Muus osas on nad kaetud halli sulestikuga, selg ja tiiva kattesuled on mustjaspruunid. Sabapeegel on must, kitsa valge raamistusega ja valge saba on keskelt must, küljel mustade ülespidi krussi hoidvate sulgedega. Emaspardid on kollase-pruunikirjud, iseloomulik sinine laik tiiva tagaserval. Isaspartidel kollakasroheline, emaspartidel oranz ja must nokk. Noorlinnud meenutavad emaslindu, kuid nende rind on tumedam, ebaühtlaselt laiguline ja sabasuled on kitsamad. 5 1 Sinikael part külastatud 2 png 3 4 5 Toitumine Segatoiduline. Sööb veetaimede rohelisi osi, seemneid ja juurikaid, teraviljade seemneid, veeputukaid, vähilaadseid ja limuseid. 6 Rändamine
KOOSTAS: Axel-Mait Roosnurm Kõige tuntuim eesti helilooja (eestlane) maailmas Väga lai kuulajaskond Sündis Paides, lapsepõlv möödus Rakveres Tallinna konservatoorium Heino Elleri kompositsiooniklass, lõpetas 1963. Töötas Eesti Raadios helirezissöörina Alates 1967 vabakutseline helilooja 1980 emigreerus Saksamaale Loomingu võib jagada tinglikult kahte perioodi: Teosed enne aastat 1976 Kasutab kaasaegsele muusikale iseloomulikke tehnikaid: dodekafoonia, collage, sonoristika, neoklassitsistlikud jooned jms. Otsingud. Tsellokontsert Pro et contra (1966) Collage teemal B-A-C-H (1964) 1968 Credo (klaverile, orkestrile ja koorile) Credo in unum Deum. "Oculum pro oculo, dentem pro dente." "Autem ego vobis dico: non esse resistendum injuriae." 1968-1971 vaikus 1971 3. sümfoonia - üleminekuteos Otsingud viisid keskaja muusikani, gregooriuse koraalini Püüdes leida väljendusvahen...
1.The leg of norm-when william 1 died normandy went to his oldest son robert,feudalism-land was given to lords who suported The domesday book-the first national census,11h 2.Anglo sax 410-793 wrom the jutes came from juteland,angles from south of denma, saxons from germ; deff-the new anglo saxon invaders were not organised centrally as the romans had been;days of the week 3.The celtic peop 500bc-43ad the cealts(fr) the brit(eng)the graels(irel) 4.Roman britain ad 43-410 britains helped the cauls fight against julius ceasar 5.the vihing793-1066 they came acress the north seam most viking who sailed overses were simply searching for letters land for their farms.alfred great the eng king, king canute 1016 of denmark captured the english
My favorite part of town Toila Oru Park My Favorite part of town is called Toila Oru park, which is located 20 km outside the city. The park includes castle complex, luxurious gardens with more than 800 sorts of plants, large beach, amazing terraces, cafés, mysterious spring cave, singing stage and much more. One of the main reason I like it is that there you can always find place for yourself. You can walk in the park, relax on the beach, read on a park bench or just enjoy incredibly beautiful views. There are a lot of interesting places to see
Computers - indispensable part of our life Computers have become a major part of our lives today. We use them for tests, entertainment, organization, studying, etc. They are a vital essential in the world we live in. Without them the world would fall apart. It is impossible to imagine how people functioned in the old days when computers did not exist. Computers have become almost as smart as us. We use our computers daily. After a long day in school, we usually turn on our computers and use them for learning and studies. Computers provide a big variety of
English textbook fot form 10. Part 2 Unit 1 exercise 7 1. Under the weather A know nothing at all about EE something 2. GG Like lightning B putting money aside for possible bad times FF 3. nice weather for ducks C something good always comes from some- thing bad DD 4
The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian by Sherman Alexie is a book about a boy named Arnold Spirit aka Junior, who spends his time drawing cartoons and who has many medical problems, which means that he's the one people pick on. He's got only one friend, Rowdy, who is strong enough to defend him against any bullies. Junior lives in reservation, but one day he realizes that most people on the reservation are alcoholics. He decides he wants a better life for himself and registers at an all-white school in Reardan and since that when he moved in Rearden, Rowdy regarded him as a traitor. When he arrives, Junior finds that he is the only Indian there and the students treat Junior as an outcast as well. Junior fight to improve his social standing and he accomplishes this when he goes out for Reardan's basketball team. Junior surprises himself when he makes the varsity team and eventually even becomes a starting player. Junior's b...
Stress is a natural part of people’s lives. Negative stress can affect people`s ability to be positive. What are the main sources of stress for young people today? What can they do to cope with it? Millions of people around the world live in stress. In particular young people are more often a subject to stress. I want to talk about the stress that young people have. In general there are two types of stress: negative stress and positive stress. First type is the positive stress. It is very important in our life. Positive stress gives you the energy to throw yourself into something what you want to do very well. For example, approximation for exams. In this situation a student begins to learn diligently all materials that he didn’t learn before. On the other hand, we have negative stress too. This type of makes people nervous and they can’t be positive. Nowadays we have a lot of sources of stress. For instance: problems at s...
Upstream Proficiency Unit 3 part 2 key EX 30 1 When Steve made the local soccer team, he was spotted by a local talent scout, and before he knew it, he was asked by the owner of a major team to sign a contract. He is said to be the best soccer player England has ever produced. 2 It is (widely) felt that more dustbins should be supplied by the Council to alleviate the refuse situation. The paths in the local park are covered with litter and rubbish overflows from the few dustbins that have been provided by the Council.
also mental or emotional strain; stress. · Traumatise- to subject or be sujected to mental trauma. · Withdrawn- not wanting to communicate with other people. · Allocated - to set apart for a particular purpose · Alter - to change; become different · Hey fever - an allergy caused by pollen or dust in which the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose are inflamed, causing running at the nose and watery eyes. · Aspect - a particular part or feature of something. · complication - something that introduces, usually unexpectedly, some difficulty, problem, change. · Data- individual facts, statistics, or items of information. · Image - an optical appearance of an object. · Obsession- an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind · Occurrence- an incident or event · Satellite pictures- photos which are taken from a device that orbits around the Sun, Moon or other planets.
.......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Akadeemilise versiooni installeerimine ja käivitamine ........................................................................................... 4 1.2 Installeerimine ja häälestamine ............................................................................................................................. 4 2. Modelleerimine PART moodulis ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Ekraanipilt ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Info esitamine tööväljal. ........................................................................................................................................ 6 2.2
AAC (Augumentative and Alternative Communication, Augmentatiiv- ja alternatiivkommunikatsioon) Joonas on liitpuudega kõnetu noormees, kes õpib individuaalse õppekava alusel hooldusõppes põhikooli lõpuklassis (nimi muudetud). Joonas istub ratastoolis poollamavas asendis, oma pead hoiab ta püstiasendis spetsiaalse toe abil. Paremat kätt suudab Joonas aga ise pisut tõsta. Klassi siseneb külalisena kõrge riigiametnik, kes vaatab kaastundlikult poissi. Joonas palub pilguga kasvatajalt (õppetöö tugiisik klassis) kõnekommunikaatorit. Väikese pingutuse järel vajutab ta kommunikaatorile ja sealt kostub kasvataja häälega poisi pöördumine "Tere, minu nimi on Joonas. Mis sinu nimi on?". Ootamatu kõnetamine kõnetu inimese poolt tekitab külalises kerge jahmatuse, enne kui ta suudab vastata. Vähehaaval tekib dialoog, milles mõlema vestleja tugiisikuna osaleb ka kasvataja. ...
It has a pungent, distinct odor and may cause a burning sensation to the eyes, nose, and lungs at high concentrations. Formaldehyde is also known as methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethylene, methylaldehyde, and oxomethane. Formaldehyde can react with many other chemicals, and it will break down into methanol (wood alcohol) and carbon monoxide at very high temperatures. Formaldehyde is naturally produced in very small amounts in our bodies as a part of our normal, everyday metabolism and causes us no harm. It can also be found in the air that we breathe at home and at work, in the food we eat, and in some products that we put on our skin. A major source of formaldehyde that we breathe every day is found in smog in the lower atmosphere. Automobile exhaust from cars without catalytic converters or those using oxygenated gasoline also contain formaldehyde. At home, formaldehyde is produced by cigarettes and other tobacco products, gas
Haapsalu Wiedemanni Gümnaasium Timo Pällo 11M klass Arvo Pärt Referaat Juhendaja: Kadri Kelner HWG 2012 SISUKORD ARVO PÄRT JA ELUKÄIK Arvo Pärt on sündinud 1935. Aastal Paides. Ta on rahvusvaheliselt kõige tuntuim eesti helilooja kogu maailmas. Alustanud 1960. aastatel väga edukalt avangardistlikus helikeeles, jõudis ta 1970. aastatel talle ainuomaste väljendusvahendite juurde. Oma noorusaastad veetis Pärt Rakveres, ta õppis sealses muusikakoolis klaverit. Oma heliloomingutega tegeles ta juba kooli ajal. Aastatel 1954-57 õppis Pärt Tallinna muusikakoolis muusikateooriat, tema õppejõuks oli sel ajal Veljo Tormis (kes oli tol hetkel kõigest 5 aastat vanem Pärdis...
The Importance of English History Essay There is not a single country in the world without a history it can be either long or short, yet still a unique part of the existence. England has had many colourful events throughout the history, but some have dominated over the others and therefore all together formed a country we can see nowadays: the Great Britain. Starting from the beginning, Britain was part of the mainland until about 6000 BC, when it became an island. Ever since then it has been developing slightly different from the other part of the Europe. For example, when two parts separated, some animals had already adopted the life on the island and did not move back to the mainland. They suited their appearance more comfortable for the isolated island and learned how to survive in the wet climate and rather heavy air. The first inhabitants
Computers are an essential part of our daily lives One of the most important thing nowadays is absolutly computer.This is part of technology which helps you in each area. Computers today are one of the essential things what we are using. They have helped a lot in compiling a lot data which used to be in hard records. One of the uses or benefits of computers is that they are able to provide and retrieve information so quickly so they have increased the pace of our work. The increase in the speed of work has helped us to do many
How well do you know London? Form 10, February 2012 Welcome back to the tour of London! This is your second day (lesson) that you spend exploring the famous landmarks of the city. Again - follow the map so that you would not get lost and try to get streetwise in London. It is also wise to use Google Maps Street View simultaneously it gives you the wonderful feeling of strolling the streets and landmarks. Take the following questions with you, find answers to them and put them down for yourself in this MSWord document. Don't forget to "take" photos - you are supposed to recognise the landmarks later on! At the end of the tour send the worksheet to yourself so that you could use it again. Good luck with exploring the city! DAY 2. The route: Westminster Abbey The Houses of Parliament London Eye 10 Downing Street St Paul's Cathedral The Tower of London Tower Bridge Globe Theatre Greenwich Ob...
The importance of education Education is one of the most important part in our today's society. Children are our future and educating them is really necessary. In the first place, giving children education is really important, because they are our future leaders, teachers and they have to develop our government for centuries. Moreover, schools, highschools and even universities teach some of the things you will have to encounter in your life after studies and have to step to work-life. In Fact, you will probably have to make presentations, CV-s and
"Isekuse sajand" Dokumentaal nimega "The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines" räägib Sigmund Freudist ja tema nõost Edward Bernays ´ist ning nende arvamusest, et inimesed on irratsionaalsed ning nende otsused võivad kujutada suuremale perspektiivile ohtu. Otsemini oli tegu Sigmund Freudi teooriaga, mille tema nõbu Bernays suurfirmade ning koguni riikide peal käiku lasi. Bernaysi eesmärgiks oli ehitada sotsiaalseid struktuure, mille kaudu oleks võimalik inimmasse mõjutada/kontrollida.
The Advantages and Disadvanatges of Having a Part-Time Job During Studies. Many students work while attending school for many different reasons. It can be difficult to balance work and school, but it can certainly be done. Actually,there are many advantages such as earning money,a new experience and development of the organization skills. However, you should take into account some disadvantages, for instance, the lack of time and stress. Generally speaking,students can benefit a lot from part-time jobs. The first advantage is that students can earn money. Earning money by themselves is good way to learn how to be independent. Students don't have to ask money from the parents and they can see that earning money is not so easy. Second advantage is that students can acquire more experiences and polish their skills when taking part-time jobs. For example, if someone enjoys teaching, working part-time as a tutor may help him or her...
Performing arts Visual arts THEATRE Types of theatres: · Civic theatres · Regional theatres Types of plays: · Tragedy · Comedy · Tragi-comedy · Farce · Drama · Historical drama/play · Thriller · Musical (comedy) Types of tickets: · Regular · Returns · Standing tickets · Complementary tickets · House seats · Production/performance · Audition · Repertory/repertoire · Part role · lines · Rehearse · Rehearsal · dress rehearsal · Preview · First night · premiere · Matinee · Appear in a play · The main part/the leading part/the lead · Supporting part/supporting role · A bit part · A speaking part · A walking-on part · The understudy · A cameo role · To learn the part/to look the part; · a megastar · An all-star cast. · A debut · Stage fright · Play the lead;
upset, sad or angry and say something they think is true, but later on regret it. These situations can be avoided by telling little lies. On the other hand, lies can hurt and make people feel betrayed. Noone wants to find out that they have been left out of something or mislead. Often lies are told to spare someones feelings, but in the end it is the lie itself and broken trust that hurts more than the initial deed. Therefore there can not be an universal answer. Lies are definitely an avoidable part of everyones lives and can make everything better, but also worse. It depends on whether lies are used to cover up problems or to make someone feel better.
I exercise for carpentry Choose the right word sacked, profession ,skilled, employment, unemployed, job, professional, overtime, unemployment 1. EMPLOYMENT agencies help people to find work. 2. After Roger had won amateur championship he decided to turn PROFESSIONAL 3. He got a parttime JOB as a gardener. 4. The manager SACKED 10 employees. 5. The author of this guidebook is an architect by PROFESSIONAL. 6. In Germany there are thousands of UNEMPLOYED people who are unable to find work and must live on UNEMPLOYMENT benefit. 7. Automation and mechanization demand great numbers of SKILLED workers and technicians. 8. You will be paid extra for working OVERTIME .
IRELAND The Emerald Island Ireland has two nicknames e ra l d Em Th e Isl e The Is l a nd of S aints a nd Scho l a rs 9000 years ago... ice more ice Click to edit Master text styles Second level Click to edit Master text stylesThird level Fourth level Second level Fifth level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Gaelic Ireland Lordship of Ireland Kingdom of Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland The Republic of Ireland Once humans ...
Application Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in reply to your advertisement I saw in a magazine and I would like to take part in your program but I would need some extra information. The first question that emerged when I read the title of the advertisement was is there any age limit that I need to fit in? It would be really nice of you, if you could tell me, where I need to publish my work and if it is acceptable if I send you my poetry. I would be really pleased, if you could answer my most important question. Do you have any official e-mail addresses, where I could send my manuscript and is there any dedline
Too much money is being spent on preserving the old part of town The Medieval Old Town is the center of Tallinn. Most of the major national and international companies are headquartered near the Old Town. Since the economy is not in a good shape right now the question of financing the old parts of Tallinn has been raised. Many people claim that spending money on preserving the old parts of Tallinn is not the best idea when people are having hard times. They are having trouble with making money in the first place
LETTER OF APPLICATION Rua de Gloria 10 3000 Coimbra Portugal 10th October 2007 The Manager Sundance Health Club Harbour lane Chichester Sussex PO1 2JE Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing in reply to your advertisement in ,,Health and Fitness" magazine for general part- time work in your health club. I am a 20-year-old Portugese student and I come from Coimbra in the north of Portugal. At present I am still studying at college but I am taking my final exams in May. I have studied English for six years but I want to spend some time in England in order to improve my spoken English. I am interested in sport and fitness and at home I go to the s...
Hiireviu Levik : Hiireviu on levinud Euraasia metsa ja metsastepivööndis ning Vahemeremaadel ja mõnedel Atlandi ookeani idaosa saartel ja Lõuna-Himaalajas. Eestis on hiireviu kõikjal levinud tavaline haudelind. Toitumine: Saaki varitseb õhus käratult tiireldes või kuskil kõrgemal kohal vaikselt varitsedes. Toitub valdavalt hiirtest, mügridest, värvulistest, noortest kanalistest ja partidest. Ründab ka kodukanu, eriti kui need veel noored on. Pesitsemine: Pesapuuks valib enamasti kuuse või männi, harvem mõne lehtpuu. Sama pesa võib hiireviu kasutada aastaid, kusjuures iga pesitsuskorra eel lisatakse pessa vä...
What are the advatanges and disadvantages of using Facebook? Today in our world is the Internet very popular way to spend time. One of the people favorite site is clearly Facebook. Only the fact that Facebook has over 845 million active users is sign that it is part of our generation. In all of the good things are advantanges and disadvantages, so does Facebook. Facebook in our lifes is very natural. We use it every day, but we do not think how it affects our lifes. It plays very big role in our communication. Some of the advantages are that you can contact with people in every time and you are always informed about latest news and activities. It is easy and takes only few seconds. People who use Facebook messenger, do not have big telephone bills anymore. Messenger is the same like sms, but it is free. ...
How much does life weigh? The question can be understood differently. Some might take it word by word, others in some metaphorical way. Many are convinced that a human body has an immortal part - a soul. With knowing how few it actually weights, we can only assume what we have in these grams and whether it is anything worth at all. First of all, what do we claim to be a soul? It is our conscience with no form or location. It is the energy that is a part of the whole universe. In consideration of this, every human being has their own soul. This is what makes us all different and unique. Because of this, how can we even question the weight of our lives, when it seems to be completely different for everyone? Well, let's think about the moment of death. It is the exact moment, where our energy leaves our bodies. It has been scientifically proven that at this moment, every human being loses weight - 21 grams on average
Stress Stress is a necessary part of nature. It´s the organism´s defence mechanism for changes in the surrounding enviorment. Without it we could not survive. Stress has many effects on the body that are necessary for a reaction to the stressor. When an animal senses danger, it automatically triggers a fight or flight response. In case of a lifethreatening situation, stress is an invaluable ally. It can even motivate us to prepeare for upcoming challenges. But as we move further and further from our natural habitat,
usually turquoise, to the silver in unique designs. Over time, they developed tools and techniques to stamp or engrave the metal. Today, Navajo jewelry is well known and highly valued by both Native and non-Native Americans. It remains a distinctive feature of Navajo history and culture. Basketry Navajos are also known for their basket work. They believe the First Man and First Woman made baskets for ceremonial purposes. Each part of the basket has a very distinct meaning. Like Navajo textiles, only women generally make baskets. Some Navajo baskets have specific symbols and colors, such as a red design to represent darkness and clouds, and a black triangular layer to represent all of the Holy People. The four Sacred Mountains are represented by a black triangle. Different tribes use different materials, weaving techniques, basket shapes, and characteristic patterns. Sandpainting
The effect of modern technology on our everyday life In the nowadays world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Almost every activity that we do in our daily life is somehow connected with technology usage. It plays a major role not only in our lives, but also helped in development of various industries, changed education, entertainment. We can not measure this process and it`s impact on society, but one thing we can say for sure – technology has become part of pupils lives. There are so many advantages connected with technology and how it affected our everyday life. To start with, development of mobile technology, computers and internet made life easier. We can find information in sites like Google in a couple of minutes instead of looking for required information in books for hours. In the older times, writing a letter, sending and bringing to a required person took minimum a
(magnetic fields) PHYSICAL HAZARDS Risk of fire and Noise in the working environment: electrical shock Physical Part I – Inconvenient indoor hazards Risk from climate sharp objects Vibration Poor lighting Risk of falling,
· Philhellenism - Hellas (Greece) Philia (Love) a love for Greece; lords gave money to the people of Greece to fight against the Ottoman empire · New awareness of Greek Heritage the Ottoman (Turkish) empire had subdued (conquered) Greece 1821 revolt against them (Supporter Lord Byron) · Nationalistic pride takes over by 1830s Gothic as the national style 5. The Grand Tour as the main source of inspiration and part of education The Grand Tour was a pilgrimage. Young men (later women also) got to know the history, especially the Renaissance. During that trip, they also learned different skills that prepared them for a leadership position at home. Only the wealthy could afford that because it lasted several years. It started from Dover, passed Paris (learned dancing, riding), Florence, Pisa (studying Renaissance), Rome (study Classical ruins), Greece and ended in Dover
branches (Reuter 2010: 295). In this light, as there is considerable reason to believe that Russia's political system is moving towards a, what is called "dominant party system", in this paper, I will examine the main strategies, by witch United Russia has gained and perpetuated its dominance. After looking at the main features of a dominant party, I will focus on the reforms in Russia's electoral law, which supported the nascence of a dominant party. In the second part of the work, I will concentrate on the political strategies, which have helped the party to maintain its hold on power. Defining the dominant party The concept of dominant-party system, or one-party dominant system, refers to "a category of parties/political organizations that have successively won election victories and whose future defeat cannot be envisaged or is unlikely for the foreseeable future" (Suttner 2009: 277).
Real estate broker Typical day: Brokers run generally estate companies while the agents take care of real estate sells. Both are important part of real estate industry. Real estate agents assist people through the process of buying, selling and renting land, homes and other properties. In addition to staying current with real estate laws and trends, real estate agents are tasked with a multitude of daily duties and responsibilities. One of the appealing aspects of working as a real estate agent is that each day is different. Qualifications for the job: It isn’t required that you have a collage degree.There are different
Sievi - Finland DOCUMENT TYPE : Work Instruction PRODUCT NAME : Lego PART NAME : Digger PART NUMBER : 123456 DOCUMENT NUMBER : xxx-xxxx-xxx REVISION : 01 DATE ORIGINATED : 7.10.2009 DATE OF CURRENT REVISION : 7.10.2009 ORIGINATOR : Sami Tervo APPROVED BY : Heikki Kivistö Product name Part name Part number Lego Digger 123456 Document number Document type Revision xxx-xxxx-xxx Work Instruction 01 Originator Date originated Date of current rev. Sami Tervo 7.10.2009 7.10.2009 Process Work Instruction Revision Page
TALLINNA TEENINDUSKOOL Allan Part 011MT KEEMILISED OHUTEGURID JA KUIDAS KAITSTA Referaat Juhendaja: Heikki Eskusson Allan Part Keemilised ohutegurid ja kuidas kaitsta Tallinn 2011 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................3 1. ÕIGUSAKTID...............................................................................................................4 1.1 SEONDUVAD SEADUSED.....
Mis on alamvrgu mask? Alamvrgu maskis kasutatakse vrgu eraldamiseks Subnet on aadress mida kasutatakse vrgu eraldamiseks Subneti mask on thtis vrgu lesse ehitamise osa, subneti maski abil saab eraldada vrke ja ka host arvuteid, teiste vrkude vahel. The subnet mask is important part of building office networks. Its an address what defines the size of the network, how many subnets you can use and how many ip addresses are for hosts. Here are some examples: IP address is 10.10.10.x subnet mask - You have 1 subnet and 254 host addresses IP address is 10.10.10.x subnet mask - You have 2 subnet and 510 host adresses Computers use subnet mask to understand which network they belong.
.....24 E-14 Carburetor .......................................................................................................................... 26 E-15 Electric Elements ................................................................................................................... 27 E-16 Second inlet system .............................................................................................................28 E-1 Cylinder Head Cover S/N Part No. Description Quantity Remark 1 12311/1P50FMG Cover, cylinder head 1 2 12240/1P50FMG Cover comp., cylinder head, RH 1 3 12242/1P50FMG-3 Cover, cylinder head, LH 1 4 12243/1P50FMG Cover, valve 2 5 12312/1P50FMG Gasket, cylinder head cover 1 6 12244/1P50FMG Gasket, cylinder head cover, RH 1
.....24 E-14 Carburetor .......................................................................................................................... 26 E-15 Electric Elements ................................................................................................................... 27 E-16 Second inlet system .............................................................................................................28 E-1 Cylinder Head Cover S/N Part No. Description Quantity Remark 1 12311/1P50FMG Cover, cylinder head 1 2 12240/1P50FMG Cover comp., cylinder head, RH 1 3 12242/1P50FMG-3 Cover, cylinder head, LH 1 4 12243/1P50FMG Cover, valve 2 5 12312/1P50FMG Gasket, cylinder head cover 1 6 12244/1P50FMG Gasket, cylinder head cover, RH 1
muu. · Võõrsõnadest: aaloe, kardavoi, meierei, salvei. PÕHITÜÜP PUU · Puu, puud, puusse, puude, puid e puusid, puudesse e puisse · Omasõnad: -aa, -oo, -uu, -öö. · Võõrsõnad: -ee · Näiteks: kuu, luu, maa, muu, soo, suu, truu, töö, vöö, öö, hää, pää, hea, pea ·Võõrsõnadest: abee, apogee, bidee, defilee, dekoltee, epee, fuajee, konferansjee, kupee, livree, mosee, relee, turnee, varietee. VORMISTIKUST: · Ains part: -d (kuud, sood, truud, turneed) · Ains illat: -sse (karreesse, luusse, öösse). Ka masse e maha, peasse e pähe, soosse e sohu, susse e suhu, töösse e töhe, öösse e öhe. · Mitm part: kuid, kuusid, soid, soosid, truid, truusid, töid, töösid PÕHITÜÜP KOI · Koi, koid, koisse, koide, koisid, koidesse · Diftongiga lõppevad oma sõnad (au, hai, (h)ui, kae, kai, krae, lõo, mai, nõu, pai, peo, peoleo, prei, rai, reo, tai, toi, tui,
Tibet Tibet is a plateau region in Asia, north of the Himalayas, and the home to the indigenous Tibetan people and some other ethnic groups. With an average elevation of 4,900 metres, it is the highest region on Earth and has in recent decades increasingly been referred to as the "Roof of the World". In the history of Tibet, it has been an independent country, divided into different countries, and a part of China each for a certain amount of time. Tibet was first unified under King Songtsän Gampo in the seventh century. A government nominally headed by the Dalai Lamas, a line of spiritual leaders, ruled a large portion of the Tibetan region at various times from the 1640s until 1950s. During most of this period, the Tibetan administration was subordinate to the Chinese empire of the Qing Dynasty. The 13th Dalai Lama proclaimed
Nom. Der Das Die Die Akk. Den Das Die Die Dat. Dem Dem Der Denen Gen. Dessen Dessen Deren Deren Was, kui lauses on sõnad dass (see), etwas (midagi), nichts (mittemidagi), alles (kõik), viele (palju), weniger (vähe), manches (mõned) või das interessanteste. *Passiv Präsens (kse): werden + Part. II *Passiv Präteritum (ti): wurde + Part. II *Passiv Perfekt (minevik): sein + Part. II *Plusquamperfekt (enneminevik): war/hatte + Part. II
Muki ja Miisu lugu Elas kord koer Muki ja kass Miisu. Nad käisid tihti koos jalutamas. Oli jälle ilus kevadine päev, kui nad jalutasid külavahel. Nad nägid eemal kõndimas üksikut pardipoega. Nad läksid pardi juurde ja küsisid: ,,Miks sa siin üksi oled?" Kus su pere on? Ma ei tea. Ma jäin neist maha ja kaotasin nad silmist.Tule meiega me aitame sul otsida ema. Nad jalutasid külavahel ja jõudsid tiigi äärde. Part jooksis kohe vette ujuma. Mukil tuli hirm peale, et part upub ära ja läks ruttu abi otsima. Varsti tuligi talle pardipere vastu ja Muki kutsus nad tiigi juurde. Pardiemal oli hea meel, et sai oma lapse kätte. Ta ütles Mukile ja Miisule , et nemad oskavad hästi ujuda. Meie oleme ju veelinuud. Part tänas kassi ja koera abi eest, ning läks oma teed edasi. Kui nad surnud ei ole, elavad nad siia maale.
Outsourcing logistika Outsourcing tähendab firma põhitegevust toetavate teenuste sisseostmist. Logistikateenuste osutamise ajajärgud tehnoloogia arengule Aastad 1950 - 1970 1PL (First Part Logistics) ehk asutusesisene ( insourcing) logistikateenus. Sellel ajajärgul tegi ettevõte oma jõududega kõik logistilised tegevused. Logistikateenuste osutamise ajajärgud tehnoloogia arengule Aastad 1970- 1985 2PL (Second Part Logistics) ehk logistiliste teenuste allhange. Ettevõtetel olid olemas ressursid logistiliste operatsioonide teostamiseks, kuid nad ostsid mõnikord logistilisi teenuseid sisse ühekordse tegevusena logistilist teenust pakkuvalt firmalt. Sisseost toimus juhuslikult ja lühiajaliste lepingute alusel. Logistikateenuste osutamise ajajärgud tehnoloogia arengule Aastad 1985 - 2000 3PL (Third Part Logistics) ehk logistiliste teenuste outsourcing
3. Repriis on tasakaalustav lõpuosa, mis kordab ekspositsiooni muusikalist materjali, kuid väldib helistike vastandamist. Sonaadivormi e sonaat- allegro vormi skeem: Repriis Eks Töö posi tlus tsio on Pea- Side Kõr Lõp Pea- Side Kõr Lõp part - val- u- part - val- u- ii part part part ii part part part ii ii ii ii ii ii : : : : Toonik T D Domi- Domi- Ebapüsiv Toonik T Toonik Too-
IRELAND Ireland is a very beautiful island in the Atlantic Ocean. That lays next to Great Britain. This island is gorgeous landscape, the green hillsides and the rocky coastline. Ireland weather is influence of the Gulf Stream, there is warm and rainy through the year. The Celts inhabited the land. Ireland is separated into two parts. The north part (smaller) is part of the United Kingdom, bigger part of island makes up Republic of Ireland (independent country). The population of the Republic of Ireland is about three and half million people. There are two official language- English and Gaelic. Mostly there is used English. The Irish are know as friendly and fun-loving people. They like music and humor. In Ireland the most popular legend is about the leprechaun. He is the shoemaker of the Irish fairy kingdom. The leprechaun usually walks alone, is fun-loving and very crafty
Comedies All's Well That Ends Well As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Love's Labour's Lost Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing Pericles, Prince of Tyre * The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Twelfth Night The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Two Noble Kinsmen * The Winter's Tale histories King John Richard II Henry IV, Part 1 Henry IV, Part 2 Henry V Henry VI, Part 1 Henry VI, Part 2 Henry VI, Part 3 Richard III Henry VIII Tragedies Romeo and Juliet Coriolanus Titus Andronicus Timon of Athens Julius Caesar Macbeth Hamlet Troilus and Cressida King Lear Othello Antony and Cleopatra Cymbeline poems Shakespeare's sonnets Venus and Adonis The Rape of Lucrece The Passionate Pilgrim[nb 5] The Phoenix and the Turtle A Lover's Complaint