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"promotion" - 195 õppematerjali

promotion – e. turunduskommunikatsion, vajalik müügi tõhustamiseks, antakse sihtturule teada toote positiivsetest omadustest ja veendakse tarbijat toodet ostma, selleks kasutatakse reklaami, isiklikku müüki, tähtis on millist toodet, millises kanalis reklaamida.

4P (Product, price, place, promotion)

4P ( Product, price, place, promotion): Price- pakume toodet tasuta. Toodet on võimalik alla laadida meie koduleheküljel ning ka Google play kaudu. Product- bränd on usaldusväärne ja oma fuktsionaalsuse tõttu hääletureguleerijana on sobilik vaigistajaprogramm, olles ühtlasi ideaalne antud otstarvet täitma. Samas ei jää funktsioonid jäigaks ning kui on vaja uuendada programme, siis äpp kohaneb ja muutub- vastavalt klientide soovidele ja nõudlustele. Lisaks ei kurna ta oma kliente tüütute reklaamidega. Äpp ilmub ekraanile vaid sobival hetkel ja vastavalt seadistusele kliendi poolt. Place- me ei müü teenust, vaid pakume tasuta ning seda ainult usaldusväärsetel lehekülgedel: äpi oma kodulehekülg, mis tutvustab lisaks teenusele ka juhtkonda ning programmi loojaid ehk meie programmeerijaid; Lisaks ka tuntud veebilehel Google play, mida külastavad enamus äpiotsijaid inimesi tihti. Keelatud ei ole linki jagada teistes veebilehekülgedes, mis ...

Majandus → Juhtimisarvestus
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele töö spikker (brands jne)

*Cons : don't want to show people you have a lot of logos/people have the same clothes/ inflated prices/needs value of money Marketing *The basic concept underlying marketing is human needs. *Marketing has been defined as the process of matching an organisation's resources with customer needs. *4 conditions necessary for exchange : value, delivery, communication, parties *4 variables of marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion The four variables, creation, distribution, promotion, and pricing are called the marketing mix. Product *Product is marketing process result. *An organisation must remain dynamic because the product is the only key to the organisation's solvency and profitability. *Company and consumer are independent because no matter how else the organisation runs itself cost-effecitively and sensibly, if the product is not selling well then the money simply will not be coming in. *Successful product management depend on the organisation knowing how and if the

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Turunduse ja müügijuhtimise alused harjutustest 3: 25 küsimust ja vastust

Küsimus 1 Suhteturundus on: a. koordineeritud turunduskommunikatsioon kaubanduskeskustes. b. pikaajaliste kasumlike kliendisuhete loomine ja hoidmine. c. organisatsiooni ja selle töötajate vaheline suhtlemine. d. meeste ja naiste vaheliste suhete mõju ostuotsustele. Küsimus 2 Tarbija sissetulek on tarbijakäitumise a. välimine mõjur b. sisene mõjur Küsimus 3 Positsioneerimine on turundustehnika, millega üritatakse a. hinnata segmendi atraktiivsust ning ettevõtte äritegevust antud segmendis. b. välja selgitada, mida inimesed tahavad osta ning kui tähtis on ost tarbija jaoks. c. sihtturu jaoks luua toote, brändi või organisatsiooni identiteeti. d. tähelepanu pöörata inimese ostujõule ja seda nii tervet turgu arvesse võttes, kui ka ühte sihtgruppi silmas pidades. Küsimus 4 Lühend USP tähendab ... a. konkurentsieelist b. konkurentsivõimeline positsioneerimist c. unikaalne tarbijakäitumist d. unikaalset müügiargumenti ...

Majandus → Turunduse ja müügijuhtimise...
6 allalaadimist

Turundus ja müük

Edustus (promotion)- müügiedendus, reklaam, suhtekorraldus, otseturundus Kriitikute arvates ei peegelda klassikaline turundusmeetmestik piisavalt tarbijate huve, seetõttu toodi välja 4c Lahendus tarbijale(customer solution) Kulu tarbija jaoks (customer cost) Mugavus(convenience) Kommunikatsioon(communication) 16) Mida sisaldab ,,turunduse 4-P-d"? Product Customer value Price Cost to the Customer Place Convenience Promotion Communication 17) Mida nimetatakse toodete diferentseerimiseks? Diferentseerimise tegurid. Diferentseerimise all mõistetakse toote kohandamist mingi kindla turusegmendi vajadustega 18) Nimeta toote erinevad osad ning kirjelda millest need koosnevad. - Toote variatsioonid - Kvaliteet - Disain - Iseärasused - Kaubamärk - Pakend - Suurus - Teenused - Garantii - Tagastus

Majandus → Majandus
17 allalaadimist


Tervis on multidimensionaalne, sotsiaalse, füüsilise ja psühholoogilise heaolu muutuv seisund, mis põhineb tegutsemisvõimel, eneseteostusvõimel ja elu mõtte tunnetusel. Terviseedendus (health promotion) WHO defineerib: tervisedendus kui protsess, mis võimaldab inimestel suurendada kontrolli oma tervise üle ja sellega parandada oma tervist. Tervisedenduse tulemussed (health promotion outcomes) Tervisedendusele omistatavad muutused isiklikes oskustes ja/või sotsiaalsetes normides ja tegevustes ja/või organisatoorses praktikas ja riiklikus poliitikas. Tervise mandala (the mandala of health) Tervise kontseptsioon, milles paigutatakse inimene mitme keskkonna (perekond, kogukond, tehiskeskkond, kultuur ja biosfäär) keskele. Mudel demonstreerib nelja teguri ­ inimese bioloogia, käitumise, psühhosotsiaalse ning füüsilise keskkonna - mõju inimesele ja ta perekonnale.

Meditsiin → Tervise edendus
31 allalaadimist

School is looking for a French teacher

School is looking for highly motivated French teacher Requirements: · good communication skills Offers: · qualification in teaching · good working conditions · dedicated · promotion changes · fair-minded · training courses · full of energy and · flexible hours enthusiasm · great environment The salary will depend on experience and qualifications. Interested candidates should send their application together with a full CV and motivation form to [email protected] Application deadline is 3 November 2008.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Anett Kaldas 4P JA 4C ANALÜÜS Analüüs Õppeaines: Turundus Transporditeaduskond Õpperühm: TL31 Juhendaja: Helen Kiis Esitamiskuupäev:……………. Üliõpilase allkiri:…………….. Õppejõu allkiri: ……………… Tallinn 2017 SISUKORD 1. MIS ON 4P? ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. MIS ON 4C? ....................................................................................................................... 4 3. MIS ON 4P JA 4C MUDELITE ERINEVUS? .................................................................. 5 4. 4P MUDELI KASUTUS .................................................................................................... 6 5. 4C MUDELI KASUTUS .................................................................................................

Majandus → Turundus
222 allalaadimist

Inglise keele majandussõnastik

.....................................tootmisjuht 371. Productions possibility curve ­ ........................tootmisvõimaluste kõver 372. Productive efficiency ­ .....................................produktiivsus 373. Profitability ­ ....................................................tasuvus 374. Profitability requirements ­ ..............................kasumlikkuse nõue 375. Progress report ­ ...............................................tegevusaruanne 376. Promotion ­ ......................................................edutamine 377. Promotion mix ­ ...............................................müügitoetustegurid 378. Promotion prospects - .......................................edutamise väljavaated 379. Promotion strategy ­ .........................................edendamise strateegia 380. Prospekt ­.......................................................... perspektiivne (loodetav) klient, ostja 381. Public economy ­ .........................

Keeled → Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

Aubrey Drake Graham

• Sandi Graham, Dennis Graham • Jewish Day School Drake • Minor Hockey- Weston Red Wings • Moved to affluent Forrest hill • Half of a house • Forest Hill Collegiate Institute (acting) Drake • Degrassi: The Next Generation • Jimmy Brooks • Mixtapes Drake • June 2009 Lil Wayne • Not signed • Third mixtape “So Far Gone” (singles) • Succes Drake • Take care 2011 • Topping charts • “The Motto” • YOLO Drake • In promotion of 2.album • Club Paradise Tour • Most succesful in 2012 • $42 million Drake • Third studio album • “Nothing was the same” • Number-one songs • HipHop-10/RnB-12 Drake • A Grammy • Three Junos • Six Bet awards Drake • September 30, 2013 • Torronto Raptors ambassador • Helping to promote • Hometown team Drake • Soft melody • Emotional lyrics • RnB • Kanye West, Jay-Z, Alaiyah and Lil Wayne Used sites •

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A stereotype (keskmine eestlane)

A stereotype The average Estonian is a woman (54%) between age 20 and 72 years old. She lives in a private house. The house is situated in town or near it. It has 4 bedrooms, 1 or 2 bathrooms, an utility room and a kitchen. The average Estonian is married. The average Estonian works 40-45 hours a week, and has at least 1 holiday for 4 weeks every year. Most of the holidays are spent with relatives or abroad. The man In the family works in the office of a company and earns 3000kr a week. He goes to work by car and starts at 8.30 in the morning. He likes his job and hopes to get promotion. Women work in service industry and go there by car. They sometimes earn more than men and they quite like their job. The children of a typical Estonian family go to nearby state school by bus. The classes start at 8.00 and end 15.30 and rest in the summer for 8 weeks In their spare time Estonian watch Television. Othe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Movie, Sing

Movie "Sing" In this movie is main hero koala Buster Moon.His father was died when he was a child.Buster promised dad to make process in the theater.He decided to earn money and arranged the contest in the theatre.Winner of music battle will receive 1000dollars, but his assistant is lizard Miss Crawly printed promotion for show and she wrongly typed 2 zero and prize has become 100 000 dollars.Right before the office's oscillating fan accidentally disperses the flyers throughout the city.Moon noticed this only when his participants were choosen.These heroes were pig Rosita, mouse Mike, hedgehog Ash, elephant Meena, monkey Johnny and one more pig. About this movie I can say that, it was very exciting to watch it, because I very like when in a movie are a lot music.In my opinion , in this movie music sound each of animal in own meaning.By the way, when I was listening how these animals sing, it make...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Materjalitehnika kodutöö 2 plakat

Mootorratta külgpaneelid · Eesmärk: Külgpaneelid moodustavad kesta, mis on paigutatud ümber mootorratta raami ja mootori. Selle peamiseks eesmärgiks on muuta ratas voolujoonelisemaks ning vähendada õhutakistust suurtel kiirustel. Seetõttu väheneb kütusekulu ja on võimalik sõita suurematel kiirustel madalamate mootori pööretega, mis omakorda pikendab mootori eluiga. Lisaks kaitsevad külgpaneelid ku...

Materjaliteadus → Materjalitehnika
38 allalaadimist


reclamare ­ , , «»: 1) , ( ) 2) ­ ( ) : ­ , ( ) : . ( , , ..), , , , , . , . , «», . ­ , , ­ . . : « . , . ». 1473 - - . XVII «». 1629 - . 1631 - « ». 1787 - « » , . 1841 - . 1899 - , 1 , «.. » (N.W.Ayer & Son), National Biscuit Company. : 1894 - Agate Club 1906 - Advertising Club - 1912 - American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) 1920 - , . 1941 - . 1955 ­ : - - - - - ­ , . "P" , : (product), (price), (place), (promotion). ( ). ­ . , . , , , , , , , . , , , , . . 1) . . , (...

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
46 allalaadimist


27th september 2010 Mr.G.Dorney Manager ABC Company Eastwood road 134 Los Angeles I79 K0L Dear Mr Dorney, I am writing to apply for the position of sales executive, which was advertised in the September edition of the ABC Company Newsletter. For the last five years I have been a sales executive in Coca-Cola Company in Lithuania. I was responsible for products promotion and my command was to improve products. Also, I had sales meetings for example in Latvia or in the USA. I had to travel different places, do all kinds of things to improve the company's sales numbers. Before Coca- Cola Company I worked in AS Sangar in Estonia, where I was sales executive as well. I think my selling skills are appropriate for this job, because I have necessary experiences of this kind of occupation.

Keeled → Business english
23 allalaadimist

Essay about Food Inc

The chickens can’t carry their own weight and fall down. Employees hit and toture them. I find horrifying how the chikens are treated as plain food not living creatures. Cows and pigs are treated in the same way. Most of the food in America is controlled and manufactured by few main companies. The major food companies make huge profits of which are based on supplying cheap but contaminated food, the heavy use of petroleum-based chemicals (largely pesticides and fertilizers), and the promotion of unhealthy food consumption habits by the American public. I think that it’s absolutely wrong how the food indrustries and farms work. Nowadays, it’s all about the money. No compassion. My solution is to fight against the system. If many countries would cooperate, than there would be a chance that we could end this tragedy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Investment plan

Introduction This report lists the key features of an exciting new product made from Protean. It also looks at its key selling points and examines its commercial potential. This report will look at: · A description of the product · Its selling points · Ways in which the product is really new · Its target consumers and main buyers · Price which will attract the most buyers · Places where you can sell it · An advertising and promotion plan Discussion points 1. Our products are very big sunglasses. These are different. Their colour can be changed at any time. Most of sunglasses are with mirror glasses and UV- protection. People who have problems with their eyes can buy ,,+"or ,,­"sunglasses. Frames are decorated with different accessories like diamonds and pearls. 2. Selling points: · Very big ones · Their colour can be changed at any time · Ideal for a sunny day · Protect eyes 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


1. Reisikorraldaja - on reisiettevõtja, kes koostab pakettreise ja pakub neid müügiks või müüb ise või teise reisiettevõtja kaudu. (Goadventure, Reisiekspert, Germalo Reisid) 2. Paketireis - reisikorraldaja poolt ühtse hinna eest pakutav, eelnevalt kindlaks määratud ja vähemalt 24 tunni jooksul osutatav vähemalt kahe järgmise reisiteenuse kogum: sõitjateveoteenus; majutusteenus; muud reisiteenused, mis ei ole sõitjateveoteenuse või majutusteenuse kõrvalteenused ja mis moodustavad koguteenuse olulise osa. Pakettreis on ka reisiteenuste kogum, mida osutatakse vähem kui 24 tunni jooksul, kuid mis sisaldab majutusteenust. Pakettreisi kirjeldus või muud tarbijale edastatavad lepingutingimused peavad vastama võlaõigusseaduses sätestatule. Paketireis omab fikseeritud hinda. 3. Külalisest vasakult esitletakse vaagnaid, pudeleid, sest seda mugavam võtta parema käega (kahvel on samuti vasakul). Külalisest parema...

Turism → Eriala
3 allalaadimist

150 words Academic English

· Sodium nitride- NaN · Coupling- liitekoht, ühendamine · Abnormality- ebanormaalsus · Covert- varjatud · Abrasion- hõõrumisjälg, kulumine · cross bit-kivipuur · Absolute value- absoluutväärtus · Database-andmebaas · Abstain-hoiduma · dependable-usaldusvrne · accomplish -saavutama · Domestic- kodumaine · Accumulate- koguma · Epicure- epikuurlane · Acrimonious- vihane, kibestunud · Erupt- vallanduma · Acute angle- teravnurk · ethical-eetiline · Advantage-eelis · Evaporate-aurustuma · Advent- saabumine · Extracellular- rakuväline · Agenda-pevakord · Feedback-tagasiside · akin- sugulane · Fertile-viljakas · Aldehyde- aldehüüd · flank-külg · Alongside- kõrvuti ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Turunduskommunikatsiooni olemus ja integreeritud turunduskommunikatsioon

ning mõnikord võidakse selliseid sõnumeid saada ka võõrastelt. Turunduskommunikatsioon, mis on suhtlemine ettevõtte ja selle sihtgruppide vahel, koosneb viiest promotsiooni vormist. Kasutusel on ka terminid ,,toetus-" või ,,edustusmeetmestik" ning ,,promotsiooni vormid". Sisuliselt on tegemist sünonüümidega. Inglise keeles sellist terminoloogilist segadust ei ole ning kasutusel on kaks peamist mõistet ­ marketing communication (turunduskommunikatsioon) ning promotion mix (edustusmeetmestik). Ettevõtted püüavad saavutada oma reklaami- ja turunduseesmärke mitmesuguste promotsiooni vormide kaudu. · Reklaam (advertising). Igasugune makstud, mitteisiklik ideede, toodete või teenuste esitlus, kus tellija on identifitseeritav. · Isiklik müük (personal selling). Müügipersonali poolt läbiviidud toote tutvustus, eesmärgiks luua kliendisuhe ja müük. · Müügitoetus (sales promotion)

Majandus → Turundus
58 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

1. Social Policy aspects in EU Treaties Social and employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of employment - Improved living and working conditions - Proper social protection - Dialogue between management and labour - The development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion. Treaty of Rome: belief that improved working and living conditions would arise from the functioning of the common market – cooperation in the areas of employment, labour law and working conditions, vocational

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Turunduse konspekt

3. Turuleidmise etapid: a.i.1) Turu üldhinnang ­ turusuurus ja arengusuunade määramine a.i.2) Turu segmentimine ­ max. turu jagamine sihtturgudeks (mehed, naise,d noored, vanad jne.) ­ aluseks on tarbija käitumine a.i.3) Sihtturu valik ­ valitakse 1 segment, kellele hakatakse toodet arendama a.i.4) Positsioneerimine ­ enda asukoha määramine turul 4. Marketing mix: · Price · Product · Promotion · Place 5. Hinna tähtsus: · ettevõttele ­ kasumi kujundaja · ühiskonnale ­ suunad resurssid kõige ratsionaalsema tootja kätte 6. Hind on väärtus rahas väljendatuna. Väärtuste kogum, mida ostja on nõus vahetama toote omamisest tulenevate kasude vastu. (nt õppemaks ­ haridus, rent, üür ­ õigus kausutada mingit vara, honorar ­ loovtöötaja tasu, palk ­ töötaja töö hind, altkäemaks ­ ebaseadusliku tehingu hind) 7

Majandus → Majandus
18 allalaadimist

Water creates energy

Coal, Oil and Gas would be depleted sooner or later, but water shall remain ever to serve our and natures need. Water is an inexhaustible source of power. Thus, it is a reliable source of power. Hydro-electric stations have a long life. Most of the hydro-electric projects are constructed as multi-purpose projects. The other uses of hydro-electric projects, besides providing power and irrigation, are flood control, navigation, water supply for industrial and domestic uses, promotion of tourism, fishing etc. The generation of hydro-electricity does not create problems of pollution. Although dam construction involves huge capital investment, yet later on its maintenance cost is very less. Even in our country we have 1 hydro-electric station ­ Narva hüdroelektrijaam. In conclusion we clearly see, that creating energy from water is a very productive, self- restoring and cheap energy creator. I think that my country should increase water creation

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Majanduse alused. Tootmine ja Turundus

Sissejuhatus majandusse IX Tootmine ja turundus 10ml 2018 Tootmise klipid Tootmine · Tootmise peamine küsimus tootlikkus: · Efektiivsus (efficiency) ­ mida toota · Tõhusus (effectiveness) ­ kuidas toota · Tootlikkust mõõdetakse ajaühikus toodetud väärtuste hulgaga · Tunnis toodetud pudelid · Päevas toodetud autod · Sekundis saadetud infohulk Tootmine · Tootmist mõjutavad tegurid: · Töötajate teadmised ja oskused ­ kvalifitseeritud tööjõud · Tootmisvahendite kvaliteet ja hulk ­ investeeringud · Tehnoloogia ­ ajakohasus, innovatiivsus · Juhtimine ­ kaasaegsed juhtimisvõtted, management vs leadership · Keskkond ­ ressursside saadavus, keskkonnakaitse · Poliitika ­ seadused, kulud Tootmine Tootlikkus ja kulud · Kulud jagunevad suures piires kaheks: · Püsikulud ­ masinad, seadmed, hooned ·...

Majandus → Majandus alused
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

354 product launch turule laskma 355 product management toote haldus 356 product patent tootepatent 357 product range tootevalik 358 productivity produktiivsus, tootlikkus 359 profit and loss statements kasumiaruanne 360 profit distribution kasumi jaotus 361 profitability kasumlikkus 362 profitable tulus 363 projected balance sheets prognoositud bilanss 364 promotion edutamine 365 promotion mix müügitoetustegurid 366 proportion osakaal 367 proprietor eraettevõtja 368 prospective investor loodetav, tulevane investor 369 provide varustama 370 proxy volitus 371 psyhological need psühholoogiline vajadus 372 public relations suhtekorraldus 373 public sector borrowing riigilaen

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Booklet about Estonia

The house is situated in town or near it. It has 4 bedrooms, 1 or 2 bathrooms, an utility room and a kitchen. The average Estonian is married. The average Estonian works 40-45 hours a week, and has at least 1 holiday for 4 weeks every year. Most of the holidays are spent with relatives or abroad. The man In the family works in the office of a company and earns 3000kr a week. He goes to work by car and starts at 8.30 in the morning. He likes his job and hopes to get promotion. Women work in service industry and go there by car. They sometimes earn more than men and they quite like their job. The children of a typical Estonian family go to nearby state school by bus. The classes start at 8.00 and end 15.30 and rest in the summer for 8 weeks In their spare time Estonian watch Television. Other popular activities are listening to the music, visiting friends, going to the cinema and playing computer games. INTERSTING PLACES

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems The objective of sustainable development is not to restrict economic activity for preservation of the environment but to adopt decisions integrating social, economic and environmental spheres at different (national, local) levels. Today's decisions must not create unsolvable problems tomorrow; consequently the limits of carrying capacity of the environment and the need to preserve resources always need to be considered at the promotion of economic growth and improvement of social security. Social agreements concerning the setting of development priorities, purposeful and long-term changes in resource exploitation, investments, implementation of new technologies, increase of public awareness, and changing of consumption patterns are prerequisite for the development of a secure and future-oriented state. Vocabulary Natural environment ­ looduskeskkond Sustainability ­ jätkusuutlikkus

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist


Referat Madonna Tallinn 2010 Madonna Biografie Madonna, eigentlich Louise Veronica Ciccone, geboren am 16. August 1958 in Bay City, in der Nähe von Detroit (USA). Seine Mutter stirbt, obwohl sie nur sechs Jahre. Die neue Frau seines Vaters wünscht ihm eine gute Ausbildung und die kleine Louise befindet sich in der Pension in einer katholischen Schule. Sie in der Idee als gute Schwester, hält aber an der Spitze zu kommen berühmte, in der sie sich 1978 in New York um seine Chance. Sie übt mehrere Jobs, um sein Leben vor sich hin, der Sänger Patrick Hernandez Französisch: es sein erster Schritt zum Erfolg. Sie hat ein kleines Mädchen mit Carlos Leon: Lourdes Maria, die geboren am 14.Oktober 1996. Musik 1981 lernt sie den New Yorker DJ Mark Kamini die ihn in die Label Sire Records Company. Im folgenden Jahr nimmt sie ih...

Keeled → Saksa keel
5 allalaadimist

Kuidas ettevõtted konkureerivad

Kuidas ettevõtted konkureerivad XI peatükk · Kuidas turumajanduses töötavad konkurents ja koostöö käsikäes? · Miks mõned ettevõtted on hinnakujundajad ja teised hinnavõtjad? · Kuidas mõjutavad erinevad turustruktuurid ­ täiskonkurents, monopolistlik konkurents, oligopol ja monopol ettevõtete omavahelist konkurentsi? · Kuidas on turundus seotud informatsiooni maksumuse ja vahetamisega? · Miks on turundus üks ärikonkurentsi meetod? Täiskonkurents Täiskonkurentsi puhul on müüjaid palju ja neist ükski ei suuda mõjutada turuhinda. Monopolistlik Monopolistlik konkurents iseloomustab turgu, kus on konkurents palju müüjaid, kelle tooted on küll sarnased, kuid mitte täpselt ühesugused. Oligopol Oligopol kirjeldab turgu, kus valitsevad üksikud suurfirmad. Monopol ...

Majandus → Majandus
25 allalaadimist

The Father of Flag Day

Revolution.") "Story of the Great Seal of the United States." "History of American Emblems" "The History of American Heraldry" The Father of Flag Day Bernard J. Cigrand was first and foremost an American patriot. From the 1880s through the 1930s, he preached respect and honor for the nation and its flag. In 1885, however, Cigrand still a teenager and only at the beginning of his journey. He entered dental college later that year, mixing his professional studies with the promotion of the flag. In June 1886 he made his first public proposal for the annual observance of the birth of the flag when he wrote an article titled "The Fourteenth of June" in the old Chicago Argus newspaper. In June of 1888, at the same time he was graduating first in his class from dental college, Cigrand addressed a Chicago organization known as the "Sons of America". In his speech he emphasized the good that would come from a flag holiday. In response, the organization

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Learning foreign language - Why is it necessary?

I understand that they do not need it but they should speak Estonian too. Many companies in modern world are international and most communicating is in English. And if you wanna be successful you need to speak language perfectly. If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips. Many English-speaking business people don't bother to learn other languages because they believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English, and if they don't speak English, interpreters can be used. Language influences culture, so learning a language helps you to understand how other people think, and it also helps you to get a general

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


Derivation Omadussõna Nimisõna Tegusõna Määrsõna Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Angry- vihane Anger- viha Anger- vihastama Angrily Embarassed- Embarrassment- piinlikus Embarrass- piinlikust Embarrassingly piinlik tundma Amazed- Amazement- hämmastus Amaze- hämmastama üllatunud Disappointed- Disappointment- pettumus Disappoint- pettuma pettunud Sad- kurb sadness- kurbus Sadden- kurvastama Terrified- Terror- hirm Terrify- hirmutama hirmunud Shocked Shock Shock Anxious- Anxiety-ärevus närviline Beautiful- ilus Beauty- iludus Beautifully- ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Health topic

To identify the diseas or damage the doctors use tools and apparatures, ask the patients questions about their condition and past illnesses.According to that treatment is done. People usually do not need treatment in case of minor illnesses and injuries. In more serious cases a doctor may prescribe drugs, surgery or other treatment. In case of surgery, a patient must go to hospital where they recieve round-the-clock care from doctors, nurses and other skilled workers. Prevention and promotion can be done in many different ways. Doctors can vaccinate people against diseases, they can advise people to have healthy diets and to get enough rest and exercise. Also regular checkups can help to prevent diseseas in their early stages. Doctors Doctors have detailed knowledge of the human body and are specially trained in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. Doctors who provide medical care can be divided into two main categories: general practitioners and specialists

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

History of London

4: What was the population of London in the second century AD? Around 60,000 5: What happened in 851 AD? 6: What did Alfred the Great do? He defended Anglo-Saxon England from Viking raids, formulated a code of laws, and fostered a rebirth of religious and scholarly activity. His reign exhibits military skill and innovation, sound governance and the ability to inspire men and plan for the future, piety and a practical commitment to the support of religion, personal scholarship and the promotion of education. 7: What did Ethelred do at London Bridge? King Ethelred burnt down the bridge to split apart the invading forces of the Dane Svein Haraldsson 8: Who controlled London from 1017 to 1042? Canute took control of the English throne in 1017, controlling the city and country until 1042 9: What happened on Christmas day 1066? Following a victory at the Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror, the then Duke of

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
11 allalaadimist

Tööalane inglise keel

4. willingness to work – valmisolek töötada 5. learn & grow in knowledge and career – täiendada teadmisi ja karjäärivõimalusi 6. is a huge bonus – on suureks eeliseks 7. will be considered as advantage – on eeliseks 8. Develop and implement a business plan and sales strategy – arendada ja rakendada äriplaani ja müügistrateegiat 9. Be responsible for the budget – vastutada eelarve eest 10. initiate and implement promotion and advertising activities – algatada ja viia ellu uusi reklaamimisviise 11. in order to increase competitiveness – et suurendada konkurentsivõimet 12. Competitive remuneration package – konkurentsivõimline töötasu koos lisatasudega 13. Problem handling in complex and distributed application environment – probleemide lahendamise oskus keerulistes ja raskendatud olukordades 14. Establish and maintain successful cooperation – luua ja hoida head

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

How to write a Business Plan

graphic. 5. Organization and Management • How your company is organized to run successfully. • The legal form of ownership for your business. • Who are the key people you will rely on to run the business 6. Marketing and Sales Strategy • Describe your market, your customers, and why they want to buy your products and services. • Describe how you will sell your products and deliver to your customer. • Explain your sales strategy, specific to pricing, promotion, products and place 7. Financial Management • For a New Business • Estimate of start-up costs. • Projected balance sheet (1 year forward). • Projected income statement (1 year forward). • Projected cash flow statement (12 months forward) 8. Conclusion • This is where you summarize your idea again and stress your confidence in your ability to be successful. Get Ready To Go Into Business! Thank you!

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

All forms of media

All forms of Media Assuming you mean Broadcast Media, the single most important function of Media is to report events as they are happening. The advantage of this is that more people can be informed and therefore involved in the happenings of the day. But like any other facet of life these wonders can be corrupted by those with their own agenda. That is to say that a news agency can choose to omit some things from their broadcast to place a particular "spin" on the events. Using 9-11 as an example: Everyone saw the planes crash into the buildings but none REALLY knows why this happened. Same with the assignation of JFK. Information can be repressed or expounded to create misinformation that leaves us all wondering why. Mass Media refers to all forms of media that are open to and accessible by the public. This includes newspapers, television, internet, magazines, radio etc. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Henry Moore

Moore was born in Castleford as the son of a mining engineer. He became well-known through his large-scale abstract cast bronze and carved marble sculptures, and was instrumental in introducing a particular form of modernism to the United Kingdom. His ability in later life to fulfill large-scale commissions made him exceptionally wealthy. Yet he lived frugally and most of the money he earned went towards supporting the Henry Moore Foundation, which continues to support education and promotion of the arts. His forms are usually abstractions of the human figure, typically depicting mother-and-child or lying figures. Reclining line was even considered as his signature. Moore's works are usually suggestive of the female body, apart from a phase in the 1950s when he sculpted family groups. His forms are generally pierced or contain hollow spaces. Many translators liken the wavy form of his lying figures to the landscape and hills of his birthplace, Yorkshire.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


training. Such interventions need to be evaluated with respect to the media's portrayal of the idealized and unattainable images of beauty that young people are exposed to and its impact on disordered eating behaviours and eating disorders. While the media may contribute to the development of weight concerns and body dissatisfaction in children and adolescents, we cannot disregard the fact that media can also be used as an important tool for health promotion and prevention strategies. In the end I hope my research allows people to better understand the subject of body image issues. I hope to make a connection between gender and negative body image in order to emphasize the idea that both genders deal with this problem. I hope to make the point that children are beginning to battle negative thoughts regarding their bodies as well. I want to educate others on the subject and alert them in order to one day make a difference in our society.

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
4 allalaadimist

Lewis Carroll

by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the LookingGlass, as well as the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life in many parts of the world, including the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, and New Zealand. Family Dodgson's family was predominantly northern English, with Irish connections. Conservative and High Church Anglican, most of Dodgson's ancestors were army officers or Church of England clergymen. His greatgrandfather, also Charles

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


2. Hind (hinnakirja hind, allahindlused, lisatasud, makseperiood, krediiditingimused, garantiitingimused) 3. Distributsioon ehk jaotus ehk turustus (koht, kättesaadavus, ulatus, sortiment, asukohad, laod, transport) 4. Promotsioon ehk müügitoetus (müügitoetuskampaaniad, reklaam, suhtekorraldus, otseturundus, müük) 16. Mida sisaldab „turunduse 4-P-d“? 1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion 17. Mida nimetatakse toodete diferentseerimiseks? Diferentseerimise tegurid. Toote diferentseerimiseks nimetatakse seda, kui ettevõte püüdleb selle poole, et tema pakkumine oleks teistest erinev ehk diferentseeritud. Eriti on seda vaja tarbekaupade puhul (piim, kohv jne.). Ehk leida see n-ö X-faktor, miks tarbija peaks eelistama just sinu ettevõtte toodet. Diferentseerimise teguriteks on tegelikud ning psühholoogilised tegurid. 18

Majandus → Turundus
76 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika reeglid

Passive= At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John. 12. Future Perfect Kaks erinevat vormi: "will have done" ja "be going to have done". Vorme pole võimalik omavahel asendada. [will have + past participle] You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S. [am/is/are + going to have + past participle] You are going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S. By next November, I will have received my promotion. I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. Active= They will have completed the project before the deadline. Passive= The project will have been completed before the deadline. 13 Future Perfect Continuous Kaks erinevat vormi: "will have been doing " ja "be going to have been doing". Vorme pole võimalik omavahel asendada. [will have been + present participle] You will have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Mother Theresa

became an official International Association on March 29, 1969. By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 countries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow Mother Teresa's spirit and charism in their families. Mother Teresa's work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding (1972). She also received the Balzan Prize (1979) and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Erialane inglise keele konspekt

Inflation Def- A general invrease in the proce of goods and services and a fall in the relative value of money. Basis point Def- A unit of measure used in the financial world to describe the percentage change in the value or rate of a financial instrument. One basis point is equivealent to 0.01% or 1/100the of a percent. TURUNDUS Marketing- The action or business of promoting products or services to the public other businesses. Advertising- The action or business of the promotion trough public announcements in newspapers, TV, radio or the Internet of a product, service or event, in order to attract or increase interest in it. Brand. A type of product made by a particular company.

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
40 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne õiglus, ebaõiglus ja ebavõrdsus tervises

Widening social inequalities in mortality: the case of Barcelone, a southern European city. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 51: 659667. Brunner, E. (1997). Stress and the biology of inequality. British Medical Journal, 314: 1472 1476. Dibley, G. and Gordon, M. (2004). Leading the way: making common sense of the social determinants of health. In R. Moodie and A. Hulme (Eds.) Handson Health Promotion. Melbourne, IP Communications. Kunst, A., Leinsalu, M., Kasmel, A. and Habicht, J. (2002). Social inequalities in health in Estonia. Tallinn, Publications of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Link, B.G. and Phelan, J. (1995). Social conditions as fundamental causes of disease. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, extra issue: 80-94. 8 Marmot, M. and McDowall, M.E. (1986)

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
31 allalaadimist


advantages you get for doing it. But i think if person decides that he wants to do it, then the money doesn't have so big role in it. Important is the cause. It is very likely to get promoted if you do a good job and be yourself and if you are made for it. If you do it against your will, then you can't expect anything good. You get prmoted according to the job you do and if you are cheerful and happy and not crumpy all day long and you get on with people very well, then getting promotion won't be so impossible. With this job the routine is out of the prospect. You will have many ways to make your life interesting when being a diplomat. You will meet new people every single day, you will never know what will come up next or where do you have to go tomorrow. This is the part that i like about the job. Being a dimplomat is being the link between the homeland and the land you are in. It is

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Space Business

Notification/recording in a Master International Frequency Register (MIFR) Broadcasting regulation EU EFCA EU Regulation ü Supports european cinema industrie (copyright protection) ü Sets up the legal framework in relation to e-commerce ü Enforces antitrust rules for protection of consumer choice and diversity. EFCA (European Film Companies Alliance) aims ü Development of the European audiovisual market ü Promotion of independent productions ü Cultural diversity Television Without Frontiers Directives Fostering European film/audio production to ensure a minimum market access of 51 % of diffusion time Quota requirement in terms of independent production: 10 % of broadcasting time or programming budget Freedom of communication Respect of european laws Respect of human dignity Protection of minors Independent administrative authorities

Õigus → Äriõigus
30 allalaadimist

Ants Laikmaa

Ants Laikmaa died in November 1942 in Kadarpiku, where he is also buried. Laikmaa remained unmarried all his life. His farm was opened in 1960 as a museum to his life and work. Ants Laikmaa is mainly known for his watercolor painting. He brought impressionism to Estonia. Laikmaa often painted landscapes, mostly with sharp colors. His portraits of the intellectual and artistic elite of Estonia will most renouned. He was also politically active. Above all, he promoted the training and promotion of Estonian art. Among other things, he was one of the founders of the Estonian National Museum (Eesti Rahva Muuseum) in Tartu. ( Ants Laikmaa (kuni 1935 Hans Laipman) oli 13. laps kehv eesti pere. Ta käis koolis Vigala, Haapsalu ja Lihula. Tema ema suri kui ta oli laps. Laikmaa avastas varakult tema huvi maali. Ta õppis 1891-1893 ja 1896-1897 on Düsseldorfi Kunstiakadeemias. Alates 1897-1899 ta töötas Düsseldorfis. Sügisel 1899 naasis ta tagasi Tallinn

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheliste suhete ajalugu

individuaalset lähenemist, mille abilisteks on kliendiandmebaasid, elektrooniline meedia jne. Vaartuspohise turunduse kontseptsioon - efektiivne positsioneerimis- ja diferentseerimisstrateegia annab võimaluse edastada väärtusi kasumlikule tarbijale ja välistab olukorra, kus tarbija on rahul, kuid firma jaoks on turundus raiskav, st turunduskulud kasvavad, kuid tulud kahanevad. 4P kontseptsioon: product, price, place ja promotion 4C kontseptsioon- Costumer solution, customer cost, convinience, communication Above the line (ATL) - kasutab massimeediat Below the line (BTL) - kasutab spetsiifilisi, sageli nisikanaleid Meeleline turundus ehk sensory branding: Lõhnaturundus Heliline turundus Bränditurundus Kohaturundus Inimene, kui bränd Maitseturundus tundeturundus Elamusturundus VAJADUSED - inimeste põhivajadused millegi osas SOOVID - vajaduste kohandused NÕUDLUS - soov ja maksevalmidus

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
3 allalaadimist

Othello opens in the stately city of Venice

Othello opens in the stately city of Venice, a worldwide hub for trade and commerce. The first characters introduced are Iago, an ensign denied promotion by Othello, and Roderigo, a jealous ex- suitor of Desdemona. The two are in route to describing to Senator Brabantio the elopement of Othello and Desdemona, Brabantio’s daughter. Quickly revealing Iago’s deceitful nature, the matter is breached to Brabantio and soon afterward brought before the Duke of Venice to be discussed. Othello and Desdemona plead their love to the Duke, refuting the Senator’s claims that Othello bewitched his daughter, and that their marriage was true

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Investment Plan For Valentino Chocolates Marketing

chocolate, they will feel satisfied and happy. Other than that, we can distribute our chocolate to countries around the world. Moreover, our chocolate is harmless to people who have sickness because our chocolate contains sugar free and low fat products. Besides that , we hope that our company can produce more creative , delicious and healthy chocolate in the future in order to let our customer enjoy our chocolate . In the future , our company are going to have a new way of promotion .We are going to let the consumers to test the chocolate sample to get feedback before these chocalate enters the market . In addition , our biggest aim is to become the most well known chocolate industry around the world . Options and benefits The Board of Directors has agreed the following investment plan. Firstly, we need to buy new machinery as new machinery can end the delay caused by the old machines that are breaking down. As the machinery breaks down, it will stop the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun