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"baroque" - 52 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: baroque

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Baroque maalikunst

Baroque Maalikunst Võtted · 2 Voolu ­ naturalism ja idealism · Ruumilised inimesed · Keldriluugivalgus · Ilu ja rahu maalil · Naturalistid maalisid igapäevaelu · Asutati esimene kunstiakadeemia Firenzes · Taheti taotleda petliku ruumi mõju · JäljendatiSixtuse kabeli laemaali Tintoretto Crutifix Caravaggio maalid Püha Peetruse keeldumine Lazaruse elluärkamine ja Kristuse haudapanek

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Tallinn Baroque

RETSENSIOON Ansambli Tallinn Baroque Barokk-kontsert Koostaja: Martin Appo Juhendaja: Imbi Umbleja See barokkontsert toimus 23. Septembril Tõrva Gümnaasiumi saalis. Ansambliks oli Tallinn Baroque, esines neli liiget: laulis Liina Saari, Tõnu Jõesaar mängis keelpille, Raivo Tarum mängis puhkpille ning Imbi Tarum klavessiini. Esinemine oli väga värvikas ja tõetruu, sest nad kõik kandsid barokiaegseid riideid. Alustuseks rääkis keelpillidemängija kitarrilaadsest pillist mis kandis nime viola da gamba. Ta rääkis, et paljud tänapäeva bandid on võtnud oma viisid barokiajast ning meile võrdluseks mängis ta ühe Abba loo ning ühe barokiaegse loo, mis olid väga sarnased

Muusika → Muusika
33 allalaadimist

Tallinna baroque esinemine

NARVA EESTI GÜMNAASIUM 12. KLASS Karina Repetun Kontserdiarvustus Juhendaja Tuuliki Jürjo 2013.õ.-a. TALLINN BAROQUE Liina Saari - sopran; Raivo Tarum - barokktrompet,; Imbi Tarum ­ klavessiin. Liina Saari on saanud laulja diplomi Tallinna Konservatooriumist 1981. a., kus ta õppis Ester Lepa ja Linda Sauli käe all. Ta on täiendanud end Lydia Styx-Agosti (Itaalia) ja Harry van der Kampi (Holland) meistrikursustel. Liina Saari on olnud aastaid Estonia Teatri solist, solistina kaasa teinud samuti Tallinna Kammerkoori, Tallinna Keelpillikvarteti ja mitme teise ansambli kontsertidel, ka paljudes välisriikides

Muusika → Eesti rahvalaul
6 allalaadimist

Tallinn Baroque ‘’Rõõm muusikast’’

Tallinn Baroque `'Rõõm muusikast'' 31.jaanuaril esines meie koolis vanamuusika ansambel `'Tallinn baroque'' kavaga `'Rõõm muusikast''. Ansambli koosseisus on Liina Saari (vokaal, sopran), Raivo Tarum (zink, krummhorn, barokktrompet) ja Imbi Tarum (klavessiin). Raimo Kivistik on organiseerija ja tegeleb transpordiga. Liina Saari on saanud laulja diplomi Tallinna Konservatooriumist 1981. a., kus ta õppis Ester Lepa ja Linda Sauli käe all. Ta on täiendanud end Lydia Styx-Agosti (Itaalia) ja Harry van der Kampi (Holland) meistrikursustel. Liina Saari on olnud aastaid Estonia Teatri solist, solistina kaasa teinud samuti Tallinna Kammerkoori, Tallinna Keelpillikvarteti ja mitme teise ansambli kontsertidel, ka paljudes välisriikides. Tema repertuaari kuuluvad peamiselt renessansi- ja barokiajastu teosed, sh suurvormidest Bachi "Johannese passioon", Missa h-moll ja nn luteri missad, Händeli "Messias" ja "Belsatsar", Pergolesi "Salve Regina...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Tallinn Baroque ansambli lühitutvustus

Kontserdi retsensioon Tallinn Baroque Ansambli Tallinn Baroque barokk-kontsert toimus 3. detsembril 2012 Tallinna Kristiine Gümnaasiumis. Selles vanamuusika ansamblis esinesid 4 liiget: laulis Liina saari, keelpille mängis Tõnu Jõesaar, puhkpille Raivo Tarum ning klavessiini Imbi Tarum. Teoseid, mis kontserdil esitati oli mitmeid. Nendeks oli Michael Praetorius, Diego Ortiz, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Adriano Banchieri, Giovanni Gastoldi, William Brade ning Georg Friedrich Händel. Esinemine oli väga

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
2 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

Interior design is a multi­faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis, and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals. Baroque Baroque (pronounced /brok/ b-ROHK in American English or /brk/ in British English) is an artistic style prevalent from the late 16th century to the early 18th century in Europe.[1] It is most often defined as "the dominant style of art in Europe between the Mannerist and Rococo eras, a style characterized by dynamic movement, overt emotion and self-confident rhetoric". The popularity and success of the Baroque style was encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church,

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kontserdianalüüs barokk kontsert

Kontserdianalüüüs (I poolaasta) Meie koolis käis esinemas ,,Tallinn Baroque" ansambel. Esinejateks oli neli inimest: Liina Saari, Imbi Tarum, Raivo Tarum ning Tõnu Jõesaar. Nad esitasid 17.-18. sajandi ehk barokkajastu muusikat. See muusika oli täis erilisi kaunistusi ja ilustusi. Esinemine oli värvikas, sest kõik esinejad kandsid barokiaegseid riideid. Tänu huvitavale muusikale ja barokiaegsetele riietele loodi minu arvates väga suursugune ja mõnus atmosfäär. Kontserdi käigus tutvustati meile vanaaegseid pille. Imbi Tarum mängis klavessiinil. Mulle meeldis selle pilli kõla ning natuke terav toon. Veel mängiti ja tutvustati viola´t, fiidel´it, zink´i, krummhorn´i ning barokktrompet´it. Viimane neist on tõeliselt nauditava kõlaga pill, mis sobib pidulikele üritustele mängimiseks. Pillide tutvustus oli väga huvitav, kuna mina nägin ja kuulsin mitmeid instrumente esimest korda. Liina Saari hääl oli muidugi võ...

Muusika → Muusika
8 allalaadimist

Giidindus: Vanalinna mõned tähtsamad kohad

Its was at it's best 16 cent. Above the door is the founder of the union, king Knut 7. Suurgildi hoone - gothics. Belonged to Tallinn's Suurgildile, where were the town's most powerful and richest merchants. Hoone Ehitus kestis 1407­1410, siseviimistlus lõpetati 1417. 8. Holy ghost church - 14. Century. One of Tallinn's oldest churches, and the only sacred building that preserved its original form.and still retains its original exterior, except for the Baroque spire. The clock in northern side is one of the oldest in Tallinn and though it has been blanched with rain and window, the clock strick the time exactly. It has a Baroque wooden carvings, made by Christian Ackermann. 9. Saiakäik (White Bread passage) suubub raekoja platsile Raekoda mainitakse esimest korda 1322, säilinud hoone valmis 1404. Raeapteek- mainitakse 1. korda 1422. Raekoja platsile suubuvad tänavad: Vanaturu kael, Kullassepa, Dunkri, Voorimehe, Kinga,

Turism → Giidindus
19 allalaadimist

Esitlus Pärnust.

Pärnu's first period of prosperity was the time from the beginning of the 14th century up to the end of the 15th century while it was a port on the route to the Hanseatic City of Novgorod. 2. Attractions Places to visit: ● Rannapark (Beach Park) & Vallikäär ● Eliisabet Church was built 1747 and is now a popular location for concerts. It’s organ has a distinct, beautiful sound. ● Jekateriina Church is one of the most beautiful apostolic baroque churches in Estonia ● Tallinna Gates, also called as Kuningavärav (King’s Gates) is a part of former medieval fortification system: once, this beautiful baroque gate used to mark the beginning of a postal road and now leads visitors to Pärnu beach district. ● Red Tower (Punane Torn) was the corner tower of Pärnu’s medieval defence wall. Serving as a “hot spot” for handicraft, the former court yard is a popular place for art fairs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Classical music powerpoint

Classical music History The period from the 11th century to present times The term "classical music" did not appear until the early 19th century. The earliest reference is from about 1836 Haydn, Mozart and Beetohoven are the most known classical musicians. Periods in classical music Medieval (500­1400) Renaissance (1400­1600) Baroque (1600­1750) Classical (1750­1830) Romantic (1815­1910) Modern (1910­2000) Form Concerto Symphony Sonata Opera Dance music Suite Étude Symphonic poem Classical music nowadays Postmodernism Polystylism Eclecticism WXIhTodJ6M&playnext=1&list=PL50 B198056DD2973A Thank you for attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Estonian Largest Towns

Emajõgi. The capital of sothern Estonia is the second largest city in the country and the oldest in the Baltic States. Tartu is a modern city with a rich historical heritage and culture. One of Tartu ´s most important historical monuments is the St. John´s Church with it´s thousand terracotta sculptures. Narva As In the past, Narva remains a melting pot for nations, periods and cultures, old and new. This is what makes the town so special. The 13th century castle, a beautiful baroque Town Hall, the best preserved system of historic defence building (bastions) in Europe, Krenholm textile plant (once Europe's largest, and an excellent example of British industrial architecture), waterfalls, and much, much more. Ivar Vipper, 9c

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Naiste pesu 2011

Fifth level Heritage Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Dark Fables Atmosfääri mõistatus, maagia ja okultism Väärtuslikud ja luksuslikud kangad Dramaatiline värvipalett Intensiivsed ja dekadentlikud toonid Vintage stiil Baroque Allure Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Mystic Legend Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Wicked Ways

Kultuur-Kunst → Kaasaegsed moesuunad
41 allalaadimist

What might attract tourists to Estonia?

What Might Attract Tourists to Estonia? What might attract tourists to Estonia? Definately sightseeing. Estonia is a beautiful country and theres alot to see. Tallinn is the most popular place for tourists to visit. Tourists will also like the friendly people of Estonia, and ofcourse they will like the beautiful girls in here too. Tallinn, as the capital of Estonia, has alot of tourist attractions. For instance tourists can take tours in Tallinn or visit the Old town and its colorful shops. In Tallinn tourists can see the beautiful Kadriorg park with its Swan Pond and the Baroque Catharina Palace. Not far from Kardiorg is the Song Festival Grounds. In Pirita they can see the Forest Cemetery, where many important Estonian public figures are buried. Tourist can also visit the ruins of St.Brigitta's Convent in Pirita, Maarjamae Palace, Russalka and the Memorial Monument of Estonia's Shipwreck. Popular places where tourists go are also ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Lana Del Rey

Video Games Blue Jeans Born To Die Ride E8 Musical influences Elvis Presley Amy Winehouse Janis Joplin Nirvana Eminem Bruce Springsteen Britney Spears Musical style Cinematic sound Refrences to various aspects of pop culture ''A torch singer of the internet era'' ''The anti-Gaga'' Attributed to many genres, Del Rey's sound has been primarily linked to indie and baroque pop Writes her own music Awards Q Award for ''Best New Thing'' GQ Award for ''Woman of the Year'' Two BRIT Awards EMA for ''Best Alternative Act'' Personal quotes I'm a writer first and a singer second. I write my own songs. I made my own videos. I pick my producers. Nothing goes out without my permission. It's all authentic. A lot of the time when I write about the person I love, I feel like I'm writing about New York.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

J.S.Bachi elulugu inglise keeles

Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was born on 31 March and died on 28 July 1750. was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose ecclesiastical and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. Although he did not introduce new forms, he enriched the prevailing German style with a robust contrapuntal technique, an unrivalled control of harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


St. Olav's Church was the tallest church in Medieval Europe. The earliest data on St. Olav's Church come from 1267. Little is known about the building of this Gothic style church and its early years. Church of the Holy Ghost is the only sacred building from the 14th century in Tallinn that has preserved its original form. The simple, humble Church of Holy Ghost was completed in the 1360's, but for the exception of the baroque spire, it has retained its original medieval exterior. Tallinn City Museum's exhibition covers the history of the city from the 13th century to the 1990's. Located in the home of a medieval merchant in the heart of the Old Town, the City Museum introduces Tallinn with a completely new, attractive permanent exhibition, which is called "The City Which will Never be Completed". Kadriorg Palace ­ The Kadriorg Art Museum Peter I began building the palace in

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Planning of Cultural Landscapes

Planning of Cultural Landscapes Viktor Skunov Eesti Maaülikool Kadriorg Park which celebrated its 293th birthday on July 22 is the largest park in Tallinn and the richest in various species. One of the most important event of foreign policy took place in Kadriorg PalaceThe important men of Russia and Austria discussed the possibilities of destroying Prussia. One of the most important visitor from Russia in Kadriorg was Katarina II. On June 28 1764, a fancydress ball took place in the Kadriorg Palace for about five hundred persons,dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of Katarina II´s accession(astumine) to the throne. 1908.on July 15 the greece crown princess Alice came to see Tallinn.She was only few days in here but still loved it. The first trip through the air in Estonia that was done with the balloon by Mr.Berg w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kadriorg Park

Kadriorg Park which celebrated its 293th birthday on July 22 is the largest park in Tallinn and the richest in various species. One of the most important event of foreign policy took place in Kadriorg Palace-The important men of Russia and Austria discussed the possibilities of destroying Prussia. On June 28 1764, a fancy-dress ball took place in the Kdriorg Palace for about five hundred persons,dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of Katarina II´s accession(astumine) to the throne. 1908.on Jluy 15 the greece crown princess Alice came to see Tallinn.She was only few days in here but still loved it. The first trip through the ai rin Estonia that was done with the balloon by Mr.Berg who had come here from St.Peterburg.he managed to rise about 1500 metres from the surface.A lo of people,who were with him in the air were frightened,so after an hour they landed far away in Lasnamäe. Kersti Lootus.Kadriorg today Landscapes arc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Skrillex vs Mozart

Skrillex vs Mozart [Skrillex:] My name is Skrillex, man! Welcome to the Devil's Den. I'm a scary monster stomping this sprite in frilly pants You're a weirdo, Wolfy, you're into powdered wigs & poop! And your cousin blew notes on your little Magic Flute Your daddy issues make the Jackson 5 look like the Family Circus! You might have been a genius but you died baroque and worthless! I'm rich, acclaimed, and famous, I'm on playlists, I'm the AList! You're the lamest, kiss my ass AAAAAmadeus [Mozart:] Was that a verse, or did you just get the hiccups? I'm a prodigy, Sonny, and I'm about to smack a bitch up! My music is 200 years old, and it's still excellent! In two more months the world will forget about your Skrillexcrement. I can't believe the way you dress when you dubstep out of the house You're like an emo Steve Urkel and you *ooh* reek of dead mouse!

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Kunsti sõnavara inglise-eesti

31. grafiit, grafiitpliiats-graphite, black lead ? 32. zanr, zanrimaal-genre ? 33. vaikelu, natüürmort-still-life 34. Romaani stiil-Romanesque 35. Gooti stiil-Gothic 36. graafika-graphic art, graphics 37. toomkirik, katedraal-cathedral 38. emailimaal-enamel painting 39. estamp(tõmme puu-või vasegravüürist või linoollõikest graafilisele paberile)-proof, print impression 40. eelkavand, skitseering- sketch, preliminary shape 41. barokkstiil- Baroque 42. ateljee- studio, workshop 43. akt, aktimaal- nude 44. abstraktne kunst-abstract art 45. viimistelema- to elaborate; peenelt, hästi viimistletud-elaborate 46. kaunid kunstid- ? 47. joonistus-drawing 48. maal, maaling-painting 49. maalikunst-painting 50. puulõige-xylograph, wood engraving 51. disain-design 52. figuur-figure 53. raidkuju-sculpture, statue 54. harmoonia-harmony 55. vari- shadow 56. juugendstiil- modern style, art nouveau 57

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

an auditorium that offers diverse possibilities, and an education centre for children and art lovers of all ages. Collection The collection that consists of 55 823 titles is displayed in the following branches: · the permanent exhibition of classics of Estonian art (18th century ­ II World War), the permanent exhibition of Estonian art from 1945-1991 and contemporary art at Kumu Art Museum; · ecclesiastical Medieval and Baroque art from the period between 13th ­18th century, silverware of guilds, craft corporations, Brotherhood of the Black Heads and churches at Niguliste Museum; · European and Russian art from the period between 16th ­20th century in the Kadriorg Palace, and a valuable collection of the 16th ­20th c. art from Western Europe, Russia and China, donated to the museum by Johannes Mikkel, at Mikkel Museum ­ at Kadriorg Art Museum;

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Iirimaa kultuur

Riverdance Ivo Pärtel 25.01.16 Riverdance Riverdance is a theatrical show consisting mainly of traditional Irish music and dance. Featuring Irish dancing champions Jean Butler and Michael Flatley, and with a score composed by Bill Whelan, it originated as an interval performance act during the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest. Shortly afterwards, husband and wife production team John McColgan and Moya Doherty expanded it into a stage show, which opened in Dublin on 9 February 1995. Since then, the show has visited over 450 venues worldwide and been seen by over 25 million people, making it one of the most successful dance productions in the world Background Riverdance is rooted in a three-part suite of baroque-influenced traditional music called Timedance composed, recorded and performed for the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest, which was hosted by Ireland....

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Giidindus Final Test kordamine

It has been used a storehouse for gunpowder and weapons, and as a prison. Now it's home to the Estonian Maritime Museum, which provides a detailed look at the nation's seafaring past. 3 churches of the lower town Niguliste - 13th-century Gothic church-turned art museum. Destroyed during World War II and rebuilt during Soviet times, the church now houses a fascinating collection of medieval religious art, with altars from the 15th and 16th centuries, a collection of Baroque and Renaissance chandeliers, and a 'silver chamber.' The church is also known for its acoustics Holy Spirit - 13th-century church adjacent Town Hall Square sports an impressive Baroque tower as well as an ornate, outdoor clock that's said to be one of the most photographed objects in Tallinn. A two-aisled church. St Olaf - St. Olaf's 124m spire is a Tallinn landmark, and was the tallest building in Europe between 1549 and 1625

Turism → Giidindus
5 allalaadimist

London - inglise keeles kokkuvõte

war and the execution of Charles I. In 1660 the throne was taken by Charles II. Unfortunately in 1665 the great Plague was responsible for the deaths of 100,000 Londoners and in 1666 The Great Fire destroyed amost 400 acres. The fire raged for three days and burned down many churches, St. Paul's Cathedral and so on. The tower of London had a lucky escape. The architect Sir christopher Wern lost no time in drawing up plans and giving the entire city a monumental baroque aspect. Many of his plans were never realized, becaus people started rebuilding themselves, but the 50 churches and St, Paul's Cathedral were quite remarkable. During the Georgian era, London was considered the premier city of the western world. The Bank of Englad was established in 1694. But it was during the Victorian era that London became the metropolis that it is today. The second World war had almost the same effect to the town as The great Fire. But London

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Brussels entertainment

Brussels entertainment Cinemas Fancy something a little more relaxing in the evening? Or want to catch the latest art film that's only playing in one timeslot and one theatre in the whole city? Then Brussels will be able to satisfy both of these cravings. There are over 30 movie theatres in Brussels region; just a few of these will be able to satisfy your needs. The prices of films are affordable ­ around 10 per adult ticket. UGC Cinema These cinemas are where you will find all the blockbuster movies, popular French and English language films that are released regularly throughout Europe. Kinepolis This is a large movie complex located next to the Atomium at Heyzel. There are multiple cinemas showing similar m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Jean - Babtiste Lully

Tartu Karlova Gümnaasium Referaat Jean ­ Babtiste Lully Koostas: Tarmo Riivo Tsernjavski Tartu 2013 Sisukord 2 1. Sissejuhatus Valisin referaadi teemaks Jean ­ Babtiste Lully ( edaspidi Lully ) . Otsustasin valida just Lully, kuna koolis muusikaajaloo tundides käsitlesime hiljuti barokki ajastut, mil elas ka Lully. Soovisin teada saada, missugune on barokki ajastu helilooja. Oma referaadis olen otsutanud kirjutada Lully eluloost, loomingust ja toon välja mõned huvitavamad faktid tema kohta . 3 2. Autor Jean ­ Babtiste Lully (vaata lisa 1) oli Itaaliast pärit prantsuse õukonna ­ ja ooperimuusika helilooja, kes elas Baroki ajastul. Ta valitses alates 1662-st täielikult prantsuse õukonnamuusikat. Lully'le iseloomuliku komponeerimis stiili jäljendati pea kogu Euroopas. Tema üheks suurimaks saavutuseks võib pidada Prantsuse ooperi loomist, mis säilis muutumatuna p...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
4 allalaadimist


Tall Hermann was a traditional name given to the main towers of German castles. After the 50-year long Soviet occupation, the Estonian blue-black-white tricolour was once again hoisted on Pikk Hermann on 24 February 1989. The Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin (Toomkirik or the Dome Church) was consecrated as a single- nave church with a rectangular chancel in 1240, and rebuilt into a Gothic basilica thereafter. The church suffered in the fire of 1684 and was largely reconstructed. A baroque tower was added in the 18th century and the dated weather-vane (1779) crowning the spire is the only original one on Toompea today. The church has a valuable collection of Baltic German noblemen's coats of arms, since it was the Baltic nobility's parish church. Many of them were carved from wood by the famous Tallinn wood carver Christian Ackermann in the 17th century. Among other functions, the church served as a burial ground for the rich and the noble

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
51 allalaadimist

The tour of Tartu

City of Good Thoughts 16 twin towns Urmas Kruuse Town Hall Built in 1782-1789 3rd building Tartu Town Council and Town Government Planned by Johann Heinrich Bartholomäus Walter (Rostock) Jail, public scale hall, town council Der Grosse Markt ­ the town's most important market 8/03180408b7d8.jpg Mix of classicism, baroque and rococo Town Hall Square Surrounded by buildings built in the classical style Christmas trees ges/pilt429.jpg 282207_ZzP1KV.jpeg The Kissing Students Sculpture and fountain Conceived by Mati Karmin in 1998 J3kb.jpeg

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

"Ooperifantoom" Webber'i

Viljandi C. R. Jakobson Gymnasium Liis Todesk 11c Supervisors: T. Pukk, M. Maasen Viljandi 2009 INTRODUCTION The composer Background The story Paris Opera House Characters Facts & figures Reviews Awards On Broadway THE COMPOSER Andrew Lloyd Webber Born 22 March, 1948 Attended Oxford University The Really Useful Group Knighted in 1992 Owns 7 theatres in London THE COMPOSER Years active: 1965-present 13 musicals Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Individual pop songs Collaboration with Tim Rice Eurovision Song Contest Many different awards BACKGROUND Based on Le Fantome de l'Opera by Gaston Leroux Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe Choreographed by Gillian Lynne Directed...

Muusika → Muusika
22 allalaadimist

Tallinn town hall

built much more spacious. The Town Hall acquired the architectural appearance it has today. Rough copies of the city's calculations of the building work survive in the archives and so it is possible to closely follow the progress of construction. Even the amount of building materials has been recorded. In the 17th century the Town Hall acquired a new, Late Renaissance spire. In 1650­52 the main entrance was moved to the middle of the building, characteristic of the baroque age, and the main portal was closed. The arcade that earlier enhanced the stateliness and individuality of the Town Hall as well as the windows of the basement and the ground floor were walled up. Partitions were built into the Citizens' Hall, turning its space into several separate rooms. A lot of the medieval architecture of the Town Hall was destroyed or distorted in the course of that reconstruction. In 1667 the interior decor of the Council Chamber was modernised

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Vanamuusika Festivalid

See näitab, et Haapsalu Vanamuusikafestival on tähtis üritus, mida tuleb edaspidigi au sees hoida. Festivali alalisteks kollektiivideks on parimatest eesti noortest lauljatest koosnev Haapsalu Festivalikoor ja Tallinna Barokkorkester, kes esinevad nii vokaalsuurvormide koosseisus kui ka omaette kavadega. Aastate jooksul on hinnatumate Eesti solistide ja ansamblite kõrval esinenud kogu maailmas tuntud ja hinnatud ansambleid, nagu gamba-ansamblid Phantasm ja Fretwork (Suurbritannia), Baroque Fever (Taani), Pariisi Gregoriaani Koor, väljapaistvad solistid, nagu Marcel Ponseele ja Paul Dombrecht (oboe), Lucy van Dael ja Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch (viiul), Emma Kirkby (sopran), Hans-Jörg Mammel ja Simon Wall (tenor) ja paljud teised. Festivali korraldaja oli aastatel 1996-2009 kontserdiagentuur Concerto Grosso, praegu on korraldajaks Muusikaühing Studio Vocale. Festivali kunstiline juht on muusikateadlane ja dirigent, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia professor Toomas Siitan

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Nach der Ankunft saksa keel tööleht tl leht tekst B5 tõlgitud

It was gilded in 1987. The Berliners call the figure "Goldelse". There you can see the castle Bellevue. ... Now we are on the street of June 17 and drive towards the Brandenburg Gate. On the gate you can see the Quadriga, a four-horse car. From 1961 to November 9, 1989, the Brandenburg Gate was closed by the Berlin Wall. ... Just behind the Brandenburg Gate starts the famous boulevard "Unter den Linden". We now drive along the street. At the end of the street is the "Zeughaus", a famous Baroque building. ... We now come to Alexanderplatz. The Berlin call him "Alex". He is the center of Berlin. The place got its name in honor of Tsar Alexander the Great of Russia. At the edge of the square you can see the world clock. ... Our way leads back over the Spree. We drive to the Gendarmenmarkt. Particularly interesting here are the former playhouse in the neoclassical style - it was built by the famous master builder Schinkel -, to the left of it the German Cathedral with its high dome. Est

Keeled → Saksa keel
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Street. Foreigners usually had different names for such streets. The streets were paved since the beginning of the 14th century. Pikk Jalg was among the first to be paved. Town Hall Square got its cover in 1310. There were no streetlights. The houses had no numbers and were known by the owner's name. Churches The Cathedral of St. Mary the Virgin (the Dome Church) was consecrated in 1240. The church suffered in the fire of 1684 and was largely reconstructed. A Baroque tower was added in the 18th century and the dated weather-vane (1779) crowning the spire is the only original one on Toompea today. Among other functions, the church served as a burial ground for the rich and the noble. The church also features grave slabs, an oaken Baroque altar by Christian Ackermann and a number of monuments to famous people (e.g. Pontus de la Gardie. Karl Horn and Admiral Adam Johann Krusenstern). The church has also a valuable collection of Baltic-

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


Total - 416,470 Denisty - 2,614.0/km2(6,766.6/sq mi) Tallinn Coat of arms Flag Top 5 Attractions 1. Kiek in de Kök Visitors to the museum will see examples of Medieval firepower, displays detailing how the city's system of walls and towers developed through the centuries and an exhibit on crime and punishment in Old Tallinn. 2. Kadriorg Palace - Kadriorg Art Museum A trip to Tallinn isn't a trip to Tallinn without a visit to this magnificent northern baroque palace, built by Peter the Great for his wife, Catherine I, in 1718. The grandiose palace with its surrounding manicured gardens is home to the foreign art collection of the Art Museum of Estonia. The Kadriorg Art Museum displays hundreds of 16th- to 20th-century paintings by Western and Russian artists, as well as prints, sculptures and other works. 3. Estonian Open Air Museum This museum lets you travel back in time to the rural Estonia of old

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn

Later the building has been extended several times and it has had a number of eminent residents. From 1683 to 1939 the house belonged to the Huecks, a family that gave the city two burgomasters and six town councillors. Also some famous guests have stayed in the house, such as the 15th century artist Bernt Notke from Lübeck and later the Russian Czar Peter I. Legend has it that the czar planted the two lime trees growing in front of the house. 8 Numerous Baroque features of interior design have been later added to to the originally Gothic house, including a mythological painted ceiling to the Rape of Europa theme. The main stairs with a balustrade and a small portrait gallery of the Hueck family (actually copies) enhance the cosy diele. Tallinn City Museum has a model reconstructing the original appearance of the building. With reference to Hueck

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Straitland Historical Facts Straitland has served as a junction of international trade routes for Vikings. Long struggle of power with foreign intruders has left ancient strongholds in Valjala, Lihula and Soontagana. The churches in Muhu, Valjala, Mustjala, Karja and Kihelkonna are honorable and elderly because Straitland was the one to bring Christianity to Estonia. The castle of Kuressaare is still standing proudly, but in Lihula only ruins can be seen. The patterns of national dresses and the churches bring memories of secret sign cultures of Medieval Times. Good knowledge of singing and facilit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sights of Estonia

It is located on Northern Estonia, 70 kilometers east from capital Tallinn. Its area covers 725 km², including 250.9 km² of sea. The name Lahemaa originates from the most thoroughly studied and visited part of the North-Estonian coast, where four large peninsulas (Juminda, Pärispea, Käsmu and Vergi) are separated from each other by four bays (Kolga, Hara, Eru and Käsmu.) Lahemaa translates roughly as "Land of Bays". 8. Kadriorg Palace Catherinethal ("Catherine's valley") is a Petrine Baroque palace of Catherine I of Russia in Tallinn, Estonia. It was built after the Great Northern War to Nicola Michetti's. Catherinethal was abandoned by Russian royalty throughout the late 18th and 19th centuries. In the 1930s Konstantin Päts, Estonia's first president, embarked on extensive and controversial restorations with the aim of transforming the park and the palace into his private domain. 5 9. Kõpu Lighthouse

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


St. Paul`s Cathedral St Paul's Cathedral, London, is an Anglican cathedral, the seat of the Bishop of London and the mother church of the Diocese of London. It sits on Ludgate Hill at the highest point of the City of London and is a Grade 1 listed building. Its dedication to Paul the Apostle dates back to the original church on this site, founded in AD 604. The present church, dating from the late 17th century, was designed in the English Baroque style by Sir Christopher Wren . Its construction, completed in Wren's lifetime, was part of a major rebuilding programme in the City after the Great Fire of London. Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in the City of Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the United Kingdom's most notable religious buildings and

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Domician Monastery

and on the other by the original church of Saint Catherin. The .cloisxer and refectory contain a permanent exhibition of carved stone slabs. Sea and limestone ( dolomaite) are two symbols of northern Estonia. Tallinn owes much of its distincitve flavour to the use of the beautiful stone in its walls and towers,and in its secular and religious architecure. Carved stone decorated public buildings and private houses. The designs employed belong to the Gothic renaissance and Baroque periods. Windows were emphasized by slender piers and graceful curves. Armorial sheilds bespoke the pride of their owners. The monumental masons of Talliun were famous throughout northern Europe. Their carvings were in demand in Finland and other countries. The profession was highly organized. The masters constituted an exclusive guild. Boys served a three-year apprenticeship during which they were bound to a patricular master. If an apprentice ran away no other master could employ him

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

"Johannes Damaskusest" Kantaat

jpt.) ettekannetel ning andnud kontserte nii Eestis, Lätis, Soomes, Rootsis, Norras, Venemaal, Saksamaal, Prantsusmaal kui ka Inglismaal. Uku Joller on esinenud solistina vokaalsümfooniliste suurvormide ettekandeil, sh Buxtehude ja Bachi kantaadid, Bachi "Magnificat", "Jõuluoratoorium" ja "Johannese passioon", Händeli "Messias" jt, laulnud ka Göteborgi Sümfooniaorkestri solistina 1995 Neeme Järvi juhatusel. Praegu osaleb ansamblites Tallinn Baroque ja Vox Clamantis, Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoori kontsertidel ja õpetab Eesti Muusikaakadeemias. Märt Jakobson on laulnud ooperite kontsertettekannetel, nagu V. Kapp "Lembitu" (Alobrand). On esinenud kontsertidel Eestis, Soomes, Poolas, Valgevenes ja Venemaal. Osalenud mängufilmis "Kõrini!". Natalia Lomeiko on esinenud laialdaselt nii solisti kui ka kammermuusikuna pea kõigis prestiizikates Londoni kontserdimajades, nagu Wigmore Hall, Purcell Room, Queen Elizabeth

Muusika → Muusika
32 allalaadimist

Poeetikast ja Aristotelesest

Poeetikast ja Aristotelesest Poeetika Õpetus luulekunstist, selle olemusest ja mõjust, tema vormidest, vormi ja kujunduse seaduspärasustest ja väljendusvahenditest. Poeesia teooriana kuulub ta kirjandusteaduse alla, meelisklusena kunstiteoste olemusest esteetikasse, kuna poeesia väljendusvahendite uurimises osas on tal puutepunkte stilistika ja retoorikaga. Normatiivne poeetika ­ toob ära reeglid, millest selle poeetika arvates peaksid kirjanikud juhinduma Deskriptiivne poeetika ­ kirjeldab olemasolevat kirjandust ja tuletab sellest kirjanduse seaduspärasused Immanentne poeetika Aristotelese Osaliselt säilinud käsitlus "Luulekunstist" on ilmselt esimene teos, mis süstemaatiliselt käsitleb poeesia probleeme. Teos on tõenäoliselt kirjutatud Aristotelese viljakaimal perioodil alates aastast 336. e.m.a. Ilmselt on tegemist teosega, mis oli mõeldud kitsamale ringile lugemiseks (esoteeriline), võib-olla midagi loengukonspektilaadset. Teoses o...

Kirjandus → Kirjandusteadus
28 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

4.TheGreek revival (reasons for its appearance, main characteristic features, types of writings that were inspired by the Greek revival, etc) · Developments in the field of archaeology · Curiosity in the Mediterranean region and the Orient (Rome, Palmire, Balbek, China) · Hellenizing classicism ­ started replacing buildings with copies of true Greek pillars; people wanted to be trendy and built Pyramids, obelisks. Later at Baroque times they were replaced with ancient ruins. · The Elgin Marbles - also called the Parthenon Marbles, are a collection of marble sculptures that originally decorated the Parthenon and other buildings on the Acropolis of Athens. · Pyramids, obelisks ­ eclecticism (was trendy, those things were built again) · Philhellenism - Hellas (Greece) Philia (Love) a love for Greece; lords gave money to the people of

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist


ROKOKOO Referaat Sisukord Sissejuhatus................................................................................................... Arhitektuur...................................................................................................... Maalikunst...................................................................................................... Skulptuur........................................................................................................ Tarbekunst..................................................................................................... Muusika.......................................................................................................... Mood.............................................................................................................. Kokkuvõte...................................................................................................... Pilte............

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
27 allalaadimist


The city's charms can occasionally be obscured by too many tourists, congested traffic and tacky commercialism. Packed in among thousands of other visitors, trying like crazy to see the city in three days and worrying about getting ripped off, it's not surprising, may think the city is overrated. Just relax, take a deep breath. While the city centre is a mélange of stunning architecture, from Gothic, Renaissance and baroque to neoclassical, art nouveau and cubist, beyond the medieval lanes of the Old Town and the Castle District, there's an entire other cosmopolitan city to explore. Search out the riverside parks, lively bars and beer gardens, music clubs, museums and art galleries. Harness Prague's excellent public-transport system to explore emerging suburbs such as Zizkov, Vinohrady, Smíchov and Holesovice. You'll be guaranteed cheaper prices, a

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Process – allegory of personal salvation, a guide to Christian life. Remarkable for its simple, biblical style and vivid presentation of character and incident. Written in straightforward narrative. Bunyan’s work has spiritual fervor and writes in compelling style. The eloquence of Bible united with the vigorous realism of common speech. John Donne: Six Sermons, Fifty Sermons, Essayes in Divinity, Sermons Never Before Published. Andrewes: 12. The baroque style as the embodiment of the Restoration ethos Baroque was to prove to be the ideal style to reflect what was deeply broken society, one that was to remain in political and religious turbulence until the II half of 18th C. It always portrayed precisely that scenario: forces in conflict, opposites and extremes confronting, and at the same time, seen to be manifestations of an ordered whole. Role: to give the thruths of the sphere of heaven (fixed, immovable and permanent). Art of

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist


The Presentations Triinu: "The Notorious Prisoners of the Tower" Built in 1078, has been used as a fortress, Royal Palace, a prison, the home for Crown Jewels. The first prisoner was Ranulf Flambard in 1100. The only woman tortured in the Tower was Anne Askew. Guy Fawkes was prisoned 5 th November 1605, hung in 1607. Walter Raleigh was knighted, married without queen´s permission. Last prisoners were in the Tower in 1952. Rita: "Alexander Fleming" Was a pharmacologist, has graduated 6 schools, studied anti-bacterial agents, found Lysozyme accidentally in 1922 and penicillin, which changed the world, in 1928. Won Nobel Prize in 1945. Has been married twice, first wife was a trained nurse. He died in 1955 at home because of a heart attack. He had 1 child. Liis: "The Phantom of the Opera" A.L. Webber is knighted, started writing musicals in 1965, owns 7 theatres and has written 13 musical...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Motzarti fenomen

Sonnenburgil.1868. aastal annetati käsikirjad Eestimaa Provintsiaalmuuseumile. Praegu asuvad need Eesti Ajaloomuuseumis, käsikirjad taasavastas 1990. aastail muusikateadlane Tiina Õun arhivaar Sirje Annisti abiga. 3. Muusikastiil Mozarti muusika, nagu Haydni, seisab nagu arhetüüp klassikaline stiil. Tol ajal hakkas ta komponeerimise, Euroopa muusika lõppesid stiil galant, reaktsiooni vastu kõrgelt arenenud keerukus Baroque. Järk-järgult, ja suures osas käes Mozart ise, kontrapunkti keerukust hilisbarokse kerkinud veel kord, moderaator ja distsiplineeritud poolt uute ja kohandatud uus esteetiline ja sotsiaalses keskkonnas. Mozart oli mitmekülgne helilooja ja kirjutas kõik suured zanr, sealhulgas sümfoonia, ooper, solo concerto, kammermuusika, sealhulgas keelpillikvartett string kvintett ja klaverisonaat. Need vormid ei ole uus, kuid Mozart arenenud oma tehnilise keerukuse ja emotsionaalne jõuda

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and because it was less "frivolous" than other forms of painting. In early-C18, Baroque was imitated (handsome settings, rich chiaroscuro, rich color and painterly execution). Paintings became gradually more elaborate. During mid-C18, the new immigrants introduced the style of Rococo (gracious, charming and pretty). Exemplary artist. John Singleton Copley (late-C18). He was self-taught and pursued truth in the characters of his sitters and their surroundings. He emphasized the hands of his sitters. After moving to England, he adopted history paintings.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and because it was less "frivolous" than other forms of painting. In early-C18, Baroque was imitated (handsome settings, rich chiaroscuro, rich color and painterly execution). Paintings became gradually more elaborate. During mid-C18, the new immigrants introduced the style of Rococo (gracious, charming and pretty). Exemplary artist. John Singleton Copley (late-C18). He was self-taught and pursued truth in the characters of his sitters and their surroundings. He emphasized the hands of his sitters. After moving to England, he adopted history paintings.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Filmikunsti ajalugu

Multpile layers of action. Orson Welles Insane after Kane? Megalomaniac, smart, tricky. Succesful broad-way director and radio star. ,,war of the worlds"fake news cast. 1940 deal with RKO pictures: six film contract with complete control.1941 Citizen Kane released, Welles only 25 years old. 1940's: career as an actor. Influences on Welles. German Kammerspielfilm, expressionst cinema, chiaroscuro lightning (Lang), fluid camera (Murnau), baroque mise e scene, french poetic realism, john ford, theatre, radio Welles major themes: shakespeare adaptions (Macbeth, Othello), corrupting nature of ambition, obsession, mportance of a sense of the past, complexity of human characters (and human interaction), lost innocence, power and impotence. Welles vs Hollywood Citizen Kane was too much for 1940's audience. ,,The magnificant Ambersons"-studio edits, commercial failure. Journey into Fear-commercial failure. It's all True-all material was

Ajalugu → Filmiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun