Price and place Joosep Lahi 10a Price is the one, which creates THE PRICE sales revenue. Researching consumers' opinions about pricing is important. An organisation's pricing policy will vary according to time and circumstances. Pricing Cost-plus pricing methods. Value-based pricing Psychological pricing Target return pricing The place . 'Place' is concerned with various methods of transporting and storing goods, and then making them available for the customer. The choice of distribution method will depend on a variety of circumstances. Distribution Channel ---- all aspects related to how a Product is `moved' from the manufacturer to the customer. Direct . Indirect. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING
Tartu Ülikool Loodus-ja tehnoloogiateaduskond Geograafia osakond Essee inimgeograafias ,,Koht" Tartu 2010 Koht ehk millegi asukoht ruumis. Sellel on tihti oma kindel tähendus, mis talle omistatakse. Kõik inimesed on erinevad, seega erinevad ka nende mõtted ja arusaamad seoses koha ja asukohaga. Üks kindel koht võib tähendada erinevaid asju, oleneb lähenemisest ja vaatenurgast, kuidas keegi seda mõistab. Tavaliselt seostatakse mingit kohta mälestustega ja tunnetega, enamasti on tegemist sellise kohaga, kus inimene on varem käinud või olnud. Nagu ka Tim Cresswell on öelnud, et koht on midagi enamat kui lihtsalt üks termin, vaid ka sõna, mida me kasutame väga tihti igapäevaelus. Enamik inimesi ei mõtle selle tähendusele, vaid kasutab kohta sellises kontekstis, nagu parajasti tarvis on. Öeldakse, et iga asja jaoks on oma koht. See võib olla loodusgeograafilisest vaatenurgast või sii...
PLACE D´YOUVILLE Asukoht: Montreal (Québec), Canada Autor: Claude Cormier + Associés (koostöös Groupe Cardinal Hardy) Tellija: Montreali linn, Kultuuri ja kommunikatsiooni ministeérium, Québeci valitsus Valmimis aasta: 2008 Suurus: 15 000m2 Kasutatud materjal: • • Tänan kuulamast!
Prepositions of Place in a car in a garden in the water (sea / river) in a town in a room in the city centre IN in a shop in France in hospital in a newspaper / in a book "Where's David?" "In the kitchen / In the garden / In London." What's in that box / in that bag / in that cupboard? Angela works in a shop / in a bank / in a factory. Milan is in the north of Italy. I live in a town but I want to live in the country. I read about the accident in the newspaper. David's father is ill. He's in hospital. at the table at the station at a concert at university / at schoo...
The Perfect Place to Live For me, I think I am already living in a perfect place, Estonia. I would not want to live somewhere else because I think Estonia has everything what a perfect place should have. Many people who live in Estonia are dreaming of a home in a warmer place. There are many reasons why I would not want to live there. One reason is that the weather stays excactly the same every day but in Estonia we have different seasons. Furthermore why I like living in Estonia is that the nature is amazing and if I am very tired I could just go 10 kilometers out of the city and I would be in pure nature, but in China it would be impossible. I am happy about my life in Estonia. I cannot imagine a better place to live. I am never going
Tallinna Teeninduskool MK13-TE2 Description of the working place I have already been working in Lasnamäe Prisma for one year. Lasnamäe Prisma is located at Mustakivi tee 17 in Tallinn. Prisma Peremarket is a shop for the whole family. You can find everything there, from food and cosmetics to technology and clothing and much more. Prisma is one of the fastest growing retail chains by market share in Estonia. The Company expands year on year, and today Prisma Peremarket has 8 hypermarkets, one small store Prisma Express in
4P ( Product, price, place, promotion): Price- pakume toodet tasuta. Toodet on võimalik alla laadida meie koduleheküljel ning ka Google play kaudu. Product- bränd on usaldusväärne ja oma fuktsionaalsuse tõttu hääletureguleerijana on sobilik vaigistajaprogramm, olles ühtlasi ideaalne antud otstarvet täitma. Samas ei jää funktsioonid jäigaks ning kui on vaja uuendada programme, siis äpp kohaneb ja muutub- vastavalt klientide soovidele ja nõudlustele. Lisaks ei kurna ta oma kliente tüütute reklaamidega. Äpp ilmub ekraanile vaid sobival hetkel ja vastavalt seadistusele kliendi poolt. Place- me ei müü teenust, vaid pakume tasuta ning seda ainult usaldusväärsetel lehekülgedel: äpi oma kodulehekülg, mis tutvustab lisaks teenusele ka juhtkonda ning programmi loojaid ehk meie programmeerijaid; Lisaks ka tuntud veebilehel Google play, mida külastavad enamus äpiotsijaid inimesi tihti. Keelatud ei ole linki jagada teistes veebilehekülgedes, mis ...
Computerised world – a better or a worse place to live in ? Although computers are said to be one of the most successful inventions there are many people who do not totally agree with that saying. Computers are able to do everything that make our life easier, but why are there still so many different opinions about ones' usefulness? The positive side of having computers in our life is how much it actually changes our life and makes it easier. There are no problems, I mean literally no problems that computers could not do. Computers are used to find information, read news, study, and some even play computer games. But to be exact, computer is not only that small box that stays under our desks or the lap-tops that are well known today. Computers are everything automatic that surround us, for example nowadays there are no cars made without computerised parts. Even shopping would not be even close to like it is now if we would not have al...
Mysterious place Moeraki Boulders Hanka Merila MY15 Moeraki Boulders ★ The Moeraki Boulders are unusually large and spherical boulders lying along a stretch of Koekohe Beach on the wave-cut Otago coast of New Zealand between Moeraki and Hampden. Where is it located? ★ Koekohe Beach on the wave-cut Otago coast of New Zealand between Moeraki and Hampden. What is it famous for? What is mysterious about it? ★ The most striking aspect of the boulders is their unusually large size and spherical shape, with a distinct bimodal size distribution. Most are spherical or almost spherical. What are the theories explaining the mystery? ★ A Maori Legend: The boulders are remains of calabash (a gourd bearing tree), kumara (a sweet ...
will even start building libraries on the water. Then we could not only read books but also rest and travel. On the other hand libraries could be built for example as hotel. Surely this library will be very popular. May be people would live there until you read the book through. Accordingly you will not have to carry books here and there and it is one more reason to think about building this library. In conclusion, I personally believe that books will become more popular and there is a place for libraries in future. Because world with libraries is much better and exciting.
GHOST MOUNTAINEER Must alpinist RaidoM Ghost mountaineer Ghost mountaineer was made in 2015. This movie is filmed in Buryatia, where the events took place. This movie's title is based on a legend who is dead mountaineer, his death circumstances remained unclear and his soul because of that can't ever get peace. Hallucinatory ghost mountaineer seeing in the mountains brought disaster. Ghost mountaineers summary The film takes place in 1989. Six Estonian students are going to climb to a mountain in Buryatia. One night Eero is telling a story about an mountaineer, who died on mountain and his ghost is still haunting is the mountain. Everyone notices that Olle is gone and they start looking for him but they can't find him. Local people find a body on the mountain and they bring the body away with a tractor. Begins weird and strange events, what is going to be unexpectedly gloomy and
Kool Tallinn, 2009 How can we make our planet a safer place to live Essay Nimi Klass Juhendaja notice the cars. But to put this in pracitce, public Is our problems and transport should be improved the buses planet a safe therefore we should be cleaner, they should drive more place to live can't fight frequently and there must be buses driving for animals, them. This to more destinations. This way people would
breathing thing we can also do is to use paper and Ho difficulties andcloth bags instead of plastic bags. w can we stomach We can also fight against water make our problems. We pollution. We should stop using the town a should do products of companies whose factories better something cause pollution, so we will force them to place to before its too use environmentally friendly production live in? late. methods. The government should close The these companies who have polluted rivers first thing for a long time. This way our rivers will The we can do is be cleaner. People would have clean water living to stop to drink and to swim in. conditions in
Dear Mr Peterson, I am writing to ask more information about your place for training events, beacause I have to organize a youth seminar. I found your advertisement on the Internet. Firstly, I would like to know if the venue is open 20 Julay 2017? It will be suitable to have an evening time of 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm for the event. The main topic of the seminar is „Calm and Confident: Managing Stress and Tough Times". The number of participants is 30 (two teachers and 28 students). I know that you have a beautiful conference rooms, but what size are they
Mr. Püüa 4 November 2011 21 Park Street Pärnu 80010 Estonia Dear Mr Püüa I am waiting in a reply to your advertisement in Pärnu Postimees to apply for the position of football coach. I have been working in two different places. One was my own founded internet payment service, which is doing actually pretty good and the other place is at Karhu Kauhajoki, where I am the main coach for boys who are aged between 14 to 18. Also I went to body culture school in Denmark, which I graduated Cum Laude with GPA 4,9 out of 5,0. I have also finished Ahtme high school with gold medal, it is the only school in Estonia which bases mainly on football. I am a native estonian speaker and I can also speak and write perfectly in english, finnish and russian
My ideal house I would like to live in a place where there are some mountains with snow on top of them and a sea nearby because i like beaches and mountains. My house would be in the middle of them, so i could see the sea from one side and the mountains from the other side of the house. The house would have two floors and a basement because that's all i need. On the first floor, there would be the living room with a big tv and some antique furniture, the kitchen, also with antique style oven and etc. A bathroom with a
[email protected] Writing Course 27.04.2014 Biased news Neutral tone Last weekend, the first of this seasons MotoGP races finally took place in Argentina. The first day was unevenftful, but the second day brought some unexpected events. Rio Hondo, the overall leader of the MotoGP series was in a leading position after successfully completing 8 laps and he was taking the last of the dangerous jumps, when suddenly, while he was still in the air, both of the wheels of his bike detached. The competitor wearing the number 53 visibly panicked when he realised that there is no way he could land safely
Film review „Chocolat“ Chocolat is a 2000 American-British romantic drama film that is based on the novel with the same name by Joanne Harris. Chocolat was directed by Lasse Hallström. Filming took place between May and August 2000. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. It was also nominated for eight BAFTs (British Acedemy of Film and Television Arts) and four Golden Globes. Chocolat begins with arrival of Vianne Rocher in a tiny French village. She is a single mother with a young daughter. In village was the beginning of fasting and people weren’t eating so much. Vianne moves with her daughter into a disused
Indoor climate Syndrome (1) Air temperature SBS is a combination of Air humidity ailments (a syndrome) Air pressure associated with an individual's place of work Ventilation and is presumably connected with overstress Content of oxygen in air of organism’s adaption mechanisms. Air ionization Building occupants complain of symptoms Heat exchange between associated with acute discomfort, e.g.,
tense Affirmative/Negative/Question Use Signal Words always, every ..., action in the present Simple Present A: He speaks. never, normally, N: He does not speak. taking place once, never or often, seldom, Q: Does he speak? several times sometimes, usually if sentences type I facts (If I talk, ...)
· Spacious · Big windows · Long white lace curtains · Some old recycled furniture · A lot of flowers · Photos and paintings on walls · Details (pillows) to give colour Bedroom · Big windows and a small balcony · Bedclothes to give colour · Soft carpets · A lot of pillows · Filled with daylight Bathroom · Spacious and lightful · A corner with an armchair · Light blue, green shades Conservatory · A lot of big windows · Cozy furniture · A lot of flowers, plants · Place to relax Garden · Big and spacious · Small pond · Lots of different flowers,plants · Pergola and a small gardenhouse · Apple- and cherrytree garden · My favourite flowers- Rose hips, Peonies, Lilacs and Hydrangeas Garden Pets and animals · Aquarium with fish and turtles · Birds in conservatory · Sheep · Dogs · Cats Treehouse · In the forest near the house · Place for children to play · Place for children to spend the night with friends Barrel sauna
Affirmative tense Use Signal Words /Negative/Question · always · action in the present taking place Simple Present A: He speaks. · every ... once, never or several times N: He does not speak. tegevus, mis toimub ühe korra, mitte · never Lihtolevik Q: Does he speak? · normally kunagi või mitu korda
.......................................... 3 Prepositions of Time – during & while ................................................................. 4 Prepositions of Time – by & by the time .............................................................. 4 Prepositions of Time – until & from ... till / to ... ................................................. 4 Prepositions of Time - ago................................................................................... 5 Prepositions of Place – in .................................................................................... 5 Prepositions of Place – at .................................................................................... 5 Prepositions of Place – on ................................................................................... 6 Prepositions of Place - in & at with towns & villages............................................ 6
Simple Past (Past Simple) The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action. Form of Simple Past Positive Negative Question I did not no differences I spoke. Did I speak? speak. For irregular verbs, use the past form (see list of irregular verbs, 2nd column). For regular verbs, just add "ed". Exceptions in Spelling when Adding `ed' Exceptions in spelling when adding ed Example
Paradise at the Adriatic Sea I have visited some interesting places around the world. The best place I have ever been to is Dubrovnik, located in the south of the Croatia. This town is very old and has a really interesting history. Nowadays this is one of the most famous resorts in Europe. Climate, of course is hot as the town is located at the Adriatic Sea. It consist of two parts : the old town and the new one. The old town is the primary objective for tourists who visit Dubrovnik. Narrow strelets full of different souvenir shops and restaurants are worth of visiting.
How to Change a Tire Sander Kitsing AL16 Find a flat, stable and safe place to change your tire. You should have a solid, level surface that will restrict the car from rolling. If you are near a road, park as far from traffic as possible and turn on your emergency flashers (hazard lights). Avoid soft ground and hills. Apply the parking brake and put car into "Park" position. If you have a standard transmission, put your vehicle in first or reverse. Place a heavy object (e.g., rock, concrete, spare wheel, etc.) in front of the front and back tires. Take out the spare tire and the jack. Place the jack under the frame near the tire that you are going to change. Ensure that the jack is in contact with the metal portion of your car's frame Many cars have molded plastic ...
• Adverbs of Manner • Adverbs of Manner tell us the manner or way in which something happens. They answer the question "how?". Adverbs of Manner mainly modify verbs. • He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?) • They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?) • James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his cars?) • Adverbs of Place • Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modifyverbs. • Please sit here. (Where should I sit?) • They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?) • Two cars were parked outside. (Where were two cars parked?) • Adverbs of Time • Adverbs of Time tell us something about the time that something happens. Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs. • They can answer the question "when?": • He came yesterday. (When did he come?) • I want it now. (When do I want it?) • Or they can answer the question "how often?":
from its input places - The transition adds tokens to its output places - Arc expressions determine which tokens are removed 4.Concurrency and conflict CPN allows to modelling concurrent systems In the marking M1, three different binding elements are enabled: TP+ and TP−, are in conflict with each other (– both are enabled, only one can occur per token in A) SP and TP+ can occur concurrently(– SP needs a token on the place PacketsToSend and a token on NextSend, while TP+ needs a token on place A– no competition or interference to get tokens) SP and TP− are concurrently enabled(– they also use disjoint input tokens, occur concurrently) 5.Guards Besides input arcs, also transitions may carry guards. Guard is a boolean expression that must evaluate to true for binding. A guard puts an extra constraint on the enabling of bindings for a transition. 6.Interactive simulaton
Every year, thousands of people want to meet someone speacial or just a new friend. Unfortunately not all of us can make it work. Some of us just can´t break the ice between himself and the stranger. Here are few examples why politics and religion are not a safe topics to start a conversation with. On the one hand, starting a conversation with this topics can be safe, If both participants are not arguing, but just unbiased and discussing it. Everything depends of place, where you have met this new person. If you had met him somewhere at conference, where is suitable to talk about politics, then it could be fine. You can start a conversation with different questions like: "Hello, which political party you belong to?" - It would not be criminal. This person will answer you, if he wants to. Then you can keep on with your questions and try to promote this conversation. On the other hand, starting a conversation with topics like that in some public
My favorite part of town Toila Oru Park My Favorite part of town is called Toila Oru park, which is located 20 km outside the city. The park includes castle complex, luxurious gardens with more than 800 sorts of plants, large beach, amazing terraces, cafés, mysterious spring cave, singing stage and much more. One of the main reason I like it is that there you can always find place for yourself. You can walk in the park, relax on the beach, read on a park bench or just enjoy incredibly beautiful views. There are a lot of interesting places to see. One of the most visited places are the area near terrace, where you can find wonderful rose garden, which is very colorful and aromatic. At the beginning this land was owned by Grigori Jelissejev in 1897. Then he decided to build luxurious summer villa, which could compete with famous resting mekas in France, Riviera
INDIA Created by: Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level SOME REASONS ,WHY TO GO INDIA: Fourth level Fifth level *ANCIENT CULTURE AND ARCHITECTURE * Very spiritual country for the people who are intrested about meditation and religion * Good place where people can learn yoga from the masters ,who have done it all the life *if you want to learn different nations culture and traditions than its best place where to go. India is multinational country. · Sunny and exoting weathers, good for resting Click to edit Master text styles Second level SOME INFORMATION AND FACTS ThirdABOUT level INDIA:
Roald Dahl “The Landlady” Worksheet 1 1. Find information about the setting: town, time of day, weather. TOWN: Bath TIME OF DAY: nine o’clock in the evening WEATHER: air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice 2. At the beginning, we find out that the story is about: a) a young man who is looking for a pub in London b) a young man who is looking for a place to stay in Bath + c) a young man who is cold and tired because of a long train journey. Bill has come there: a) to make new friends b) to take on a new job + c) to find loggings The houses along the street: a) are in good condition b) are no longer lived in c) are in need of repair + 3. Find information about the first character: full name, age, job, travelling FULL NAME: Billy Weaver AGE: 17 JOB: he came...
Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree? In the 21st century it is all about gender equality and every individual wants to achieve high level position in their work place. In the past, women, in many societies, had less rights and privileges than men. The statement says that companies should give a certain number of higher positions to women. However, I do not agree with this requirement completely. Giving a certain percent of higher positions to women certainly is an easy solution but in my opinion it will bring even more sexism. It shows that women are somehow weaker, fragile and need help for everything
What are pros and cons of keeping fit? In the first place there are a lot of ways to keep fit. The most important advantage is that you find an activity that you enjoy doing and that you stick with it. There is a variety of things you can do. You can run, walk, swim, bike, go hiking, do athletics, lots of different methods for keeping fit. It is often suggested to go dancing. Dancing is a very good aerobic activity, requires physical liveliness and burns a lot of calories. One point of view in favour of that you have enough
Later you can see that it was perfect title to the story. All the messages of the stories were hidden. It might be difficult to understand the point of the story. To understand it, it is important to read the story carefully and notice everything and every word the characters say. It seems like the stories are unfinished you are reading and then you notice that the text is at an end but you can't understand what was the meaning of this story. All the stories took place in Europe at the beginning of the 20 th century and they are connected with the World War I and the World War II. Even if it is not said, you can guess it. The stories may be same effective in any other place and time. These people had problems and difficulties in their lives in these stories and people have problems nowadays too. So it does not matter if the story takes place today or many years ago- it can be same effective. Even it does not
David Beckham General · Birth name : David Robert Joseph Beckham · Born : 2 May , 1975 ( age 35 ) · Birthplace : Leytonstone , London , England · Nationality : English · Playing position : Midfierlder · Current club : Los Angeles Galaxy · Number : 23 Family · Wife : Victoria Beckham · Sons : Brooklyn Joseph , Romeo James and Cruz David Career · 1991 - Signs as a trainee for Manchester United · 1993 - Signs as a professional for Manchester United · 2000 - Appointed the English national team captain · 2003 - Signs with Real Madrid for £25m Achievements · 1999 - UEFA Most Valuable Player · 2000 - World Footballer of The Year (2nd Place) · 2001 - World Footballer of The Year (2nd Place) · 2001 - European Footballer of The Year (4th Place) Fun Facts · There is a gold-covered bronze statue of David Beckham in a Thai Bu...
MY DREAM TRIP If I had a chance to travel, I would definitely love to go to Paris. It is a fashionable city.I`d like to fashion show and buy some beatiful clothes and also enjoy the beauty of this wonderful place. I was inspired by some of the movies I used to watch when I was little. There is always a scene where there is romance or happiness and that scene will definitely take place in the beatiful capital of France,Paris. I would love to see the amazing Eiffel Tower . I wanted to visit some shop there. I`m sure any place where I go in Paris is very intresting. Paris, there are a lot of wonderful museums and buildings, for example Louvre Museum, the triumphal Arc and so on especially the painting everyone wants to have a look at her secret smile. Also enjoy the beauty of this wonderful place
Song Festival The first song festival started the tradition of Estonian national song festivals, wich took place in 18-20 June 1869. The initiator of the idea and the arranger of the enterprise was a choral society ,,Vanemuine" in the June in 1869. Song festivals turned to musical big enterprise, which took place in present singing field in Kadriorg in 1928. There were 822 singers,56 instrumentalists, 47 male choirs and 4 brass bands. The number of participant, who were in song festival, still growed and since the fourth festival in 1891 joined also mixed chorus. In 1933 accrued as a participants women's chorus. There were about 1500 spectators. Nowadays there are much more people when it were at that time. Now the singing festival are once in every 5 years
Reagents Hydrochloric acid 0.1 M; sulphuric acid 0.1 M; zinc and aluminium granules; copper wire; solution of copper(II) sulphate; solution of copper(II) chloride; solution of iron(II) sulphate; solution of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); zinc-plated iron sheet; tin-plated iron sheet; iron paper clips; solid NaCl; urotropin. Equipment Test tubes, small beaker (50 cm3), centrifuge tube. Experiments 1. Making of a galvanic pair 1.1. Place a zinc granule on the bottom of the centrifuge tube and pour solution of hydrochloric acid on top. Write down the equation of reaction which occurs. Which compound is the oxidant, which is the reductant? Zn+2 HCl ZnCl 2 + H 2 -¿ H 2 Oxidant is H: +¿+2 e ¿ 2 H¿ 2+ ¿ ¿ Reductant is Zn: -¿ Zn
Blackpool Dance Festival Introduction I´m going to talk about a famous annual ballroom dance competition. I chose this subject because I have always admired their dresses, because these are always different and very sparkling. This competition is also well-known all over the world. Blackpool The festival takes place in Blackpool. A seaside city in the north-west of England. The population of this town is 142 900. The headquarters of an outstanding British sports car manufacturer TVR are also located in Blackpool. The biggest income of this town is based on tourism industry. The highest peak in tourism was from 1900 to 1950 when the beach and promenade was full of crowds. An interesting fact is that reputedly the town still has more hotel and B&B beds than the whole of Portugal
Nice Nice or Nica is a city in southern France located on the Mediterranean coast. With its natural beauty and sandy beaches, Nice, is the perfect destination for those who like sun and sea. Nice, is one of the most beautiful cities you will ever see. The main place of interest is the promenade des Anglais, which is a celebrated promenade along the Mediterranean at Nice, France. It is a walkway along the sea, where you can enjoy amazing view and see many luxurious private ships. Another place worthy of visiting is the small street parallel to the promenade des Anglais; leading from Nice's downtown, beginning at Place Massena, and shadowing the promenade towards the airport for a short distance about 4 blocks. This area of the city is off
-The Old Town In medieval age Tallinn was called Reval and it was as big as the Tallinns Old Town is now. Uniqueness of Tallinn is that it is one of very few European cities, where the historical lay-out is kept in it's original form , and has a lot of monuments of that time. Thanks to that in 1997 Old Tallinn has been included in the list of a world heritage of UNESCO. -The Raekoja Square The Raekoja Square is used for senturies like market and fair square, here took place many festivals, and criminals were executed. In summer on Raekoja Square many open air conserts and fairs of handicraftsmen were arranged, at the same time old traditions are remembered, took place many different party parades, knight tournaments and shooting competitions. In winter Christmas tree is placed and christmas fair is spent -Defensive Towers Tallinns Town Wall, reinforced with defensive towers, is one of the strongest defensive structures in Northern Europe by the XVI sentury
Küsimus 1 Valmis Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Vali tagasisidestatud pidevaja süsteemi koostamiseks sisendmaatriks ja sisesta vastusese. Põhjenda, miks valisid just sellise sisendmaatriksi! Antud on olekumaatriks ja algolek: A=[1 0;2 -2], X0=[-2;1] Tagasidega suletud süsteemi siirded peavad tulema nõrgalt võnkuvad ja siirdeprotsessi aeg ts 5 sekundit. Leiame omaväärtused eig(A) ans = -2 1 Süsteem ebastabiilne, sellega on vaja leida sellise sisendmaatriksi, et süsteem oleks täiesti juhitav ja jälgitav. Näiteks, B=[-1;-1] Sellega Q=ctrb(sys) Q= -1 -1 -1 0 >> rank (Q) ans = 2 >> S=obsv(sys) S= 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 -2 >> rank(S) ans = 2 Kommentaarid Kommentaar: Küsimus 2 Õige Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Missugused olekumudeli maatriksid tuleb veel lisada, et kõik siseolekud oleksid eraldi väljundites...
Stanislav Stõkov 12A The Amityville Horror The Amityville Horror is a fightening remake of the 1979 horror classic. The film is directed by Andrew Douglas and the story takes place in a Long Island home in the `70s. The movie begins with a gruesome sight, where the entire family was brutally slaughtered by the father. He explained to the police that the voices in side his head made him do it. One year later a family of five was looking for a new place to live. They stumbled across that same building, where the mass murder had happened. Despite the tragedy they bought it because of the low price
Tartu Located in the South of Estonia, Tartu is one of Estonia's most beautiful cities. I chose to write about Tartu, because with its beautiful green parks and spectacular culture, it's the perfect holiday destination. There are many really beautiful buildings that have been restored after World War II. Most of them are in the heart of the city. There's also a place called the Dome Hill. It's a hill where you can see various monuments and there are also the ruins of the Dome Church. Currently, the building is occupied by a history museum and the visitors can use an observation platform on the roof and enjoy a picturesque view of the city. By the Dome Hill there's the main building of the University of Tartu. It's very big and beautiful. There are several museums, but also some theatres and cinemas. Tartu has
Countries I'd like to go I'v allways wanted to go in Australia, New-Seeland, Egypt, America and India. First I wanted to go in Australia beacuse my father lives in there and I was sord of interested of Coalas and Kangaroos. But nao I want to go in Austalia beacuse I want to see a living shark by my one eye. I wod like to be in open water and it wod be super if the shark is a the Grate White shark. And allsow it wod be a perfekt place to spend a vacation. Facts about Austarlia: Australia is separated in five big parts, Western Australia is the bigest of them in the second place is Qeensland afther that comes Northern territory, New South Wales and South Australia. Australia lacates between India and South Pacific Ocean. The area of Australia:7 682 300 km2 The population of Australia:19,5 milion The Capital of Australia:Canberra (313 000 peolpe) New-Seeland hase allways ben one of my favorite coutries
Tänane ilm Eestis, Euroopas ja maailmas Mida tähistab lühend EMHI? Lühend EMHI tähendab Eesti Meteoroloogia ja Hüdroloogia Instituut Eesti ilma lühiiseloomustus Tänane kuupäev 08.12.2012 kell 12.34 Eesti asub parasvöötmes. Õhutemperatuur on Eesti põhjaosas -3,4 °C, lõunaosas aga -3,2 °C ja Lääne-Eesti saartel on sooja 0,3 °C Tuule suund ja tugevus peamiselt loode- ja põhjatuul tugevusega 2-8 m/s Õhurõhk 1018- 1023 hPa Pilvisus peamiselt pilves Sademed sademed puuduvad Õhuniiskus 86 100 % Kokkuvõte ilma erinevusest Eestis praegusel hetkel Temperatuur Eestis ei erinenud väga, vaid 3,5 kraadi, kuid tuule tugevus oli üle Eesti väga erinev. Lõuna- Eestis tuult väga ei olnud, kuid Lääne- ja Põhja- Eestis oli tuul juba päris tugev. Õhurõhk oli kogu Eesti üsna ühtlane ning taevas oli pilves Ilmaennustuse tõesus Pühapäeval on Eestis...
One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia Estonia is the place where i live and i like to live in here. There are many reasons why i like to live in Estonia, but the main reason is that the Estonia is naturally great place where to live. Estonia has got very beatiful nature where we can go hiking or fishing. There are many great places wich you can visit in nature. In nature you can do a lot of things. It also attrackts many tourists. Estonia is also naturally quiet place, in here we don´t have volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes or other dangerous natural phenomenas. So we don´t have to worry about that in one beautiful day our house fly away by tornado or volcano burns it down. People don´t have to live in fear and in here they dont mus´t worry about natural disasters. Other good thing is that we don´t have dangerous or poisonous wild animals in nature. So we don´t need worry about that a monkey jumps trough our window and arranges a
Introduction: The aim of this report is to describe a shopping centre''Lõunakeskus''in Tartu and asses its good and bad points. Location: A shopping centre ''Lõunakeskus'' is located in the main city.However, it is far from the central train and bus stations.There are a lot of parking. Yet, the car park is often crowded. Facilities: There are more than 16 diffrent shops and services.There are many men, woman´s, children´s, decorative´s, shoes shops..''Lõunakeskus'' has been rated leisure place for whole family. Here is full- size year-round working rink, AHHAA 4Dcinema experience, campus traffic elektric cars for children, sportclub.However in those services are no surveillance for children. Parents must do too all those attractions and children must later shop with parents.It could be easiler when there are surveillance for kids.Then can do parents shopping, weil children play. ''Lõunakeskus''also offers a pleasant dining for every taste. Awide range of affordable and home-
only one who survived. Waves alone, it disrupted the uninhabited island. There, he first had to maintain peace and to think clearly, to start. Crusoe bought the wrack everything what he need and what wasn't spoilt. They also had on the ship a dog and two cats. He had carried the cats to shore on the raft, and the dog had jumped out of the ship and swum to the shore whit him. At first Crusoe built the tent for himself but found that as a few days living here, that the tent was an unsuitable place. He built entrance to a cave new place, which was surrounded with fence is that it would be safer. Imaginary in cave he had already built a kitchen and sleeping place where he felt comfortable and safe. Robinson cave began to look quite organized, with a place for everything, and everything in its place. Soon he began to try and make some useful things; with a chair and table he would be able to write and eat more comfortably. He record a days and months how long time he was been there