List of formal versus informal expressions Informal Formal A lot of a number of We have got the permission authorization has been received To hire to these jobs to recruit for these posts We shall finish at late 2001 completion is scheduled for 2001 We have noticed that it has been noted that Short inadequate Bring in a system introduce a system Get receive Give provide The same sort of bus a similar bus Another system an alternative system Can you tell me if this system is ok? Your approval would be appreciated For some time/for the time being temporarily Now currently Is being fixed is under repair Because of...
Flea Market - An open-air market The birds and the bees - Sex education Ants in one's pants - Unable to sit still Cat nap - A short sleep Clam up - Become quiet suddenly Fishy - Odd, suspicious Holy cow - Wow, I'm surprised! Horse around - Play roughly Rat race - Struggle for power Let sleeping dogs lie - Not to interfere Dog days - Very hot days. Make a beeline - Go straight for smth Nest egg - Money saved for the future Pig out - Eat a lot of smth Smell a rat - Begin to suspect trickery Until the cows come home - For a very long time Kitty corner - Diagonal direction Hold your horses - Wait and be patient Kick the bucket - To die Mum's the word - To keep a secret Back To Square One - To start again Tie the knot - To get married A field day - A very enjoyable time Over the hill - To be past your prime Spinning a yarn - To lie or exaggerate Under the weather - Feeling ill Bushed - Tired, completely exhausted ...
TALLINN INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTRE USEFUL SHOPPING EXPRESSIONS Jelizaveta Kuznetsova 205 MRA TALLINN 2015 1. Tere hommikut/lõunat/õhtut. Good morning/afternoon/evening 2. Kas ma saan teid aidata? Can I help you? 3. Kas te sooviksite abi? Would you like an assistance? 4. Kas te otsite midagi erilist/kindlat? Are you looking for anything special? 5. Kas te sooviksite seda proovida
4.2c Past perfect simple (Had+past participle) Kasutame et rääkida sündmustest, mis leidsid aset enne, kui teine mineviku vorm When I saw her, I realised I had met her before kaudses kõnes 4.2c Kestev täisminevik Kasutame: et rääkida tegevusest, mis kestsid kuni nimetatud sündmuseni minevikus I had been walking for three hours when I came to a small village. kaudses kõnes UNIT 5 5.1 Time expressions .. kui räägime ühest sündmusest, mis juhtus enne eelmist Before I left the house, I locked all the doors. Previously she'd lived abroad with her family. I arrived about and hour earlier. ..kui räägime sündmusest, mis juhtus peale teist After swimming in the race, he collapsed. The film finished very late. Afterwards everyone went straight home. Later that day, I mt her again. .
Words & expressions 1) A generous nationhelde rahvas 2) A polar bearjääkaru 3) A social disastersotsiaalne katastroof 4) Connected through charityühendatud läbi heategevuse 5) Continuing economic problemsjätkuvad majanduslikud probleemid 6) Daytoday workigapäevane töö 7) Economists rely on sthmajandusteadlased tuginevad millegi 8) Endangered speciesohustatud liigid 9) Extreme weather eventsekstreemsed ilmastikunäitajad 10) Halfway around the worldpooleldi ümber maailma 11) In conclusionkokkuvõttes 12) In the fight for resourcesvõitluses resursside pärast 13) It's doubled to more than a billionsee on kahekordistunud rohkem kui miljardile 14) Life on our planetelu meie planeedil 15) Limited to onepiiratud ühele 16) Nevertheless,...kuid siiski, sellegipoolest 17) On the EarthMaal 18) People ...
Travels, sings, walked, cooked... Adjectives typically describe an attribute of a noun. Cold, large, violent, beautiful... Adverbs are used to modify a verb, and adjective, or another adverb. Slowly, quickly, softly, suddenly, gradually... Prepositions typically come before a noun. Across, after, at, before, by, during, from, into, in... Conjunctions are used to express a connection between words. And, but, or... Formulaic expressions are used to express greetings, farewells, thanks, or apologies. Bye, excuse me, thanks... Existential there often comes at the start of a sentence. There is a fly in my soup. Phrase is larger than individual word, but smaller than sentence.
Forum 1. Méthode de français. Leçon 1, p. 19. Mots et expressions N Français Eesti p. 19 -20 lk. 19 -20 . 19 -20 1. un module moodul 2. au jour le jour päevast päevani 3. une unité osa 4. une présentation esitamine 5
On reflection, I think it was ... It struck me as being ... What I didn't understand was how ... In spite of these few criticisms, I think ... I would have no hesitation in recommending ... Useful words and phrases To write about Letters, essays, articles, proposals, reports, reviews Expressing and supporting opinions These words and expressions are especially useful in letters, essays and articles. I believe/do not believe that ... (because) ... Personally I feel that ... Let me explain why. In my opinion, ... Just consider ... As I see it, ... The reason is ... It seems to me that... This is because ... I would argue that for the following reasons. I feel very strongly that ... I am convinced that ... I am of the opinion that ... I am very much in favour of/against ... I am completely opposed to ... The reasons why I believe that ..
TIME CLAUSES Present Simple · Permanent states, facts (Tom works..) · Repeated and habitual actions, routines (She usually goes..) · Laws of nature and general truths (The sun sets in the west) · Timetables and programmes · Sporting commentaries, rewiews (Beckham wins the ball, crosses and Owen scores) · Feelings and emotions (I love Tallinn..) TIME EXPRESSIONS USED WITH PRESENT SIMPLE: usually, often, always, every day/week etc, in the morning/evening etc, at night/the weekend, on Fridays etc. Present Continuous · Actions taking place at or arount the moment of speaking (The kids are watching TV..) · Fixed arrangements in the near future (I'm going to the dentist tomorrow) · Currently changing ang developing situations (The number of burgularies is increasing)
BODY LANGUAGE Denis Horenzenko What is Body Language? Body Language is the communication of personal feelings, emotions , attitudes(), thoughts through body movements gestures(), postures() , facial expressions, walking styles, positions & distance - either consciously(c) or involuntarily( ) .Its not only your tongue you communicate with but also you speak with your body movements and gestures. The Main Aspects of Body Language Gestures: A gesture is the verbal or non-verbal body movement used to express or emphasize() an idea , an emotion or a state of mind. Body Movements: This includes the head, eyes, eyebrows , lips , neck ,
Past Simple is used for: Past actions which happened one immediately after the other. E.g. She stood up, went up to her and grabbed her wrists. Completed actions or events, which happened at a stated past time. E.g. I went to the cinema last night. Past habits or states. E.g. my grandfather always wore a hat. Complete actions not connected to the present with a stated or implied time reference. E.g. Beethoven created wonderful classical pieces. Time expressions used with Past Simple: yesterday, last week/month etc, ago, then, just, now, when, in 1991, etc Past continuous is used for: Actions in the middle of happening at a stated past time. E.g. She was flying to Paris this time last Monday. A past action in progress interrupted by another past action. The longer action is in the Past Continuous, the shorter action is in the past Simple. E.g. I was watching television when my mother came home.
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Table of Contents Present Perfect Simple.............................................................................2 When to use the Present Perfect Simple ...........................................2 Present Perfect Continuous ...................................................................3 When to use the Present Perfect Continuous..................................4 Time expressions with Present Perfect...............................................5 Present Perfect Simple The Present Perfect is the present tense of have + a past participle I have washed / I’ve washed you have written /you’ve written he/she/it has worked /he’s/she’s/it’s worked we have forgotten /we’ve forgotten they have gone /they’ve gone
is spreading all the time, and more and more people are dying due to it. There is no cure for the ones with Ebola. It is very important right now to talk to people about Ebola, what are it's symptoms, and how it spreads. People have to be aware that it is very dangerous, deadly and easily spreading disease. Let's hope that scientists will work out a vaccine that helps to treat the ones with Ebola. The author used some expressions that I think are common to journalism. I have heard those expressions in news, read in newspapers and magazines For example, in some cases; as more than; although; to avoid; to get across; in addition to; such as; including. These expressions are important because they make an article more understandable and easier to read. It gives colour to an article. From the lecture "Organizing text" the author has used following expressions: as more than; which; through; with; by; although; so far; as long as; such as; to avoid; in the way; in addition to; so
FUTURE FORMS Future Simple (will +I) a) in predictions about the future usually with the verbs think, believe, expect, etc., the expressions be sure be afraid, etc., and the adverbs probably perhaps, certainly, etc I'm afraid we won't be on time for the meeting. b) for on-the-spot decisions. c) for promises (usually with the verbs promise, swear, guarantee, etc.), threats, warnings, requests, hopes (usually with the verb hope) and offers.
face, or other parts of the body. Examples Hands on knees: indicates readiness. Hands on hips: indicates impatience. Lock your hands behind your back: indicates self-control. Locked hands behind head: states confidence. Sitting with a leg over the arm of the chair: suggests indifference. Legs and feet pointed in a particular direction: the direction where more interest is felt. Crossed arms: indicates submissiveness. Facial expressions A facial expression results from one or more motions or positions of the muscles of the face. These movements convey the emotional state of the individual to observers. Facial expressions are a form of nonverbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying social information among humans, but also occur in most other mammals and some other animal species. Thank you for listening !
Direct Speech (Otsene Kõne) Reported Speech (Kaugkõne) Oliver says, "I`m not from poor family." Oliver says that he is not from poor family. Pille says, "The weather has been awful." Pille says that the weather has been awful. Asja Selgitavad tabelid. Statements. When transforming statements, check whether you have to change: · pronouns · present tense verbs (3rd person singular) · place and time expressions · tenses (backshift) Type Example Direct speech "I speak English." Reported speech (No He says that he speaks backshift) English. Reported speech (Backshift) He said that he spoke English. Questions When transforming questions, check whether you have to change: · pronouns · present tense verbs (3rd person singular) · place and time expressions
Repeated/habitual actions especially with George always plays football on always, usually etc. Saturday afternoons. (= He does that every Saturday Afternoon.) Timetables/programmes with a future The train leaves at 10.05 on Tuesday meaning. Reviews/sports commentaries/dramatic The basketball player shoots and the ball narrative goes in the basket. Time expressions used with present simple: Every day/week/month/year, usually, sometimes, always, rarely, never, often, on Monday, in the morning, evening, etc. Present Continuous (to be + verb -ing) Present Continuous is used for... Example Temporary situations I am paying off my car loan this month Frequently repeated actions with always, He is always leaving his dirty clothes on constantly expressing annoyance or the floor! criticism
· WE USE PAST PERFECT: · For an action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past. · I had finished my work by eight o´clock . · For an action which finished in the past and whose results was visible at a later point in the past. · He had just washed his head,his hair were wet. We use the Past Perfect · For a general situation in the past. · Everything had seemed normal at first. · HAD+PAST PARTICIPLE The time expressions we use with the past perfect · Before · After · Just · For · Since · Till/until · When · By the time · Never etc. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS · WE USE THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: · To put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in the past,before another action or stated time in the past,usually with FOR or SINCE. · I had played football since i was a child.
decates. Ten face of the Old Town Vibrant old town The Old Town Has Never become a museum exhibit of frozen time or dusty walls. Musical city Music fits into old town.During the Old Town Days you can find musicians everywhere. Forever – young city Youth and beauty are a math for the Old Town .The youthfulness of the ancient town is strikingly visible during the Old Town Days. Impressions and expressions Calm and bening superiority to everyday problems reflects in the faces,impression and expressions of the townspeople and the guests. Knights game Old traditions come alive during the Old Town Days. History and the present day The Old Town has tight connections with the modern days but it can keep its ancient secrets. A town of masters The masters of Tallinn have been famous near and far throughout history. Theatrical old town
PRESENT SIMPLE I You work here. ... do not (don't) work ... We They Do you work here? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. He She works here. ... does not (doesn't) work ... It Does she / he work here? Yes, she / he does. / No, she / he doesn't. Time expressions always often not often never usually normally rarely sometimes occasionally hardly ever when after before unless in case as soon as until Uses - for permanent facts - for actions and situations which are generally true - for habits and routines PRESENT CONTINUOUS bebe++ ing ing
Essay 200 (+/- 10%) words The text consists of 4-5 paragraphs discussing a specified topic. Usually the task contains points you have to discuss. Make sure they are all covered! Keep in mind! Formal language – no slang, so contracted forms, colloquialisms, try to avoid repetition of words. Indented lines! Clear paragraphs with one central idea. Avoid strong feelings 8everybody hates... it is absurd to believe...) and strong personal expressions Use generalization (children assume…), but do not use overgeneralizations (all children assume…) At least 2 linking words per paragraph (separate them from the rest of the sentence by commas!) that show the connection between paragraphs. Make references to other sources (Police officials believe that…) Give examples, not personal thoughts (expressive intake of alcohol can damage liver) if you use statistics, be sure of the source! Avoid clichéd introductions, make it more original (hook)
Be going to Future We use be going to To talk about personal plans and intentions. I’m going to practise the piano for two hours this evening. I’ve decided about my future. I’m going to become a doctor. To make a prediction based on what we can see. Oh, look! It’s going to rain. The time expressions used with the future simple and be going to: Tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week/month/year, in two/three days/weeks, etc Ekke Kaha
Maggie walked across the room and progress when another action opened the door. interrupted it. We use the past habits or states which are now continuous for the action in finished. progress (longer action) and the Pete lived in California for a couple of past simple for the action which years when he was younger. interrupted it (shorter action). The time expressions we use with He was driving to work when his the past simple are: mobile phone rang. yesterday ,then ,when ,How long for two or more ago...? ,last night/ week/ month/ year/ simultaneous actions in the past. Friday/ October etc., three Jack was listening to the radio in the days/ weeks etc. ago, in 1999 etc. living room while I was doing my homework in my bedroom
day. He gets frustrated and stabs a knife into the picture. That way Dorian Gray dies an awfully old man laying on the floor, a knife stabbed to his heart. But the man on the picture is young again. I think the book is good an excellent way of extending our vocabulary by reading. Two educational things combined. But it's also bad- it is a bad book choice for a first-time English reader. It is full with descriptions in such details, so many complexed word and expressions. Those made reading very complicated. Most of the time it wasn't reading, it was translating the words or googelling for the meanings of the fictional expressions. Adjectives are good, but when there are so many of them combined and in a foreign made it painful. Also, the book was in older English, which made it even more difficult. I would recommend this book for a more experienced reader.
different vocalizations to express their emotions. One gesture may mean many different things. For example a tail wag may mean: Excitement Playfulness Happiness Anxiety Greeting ritual When one dog meets another dog, they usually walk around each other, sniff each other or even bark if they don't like something Body movements Tail position usually shows dog's mood. Ear position shows dogs level of attention Mouth expressions inform us about dogs mood Dogs use their tongue to lick each other and that is the sign of friendliness. Dogs stamp their legs when exited. The position of head is a sign of curiosity.
Body language Merilyn Männik 9.B What is body language? Physical behavior Facial expressions etc. Animals and humans Does not have a grammar Body language in Saudi Arabia Meeting: Men and women: ● Shaking hands ● Space ● The nose touch ● Facial expression ● Kissing both cheeks ● Greeting ● Gesture Body language United States ● Greetings ● Personal space ● Acceptable gestures Words/phreses ● Gesture- žest ● Physical behavior- füüsiline käitumine ● Body posture- kehahoiak Questions 1
Prepositions (at, on, from, in) and phrases (offer a service, hold hands, give orders, carry a flag, become official, compare with sth, have a sauna, climb a tower, gain popularity, treat with respect, exchange goods, move westward, share basic views, live on fish, smell juniper's and wool's aroma, watch the people go by, raise sheep). 1. Prepositions: of course there are no all expressions what you can use in that document, only some of them but I hope I'll help somebody for sharing that document :). 2. Phrases: some phrases are in English (+ Estonian translation, of course), some in Estonian (+ English translation)
Future Simple We use will + infinitive To predict events, for example to say what we think will happen in the future, using the verbs think, believe etc, the expressions be sure, be afraid etc, and the adverbs probably, possibly, perhaps, certainly etc. Flora will win on Saturday. I don’t think the test will be very difficult. Ask her again. Perhaps she’ll change her mind. To make an offer and a request (ask somebody to do something). Wait, i’ll carry the bag for you. Will you hold the dooropen for me, please? To make a decision at the moment of speaking and make a promise. It’s cool in here
My mother tongue in 21th century Thousands of Years ago Estonian did not exist. Even nowadays not very many people speak Estonian, nearly 1,5 Million. Compared to English speakers, it's nothing. The Estonian language has changed very much as the years have gone by. The expressions that were used years ago are replaced with English phrases, which are especially popular among young people. That's because almost all films, song lyrics and popular TV shows are in English. They also use slang too much. It's quite possible, that soon the Estonian language dies out and replaces with English. The second reason, why Estonian is in big danger, is because the little importance of the language. Almost everyone can speak at least one foreign language and nowadays the travelling possibilities are also very good. So if the Estonian language has no importance, it's possible, that if several nations will mix and there will be no...
She had worked hard all day. Perfect Continuous Tenses Tegevus, mis mingil kindlaksmääratud momendil toimub (või toimus) ja mille alguse kohta on meil andmeid. · The child has been sleeping for six hours already. It has been raining for hours. Irregular verbs Here is a HUGE table about · irregular verbs · that you have to know by heart. · Ajamääruslaused (Adverbs of time) can be time expressions such as · `last night'. can be prepositional phrases with `at', `in', or `on'. `For' refers to a period of time in the past, present, or future. `Since' refers to a point in past time. A We use adverbials of time to say when something happens. We often use noun groups called time expressions as adverbials of time. yesterday, today, tomorrow last year, next Saturday, next week the day after tomorrow, last night, · the other day
Grammar English Future simpleWe use future simple: a) in predictions about the future usually with the verbs think, believe, expect, etc.., the expressions be sure, be afraid, etc.., and the adverbs probably, perhaps, certainly.., b) for on-the-spot decisions c) for promisses, threats, warnings, requests, hopes and offers. d) for actions/ events/ situations which will definitely happen on the future and which we cannot control.Be going to We use be going to: a) for plans, intentions or ambitions we have for the future. b) for actions we have already decided to do in the near future .
factories. I think that it is very important that they don't build them in the middle of cities. The pollution twhat comes from the factories is bigdrastic. In conclusion, there are many ways to make our cities' air pollution levels lower. We all need to do what we can. As the old proverb says "To make things better, you should start with yourself". You address the propts given in the textbook, but in a rather vague way. Don't be afraid to use the expressions and phrases from the textbook The structure of your essay is very good, especially the conclusion. However, since you have not been as precise as the task required you to be and your language use has been rather simple (which is why it is largely correct), the mark is a good strong 4.
Motivation letter (Also called a „statement of purpose“ or „personal essay.“ 1st paragraph – a reason of writing, include a position you are applying for and where you heard about it. Expressions: Dear Sir/Madam; ending – Yours faithfully, your name. Dear Mr. Black; ending – Yours sincerely, your name. To whom it may concern; ending – Yours sincerely, your name. I came familiar with this advertisement in the newspaper, Internet, etc. I would like to apply for the (catering job) in your company. My interest in the (sales business) dates back to my childhood. There are several reasons why I decided to apply for the position: 1st, 2nd, ... . I am highly aware of the superb repurtation of your company. I am looking for a professional practice abroad. To provide some background indormation, I am a graduate student of ... . Regarding my academic experience, I am...
„Too Many Have Lived“ (1932) is a tale about the murder of Eli Haven. Eli was a poet with underworld connections and tendency to blackmail people. When he put the squeeze on one gentelman, he went missing. In the story leading character, detective called Sam Spade, detangles the events what happened around the time when Haven went missing and who was behind all of that. Story is written by describing to the reader what the detective is doing and feeling. SOME EXPRESSIONS THAT SEEMED INTERESTING TO ME Oh, he pops in with a little money now and then – he doesn’t earn a lot of money Was trying to shake you down – smo tryed to blackmail you Red-lighting – pushing a person down from a moving train Want to call the wagon – call the police AND FOR THE LAST EXAMPLE – WHEN HAMMETT WROTE TEXT FOR MOBS, HE USED DOUBLE NEGATIVE
One key to find the solution is dr Seward’s patient Renfield, who is under a spell of Dracula. Jonathan and Mina join them in their hunt for Dracula but discover later, that only Mina and Van Helsing are able to find him so they travel back to Transylvania. The story ends with a note from Jonathan, written seven years after. The novel has 27 chapters. All the chapters are journals of characters. Also the book has ten pages of notes which are explanations of different places, names and expressions. ‘’Dracula’’ has cathegorised under many different genres of literature – vampire literature, horror fiction, gothic novel and invasion literature. For me it is mostly horror fiction, although I find this more as a fantasy literature or thriller. I do not think there is something really horrifying but there is the excitement of what is going to happen next. In my opinion, ‘’Dracula’’ is a story about the good and the evil. People in England are trying
THE NO ARTICLE · Names in the plural = countries: the Nether- * Names of countries / towns (also with an es- lands, the USA; the West Indies ablished modifier): (South) Estonia, Tartu · Names of the countries, and towns with a * Expressions from North to South etc. characteristing / spacifying modifer: the Tartu of th 19th century * Names of streets, bridges, airports, parks, squares, buildings, railway stations, shops, · Names of rivers, channels / canals, seas, addresses: Fleet Street, Tower Bridge, oceans, streams, straits: the Danube; the Suez Kennedy Airport, Hyde Park, Trafalgar
1. What is the meaning of the folliwing expressions? 1. He had a suprised, slightly puzzled look on his face. - 2. David's face lit up when i mentioned her name. 3. He could see it in their faces. 4. Her face fell and i thought she might burst into tears. 5. Tom's face darkened and he turned angrily on Sam. 6. Negotiators emerged grim-faced after the days talks. 7. Judging from her blank face, i'd say she didn't know what we were talking about. 8. Barbara tried to keep a straight face, but in the end she just couldn't help laughing. 9. The car was stolen in the face of day. 10. The disappointment was written all over his face. 11. About face! 12. Get out of my face! 13. I just need to run upstairs and put my face on. 14. The Pentagon's been left with egg on its face. 15. This was a real slap in the face. 16. He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake. 17. She tried to save face by inventing a story about being overseas at t...
depending on the style of the letter. In every type of letter: YOU MUST NOT USE ANY SLANG! aint conna wanna etc. Grammar Formal and semiformal letters: Impersonal style Complex sentence structure Passive Voice Single word verbs Noncolloquial English Formal language Only facts Few adjectives No use of short forms Few pronouns Informal letters: Personal style Short Use of colloquial English Use of idioms and literature expressions Phrasal verbs Pronouns Chatty Wide use of descriptive adjectives Short forms
the Film industry at the period of US stockmarket crashing. The beginning of the 20`s was the time of Blooming and Prosperity, followed with stock market crash and the great depression in 1929. The jobs were lost because of overall industrialization and the usage of conveyering method. People who committed suicide was the highest rate ever. The rich wives of businessmen were trying to sell back their golden accesories, but the gold was no longer taken back, because it had lost its value. Still, all this had no impact on the filming industry. The Last dollars was spent on movies, no matter how poor they were. Even Big movietheatres were built. Ppl escaped the harsh reality by waching movies. The klishee like films helped ppl to stay optimistic. ,,Mickey mouse"- the cartoonfigure who pherhaps represented the rolemodel of the kind of attitude jankees wished to have. Energetic and successful, always optimistic! So, the black perio...
g. name or code of the course, then issue, topic etc) If the matter is urgent, you may write so on the "Subject" line Start and end your email properly (also making sure the other person knows who you are) "you" is spelled with a capital letter only at the beginning of a sentence, NEVER in the middle In official emails do not abbreviate (e.g., "I am" instead of "I'm", "do not" instead of "don't", "cannot" instead of "can't" etc). Also, do not use colloquial expressions such as "fyi" etc. Pay attention to punctuation and spelling use spell check. Specifics beginning a letter If you don't know the name of the recipient: Dear Sir/Madam, To whom it may concern, If you know the name of the recipient: Dear Mr/Ms Jones, If you know the name and it's informal (or you have been writing emails to each other back and forth quite a lot already): Hello! Hello, Mary, Dear Mary, Specifics ending a letter
roast chicken · I have learned I have learnt something something · He had spoiled He had spoilt his paper his paper by spilling coffee. · I smelled the cheery wood I could smell the cherry wood burning. burning. · I heard Carol I could hear Carol approaching approaching Examples of expressions with prepositions and particles American English British English different from/than different from/to live on X street live in X street on a team in a team on the weekend at the weekend Monday trough Friday Monday to Friday be in the hospital be in hospital in the future in future fill out a form in school fill in a form at school get along with sb get on with sb
vagues plus hautes. Une fois le rider ayant pris sa care pour sortir du sillage, celui-ci accélère rapidement vers la vague afin de l'utiliser comme une rampe pour pouvoir réaliser sauts et autres figures aériennes. Par ailleurs, et contrairement au ski nautique, ces bateaux sont équipés d'une coque en "V" qui crée des vagues plus dures et plus prononcées. 5 Comme dans de nombreux sports extrêmes tel que le snowboard ou le skateboard, il y a une série de termes ou expressions spécifiques pour nommer ces figures (par exemple backroll, frontroll, tantrum, elephant, whirlybird, 360, 720, 900, 1080 ...). Ces figures peuvent à la fois être réalisées en heelside ou en toeside quand la figure est débutée respectivement en prise de carre arrière (c'est-à-dire en appui talon, ou face au bateau) ou avant (c'est-à-dire en appui orteils, ou dos au bateau). Il est cependant plus aisé pour le wakeboarder d'effectuer sa figure
Prehistoric Britain · They built forts on hilltops and · When the English Channel was pro-tected them with ditches and formed by meltic ice(around 6000 BC), ramparts. Britain was part of the European land mass. · The earliest inhabitants lived in limestone caves. · About 3000 BC the British Isles were inhabited by a people as known as the Iberians. · Celts and Iberians both lived under · They used stone axes and made the primitive system: there was no antlers and bones into leather-working private property, no classes and tools. exploitation. · Inhabitants put up buildings of · They caught fish, grew wheat and stone and wood, built the fi...
13. Only ............... materials should be taken to a special .................... (mittekorduvkasutatavad, prügila) 14. Traditional family roles were ............ in this family, so that the father found himself looking after the house and the children. (umber pöörama, vastupidiseks muutma) 15. Once the area was known for ............. in spring, now we come across ................ rivers there. (üleujutused, kuivanud) III Make up dialogues/discussions using the following words and expressions a) campaigners for green living appalling problems, reverse, consumption, contamination, depletion of ozone layer, artificial fertilizers, pesticides, recycle, local/regional/global problems, destruction, prediction, depletion, remorseless b) farmers in the Amazon region acid rain, organic farming, poverty, famine, floods, fertile land, fell trees, dry up, clog up, growth of population, disaster, beyond our control, protection, eruption, reduction c) owners of a paper factory in Estonia
things would be different, she would be pretty. Pecola eventually moves back in with her family. One day, as her father returns home and finds Pecola washing dishes, he rapes her. His motives are unclear and confusing, seemingly a combination of both love and hate. After that Pecola discovers that she is pregnant. The entire town of Lorain turns against her, except Claudia and Frieda. In the end Pecola's child is born prematurely and dies. The language was a little hard for me. There was lot of expressions and I got many new words. I think the main message of a book is that people discriminate those who are different and this is wrong. You can't decide who is beautiful and who is ugly. I recommend this book for everyone, because it is really interesting to read. it makes you think, because issues raised in the book are also problems in our every day life Where does Claudia and Frieda live? Why does Pecola think that she is ugly? why does Pecola think blue eyes will change her life?
Summary My maded abstract ,what is talking about communication with children.It is mainly for parents and grandparents. Communication with children include: · The words you speak · Your tone and voice - loud, soft, harsh or whispered · Gestures · How you stand · Your facial expressions Every child notices how her/him parens talks with her/him. Usually child responds just the same. Partens should look their bodylanguage to. If you are cheerful then they can recive te message better than the parent is angry. It is better when you are at the same level, when you talk with child. It's bad when you are over the kid, then she/he might not undrestand you or there can be some problems. Children need some attention to, if not then kids will be low-spirited
The everything TV The article talks about television to change internet based. So you could press one or two buttons to call up your television in any form of video-releated entertainment you desire, which allows you to sit on one's couch. The internet's invasion of the living room marks so called third era of television. The first era arrived in middle of the last century and in 1980s cable televison ushered in the second era by using copper wires bundled into coaxial cables to transmit hundreds more channels into the home. Network TV was financed exclusively by commercials aand cable networks collected a fee per customer per month. In the 1990s engineers worked out way to deliver digital data on top of cable television signals. This meant that cable customers could get broadband internet without additional infrastructure. So the cable companies became corporate giants who distributed television and a...
Neti Habakuk Margit Mölder Forming: infinitive+ ing (I+ing) USING: 1) In some fixed expressions (As well as I+ing.., It is no good I+ing.., It is no use I+ing.., can not bear I+ing.., can not help I+ing.., worth I+ing..) 2) After prepositions (before I+ing.., of I+ing.., for I+ing.., by I+ing.., at I+ing..) 3) After verbs (enjoy, admit, consider, can`t stand/ help/ bear, deny, avoid, mind, suggest, understand) 4) With from and to with some verbs (He prevented her from leaving. Look forward to I+ing.., Get used to I+ing..) Forming: to+ verb I (to+v) USING:
passionate about my list of reasons why ''Twilight'' shouldn't be considered ''th3 bEST book eva written!!!!11'', therefore I admit that, to me, the novel is a victim of bad publicity. At least Stephenie Meyer couldn't complain too much, considering that the all the publicity surrounding the book has brought her an estimated fortune of $125 million. PS! If you were wondering, why I read it for three times, then the third time was only to freshen my memory and put together a list of expressions for the English class. And before I forget: Sandra Silver Tartu Kunstikool
have learned it's value and feel special to be one of the few who can understand it. Secondly, legal language includes some very complex linguistic practices of an ancient profession, so maybe the best way to sound like a professional is to use as much legal vocabulary as possible. There are literally thousands of terms to choose from. No one will doubt that you are a real professional if you use the right expressions. Body 2: That brings us to a fact that regular people have been frustrated with legal language for quite some time since it can sometimes be confusing and unnecessary. There is a smaller chance that your document will be misunderstood when plain language is used. And if your documents give instructions, your client is more likely to understand and follow them correctly. For example, a lease tries to regulate the way a tenant uses a property. That purpose cannot be