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"knowledge" - 607 õppematerjali

knowledge - and to the ongoing chagrin of many breeders - the Barrington Brown cats had no direct descendents in the cat fancy and the gene was lost.

Kasutaja: Knowledge

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Imagination is More Important That Knowledge

Imagination is More Important That Knowledge Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. It's the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, things or events that do not exist, are not there or have ever happened in the past. Knowledge on the other hand is familiarity, awareness (osoznanije), or understanding gained (nakoplennqj) through experience or study. From the definition itself we can notice that to have knowledge you have to study or experience something in order to gain it but for imagination it is limitless, and also a gift from God to mankind and in fact has inspired us to gain more knowledge. Imagination is more important than knowledge as Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is everything. Imagination is within us, and on the other hand knowledge is learnt through schooling and experience..." Imagination is also what infuses faith. God Himself used imagination in the creation

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

Tallinna Polütehnikum Automation Author: TomTom2 Group :AA-09 Instructor: Marina Zotikova Tallinn 2010 Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................3-4 Person Knowledge Technologies supports......................................................................4-6 Online Essay Evaluation Service.....................................................................................6-7 WordNet lexical database................................................................................................7-8 Practice Online (TPO)......................................................................................................8-9 Conclusion........................

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

(Kaarna, 2008) teema · ... Uurimisküsimuse leidmine Knowledge enhancement - note · Juhindumine tühimikust kirjanduses. Usually "research begins with strong grounding in related literature, identifies a research gap, and proposes · There are two fundamentally different ways to research questions that address the gap" enhance knowledge.

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
82 allalaadimist

It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Session: May 2017 Word count: 1212
 It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value. To what extent do you agree with this statement? To be knowledgeable is to have an understanding about how things are and how things work. Knowledge is the combination of facts, information, and/or skills that when put together create a whole picture enabling us to fully understand a subject or situation. We, as ordinary people, can acquire knowledge either from our first hand experiences (personal knowledge) or from education and research (shared knowledge). Difficulty depends on how much effort or skill must be implemented for the information to be acquired, and the value of something lies in it's importance, usefulness or worth

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The older the discipline the higher the quality of knowledge of that discipline

Jõhvi Gümnaasium Kerdu-Katty Pärss 12.c The older the discipline the higher the quality of knowledge of that discipline Essee Juhendaja:Hristo Neiland Jõhvi 2018 Mindmap/Mõttekaart Mida vanem on teadmiste valdkond, seda kõrgem on selle valdkonna teadmiste kvaliteet. Meie teadmised tänapäeval, erinevatel valdkondadel, on moodustunud läbi aastatuhandete ning ajaloo jooksul on olnud teadmiste omandamisele ja valdkondade uurimisele mitmeid mõjutusi

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

What is the surface of a triangle? Why should I be good? When was the Battle of Waterloo fought? How can we be happy? What is the age of the Earth? What is beauty? How long is the Amazon River? How do we know? Is Global warming happening? What is Philosophy? What is Science? Science needs/requires Philosophy. What is Philosophy? Philosophia = Pursuit of wisdom / Love of knowledge Philosophy is the rational inquiry of any topic Philosophy is not defined by/limited to any subject To philosophise​ is to rationally investigate any topic whatever. Philosophy requires open mindness and critical thinking Open-mindness is not about what beliefs we believe in. It is about our a ​ ttitude​ towards them. Being critical is not about rejecting beliefs. It is about reviewing alternative beliefs. Value of Philosophy

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Books Today and Tomorrow

Books Today and Tomorrow Why is it important to read books? Do people read less books than in the past? Will people read less in the future? Books have always played a great role in our lives and reading them is highly important. It increases knowledge and expands vocabulary, which integrates to writing. Reading books makes a person more intelligent and it gives a different perspective. Nowadays people tend to read less books than they used to. The main reason for this catastrophy is the development of technology. People would rather watch moving pictures in the television than pick up an old book covered in dust. In the past, when there were no television or computers to entertain people, books were basically the only amusement

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

1-3 kodutöö kutsepedagoogika e-kursus

Autentsete olukordade tekitamise näiteks võib olla ka suurepärase nn reaalsete töökeskkondade tagamine, kogenud õpetajate toetava kogukonna poolt näiteks koolis, kus on juurdepääs suurtele isiklikele "distsipliinipõhistele teadmistele", mis koos teiste, väga oluliste teguritega toob kaasa dünaamilise, informatiivse ja interaktiivse pedagoogilise tava, millest oma korda saab õppida ka kogenud mentor/õpetaja ise. (Hobley, 2015). Kasutatud allikad: Barnett, M. (2006). Vocational knowledge and vocational pedagogy. M. Young & J. Gamble (Toim), Curriculum and Qualifications for South Africa Furter Education. South Africa: HSRC Press. (lk 143­158) Cedefop (2015). Vocational pedagogies and benefits for learners: practices and challanges in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop research paper; No 47 (lk 22-31) Gonon, P. (2009). The quest for modern vocational education - Georg Kerschensteiner between Dewey, Weber and Simmel. Hobley, J. (2015)

Pedagoogika → kutsepedagoogika
9 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Introduction summary notes MRdd

that support their philosophy. Progression in SP-s books: BG is Vedic, SB ­ Vaishnava, CC & NoD ­ Gaudiya Vaishnava literature. *** SADHYA (Krishna) ­ goal SADHANA (bhakti) ­ means 1) established through Isho (establishes the Absolute Truth as a person) & BG (establishes the person's identity ­ it is Krishna) 2) explained through NoD (explains what is so attractive about goal) & NoI (how to go along the means) These 4 books give us foundational knowledge that we need for our spiritual advancement. INTRODUCTION TO SRI ISHOPANISHAD. We need sun for illumination, similarly we need scriptures to give us eternal knowledge. As we have four defects, we can not acquire knowledge properly. These four defects progressivly and increasingly limit the knowledge that we can acquire. Four defects that every human being has, are: propensity to cheat, illusion, mistakes, limited senses.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

must take into account national sovereignty as well as global needs. The organization won the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize, and a number of its officers and agencies have also been awarded the prize. Other evaluations of the UN's effectiveness have been mixed. Some commentators believe the organization to be an important force for peace and human development, while others have called the organization ineffective, corrupt, or biased. 2. General knowledge on your delegation COUNTRY: Syrian Arab Republic POPULATION: Over 13 million LANGUAGE: Arabic (official); French; English RELIGION: Islam, Christianity, Druze, Judaism, Baha'i Syrian Arab Republic, more commonly known as Syria. The fertile land of Syria lies at the crossroads of great trade routes between the East and West. It is also the site of many holy places in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Because of these advantages, it has been

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

substance), that are united in the pineal gland. 12. What is the main problem of Descartes philosophy? Dualism. Idea- Things; soul-body c. Hume 13. What is the problem that Hume is trying to solve? What answer he gives to this problem? Can we be certain about anything? He wants to show that this pretension is absolutely false. 14. What is Empiricism? 15. What is Skepticism? Skepticism is generally any questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, opinions or beliefs stated as facts, or doubt regarding claims that are taken for granted elsewhere. 16. According to Hume, what different kind of mental perceptions can we find in human mind? Ideas(thoughts), impression(sensation and feelings). 17. What does Hume think about general abstract ideas? Why? “There is no such thing as abstract or general ideas, properly speaking”. 18. According to Hume, what is the difference between relations of ideas and matters of fact

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What qualities should, should not a teacher have

What qualities should/should not a teacher have The quality of the education of young people depends on the work of the teacher, who is largely responsible for the exchange of knowledge and skills for young people from an early age up to adulthood. What characteristics must a teacher have in order to do their job as well as possible, so that young adults become enough to start their own life? The teacher must have an advanced level of knowledge in their field. The more qualified the teacher is the better and more clearly he knows how to convey his material for students. From that depends how well young people acquire the knowledge and benefit from skills they have obtained in their later life. Teaching skills are very important. Every teacher should know how to be youthful and attractive enough in its subject, so that the students would give it an interest and they would like to acquire knowledge in this matter

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Teadmisjuhtimise referaat

konverentsil ning see kanti sõnaraamatusse. Tagamaks teadmisjuhtimisele tehnoloogilist baasi asutasid USA ettevõtted 1989. aastal assotsiatsiooni Initiative for Managing Knowledge Asset. Teadmisjuhtimisega seonduvad artiklid hakkasid ilmuma ajakirjades Sloan Management Review, Organizational Science, Harvard Business Review jt. Samuti ilmusid esimesed raamatud organisatsioonilise õppimise ja teadmisjuhtimise kohta (nt. Senge'i ,,The Fifth Discipline" ja Sakaiya ,,The Knowledge Value Revolution"). (Ibid) 1990ndateks olid mitmed konsultatsioonifirmad alustanud organisatsioonisiseste teadmiste juhtimise programmidega ja mitmed tuntud USA, Euroopa ja Jaapani firmad algatanud teadmisjuhtimisele keskendunud programmidega. 1991. aastal tutvustati teadmisjuhtimist ka ajakirjanduses, kui Tom Stewart avaldas oma artikli "Brainpower" ajakirjas Fortune. 1995. aastal ilmus ka arvatavasti üks enim loetud raamatuid Ikujiro Nonaka ja Hirotaka Takeuchi

Majandus → Raamatukogundus ja...
34 allalaadimist

When a world loses a language it loses a unique treasure

When a world loses a language, it loses a unique treasure There are more than 7000 languages in the world and it is said that more than 50 % of the languages will be extinct by the end of the century. A language dies in every 2 weeks. So what will be lost when a language dies? Much of human knowledge hasn't been written down and it lives in people's memories. In fact, there are even laguages that haven't been written down. In the olden days people use to tell stories. They didn't write them down, just told or sang them to others, who passed them on the same way and so they spread from generation to generation. Now if a language dies, the folklore dies with it. So we will also lose our ancestors knowledge, in what they believed in, what they valued. We will lose the myths

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Reisimise head küljed

Have you ever wondered what travelling gives to people? Is it just all about getting away from home or something more? The person who has seen the world has more knowledge about the things going on elsewhere. From a personal standpoint, travelling is one of the ways how to accomplish themselves, for example some people go abroad only with a packback just to see if they could live without fancy hotels and only little cash in their pockets. On the other hand, it might get really hard to get food and shelter but young people like adventures. The second reason, why so many young people travel to other countries is that they want to become an exchange student

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonian Business School

Estonian Business School Bachelor’s Studies 1.International business administration (Rahvusvaheline ärijuhtimine) 2.Languages and business administration (Võõrkeeled ja ärikorraldus) 3.Entrepreneurship and business administration (Ettevõtlus ja ärijuhtimine) International business administration designed for people interested in economics and business who wish to acquire professional knowledge and skills to work in an international company or in public sector very good Business English language skills possibility to specialize in marketing, service economics or finance Languages and business administration for people who would like to gain practical skills of foreign languages (possible to study 3 foreign languages at a time) have basic knowledge of economics and business administration Entrepreneurship and business administration

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Why learn foreign languages

improve their skills and to learn as much as they can of, this important language. To begin with, speaking foreign languages allows you to travel wherever you want without any problems. If you are visiting a place far away, it would probably be useful for you to know a little bit of English or some other languages. For example, if you get lost in a strange country you could ask somebody for information without any problems. Furthermore, having a good knowledge of different languages could help you to find jobs. These days, it is always more common to find businesses which are looking for a good English or some other languages speaker. In addition, it could be important for you to learn language if you are interested in studying abroad. For instance, a good knowledge of English is required to attend American colleges. Another important point to take into consideration is that knowing foreign

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Using smartphones at school

smartphones class and not paying attentoin to teacher who is trying to educate them. A lot of knowledge is getting lost because of the smartphones.This can lead to bad grades or even dropping out of school. Some people are not able to be 10 minutes away from their smartphones and this is bad. Smartphones are also bad for your eyes and posture. On the other hand smartphones can be very useful. You are able to search for information very quickly. Using them in class can make students take up knowledge more easily because the environment is more comfortable for them. Also doing tests in smartphones can be easier for students. Doing tests trough smartphones is also easier for teachers. Smartphones can also help you when you have a test on the paper. You can cheat but only if you do not get caught. In conclusion I think that students should pay more attention to teachers not on their smartphones. The knowledge that is getting lost is huge and that can affect your life in future

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

They approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies and new ways of doing things” – (Porter 1990) ● “An innovative business is one which lives and breathes “outside the box”. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations” (Oslo Manual). Innovation and entrepreneurship Schumpeter on innovation: the role of inventions and entrepreneurs ● Innovation as “new combinations” of existing

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Kõne : The Wisdom of Youth

Natives," born and raised in the digital age. It's not just their proficiency in technology that distinguishes them; it's also their crazy problem-solving skills and their creativity. More ethnically, racially, and gender diverse than any generation before them, they live at the cutting edge of social innovation and embrace an enterprsing lifestyle. As the proverb said ,,Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age" the knowledge in youth will become wisdom during later years and time. Afcourse the older people are here to advise and guide the the youth, and we have still much to learn from them, but the old age have even more to learn from us. It's time for older to step back, and give an opportunity to the youth. The youth should be invloved in making important decisions. After all it is the wisdom of youth that will be building up the future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Resume (conception of studying and teaching in university)

·A deep approach (understanding the meaning of materials and in my oppinion this approach includes additional studies, very serious way of learning) ·a surface approach (memorising the course materials, the most common approach) ·and the last one, a strategic approach (only grades make sense) But the same student can adopt different approaches, It depends on different things, such as personal interest, teacher, tasks. Conceptions of learning in higher education. ·Learning as the extending knowledge ·Learning as memorising ·Learning the main ideas of procedures ·Learning something abstractive of meaning ·Learning as procedure aimed at the understanding of reality ·Learning as process inspired by personal interest. · Without any differense, men and women equally likely to use all this conceptions, but older students rather than younguer, usually hold more complicated conceptions (last three points) As already said, on approaches of studying affects a lot of things: context, particular

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

or core competencies can be duplicated by others. Transparency ­ the speed at which other firms under the relationship of resources and capabilities support successful strategy Tranferability ­ the ability of compeditors to gather the resources and capabilities necessary to support a compeditive challenge Replicability ­ the ability of compeditors to use duplicates resources and capabilities to imitate the other firm's success Explicit knowledge ­ knowledge that can be easily articulated and communicated Tacit knowledge ­ knowledge that is not easily communicated because it is deeply rooted in employee experience or in the company's culture BUSINESS MODELS EXAMPLES: Customer solutions model Profit pyramid model Multi-component system/installed model Advertising model Swichboard model Efficiency model Blockbuster model Profit multiplier model Entrepreneurial model

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

The goals of education - Monoloog

The goals of education Education is very important part of our lives. A good education gives us opportunity for better life and career. The topic of this presentation is the goals of education. · The main thing is that education provides the opportunity for an individual to develop morally, physically and socially and that to the greatest extent of their abilities. · Also we gain knowledge on world affairs. That shows that we are interested of other countries and we like to know more about their history. · Education develops our responsibility. · Maybe the main goal of education is that it prepares us to be independent. At this stage I`d like to conclude that education is one of the most important thing in our life. We gain knowledge, develop responsibility, learn how to be independent. Only we are responsible of our own future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Information technology specialists

Duties Work with customers Identify computer-user problems Fix computer problems Teach people Supervise the work Upgrade hardware and software Assist in the design, preparation, editing and testing Skills Great customer service skills Good communication skills Computer skills Technical skills Listening skills Be willing to learn English spoken skills English written skills Environment Usually: Comfortable; Informal; Well-lit offices or Computer laboratories Education/Prerequisites Large knowledge base Some hands-on experience Solid educational background Bachelor's degree Associate's degree Salary (40 hours a week) Depends $32,110 - $53,640 on average $31,221 - $45,962 (just starting) $90,000 (employees with 20 years or more) Well paid Some interesting facts Bachelor's Degree ­ in 1998 Master's Degree ­ in 2000 A lack of information technology specialists Conclusion Many responsibilities Large knowledge base Many skills Profitable job Well paid job Thank you for your attention

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency F-K

Individual Cost 6. Number HELP INCIDENT Ex1. 1. Appresiate 2. Offered 3. Use 4. Ask for 5. Ex1. 1. Witnessed 2. Report 3. Investigating 4. Get 6. Seek 7. Need 8. Provides Highlights 5. Occurred 6. Caused Ex2. 1. Great 2. Invaluable 3. Professional 4. Ex2. 1. Reports of 2. Investigation into 3. Wake of Extra 5. Individual 6. Financial 4. Knowledge 5. Account of 6. Seriousness of Ex3. 1. C 2.. A 3. D 4. B Ex3. 1. Whole 2. Particular 3. Serious 4. Isolated Ex4. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. Major 6. Regrettable HOPE INFLUENCE Ex1. 1. Gave 2. Abandoned 3. Pin... on 4. Hold Ex1. 1. Calming 2. Disruptive 3. Positive 4. out 5. Have 6. Raises 7. Offers 8. Clings to Corrupting 5. Pervasive 6. Profound 7. Undue 8. Ex2. 1. C 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Infootsingu praktikum 3

,,Autokoolid Tallinnas." 8. Leidke definitsioon mõistele teadmusjuhtimine (knowledge management). Mitu definitsiooni leiate? Mitmes keeles definitsioone leitakse? Esitage üks definitsioonidest. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Google'i põhiotsingusse trükkisin ,,Define Knowledge management." Saadud tulemustest valisin esimese lehe. Avanenud lehelt valisin lehe allosast definitsioonid kõigis keeltes ja sain tulemuseks kokku 41 kokku 8's erinevas keeles. Knowledge management: The process of capturing, organizing, and storing information and experiences of workers and groups within an organization and making it available to others. By collecting those artifacts in a central or distributed electronic

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
47 allalaadimist


Sarasota Saddlery and Tack Exchancge 27.09.2007 7505 County Road East Bradenton Florida, 34211 Dear Mr. Ashburton, I am interested in the part-time position at Sarasota Saddlery advertised in The Sarasotian. I have equine experience, as I have been around horses for over nine years. Not only have I showed and rode horses, but I have also had extensive experience assisting in a barn. Through working with horses, I have acquired a thorough knowledge of horses, tack, and equine apparel for both horse and rider. While I have equine experience, I also have excellent communication skills and an aptitude for customer service. My past experience as a volunteer at Sarasota Hospital made it necessary for me to focus on providing quality customer service, and also enabled me to work with all types of people. I believe that my communication skills, partnered with my equine knowledge, would make me an asset to your company.

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Kõne "Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character"

not as important as personality and character, and I momentarily knew that this is a topic what I really like. First of all: What I think, which one is more important ? To be smart or individual ? And I have to say that I am absolutely sure that there is nothing better to be clever and intelligent. Like our headmaster said on September 1st, that when you are smart, you will be rich and powerful also. Education and knowledge are foundations of our life. Some people think, that it doesn't matter how educated you are. Important is how unique you are, how good impression you left, how beautiful or original you are. I don't want to say that it's a bad thing, but what they gonna do when their personality doesn't help them anymore ? When they need real skills and knowledge ? For example in job interview or when they are talking someone about world affairs ?

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Essay: What Makes a Good Teacher

As everybody knows, being a teacher requires different qualities that many people do not have. It is commonly accepted that teaching is often extremely difficult and stressful because pupils can sometimes give the tutor a hard time. Only the tough ones survive. I reckon it all comes down to the circumstance whether the teacher loves her job or does she do it just for the salary. If she only does it for money, the children will not take her seriously. She should also have a vast knowledge of her subject. Otherwise, it is really difficult for the attentive and eager pupils to get answers to their questions.Another important quality is humour. I believe that helps to make picking up knowledge much easier and more fun. Children always prefer teachers with a good sense of humour. However, tutors should be a litte strict otherwise the class will not behave. Furthermore, the relationship between a student and a tutor should be formal but friendly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


data much more efficiently. We can communicate in a flash. But still, at the basic level, we must be well grounded -- we must possess common sense, civil manners, frank discussion skills, reasoning abilities, and moral fiber. It is possible to be a technological genius, say a computer nerd, without social skills or civil conscience. I'd rather have as a neighbor an illiterate janitor with an easy-going, friendly disposition. Hence, I value what we might call character more than specialist knowledge from an antisocial person. God knows we want everyone to be a well-mannered genius. But humans are not cut out to be happy like pigs in a pen. We instead have insatiable brains, with mental appetites. So our goal is to balance the brainwork with hearts and smiles. "Facts served with sauce." Where does common sense fit on? Is it teachable? To a degree, what we mean by common sense is simply learned experience. Something more exists, though. Those who we praise for

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

"The Printed Word will Never Die" essee

The Printed Word Will Never Die Books have been around for ages. People have used to aquire new knowledge and experience for a very long time which makes books the oldest source of new knowledge. For some youth, reading is a very hard thing to do, some just cannot pick up a book and start reading, most would rather hang out with friends or play computergames. Furthermore, some youth also prefer watching movies to reading, because a film is a lot easier to follow, reading a book is sometimes exhausting and tiring. But all that said, there is something about books, if a book is truly interesting, then something just forces you

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

About myself

modest. But sometimes I can lose my tempo and become either angry or sad. I like staying alone and sometimes I retire into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it. There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is OK. Being happy is one way of being wise. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but wonderful moments of joy and pleasure. I am neither short nor tall, so I like to wear highheeled shoes, trousers or jeans. I was born on the 25th of April 1985 in the town of Molodechno where I live now together with my parents and my younger sister (older brother). My early years which I remember badly, were typical of a child living in a town. I was born in a family of a teacher and a doctor

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Witch Child Summary

Summary: While watching her grandmother go to the gallows to hang for witchcraft in 1659 England, Mary Newbery is abducted by a wealthy woman before the suspicious mob turns their lynching attentions to her. The book is written as a series of diary entries that chronicle her many adventures as a 17th century orphan with genuine knowledge of witchcraft. Mary is packed off to join Puritans headed to the New World. While they search for religious freedom, Mary searches for a fresh start and a chance to live a life untainted by the suspicion of witchcraft. She is informally adopted by good friends who accept her strong-willed nature and and knowledge of herbs, medicines, and midwifery. To escape the oppressive atmosphere of the village and the stringent Puritan expectations, Mary retreats to the woods where she

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Praktikum 2

Mitu definitsiooni leiate? Mitmes keeles definitsioone leitakse? Esitage üks definitsioonidest. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Panin otsingusüsteemi: define:knowledge management ja leian vastused. Võimalik on kümnes keeles leida. 15 definitsiooni. Knowledge management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizational processes or practice. Wikipedia Eesti pakub teadmusjuhtimise asemel definitsiooni sõnale teadmIsjuhtimine, mis asub siin: 7. Leidke mitu kilomeetrit on ühes miilis ning mitu kilomeetrit on 5 miilis. Esitage tulemus. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kirjutan otsingusse kilometer in mile ja saan vastuseks 1 kilometer = 0.621371192 mile.

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
77 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

the Ford Foundation, Oxfam Novib, Canadian International Development Agency, Global Fund for Women, Open Society Institute, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Shaler Adams Foundation. Mission WLP's mission is to advance communication and cooperation among and between the women of the world in order to protect human rights, facilitate sustainable development, and promote peace. WLP links those with access to resources, knowledge, and technologies to those without, and augments the voices and visions of the world's resource-poor majority. Organisation believes that dialogue across boundaries of culture, class, gender, generation, and nation is essential for achieving socially equitable and environmentally sound development. To secure a healthy, safe, and democratic environment for all, WLP works to advance gender equity, involve men and boys in promoting gender parity, and facilitate the

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

As Dowell (1995) has observed: "To perceive seems effortless. To understand perception is nevertheless a great challenge" (cited in Gross, 2005, pp 244). This essay will look at Gregory's theory and Gibson's theory of visual perception whether one or the other offers a better explanation of human visual perception. According to top-down perceptual processing theorists, perception is the end result of an indirect process that involves making inferences about the world based on knowledge and expectations. An example of this process is Gregory's (1980) constructivist theory. He suggests that to avoid sensory overload, we need to select from the information surrounding us, therefore, we often supplement perception with unconscious inferences. Thus he argues that perception begins with an incomplete retinal image that is two- dimensional, flat and size depends on distance. He says that perception is a constructive

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Companys export readiness assessment

market 8 Foreign Language 9 Total : 61 - 68% Interpretation of evaluation results · General grade 0-25% of the maximum - very poor to poor export readiness · General grade 26-50% of the maximum - the poor to satisfactory completion of export · General grade 51-75% of max - fair to good export readiness · General grade 76-100% of max - good to excellent export readiness Conclusions The company has good knowledge about export business from previous experiences on Swedish and Finish markets. The financial situation depends on company's own resources. Production output is depending on active sales work which is currently modest in the Norwegian market. There is also need for expansion of machinery park in order to be able to offer combined packing solutions in bigger volumes. The importance of transport is directly related to the geographical and political position of the company.

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
3 allalaadimist


Oprah has been a millionaire since her thirties. Most people consider her as a super successful woman. Most people do not even know about Oprah´s personal life. She has been being strongly criticised about her performance during the show and also about things concerning her personal life. Here we arrive at the point where we understand why success can have such a huge difference of meanings for different people. Real success is a never endless process. It is a process of self knowledge,self awareness. You can not stop learning, the knowledge you have is never enough. Real success is also about creating value. It is all about creating opportunities.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Linking devices

often claim that, it is often alleged that, people argue that To state other's people opinions: many people are in favor of/against, some people argue that, a lot of peolple think/belive that To introduce the other side of the argument: opponent of this view say, however there are people/these who oppose/claim that To express balance: while, on the one hand, on the other hand, whereas To express limit of knowledge: to the best of my knowledge, for all I know, as far as I know To implay that nothing else needs to be said: anyway, at any rate, in any case Accepting the situation: as it is, under the argumentances, things being as they are

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Europass CV

work in communicating with people. I had a telephone talk in English and Russian, and Estonian. Organisational / managerial skills I have good leadership skills and a good team worker . I am open for challenges and i'm proactive. Also i want performing other relevant duties as appropriate and necessary. Job-related skills I really want learn and grow in knowledge and career.I have experience and expert knowledge skills in the field of logistics. And also i maybe can problem handling in complex and distributed application environment.I do have a little work experience, but in the short time I can say that I could definitely handle a customer service area.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Cv and covering letter

City Road London EC3 4HJ Dear Mrs Lo I would like to apply for the position advertised in The Murzilka on 10 November for a Sales Manager. As you will see from my curriculum vitae, the work I did in my last position is practically the same as in position offered. I dealt with all sales manager's duties: dealing with customers, presentations at work meetings, the organization of goods delivering, working with computer application Microsoft Office XP, etc. Your advertisement asked for a knowledge of languages. I can speak both good English and Estonian. My mother tonque is Russian. Now as a hobby, I am learning Italian. I am particularly interested in the position you are offering, as I would like to become a part of AUDI AG. I like cars very much, especially AUDI models. I read a lot of technical information about cars construction and I have some experience in repairing my AUDI A4.

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

Infootsing ja infoallikate 1 praktiline töö

 ülevaate saamine eesti suuremate raamatukogude elektroonilisest koondkataloogist ESTER  elektronkataloogidest andmete otsingu kogemuse omandamine  nõuetekohaste viidete vormistamine (vt. teema 3 jaotusmaterjal: viitamine). Kataloogis olevad bibliograafilised kirjed tuleb muuta bibliograafilisteks viideteks, mida kasutatakse teadustööde, artiklite jms kasutatud kirjanduse loeteludes. Nt raamatu kirjed kataloogis: Intellectual capital and knowledge management : strategic management of knowledge resources / Federica Ricceri. London : Routledge, 2008 xvii, 204 lk. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN/ISSN: 9780415403924 (hbk.) Psühholoogia alused / Talis Bachmann, Rait Maruste Tallinn : Ilo, 2001 (Tallinn : Ilo Print) 333, [1] lk. : ill., portr. ; 25 cm ISBN/ISSN: 998557365X (köites) Autor Owens, Ian Pealkiri Information and business performance : a study of information systems and

Õigus → Õigus
13 allalaadimist

English Lexicology

verb + object verb + preposition His fingers are all phrase thumbs [clumsy] hold someone's Rise the eyebrows Do you mind my smoking? [object hand [to wonder] to] [to take care of] Some difficulties with translation of idioms For me, translation is art based on knowledge. Of course, an interpreter must have a good knowledge of the idioms of the two languages as well as take decisions to the best of his (her) knowledge and taste. Suppose one has to interpret the idiom " ( -. )" which is rather frequently used in the Russian press. The interpreter who wants to make his translation idiomatic has to look up a dictionary of Russian idioms to be sure of the idiom's meaning, and then to find in a dictionary of English idioms an adequate English idiom.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

ENGLISH IN MY LIFE kirjand 10 kl.

understanding of English is a key to unlocking the benefits of travel not to mention the economic benefits to Estonia with much of the money earned abroad being sent back to supplement family incomes here at home. I began to learn the language at third grade and in the beginning I did not really see it had any relevance to me , however as I became exposed to more an more `english' through music I heard or movies I saw my own knowledge of English increased really through exposure to it , a movie made much more sense and my enjoyment of a movie was increased by actually understanding the dialogue spoken by the actors rather than reading it via the subtitles. The explosion of the internet an the easy access to the world wide web increased my usage of English an I began to appreciate the benefits in my own life. I was able to obtain my first job as a waitress because of my ability to speak English

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

My future career

For example, waiter, manager, actress, lawyer, doctor and so on. To decide, what kind of work suits me, helps communication with adults, meetings with representatives of universities and large selection of useful literature. Also I need to think about how well I can do what I would like to do. In my opinion, very interesting and noble profession is a doctor. I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. You must have good knowledge of biology, chemistry and mathematics. I realize that I should know the foreign languages too. Of course, much will depend from my exams result. So now I'm trying to learn as much as possible to pass them well and go into medical university. I understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a man has - his health. I want to help people who have problems with their health. I like take care for people

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

12 principles of language teaching

2. Meaningful Learning 3. Anticipation of Reward “Rote learning has little chance of Reward = Better performance creating long-term retention.” (TBP pg. Application – Use verbal praise, 65) encouragement, compliments, Application – Appeal to students’ enthusiasm, and remind students of language needs and goals, link new long-term rewards. knowledge to previous knowledge, avoid pitfalls (TBP pg. 66) 1 Cognitive Principles Cognitive Principles 4. Intrinsic Motivation 6. Autonomy 5. Strategic Investment Successful learners take control of “The methods that the learner their own language learning with the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Positive sides of outdoor learning

nature but also linked to the national curriculum. Outdoor education often takes place on a walk around the block, a visit to the cemetery or a local post office. It can happen at a city zoo, on a forest trail, or in a national park. These kinds of locations are conducive to first- hand experiences and these places can provide direct contact with the topic and also learning this way can help participants interact and socialize. Outdoor learning can contribute towards getting deeper knowledge and understanding, better health and choices in lifestyle, valuing friendship and teamwork and also creating an environmentally responsible society. Students get deeper knowledge and they understand subjects better when they learn about them directly. Outdoor education enables students to comprehend the ideas and solutions before they get acquainted with the scientific or technical terms. Some studies

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Patricia Benner (1942...) Annika Paavel Martina Vool Aljona Komissarova Patricia Benner "Knowledge development in a practice discipline consists of extending practical knowledge (know- · California ülikool- how) through theory based scientific investigations and through the clinical experience in the practice of psühholoogilise that discipline" (Benner, 1984) õenduse osakonna professor · bakalaurus õenduses · Magister kirurgiaõena · erialased õpped filosoofiadoktorina ·

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
32 allalaadimist

Why do we learn the English language?

You can see a lot of advertisements, signboards, names in the street. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them. Now we buy many dresses from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about size of this or that thing. It is clear for you what this dress is made of. There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know them, you can understand films without any help. Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them. There are international friendship camps in the world. One of them is ,,Artek". If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with boys, girls, men, women who do not know Estonian. In short, I understand that I have to learn English in a proper way and I try to do it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Imagination will make us infinite

really think about it. What if we didn’t have the ability to mentally time travel and we were froced to live and think in the present moment at all times? To be perfectly honest, life couldn’t exist this way. You see imagination at its core is the beginning of all creation. Everything that we see, everything that we touch, all came from someones thought. Their imagination running wild. Albert Einstein said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge, because with knowledge we are limited to everything we know and understand, while with imagination , it makes us infinite. With your imagination, it can take you to places that you never dreamed about. If you’re having a bad day, it could truly be your only weapon against reality. It can take you back on a vacation or it can fast-forward to an event that hasn’t even taken place yet. With imagination, it gives us the ultimate freedom, the power to choose, the power to change and the power to advance.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun