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"king" - 1004 õppematerjali

king – the most powerful man in the country; Barons and lords – king’s closest advisors and friends, members of aristrocracy, had absolute power in their territories; Knights, merchants and yeoman – the middle classes, could own small pieces of land; Villens and serfs – did not own land and worked for the aristocracy slaves – no land, owned by the lords and used as they wished.

Kasutaja: King

Faile: 0

King Arthur


Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
15 allalaadimist

King John

King John King John He was born in 1167 John died in October 1216 His brother was King Richard I King John nick-name was John Lackland. He had intelligence, administrative ability and he was good at planning military campaigns. The Magna Carta I, King John, accept that I have to govern according to the law. So I agree: 1. Not to imprison nobles without trial 2. That trials must be in courts; not held in secret by me 3. To have fair taxation for the nobles 4. To let freemen travel wherever they like 5. Not to interfere in Church matters... Rule King John ruled 1199 to 1216. He faced the following problems. Problems 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


KING LEAR William Shakespeare Plot Overview Lear, the aging king of Britain, decides to step down from the throne and divide his kingdom evenly among his three daughters. First, however, he puts his daughters through a test, asking each to tell him how much she loves him. Goneril and Regan, Lear’s older daughters, give their father flattering answers. But Cordelia, Lear’s youngest and favorite daughter, remains silent, saying that she has no words to describe how much she loves her father. Lear flies into a rage and disowns Cordelia. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Stephen King

Sissejuhatus · Stephen King on tänapäeva üks populaarsemaid ja paremini müüvaid autoreid kogu maailmas. · King kombineerib oma lugudes psühholoogilise trilleri elemente, ulmekirjandust, paranormaalseid nähtusi ja detektiivi teemasid. · Olles sõltuvuses loetletud elementidest, segab ta sisse eredaid igapäevaseid seiku. · Stephen King, kes on peamiselt tuntud oma romaanide järgi, laiendab oma silmapiiri kirjutades filmidele käsikirju, mitteilukirjandust, autobiograafiaid, lasteraamatuid ja lühijutte. · Kuigi King on tuntud oma romaanide "The Stand" ja "IT" järgi, on tema parimateks töödeks just lühijutud nagu "The Body" ja "Quitters Inc." · Kingi teosed on nii võimsad, sest ta kasutab oma kogemusi ja vaatlusi igapäevaelust. Kingi elulugu

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
9 allalaadimist

Stephen King

Sissejuhatus Stephen King on tänapäeva üks populaarsemaid ja paremini müüvaid autoreid kogu maailmas. King kombineerib oma lugudes psühholoogilise trilleri elemente, ulmekirjandust, paranormaalseid nähtusi ja detektiivi teemasid. Olles sõltuvuses loetletud elementidest, segab ta sisse eredaid igapäevaseid seiku. Stephen King, kes on peamiselt tuntud oma romaanide järgi, laiendab oma silmapiiri kirjutades filmidele käsikirju, mitteilukirjandust, autobiograafiaid, lasteraamatuid ja lühijutte. Kuigi King on tuntud oma romaanide "The Stand" ja "IT" järgi, on tema parimateks töödeks just lühijutud nagu "The Body" ja "Quitters Inc." Kingi teosed on nii võimsad, sest ta kasutab oma kogemusi ja vaatlusi igapäevaelust. Kingi elulugu Stephen Edwin King sündis 21

Kategooriata → Kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Frantsiisiidee SMOOTHIE KING

King’i looja, Steve Kuhnau, hakkas otsima enda allergiatele ja madala veresuhkru tasemele ravimit. Ta alustas vaikselt kodus katsetamist, segades kokku ehtsaid puuvilju, toitaineid ja proteiine. Tema eesmärk oli leida endale ravim. Ta alustas sellega, et segas kokku natuke ühte, natuke teist ning varsti leidis, et tema segud avaldavad väga suurt positiivset mõju tema tervisele. Sellest hetkest alates tuli tal idee luua üks originaalne toidustuslik smuuti. (The Story of Smoothie King, Smoothie King) 1973. aastal sai Smoothie King alguse. Steve avas Kenneris, Louisianas enda esimese tervisele suunatud toidupoe, kus ta müüs vitamiine koos enda tervislike smuutidega. Järgmised tervisele suunatud toidupoed avas ta juba üle kogu New Orleansi. (Ibid.) Kuhnau alustas Smoothie King’i nime ja äri frantsiisimist 1989. aastal. Samal aastal sai Smoothie King’st esimene frantsiisitud smuutibaar Ameerika Ühendriikides, laienedes ka

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
10 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King

Seetõttu tundsin huvi eelkõige tema karjääriredelist kui ka tema saavutustest. Palju on ajalooõpikutes mainitud mustanahaliste võitlusest vabaduse eest Ameerika Ühenriikides, kuid midagi rohkemat, kuidas see toimus ja milliste sündmuste läbi, on vähe. Paraleeli tahaks tuua siinkohal Eesti vabariigi taasiseseisvumisega. Meil on sarnasusi mustanahaliste ajalooga Ameerikas. Ka meiegi tahtsime olla vabad. Samamoodi nagu Martin Luther King korraldas streike ja rongkäike, korraldasime meie ,,Balti keti" ja ,,Laulupeo". Sellised üritused kuhu on kaasatud palju inimesi ja toetajaid, on alati määratud edukale läbilöögile. Julgen väita, et enne referaadi koostamist teadsin ma ainult Martin Luther King`i kõnet ,,I Have a Dream" Washingtonis ja et ta oli mustanahaliste vaimne juht teel vabadusse. Kuid peale referaadi koostamist olen rahul ning palju teadlikum, kui raske teekond see ikkagi oli.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
61 allalaadimist

The Scorpion King

The Scorpion King is a 2002 American action film directed by Chuck Russell. The events of The Scorpion King take place 5,000 years before those in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. Mathayus, the last true Akkadian mercenary, along with his half-brother is hired by King Pheron to kill a sorcerer, whose prophetic powers allow the vicious Egyptian Emperor Memnon to rule his empire with an iron fist. He sneaks into Memnon's camp and finds his way to the sorcerer's tent, where he discovers that Memnon's sorcerer is actually a beautiful sorceress called Cassandra. Mathayus and Cassandra, now King and Queen of Egypt, bid their farewells to Balthazar, who wishes them well. Cassandra then reveals to Mathayus that her night with him did not strip her of her powers

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Martin Luthet King

Tema vanaisa oli Georgia osariigis värvilise elanikkonna progressile kaasaaitamise rahvusliku assotsiatsiooni asutajaid. Ta organiseeris Atlantas ajalehe boikoteerimise, mis astus välja neegrite valijate nimekirjadesse võtmise vastu. Martini isa võitles neegerõpetajatele valgetega võrdse palga maksmise eest. King õppis väga hästi ja astus 15-aastasena kolledzisse. Vanemad tahtsid, et ta omandaks perekonnas juba traditsioonilise pastorikutse. Õppimise lõpetanud, asus King elama Alabama osariigi pealinna Montgomerysse ja temast sai Dexteri avenüü kiriku pastor. Rikas kogudus, andekast lauljatarist võluv naine ­ mida on heaoluks veel vaja... Paraku olid King juba lapsepõlvest saati tunnetanud rassilist ebavõrdsust. Sellele poisile, pärastisele filosoofiadoktorile jäid selgesti meelde alandused, mida talle lasksid osaks saada orjapidajate järeltulijad. Ükskord kaupluses andis valge naine talle kõrvakiilu, öeldes: ,,Kuule,

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
32 allalaadimist

Nat King Cole

Nat King Cole(1919-1965) Rebecca Karo 9a Nat King Cole Nat King Cole oli USA jazzpianist ja laulja Ta pärisnimi oli Nathaniel Adams Coles Ta alustas esinemisi juba teismelisena Edusammudega muusikamaailmas, jättis ta kooli pooleli Esialgu ta ei pidanud ennast heaks lauljaks, esines vastu tahtmist Õppis jazzmuusikat, kirikumuusikat ja klassikalist muusikat Oli ahelsuitsetaja, ta oli veendunud, et suitsetamine muutiski ta hääle madalaks, st ta suitsetas meelega. Hiljem suri kopsuvähki Lapsepõlv

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King

12T Lähte Ühisgümnaasium Sisukord SISUKORD..............................................................................................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS..................................................................................................................................................... 3 MARTIN LUTHER KING ....................................................................................................................................4 TSITAATE MARTIN LUTHER KINGILT:.......................................................................................................7 KOKKUVÕTE........................................................................................................................................................ 8 KASUTATUD ALLIKAD................................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
36 allalaadimist

King Charles 1

King Charles l Jaanika, Annabel Life • In 1604 to England • 1625 spoused • Reigned from 1625-1641 • 1628 he prorouged English Parliament • 1630 child Charles • 1649 executed Family • Father- James VI of Scotland and I of England • Mother- Anne of Denmark • Got married in 1589 • Brother Henry Important things during his lifetime •Born in Scotland •Brothers death •Coronation •Wife •War with Scots •Death

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Introduction Hello, my name is Valeria, Im studying public administration and today I will tell you about Martin Luther King, one of my favorite orators, who has a big and interesting biography. My presentation will take about 7 min, so let’s start. First of all, I will gonna tell you about his biography, about his early years, private life, how he lived and what education he had. After I would like to tell about his role in the advancement of civil rights and generally his career as a activist and orator. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin, Jr., was a middle child.At

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

King james bible

1.The Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Version, King James Bible or KJV. English translation of Christian Bible. Translation began by the church of england in 1604 and completed in 1611. It was the third official translation into english. The first was the great bible which was made during the reign of kind henry VIII and the second was bishops bible. They started making the new version in 1604 because the puritans(a factino within the church of england) perceived (detected)problems with earlier translations. 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Raamatu kokkuvõte "Udu"

,,Udu" Stephen King Stephen Edwin King on Ameerika üks tuntumaid õudus- ning ulmeromaanide autoreid. Ta on sündinud 1947. aastal ja oma esimesed õudusjutud avaldas ta juba varases nooruses. Maailmas on müüdud enam kui 350 miljonit eksemplari Stephen Kingi romaanidest ning lühijuttudest. Osa neist on ilmunud ka varjunime Richard Bachman all. Paljudest kirjaniku teostest on tehtud filme ning lühisarju televisioonis. Esmakordselt ilmus ,, Udu" novellina 1980.aastal Stephen Kingi õuduslühijuttude kogumikus ,,Dark Forces

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
98 allalaadimist

Born to be King

BORN TO BE KING * monarch or sovereign ainuvalitseja või monarh * sole power ainuvõim * considerably reduced power märgatavalt taandatud võim * constitutional monarchy or parliamentary democracy konstitutsiooniline monarhia või parlamentaarne demokraatia * nominally nominaalselt (nime järgi) * commander in Chief of the armed forces komandör relvastatud sõjaväes * their mother's coffin nende ema kirst * funeral procession matusetalitus * the fairytale princess come true muinasjutuprintsess sai tõeks * admired her simplicity and warmth imetlesid tema lihtsust ja soojust * to treat somebody as equals kohtlema kedagi võrdselt * her radiant smile and elegant gowns tema särav naeratus ja elegantne ametirüü * shifting bales of hay liikuvad heinapallid ? :D * 12tunnised vahetused tööl * mucking out sõnnikust puhastama? :D * to study an MA õppima humanitaarteaduse magistriks * deciding to reject his inher...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

King Alfred the Great

s Born: 849 at Wantage, Oxfordshire Parents: Aethelwulf, King of Wessex, and Osburh Relation to Elizabeth II: 32nd great-grandfather House of: Wessex Crowned: 871 Married: Ealhswith of Mercia Children: 5 children Died: 899 Buried at: Winchester ·Only King to have epithet"the Great" ·Defended England against Danish invasion and founded the first English navy ·He encouraged the translation of scholarly works from Latin and promoted the development of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. ·A new legal code came into force during his reign. ·At the age of 19 in 868 he is recorded as fighting beside his brother in Mercia against the Danes In 878, the Danes under their leader, Guthrum overran Wessex. Alfred and his remnants went into hiding.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

King James Bible esitlus

King James Bible By Joosep Tiismus Authorized king james version The title page to the 1611 first edition of the Authorized Version Bible by Cornelius Boel shows the Apostles Peter and Paul seated centrally above the central text, which is flanked by Moses and Aaron. In the four corners sit Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, authors of the four gospels, with their symbolic animals. The rest of the Apostles (with Judas facing away) stand around Peter and Paul. At the very top is the Tetragrammaton "".

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr SISSEJUHATUS Martin Luther King - kõige kuulsam baptistide afroameerika päritoluga jutlustaja, oraator ja USA mustade kodanikuõiguste liikumise juht. Ta oli esimene aktiivne aktivist mustade liikumises USAs ja esimene edukas võitleja mustade kodanikuõiguste eest, võideldes samal ajal diskriminatsiooni, rassismi ja eralduse vastu. Lisaks võitles ka Ameerika Ühendriikide koloniaalse agressiooni vastu, näiteks Vietnami sõda. Aastal 1964 oli saanud Nobeli rahupreemia olulise demokratiseerimise eest Ameerika ühiskonnas

Ajalugu → 12. klassi ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Õendusteoreetiku Imogene King ülevaade

Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õe õppekava Laura Sügis ja Toomas Tõnisson IMOGENE KING Iseseisev töö Juhendaja: Margit Lenk-Adusoo, MSc, lektor Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Tartu 2019 SISUKORD Sisukord.................................................................................................................. 2 1. Elulugu............................................................................................................... 3 2. Teooria eesmärgi saavutamisest..................................

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
6 allalaadimist

William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror William I was French. William I (1027 ­ 9 September 1087), better known as William the Conqueror, was Duke of Normandy from 1035 and King of England from 1066 to his death. William is also referred to as "William II" in relation to his position as Duke of Normandy. In particular, before his conquest of England, he was known as "William the Bastard because of the illegitimacy of his birth. On his father's death in 1035, William was recognised as heir, with his great uncle serving as regent. In 1042 he began to take more personal control. From 1046 until 1055 he dealt with a series of baronial rebellions. William's political

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (raamat)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The wonderful wizard of Oz

Wizard oZ offered to built a balloon and fly with it back to kansas, but in the last minute when dorothy was jumping in the balloon the rope were broken and she couldn´t done it. Finally she met good Wizard Glinda who told that if she tells to her silver shoes what she wants then it come in three steps. And she wished to get back home and got it adventually. All the others get what they wanted too. The Scarecrow went back the the city of emeralds and became their king, the tin woodman went back to winkies and lion became all the beasts king.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton School: Nyo Science School Class 10b Supervisor: Meeli Lepisk Author: Brita Lodi Sir Isaac Newton 16431727 · 25 December 1642(4 January 1643, New Style) , in England · Died 20 March 1727 (aged 84) Sir Isaac Newton 16431727 He is the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived · Physicist · Mathematican · Astronomer · Natural philosopher · Alchemist · Theologian Early life · He was more interested in making mechanical devices than in studying. · Sundial · Educated at The King's School, Grantham. · In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge As a students, we know him because.. · He was the first person who invent the 3 laws of motion · Theory of gravitation · Newtonian fluid, nonNewtonian fluid · Newton's theory of color · He invented the early telescope in 1671 Newtons laws in latin ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

TEST - the history of London

4) London was rapidly rebuilt and in AD 122 the Roman walls were built around it as a defence. 5) The Romans left Britain early in the 5th century because they had to cope with troubles elsewhere in the Empire. 6) Around AD 400 the Germanic tribes invaded Britain. 7) London fell into ruins because the Anglo-Saxons destroyed the Roman towns and formed many kingdoms that were hostile to one another. 8) All the small Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were united by king Egbert at the beginning of the 9th century. He formed one kingdom called England. 9) The powerful Saxon king Alfred the Great made London the capital of the country at the end of the 9th century. 10) In the 9th century the Vikings attacked London. 11) William the Conqueror was the Duke of Normandy, who in 1066 took the British throne as William I. He built the White Tower, granted a city charter laying down the rights of its citizens and

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Vikings and Norman invasion, Jorvik Centre in York

cultural role in medieval Europe. Invasion to England · The Norman conquest of England began on 28 September 1066 with the invasion of England by William, Duke of Normandy. · The Norman conquest largely removed the native ruling class, replacing it with a foreign, French-speaking monarchy. Battle of Hastings · The Battle of Hastings occurred on 14 October 1066. · Norman-French army was lead by Duke William II and the English army was lead by King Harold II. · The famous Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events before and during the battle. Bayeux Tapestry Jorvik Centre in York · Jorvik Centre in York is a museum and visitor attraction. · Well-preserved remains of some of the timber buildings of the Viking city of Jorvík were discovered, along with workshops, fences, animal pens, pits and wells, together with durable materials and artefacts of the time, such as pottery, metalwork and

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King Jr. ''I have a dream'' kõne analüüs

Written task 2 - Outline Prescribed question: How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a particular genre and for what purpose? Title of the text for analysis: I have a dream by Martin Luther King Jr, 1963. The part of the course to which the task refers: Part 2: Language and presentation of speeches and campaigns. My critical response will: • Analyse the rhetorical and literary devices used in Martin Luther King’s speech ‘’I have a dream’’ and state the reasons for why he had made use of them. • Examine the impact these devices have on the reader/listener. • State whether the speech conforms to, or deviates from, the conventions of a one.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Jalatsite moe ajalugu

Oluline sündmus jalatsidisaini valdkonnas on Balmoralid. Oma nime saab ta Balmorali lossi järgi mille ehitab prints Albert 1853 aastal. Lossist sai omamoodi ajastu märk mis märgistas kõike uut ja elegantset. Nii nagu heal lapsel mitu nime, siis tuntakse sellist kinga Prantsusmaal Richelieu´dena ja igalpool mujal Oxford´idena. Talvel kanti musti või kollakaspruune saapaid ja suvel Oksforde. Veidi hiljem võeti Oxfordid käiku ka talvel täiendades neid sääristega. Lakknahast king jäi pidulikuma õhtuülikonna lisandiks. See uus pinnatöötlus kogub populaarsust ning leidis kasutust ka meeste säärsaabastena ja naiste jalatsite ninaosas. Katsetati teisigi erinevaid nahatöötlusmeetodeid ja uusi materjale: Hülge ja hobuse krokodilli nahka. 1873 aastast pärineb Inglismaalt esimene seemisnaha viide ´peau de suède´ Kodus kanti mugavaid lahtise kannaga kingi (mules) mida valmistati meeste tarvis värvilisest Moroko nahast ja naistele riidest või pehmemast nahast.

Muu → Käsitöö
17 allalaadimist


Olukord sunnib muudatusi tegema -lõunaosariikides radikaalne eristamine- valgetel omad kraanikausid, mustadel omad Little Rock, Arkansas 1957 -valgetele mõeldud kooli tuleb 4 mustanahalist õpilast, 1000 relvastatut sõdurit valvavad, et mustanahalised ei saaks sisse - Eisenhower saadab föderaalväed, kes murravad läbi kaardiväest - kuberneri võimu kärbitakse Washingtoni marss, 1963 - u 200 000 inimest marsib Washingtoni Lincolni memoriaali juurde, kus Martin Luther King peab kõne Kodanikuõiguste Akt, 1964 - Johnson allkirjastab akti, millega sätestatakse kõikide kodanike võrdsed õigused olenemata värvusest, religioonist ja soost Nõukogude Liit - Nikita Hrustsov -1953-64 - Sula NSV Liidus- reziimi pehmenemine - 1956.aasta - NLKP XX kongress-Hrustsov peab kõne, avalikult mõistab Stalini poolt tehtud kuriteod hukka, eriti 30ndate suure terrori, Stalin eemaldatakse mausoleumist -Ungari ja Poola sündmused

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
8 allalaadimist

Prehistory, Saxon invasion and Celtic Kingdoms

The invaders came from three powerful Germanic tribes ­ the Saxons, Angles and Jutes. The Jutes settled in Kent and south coast, angles settled in east and north midlands and the Saxons settled between then. They all drove most of the Celts to Wales and in north to Scotland. Hardly anything is left from the Germanic culture. The AngloSaxons established a number of kingdoms. The most powerful ones were Northumbria, Mercia and Wessex. King Offa of Mercia was the most powerful king. Government and society ­ The Saxons created institutions that made the state strong for 500 years. First of them was the kings council ­ the witan. It issued laws and charters. The land was divided into small administrative areas shires counties which were ruled by sheriffs who worked for kings. The AngloSaxon brought a new but heavier plough to Britain which changed the land ownership and organisation

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
9 allalaadimist

Elu pärast II MS

pealtkuulamisaparaadid. Reaganoomika ­ Ronald Reagani poolt püstitatud majanduskava, mis tähendas näiteks ettevõtluse riikliku reguleerimise vähendamist, ettevõtjatele kehtinud piirangute tühistamist, maksude alandamist. Tänu sellele majanduskavale väljus USA kiirelt majanduskriisist ning läks kiiresti tõusuteed. 7. Kes olid ja millega on silma paistnud, millal tegutses: M. L. King ­ Ameerika pastor, üks neegriliikumise väljapaistvamaid juhte. Paistis sellega silma, et võitles neegrite õiguste eest ning maksis selle eest oma eluga. Kuni 1968. aastani. R. Nixon ­ Pärast Vietnami sõda valitsenud USA president. Paistis silma oma ebaseaduslike võtete eest võimuvõitluses, milletõttu pidi ta ka ametist tagasi astuma. Seni on see USA ajaloos ainuke kord, kui USA president on tagasi astunud. 1969-1974. J. McCarthy ­ USA senaator

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
31 allalaadimist

British kings and queens

British kings and queens Kings King Henry VIII King Henry VIII is arguably the most well-known king of England. Famous for beheading his wives, of which he had six, King Henry VIII also had several children. King James I King James I was already King of Scotland when he got the English crown. King James I was the first ruler to call himself King of Great Britain, as he ruled England, Scotland and Wales. King James was the first King of Great Britain. King William I, the Conqueror King William I, otherwise known as William the Conqueror was born in France on 1028. He became friendly with the current English King, Edward the Confessor. He invaded and attacked England on Edward's death, as he was promised the English crown, but then denied it by the Saxon Harold. King George VI King George VI did not expect to become king, he was the shy brother of Edward VIII who only took the thrown when Edward abdicated

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglismaa valitsejad

· Edward II 1307-1327 · Edward III 1327-1377 · Richard II 1377-1399 The house of Lanchester: · Henry IV 1399-1413 · Henry V 1413-1422 · Henry VI 1422-1461, 1470-1471 The house of York: · Edward IV 1461-1470, 1471-1483 · Edward V 1483 · Richard III 1483-1485 Tuudorid: · King Henry VII 1485 - 1509 · King Henry VIII 1509 - 1547 · King Edward VI 1547 - 1553 · Jane Grey 1554 · Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) 1553 - 1558 · Queen Elizabeth I 1558 ­ 1603 Stuartid: · James I 1603 - 1625 · Charles I 1625 - 1649 · Charles II 1660 - 1685 · James II 1685 - 1688 · William III 1688 - 1702 and Queen Mary II 1688 - 1694 · Queen Anne 1702 - 1714 The house of Hanoverians:

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Henry VIII

Henry VIII of England Henry VII Born on 21 June 1491. Died in January 28 1547. Is the 2nd son of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Was crowned King at Westminster Abbey, London, on the 23 June 1509 at the age of 17. Elizabeth of York | King Henry VII Henry VIII is known for... Establishing the Church of England. Having six wives. Beind a big, fierce-looking man. Early life Not much is known about his early life, because he was not expected to become king. Around the age of ten his brother Arthur died, thus leaving the crown to him. He also married his brother`s widow, Catherine of Aragon. Little Henry VIII Young King Henry

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages started in 1066. with the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest. William the Conqueror took all the lands from the Saxon English and gave these to French nobles. Normans were known as great builders. This is assured by the fact that many great castles and other buildings, including the Tower of London, were built during the Norman Conquest. In 1086. Domesday Book was compiled. It is a detailed survey of England ordered by William the Conqueror. The reign of King William Rufus who was the son of William started in 1087 and lasted until 1100. Next king was Henry I who was the brother of William Rufus. His reign was from 1100-1135. In 1135 Henry I nephew Stephen got to the throne of England and reigned the country for 19 years. He was the last Norman king of England and his reign ended in 1154. From 1154 until 1377 the Plantagenet Kings of England ruled the English. The first Plantagenet King was Henry II. He was the grandson of Henry I

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
24 allalaadimist

"food" Homereading

Burger King Burger King (NYSE: BKC), often abbreviated to BK, is a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. The first restaurant was opened in Miami, Florida in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton, and has since used several variations of franchising to expand its operations. Burger King Holdings Corporation is the parent company of Burger King; in the United States it operates under the Burger King Brands title while internationally it operates under the Burger King Corporation banner. It is a publicly traded company with investment firms of TPG Capital, L.P., Bain Capital, and Goldman Sachs each owning about 25% of the company. At the end of its fiscal year 2007, Burger King reported that there are more than 11,300 outlets in 69 countries; 66% are in the United States and 90% are privately owned and operated. The company has more than 37,000 employees serving approximately 11.4 million

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Kings and queens

King William I When William died his lands were divided between his eldest two sons. Robert inherited Normandy, while William became king of England. Died from injuries EDWARD V He and his brother Richard were murdered in the Tower of London Alfred the Great - King of Wessex (part of England). All British modern British monarchs trace from the Wessex line. William I, the Conqueror. Founder of the modern British state. Henry II - added Ireland the British possessions John I - signed Magna Carta, the beginigs of the British constitution Edward I - conquered Wales Edward III - started 100 years war Henry V - Last great warrior king Henry VIII - Broke England away from Catholic church.

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The King’s Speech

The King's Speech The King's Speech is a true story based drama. The story is set in England in 20 th century. It is about King Georg VI of Britain, his sudden rise to the throne in 1936 and his speech therapist Lionel Logue who helped him to get rid of his stammer. King Georg VI is the son of King George V and father of the currently ruling Queen Elizabeth II. The film is directed by Tom Hooper, starring Colin Firth (King Georg VI), Helena Bonham Carter (his wife Elizabeth) and Geoffrey Rush (Lionel Logue). After the death of King Georg V his older son became his successor - King Edward VIII. However, he stayed as a king only few months as the scandals related with the married woman he loved forced him to resign. He passed the power to his younger brother Prince Albert. For

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Keskaegne Inglismaa (1066-1485)

Medieval England 1066-1485 Eva Asper Anna Pohlak 11.c The Norman Dynasty The Norman Conquest In the 11th century, Normans conquered England - The Battle of Hastings ­ 14.10.1066 The Anglo-Saxon forces had more soldiers but the Normans had better military tactics and won in the end thanks to a clever strategy William I, also known as William the Conqueror, replaced King Harold on the throne The invasion was completed by 1071 - The Norman invasion is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry ­ a long embroidered cloth The death of King Harold embroidered on the Bayeux Tapestry The Norman England William I ensured his power by dividing the land into parts and making 1/7 of it a royal domain He made his nobles swear an oath of allegiance and become his vassals Died in 1087 while fighting in France, was

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17 allalaadimist

Aggregation of Scotland with England

Aggregation of Scotland with England Tartu Veeriku School 7a Koit Krusberg 25 March 2015 Edward I  Lived in 17 June 1239 – 7 July 1307  Nicknames Edward Longshawk, Hammer of the Scottchs  15 children, 10 girls and 5 boys  Next king Edward II Edward II Edward II  (25 April 1284 – 21 September 1327  Son of Edward I  By the Grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine James VI and I  Lived 19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625  Was crowned in 1603  Son of King Henry and Queen Mary Stuart  Next king was Charles I of UK Charles I  Lived in 19 November 1600 – 30 January 164  King of UK until his execution in 1649  Absolutism  Next king was Charles II Charles I References  %C3%B5da  http://en

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
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Sir Lencelot du Lac

SIR LANCELOT DU LAC SIR LANCELOT DU LAC  Son of King Ban of Benwick and Queen Elaine  Foster-mother was the Lady of the Lake  He was the First Knight of the Round Table  Became a loyal knight, companion and friend to King Arthur  Brought dishonour to his king, and destroyed the fellowship of the Round Table WHAT WAS HE LOOK LIKE?  Never failed in:  Gentleness  Courtesy  Courage  Always willing to serve others  The greatest fighter and swordsman of all the knights of the Round Table KING ARTHUR  Taken by the Lady of the Lake to King Arthur's court  Amazed by his honour, his skill with the sword and his bravery in combat

Keeled → British literature
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Varakeskaeg Inglismaal

The early middle ages The Norman Conquest Since William was crowned king, there were many rebellions against the Normans. A small Norman army marched from village to village and destroyed the ones it couldn't control. The Normans took away the Saxon lords' land. Only a few Saxons who supported William could keep their land. Feudalism William gave parts of his conquered land to his captains around the country to avoid rebellions and uprisings. He also kept some land to himself to make sure his was much stronger than his nobles

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
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The Middle Ages

Years 1154-1485 Henry I was the first unquestioned ruler. One of the most important kings in the Middle Ages. He had lands in Britain & France. Then the government was the monarch, a person, not a place. He had more land than any pervious king. After his marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine, he also ruled the lands south of Anjou. His empire stretched from the Scottish border to the Pyrenees. England provided most of its wealth, but the heart was Anjou. Henry II began to regain royal control. During the war some barons had become very powerful. He pulled down some of their castles. He tried to restore law & order. He wanted the same kind of justice to be used everywhere. He appointed his own judges to travel around the country

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Tales of Unease

· Greylands · Greylands Park Characters Marshall King- main character,isn't a rich man . Everard King- Cousin from Brazil, rich cousin Mrs.King ­ Everards wife,haggard woman. Baldwin and servants-Everard quests and Marshalls life-saver(Baldwin) Brazilian Cat- Black, enormous cat The plot Bills Uncle Cousin from Brazil Cousin is rich Invitation Trip to Greylands The plot Meeting Mr. And Mrs. King The Brazilian Cat Tea and cigar Being trapped The darkness The sunlight The Plot Mr. Everard King Returns Mr.King is dead Waking up in bed Mrs King and hints Same old life My opinion · Intresting story · Not a boring story · Learn something from it. Addition Book contains several stories Movie called "Tales of Unease". The end "Some people call it black puma, but really it is not a puma at all"

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Anglo-Saksi Inglismaa

Bridge between Norwegians who were led by Harald and England (king Harold Godwinson). During the battle many Norwegian leaders were killed. Norwegians lost the battle, and it is very often taken to mark the end of the Viking Age. · Battle of Hastings 1066- Occurred on 14th October 1066 during the Norman conquest of England, between the Norman-French army of William the Conqueror and the English army under king Harold II. During the battle Harold was killed and the Normans won. It was the end of Anglo-Saxon era. · Bayeux Tapestry- Embroidered cloth nearly 70m long, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England concerning William, Duke of Normandy and Harold, Earl of Wessex, later king of England and culminating in the battle of Hastings. · Debate poem- Essentially, a debate poem depicts a dialogue between two natural opposites (e.g sun vs

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Rootsi kuningapere

Introduction I chose Swedish royal family, because it is not far away from Estonia and we have a good friendship with each other. I also chose it, because it seemed so interesting. I really wanted to know, who controls Estonia's neighbour ­ Sweden. Anyway, I enjoyed doing this report and now you can read a little about them. 3 King Carl XVI Gustaf Carl XVI Gustaf is the King of Sweden. Carl Gustaf was born twenty minutes past ten in the morning on Tuesday, on April 30, 1946, at Haga Palace. He was baptised at the Palace church and his real name is Carl Gustaf Folke Hubertus. He is also the Duke of Jämtland. Carl became Sweden's King on September 19, 1973 at the age of 27, succeeding his grandfather, King Gustaf VI Adolf. He is son of the Crown

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The Saxons & Vikings

in Sussex, Cerdic / Cynric in Wessex. So the first ,,English" became mainly from Northern Germany & Denmark. The resistance of the Celts was long. They were free at the time, not like other Roman provinces on the Continent. Around 500, the Britons seem to have won several victories. One of their leaders was Ambrosius Aurelianus and one of their victories was at the place called Mount Badon. The main leader of the Britons at this time may have been the warrior later called King Arthur. By the 7th cent. the invaders managed to conquer the greater part of the land. The invaders came from 3 powerful tribes: · The Saxons ­ settled from the Thames Estuary westwards, in the south of England; they formed the kingdoms of Sussex, Wessex, Essex & Middlesex · The Angles ­ settled in East Anglia, the Midlands & Northumbria · The Jutes ­ settled mainly in Kent, Hampshire & the Isle of Wight

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
16 allalaadimist

Norman Conquest

Norman conquest of England Eleri Pärna Form 10 Kanepi Gymnasium 2011 Reasons English king Edward the confessor died, leaving no children. William the Duke of Normandy said that Edward had promised him to be the next king. But Harold (other relative)the AngloSaxon earl , was chosen to be king. Norman conquest began on 28 September 1066 with the invasion of England by William, Duke of Normandy. The battle of Hasting Was beginning of Norman conquest. Took place14th of Oktober in 1066. Between the Normans and the AngloSaxons. King Harold was killed. To sum up... The Norman Conquest was the last successful invasion of England by a foreign claimant.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Sandrigham house

Wilhelm) to informal retreats by the Royal Family. Three times a year there was a ball - for the gentry, for the farmer and for the servants. One of the main activities at Sandringham was shooting. The Prince of Wales liked to be outdoors as much as possible and he devised the idea of ST - Sandringham Time. The idea was to make the most of the winter daylight hours for his passion for shooting and so the clocks all over the Sandringham Estate were advanced by half an hour. King George V maintained this custom during his lifetime, but King Edward VIII abolished it on his accession in 1936. Sandringham was the setting for some dramatic events. Queen Victoria did not pay her first visit to Sandringham until 1871, when the Prince of Wales suffered an attack of typhoid fever (the illness of which his father had died) while staying there. Margus Maasik G1a To the relief of Queen Victoria and the nation, the Prince survived and made a slow recovery.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

later bishop. Ireland was largely christian by 6th C Monasteries multiplied, monastic lines, provinces were ruled by abbots St Columba 6th, 7th C Irish sent missionaries to Gaul, Germany, Scotland and England St Columba went to Scotland, converted Picts, 563 founded a monastery of island Iona Credited with major role in converting Scotland to Christianity St Aidan Irish missionary, King Oswalds of Northumbria bishop Had qualities to convet Northumbria. After monastery of Lindisfarne 635 had built he set up a church in royal village He always travelled on foot, Several monasteries were founded St Augustine 597 Christ church influenced English society of kings, warriors ad farmers Pope Gregory the Great, sent the first mission in 597 headed by monk St Augustine to Kent, where he founded a monastery at Canterbury

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun