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"visual" - 292 õppematerjali

visual -] 27.11.2015 9. Sequence Diagram showing the transactions for the activity Account Holder Authentication (joonis). [] 27.11.2015 10. UML 2 Sequence Diagrams: An Agile Introduction, 2014 [] 27.11.2015.

Kasutaja: Visual

Faile: 1

Visual Basic

Taolisi keeli on palju, kuid enamiku ülesehitus ja käsutamise põhimõtted on analoogilised. Kasutamisvaldkonna järgi jagatakse keeled kahte rühma: universaalsed ehk üldkeeled ja spetsialiseeritud keeled. Üldisi programmeerimiskeeli käsutatakse suvaliste rakendus- ja süsteemi-programmide loomiseks, mis töötavad autonoomselt või koos teiste programmidega. Praegusel ajal on levinud järgmised üldised programmeerimiskeeled C, ++, Visual ++, Visual Basic, Java, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol. Spetsialiseeritud keel on tavaliselt otseselt seotud kindla rakendusprogrammiga või -süsteemiga ning selle keele abil saab luua ja käsutada tarkvara ainult antud süsteemi jaoks. Enamiku nüüdisaegsete rakendusprogrammide juurde kuuluvad arendusvahendid, milles käsutatakse ühte või mitut spetsialiseeritud keelt. Programmeerimiskeeled on formaalsed keeled, mis on ette nähtud arvutiprogrammide koostamiseks

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
60 allalaadimist

Visual Basic - projekt


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
25 allalaadimist

Visual Basicu keelereeglid

VISUAL BASICU KEELEREEGLID Suur- ja väiketähed on samaväärsed. Üldiselt üks rida ­ üks käsk (lause, korraldus) tühik+allkriips (_) lause jätkamine järgmises reas Kommentaarid peale apostroofi (') Muutujate deklareerimine: Dim/Private/Public/Global/Static Nimi [As andmetüüp] Andmetüübid: täisarv Integer komakohtadega arv Single,Double aeg (kuupäev, kellaaeg) Date tekst String loogikaväärtus (jah/ei) Boolean Avaldised muutuja = avaldis Tehted +-/* Mod (jääk) & (tekstide sidurdamine) Võrdlustehted = > < >= <= <> Tingimustes loogikatehted And Or Not Kontrollifunktsioonid IsNumeric, IsDate Teisendusfunktsioonid CInt, CDbl, CStr, CDate Ajafunktsioonid Now, Date, Time, Day, Year, Month, Hour, Minute, Second, Weekday, DateSerial, TimeSerial Tekstifunk...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
7 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise algkursuse eksam

17:40 17:30 18:10 18:30 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 Kujundada vorm Visual Basicus, millel on näha mõlemad sõiduplaanid, virtuaalne kell ning järgmiste busside väljumisajad mõlemasse sihtkohta. Virtuaalne aeg programmi alustamisel on 7:00, virtuaalne aeg kulgeb kiirusega 1 reaalne sekund = 1 virtuaalminut ning seda kiirust võib suurendada kuni kümnekordseks. Virtuaalne kell peatub kell kümme õhtul. Vormi näide: Veel 20 punkti (ehk hinde 5 ,,suurepärane") saamiseks tuleb lisada mõlema linna järgmise

Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
73 allalaadimist

Banner visual basicus -Programeerimise alused


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
37 allalaadimist

Visual Basic - projekt kodutöö 3


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
39 allalaadimist

Visual Basic - projekt kodutöö 4


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
34 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika ja VBA

protsessi mõneti automatiseerida: · Upper-CASE- kasutatakse tarkvara loomisprotsessi esimeste etappide juures kasutajanõudmiste kirjapanemise ja disainimise hõlbustamiseks. · Lower-CASE-tööriistad, mis võimaldavad hilisemates etappides aidata programmide kirjutamist, testimist ja vigadeotsimist. VBA Antud moodulis käsitletakse sissejuhatust programmeerimisse rakenduste arendussüsteemi Visual Basic (VBA - Visual Basic for Application) baasil Exceli keskkonnas. Siin tutvustatakse programmeerimise ja Visual Basicu' põhivõimalusi. Tahaks rõhutada, et käsitlus ei ole orienteeritud Exceli programmeerimisele vaid tegemist on programmeerimisega Excelis. Samal ajal omandatakse ka peamised võimalused VBA-toega rakenduste loomiseks Excelis ja teatud määral ka teistes nn dokumendipõhistes rakendustes. Ka ei ole põhieesmärgiks VBA, kui programmeerimiskeele õppimine, vaid programmeerimise

Informaatika → Arvutiteenindus
46 allalaadimist

Kell visual basicus -Programeerimise alused


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
37 allalaadimist

Radiaator visual basicus -Programeerimise alused


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
62 allalaadimist

Programm MS exelis visual basicuga

Kilobaidid Megabaidid Tulemus 38912 = 38 Õige 2048 = 2 Õige 29696 = 29 Õige 23552 = 23 Õige 14336 = 14 Õige 31744 = 31 Õige 32768 = 32 Õige Õigeid: 7 Hinne: 5 Megabaidid Gigabaidid Tulemus 13312 = 13 Õige 13312 = 13 Õige 41984 = 41 Õige 41984 = 41 Õige 29696 = 29 Õige 50176 = 49 Õige 46080 = 45 Õige Õigeid: 7 Hinne: 5

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
8 allalaadimist

Visual basic kodutöö lipud IDK1011


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
28 allalaadimist

Visual Basicu kodutöö - ajad, stopper, taimer


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
62 allalaadimist

Andmebaasipõhiste veebirakenduste arendamine Microsoft Visual Studio ja SQL Server’i baasil

Andmebaasipõhiste veebirakenduste arendamine Microsoft Visual Studio ja SQL Server'i baasil C# Tallinn 2011 C# Mõnigi võib ohata, et jälle üks uus programmeerimiskeel siia ilma välja mõeldud. Teine jälle rõõmustab, et midagi uut ja huvitavat sünnib. Kolmas aga hakkas äsja veebilahendusi kirjutama ja sai mõnegi ilusa näite lihtsasti kokku. Oma soovide arvutile selgemaks tegemise juures läheb varsti vaja teada, "mis karul kõhus on", et oleks võimalik täpsemalt öelda, mida

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
42 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise algkursus - 3. kodutöö


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
11 allalaadimist


arvutidvõiperifeeriaseadmedomavahelsuhelda. Sinihambapõhieesmärgiks on andmeedastustejajuhtmeühendusteasendamine. EsimeseosasinihambatraaditatehnoloogiasttöötasväljaHollandi professor JaapHaartsenjarootslane Sven Mattisson. Algseltoli see mõeldudfirmale Ericsson. Teisedosadtöötasidväljapeamiseltfirmad Nokia jaIntel.Bluetoothkasutabloavabaraadiosagedusalavahemikus2400–2485 MHz javõimaldabüheseadmegaühendadakamituseadetkorraga. DVI (lühendingliskeelsestfraasist Digital Visual Interface, digitaalvideoliides) on 1999. aastalloodudkõrgekvaliteedigapildiedastamiseksmõeldud standard. DVI töötativälja Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) konsortsiumipoolt, et väljavahetadavananenudanaloogsignaalidega VGApistikühendust[1]. DVI disainitiedastamaksdigitaalsignaalipakkimatakujulkuvani. Ta on osaliseltühilduv HDMI standardigadigitaalrežiimisningtagasiühilduv VGA-gaanaloogrežiimis. DVI standarditkasutataksepõhiliseltvideokaartidel, kuvaritel,

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
5 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise algkursus - 4. kodutöö


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
16 allalaadimist

Visaul Image

The Visual Image Person on the picture A is not important to the visual image, as well he should be able to play music. The model on picture B is definitely a visual image so important because it relates to his work. An artist in picture C visual image is not important for him,as the ability to draw or paint. Cook in picture D is not visual image important as well he should be able to make food. The official in picture E is visual image important because he must be creadible that he could give advise. It is hard to say which job is the most difficult to do well. I do not judge people on how they look, because the first impression may be wrong decision. In my opinion I think the fashion and art is influenced people's perception of beauty and ability, because people have been accompanied by the current fashion and it will become more beautiful by following it

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

05144023 Compare and contrast the `direct` perception theory of Gibson with the `constructivist` perception theory of Gregory. Which provides a better account of human perception? Sensation involves physical stimulation of the sense organs, while perception is the organisation and interpretation of incoming sensory information. The Gestalt theorists first identified many of the principles that dominate in human visual perception. As Dowell (1995) has observed: "To perceive seems effortless. To understand perception is nevertheless a great challenge" (cited in Gross, 2005, pp 244). This essay will look at Gregory's theory and Gibson's theory of visual perception whether one or the other offers a better explanation of human visual perception. According to top-down perceptual processing theorists, perception is the end result of an

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise algkursus - 2. kodutöö


Informaatika → Programmeerimise algkursus
12 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüs, SPSS

type-string - laius oluline tühjad lahtrid on puuduvad vastused - system missing , 9 99 ERISTADA PUUDUVAID VASTUSEID Andmed on kogutud veebipõhiselt ning need tuleb SPSS-i üle tuua. 1. reas nimed, altes 2. reast andmed 2. exeli fail vaja kinni panna 3. pspp-vabavara, milles saab avada spssi ka transform menüü - autom. recode vigade otsimine skaalade pööramine liitmine - kategoriseerida tunnuse nimed korda nr - visual binning (vahemik)' M/N - (bin) tekstina mitte diagrammina vanus - visual binning, recode ülevaade ehk grupid moodustada (19-25; 26-32) (15-24; 25- 34; 35-50) transform- record different output arv - haridus - frequency - sagedus valid percent - vastanute protsent cumulative - kuni järjest summeerib grupid split file - (jagab andmestiku osadeks ) maakond piirkond sag tabel - haridus split maha sag.tabel - kujundamine - järjestamine recode- jagasime gruppideks split file sort cases

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
15 allalaadimist


+ VisiLean Bhargav Dave, Stefan Construction management with Lean and BIM Boddy Presentation to Balfour Beatty Salford University 13/01/2010 + Background Broad research areas within the work-package: Collaborative design and construction Visual management Building information modelling Project management Lean construction Promise based management Web services and Service oriented architecture (SOA) Growing interest in identifying synergies between BIM and lean construction principles + Concept A production management system that: Uses BIM as the visual platform and lean construction principles as the process enabler

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Film review Harry Potter 5.osa

The Ministry of Magic refuses to believe that and sends Dolores Umbridge as a teacher at the Hogwards, to avoid anything what may cause panic and detract Ministry of Magic reputation. When studies suffer injures and everything is forbidden, the student, led by Harry, Ron and Hermione, rebel against her by forming Dumbledore's Army, to avoid Vodermort´s attacks in the future. Film is full on special and visual effects and the first Potter film to be released in IMAX- 3D. Film has also won many film awards, including "Choice Summer Movie- Drama/Action Adventure" at the Teen Choice Awards; "Outstanding Special Effects in a Motion Picture" by the Visual effects Society. The film picked up three awards at the inaugural ITV National Movie Awards, taking "Best Family Film", "Best Actor" for Radcliffe and "Best Actress" for Emma Watson. This film is worth seeing

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

They are clear enough about the ugliness of the world they live in, and they are quite vocal about the dirt, the smoke, the heat, and the congestion, the chaos and yet the monotony of it. But they are hardly aware of the potential value of harmonious surroundings. They can have little sense of what a setting can mean in terms of daily delight, or as a continuous anchor for their lives, or as an extension of the meaningfulness and richness of the world. Legibility This book will consider the visual quality of the American city by studying the mental image of that city which is held by its citizens. It will concentrate especially on one particular visual quality: the apparent clarity or "legibility" of the cityscape. By this we mean the ease with which its parts can be recognized and can be organized into a coherent pattern. a legible city would be one whose districts or landmarks or pathways are easily identifiable and are easily grouped into an over-all pattern

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Tööohutus väljendid

Jäigad küljetükid ­ Stiff side pieces Kahe läätse vahe ­ Distance between two leanses Muutuma tavaliseks ­ To become common Kujutise suurendamine ­ Image magification Suurendama ­ Magnify Endale lubama ­ Afford Vastupidav ­ Durable Kumerad läätsed ­ Convex lenses Sang ­ Handle Neet ­ Rivet Avalduma, ilmnema ­ Reveal Presbüoop e. kaugenägelik ­ Presbyope Nõguslääts ­ Concave lens Müoop e. lühinägelik ­ Myope Nägemisteravus ­ Visual acuity Järk järgult vähenema/ halvenema ­ Decline gradually Kaugnägia ­ Hyperope Retsepti alusel välja kirjutatud läätsed ­ Pescription lenses Prille tellima ­ Order glasses Vastupidav olema ­ Be durable Tavalised prillid ­ Regular glasses Lihvima ­ Grind Poleerima ­ Polish Sobitama (prilli) raamidesse ­ Fit into the frames Toonitud läätsed ­ Tinted lens Eluiga ­ Life span Käeshoitav olema ­ Be hand-held Pilusilla prillid ­ Silt-bridge spectacle Ninajuur ­ Nose bridge

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Art-based learning

Margaret-Cooling/dp/1851753826). Usage of the method This method helps pupils to understand Christian signs and symbols. It is a good opportunity for a teacher to enrich their teachings with the language of image. An important criterion in choosing an artistic work is complexity. The choise must be done according to the age and ability of the children. Also teacher must remember that expression of christian art can be interpretered variously(Mazzarello:107-108). In my point of view visual teching methods are interesting for the pupils. Also it helps children to connect before heard bible stories with visual art. They see the symbols and also learns to analyse them. For understanding that a picture has a structure and characteristics and it needs to be interpretered correctly children should see in in three ways. Firstly they see it by the global view where the approach is emotional and they are attrachted by some details and missing some

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Fifth level TÖÖRIISTAD Mõned vahendid veebiga toimetamiseks on käepärasemad tavakasutajatele, osad jällegi disaineritele ja kolmandad on orienteeritud arendajatele. Microsoft Office abil saab veebilehti teha tavakasutaja, kes oskab hästi Wordi ja Excelit, kuid ei tea midagi veebilehtedest ega nendega seonduvatest tehnoloogiatest. VISUAL STUDIO Microsofti peamiseks arendustööriistaks on Visual Studio. Visual studio intellisense Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level EXPRESSION BLEND Silverlight rakenduste loomiseks on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud uus tööriist Expression Blend. Blend on mõeldud disaineritele ja selle ülesehitus sarnaneb

Majandus → Konverentsiteenused
12 allalaadimist

Office MS(Office) programmid

........ 11 Sissejuhatus Microsoft Office on Office'i rakendused, serverid ja teenused välja töötatud Microsoft. See oli esimene teatas Bill Gates 1. augustil 1988 kell COMDEX Las Vegas. Esialgu turustamise mõiste jaoks komplekteeritud rida rakendusi, esimesed versiooni Office sisalduvad Microsoft Word, Microsoft Exceli ja Microsoft PowerPoint. Aastate jooksul Office'i rakendused kasvanud tunduvalt lähemal jagatud funktsioone, nagu ühine õigekirjakontrolli, OLE andmete integratsioon ja Visual Basic for Applications skript keel. Microsoft positsioneerib ka ametist arendusplatvormi line-of-äri tarkvara alla Office Business Applications bränd. 10. juulil 2012 Softpedia teatas, et amet on kasutatud üle miljardi inimese kogu maailmas. Büroo on toodetud mitmeid versioone suunatud eri lõpptarbijate ja arvuti keskkondades. Algne ning levinuim versioon on töölaua versioon, saadaval arvutites töötab Windows ja MacOS operatsioonisüsteemides

Informaatika → Informaatika
19 allalaadimist

Jaapani pop kultuur

Jaapani Kultuur Jaapani kultuur vaid ei hlma tnapeva kitumisi ja riiete stiile , antakse ka vaade mineviku. Jaapani kinod ,televisiooni programmid, mangad, ja muusika on kik vlja arenenud vanematest artistidest ja kirjalikest traditsioonidest ja paljud teemad ja stiilid vivad olla jljendatud traditsioonilistest kunsti vormidest. Tavalised vormid pop kultuuris , paljud nagu traditsioonilised vormid , lubavad mitte ainult meelelahutust , vaid ka pgenemist tavalisest jaapani probleemidest ja industriaalsest maailmast. KAWAII ^-^ Jaapani keelne sna ja vljend KAWAII thendab kas midagi vi kedagi kes on "armas" vi "ilus"(jp.k.kire). Nunnudus tundub olevalt vga krgelt hinnatud vrtus Jaapani hiskonnas. Sna KAWAII eesti keeles hldatakse nii nagu kirjutatakse. * Kasutusel olev Mascotskawaii on jaapanis vga ktgelt kasvav kaubandus trend; on kasutatud koolides, et suurendada tulu vrtust.Nad kasutavad armsaid , nunnusi lapsikuid figuure mis esind...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
7 allalaadimist

C# Progammeerimise keel

Taolisi keeli on palju, kuid enamiku ülesehitus ja käsutamise põhimõtted on analoogilised. Kasutamisvaldkonna järgi jagatakse keeled kahte rühma: universaalsed ehk üldkeeled ja spetsialiseeritud keeled. Üldisi programmeerimiskeeli käsutatakse suvaliste rakendus- ja süsteemi-programmide loomiseks, mis töötavad autonoomselt või koos teiste programmidega. Praegusel ajal on levinud järgmised üldised programmeerimiskeeled C, ++, Visual ++, Visual Basic, Java, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol. C# Spetsialiseeritud keel on tavaliselt otseselt seotud kindla rakendusprogrammiga või -süsteemiga ning selle keele abil saab luua ja käsutada tarkvara ainult antud süsteemi jaoks. Enamiku nüüdisaegsete rakendusprogrammide juurde kuuluvad arendusvahendid, milles käsutatakse ühte või mitut spetsialiseeritud keelt. Programmeerimiskeeled on formaalsed keeled, mis on ette nähtud arvutiprogrammide koostamiseks

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Floating Wind Turbines

seabed with mooring lines. Three main types of floating wind platforms Ballast stabilized Tension Leg Platforms Buoyancy Stabilized (Hywind) BUOYANCY STABILIZED Technology and advantages Access to previously inaccessible waters. Commissioned and assembled at the quayside. Foundations not necessary 1. Sea life disturbance minimized 2. Reduced geotechnical requirements Also 3. Considerably less noise and visual pollution 4. Greater energy/cost value Initiatives - Hywind Developed by Norwegian energy company Statoil ASA World's first full-scale floating wind turbine 10 km off the soutwest coast of Norway 100 meters beneath the sea's surface Can be employed at ocean depths of 120 to 700 meters Main objective is to test the impact of wind and waves on the structure over a two-year period Initiatives ­ Blue H Dutch company Blue H Technologies has devised a `Submerged Deepwater Platform' (SDP)

Loodus → Keskkonnatehnoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia

to primary school. 4 Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: • 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class that teaches every subject with the exception of foreign languages and Religion, with subjects such as Croatian, mathematics, visual art , nature and society, physical education, music education, and at least one foreign language (usually English, usually in the 1st grade and compulsory in the 4th grade). Religious education is an elective subject, and students can choose among Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic religious classes. The students stay in one classroom for the 4 years. • 5th through 8th grades, where different teachers teach different subjects, with added subjects such

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading

we've got to try to help them." More than 3.3 million Americans 40 and over, or about one in 28, are blind or have vision so poor that even with glasses, medicine or surgery, everyday tasks are difficult, according to the National Eye Institute, a federal agency. That number is expected to double in the next 30 years. Worldwide, about 160 million people are similarly affected. "With an aging population, it's obviously going to be an increasing problem," said Michael D. Oberdorfer, who runs the visual neuroscience program for the National Eye Institute, which finances several sight-restoration projects, including the artificial retina. Wide-ranging research is important, he said, because different methods could help different causes of blindness. The approaches include gene therapy, which has produced improved vision in people who are blind from one rare congenital disease. Stem cell research is considered promising, although far

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

8...10% – concentrations > 20,000 ppm cause deepened breathing; unconsciousness, blue lips, ashen face. – concentrations > 40,000 ppm increases respiration markedly; 8 minutes may be fatal in 50...100% of exposures, – concentrations > 100,000 ppm causes visual disturbances 6...8% and tremors and has been associated with loss of 4...5 minutes recovery with treatment. consciousness (Lipsett et al, 1994) 4...6% Coma in 40 seconds, convulsions, respiration ceases.

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist


VISUAL BASIC 5 Sisukord .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................................. 1 1. Objektide klassid ................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Programmid VB-s ...

Informaatika → Visuaalprogrammeerimine
92 allalaadimist

Essay about estonia

Estonia Sigrid Orasmäe Nature • Moderate winters and cool summers. • Is a country of thousand of lakes. • The highest point is Suur Munamägi. • Forest cover over one half of Estonia. • Has more than 1 500 islands. National symbols of Estonia • Flag. • Coat of arms. • Toompea Castle and Tall Herman. • The Cornflower. • The Barnswallow. Culture • Music. • Visual arts. • Literature. • Theatre. • Film. • Sport. Ethnic groups • 68.7% Estonians. • 24.8% Russians. • 1.7% Ukrainians. • 1.0% Belarusians. • 0.6% Finns. • 3.2% others. • • hl=et&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=64 9&q=estonia&oq=estonia&gs_l=img.3..0l10.446.2227.0.2352. • http://estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Hallucinations (hearing voices) Delusions (bizarre or persecutory in nature) Disorganized thinking and speech Social withdrawal Sloppiness of dress and hygiene Loss of motivation and judgment Positive and negative symptoms POSITIVE NEGATIVE Poverty of speech (alogia) Delusions Lack of desire to form Disordered thoughts relationships (asociality) and speech Lack of motivation (avolition) Auditory and visual hallucinations Causes Combination of genetic and environmental factors Family history of schizophrenia Who suffer a transient psychosis (20-40% chance) Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How to make a powerpoint presentation AA

Charts " o Use appropriate charts o Have a good reason 6 Color o Color theory o Background 7 Font o The right font o The wrong font 8 Video & Audio o When appropriate o What to avoid 9 Slide sorter o Small chunks o Visual 10 Thanks ! Any questions? 11

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 2

SISUKORD 2 ABSTRACT Pilling is an undesired defect of textile fabrics, consisting of a surface characterized by a number of roughly spherical masses made of entangled fibers. Mainly caused by the abrasion of fabric surface occurring during washing and wearing of fabrics, this defect needs to be accurately controlled and measured by companies working in the textile industry. Pilling measurement is traditionally performed using manual procedures involving visual control of fabric surface by human experts. Since the early nineties, great efforts in developing automatic and non-intrusive methods for pilling measurement have been made all around the world with the final aim of overcoming traditional, visual-based and subjective, procedures. Machine Vision proved to be among the best options to perform such defect assessment since it provided increasingly performing measurement equipment and tools, serving the purpose of automatic control

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist


PUNKTMASS KÄTLIN AIA EV111 PUNKTMASS füüsikalise keha mudel idealiseeritud objekt Punktmassiks nimetatakse sellist keha, mille mõõtmed jäetakse lihtsuse mõttes arvestamata Punktmass on keha füüsikaline mudel, mis ei arvesta kuju ega mõõtmeid PUNKTMASS kasutatakse arvutuste lihtsustamiseks mõõtmeid arvutustes ei arvestata. keha mass loetakse koondatuks ühte ruumipunkti. PUNKTMASS EHK... Masspunkt Materiaalne punkt NÄIDE Näiteks ühest linnast teise sõitva auto liikumise kirjeldamisel võime teda ette kujutada ühe punktina. Seda punkti nimetatakse punktmassiks. Trajektoor joon, mida mööda keha liigub Need punktid, mida liikuv keha läbib, moodustavad alati mingi pideva joone. Seda joont, mida mööda keha liigub, nimetatakse trajektooriks. Liikumistrajektoori ei tohi samastada teega ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
8 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

dramatic combined effects of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the decorative arts." Minimalism Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. As a specific movement in the arts it is identified with

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Photography Laura Tervonen 9A What is photography? φωτός (phōtos), γραφή (graphé) • Light is used to record a picture • Drawing with light • Communication, visual expression • Snapshots • Conveying information Brian Duffy • The man who shot the sixties • Fashion photography • Quit his job • Pulmanory fibrosis • “The thing about the photograph is that theres’s no smell and in a sense it tells the truth and yet it is a lie” Alari Kivisaar • Started in 2005 • Macro photography • Two books • In 2005, he was infected with the virus of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Tartu 2010 Sisukord Sissejuhatus 1. TÖÖMÄLU MÕISTE 2. UURIMUSED 2. 1. "The cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children with low working memory" 2. 1. 1. Eesmärgid 2. 1. 2. Meetodid 2. 1. 3. Tulemused 2. 1. 4. Uurimuse kokkuvõte 2. 2. "Executive function in children with high and low attentional skills: Correspondences between behavioural and cognitive profiles" 2. 2. 1. Eesmärgid 2. 2. 2. Meetodid 2. 2. 3. Tulemused 2. 3. "Developing reading comprehension: combining visual and verbal cognitive processes" 2. 3. 1. Mentaalne mudel 2. 3. 2. Strateegiad Lõppsõna Kasutatud materjalid 2 Sissejuhatus Valisime referaadi teemaks töömälu, mida käsitleme kolme artikli põhjal. Esimene artikkel on väljaantud lapsearengupsühholoogia ajakirjas "Child Development" 2009. aastal ning kannab nime "The cognitive and behavioral characteristics of children with low working memory"

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
40 allalaadimist

Theatre vocabulary I, II

pure/sheer entertainment vs. mere entertainment Low-brow, middle-brow, highbrow Performing arts Visual arts THEATRE Types of theatres: · Civic theatres · Regional theatres Types of plays: · Tragedy · Comedy · Tragi-comedy · Farce · Drama · Historical drama/play · Thriller · Musical (comedy) Types of tickets: · Regular · Returns · Standing tickets · Complementary tickets · House seats · Production/performance · Audition · Repertory/repertoire · Part ­ role · lines · Rehearse · Rehearsal · dress rehearsal · Preview · First night · premiere · Matinee · Appear in a play · The main part/the leading part/the lead · Supporting part/supporting role · A bit part · A speaking part · A walking-on part · The understudy · A cameo role · To learn the part/to look the part; · a mega...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
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Edingburgh Festival

human spirit" · Mission is to be the most exciting, innovative and accessible Festival Edinburgh festival Every August, the Edinburgh International Festival transforms one of the world's most beautiful cities, presenting three exhilarating weeks of the finest creators and performers from the worlds of the arts - for everyone Edinburgh's six major theatres and concert halls and a few smaller venues come alive with the best classical music, theatre, opera, dance and visual art from around the globe Literature

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Infosüsteemide arendamine 2 lühikonspekt

ViewModel: o o o , o ViewModel o ViewModel ViewData/ViewBag/Strongly typed View o ! c ViewModel Entity (First Approach): o Database First Approach ­ , , .. Entity (Business entities) (DAL) o Model First Approach - Model designer Visual Studio, Entity (DAL) , o Code First Approach ­ POCO. . , Entity , POCO ­ .Net form . , URL Form (4): o Get ­ - o Post ­ - o Put ­ - o Delete ­ - , form, ,

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide arendamine II
6 allalaadimist

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education

1982; Lowenfeld & Brittaind, 1964; Luquet, 1977) have in fact become a subject of criticism in recent years. Four particular issues have been identified in this collective body of criticism. First, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of unilinear conceptions of development in explaining a wide range of pictorial imagery produced by children. adolescents, and adults. Second, a disparity has been noted between the breadth of the world of art and the narrowness of the focus on visual realism that has served as the endpoint in these developmental models. Third, cultural biases that mark these models have been identified theoretically and empirically. Fourth, insufficient recognition has been paid to the role of other modalities of expression in some forms of pictorial representation(e.g., Duncum, 1986; Golomb, 1994; Kindler &Darras, 1997b, 1998; Korzenik, 1995; Wolf, 1994; Wolf & Perry, 1998) . Critics of the traditional stage models of development argued that alternative

Keeled → Inglise keel
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The computer has greatly improved our lives today

Using the Internet it is possible to communicate with each other and access to information faster. Another advantage is that almost the whole world has access to those technological inventions, so if someone lives in Australia, it is surprisingly easy for them to find a friend from Europe. On the negative side, there are lots of hackers who can damage big companies or leak personal information. In addition to this, people spend too much time in front of computer screens and that causes visual illness, sickness, stress, muscular pains, etc. Furthermore, there is a lot of trash on the Internet, for example, hardware viruses that we can get through our e-mails and inappropriate material like forbidden videos that parents would not like their children to see. In conclusion, the computer is a great invention that does a huge favour for us in our everyday life, but people must know how much it is okay to use them.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Modern electronic games

Essay: Modern electronic games Electronic games have become very popular among people of all ages nowadays due to the easy access to computers, consoles and internet. They are mostly frowned upon by adults, because they do not seem to find any positive aspects about them. But are electronic games really that bad for you? Of course, like anything else, video games can be addictive, which may lead to eye damage. The impact of excessive visual medium is evident as a large number of children these days start wearing spectacles from an early age. Long hours of playing can also result in headaches and dizziness. When played moderately, video games have many benefits. The activities and actions on the screen provide a lot of mental stimulation, improving coordination, concentration and problem-solving skills. Online gaming enables many players to engage in a particular game simultaneously. There is constant

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

encryption can read or decrypt it. Video link can be found at the end of the essay. My plan is to firstly analyse the overall look of the video, what kind of elements are used any why, also the color choice. And what kind of a feel it should give off to its viewers. Then i will look main animated elements which have simple meaning when glancing it quickly, but also deeper meaning when focusing into it a bit more. Overall visual Firstly, i would like to describe the overall visual feeling of the video and why is it made the way it is. Denotative look : - Dark blue gradient in the background. - White circles positioned in 3D space. - Orange thin lines appearing and going into some of the white circles. - Lot of hexagons filled with graphical imagery Connotative look : - Blue color is mostly picked from the company's brandbook. It is associated with trust, hoenesty and loyality

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun