him sponsorship and entry to the Simferopol gymnasium №1 and later the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, which he graduated with a gold medal. At 31, Aivazovsky married Julia Graves, an English governess in St. Petersburg. They had four daughters. The marriage was dissolved, and at the age of 65, Aivazovsky, married Anna Boornazian, a young Armenian widow from Theodosia. In 1895, he painted a number of works on the subject such as "The Expulsion of the Turkish Ship," and "The Armenian Massacres at Trevizond." He spent his last years in Feodosia where he supplied the town with water from his own estate, opened an art school, began the first archaeological excavations in the region and built a historical museum. Aivasovsky died in Feodosiya in 1900. STYLE AND SUBJECT MATTER Aivazovsky is best known for his seascapes and coastal scenes. His
Midterm Exam Microcontrollers and Practical Robotics Question 1 Convert the decimal number 43.982 to (a) binary and (b) hex. Show all your calculations. a.) 101011.111110 b.) 2B.FB6 Question 2 Perform the calculation of 58 – 42 by first converting each decimal value to binary and then using the twos complement method. Show all your calculations 5810=001110102 4210=001010102 Converse to twos complement 4210=001010102=110101012+1=110101102 Then 58+(42) 001110102 +110101102 = 000100002 =1610 Question 3 Given the following bridge circuit for a strain gauge, determine the value of the strain gauge resistance {RS}. Let: VIN = 5V R3 = 100 Ω R2 = 50 Ω R1 = 100 Ω 2 Midterm Exam - Solutions a) Under no strain (VOUT = 0 V) b) When VOUT = 0,5 V {under strain}. Solution: a) Under no strain: R1 R3 R1R4 R2 R3 VOUT ...
The Integration of subjects The present-day school system revolves around traditional education, in which students learn each subject individually. This structure means that pupils don’t have the capability or know-how to connect math, biology or even art into their daily life. Even though the tutors of this conventional education have faith in the arrangement of subjects it is still entirely about high test scores, grades and graduation.The essence of progressive, alternative education like the integration of subjects is learning and the accumulation of valuable knowledge & skill.
Perhaps they should be allowed to choose subjects that they want to study. On one hand I think that subjects shoudn't be compulsory in high school because peolple should concentrate on the subjects that will be useful for them in the future. For example: for a person who wants to study Polish philology, maths and physics may not be important. Students should be given the opportunity to take their future into their own hands. So choosing a subject for student who hae had first hand decisions on what to do in high schools will be determinated for them and their career. On other hand, young people usually don't know what they will do in the future, so it can be very difficult for them to make a choice. They have to learn all subjects for a few years to have a possibility to choose some of them. Moreover, people need to have general knowledge about the world. It is good to know at least some basic things about everything
Was she at home yesterday? - Yes, she was / No, she wasn't. 22. Special question Eriküsimused nõuavad detailset vastust. Enamasti algavad "Wh-" küsimustega. Algab tavaliselt järgmiste küsisõnadega: What? Which? When? Where? Why? Whose? ja How? How many? How much? Where are you from? - I am from Estonia. What are you wearing on your head? - I'm wearing a läkiläki või It's a läkiläki! How much money do you have? - I have only $10. How old are you? - I'm 16. 23. Subject question Küsimuse sees peitub juba oodatav vastus. Näiteks tahetakse teada tegijat ja küsimus algab "Who". Who will buy milk? Who's in charge here? What makes you think so? Who wants some coffee? 24. Tag question Teegiküsimused koosnevad kahest osast. Esimene osa on üldsõnaline lause. Teine osa on lühike põhiküsimus. Jaatava lause puhul on küsisõna eitavas vormis. Eitava lause puhul on küsisõna jaatav
Are student organizations beneficial for students? This essay will deal with the following aspects of the question „Are student organizations beneficial for students?“. It is noticeable that student organizations are quite popular subject right now. Topical issue is that there may be different opinion about how beneficial student organizations for students really are. Student organizations usefulness could be disputable, beacause there are always postive and negative side to everything. One the one hand it appears that some students might support and think that student organizations are really advantageous for them and others do not support that idea. For
Active Voice, Passive Voice There are two special forms for verbs called voice: 1. Active voice subject verb object active > Cats eat fish. 2. Passive voice The active voice is the "normal" voice. This is the voice that we use most of the time. You are probably already familiar with the active voice. In the active voice, the object receives the action of the verb: The passive voice is less usual. In the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb:
Use the Present Simple: with state verbs. to talk about situations in life that last a relatively long time. when an event is certain to happen in the future. to talk about events that we can't change (for example, an official meeting or a train departure). The Present Simple is also used in narrations (e.g. to tell a story or a joke), instructions (e.g. cooking) or commentaries (especially sport commentaries) Declarative Sentences: Subject Verb (present form) e.g. he, she, a dog, etc. + e.g. go, make, have, etc. Questions: DO/DOES Subject Verb (present form) + e.g. he, she, a dog, etc. + e.g. go, make, have, etc. Negative Sentences: Subject DO/DOES Verb (present form) e.g. he, she, a dog, etc
these words are most commonly nouns, verbs (not auxiliaries), adjectives and adverbs. Closed class words (function words) → These are words that do not take in any new words. In English the word classes are prepositions, pronouns, determiners and conjunctions. Syntax is the study of how sentences are formed in a language. For example what is the word order ( in English it’s usually subject, verb object) or how words relate to each other in sentences etc. Germanic languages → Belong to the Indo-European language family. Germanic languages divide into West Germanic and North Germanic languages. There used to be East Germanic languages also but they are now extinct. North Germanic languages → Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic and Faroese.
Relative pronouns Possesive pronouns Reciprocal pronouns Pronoun case Personal pronouns Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. We use them depending on: number person gender Case Singular: subject- I, you, he, she, it ; object-me, you, him, her, it. Plural: subject-we, you, they ; object-us, you, them. Examples: 1) Do you like coffee? (subject) 2) John loves you. (object) Reflexive pronouns We use a reflexive pronoun when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns end in "-self" (singular) or "- selves" (plural). singular : myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself plural : ourselves, yourselves, themselves Examples: 1) I saw myself in the mirror. 2) They cannot look after themselves. Demonstrative pronouns A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things: near in distance or time (this, these) far in distance or time (that, those) Examples: 1) Look at that! 2) These are bigger than those.
............................2 Word Order in Affirmative Sentences ...................................................3 Position of Adverbs of Frequency .........................................................5 Word Order in Negative Sentences......................................................6 Word Order in General Questions.........................................................7 Word Order in Special Questions ..........................................................8 Word Order in Subject Questions ..........................................................9 Types of Sentences There are four basic types of sentences in English. AFFIRMATIVE and NEGATIVE sentences both end with a full stop ( ) : . I live in Tallinn. I do not live in Tallinn. I never watch soap operas. INTERROGATIVE sentences end with a question mark ( ? ) : Do you live in Tallinn? Why do you never watch soap operas? EXCLAMATORY and IMPERATIVE sentences end with an exclamation mark ( ! ) :
My ideal job When I graduate university, I would like to become a teacher. I want to teach Estoninan language and literature. I want to teach highschool students. I’d like to teach in my hometown, Tartu. I want to become a teacher beacause I like kids. Also, I like to teach and explain. Literature was my favourite subject in school. I like almost all books from compulsory literature. Especially I like „Master and Margarita“ and „Dorian Gray“. I think it is very important to read books, especially young people should read. Literature improves their vocabulary and changes their picture of the world and maybe teach tolerance. I’d give enough time to read every book carefully. I wouldn’t just make a test with fact-questions, I would discuss about the books with them
' Heute Abend wird viel getanzt. `There will be a lot of dancing tonight.' III. Agreement categories for verbs: I am/he is/they are sleeping he sleeps Grammatical categories for adjectives I. Inherent categories for adjectives: degree of comparison (comparative, superlative): cold colder coldest II. Agreement categories for adjectives: agreement of attributive adjectives with the head noun, and of predicative adjectives with the subject French: le vin blanc `the white wine' la porte blanch `the white door' German: Ein klein-es Kind sah einen reich-en Mann `A small child saw a rich man' 3. Nouns and noun phrases, the structure and functions of noun phrases; lexical subclasses (proper nouns, common nouns), abstract vs concrete nouns, one class or more?; grammatical categories: number, gender, case. Identifying nouns: meaning, function, form
....................................................7 Summary....................................................................................................8 The list of used materials.................................................................................9 Introduction I chose this theme cause I think it is interesting and definitely it brodens my mind. I have heard about Armenian Genocide before and it always seemed interesting, but I have never read anything related to this subject, so I thought this is a good chance to acquaint myself with it. The purpouse of my report is to give an overview of Armenian Genocid, its causes and consequences. In my report I also provide a brief overview of the Armenian Massacre, the Young Turks, the Young Turk Revolution and ordeals that Armenians had to go through. 1. The Amenian Genocide and its causes 1.1. Armenian Genocide Armenian Genocide (also known Armenian Holocaust) took place during World War I (1915-
Vasakult: Browse: books & journals, paremalt: environmental management. Tulemusi 9 Küsimustele 7-9 leidke vastused andmebaasist EbscoHost (http://search.epnet.com) www.tlulib.ee logi sisse! Ebscohost web. 7. Leidke andmebaasist PsycArticles täistekstilisi artikleid koolivägivallast ja kiusamisest (School Violence, Bullying), mis ilmusid vahemikus 2008-2013 a. Esitage kirje. Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. PsycArticles, ,,school violence" SU subject, ,,bullying" SU subject, year of publication 2008-2013 Twemlow, S W & Fonagy, P & Sacco, F C & Vernberg, E & Malcom, J M. (2011). Reducing violence and prejudice in a Jamaican all age school using attachment and mentalization theory. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 28, (4), 497-511. 8. Leidke andmebaasist Academic Search Complete täistekstilisi artikleid meedia mõjust lastele (children, mass media influence), mis on ilmunud perioodil 2006-2013 a. perioodikaväljaannetes
The lecturer spoke very clearly. määrsõnafraas Adverb phrases can modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs and whole clauses. noun phrase nimisõnafraas, Has a noun or pronoun as its head. NPs can act as the My father (S) used to play the piano substantiivfraas subject (S), object (O) or predicative complement (C) (O). of a clause. You are a good friend (C). prepositional phrase eessõnafraas A phrase with a preposition as the head followed by a I'll come with you. complement. verb phrase verbifraas A phrase with a lexical verb as its head
............................................................... 4 When to use the Passive ..................................................................... 5 Verbs with two objects ........................................................................ 5 The Passive with ’by/with’ .................................................................. 6 Talking about what other people say ................................................ 6 The Passive Voice The subject is the starting point of the sentence, the thing we are talking about. The new information about the subject comes at the end of the sentence. When the subject is the person or thing doing the action, then we use an active verb: Bell invented the telephone. When the subject is not doing the action, but something is happening or being done to it, or the action is directed at it, then we use a passive verb. The telephone was invented by Bell. NB
owner, e.g.,Brown’s; Brown’s Hotel; Morel’s; Morel’s Restaurant, etc. • families: the Obamas; the Jacksons demonstrative determiner There are four demonstrative determiners in English and they are: this, that, these and those Note that demonstrative determiners can also be used as demonstrative pronouns. When they are used as determiners they are followed by the nouns they modify. Compare: This is my camera. (Demonstrative used as a pronoun, subject of the verb is) This camera is mine. (Demonstrative used as a determiner modifying the noun camera. demonstrative pronoun A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something specific within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time, and they can be either singular or plural. The food you’re cooking smells delicious. --> That smells delicious. • The pretzel-like yoga move we’re doing really hurts. --> This really hurts.
Using computers for school subjects Nowadays everything is becoming computerized. Many schools let students use computers for their school subjects. I believe that it is a good thing to have such an opportunity, but I don't think they should use computers for every school subject. Firstly, it is not necessary to have computers in every class. It is normal to have computers in Information Technology classroom, where students learn to use computers for their own good. Sitting in front of a computer screen all day, every day, is bad for students' health, it can damage their eyesight. Also, it will be too expensive. It would be difficult to buy computers for every student. Setting up and updating the software will create additional costs
Classes would be limited to fifteen students, a size small enough to allow individual attention but large enough to furnish the feeling of belonging to a group. In addition, academic lessons would be split into two halves. The first half would be a basic skills seminar, and the second an advanced class. Students would be able to choose whether to stay the second half, or else they could leave to work on their current project, read, or pursue an independent study of another subject. The students who stayed - the "second halfers" - would be known as the students with the greatest passion for the subject. No grades or competition would exist. Rather, the motivation to work would come from a desire to earn the respect of teachers and fellow students and establish a positive self-identity. Kids would also decide the degree to which they would like to participate. Involvement would be based on interest and the satisfaction of publically confirming their talents.
as possible, so that young adults become enough to start their own life? The teacher must have an advanced level of knowledge in their field. The more qualified the teacher is the better and more clearly he knows how to convey his material for students. From that depends how well young people acquire the knowledge and benefit from skills they have obtained in their later life. Teaching skills are very important. Every teacher should know how to be youthful and attractive enough in its subject, so that the students would give it an interest and they would like to acquire knowledge in this matter. If the subject seems attractive to students, they would rather go to this lesson, learn the material more easily and remember it better. In addition, the teacher must be flexible, reliable, and must be a good communicator. It is easier for students interact with such a teacher and cooperation with him is smoother, while at the same time it does not stimulate complexes
(but she did) To criticise other people or complain about a situation now, I wish you wouldn't talk with in the future or generally. Wish / if only I.e., to express: your mouth full. + subject + would + bare inf. · A polite imperative If only it would stop snowing. · A desire for a situation or person's behaviour to change To express hypothetical ability
00 History and nowadays v After World War II religious education difficult and problematic like in many Soviet countries. Althougt freedom of religion during socialist era. v Since 1993 the Hungarian Parliament constitution guarantees the right to religious education. v Religious education is taugh in a confessional way. v School must provide time and space. Everything beyond it is the task of church. Nowadays v Religious education can be an optional subject in public school or teached as a compulsory subject in church school(10% of secundary education) v Church schools are free to chose their stuff. Only church schools employ full time teachers of religion. v In public schools religious educators are paid a fee per lesson by state. v State universities do not have a religious education teachers training programme. Nowadays 2 v New way RE teaching in Hungary: Three plus two years
ULTIMATE INTERVIEW One young man went for an IAS Interview. "When did India get independence?" He was asked. "The efforts began a few years earlier and final result was in 1947" He replied. "Who was responsible for our independence?" "There were so many. Whom to mention? If I name one, it will be a injustice to another. " He replied. "Is corruption the number one enemy in our country?" "Some research is going on the subject and I can answer with certainly only after seeing the report" He replied. The interview board was very pleased with his original and thoughtful answers and asked him not to reveal the questions to others, since they were planning to ask the same questions. When he went out naturally others were curious to know what was asked. He politely declined, but one persistent Santa would not leave him. "At least tell me the answers" he pleaded, and our friend obliged. Then it was the turn of this Santa
kool Netikett Kodune ülesanne nimi 10. klass Loo 2008 Netikett Netikett (ingl. k. Net etiquette e. netiquette) on kogum vaikimisi välja kujunenud reegleid, mida on soovitav järgida arvutivõrgu vahendusel suheldes. Kui tavaliselt aitavad kaasvestlejaid mõista intonatsioon, kehakeel, näoilme jms. vahendid, siis internetis neid enamasti kasutada ei saa. Seepärast ongi nende vahendite kasutamiseks loodud eraldi käitumisreeglid ehk netikett. Sellega tagatakse, et suhtlejatel on võimalik olla teistele üheselt mõistetav. Üldlevinud reeglid võrgus käitumiseks on kokku võetavad kümne punktiga e. netiketi 10 käsuga: 1. Ära kirjuta pikemaid ridu kui 60 tähemärki. 2. Katsu pikki tekste liigendada. Kasuta tühje ridu lõikude eraldajana. 3. Allkirjasta alati kõik kirjad. Kui tegu grupi vastusega, kirjuta kirja alla grupi nimi. 4. Ära saada tühja Subject-reaga kirju. Et kirjade tulvas oleks võimalik orienteeruda...
We should mention activities such as Playbox- a very successful dancing competition that we organize every year, Photocontest- a contest where it is possible for students use their creativity and express their feelings and thoughts through photographs, and all the other activities and projects that our school takes part in. We could also mention the SmartBoards that help teachers to make their lessons more interesting and where it is even possible to watch necessary movies referring to the subject. Conclusion To sum up, I believe that including some of the suggestions mentioned above, we will be able to create a very informative and interesting brochure. As a result, the public will have a very clear view of our school.
In my opinion the lecture was very instructive and educational. Secondly, the lecture that was carried out by Tallinn Genetic Engineering Institute's director. The subject of the lecture was very difficult. He discussed genetics in general, the history of DNA and genetic engineering's development. Genetics is a science of heredity. It's a very important part of medicine. In my opinion the lecture was difficult, but very exciting. Thirdly, the lecture that was carried out by two women. The subject of that lecture was organ labor standards and transplatations. Every person has a right to choose to assign their organ or not. It's possible to implant lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and small intestine. In Estonia it's not possible to transplant a heart and small intestine. In my opinion that lecture was the best. To sum up, I would say that today was very educational. I think that there should be more events like this and certainly hope that I can participate next year.
QUESTIONS 1.) If there is the verb be or modal verb in a sentence, then a question is formed by changing the word order. * We're going to be late. - Are we going to be late? * He can sing - Can he sing? 2.) Present and past simple questions are usually formed with the auxiliary verb do/did/done. The main verb is the infinitive. * They live in Paris - Do they live in Paris? * He saw her today - Did he see her today? 3.) A question can also begin with a question word. Notice that the word order changes * She is dancing. - What is she dancing? NB! Who did Peter phone? (Subject is Peter) Kellele Peeter helistas? Who phoned Peter? (Subject is who) Kes helistas Peetrile? REPORTED QUESTIONS When we ask for information, we often say Do you know...?/ Could you tell me?. If you begin a question like this, the word order is different from a simple question Compare: Where has Tom gone? But Do you know where Tom has gone? * Wh...
very well this term. A) kindergarten B) secondary C) nursery D) primary d) I'm afraid that you haven't ……. any d) Edward has a……. in French from Leeds University. progress. A) certificate B) degree C) mark D) paper e) Sue didn't know the answer, so she e) My favourite ……. at school was history. ……. a guess. A) topic B) class C) theme D) subject f) You all look tired. Let's……. a break. f) It's time for a break. The bell has……. g) This is a good composition, but you A) gone off B) struck C) rung D) sounded have ……. a lot of errors. g) Our English teacher ……. us some difficult exercises for homework. h) I think you should……. yourself
Function to make - "silence" break in the narrative, the end of a clause, sent-e & (complete strengthen controversial nature of things. Use of an unfinished sent. as if speaker antonyms) reader more at the beginning of following subject is is unable or unwilling to proceed. one. active ("Who Function suggest strong emotions. proceeded by can stop me?") predicate 3
The business text must therefore be easily and quickly read and its message must be understood exactly as intended. If you learn to recognize and avoid the more common errors of information control, grammar and style, you will achieve this aim. You will write more confidently and more correctly if you check everything you write. Pay particular attention to the following: · Appropriate Subject Heading Take care to prepare your reader by introducing the subject appropriately in your subject heading. · Carefully Organized Information If a reader needs to be persuaded or convinced, your information will need careful planning and organizing. · Correct Grammar and Spelling Train yourself to check for major grammatical errors, words which are commonly misspelt and sentences which are incomplete.
Writing letters Main rules !!!Always write something on the "Subject" line (university emails: e.g. name or code of the course, then issue, topic etc) If the matter is urgent, you may write so on the "Subject" line Start and end your email properly (also making sure the other person knows who you are) "you" is spelled with a capital letter only at the beginning of a sentence, NEVER in the middle In official emails do not abbreviate (e.g., "I am" instead of "I'm", "do not" instead of "don't", "cannot" instead of "can't" etc). Also, do not use colloquial expressions such as "fyi" etc. Pay attention to punctuation and spelling use spell check. Specifics beginning a letter If you don't know the name of the recipient: Dear Sir/Madam, To whom it may concern, If you know the name of the recipient: Dear Mr/Ms Jones, If you know the name and it's informal (or you have been writing emails to each other ...
1. Avage RR otsinguportaal. Leidke AÜ Kongressiraamatukogu (Library of Congress) ja Rootsi raamatukogude koondkataloogist LIBRIS teavikuid Fjodor Saljapinist. Kasutage erinevaid otsingu võimalusi (erinevad nimekujud, otsingukategooriad). Esitage otsingu tulemusena leitud kirjete arv. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? catalog.loc.gov ja libris.kb.se Guided search, search ,,chaliapin" , as ,,subject:all" ja extended search, subject: ,,chaliapin"/"saljapin" Esimeses 90, teises 2/50 2. Avage Euroopa virtuaalraamatukogu Europeana: http://www.europeana.eu ja leidke helilooja Arvo Pärdi heliteoseid, mitu tulemust saite? Kuidas otsingut läbi viisite? Search creators ,,pärt", vasakult ,,sound" Tulemusi 10 3. Avage Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu teemavärav (http://www.nlib.ee/lingid/) ja leidke viited veebipõhistele entsüklopeediatele (kasutage erinevaid otsingustrateegiaid).
Modals Sandra Haar Form 11 I am going to talk about... Can Could May Might Must Should Would Ought to Excercises References How do we use modal verbs? Affirmative: Subject + modal + infinitive, Example: She should stay Negative: Subject + modal(n`t) + infinitive, Example: She shouln`t stay Interrogative: (Wh) Modal + Subject + Infinitive, Example: Why should she stay? Can Ability to do something in the present-I can speak English. Permission to do something in the present-Can I go to the cinema? Request - Can you wait a moment, please? Offer- I can lend you my car till tomorrow. Suggestion- Can we visit Grandma at the weekend? Possibility- It can get very hot in Arizona. Could Ability to do something in the past- I could speak English.
The Almond Blossom is a oil painting done on a canvas. Large white blossom branches like this against a blue sky were one of Van Gogh’s favourite subjects. Almond trees flower early in the spring making them a symbol of new life.They represented awakening and hope. He enjoyed them aesthetically and found joy in painting flowering trees. The blossoms of the apricot, peach and plum trees motivated him, and within a month he had created fourteen paintings of blossoming fruit trees. Excited by the subject matter, van Gogh completed nearly one painting a day.The works reflect the influence of Impressionism, Divisionism, and Japanese woodcuts. Van Gogh borrowed the subject, the bold outlines and the positioning of the tree in the picture plane from Japanese printmaking. Vincent was a fan of Japanese art especially of the woodblock print genre Ukiyo-e and influence of Ukiyo-e can be seen in this famous work which was held in high esteem by the artist
referring to English. Hypothesis Ø My suggestions is the Second World War was the turning point in many areas in life, because after the war new interactive medium have changed the English language more to the American English direction. The object of the work Ø The object of my research work is present day English and understanding that the origin of idioms is closely connected with people's mentality. The subject of the work The subject of my studies is" Idioms in the English language". Idiom is a phrase or expression whose total meaning differs from the meaning of the individual words. Methods of my studies Ø Dictionary of English Idiom; Ø Internet sites; Ø Phraseology of modern English; Ø Communication with English teachers; Ø Reading books and comparing with dictionary; On this subject I studied the literature Ø Antrushina G., Afanasyeva O., Morozova N., Ø
highs and lows of the project and facilitating discussions to make them work better together and motivate themselves. In addition, academic lessons would be split into two halves. The first half would be a basic skills seminar, and the second an advanced class. Students would be able to choose whether to stay the second half, or else they could leave to work on their current project, read, or pursue an independent study of another subject. The students who stayed - the "second halfers" - would be known as the students with the greatest passion for the subject. No grades or competition would exist. Rather, the motivation to work would come from a desire to earn the respect of teachers and fellow students and establish a positive self-identity. Kids would also decide the degree to which they would like to participate. Involvement would be based on interest and the satisfaction of publically confirming their talents.
The French education system is split into three stages: primary school (école), secondary school (collège) and high school (lycée). Primary and secondary education is free, neutral, secular and compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. However, there are some private schools that are not subject to these obligations and particularities of the French education system. Nursery school classes accept toddlers at 2 or 3 years of age, starting in September. The children develop their basic faculties, improve their speaking skills and are introduced to the world of reading and writing, numbers and other key areas of learning. From age 6 to 11, the children attend elementary school which is mixed and freein the case of public (state) schools.
ACTIVE TENSES Active form You use an active verb when you want to say that the subject of a sentence does something. · [Thing doing action] + [verb] + · +[thing receiving action] · Examples The professor (subject doing action) teaches (verb) · the students (object receiving action). · Mary (subject doing action) · washes (verb) · the dishes ( object receiving action). The tenses of the verb 1.Present (olevik) 2.Past (minevik) 3.Future (tulevik) 4.Future in the past (kaudne tulevik) Iga aeg võib esineda
10945 c) Järjesta otsitulemused nii, et esimestena oleksid kuvatud kõige uuemad allikad. Seejärel piira otsitulemusi nii, et sulle kuvatakse ainult eestikeelsed artiklid. Mitu tulemust andmebaas väljastas? 41 d) Vali loetelust kõige uuem artikkel ning lisa see kausta „Infootsingud“. Mis artikliga on KULTUURIMILJÖÖ TEKKELOO tegu? POSTKRISTLIKU KONTUURJOONI TŠEHHI JA EESTI NÄITEL Harjutus 4. Liitotsing Teosta liitotsing märksõna food preservation (SU Subject Terms) ja märksõna listeria järgi (SU Subject Terms). Lisa töölehele ekraanipilt sisestatud otsingutingimustega. a) Mitu vastet andmebaas väljastas? 433 b) Muuda otsitingimusi nii (kasuta lisaks veel ühte otsivälja), et vastete pealkirjades sisalduks ka sõna meat (TI Title). Lisa töölehele ekraanipilt sisestatud otsingutingimuste ja kasutatud loogikaoperaatoriga. 2 c) Mitu vastet väljastas andmebaas? 570
But sometimes the Estonia food choice is quite small. Sometimes we must buy food what is imported to our country. 5. Which Estonian foods would you export? Why? I don't know exactly, but I think that maybe rye, because the ryes grow quite good in Estonia. Rye is important corn for Estonians. Maybe I should export some vegetables too, because I think that Estonians vegetables are the best in the world. Especially potatoes are quite good. EDUCATION AND JOB 1. What was/is your favourite subject at school? Why? I like studying. In school I like many subjects. I'm quite good at math, at art, at music, at chemistry, at physics. My favourite subject is chemistry. I don't know why I like chemistry. I'm quite good at chemistry and I'm interested in chemistry. I don't like Russian at all. Russian is difficult subject for me. 2. Would you like to become a teacher? Why /why not? I don't want to become a teacher. I think that it's difficult. Teachers don't have much free time.
Artikli analüüs Peatükk 23,`` Alcohol and Condoms`` Tara K.MacDonald, Mark P.Zanna and Geoffrey T.Fong, 1996 Üliõpilane: Ants Aasmets, SOPH, 3k. 1. Üldine lühike uurimisvaldkonna / probleemi kirjeldus. Alkoholi tarbimine ja sellega seotud seksuaalne aktiivsus pole mitte ebaharilik ajaviide kolledžitudengite jaoks. Selle uurimuse autorid küsivad, kuidas alkoholi tarbimine potensiaalselt kahjustab otsust kasutada preservatiivi juhusliku seksuaalse suhte tekkimisel. MacDonald, Zanna ja Fong( 1996 ) ei käsitle seda teemat, kui lihtsalt ajakohast sotsiaalset küsimust vaid teevad seda uurimust ka metodoloogiliselt huvitaval moel. Läbiviidud neljas eksperimendis tõstatub ka teatavaid eetilisi küsimusi 2. Milliseid peamisi tulemusi on selle probleemi uurimisel varem saadud. Varasemalt on hulk uurimusi, mis on läbi viidud Kanada ja Ameerika kõrg- ja kolledžiõpilaste hulgas leidnud, et vaatamata kaasnevatele riskidele nagu võimalus haigestuda...
Kasutan Scholar.google.com lehekülje täpsustatud otsingut. With the exact frase: e-government communication Where my words occur: in the title of the article Aastaarvudeks 2001-2011 2 tulemust nt: A Safe Information Sharing Framework for E-Government Communication (2003) 10. Leidke täistekstilisi digiteeritud raamatuid Balti riikide kohta, mis on ilmunud viimase 10 aasta jooksul. Esitage ühe kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? books.google.com advanced search. Books on subject: Baltic states E-books only; content: books Published between 2001-2011 Praktiline töö nr 2 Otsing otsisüsteemis Google Croeger, C. (1867) Geschichte Liv-: Ehst- und Kurlands. http://books.google.com/books? id=sQzVAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=subject:%22baltic+states %22&hl=et#v=onepage&q&f=false
• from the age of three until the child stars attending primary school Even though these three stages are not compulsory, every child must attend kindergarten for a year prior to primary school. 4 Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: • 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class that teaches every subject with the exception of foreign languages and Religion, with subjects such as Croatian, mathematics, visual art , nature and society, physical education, music education, and at least one foreign language (usually English, usually in the 1st grade and compulsory in the 4th grade). Religious education is an elective subject, and students can choose among Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic religious classes. The students stay in one classroom for the 4 years.
Avoid + -ing vorm Clauses of contrast Although/even though/though + clause In spite of/despite + nimisõna/-ing vorm In spite of/despite the fact that + clause However/nevertheless (koma kasutatakse alati peale sõna) While/whereas Yet (formal)/still On the other hand Exclamations What + a/an (+ omadussõna) + ainsuses loendatav nimisõna What (+ omadussõna) + loendamatu nimisõna/mitmus How + omadussõna/määrsõna Negative question (+ exclamation mark) Relative Clauses Who/what (people) subject - can't be omitted Who/whom/that (people) object - can be omitted Which/that (objects, animals) subject - can't be, object - can be Whose (people, animals, objects) possession - can't be Clauses of manner If/as though (räägime, kuidas keegi näeb välja, käitub jne) If/as though + past tense (ebareaalne situatsioon) Linking words Positive additions - and, both .. and, beside (this/that), too, moreover, what is more, in addition (to), also, as well as (this/that), Furthermore etc.
MEMO To: William P. From: Mari K. Date: 08/02 Subject: International trade conference In response to your letter, saying that there is a trade conference, where I could represent our company, I'm confirming my willingness to attend the conference. I am glad that you have such belief in me and you're giving me this opportunity to show my workmanship. See you soon at work.
idealized and unattainable images of beauty that young people are exposed to and its impact on disordered eating behaviours and eating disorders. While the media may contribute to the development of weight concerns and body dissatisfaction in children and adolescents, we cannot disregard the fact that media can also be used as an important tool for health promotion and prevention strategies. In the end I hope my research allows people to better understand the subject of body image issues. I hope to make a connection between gender and negative body image in order to emphasize the idea that both genders deal with this problem. I hope to make the point that children are beginning to battle negative thoughts regarding their bodies as well. I want to educate others on the subject and alert them in order to one day make a difference in our society.
work is well known today. One of the reasons Dickens remained so popular is that so many of his stories are remains available not only as books but also as movies, plays, and television productions. We all knew from our childhood the famous story of uncle Scrooge and Tiny Tim. know We often saw a television version of A Christmas Carol at see holiday time. Voice: Passive v. Active (pg 225) In the active voice, the subject is doing something. Subject Verb The committee made the decision. _________ _____ In the passive voice, something is being done to the subject. Subject Verb The decision was made by the committee. _______ _________ Why choose one over the other? In general, choose the active voice to achieve direct, economical, and forceful writing. Most writing should be in the active voice.
PRONOUNS Object form Possessive Subject form Possessive Reflexive Pronouns Osastav asesõna Omastav Nimetav asesõna Omastav Enesekohased asesõnad Keda? Asesõna + nimisõna Kes? Nimisõna + verb+asesõna Mida? Kelle? Mis
1. Can the PB&R company successfully claim any violation of the EU law related rights? Examination 1. Can we say that an animal (a dog) is a good? – Yes. According to Article 13 TFEU dogs do belong to a “goods” category so as it is described in CJEU case law that a good is a product which can be valued in money and which is capable of forming the subject of commercial transactions. Therefore PB&R company and its business is selling dogs, or shall I say goods not just on a local fields, but the movement of goods is linked to abroad EU countries by making a profit of it I shall conclude that it involves a “movement of goods within the EU Member States” (Articles 26 and 37). 2. Is there a restriction of trade in goods? a. Can we name an animal, or to be more exact a dog as a “good” – yes, in