KARL SÄRE Karl Säre ( sündis 2. juulil 1903 Tartus , surmaaeg ja koht teadmata ) oli Eesti kommunistliku liikumise tegelane , Nõukogude sõjaväeluure kaastöötaja.1940- 1941 oli ta Eestimaa Kommunistliku Partei Keskkomitee I sekretär.Ta vangistati 1941. aastal Saksa okupatsioonvõimude poolt.Pärast 1943. aastat on tema edasine saatud teadmata. HARIDUS 1921. aastal õppis Karl Säre Leningradis, algul töölisfakulteedis, seejärel Leningradis asuvas Julian Marchlewski nimelises Lääne Vähemusrahvuste Kommunistlikus Ülikoolis, aastatel 1933-1934 Moskva Rahvusvahelises Lenini Koolis. Sai täiendava ettevalmistuse tegevuseks luurajana välismaal. LUURETEGEVUS Karl Säre alustas koostööd OGPU-ga Leningradi õpingute aastatel, 1925. aastal saadeti Hiinasse Nõukogude Liidu saatkonda tööle (on väidetud, et seoses oma luuretööga oli ta sidemeis ka tippagendi Richard Sorgega. 1927. a. vangistati, kuid peagi vabanes. ...
2. Määrata katseliselt õhu kriitiline kiirus, hõljumise kiirus ja pneumotranspordi kiirus antud materjali kasutamisel. 3. Võrrelda katsest saadud tulemusi kirjanduses toodud arvutusvalemite kasutamisel saadud tulemustega. 4. Esitada grafiliselt kihi poorsuse, kõrguse ja takistuse sõltuvused õhu kiirusest aparaadi vabas ristlõikepinnas. 3 KATSESEADME SKEEM (1) – kolonn, (2) – rest, (3) – luuk, (4) – ventilaator, (5) – diafragma, (6,7) – diferentsiaalmanomeetrid, (8) – sagedusmuundur, (9) – ventilaatori mootor, (10) – hüdrotsüklon, (11,12) – diferentsiaalmanomeetrid, (13) – manomeeter, (14) – ventilaator, (15) – diferentsiaalmanomeeter, (16) . manomeeter, (17) siiber. 4 KATSEANDMED JA ARVUTUSED Tabel 1 Tühja resti takistuse määramine Diferentsiaalmanomeetri
As soon as I saw the rest of the group at the airport, I realised that I made a dreadful mistake. I shouldn’t have booked this trip alone. I should have invited a friend with me. Rest of the group standing few hundred meters away from me were punks. I mean literally punk people with their weird hairstyles and entirely dressed in black. They seemed so terryfing to me. Few of them noticed me standing here and they gave me smirky smiles. That scared me even more. How the hell am I supposed to enjoy this trip with these guys? I started walking slowly towards them, thinking that maybe I should turn around and not go to this trip. But I payed so
VASSILI KANDINSKY (1866-1944) Vassili Kandinsky sündis 4.detsembril 1866.a. Moskvas. Ta ema oli moskvalane, üks vaaremadest aga Mongoolia printsess, isa oli pärit Hiina piiri äärest Siberist. Nii kasvas poiss kahe erineva kultuuri, Euroopa ja Aasia kultuuri keskel üles. 1871.a. kolis pere Odessasse, kus isa juhatas teevabrikut. Kümnendast eluaastast alates õppis Kandinsky eraõpetajate käe all joonistamist, tsello- ja klaverimängu. 1886.a. sõitis Kandinsky Moskvasse, kus õppis Moskva Ülikoolis juurat. Ülikooli lõpetamise järel abiellus ja töötas Ülikoolis juuraosakonna dotsendina. Kunstnikuks hakata otsustas Kandinsky üsna hilises eas. 1895.a. toimus Moskvas impressionistide näitus, kus Kandinsky avastas enda jaoks maalikunsti. Ta lõpetas tegevuse juristina ja sõitis Münchenisse kunsti õppima. Peagi avas ise kunstikooli, kus töötas õpetajana. Elas ja töötas põhiliselt Münchenis, osales mitme rühmituse töös. 1911.a. lahutas oma abielu ja...
EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut XXX Eesti maastikurajooni ülevaade KÕRVEMAA Iseseisev töö õppeaines ,,Eesti loodusgeograafia" XXX Juhendaja: XXX Tartu XXX SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................ 3 1.MAASTIKURAJOONI (MR) LOODUSGEOGRAAFILINE ÜLEVAADE MR-I LOODUSLIKEST TINGIMUSTEST JA ERIPÄRAST.........................................................4 1.1 Kõrvemaa asend............................................................................................ 4 1.2 Kõrvemaa maastiku eripära (geoloogilised iseärasused)...............................5 1.3 Reljeef e pinnamood...............................................................................
Rangifer tarandus REFERAAT 2 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS 3 I PÕHJAPÕDER (Rangifer tarandus) 4 II PÕHJAPÕDER KOOLASAAMIDE MÜTOLOOGIAS 9 III PÕHJAPÕDER NEENETSITE MAAILMAPILDIS 15 KOKKUVÕTE 19 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 20 LISAD Lisa 1 21 Lisa 2 22 Lisa 3 23 Lisa 4 24 Lisa 5 25 3 SISSEJUHATUS Ta on päike. Tema tee on päikese teekond. Ta on lumivalge, kuldsete sarvedega. Meandash on Koola ja elu algus. Ta on karjamaade algus. Ta lendab maakera seest; ta lendab maa ühest äärest (Imandra kandist) teise. Ta lippab ühest maakohas...
Say, hey! Hear the sound of the falling rain Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!) The shame The ones who died without a name Hear the dogs howling out of key To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!) And bleed, the company lost the war today I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives On holiday Hear the drum pounding out of time Another protester has crossed the line (Hey!) To find, the money's on the other side Can I get another Amen? (Amen!) There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (Hey!) A gag, a plastic bag on a monument I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies This is the dawning of the rest of our lives On holiday (Hey!) (Say, hey!) (3,4) "The representative from California has the floor" Sieg Heil to the
nt /bookstore/book[price>35.00]
o Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
o XML-põhine keel XML dokumentide mingisse teise formaati teisendamiseks.
o Kirjeldab reeglid, millega source tree transformeeritakse result treeks.
o Lähtepuust päritakse andmed kasutades XPATH-i.
o Kasutatakse andmete konverteerimiseks eri XML schema-de vahel.
death. For example, of course many people are drinking a lot too. By my side, I think drinking is not so bad, but you need to border mind. Young people consume too much alcohol what is very bad to their healt. However, very important thing is doing sports. Sport helps to be in the form. Thanks to sport activities we can move and this is very important to your body. You should be an active. Finally, we need to rest a lot and sleep. Sleeping helps our body to rest. If we do not sleep, then our body is very tied. When we are rested, then we are more entertaining and friendly. All in all, our life is in our hands. When we do sport, eat healthy, rest, do not smoke and drink in moderation and have good environment, then we live longer.
The school year should last from 1st September to 22 June There is no doubt that the school has a big role in our lives. It teatches us how to cope with our life. But what are the pros and cons, if the school would last longer? Firstly, if the government wants to shorten our summer break, then we would not have enough time to rest or visit our relatives. And when the school starts again in the autumn, then many of us would have no motivation to learn. And because of that, our grades starts to deteriorate. Sometimes the school may be very stressful too and then the summer holiday is very good time to rest and deal with other things. Especially when you do not live at home, during the school and then the summer is the only time you can enjoy being home. But if the summer break is so little,
lucky. But in war there is always injuries, even if we can`t see them. This essay will touch upon soldiers who go through death of friends, companions and even enemies which will leave a big hole in their souls, also soldiers who have died in war and have left behind families and in some cases kids who have to grow up with one parent. Not to mention the wounded ones, who will suffer from the actions of the war for the rest of their lives. Firstly, soldiers who go through death of friends, companions and enemies have a big hole in their souls. Seeing death isn`t something you can just forget, it becomes a memory that he doesn`t want to remember. Some soldiers do not have strong nervous system and they can go crazy, some of them can go even a bedlam. If the soldier has been in the war but haven't had any visible injuries it doesn`t mean that he isn´t wounded. We can never know what he saw and how did it
pp pages PM Prime Minister PS Postscript, post scriptum / at the end of the letter yr - year Xmas Christmas vs versus Sq Square Str Strait St Saint the UK the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland IBM International Business Machines VIP very important person EEC European Community (the common market) VAT Value added tax MSc Master of Science BA Bachelor of Arts GB Great Britain W - west E east etc et cetera, and so on, and the rest, and other similar things NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation PR Public Relations sgd signed tel telephone RSVP Repondez sil vous plait UNICEF United Nations Children's ( formely International Children's Emergency) Fund VCR Video Cassette Recorder viz (loetakse '' namely'' ): that ist o say, in other words wpm words per minute YHA Youth Hostels Association xxx- lots of kisses R.I.P. Rest in Peace
Physical fitness benefits both physical and mental health. It helps the body to withstand stresses that otherwise could cause physical and emotional problems. Daily exercise provides greatest benefits, and so it is important to choose exercises that can be performed every day. Such popular activities are bicycling, jogging, swimming and even taking long walks. Rest and sleep help overcome fatigue and restore energy to the body. Everyone needs rest and health, but the amount required differs from each individual. Rest and relaxation are as important as sleep. After hard work or exercise, a person may need a period of total rest. At other times, only relaxation or a change of pace is necessary. Any activity that differs from the normal routine of work or study can be relaxing. Handling stress is essential for avoiding both mental and physical illness. Feelings of stress are the body's response to any threatening or unfamiliar situation
Working at home and in the office When people talk about working in the office, they usually consider the office work the most boring work ever. People have to sit still for long hours and work until theirand heads start to ache. They can only have a short lunch break and no more free time is allowed. When people work in the office, they have to give their fullest and slacking off is unapproved. In comparison, working at home seems to have many benefits. People who work at home can personally choose their working hours according to their own lifestyle and take as many breaks as they feel necessary. A good rest and a comfortable atmosphere can easily raise the quality of the work that people are doing. However, when people work at home, they might find it hard to focus and they can easily lost their motivation when they don't have a boss breathing down their necks and a clock that is ticking time and never giving them any rest. Working a...
1. The most popular winter festival in Estonia is the same holiday, what is celebrated also in the rest of the world it´s Christmas and Christmas concerts in churches. 2. I think, Estonians do the same, what other people do in other countries. Estonians make the food on the Christmas table and eat it, go to church and listen to christmas concert and in the evening they exchange gifts to each other and spend rest of the evening with their most important people. 3. Estonians have simple and very traditional food : potatoes, sauce, black pudding, roast pork and also sober cabbage is a traditional food. 4. My favorite winter sports is skiing. I prefer it to others, because the other winter sports don´t attract me. I think this is the most classic and most spread winter sports. 5. I usually spend my winter holidays at home. I spend them with resting from school and also making sports
Dear Paul I was sorry to hear about your problem. The exams are very important and difficult but I think I can help you. The first thing you have to do is tell your parents. They can help you get back on track with your studies. It's easier if you share your problems with others. Remember, a trouble shared is a trouble halved. You won't have to lie to them anymore and they will encourage you so you won't be so worried about the exams. When you have told your parents about your results you really should stop worrying so much. This is your main problem. The more you say to yourself you can't do it the less are youre chances of passing. Even geniuses can't get a good score if they worriy so much. If I were you I would go into the nature and relax for a while. Rest for some time and when you feel ready and calm you should start revising. Figure out what went wrong and learn as much as you can. Try to explain yourself what you did in ...
The Holiday Habits of Estonians The aim of the report is to show estonians holiday habits. It is based on the survey where people had to speak about their holiday habits. The interviews revealed that estonians do not like to rest and relax a lot in Estonia. The majority of young people like to go travelling with their parents to some famous and interesting places. It was found that younger people do not want to go to sunny places, they just want to have interesting time. According to the survey younger people do not have same habits as older people. On the other hand some people just want to go to sunny places and be there for a long time. The older people
XSL stands for EXtensible Stylesheet Language, and is a style sheet language for XML documents. XSLT stands for XSL Transformations. In this tutorial you will learn how to use XSLT to transform XML documents into other formats, like XHTML. o Ülesanne XSLT is a language for transforming XML documents into XHTML documents or to other XML documents. o Süntaks – W3S REST REST is an architecture style for designing networked applications. The idea is that, rather than using complex mechanisms such as CORBA, RPC or SOAP to connect between machines, simple HTTP is used to make calls between machines In computing, representational state transfer (REST) is the software architectural style of the World Wide Web. o Põhimõtted – igal teenusel on oma URL. IGALE TEENUSELE OMA URI REST (querying a phonebook) Hea näide: – http://www.acme
Summer holidays are too long Summer holidays are important. Children need enough time to rest from school hard work. They have to have time to do all the things they like. Children aren't the only ones who need all this, teachers need it too. Children need long holidays. In summer they can go on vacation with their families and visit all the interesting places. Some kids like water parks and amusement parks, some are interested in museums. They can also visit relatives. Every child wants to play and spend time with friends outside of school, also develop their hobbies
Topic Health Introduction Good health is very important for us. We should do everything we can to stay healthy. Being in good health means having our body and mind in good working order, free from disease and pain. Ways of keeping health There are many ways for keeping health. To stay healthy we should eat right foot, dress comfortably, spend much time in fresh air, have enough rest, keep ourselves clean and have regular checkups with the doctor and the dentist. A big part of prevention of diseseases is sporting. Poeple need to have phsical exercise. If they can not have it, they will get stressed and they will be infected with dieseases much easier. For example it would be good to run every day for some time. That way one probably will not become fat, he or she will get fresh air and rest from daily problems. There are many other health-sports also
My weekend I think that the weekend is best part of the week. I could even say, that i love weekends. I can rest a lot and also sleep long in the mornings. Also then i don´t have to go to the school, which is also good. Usually my weekend goes like this : On Friday, about 2 olock I always go to home. This is the time when the bus will leave to Hiiumaa. At 5 o´clock I´m at home. After that I eat and talk a little with my parents and sister. I think that about at 8 o´clock I hang outside with my friends. We are usually just walking and talking about our weekends
His interests in art, science and industry spurred him to organize the Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851, a highly profitable industrial convention. [6] Her marriage to Prince Albert brought nine children between 1840 and 1857. Most of her children married into other Royal families of Europe. [7] On December 14th 1861 Albert died from typhoid fever at Windsor Castle. Victoria remained in self-imposed seclusion for ten years. This genuine, but obsessive mourning kept her occupied for the rest of her life and played an important role in the evolution of what would become the Victorian mentality. [6] She had lost a devoted husband and her principal trusted adviser in affairs of state. For the rest of her reign she wore black. Widowhood Until the late 1860s she rarely appeared in public; although she never neglected her official Correspondence, and continued to give audiences to her ministers and official visitors, she was reluctant to resume a full public life. [7]
1763 and thousands of British immigrants began to join the French who remained in Canada. Canada gained its independence from Britain in 1931. Position/area Canada is the second largest country in the world. Canada extends across the continent of North America, from Newfoundland to British Columbia. Over 5000 km of border separate Canada and the United States. Climate/Land The northern part of Canada has very long, cold winters. Over most of the rest of Canada the winter are longer and colder than in the United States. Only in the southern part and on the west coast is the climate as mild as in the western part of the United States. Towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes and green forests make Canada's far west a beautiful region. Fields of wheat and other grains cover Canada's vast prairies. Much of Canada is covered with forests. Western forests produce much timber. Much of Canada's soil is thin and rather poor
get overweight. Being overweight can have great effects on your health. It can increase risk of developing many health conditions. Such as gallbladder disease, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), stroke and even cancer. So if you don't want to be at risk for any of these diseases it is advised you get regular exercise and eat accordingly. Another great way to lead a healthy lifestyle is to get enough rest. As students, we must go to sleep early. This is to prevent us from being tired the next day. Therefore, we can give full concentration when our teachers are teaching us in class. A study shows that we must have atleast 8 hours of sleep. If we often stay up at night, it means that we are not leading a healthy lifestyle all the time. In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle mainly consists of getting regular exercise, eating healthy and getting enough rest.
Hoffa Indoor Training Cycle II Jan 29th Bench Press 5x3, up to 405lbs, Rhythmic Step- Step-ups 3x6, Stair circuit (x5) Jan 30th Back Squat 5x3 up to 405lbs, walking twists 4x25m, 5x100m build- build-ups after lifting, throwing workout Jan 31st Loosen up, agility circuit (same as previous cycle) Feb 1st Travel to New York Feb 2nd Millrose Games Feb 3rd Travel to Athens Feb 4th REST Feb 5th Bench Press 5x3 up to 405lbs, Rhythmic step- step-ups 3x5 (good intensity), 5x20m sprints Feb 6th Explosive Back Squat x3x3x3x2x2, up to 500lbs if feeling okay, Push Push Jerk (light & fast), 4x3 up to 110kg, Throwing workout Feb 7th Travel to Ostrava Feb 8th loosen up & agility circuit Feb 9th do something explosive this day, either lifting, throwing , or sprinting
he`s just an ordinary grownup, you`ll understand some day · try not to whine about school. you have to go there so it`s easy if you don`t have unwanted emotions · dealing with your homework is too hard? nakaa, if you study right after school. go home , have some snack and GO STUDYING! belive me, it`s more easier. besides you have free evening. you can watch TV and rest! · be polite to all people around you! noone has allowed you to depreciate others. and i can assure you you`ll be treated like that too. · hobbys are fun , but don`t be too active ! :) one day you may get tired and that`s bad because school doesn`t stop and rest with you. · basicly , * work hard , * play hard * ignore rule number one ! okey , that was a joke ! nowadays you have to work pretty hard but that doesn`t disdurbe you for being happy !
devices than in studying. · Sundial · Educated at The King's School, Grantham. · In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge As a students, we know him because.. · He was the first person who invent the 3 laws of motion · Theory of gravitation · Newtonian fluid, nonNewtonian fluid · Newton's theory of color · He invented the early telescope in 1671 Newtons laws in latin Newton's First Law · An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Newton's First Law · Newton's First Law is a reason why we have to wear seatbelt http://teachertech.rice.edu/Participants/louviere/ Newton/carandwall.gif Newton's Second Law · Force equals mass times acceleration. F = ma Newton's Second Law · Something very massive (high mass) that's changing speed very slowly
30,0 13,6 1,8 0,7904 35,0 18,2 2,4 0,9584 40,0 24,4 2,8 1,1397 45,1 30,8 3,6 1,3000 50,0 36,4 4 1,4424 55,1 43,4 4,4 1,6568 60,1 52,8 4,8 2,0760 65,4 117,0 5 16,5820 70,1 126,0 5,6 21,3271 Materjaliga rest Materjali tihedus: 640 takistus, Kihi manomeetri õhu kiirus, delta p, Kihi kõrgus h, poorsus, sagedus näit, mmH2O m/s mmH2O m 0 0 0,0054 0 0,035 0,4 5,1 0,2 0,0210 0,6 0,035 0,4
* Those who don't make decisions never make mistakes. * Violence is not the answer, however it is a pretty good guess. * Violence is not the answer: Violence is the question; 'YES!' is the answer! * Violence is the solution to every problem; if it's not solving the problem, you're not using enough of it. * When you meet a stranger, give him a smile. It may be the only sunshine he sees all day. * When you find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with,you want the rest of your life to begin as soon as possible. * Why be difficult when you can be impossible? * Winners never quit, and quitters never win. * Women can fake orgasms, men can fake the whole relationships. * Zero is like the number one, but one less. * Don't take life too seriously: it isn't permanent * It's not the fall that kills you -- it's the sudden stop at the end. * Stop the World I Want to Get Off. * You can get more with a smile and a gun than you can with just a smile.
Holiday time My holiday began from a class trip to Tartu. There we visited the Estonian National Defence College. Afterwards, I took a bus ride to Tallinn, where I spent the rest of my holiday. Due to my brother moving house, I had to help him out with that. The majority of the work involved stacking firewood from one shed to another, whilst sorting it out to dried and raw. During free time, we went shopping into different shopping centres. I left Tallinn on Saturday, so I would have a day to prepare for school.
1. The Jacobean masque Elizabethan one nation culture, now cultural polarisation between the new courtly culture and the rest of the country. Court in cultural isolation. Ben Jonson. King and courtiers were close to universally recognised ideal types (conflict with the reality). Mysticism. Emergence of perspective view, stage machinery, artificial light, revolution. The stage cast the monarch in the focal point (the lines of perspective of the stage met there. Inigo Jones. Masque an educative vehicle, towards classical antiquity and architecture. Tide towards absolute monarchy
narco process, where other amidst is guiltcouch also Estona electorate. Estonia When recently second progresive in court conculusion Finland hockey star Jere Karalaht and connate 2006.year act narco gang above in that case they couple hundred kg amfetamiini record is already over beaten. Accusal according to cart 25-member gang, where noted also eight Estonia electorate. In the court fore accompanied gang belongs too two Spaniard rest are Finn. Finn over in spite of were also Estonian. Explorotory group assay gang set to pull Estonia. Estonia move also assemblage gang money by Estonia.
My favourite hobby- running Kuressaare Gümnaasium Eliis Mets 10B My favourite hobby-running · Why?- Gives a good feeling, it puts my mind at rest, I can think my own thoughts · How often?- As much as I can, I try to run at least 2 times a week · What it gives to me?- It helps me to be healthy, incredible feeling, a smile on my face My favourite hobby- running · Few years ago I hated running · For running you need you to have running clothes · Much better sleep, less problems My favourite hobby- running · Running is the best cardio for your body · When you start running, then you
tihedus1 644 tihedus 2 1,1839 õhu tihedus 25 C juures õhu dün. viskoossus 0,000018616 25 C juures, võetud vikipeediast g 9,81 Ar 53002,864146 Re kr 20,371874153 hõljuva poorsus 0,3780689277 ? Re kk 334,53729088 kui e = 1 kui e = 1,949 3,888 kk kiirus 3,8965667189 Mured: poorsus=keeva kihi maht-tahkete osakeste maht/keevakihi maht tühi rest Keevkihikoonni diafragma: y=0,0054+0,0785x-0,0018x^2+0,00002^3 R^2=0,9998, Resti takistus, x - mmH2O, Manomeetri delta P, y-õhukiirus, sagedus näit, mmH2O mmH2O Õhu kiirus m/s 0,0 0,0 1,2 0,0054 5,2 0,8 1,6 0,0671 10,0 3,6 2 0,2656 15,1 7,6 2,4 0,5068
want* understand Created by Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 weigh* Write about your past week Example: Last week I was very busy and had to do a number of things. I was even so busy that they called me three times each morning while I was having breakfast, and five times when I was trying to park my car. I had barely reached my office when I got another phone call. And so it continued for the rest of the week. By Friday morning I had been receiving hundreds of phone calls in the most inconvenient situations and at the most uncomfortable times. Thus, on Friday evening when I was driving home I gave a thought of the past working week, I had never had such a crazy week before. Created by Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 Write about your past week Example: Last week I was very busy and had to do a number of things. I was even so busy that they called
3 March 2012 Dear Jane, How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while. I am writing to tell you about my recent health problem I had food poisoning. I got it when I visited Mexico. I ate something that probably caused it. I am not really sure what it was. I had to drink plenty of fluids and rest a lot. I was down with that poisioning for two days. On the third day I could finally turn back to my normal life and start eating again. That poisoning was very terrible. I felt extremely bad and mostly I was sad about ruining my vacation. For at least two days I couldn't enjoy Mexico. That is all for now. Let me know if your health is okay. I hope I'll hear from you soon. Love, Mari
King James Bible By Joosep Tiismus Authorized king james version The title page to the 1611 first edition of the Authorized Version Bible by Cornelius Boel shows the Apostles Peter and Paul seated centrally above the central text, which is flanked by Moses and Aaron. In the four corners sit Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, authors of the four gospels, with their symbolic animals. The rest of the Apostles (with Judas facing away) stand around Peter and Paul. At the very top is the Tetragrammaton "". William Tyndale translated the New Testament into English in 1525. Archbishop Richard Bancroft was the "chief overseer" of the production of the Authorized Version. Criticism http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ Sources: http://www.kingjamesbible.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorized_King_James_Version http://www.kingjamesbibleonline
My future family I hope that I'm going to live in detached house with my family. I'd like to have many children, because I grew up in big family. I think it's everybody's dream to have a nice house with a dog, who protects your home, and a loving husband and children. Well, it's mine too. I want my house to look like mansion, just not so big. We should have a cottage too, where we can rest at summers. But at one thing I'm sure. I want to have a job. I don't want to stay at home. Of course I'm going to be at home when my kinds are young, but after that I want to have a job. My dream is to own my own restaurant. If that all happens some day, I'll be very happy wife, mother, co-worker, friend and so on. I hope this will come true. Meelike Loit K109
Always people have been interested about different cultures and I think, it's normal and good because it shows people want to know new things, improve their skills and widen their horizon. I chose this topic because I mostly agree with this. First either way is Estonian culture a mix of different cultures. Different countries like Germany and Russia have influenced our cultur e. For example Seto people have polyphonic folk music because of Russia, rest of Estonia don't have it. Secondly I think nowadays it's normal that people take over some things in different cultures because we have globalization. For example people increasingly celebrate Halloween in Estonia. I believe because of things like that people say that British-American traditions are destroying. Finally I believe that British-American traditions are destroying when we let them to destroy our culture
▶ Plant: Maple tree ▶ Animal: Beaver and Canadian horse Geography ▶ Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia ▶ Between the North Pacific Ocean to the west and the North Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Arctic Ocean to the north Interesting facts ▶ Canada is home to the longest street in the world ▶ Canada has twice been invaded by the USA, first in 1775 and again in 1812 ▶ Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world’s lakes combined ▶ Licence plates in the Canadian Norhtwest Territories are shaped like polar bears
Obligation- You should switch off the light when you leave the room. Would The word would is used for unreal or imagined situations: 'I would love to visit New York.' Wish, request (more polite than will)- Would you shut the door, please? Habits in the past- Sometimes he would bring me some flowers. Must/may/can/need/might/could He had been working for more than 11 hours. He ....be tired after such hard work. He .... prefer to get some rest. I .....speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. Now, I .....just say a few things in the language. The teacher said we..... read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we .....read it if we don't want to. ..... you stand on your head for more than a minute? If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you .....to work hard. Take an umbrella. It ..... rain later. Drivers ..... stop when the traffic lights are red. ..... I ask a question? Yes, of course
because Jake is Sam's second-in-command. This is news to Bella. To distract her, Edward talks about the discoveries he's made while listening to the pack mind last night. For one thing, one of the wolves isn't a Quileute boy at all -- it's Leah Clearwater. Bella reflects how painful it must be for her and Sam to be in such intimate mental contact. Edward unsympathetically replies that Leah is making life as difficult as she can for the rest of them. But Bella persists: if Edward is going into danger, she refuses to be left behind. She considers asking him to stay safely with her instead. Her better part is appalled by her own selfishness, but her instincts for self-protection are stronger. Ignoring her guilt, she tells Edward the one thing she knows will keep him at her side: if he leaves her alone worrying about his safety, it will overset her mental balance again, as it did when he left her last autumn.
with your child for the first time? At the beginning of the first year as it is possible to correct the child´s eyesight. What glasses should you choose for your child? For children: a frame could be closer to the face, a frame could be at a smaller angle than glasses for adults, a frame should rest on both ears and nose equally. Flexible glasses for younger children are a great opportunity to get used to them. Plastic frames or metal frames? Plastic frames are lighter and more comfortable. Plastic frames are cheaper. Metal frames have special nose pads. It is important for glasses to be durable. Every child wants to look like smart and cool. If a child wears
m- metre, mile EC- Europien W- west tel- telefone xxx- lots of kisses at community the end of the letter BC- Before Christe f-female AD- Anno Domini PM- Prime Minister Str- strait pp- pages FBI- Federal E- east UNICEF- United MP- member of Bureau of National Children´s parlament, military Investigatio Fund police Sq- Square Kph- kilometre per PS- post skript St- saint, street VAT- value added tax hour Etc- et cetera, and the VCR- video casset the USA- the United am- before noon, aute yr- year rest, and so on ...
Estonian National Emblems and Symbols There are several important emblems and symbols of Estonia of which many are also known for the rest of the world. Estonian national emblems are the blue- black-and-white national flag, the national anthem and the coat of arms. The symbols are national flower (the cornflower), national bird (the barn swallow) and national stone (limestone). Estonian flag was originally the flag of the Estonian Students' Society which was consecrated in 1884. During Soviet rule, the flag was prohibited and it was first used again in Tartu in 1988.
books. But what do young people think about libraries today? Millions of people around the world enjoy reading and in my opinion it will continue. I am convinced that we will always need in a library. Since childhood people learn to read, have fun and play, study and do homework at libraries. There are so many very great books, and every year their number increases. May be someday people will even start building libraries on the water. Then we could not only read books but also rest and travel. On the other hand libraries could be built for example as hotel. Surely this library will be very popular. May be people would live there until you read the book through. Accordingly you will not have to carry books here and there and it is one more reason to think about building this library. In conclusion, I personally believe that books will become more popular and there is a place for libraries in future. Because world with libraries is much better and exciting.
showing your face in some commercial. Also it seems like all the doors in the world are opened for you. You have so many different opportunities thanks to that and your life is never dull. And lastly everybody loves to have admirers. But where are the admirers, there is always a lot of criticism coming your way. You have to be really solid as a rock to cope with that. Also you have to have a lot of energy as your daily schedule is usually very busy and you can not rest when ever you want. And what comes to the fans, then there are always some of those who cross the line and become quite annoying. All in all it seems that being famous is a big advantage when you have some special quality. Otherwise I suggest not becoming famous, it will not be good for your health.
every year. Most of the holidays are spent with relatives or abroad. The man In the family works in the office of a company and earns 3000kr a week. He goes to work by car and starts at 8.30 in the morning. He likes his job and hopes to get promotion. Women work in service industry and go there by car. They sometimes earn more than men and they quite like their job. The children of a typical Estonian family go to nearby state school by bus. The classes start at 8.00 and end 15.30 and rest in the summer for 8 weeks In their spare time Estonian watch Television. Other popular activities are listening to the music, visiting friends, going to the cinema and playing computer games. Athletics Is popular in Estonia.
Dear John, Thank you for your letter. It was very interesting to get to know more about British Christmas and the traditions related to it, but now I would like to write about how we celebrate Christmas in Estonia. Usually we start to prepare for Christmas four weeks before it, by putting out advent candles. Each week we light one, till by Christmas it's four of those. On Christmas Eve we usually go to cemetery, where we light candles and also go to church to hear Christmas service and where well known Christmas songs are sung. After that we go home, to eat traditionally sauerkraut with potatoes and blood sausage and also roast pork or brawn. Earlier we have baked and decorated gingerbreads. Then soon Santa Claus comes with a bag full of presents. We all have to read poems or sing songs to get a present. Usually by that time it is very late already and we go to sleep to rest. On next day we visit our relatives an...
•Tingling, pins and needles sensations •Muscle weakness in the affected area •Frequent feeling that a foot or hand has "fallen asleep" https://medium.com/words-for-life/5-absurdly-easy-tasks-that-are-death-with-lower-back-pain Additional risk factors •Sex •Bone spurs •Thyroid disease • Diabetes • Overuse • Pregnancy • Prolonged bed rest How to avoid •Maintain good posture •Incorporate strength and flexibility exercises •Limit repetitive activities and take frequent breaks •Maintain a healthy weight https://squashskills.com/blog/-/types-of-stretching-flexibility-training-for-sq References •https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pinched-nerve/symptoms-cause s/syc-20354746 •Sisto S.A., Druin E. Sliwinski M.M. Spinal Cord Injuries: Management and