contain 124 stories, only finished 24. Story: a pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral, where archbishop Thomas Becket had been murdered
Old English ( 450-1100 AD) The invading Germanic tribes spoke similar languages, which in Britain developed into what we now call Old English. Old English did not sound or look like English today. Native English speakers now would have great difficulty understanding Old English. Old English was spoken until around 1100. Middle English (1100-1500) In 1066 William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy invaded England. The new conquerors brought with them a kind of French and there was a period where the lower classes spoke English and the upper classes spoke French. In the 14th century English became dominant in Britain again, but with many French words added. Modern English Early Modern English (1500-1800) Towards the end of Middle English the change in pronunciation started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter
Tõlge Basic Past Simple Past Participle midagi saama get got got tekkima arise arose arisen andma give gave given olema be was/were been minema go went gone sündima bear bore borne kasva(ta)ma grow grew grown peksma beat beat beaten rippuma hang hung hung kellekski saama become became become omama have had had algama begin began begun kuulma hear heard heard kalduma bend bent bent peitma hide hid hidden hammustama bite bit bitten lööma hit hit ...
From: Subject: 'Business Today' event Dear Gloria, Thank for you letter informing me of the upcoming 'Business Today' event. I would like to confirm for you that I will attend. I am more than happy to be a speaker at the event and I would like to thank you for the great opportunity to do so. I do have a few questions regarding the speech that I will be giving. As to the topic I am fine making my own choice, but I would like to ask you if there are any specific topics or subjects that you would prefer that I talk about? I would also like to know how much time I will be alloted to speak? Will it be in a formal or an informal setting for the speech? I look forward to hearing from you regarding these details. I also would like to confirm that I will be able to attend the charity dinner as well. Thank you again for the opportunity and I look forward to seeing you at the conference. Much regards,
10.2012 *Notes *We use ZERO to express some numerical values such as temperatures, taxes and interest rates *We can pronounce 0 like the letter `o', when we are reading out numbers figure by figure (flight number, credit card number, telephone number etc) Mare Roes 11 10.10.2012 *Decimal numbers *In English use a point (.) and not a comma (,) for decimals. * 10.001 *Use commas in figures only when writing thousands. * 10,001 is ten thousand (and) one Mare Roes 12 10.10.2012 * In English all the numbers after a decimal point are read separately: * 10.54 ten point five four * 3.488 three point four eight eight * 114
Ai To: Pen Friend Magazine From: Mari Tamm Adress: 2 Lai St. EE 8260 Simuvere, Estonia Subject: Finding an English-speaking pen friend Date: 12.12.2010 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement in Pen Friend magazine. I am a nineteen-year-old girl from Estonia. I go to Simuvere Gymnasium and I have some problems with my English, so i would like to improve it. I am an active person whose hobbies are reading, watching movies and writing. I also go to hockey training. I would like to have a pen friend, whose hobbys are similar to mine. I wish my pen friend was a boy, between 19-23. I would also like him to be from an exotic country, somewhere far-far away. I am hoping that your magazine helps me to find a pen friend. Looking forward to having an answer soon. Yours faithfully, Mari Tamm.
LETTER OF APOLOGY Opening remarks: I am writing to apologise for/ I must apologise for/ Please accept my sincerest apologies for/ How can I apologise enough for .... , etc. Making amends: Please allow me to offer/ suggest .... As compensation (for) ... I insist on + ing form to make up your inconvenience/ loss, etc. Closing remarks: Once again, sincerest apologies for/ I hope you will accept my apologies/ I hope my apologies will be/ are accepted, etc. I hople you will forgive/overlook this regrettable error. THANK YOU LETTER Opening remarks:I am writing to thank you for.../ I am very grateful to you for .. Giving reasons for your positive experience:I am pleased that .../ One of the best things.../It has helped me a great deal Closing remarks: Once again, many thanks... NB! Thank twice! LETTER OF APPLICATION Opening remarks: I am writing to apply for the position /post of .... as advertised in..../ I am wr...
be was / were been become became become begin beganbegun bring brought brought buy bought bought choose chose chosen come came come do did done drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feel felt felt find found found fly flew flown forget forgot forgotten get got got (gotten in USA) give gave given go went gone have had had hear heard heard keep kept kept know knew known leave left left lend lent lent let let let lose lost lost make made made meet met met pay paid paid put put put read read (pronounced /red/) read (pronounced /red/) run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken stand stood stood swim swam swum take ...
Kaali crater Kaali crater's history Nobody truly knows how old is Kaali crater. Many people think it's over 7000 years old some even think that it is over 3500 years old. There are some rumours that Scandinavian god Thor once landed there :D. Ivan Reinwald was the first human to start investigating Kaali. In 1935 Ivan found meteor shards there and knew a meteor landed there. What can you do there At Kaali it's obvious you can see the crater but there are other fun stuff to do there. You can have a nice picnic with friends at there. Visit the nearby resturants and enjoy the nature. Remember that don't go swimming to the crater! Location Kaali crater is located at Saaremaa (20km NW from Kuresaare). Gheographic coordinates: 58° 22 22 N, 22° 40 10 E Facts The crater is 22m deep and diameter of 110m. At the bottom of the crater is Kaali lake. ...
The United States of America Rain Ventsel 2008 Flag of the United States The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 U.S. States The 13 stripes represent the original Thirteen Colonies that rebelled against the British Crown and became the first states in the Union. Hollywood Hollywood is a district in the city of Los Angeles Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars The word "Hollywood" is often used as a metonym of cinema of the United States It is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism and home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore is Presidential Memorial Represents the first 150 years of the history...
Solar power Tanel terras The basics of solar power Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity Photovoltaics Concentrated solar power Concentrated solar power · Electrical power is produced when the concentrated light is converted to heat, which Click to edit Master text styles drives a heat engine connected to an Second level electrical power generator or powers a Third level thermochemical reaction Fourth level Fifth level Photovoltaics Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into di...