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"year" - 1602 õppematerjali

year - old son tremble through a night on the cold ground of the "yard of myster- ies," the college sophomore punctuating his Hell Night paddling of his fraternity "little brother" with bursts of nervous laughter, these are not acts of sadism.

British year

British year Holidays, shows, festivals History Doesn't formally celebrate Small numbers of holidays Most widely celebrated holidays February SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY - History - Traditions March SAINT PATRICK'S DAY - About - Saint Patrick - On 17 March - Celebrations April APRIL FOOL'S DAY - On April 1 - History - Top 3 April Fool's Day hoaxes of all time June TROOPING THE COLOR - About - History - 3 Trooping the Colours Day - Over 1400 officers and men ROYAL ASCOT - About - Dress code Dress code August THENOTTING HILL CARNIVAL - On the last weekend in August - Exotic street party October HALLOWE'EN - On October 31 - History - Symbols - Characters November GUY FAWKES' NIGHT - About - Celebrations REMEMBRANCE DAY - About - The 11.11. at 11.00 am Guy Fawkes Remembrance Day MORRIS DANCING Origins Types of dance Material htt...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

TOPICS For the PRELIM Year 1 Put down 10-12 relevant terms and retell about: 1. Prescriptive and descriptive law Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave Break the law – do something illegal Penalty – punishment Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Law – the system of rules System of courts – all judicial institutions Enforce – to make people obey the law Authority – a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity /the moral or legal right or ability to control Prescribe – to tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a rule of something Impose The word law can have several meanings, it can be divided into prescriptive and descriptive law. Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave, e. g. law of gravity Prescriptive law – prescribe how people...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

2013 year of responsive desing

2013 ­ Dünaamilise veebidisaini aasta Dünaamilise ehk kohanduva veebidisaini (responsive desgin) tähtsust oleme me juba korduvalt rõhutanud. Oleme jaganud soovitusi, kuidas uudiskirju optimeerida mobiiliga lugemiseks ( lugemiseks/) rõhutanud mobiilsete seadmete kasvu ( kogemus/nutitelefonis-avatavate-kirjade-kiire-kasv/) Ometi ei ole see aktuaalsus kuhugi kadunud. on käesoleva aasta 2013 kuulutanud dünaamilise disaini aastaks. Miks? Sest oleme jõudnud PC-järgsesse ajastusse, eelnev 2012. aasta tõi personaalarvutite müüki üle aastakümne langustrendi. Tahvelarvutid ja nutitelefonid aga naudivad jätkuvat tõusulainet. Millionid eri suuruses ekraani on meie jaoks valla. Suur turg, millele tuleb osata lähendeda. Meieni on jõudnud mitmeid klientide poolseid küsimusi. Leidsime, et teema väärib veel süüvimist ning teile rohkem tutvustamist....

Informaatika → It
2 allalaadimist

A 14 year old junky

A 14 year old junky Joonas Preedin 10. A Once there lived a girl named Samantha, she was 14 years old and lived in York. Her family decided to move to London for a better job. She was really unhappy, because she had to leave all her friends. Once they finally moved she went to a new school. Samantha had difficulties with making new friends. She sat alone in the canteen. She was always bullied by the big tough girls at the school. Once she stood up to them and the bad girls seemed to like her so called “sassiness”. They invited her to the back ally to “talk”, of course Sam did not know what they ment by that, so she went outside. As they were outside one of the bad girls pulled out a syringe and injected it into Samantha. She was scared to her life, that was literally the last thing she would have thought of. The bad girls only laughed, they guessed that i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

THIRD YEAR Self-study paper

THIRD YEAR Self-study paper #2 1. Type of dancing is breakdancing. Emerged in New York. 2. 1. F( 1970.) 2. T 3.T 4.F 3.  breakdance competition- Sunday 27.july  clothes show, film, sports -Friday 25.july  concert- Saturday 26.july 4. 1 Liikuda põrandal nagu jääl, ilma jalgade tstmiseta maast. 2 pöörama väga kiiresti 3 liikuda ühelt küljelt teisele või ringis. 4 ennast väga kiiresti teistpidi pöörama vi teise asendisse end panema. 5. 1-headspin. 2-donkey. 3-windmill. 4-flares. 5- handglide. 6- popping. 6. I like to dance, but i cant dance as good as these people in this text. I think taht meny singers can dance good, like Chris Brown and Jason Derulo.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sample letter to host family

As I'm writing this letter, I'm X years old. My birthday is on Xth X, beginning of summer here. In Estonia we have four very different seasons: warm summers, wet autumns, cold winters and blooming springs. I live in town X. Currently I'm attending Keila School ninth grade, which is last one of elemantary education. After finishing the exchange year I'll do trials to Tallinn Real School to get my secondary education there. After that I would like to go to univercity, but I don't know to what sepciality jet. I live with my mom X, dad X and two younger sisters: X and X (and dog X). My dad side grandparents live in X too. Even though were all quite busy, we still find time to talk and make music together. At the weekends we occasionally go to cinema, museum , nature to visit friends and relatives together

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Excel 1. Kontrolltöö

Täna on Jooksev aasta Jooksev kuu 1/18/2016 2016 1 Sünnikuupäeva Sünnikuupäeva Isik Sugu Sünniaeg aasta kuu Persoon1 Naine 12/26/1990 1990 12 Persoon2 Mees 10/1/1985 1985 10 Persoon3 Mees 8/9/1986 1986 8 Persoon4 Naine 10/14/1982 1982 10 Persoon5 Mees 3/28/1992 1992 3 Persoon6 Naine 2/6/1983 1983 2 Persoon7 Naine 12/9/1983 1983 12 Persoon8 Mees 5/20/1982 1982 5 Persoon9 Naine 4/29/1990 1990 4 Persoon10 Mees 3/18/1988 1988 3 Persoon11 Naine 11/22/1984 1984 11 Persoon12 Na...

Informaatika → Informaatika keemia erialadele
22 allalaadimist

Ajalehe artikel "75 year old shoplifter"

Dayli delegrabh 23. july 2010 page 18 Editor Hendrik Nurklik [email protected] This week got caught with organized crime maybe the oldest man in history, while robbing a local supermarket at West-Nõmme, he stole a bottle of refreshing drink to drink after a hard job. A group of few good old men managed to pull off the biggest bank robbery in Estonia. The amount they got away with was more then ten million euro's which was kept there by an international business man, David Copperfield. Two of them got away but before the trip to the West-Europe began the oldest member of the team went to Nõmme's supermarket to get an energy drink but he soon discovered that he left he's wallet at the getaway vehicle, therefore shopliftings reason was the lack of time and a killing durst so he just ran out from the store but after a few quick step he fell and sprang his ankle. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Estonian climate in winter-time.

Estonian climate in winter-time. In Estonia, winter climate is very variable. Some year, it could be very cold outside, but some year it could be so warm you may wear your autumn clothes in winter. Some year it could snow so much, that you can't even get out of the house, because there's too much snow in front of your door and some year it may not snow for at least half of the winter-time. But no worries, mostly the temperature may go below -30 and because of the cold, students are absent from schools. The absent students mess up the whole classes program, because then it takes more time to study some subjects and teachers have a lot more work to do. I think, that when students skip school because of the bad weather, teachers should put homework and the work that should

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of taking a cap year - essay

Advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year Many students take a gap year before going to university after graduating from high school to have a little longer holiday after being in school for twelve or more years. But, is it the best choice? What good or bad could that do? For sure one year makes a difference, it can make people lazier, but it can also give time to think about his/her future plans. There can be many reasons for a gap year: money, people go to work or some people go to the army for not taking a year for the army during studies in the university or just being tired of school. I think that a gap year is almost the only option for a young person to have a little rest, to enjoy young life, because life never becomes easier and the next chance to stretch out could be when we reach our pension time. To go on a bit longer holiday abroard with best friends is

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

The school year should last from 1st September to 22 June

to rest and deal with other things. Especially when you do not live at home, during the school and then the summer is the only time you can enjoy being home. But if the summer break is so little, then you can not do anything you want, because you always have to read books or do something else related with school. Still there are also some advantages, when school last so long. Firstly you have one break more, although it does not last very long. However it may make the school year easier, because maybe then we do not have almost 11 control work on week. Secondly, you do not have to study some things so quickly. Then you have time to deal with some substancnes much more deeply. Overall, there are a some points both, for and against of having school longer than it is right now. However I think that the cons outweigh the pros. Because we all need some time to rest and summer holiday is just the right time for that.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Informaatika I - Valemid , 2. kodutöö , excel

Ülesanne. Andmed ja valemid Siia tehke või importige"kirjanurk". Samasugune, nagu eelmises kodutöös, ainult teine kodutöö nimetus - "Andmed ja valemid" a valemid janurk". es kodutöös, ainult ndmed ja valemid" Ülesanded Arvavaldised Ruutvõrrandi lahendamine Rakendus "Detail" See tööleht kustutage ära. Detaili kujud Materjalid Värvid Ideaalne inimene Ajavalemid kustutage ära. viimane nr a Sisestage paremal olevatesse lahtritesse oma 7 matrikli viimane (a) ja eelviimane (b) number. Nende kaudu arvutub automaatselt y nr ja z nr. Funktsioonide väärtused Nende numbrite järgi võtad allolevatest valemitest kaks varianti. Ülejäänud kustuta ära. a b x y ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
155 allalaadimist

Halloween in the United Kingdom

Halloween in the United Kingdom Seliin Lisett Tomson Form 9 Mustvee School English 2017/2018 When? On October 31st, we celebrate Halloween,thought to be the one night of the year when ghosts, witches, and fairies are especially active. Activities Halloween activities include trick-or- treating, attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'- lanterns. Costumes From at least the 18th century, "imitating spirits" led to playing pranks in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.Wearing costumes and playing pranks at Halloween spread to England in the 20th century. Symbols Colours orange and black Spiders Bats Black cats Skeletons Ghosts Jack O'Lanterns Witches Trick or treat! In North America, trick- or-treating has been a ...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Informaatika I - Tabelid , 3. kodutöö, excel

Rakendus "Arvutite müük" Ülesanne 3 Tabelid vutite müük" Sisukord Rakendus "Puidu müük". Ülesande püstitus Puidu müük. Variandid Töötajad. Üldine nimekiri Rakendus "Puidu müük". Puidu hinnad Rakendus "Funktsiooni uurimine".Ülesande püstitus Funktsioonide variandid Karakteristikute variandid Variandid Hinnad Tööötajad Rakendus "Puidu müük". Ülesande püstitus Koostada rakendus, mis võimaldab teha puidu müümise arvestust. Rakenduse andmemudel on toodud skeemil. Rakenduses kasutada nimesid!!! Müüjate andmed eraldada eraldi töölehele tabelisse M_töötajad vastavalt variandile (kolm valda) tabelist Töötajad, kasutades arendatud filtrit. Eraldada skeemil näidatud väljad toodud järjekorras. Sorteerida tabel kahe tunnuse: vald ja nimi, järgi. Tabel P_müügid luua Table-objektina (List-objekt 2003-s) Müüjate nimede ning puidu liikide ja sortide valimiseks kasutada valideerimist. Vald leida mü...

Informaatika → Informaatika
233 allalaadimist

Referencing style, kuidas kirjandites autoritele viidata

REFERENCING STYLE The following recommendations have been taken from The Standing Committee on Publications of the British Psychological Society, Suggestions to Contributors, Leicester: BPS, 1979. You should always follow these recommendations in your written work. The BPS journals use the author-date method of citation, that is the surname of the author and the year of publication are inserted in the text at the appropriate point, for example: Rabbitt (1970) compared reaction times... Or In a recent study of reaction times, Rabbitt (1970) found... Or In 1970, Rabbitt compared.. These methods enable the reader to locate easily the citation in the reference list given at the end of the report. If a work has two authors, cite both names in the text every time, e.g. Smith & Jones (1974).

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1010 allalaadimist

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust This has been a bad year for energy dividends, but there are still a few out there that investors can still trust. With the price of oil recently hitting a sevenyear low and natural gas now at a 14 year low, there has been a deep impact on the cash flows at oil and gas companies. Many don't have enough money coming in to drill the required number of new wells needed to maintain their production rates, let alone any left over to pay shareholders a steady dividend

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

All studied biomes

There are two different types of grasslands; tall-grass, which are humid and very wet, and short-grass, which are dry, with hotter summers and colder winters than the tall-grass prairie. In the winter, grassland temperatures can be as low as -40° F, and in the summer it can be as high 70° F. There are two real seasons: a growing season and a dormant season. Deciduos forest The average annual temperature in a deciduous forest is 50° F. The average rainfall is 30 to 60 inches a year. In deciduous forests there are five different zones. The deciduous forest has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In the autumn the leaves change color. During the winter months the trees lose their leaves. The animals adapt to the climate by hibernating in the winter and living off the land in the other three seasons. DesertDeserts cover about one fifth of the Earth's land surface. Deserts temperature ranges from 20 to 25° C. The extreme maximum temperature

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Hello! My name is Sander and today I talk about Homeschooling. Homeschooling is becoming more popular every day, with a growth rate of 7 percent per year. There are about two million children currently learning at home. Homeschooled kids do well on standardized tests and are welcome at colleges and universities. Pros: Individual teaching attention Continuous population growth is leading to overcrowded schools in many areas. Add this to the recent economic struggles, with many schools laying off teachers or closing altogether. This means that teachers are more overwhelmed than ever, often handling

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Dear Sir, I am writing in response to your advertisment . I would be grateful if you could consider my applications for the vacancy in your Accounts Department. I am eighteen-year-old high school student and am very interested in this position. When i leave school, I plan to study accounting and this would be a perfect opportunity for me to gain some experience. Although I have no formal work experience, I have often helped out in my cousin business, where I have been responsible for accounting. As far as my personality is concerned, I would describe myself as sensible and conscientious. I am sociable person and enjoy working with others as part of team. I also believe that I am capable of working alone and able to use my own initiative. If you wish me to attend an interview, I am available at any time. I also can work in the evienings. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

An event in my childhood

My childhood story Whenever I think about my childhood, one story comes to my mind. A story I am proud of. It’s about how I helped my one year older brother when he got stung by a bee. It’s not just an ordinary story because my brother, back then, was allergic to bees. And because of that I may have saved his life. It all began on a sunny summer day at my grandfather’s country home. We had a dog back then and he had his own fenced garden with a doghouse in it. Me and my brother were just fooling around outside doing funny stuff. At some point he decided to go let the dog out. The poles that were holding the fence up were holo

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

About Peter I House Museum

About Peter I House Museum Emperor Peter I (1672-1725) expanded the borders of the Russian Empire in the course of the Northern War and managed to annex the whole Estonian territory by the year 1710. Therefore the protection of the new border areas became the priority of the ruler and he paid a lot of attention to the reconstruction of ports in Tallinn and Paldiski and visited Tallinn several times. Together with the site of the would-be palace, a summer estate and a 17th-century cottage that had belonged to town councillor von Drenteln were purchased for the emperor's use in 1713. The small cottage was enlarged with a wing and the outcome was a building with a hall, a kitchen and four rooms. The small summer residence was in use until the emperor's death. The succeeding rulers used the Palace of Kadriorg that had been completed only after Peter's death and the small building was neglected. The building was ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The organic way to mulching.

· Effectively control · Contributes weeds nothing to the fertility of the soil · Kill soil bacteria · Pollution problem Paper mulch · Control weeds · Improve soil texture · Regulate moisture and temperature Pilt8 Paper mulch · Liner under materials · Renew each year Pilt9 Pilt10 Summery · Mulch is personal thing ­ you can use any materials, which are available. · An intensive mulch saved vegetables patch and stone mulch saved trees. · Mulch is a dynamic feature of the garden, not just something to hold down weeds, preserve moisture and feed the soil. · We shouldn't forget beauty as well. · A mulch used the year around. · Compost may be added any time. References ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

My favourite outfit

My favourite outfit My name is Kerli. I am a 16-year-old schoolgirl. I am from Estonia. I would say I am usually helpful and kind. If anyone needs my help in anything, then I will always lend a hand. I like doing sports and I like to wear sporty clothes, because they are very comfortable. Also, like to wear feminine clothes. My favourite outfit is a leather jacket with blue jeans, a white blouse and black platforms. The leather jacket has white stripes down the sleeves. It is also quite worn-out by now because I have had it for some time now and I tend to wear it throughout the spring and autumn months. In fact it has gotten quite a few little tears where it has got caught on sharp objects. These clothes came from one of those big department stores and not a specialist leather shop. I am a big believer in wearing clothing that makes you feel great. The ideal item of clothing is the one that makes you both look an...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essay on water pollution, global warming, acid rain, deforestation, intensive farming

Water pollution Attention for water pollution exploded in the 1980s. The oil spill of the Exxon Valdez showed many around the world just how horrible the effects of water pollution could be. However, even the Exxon Valdez spill barely touched the surface of the problem of water pollution. The ship spilt only 5% of the oil spilt that year, and oil is just one of many pollutants that people dump into the water every year. Every year, 14 billions pounds of sewage, sludge, and garbage are dumped into the world's oceans. 19 trillion gallons of waste also enter the water annually. The problem of ocean pollution affects every nation around the world. This is especially true because water is able to transport pollution from one location to another. For many years, chemicals were dumped into bodies of water without concern. While many countries have now banned such behavior, it continues to go on today.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle;arutlev kirjand

(W. Shakespeare) There lie more answers beneath these poetical phrases than one could ever give when describing a textbook ­ just like the actors, we seek for knowledge without really finding it until we've finished the play. Every written piece of paper is something precious ­ it contains information that can either make our day or totally ruin the mood; that's the secret of all books. They have the power to change the world up-side down. The English textbook given to us this year is something we must carefully treasure­ after all, there are going to be more people next year either to praise or suffer from it. But not the emotions count at the moment, the future does ­ we must all learn from this wonderful book that wit is not easily gained, however ­ once it's collected, it'll be never lost again. The first chapter includes three specially chosen units. Unit one includes reading about the

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a shy 11-year-old living with his miner father and older brother Tony during the miner's strike. Times are hard ­ his father and brother spend their days on the picket lines clashing with the police while Billy takes care of his senile grandmother. Billy's mother has passed away. Life has made Billy a sensitive and mature boy. His father forces him to study boxing to make him into his own image. Billy isn't interested in expressing himself with his fists, he has taken some ballet classes next door, run by Mrs Wilkinson. With the encouragement of ballet teacher Mrs Wilkinson he joins in with the classes and starts to express himself through dance. But Billy knows that if his father or brother would find this out, they wouldn't like it. With the adults busy with their own problems, Billy is able to keep his new activity a secret ... for awhile. When...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

India 'Demography and Bollywood'

education. In addition, every state and union territory has its own official languages, and the constitution also recognises in particular 21 "scheduled languages". India's literacy rate is 64.8% (53.7% for females and 75.3% for males).The state of Kerala has the highest literacy rate at 91% while Bihar has the lowest at 47%.The national human sex ratio is 944 females per 1,000 males. According to the World Health Organization, 900,000 Indians die each year from drinking contaminated water and breathing in polluted air.There are about 60 physicians per 100,000 people in India. Bollywood Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the total Indian film industry, which includes several regional film industries sorted by language

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

What is the best age to be?

What is the best age to be? The question we all may ask ourselves time and time again. What is the best age to be? In my opinion there is not a best age and because of that is a question that will always be left unanswered. The life span approach emphasizes developmental change is throughout adulthood as well as childhood. As a 18 year old female I cannot really choose a specific age group that would be best in the life in every aspect, because I have not yet reached certain age periods of my life span development. All ages have great and bad things. When you are a child your freedom is limited and it mostly depends on your parents´ mood at that time. Some examples like where you have to be home at 9.00pm and no TV until you´ve cleaned your room. Also then you have problems, but only the ones generated at school

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Elu 2050 aastal

What kind of life can a child born in the year 2050 expect? How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very diffrent then. By the year 2050 pollution levels in cities will have decreased because scientists will have invented environmentally-friendly cars. By the year 2050 people will be living longer because scientists will have found cures for many diseases. By the year 2050 we will be going to other planets because space travel will have improved. By the year 2050 we will be doing more creative jobs because computers will be doing the most boring jobs. By the year 2050 there will be no more rainforests as we will have cutted them all down. By the year 2050 people will be living in cities under the sea because normal cities become too crowded. By the year 2050 there will be more poor people as there will be fewer jobs

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Reported speech

Had = had had Can = could (or had been able to..) May = might Must = had to Mustn't = wasn't/weren't allowed to Went, did or have = HAD + 3. Pv · Kui pealause on olevikus NT: Hilary says, ,, I cant employ you." = Hilary says that she can't employ me. Present simple (works) = Past simple (worked) · Muutused These = those This = that Here = there Soon = later Ago = before Now = then Next year/month/week = the next year/month/week Last year/.../... = the year ../.../.. before This year/.../... = that year/.../... Today = that day, the following day · Küsimustes sõnade järjekord : ALATI ALUS + ÖELDIS Who/what/why/if he/she(Kate) + was writing/had said

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Reported Speech Kaudkõne. Kui otsekõne pealause on minevikus (said, asked), Siis toimuvad kaudkõne kõrvallauses järgmised muutused; OTSEKÕNE KAUDKÕNE I pv. (go, goes) > II pv. (went) do/does + I pv. (eitav lause) > did + I pv. (do/does not go) > (did not go) do/does + I pv. (küsimus) > II pv. (do you go...?) > (if I went) II pv. (went) > had + III pv. (had gone) did + I pv. (did you go...?did not go) > had + III pv.(had/not/gone) have + III pv. (have gone) > had + III pv. (had gone) shall, will > should, would am, is, are > was...

Keeled → Inglise keel
306 allalaadimist

Report to the Board of Governors

Report to the Board of Governors. Introduction The main principal aim of this report is to describe a fund-raising day organised for disadvantaged children and to make some recommendations for the next year. Methods of fund raising Our charity organisation has been going in for collecting money to support disadvantaged children in Britain already for seven years. There are some verified ways to collect money, such as a street collection, house-to-house collection and jumble sales. A large amount of money was raised by the house-to house collection. It`s about a 40% of the whole money we got for these children. Also income from the street collection is really nice as well ­ 30%. So, a 20% of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Report - Occupational diseases

Occupational diseases Report Introduction: This report is about occupational diseases. The report is based on two graphs. The first one describes the number of diseases from the year 1998 to the year 2000. The second one describes the occupations, which have shown to be the most alarming. The report will also give some pointers for the people, who have some kind of occupational diseases. Number of diseases: On the first graph is shown the number of occupational diseases. From the first half of the year 1998 to the middle of the year 1999 the number of occupational diseases grew from 169 to 180. The numbers started to grew rapidly in the middle of the year 1999 and it

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Japanese festivals

the Neputa Matsuri of Hirosaki, are often broadcast on television for the entire nation to enjoy. Some examples of famous matsuri are the Jidai, Hadaka Matsuri, Aoi and Gion Matsuri held in Kyoto; Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka; and the Kanda Matsuri, Sann and Sanja Matsuri of Tokyo. Especially, Gion Matsuri, Tenjin Matsuri, and Kanda Matsuri are the three most famous matsuri in Japan. Sapporo Snow Festival (Hokkaido) Sapporo Yuki Matsuri, this is one of the largest festivals of the year for the city of Sapporo. This festival is held in February for one week. This festival began in 1950 when high school students built snow statues in Odori Park, central Sapporo. This event is now very large and commercialized. This event attracts over two million people from around the world every year. About a dozen large sculptures are built for the festival along with around 100 smaller snow and ice sculptures. Several concerts and other events are held at this festival. At the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

School system in the USA

After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called "high schools" from ninth to twelfth grades. The idea of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Students should take on average 17 or over 20 units during their studies. Public schools are free of charge and available for everybody. To which school a child attends is determined by where they live. Primary school American children start school at the age of five. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is obligatory for all American children enrolled in the American education system. The second year at school is considered the first year of primary school and is referred to as first grade. Primary school most commonly consists of five years of education. Marks in most US schools are A, B, C, D, and F with an A being excellent and an F being failure Secondary school After completing the fifth grade the last year of primary school, American children start

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Nigeria population

181 383 962 Current population 91 848 775 Current male population (50.6%) 89 535 186 Current female population (49.4%) 4 659 042 Births this year 11 325 Births today 2 107 131 Deaths this year 5 122 Deaths today -9 184 Net migration this year -22 Net migration today 2 542 727 Population growth this year 6 181 Population growth today Population of Nigeria 2014 As of 1 January 2015, the population of Nigeria was estimated to be 178 841 235 people. This is an increase of 1.94 % (3 400 050 people) compared to population of 175 441 185 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 3 412 331. Due to external migration, the population declined by 12 281. The sex ratio of the total population was 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne ülevaade Inglismaa kultuurist

come to see them. Some of them are even like symbols of England. The most famous ones are: Stonehenge is one of the greatest national icons of Britain. That prehistoric monument is located in the plain of Salisbury, in the county of Wiltshire in the south-west of England. It is built of 150 enormous stones which are set in a purposive circular pattern. Stonehenge was probably built to mark the longest and shortest day of the year because it lies on the line of the midsummer sunrise and the midsummer sunset. That would have enabled people to keep a record of changing of seasons. Although it is still unclear who built it. Hadrian’s Wall is an ancient wall which was built in 2nd century by Hadrian, the emperor of Rome from AD 117 to 138, and it marked the northern border of the Roman Empire in Britain. The wall was 80 Roman miles (117 kilometres) long and it is situated in northern

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Essee Eesti ja Usa haridussüsteedide võrdlus

home school program or in an orphanage. In most public and private schools, education is divided into three levels: elementary school, middle school (sometimes called junior high school), and high school (sometimes referred to as secondary education). In almost all schools at these levels, children are divided by age groups into grades, ranging from kindergarten (followed by first grade) for the youngest children in elementary school, up to twelfth grade, the final year of high school. The exact age range of students in these grade levels varies slightly from area to area. This dividing and children grading is similar like in Estonia. Although in the States they use vocabulary grading (A,B,C,D,E,F), then in Estonia we use numeral grading (5,4,3,2,1). Post-secondary education, better known as "college" in the United States, is generally governed separately from the elementary and high school system.

Keeled → Inglise keel
87 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kontrolltöö 7. klassile

and her father moved here. 4) Yesterday at two o`clock Tom ..............................(sing) and his sister ........................... (draw) a pictuture in the living room. 5) The wind ........................(be) very strong some days ago. 6) Where are the children? They ...................................... (play) with their ball in the garden. 7) He...............................(go) to work every day. 8) Mary................................(arrive) tomorrow. 9) Last year she............................(go) for sports twice a week. 10) At first she took some oranges, then she.................(put) them on the table and ..........................(begin) to make a pie. 11) I cannot come, I .............................(not finish) my work yet. 12) Yesterday I ................................(not go) to school because I ................................(be) ill. 2. Use the verb be in suitable forms. (10 p) 1) They....................students last year. 2) Mike.....

Keeled → Inglise keel
113 allalaadimist

Estonian and British Education System

school, 6th form and university or college. What is similar for both systems is that the first level of education starts at age of three. While in Estonia this level is called Kindergarten, then in Britain it is called Nursery school. Kindergarten is for children´s from age three to six, but Nursery school is for children´s three to four. Differently from Estonian system, at age of five to seven, British children ´s go to Infant school. This is called year one, year two and year three and all these three years are called key one. In Estonia, children´s from age seven to ten go to Primary school. This includes classes from one to four. At age of eight to eleven, British children´s go to Junior school. It is divided into three parts: year four, year five and year six. And all this is called the key two. At age ten to fifteen, Estonian children´s go to Basic school. This includes classes from five to nine. In Britain, after Junior school come´s the Secondary school

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


type is the majority per/ha Equatorial rainforests Brazil, The Kongo, Palms, red wood, Trees of little value ­ Gabon, Camerun, camphor tree selection felling Indonesia, Oceania, Highest annual increase of The Republic of timber ­ 50 m3/ha in a year. Central Africa Forest is replaced with slash and burn method. Shelter for the gatherers Subequatorial open Australia, Brazil, Palms, Eucalyptuses 5 m3/ha in a year. stands (hõrendikud) Venezuela, The DR Majority of timber is for

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Soome keeles küsimised

perjantai Friday perjantaina on Friday lauantai Saturday lauantaina on Saturday sunnuntai Sunday sunnuntaina on Sunday päivä day joka päivä every day viikko week joka viikko every week kuukausi month joka kuukausi every month vuosi year joka vuosi every year nyt now heti immediately äsken a moment ago pian soon myöhemmin later aina always ei koskaan never melko pian quite soon melkein aina almost always ensi viikolla next week viime viikolla last week

Keeled → Soome keel
110 allalaadimist

Enrique Iglesias

mai 2001). Albumid Enrique Iglesias (1995),Vivir (1997), Cosas del Amor (1998), Enrique (1999), Escape(2001), Quizs (2002), 7 (2003), Insomniac (2007), 95/08 (2008), Greates Hits (nov. 2008) Auhinnad 1996 Premio Lo Nuestro: Best Interpretation (Si Tú Te Vas), Premio Lo Nuestro: Best Composer (Si Tú Te Vas) Premio Lo Nuestro: Best New Artist, Premios Eres: Best Song, Premios Eres: Best Video, Premios Eres: Best Launch, Ace Award: Vocalist of the Year, Premio TV Novelas: Best Male Vocalist, Billboard Award: Album of the Year - New Artist, World Music Award: Hispanic Artist of the Year, World Music Award: Revelación of the Year 1997 Grammy: Best Latin Performer, ASCAP Award: Si Tu Te Vas, ASCAP Award: No llores Por Mi, ASCAP Award: Por Amarte, ACE Award: Performer of the Year, Radio Music Awards : Best Artist Contemporary Format 1998 Billboard Award: Best Latin Pop Artist 1999

Muusika → Muusika
12 allalaadimist


These traditions bring family closer together. For me birthdays are very important. On your birthday you can feel the love around you and also you can see that there are so many people who care about you. In my opinion the importance of ,,The New Year" on January 1 is overemphasized. There seems to be an almost magical belief in a "New Year" bringing change. Other than starting a new wall calendar, beginning a new tax year, and having a reason to party it's really just any other day. Changes and resolutions can be started any time in December or January. Quite often people think that this is the right time to get drunk and do things which you don´t want to remember tomorrow and that`s sad. Because this should be the time to think about what has happened in the previous year and think about the future. This evening should be unforgettable. I think that this tradition-

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Cooperi test

· Testi eel sörgi kergelt ja venita lihaseid · Õiget toitumist alusta juba 3-4 päeva enne starti. Tund enne testi võta: üks banaan, viis küpsist, kaks klaasi spordijooki ja kaks viilu leiba. :) · Cooperi test joostakse õhutemperatuuril mitte alla 10°C Age group Sex Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Male >2700 m 2400 - 2700 m 2200 - 2400 m 2100 - 2200 m <2100 m 13-14 year Female >2000 m 1900 - 2000 m 1600 - 1900 m 1500 - 1600 m <1500 m Male >2800 m 2500 - 2800 m 2300 - 2500 m 2200 - 2300 m <2200 m 15-16 year Female >2100 m 2000 - 2100 m 1700 - 2000 m 1600 - 1700 m <1600 m Male >3000 m 2700 - 3000 m 2500 - 2700 m 2300 - 2500 m <2300 m 17-20 year Female >2300 m 2100 - 2300 m 1800 - 2100 m 1700 - 1800 m <1700 m

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
14 allalaadimist

Education in England

Compulsory education in Britain starts at the age of 3-5. Primary (infancy) School and move to a secondary school at 11 or 12. Primary (infant) Years 1-2 Age 5-7 Primary(junior) 3-6 5-7 secondary 7-9 11-14 Secondary 10-11 14-16 Sixth form Lower sixth form ­ 1 year 16-18 Upper sixth form ­ 1 year A-level ­ advanced level. Higher level academic exams that are taken mostly by people around the ae of 18 who wish to go on to higher education. GCSE ­ general certifcate of Secondary Education. The exams taken by 15 to 16 year olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Marks are iven for each subject separately. Grades are A-G. A, B and C are regarded as good Grandes.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
9 allalaadimist

Estonian national holidays

and available resources. However , in Estonia people bring Christmas tree in and decorate it with straw ,glass balls and candles. Estonians eat sauerkraut and black pudding. On the 24th December people leave work early, families gather, Santa Clouse comes , everybody gives gifts. People are very calm at Christmas time and they support each other. New Year's Eve New Year's Eve is on December 31, the final day of the Gregorian year, and the day before New Year's Day. New Year' s Eve is celebrated all around world because it's final day of the Gregorian year. New Year's Eve is usually celebrated with families or with friends. Few hours before and after midnight, people usually party and eat a nicer dinner, often three courses. New Year's Eve is celebrated with large fireworks displays throughout the country, especially in the cities. People over 18 are allowed to

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

Essay: Christmases in Estonia

Maarja Mägi 11B Christmas celebrations in Estonia In Estonia, Christmas time is considered to be the most important time of the year. In recent times, Christmases have grown to be more a commercial holiday. What is more, Estonian Christmas celebrations have been changed due to German cultural influences. Christmases in Estonia on the whole have two meanings: first one is to celebrate the birth of the Christ and secondly it marks the whole period of mid-winter festivities. In Estonia's folk tradition, Christmas (in Estonian "jõulud" is of ancient Scandinavian origin and has no connection with

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Inglise keeles Piret Järvise infoleht

She is an Estonian musician, guitarist and songwriter. Piret Järvis is 22 years old. She has one brother, Peeter, who is 3 years younger and sister, Mari, who is 3 years older. She favourite drink is water, favourite car is Jaguar, favourite animal is dog, favourite season is summer, favourite fruits are banana and apple. She has blue eyes, dark blonde hair. She hobby is reading, drawing, playing the guitar and shopping. She nicknames are Pirks, Pirku, Piraat and Pirru. She went the school 7 year artlap, 3 year dance. She started sing already , 3 years old. Piret Järvis is Vanilla Ninja member. She writer Vanilla Ninja bands songs example ,, Clab Kung ­ Fu" and any others songs. She play band guitar. Band idea came form Piret and Katrin. 2003. year May came first album. She favourites musicastyle is Nu Metal, Punk, Punkrock, R'n'b, rap and pop. She is many people modeicon. She is famous shooter. She likes jeans. She has 50 pair jeans, everyone is different style.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonian Public holidays

Estonian Public holidays New Year's Day January 1 New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count is incremented. In many cultures, the event is celebrated in some manner. The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January, as was the case with theRoman calendar. There are numerous calendars that remain in regional use that calculate the New Year differently Independence Day Independence from the Russian Empire in 1918. Independence re-declared from the Soviet Union in 1991 An Independence Day is an annual event commemorating the anniversary of a nation's assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a group or part of another nation or state; more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries observe their respective independence days as a national holiday, and in some

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun