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"brief" - 212 õppematerjali

brief – Short statement of things need to be done (worked out) ( Using few words)

Kasutaja: brief

Faile: 0


Liebe(r) Mesut, ich habe Deine Brief bekommt und ich habe mich gefreut wenn ich das geliest hat. Herzliche Grüße aus Estland. Hier ist es auch nicht langweilig und meine Sommerferien sind fantastisch, weil das Wetter sehr warm und sonnig ist. Ich habe dir viel zu übersetzen. Letzen Montag hat meine Vater sein geburtstag gefeiert. Trotzdem ich mich gefreut und viele gegesst habe, waren da nur alte Leute und deswegen war es langweilig für mich der Zeit dort zu verbringen. Aber ich habe auch eine shöne Neukeit: ich habe einen Sommerjob bekommt. Ich muss als Krankenpfleger in lokal Krankenhaus arbeiten und ich finde diese Arbeit sehr toll weil es mir sehr wichtig Erfarung für meine später studie in der Universität gibt. Noch, in der Sommer, muss ich meine Schwester in New York besuchen. Ich hoffe dass ich das in nächsten zwei Woche mache und ich also am liebsten würde dort leben ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

Der Brief


Keeled → Saksa keel
12 allalaadimist

"Brief einer unbekannten" kokkuvõte

Brief einer unbekannten ,,Brief einer unbekannten" ist eine tragische Novelle bei Österreichischen Schriftsteller Stefan Zweig was enthaltet eine traurige Liebesgeschite durch die Augen von eine Frau. Die Geschichte beginnt wann eine Schriftsteller zurückehrt nach seine Heimatstadt Wien nach einem Bergurlaub und findet eine Brief ohne Absender. Weil lesen verstehet der Man dass es ist eine Geschite über ihn schreibt bei eine Frau. Der Man findet heraus, dass die Dame ihn für sehr lange Zeit geliebt hat. Obwohl sie gezogen hat, beobachtet sie der Man wann sie zurückehrt, in Hoffnung dass der Man bemerkt sich. An einem Abend, Man sclielich bemerkt sich und er einladet sie zum eine Abendbrot. Als er das Mädchen danach noch zu sich nach Hause bittet, verbringen sie die Nacht zusammen. Dies

Keeled → Saksa keel
4 allalaadimist

The brief history of vegetarianism

THE BRIEF HISTORY OF . VEGETARIANISM by Yulia Kovtun N E W ( M AY B E ) WORDS A person who advocates a theory, proposal Proponent Mainly; for the most part Predominantly An animal that feeds on plants Herbivore Feeding on other animals Carnivorous A flat green bean eaten without the Fava bean pod Edict An official proclamation issued by authority Temperance Abstinence from alcoholic drink Restraining from something, Abstinence typically alcohol or sex Lust Strong sexual desire A M E AT L E SS D I E T WA S REFERRED TO AS A "PYTHAGOREAN DIET" FOR YEARS Fava beans have souls too! 1847 «plant-based foods have much less impact on th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Somerset Maugham "French Joe" kokkuvõte!!

French Joe By W. Somerset Maugham CHARACTERS: • Captain Bartlett – pilot, bald, alcoholic, queer fish • Captain Cook – discovered the Thursday Island on a Thursday. • Woman – a red flannel dressing-gown; holding a paraffin lamp; hair - a little bit over her shoulders, long black wisps, a little stoutish, keen eyes, a red nose. • French Joe aka Josep de Paoli – 93Y, Corsican, a lietutenant of artillery, French army in 1851, later communist, started new life many times, black shining eyes, really thin and old. • Boswell Johnson – really famous author, the ancestor of Joe. • Napoleon Bonaparte – a relative of French Joe, lietutenant of artillery • Russians + Prussians – Joe fougth against them in French army • Hospital Nurse PLACES: • Thursday Island in Torres Straits – where...

Keeled → British literature
9 allalaadimist

Katla projekt

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL MEHHAANIKATEADUSKOND SOOJUSTEHNIKA INSTITUUT KATLAPROJEKT Tallinn 2007 Sisukord: Seletuskiri: Katla kirjeldus. Omapoolsete valikute põhjendus Kokkuvõte (A Brief summary of the project) Arvutused: Algandmed Põlemisproduktide arvutus Katla soojusbilansi arvutus Kolde soojus ja konstruktorarvutus Festooni soojusarvutus Ülekuumendi ja järelküttepindade soojusbilansi arvutus Ülekuumendi "kuume astme" soojus ja konstruktorarvutus Ülekuumendi "külme astme" soojus ja konstruktorarvutus Ökonomaiseri soojus ja konstruktorarvutus Õhu eelsoojend soojus ja konstruktorarvutus Graafiline osa:

Ehitus → Katlatehnika
153 allalaadimist

Saksa keele grammatika reeglid ja tabelid

6. N. der die das die G. dessen deren dessen deren D. dem der dem denen A. die die das die 7. Passiv bildung Subjekt Prädikat Objekt Partizip 2 / Infinitiv Aktiv: Rita schreibt den Brief Präsens Vorgangspassi Der Brief wird (von Rita) v: geschrieben. Aktiv: Rita hat den Brief geschrieben. Perfekt Vorgangspassi geschrieben Der Brief ist (von Rita) v: worden.

Keeled → Saksa keel
84 allalaadimist

Vana-Kreeka ühiskondliku identiteedi kujunemine

tegevust.3Sparta kitsendused alamklassidele on üldistes joontes praktiliselt kattuvad.4 Nagu näha, on Antiik-Kreeka selgelt ülesehitatud privileegidele ­ varanduslik seisus ja sots. kuuluvus määravad suuresti ära ühiskonnas kaasarääkimise võimaluse. Loogiliselt arutledes tuleb nentida, et isegi dem. tingimustes, on riigiotsustusprotsessi juurest suur hulk elanikke eemal ­ ühiskondlik identiteet kujuneb piiratud dimensioonis.o 1 Pomeroy, S. jt., A brief history of ancient Greece : politics, society, and culture. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, lk 102 2 )Pomeroy, S. jt., A brief history of ancient Greece : politics, society, and culture. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, lk 163 3 Vernant, J. P., Vana-Kreeka inimene, Avita, 2001, lk 92-931 4 Pomeroy, S. jt., A brief history of ancient Greece : politics, society, and culture. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, lk 92

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
28 allalaadimist

Kiri sõbrale

(Kirjutaja koht), den 7. Februar Liebe Jane, gestern habe ich deine Brief bekommen und ich möchte hier mehr wissen, könntest du nach Estland kommen? Ich habe auch denken, dass könntest du mit seine Schwester kommen, weil sie manche Jahren älter bist. Auch möchte ich wissen das, konntest sie mir im Tartu einen Besuch machen. Da wollen ich sie Tartu zeigen. Im Tartu können wir ins Museums gehen. Auch können wir im Theather gehen, weil du die Theathervorstellungen gern magst. Veil ich vonTheather sprechen bist auch die Theather Spielzeit beginnen. Für

Keeled → Saksa keel
77 allalaadimist

All studied biomes

In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. In the summer there is lots of rain. The savanna has a large range of highly specialized plants and animals. RainforestThe tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth. Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group. The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 34 °C or drops below 20 °C. Rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year. There is usually a brief season of less rain. In monsoonal areas, there is a real dry season. Almost all rain forests lie near the equator. Rainforests now cover less than 6% of Earth's land surface. AlpineCold, snowy, windy. In the summer average temperatures range from 10 to 15° C . In the winter the temperatures are below freezing. The winter season can last from October to May. The summer season may last from June to September. The temperatures in the Alpine biome can also change from warm to freezing in one day

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Ukraina tööstus

SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS................................................3 AUTOTÖÖSTUS................................................4 MASINATÖÖSTUS.............................................5 KÕRGTEHNOLOOGIA.......................................6 METALLURGIA................................................7 AUTOTÖÖSTUS.................................................8 2 SISSEJUHATUS Ukraina on riik Euroopas Mustast merest põhjas. Piirneb Rumeenia ja Moldovaga edelas, Ungari ja Slovakkiaga läänes, Poolaga loodes, Valgevenega põhjas ja Venemaaga idas. Statistikaameti andmetel elas Ukrainas 1. jaanuaril 2008. aastal 46 372 700 inimest, sealhulgas oli linnaelanikke 31 668 800 inimest ja maaelanikke 14 703 900 inimest.1 Ukraina lipp Ukraina Vapp Ukraina on väikeste kõrgustikega tasane maa. Suurtest jõgedes...

Geograafia → Geograafia
32 allalaadimist

Saksa keele vanasoõnad ja kiri KT

35. einen Korb bekommen/ geben ­ korvi saama/andma 36. einen Seitensprung machen ­ kõrvalt panema/truudust murdma 37. alle Tassen nicht im Schrank haben. ­ kõik tassid pole kapis/ ehk: kruvid loksuvad 38. die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen ­ solvunud maksavorsti mängima Wer Musik nicht liebt, verdient nicht ein Mensch genannt zu werden /Goethe/ Briefe schreiben ­ kirja kirjutamine Montag, den 9. November (kuupäev kirjalikus vormis, üleval paremal) Der Brief ­ kiri besuchen (Akk) ­ külastama zu Besuch kommen ­ külla tulema antworten ­ vastama die Antwort ­ vastus anrufen ­ helistama warten AUF Akk ­ ootama (Ich warte auf dich) feiern ­ pidutsema die Einladung ­ küllakutse einladen ­ külla kutsuma (ich lade dich herzlich ein) in Erfüllung gehen ­ täide minema die Bestellung ­ tellimus die Laune ­ tuju (gute Laune ­ hea tuju) fragen/ nachfragen ­ küsima/ järele pärima sprechen über Akk ­ rääkima sagen ­ ütlema

Keeled → Saksa keel
5 allalaadimist

Armenian Genocide

...................................................................9 Introduction I chose this theme cause I think it is interesting and definitely it brodens my mind. I have heard about Armenian Genocide before and it always seemed interesting, but I have never read anything related to this subject, so I thought this is a good chance to acquaint myself with it. The purpouse of my report is to give an overview of Armenian Genocid, its causes and consequences. In my report I also provide a brief overview of the Armenian Massacre, the Young Turks, the Young Turk Revolution and ordeals that Armenians had to go through. 1. The Amenian Genocide and its causes 1.1. Armenian Genocide Armenian Genocide (also known Armenian Holocaust) took place during World War I (1915- 1917), when Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire were systematically exterminated and deported by the ,,Young Turk" goverment. The Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the 20th Century

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Republic of Poland

The Republic of Poland 10.1.13 Location 10.1.13 10.1.13 National emblem White eagle in a crown against a red background 10.1.13 POLAND in brief Capital: Warsaw Language: Polish Population: 38 million Currency: 1 zlot Area: 312,685 km2 Political system: Parliamentary democracy 10.1.13 President Premier Minister Lech Kaczynski Donalt Tusk 10.1.13 Natural resources Poland's most important natural resources are hardcoal and lignite, copper, zinc and lead ores, silver, sulphur, salt, rock salt, building stone, natural gas and oil. 10.1.13 POLL

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Letter of enquiry

4 November 2011 Dear Sir or Madam I am writing in reply to your advertisement in a magazine. I would be interested in publishing my work. I would be grateful if you could answer some questions, as the advertisement was rather brief. First of all, I would like to know if you have set an age limit or a deadline. I also wonder whether the poetry is acceptable and where the work will be published. Finally, could you inform me if I may send in my manuscript by e-mail. I look forward to receiving your reply. Yours faithfully, Tiiu Tamm

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Writting a summary

A journal for young people“. It is, of course, not true. As EU citizens, Europe is our home. It affects our lives in many areas. For example: money (euro is a common currency); flying has become much cheaper and safer; the police forces in the EU work closely together and European environmental protection lays down common standards. The second sections provides information about what does the European Union exactly means and when did 28 countries come all together. The third section gives a brief, simple explanation of how the most important EU institutions work. The European Union is a grouping of countries and their citizens. Both of these have a say in European matters. This happens through the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Council of the European Union is the body representing the goverments of the EU countries. The funfamental decisions on European policy are taken by the European Council.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Deutsche-Serienfilme in Estland

Deutsche Serienfilme in Estland Vorstellung Wir haben das Thema gewählt, weil wir ganz viel fernsehen und wir das Thema interessant finden Wir untersuchten, welche Deutsche Serienfilme es in Estland gibt und suchten Information darüber Wir machten eine Umfrage, wo wir die Schüler und Schülerinnen der 9. bis 12. Klassen befragten Wir machten ein Interview, wo wir Erwachsenen interviewten Wir haben einen Brief an ein deutsches Mädchen geschrieben und untersuchen, welche Seriale in Deutschland popular sind In Estland wir haben: "Sturm der Liebe" "Alarm für Cobra 11" "Lena Liebe meines Lebens" "Galileo" "Kommissar Rex" "Sturm der Liebe" "Sturm der Liebe" ist eine deutsche Telenovela, die seit 2005 im Ersten ausgestrahlt wird Es hat 8 Staffeln und 1700+ Episoden In "Sturm der Liebe" gibt es viele Hauptpersonen z.B Hildegard, Alfons, Robert, Eva, Alexander, Laura, Moritz und Theresa

Keeled → Saksa keel
4 allalaadimist

Huvitavaid fakte IT-ajaloost

Huvitavaid fakte it-ajaloost Fakte 1989. aastal sai Euroopa Tuumauuringute Keskus (CERN) Sveitsis netiühenduse. 1999. aastal loodi Napster, mis algatas failide jagamise. Napsteri põhimõte on aluseks tänapäevasele BitTorrentile. Praegu jagatakse torrentide abil u 1/3 failidest. 2000. aastal loodi Wikipedia, mis on praegu üks tähtsamaid info otsimise allikaid. Kuigi paljud koolid keelduvad Wikipedias asuvat infot aktsepteerimast, on see siiski üks suurimaid ja ligipääsetavamaid infoallikaid. Sajandivahetuse paiku sai alguse ka sõnumiedastussüsteemide populaarsuse kiire kasv. 1999 MSN Messenger (2006 nimetati ümber Windows Live Messengeriks) 2004 Facebook 2005 YouTube 2007. aasta septembris oli maailmas 135 166 473 toimivat veebisaiti. Kasutatud allikad Pil...

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA Overview ◦Capital: Pyongyang ◦Population: 25.37 million ◦Supreme leader: Kim Jong-un ◦Eternal leaders: Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong- il Kim Il-sung's rule ◦Korea split in half ◦Free elections Kim Il-sung's rule ◦The Korean War (1950-1953) ◦Juche Kim Jong-il's rule ◦Songun ◦Arduous March ◦Kim Jong-un List of used sources ◦ rea%20night%20photo_0.jpg ◦ ea/ ◦ ◦ unjeom3.jpg ◦ ◦ ◦ ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Corporate Financial Management

Corporate Financial Management Glen Arnold Book Review Introduction Reading this book you will receive a brief overview of the financial world and its components. This review considers the most fundamental question facing anyone trying to make decisions within an organization ­ what is the objective of the business? Without clarity on this point it is very difficult to run a business in a purposeful and effective manner. In addition, a brief rundown is given of both primitive and modern economies and the role of the financial manager within an organization. The objective of the firm When people have to make choices in the harsh environment in which modern businesses have to operate, it is necessary to be clear about the purpose of the organization; to be clear about what objective is set for management to achieve. It is imperative that the management teams are aware of, respect and

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Enquiry for joining The Gifted an Talented Development Centr

Enquiry for joining The Gifted an Talented Development Centre 20 October 2009-10-20 Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to enquire information about GTDC. I am 17-year-old school student and I have always been interested in joining with The Gifted and Talented Development Centre. I would be grateful if you could answer some questions, as the curriculum of the school was rather brief. First of all, I would like to know what are the requirements to perform entrance tests and what subjects they are. I also wonder what are the facilities of e-learing and how much they cost. If there are e-learing facilities then I would like to know how can i register myself. Finally, I would like to know what are the benefits of graduation. I have heard that all the students who graduate will get guaranteed jobs unfortunately I think that this is just a rumor due to economic crisis.

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Honda lühiajalugu inglise keeles

A BRIEF HISTORY OF HONDA Keith Tauden Faculty of transport AT21b Soichiro Honda  November 17, 1906 – August 5, 1991  Eastern Sea Precision Machine Company  Cooperation with Toyota  Honda Technical Research Institute  Honda Motor Company 3/18/15 Keith Tauden 2 The world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles  1949  1964 3/18/15 Keith Tauden 3 The first production automobile  August 1963 3/18/15 Keith Tauden 4 The first p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Stephen William Hawking

Stephen William Hawking koostanud Elulugu · Stephen William Hawking sündis 8. jaanuar 1942.aastal, Oxfordis, Inglismaal. · Ta on kuulus inglise teoreetiline füüsik · Ta tahtis õppida matemaatikat, kuigi ta isa soovis, et ta õpiks meditsiini · Koolis, kus ta käis, ei olnud võimalik õppida matemaatikat ja sellepärast valis ta hoopis füüsika · Hawkingsil on avaldatud kolm väga populaarset raamatut,A Brief History of Time, Black Holes ja The Universumi in a Nutshell · Professor Hawkingsil on 12 aukonsuli kraadi · S. W. Hawking on teadusmaailmas tuntud kui "mees, kes on relatiivsusteooria heaks teinud rohkem kui ükskõik kes pärast Einsteini". Veelgi tuntumaks teeb legendaarse professori tema harukordne elukäik · Kahekümneselt läbipõetud lastehalvatuse tagajärjel tekkis Hawkingil harvaesinev haigus -- amüotroofne lateraalskleroos. See

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
23 allalaadimist

Letter of enquiry

J.Merton Sales manager Glaston Putteries LTD Clayfield, Brunley BB10 1RQ Dear Mr/Ms Merton, I am writing in connection with your advertisement in yesterday's Post. It was about your company looking retailers for your products. At the moment our company is in search for new suppliers, therefore we might be interested in selling some of your products in our shops in France. As the advertisement was rather brief, we have some questions about the possible business arrangement. The main concern is about your price range. We would be very grateful when you could send us the price list. In addition, it would be nice, when you could add the list of products and their qualities. Our company has eight stores in France, so our orders could be quite big. Thus we would appreciate if you could advise us of your terms of payment and any discount available.

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Kuidas esseed kirjutada?

2. Educational Objectives and Career Goals a. Identify your major b. Why did you choose this major? c. What will you do with a degree in this field? d. What career path have you chosen? Example: I have always enjoyed working with computers and I love to write. I'm pursuing a career in technological writing; this will allow me to pursue both interests focusing on a viable career and doing something that I enjoy. 3. Brief Background a. Who are you? (not your name) ­ family, children, siblings, etc. b. How did you get to where you are today? c. What is important to you? · Insert extracurricular interests, volunteer work, hobbies ­ things that make you stand our or are unusual. · Academic Accomplishments: GPA, level of difficulty of courses taken, types of courses taken, etc.

Keeled → Inglise keel
282 allalaadimist

Linking devices

Finally Previously First, second, third... Simultaneously Formerly Soon Immediately Subsequently To summarize: To conclude: Briefly Given those facts In brief Hence Overall In conclusion Summing up So To put it briefly Therefore To sum up Thus To summarize To conclude

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


The colors of auroras • Determined by gases in the Earth’s atmosphere • Solar particles collide with different gases • Oxygen (300km) – a rare red aurora • Oxygen (100-300km) – yellow-to-green aurora Do the Northern Lights emit sound? • Subject of discussion • Proven that people can hear natural auroral sounds • Energetic particles produce strange „clapping“ noise • Do not occur every northern lights outburst • Usually brief and faint • Conclusion • How the Northern Lights appear • Why the Northern Lights have different colors • About the sound they emit Thank you for your attention! sources • http:// nlights-color.htm • http:// -clapping-sound-explained.html • http:// a-borealis-makes-sounds

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Scenario diagram

Esimene objektile orienteeritud keel, mis senini teada, on Simula-67. See keel on loodud Norras, aastal 1967, Dahli ja Nygaardi poolt. Simula-67 ei saavutanud küll suurt edu, kuid andis väga korraliku alustala teistele keeltele. Sealt arenesid välja näiteks Booch, OMT ja OOSE keeled. UML-i põhiline arendus sai aga ametlikult alguse 1994. Aasta oktoobris, kui Rumbaugh ühines Booch-iga. Esimene versioon sellest avaldati aasta peale ühinemist ning selle nimi oli siis Unified Method. (A Brief History of the UML 2015) Nüüd ühines nendega ka Jakobson. Mehed üritasid esialgu kõik kolm keelt omavahel ühendada, kuid see osutus üsna keeruliseks. Samal ajal soovisid tarkvara insenerid standardset modelleerimiskeelt. Nii muutsid loojad oma arengusuunda ning nüüd sai põhiliseks ideeks luua ühendatud (unifyng) standartne keel kõigi jaoks. 1996. Aastal tutvustati maailmale UML 0.9 versiooni ning kohe peale seda ka 0.9.1. See sai kuulsaks ning kasutati paljude

Informaatika → Majandusinformaatika
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele siduvad sõnad

as for ... this implies that ... on the contrary it follows that if so/not in contrast turning to Stating the obvious in comparison Summary obviously Concession (sth unexpected) in conclusion clearly however to conclude naturally even though in brief of course however much to summarise as can be expected nevertheless overall surely still therefore after all Yet

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Theodor Storm "Immensee"

mussten, oder ich habe den Sinn nicht so gut erkennen können, diese Novelle war sowohl wörtlich als auch innerlich ziemlich leicht für mich zu verstehen. Kurz gesagt ist diese Novelle eine Erinnerung an einer unerfüllter Liebe. Die Novelle ist kein romantischer Text. Sie ist eine Rahmenerzählung, die in zehn Abschnitte geteilt ist. Sie heissen: 1. Der Alte 2. Die Kinder 3. Im Walde 4. Da stand das Kind am Wege 5. Daheim 6. Ein Brief 7. Immensee 8. Meine Mutter hat's gewollt 9. Elisabeth 10. Der Alte In der Novelle gibt es viele Doppelungen. Die erste lässt sich gleich bei den Überschriften leicht finden. Wenn man schaut, wie sie heissen, merkt man , dass der erste und letzte den gleichen Überschrift ,,der Alte" tragen. Das ist die erste Doppelung und bildet somit eine Rahmenerzählung. Im ersten Abschnitt kommt ein wohlgekleideter alter Mann vom

Kirjandus → Saksa kirjanduse ajalugu
5 allalaadimist


Traffic congestion droughtpõud floodüleujutus conjure up esile kutsuma, välja meelistama(creat in the mind) mimic miimika(imitate) fool narr, loll deadline tähtaeg(time limit) feud vaen, võitlus hype meediakära camp laager, leer(groups) pull off teoks tegema(achived) evocative esilekutsuv batty oger hang over kohal rippuma regarded kõrvale jäetud proof tõend bitter verine, kibe heap kuhi pile riit mainstream põhivool technological advances tehnilised arengud unemployment space junk consumer society fast food urban sprawl impersonal service GM food biological weapons stressful lifestyle extreme weather changes nuclear power immers süübima, asja sees olema outletshop outcomeresult outlookfuture outingexcursion outsetbeginning outrageanger outbreakepidemic outlaycosts outdistance kaugele maha jätma outdo ületama outsmart ülekavaldama outrun kiiremini, kaugemale jooksma Outgrow välja kasvama outsell space station scientific journal exper...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

The Republic of Singapore

The Republic of Singapore SilverKera 10.B GAG Some statistics · An island country · Southern tip of the Malay peninsula · Total area of 710 km2and a population of 5 312 400 · Population density 7 315/ km2 · Left-handtraffic A brief history of Singapore · Comes from the Malay wordSingapura · British colony in 1819 · Occupied by Japan in 1942-1945 · 1959 self-governing state · 1963 joined Malaysia · 1965 complete independence Legal system · Legal system based on English common law · Trial by jury removed in 1970 · Caning · Mandatory death penalty · "Possibly the highest execution rate in the world relative to its population" Economy ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Eclipse book presentation

,,Eclipse" Stephenie Meyer INTRODUCTION v Book name: ,,Eclipse"(Twilight saga 3 book) v Type of book: novel, love story v Author: Stephenie Meyer v My overall impression: It's a great love story. The book is a little fancy. v Brief summary of the setting and plot: It continues the story of 18yearold Bella Swan and her vampire love, Edward Cullen. Bella wants to become a vampire, but Edward does not like this idea. Bella falls steadily hazards and from there the adventure starts. SUMMARY OF THE PLOT Main characters: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black , Charlie Swan, Victoria, Alice Cullen Plot: Edward and Bella apply to colleges, before that Bella wants to meet her werewolf friend, Jacob

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

NS-Prozesse heute

NS-Prozesse heute Johann Breyer (30.05.1925-22.07.2014) -ein slowakischer Bauernsohn -ein Wachmann im Dienst der SS (erst in Buchenwald, dann in Auschwitz) -als er 17 Jahre alt war, erhält er einen Brief (Aufforderung der deutschen Wehrmacht zur Musterung) -meldete sich bei Waffen-SS (um nicht von der Militärpolizei oder der Gestapo mitgenommen zu werden) -hätte gern mit den Häftlingen getauscht, weil die Bedingungen für Wachmänner zu schlecht waren (kann auch sein, dass Sterben einfach besser klang als solche Arbeit, der er tat) -wurde gesagt, dass in Buchenwald Räuber und Mörder eingesperrt seien Warum so spät? (Haftbefehl - Sommer 2013)

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Central park

Central Park Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City. The park was opened in 1857. Central Park is one of the world's largest public parks. The area is 3.4 km². It has many bridges, lakes, ponds, plants, trees and in brief, it's just a nice and beautiful place to spend your time and enjoy the beauty of nature. The park gets 35 million visitors every year and it is the most visited urban park in the United States. The park even has its own ''Central Park Carousel'' and ''Central Park Zoo''. There are also : playgrounds , Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre, rock climbing, ice skating, boathouse cafe, boating and a wooded section of the park called "The Ramble'', where bird lovers can observe many

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Letter to Editor

[ RE: Headline and author if you're writing in reference to a story OR "Performing Animals in the City of _______" ] Dear Editor: While circuses and traveling shows featuring wild animal acts may seem innocent enough, it has become apparent over the past decade that wild animal acts are inherently cruel and unsafe. Most circuses and traveling shows that use wild animals keep them for months on end in cramped transport cages, sometimes hardly larger than they are, with only brief periods outside to perform. The animals have no opportuni- ty to move or behave in a natural way. That's why veterinarians, animal behaviourists, biologists and animal welfare organizations around the world have condemned wild animal acts. Circuses and traveling shows with wild animals also pose a risk to human safety. Numerous circus employees have been seriously injured or killed by performing animals and circus audience members have been injured when han-

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

H. G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) a Brief Biography Sometimes called the father of modern science fiction, H.G. Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, Kent, England. His father, a professional cricket player and shopkeeper, and his mother, a former lady's maid, raised Wells with the idea that he would find a place in the work world that they were accustomed. He aspired to a different place in society. When he was thirteen, he left school to become a draper's apprentice, a job his family expected would be proper for a boy of his station. The work repelled him, however. He worked briefly in a drugstore, returned for a stint as a draper's assistant, then finally found a job as a teacher's assistant in a grammar school. Education and academia suited him well. In 1884 he entered college with a scholarship to study biology. He was able to study under one of the great biology teachers of the time, Thomas Henry Huxley, and Wells gradu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Interneti ajalugu

Interneti ajalugu ja teke Ave Tüür 10.klass Kärdla Ühisgümnaasium Mis on internet? Ülemaailmne väiksemate arvutivõrkude ühendus, mis andmeedastuseks kasutab ühist protokollistikku - TCP/IP protokolli Interneti ajalugu 1. september 1969 Interneti ajalugu 1. september 1969 Kandis nime ARPANET Interneti ajalugu 1. september 1969 Kandis nime ARPANET 1987. a. avati kõikidele kasutajatele ja nimetati Internetiks Interneti ajalugu 1. september 1969 Kandis nime ARPANET 1987. a. avati kõikidele kasutajatele ja nimetati Internetiks 1993­95 tekkis WWW Interneti ajalugu 1. september 1969 Kandis nime ARPANET 1987. a. avati kõikidele kasutajatele ja nimetati Internetiks 1993­95 tekkis WWW Eestis ühendati esimesed arvutid Internetti ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus “Aeg ”

aja kolme suuremat erilaadilist liigitust füüsikas, filosoofias ning psühholoogias. Meetoodidena leiavad kasutust intervjuud mille viin läbi füüsika ning psühholoogia valdkonna esindajatega. Elektrooniline teabeotsing mille raames kasutan “Eesti Entsüklopeediat”. “Encyclopaedia Britannicat” ja teisi internetis leiduvad teaduspõhiseid allikaid. Samuti leian materjali raamatutest millest esimesena olen käsitlenud Stephen Hawkingu " A Brief History of Time" mis ilmus 1988. aastal. Sellise teema olen valinud, sest aja olemus on pakkunud huvi mulle juba pikemat aega ning leidsin, et seda on põnev pikemalt uurida. Samuti soovin mõista aja mõistet paremini ning sellega kaasnevat filosoofiat, mida on uuritud juba sajandeid kuid ühtsele kompromissile jõutud ei ole. Samuti usun, et puutun enda tulevases elus palju kokku aja mõiste ning selle üle filosofeerides enda nägemuse järgi.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
4 allalaadimist

Having a job while studying

However as mentioned, nothing is all good. Working while studying causes irregularities in many students' lives. Lack of sleep, stress and missed classes is not a nice combination for a good life. Trying to find spare time to relax is very difficult. Humans are ,,programmed" to value work over studies therefore students might skip homework and get worse results in school which causes even more stress and extra work for the student. In brief words, working while having a job is not for the weak. The thought of earning money while studying might sound wonderful and motivating, but it is more difficult than it seems. The positive experiences may overweigh the negative oens, depending on your job and how much one can do. It will definitely be a good idea to try having a job while studying, considering what it can do for a person.

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

"Kiri tundmatult naiselt" Stefan Zweig, kokkuvõte

Brief einer unbekannten Kiri tundmatult on Stefan Zweigi kirjutatud novell, mis kätkeb endas kuva armastuse lugu läbi naisterahva silmade. Lugu saab alguse sellega, et kirjanik, kes oli mõnda aega välismaal puhkusel olnud naaseb oma kodulinna Viini, kus ta avastab endale mõeldud kirja, millel puudub saatja aadress. Seda lugedes näeb ta enda ja tundmatu lugu läbi tema silmade. Mees saab teada, et naisterahvas oli temasse juba ammu armunud, kuigi ta oli vahepeal Viinist ära kolinud oli ta tagasi kolides siiski endiselt meest jälginud ja oodanud, millal meesterahvas teda ka tähele paneb. Tuleb välja, et mees oligi teda tähele pannud ja nad olid koos õhtustanud, mille lõppedes veetsid nad koos kirgliku öö. Selline asi kordus veel kahel korral ja siis pidi kirjanik kodulinnast lahkuma. Sellega ei olnud lugu veel läbi. Nimelt sündis kahe noore kirglikust seiklusest tütarlapsele laps. Selleks, et nad pojaga kahekesti ära elaks...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Stephen William Hawking

hooldaja – Elaine Masoniga, kes eelnevalt oli abielus David Masoniga, kes valmistas Hawkingi esimese kõneaparaadi  2006. aasta oktoobris lahutas Hawking oma teisest naisest. Hawkingi kiirgus Hawkingi kiirgus on soojuskiirgus mis kiirgub mustadest aukudest. Hawkingi kiirgus vähendab musta augu massi ja seetõttu nimetatakse sellist protsessi musta augu aurustumiseks. Biograafia  “Aja lühiajalugu" ("A Brief History of Time”, 1988)  “Mustad augud, noored universumid ja teised esseed” (“Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays” 1993)  “Universum pähklikoores” (“The Universe in a Nutshel” 2001)  “Lõpetamata aja lühilugu”(“ A Briefer History of Time” 2005) Tänan kuulamast!

Füüsika → Füüsika
5 allalaadimist

Rahvuspühad inglise keeles

Then the children often hand out the presents which are opened immediately. This is followed by candy, chips, various nuts, clementines, and sometimes a mulled and spiced wine with almonds and raisins called Gløgg is served hot in small cups. Midsummer's eve 24. June In Estonia, aside from Christmas, Jaaniõhtu (Midsummer's Eve, also called Jaanilaupäev) and Jaanipäev ("St John's Day") are the most important days in the calendar. The short summer seasons with long days and brief nights hold special significance for the people of Estonia. Jaanipäev is celebrated in the night between 23rd and 24th of June, a few days after the summer solstice, when night seems to be non- existent. People make a big fire, they sit aound it with closest friends and family, drink beer, look for little green glowing bugs, play games, play guitar and sing songs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Michael (Jeffrey) Jordan

1963. He is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states, "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time." Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.A brief listing of his top accomplishments would include the following: Rookie of the Year; Five-time NBA MVP; Six-time NBA champion; Six-time NBA Finals MVP; Ten-time All-NBA First Team; Nine time NBA All- Defensive First Team; Defensive Player of the Year; 14-time NBA All-Star; Three-time NBA All-Star MVP; 50th Anniversary All-Time Team; Ten scoring titles -- an NBA record and seven consecutive matching Wilt Chamberlain;

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

British Literature

· about 700 by an unknown minstrel · an epic - a long narrative poem in splendid/majestic language about the achievements of a hero, often a national hero who embodies national ideas · 3182 = 80 or 90 pages in book lenght · two parts: 1st - Beowulf's battle with Grendel and Grendel's mother, 2nd - aged Beowulf's victory over a dragon, death and funeral Background of Beowulf: · primitive and harsh environment · great importance · wars - life brief, fate ruled over human beings · Beowulf - sense of fatal doom, dark and sombre tone · fate and fame - vital ideas in the literature of Anglo-Saxon period · Beowulf - monsters slaying in Scandinavia = struggles between good and evil Christian Poetry · 55 B.C. Julius Ceasar - christianity to British Isles · 449 A.D Anglo-Saxons - pagans = christianity declined · 597 A.D. St. Augustine - within 100 years all country into christianity Caedmon and Alfred the Great

Keeled → British literature
6 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays

ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. In Estonia it's celebrated on February 24.Estonia got independence from the Bolshevist Russia in 1918.Estonia regain independence in 1991 from NSVL when it fall a part. St John`s Day (jaanipäev) In Estonia, aside from Christmas, St John's Day is the most important days in the calendar. The short summer seasons with long days and brief nights hold special significance for the people of Estonia. St John's Day is celebrated in the night between 23rd and 24th of June, a few days after the summer solstice, when night seems to be non-existent. For Estonians, Jaanipäev celebrations were merged with the celebration of Victory Day during the War of Independence when Estonian forces defeated the German troops on 23 June 1919. After this battle against Estonia's traditional

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Antroopsusprintsiip, Stephen William Hawking

Kuid hakkas õppima füüsikat ja keemiat Temast sai professor gravitatsioonilise füüsika alal Cambridge's Haigestumine Kahekümneselt läbipõetud lastehalvatuse tagajärjel tekkis Hawkingil harvaesinev haigus - amüotroofne lateraalskleroos Haigust peetakse ravimatuks ning tavaliselt haige sureb mõne aasta jooksul Hawking jäi ellu Kolmekümneselt kaotas ta lõplikult Neljakümneselt kõnevõime Saavutused Hawkingsil on avaldatud kolm väga populaarset raamatut: 1. A Brief History of Time 2. Black Holes 3. The Universumi in a Nutshell Hawkings on uurinud: Mustade aukude olemust Relatiivsusteooriat Gravitatsiooni Kosmoloogiat Tänapäev Kuigi ta on halvatud, peab ta ikka loenguid Kirjutab artikleid Esineb konverentsidel Tänu tänapäevasele tehnikale on see kõik võimalik Oluliselt on ta mõjutanud ka paljusid teadlasi Tänan!

Füüsika → Füüsika
11 allalaadimist

Galeegi keel

Galeegi keel Neit-Eerik Nestor Moonika Põldvee Tartu 2017 Galeegi keel Kõnelejaid: 2 340 000 (2012) Räägitakse Pürenee poolsaare loodeosas (Galicia), Lõuna-Ameerikas (Argentiina, Uruguay), mujal Euroopas (nt Hispaanias, Prantsusmaal) Väga sarnane portugali keelega, vastastikku arusaadavad Galicias ametlik keel; põhikoolis ja gümnaasiumis õppimine kohustuslik Galeegi keel Peamiselt ladina keelel põhinev; roomlaste sissetung Galiciasse 137-136 ekr Tuleneb galeegi-portugali (ka vana-portugali) keelest Vulgaarladina galeegi-portugali galeegi ja portugali Kerged mõjutused varasemasest keldi keelest ja germaani vallutajate keeltest (sueebid, läänegoodid, maurid) Galeegi keel 8. Sajandi lõpuks oli rahvakeel piisavalt erinev kirikukeelest, et sai rääkida kahest erinevast keelest (ladina ja galeegi-portugali) 1128 eraldus Portug...

Keeled → Keeleteadus
1 allalaadimist

Etta James elulugu inglise keeles

After leaving The Peaches she had another RnB hit. Her debut album At Last was released in late 1960. In early 1961 James released what was to become her signature song „At Last“. Though the song was not as successful as expected, it has become the most remembered song. In 1963 she had another major hit with „Pushover“. After a couple years scoring minor hits, James’ career started to suffer after 1965, but she continued to chart in the RnB top40 in the early 1970s. Following this brief success, however, she left Chess Records and did not record for another 10 years as she struggeled with drug addiction and alcoholism. Though she continued to perform, little was heard of her until 1987. In 1989 she signed with Island Records released the album Seven Year Itch. She has 30 studio albums, 3 live albums and 58 singles. She got married in 1969 to Artis Mills and was still married to him at her death. James had two sons, Donto and Sametto. Both started performing with their mother.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

contract. · Interneurons: vast majority. They have a functional position that is between sensory and motoneurons. They come in many shapes and forms. They usually show considerable branching, which produces enormous number of synaptic contacts. What happens when a neuron is aroused from rest? The surface of the fiber is stimulated by means of a third microelectrode which applies a brief electrical pulse. This pulse reduces the potential across the membrane for a brief instant. If the pulse is weak, nothing further will happen; there is no impulse. If the strength of the pulse is slowly increased, the resting potential drops still more, but there's no impulse. This continues until the pulse is strong enough to decrease the potential to a critical point, the threshold. Now a new phenomena occurs

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun