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"studying" - 238 õppematerjali


Studying abroad

Studying abroad Essay Nowadays, when borders are opened and we have so many opportunities to travel and see the world, some of us look jobs abroad, but someones go to educate themselves. Studying abroad is becoming more and more popular in young people. But why is that so? Studying and living abroad puts one young person to very difficult situation, he or she has to become independent. You do not have your parents right next to you, you have to handle everyday -life yourself. Maybe the beginning itself is hard, but it is definately useful. You learn to live life on your own. One of the disadvantages is language barrier, especially when you are going to country, where the

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7 allalaadimist

Studying abroad

Sandra Salu Põlva ÜG 12.B class Studying abroad These days studying abroad become more and more popular. In my opinion, people who are going study abroad have many advantages. However, it definitely has a negative sides. On the one hand, studying abroad is new experience and motivating, but on the other hand it can be distracting. Firstly, studying abroad give to people more experience and philosophy of life. Compared to the situation one hundred years ago, studying abroad is broadly spread all over the world. Moreover, travel is easier and convenient

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7 allalaadimist

Studying abroad

Studying abroad Siret Valge 12 b Nowadays more and more people choose to study abroad or consider it. Studying abroad is good opportunity for everyone but it demands a lot of work and good foreign language. Obviously there are its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, people have to do a lot of work before they can study abroad. There are even some organisations, who help people get started studying abroad. For example in Estonia there is organisation named YFU , who helps people to get started in foreign country. YFU helps people to

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13 allalaadimist

Having a job while studying - essee

Having a job while studying I think, that when a student have a job while studying, has positive and negative sides. The positives side of it is that when you have work then you have your own money and you don´t have to ask money your parents. You have experience when you go to work after school. But at the negative side you don´t have enough time to learn your homework, because when you aren´t at school you are at work. It takes much time of your personal life. When you want to go out with your friends, then you can´t because you have to be at work or relationships with

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30 allalaadimist

Having a job while studying

Having a job while studying I think, that having a job while studying has both, positive and negative sides. One point of view in favour is preparation for the further life. On the other hand, having a job while studying shortens your spare time, time to relax and rest your brain, also you do not have time to do your homework properly, grades will suffer. Furthermore, young people should have enough time to spend with their friends and family, while students who work, use their

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88 allalaadimist

Pandemic - Studying during Covid-19

Pandemic This year has come differently, everyone is really anxious and waiting for all of this to be over. I would even say that the whole year has had everyone on their toes, but I am trying to keep a positive mindset, there can always be worse. Sometimes I think people overdo it because Estonia doesn’t have it so bad, but better be safe than sorry. Studying at home is quite difficult for me, I don’t think it’s necessarily because of the pandemic, I’d say it’s more of a personal struggle. But when I have the motivation and or the goal in mind then I don’t think there is a more self-disciplined person than me. Most people probably enjoy studying from home because they can wake up when they want to, wear what they want to, eat what they want to and so on. But for me it just ruins my routines and boundaries therefore I get

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
4 allalaadimist

Having a job while studying

Having a job while studying Siin on minu nimi; 11klass Siin on kool, 30.05.2012 Many students nowadays prefer to have a job while studying or the other way around ­ study while having a job. All that, just to support their hobbies/studies, gain experience or just to earn a bit more money. While there are many benefits, there is no good without the bad. Having a job especially while you are studying is great responsibility for a human being. It is difficult to keep both your job and studies up. Although there are good points, like earning

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43 allalaadimist

For and against studying abroad

For and against studying abroad At first it will definitely seem exciting, scary and overwhelming to study and live in another country and far away from all your friends and family back home. This experience will expanded your horizons and make you more independent. Obviously there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, and here is what I think they might be. I believe that there are many advantages that the time abroad will provide you. For instance you will make a lot of friends from all over the world. It is always nice to have a place to stay when you accidentally end up in Japan or Australia for a few days. Being an exchange student is also a fabulous chance for travelling. Getting to know a new country so well is definitely not possible during a holiday or a short visit

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73 allalaadimist

Computers should be used while studying

Computers should be used while studying Nowadays more and more students use computers while studying. While I believe that students should use more computers while studying, their parents and also teachers do not. I strongly believe that computers are useful while studying if you use them as they should be used. Firstly, using computers can improve their computer skills, which can be used later. For example finding a job. Nowadays there lots and lots of jobs which require atleast basic knowledge about computers. Therefore, it is important for them to have computer skills atleast at basic level. Secondly, using computers while studying can speed up the learning and also writing

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5 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

01.12.14 The Priorities of Estonian Historical Research As a result of multiple nations having ruled over Estonian lands, Estonian history has been written from multiple perspectives. Often, religion, politics, and personal motives have fashioned history into what its authors wanted it to be. People have written from a multiplicity of perspectives. It should be one Estonian historical research's greatest priorities to distance itself from this, to seek after holistic, balanced accounts of the past. Early chronicles of Estonian history illustrate this diversity of perspective. Johann Renner, a Baltic German, held his own people in high esteem, deeming them the people of God. He implied this when he wrote that God would save His people from the hand of Gog. He seems to indicate that Gog was the Muscovite people. Perhaps the ...

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1 allalaadimist

The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad

The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad Education is the most important thing in life most people. Nowadays, there are many people who continue their studies outside of their country. They think that education in other countries is better than in their own country. However there are advantages and disadvantages to everything, and studying abroad is no exception. Studying abroad gives us a better chance to improve our language skills. It is the quickest and most straight forward way to learn the local language. Many feel that studying abroad is the most significant way to improve your world view and put yourself to the test. In addition studying abroad gives many students a kind of prestige in their home country. It may even lead to a better employment. Nevertheless studying abroad may have negative sides as well. The first disadvantage of studying

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4 allalaadimist

Resume (conception of studying and teaching in university)

TARTU LIKOOLI NARVA KOLLEDZ Resume Students approaches to learning and teachers approaches to teaching in higher education. Kristina Tairova HUM-IK-I NARVA 2014 Approaches to studying in higher education Research, carried out in Great Britain and Sweden in 1970 identified only three dominant approaches to study. ·A deep approach (understanding the meaning of materials and in my oppinion this approach includes additional studies, very serious way of learning) ·a surface approach (memorising the course materials, the most common approach) ·and the last one, a strategic approach (only grades make sense)

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1 allalaadimist

Tense forms

TENSE FORMS Active Passive Present Simple He studies art. Art is studied. Present Continuous He is studying art Art is being studied. Past Simple He studied art. Art was studied. Past Continuous He was studying art. Art was being studied. Future Simple He will study art. Art will be studied. Future Continuous He will be studying art. Future Perfect He will have studied art. Art will have been studied. Future Perfect Continuous He will have been studying art. Present Perfect He has studied art. Art has been studied.

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130 allalaadimist

Every school child have allowence

Every school child have allowence. Some children get allowence from parents, some children have to earn ourselves. Lots of children, whose parents do not give Money, have to go to work. If someone going to universty then he get a free place or he have to pay for it. But tuiton is very high, what its hard to pay at a time. In order to pay tiution, students should go to work while studying. Secondly the good thing is, if you work while studing, you always have a allowence. When class is going to travel, then you have the Money to pay for it. And you don't have to ask Money for your parents. Bad thing is that the work disturb studying. Beacuse you have two big obligation, where you can not miss. You don't have time to commit studying and your marks will be Worse. Work while studying is a big burden. Sometimes the work plan dont match with school plan

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4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajad - kokkuvõtlik tabel

English. Birds don't like milk. He arrived, m et the others lunch. and had 2005 will be an intere sting year. *New York is a tiny city Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous I am studying English now. I was studying English when you I will be studying English when you arrive called yesterd ay. tonight. Look, it's raining! I was stuyding while he was making I'll be waiting for you when the bus *She is always nagging. dinner. arrive s.

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260 allalaadimist

Letter of application for a language course

Letter of application for a language course I study humanities at Pelgulinna Gymnasium, studying humanities at my school requires fluency in English. I love studying in English, hence, I would like to attend a university, where all the courses are taught in English. Therefore I would like to attend this university because of the English-speaking environment. I feel that this is an amazing opportunity which will surely turn out to be an enriching experience for me. I have great expectations from studying abroad because of the element of internationalism. I think that a larger view on the world could give the chance to be more productive in my whole life

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5 allalaadimist

Learning English by computer

Learning english by computer Learning english by computer is a really good way to evolve your skills at home. There are positive and negative sides of learning english by computer. In my opinion are there more positive sides. I think that it would be more easier when you can study whatever time you want. When you are studying by computer then you abstain from conflicts with teacher. If you have your own computer then you can study at home and at the same time lie around, eat, listen to music, etc. I think that it would be cheaper and acceptable too. When you are studying english by computer then you don't have to think about your pronunciation. In my opinion is there only few bad sides. For example when you are studying at home then there's no discipline and you don't knuckle down.

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14 allalaadimist

A letter to an old friend

Dear Nadja! Well, another year has passed. I just can't believe that it went so quickly. I was studying for my exams and I finished high school. Now I'm hoping to start my studying in the college of medicine and I really miss the time that we spent together. I am so sorry because I didn't send letters for you. Actually I lost your address and I am lucky to find it again. And how are you? I hope that you and your family are all right. I really want to know your latest news and know everything about your studying. I'm writing to tell that I have been to France and it was great. Do you believe

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34 allalaadimist

The good and bad points of working and going to school.

than to the others. To leave your parents` home for the first time brings a lot of unexpected outgoings. Students have a issues with the payment of rent and utility bills and they need to go to the work and attend college at the same time. Working and going to school at the same time has good and bad points. The good points of it are certainly the new and intrestings experiences. Students get used to the pressure and studying to handle the stress. The bad points of it are that some people can`t handle the pressure. Students have no time to study and forgot that the first priority have to be studying. I strongly belive that stundying and working at the same time isn`t that bad. In my opinion it`s learning from life. You just need to find the work that fits for you perfectly. And you have to never forget that studying is most important.

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9 allalaadimist

Having job while studing

Having a job while studying Students want to work, while they are studying,but is it good or bad, if you study and work at the same time? In some cases it is good, when you have a job. You can earn money and not depend on your parents. Then you can make new friends, if it is a serious job, you can meet people, who are older than you, and they will help. Job makes a person to be more responsible. When you are young, you can try to work in different job areas and when you grow up, it is easy for you to make a choice, where you would like to work

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76 allalaadimist

To Be Human Is To Discuss

story. The grass really is greener anywhere else, actually. Why do we go to school? Do we actually want to learn? I think not. Maybe on some level, until fourth grade or something like that, but most of us are in high school to get good grades, so that parents don't kick us out and still give us food and shelter. How to motivate ourselves to come here every single morning and really study, not just sit with your phone out and watch videos or do something not related to studying to keep from dying of boredom? I think that the main reason students skip class is that they just don't want to sit around for 45 minutes. Another reason, I know that from my own experience, is undone homework. We don't want to get bad grades and we choose not to show up. Maybe it's better not to give homework, like they do in Finland. Yesterday, I had 9 lessons. I got home at 5 o'clock and my mom was already home.

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1 allalaadimist

Why I came to study English essay

Why I came to study English Why I came to study English? Seems like a simple question, but it certainly made me think about it. Some of my friends have even said that majoring in English seems so boring and they constantly bombard me with questions about my future. That made me think about how exactly did I end up studying English? First of all, as a kid, I was so sure I would be a hairdresser or a teacher or a cook in the future. I am sure that almost every kid thinks the same, when all they have for inspiration are cartoons and toys to play with. When I started school, I was very interested in mathematics and other subjects that required logical thinking, because apparently I was smart in that area at the time. Up until 6th grade I was the best student in our class, winning mathematic

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3 allalaadimist

Letter of application example

Dear Sir/Madam, My name is (your name) I am writing this letter to explain my purpose in applying to The Green School in Bali, Indonesia. My wish is to start studying in your school for a year. I am currently studying at (your school) in Estonia. Our school is steeped in nature subjects, like biology, chemistry and geography and we often take lessons outdoors. Our teachers also plan different trips to nature preservs, national parks and to the woods. So I think it would be very useful to me to study in your greenest school on earth and I can share my experiences and knowledge with your school and students. I am applying to the Green School for several reasons. I am usually dealing with

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4 allalaadimist

Internet has many uses in my life

Internet has many uses in my life - I use it for studying, tracking weather, playing games, watching movies and listening to music. I mostly use internet in my smartphone. It's more convenient to carry around rather than a computer. At home i prefer my computer ­ it makes studying alot easier as I can type words much faster than with a smartphone or a pen. It's also bigger so it's nice to watch movies with as well. I use my computer a lot less than my phone ­ maybe 2 or three hours a day, whereas I use my phone at all times. - , , , . . , . - , , . , . , - , 2 3 , . At school you learn different subjects every day. Subjects that teach you about

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0 allalaadimist

My future plans

I will try to tell in the shortest way about the exact things. The 9th form finishes and I am happy and sad at the same time. I think I will miss my classmates and some of the teachers from this school but I understand that from that point starts a new period of my life. After the 9th form I am going to study further but where exactly, I can't say now. I am thinking about what to choose. In my opinion the most perfect choice for me would be studying abroad. I know it will be very useful and interesting experience for me. My dream is to visit Tallinn like a guest. But may be when I leave my town I will value it more than I did before. And could be that it is just popular today: dreaming about leaving your hometown and studying abroad. For today my plans are to study till 12th form and then enter the university. In future I will also improve my foreign languages.

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44 allalaadimist

Kirjand "A computer in my life"

A Computer in my life The computer has become an important part of our lives. There are very few jobs that don't use a computer and pupils in schools use them too. A common thing with people today is computer addiction. Some people just have to sit the whole day in front of the computer and just can't leave. I also spend a large amount of time in front of the computer, but I think I am not a computer addict because I use the computer mostly for studying and catching up with friends, but most of my free time I like to spend outside. I have large PC for studying for school and to learning how to use Photoshop and architecture programs. For chatting with friends and watching some movies once in a while I use a tablet. I enjoy using the tablet much more because you can use it comfortably on the couch or in bed. I don't really have much problems with computers because I know how to handle them pretty well

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3 allalaadimist

Informal Letter Inglise keel

Because of that our family has stayed isolated for 10 days now. The first few days were like a cakewalk and being home was awesome but later on we all get tense and want our personal space more than before. We are lucky to have a big house, yard and field so when we really want to be away from one another, we can. Apart from the fact that I now have a lot of free time in my hands, I also have a lot of homework to do. I discovered that I’m really lacking the studying skill and despite my hatred towards school I really need it to make sure I understand the topics. The hardest part of home schooling is that I need to discipline myself and make sure all my homework is completed and sent to teachers. I have never liked studying from home and now with days passing and me still in home it feels like a prison. Luckily I still somehow manage to deal with the stress that comes from studying and all those due dates that I have now.

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11 allalaadimist

Past Tenses

I wish I had a million dollars (now). After "If only" (even talking though we're talking about now= If only I had an apple (now). Past Continuous Used to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the past. At 10:30 yesterday, I was preparing lessons. What were you doing at 6:30? Often used with Past Simple to show a continuing action interrupted by a sudden action in the past. I was studying when the phone rang. (Remember: there are some verbs that have no continuous ­ know, believe, heat, etc.) Present Perfect Simple Used to talk about finished actions in an unfinished time period. I have eaten three cookies today (the cookies are finished but today isn't). I have cleaned my room this morning (the cleaning is finished, but it's still morning). Often the time period isn't mentioned. That means that it's the lifetime of the speaker.

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25 allalaadimist

Estonian teen

Estonian teen How do you spend your free time? I’m usually quite busy after school. I go to my home eat and study for a while. Then I’m going to my training lesson every weekday and when it’s finished the time is half past seven and I have to finish my studying. I’m usually don’t have much free time. What do you like / dislike about living in Võru? I like Võru because it is a small city and the traffic is very light. I don’t have to walk very long to get one place to another. Do you get any pocket money? Yes, I have 10 euros for a month. I use it mostly to buy sweets because I love different sweats. What do you argue with your parent about most? I don’t argue with my parents lot. When I argue then mostly about how much do I have to

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1 allalaadimist

Ajavormide teooria

complaining. REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs Examples: (All of these sentences can be said while Examples: eating dinner in a restaurant.) · She is loving this chocolate ice cream. Not · I am studying to become a doctor. Correct · I am not studying to become a dentist. · She loves this chocolate ice cream. Correct · I am reading the book Tom Sawyer. Simple Past [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs Examples: Examples: · I lived in Brazil for two years. · You called Debbie

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37 allalaadimist

Tenses - Ajavormide tabel

Present I think Jason is in the garden. He is building(build) a shed. Steve jogs (jog) around the lake every evening. In northwest Scotland summer temperatures rarely rise(rise) above 16C. I'm meeting (meet) Mr. Houghton at six o'clock. His flight takes off(take off) at 11.45. You always complain. Tourism has increased/is increasing in this area. He has just finished work on his new book. I have been to America twice. Her eyes are red because she has been crying. She has been studying non-stop for eight hours. Jade and Tom are having a car boot sale next Saturday. Past By the time I arrived at the university, the lecture had already started. Dean (run) in the park at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Sharon went to the funfair Sunday. Suki had been waiting (wait) outside the reastaurant for twenty minutes before her friends arrived. My sister had (have) a baby yesterday. Sheila met (meet) her husband while was travelling (travel) around Russia.

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18 allalaadimist

Oxford University

The University of Oxford The University of Oxford, located in Oxford, England, is the second oldest and still remaining university in the world. The first one is the University of Bologna in Italy. But as for English speaking countries ­ Oxford is a firm leader. There are evidence of teaching going far back to the 11th century, but a clear date is not known. In 1167, Henry II banned English students from studying in France which made Oxford's popularity grow rapidly. From then on, Oxford was named a real university and got it's first chancellor in 1201. For years, Oxford only accepted male students until four womens' colleges were opened thanks to the Association for Promoting the Higher Education of Women. First of them was Lady Margaret Hall, which was opened in 1878. Women have been able to be full members of the university and to

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5 allalaadimist

Present Continuous

Ex. I am riding a bike to get to work because my car is broken. (His car will soon be repaired) Mary is working at McDonald's. (She is working there only during the summer holidays) 3.Longer Actions in Progress In the middle of doing something time-consuming We also use the Present Continuous when we are in the middle of doing something time-consuming (something that takes time to complete). And example of such an activity is writing a book, saving money or studying for an exam. Ex. They are working hard to earn money. Mike is studying to become a doctor. 4.Future(Personal) Arrangements and Plans Something is planned and will be done in the near future Sometimes we use the Present Continuous to show that something is planned and will be done in the near future. Ex. I am meeting Katie in the evening. We are not going anywhere tomorrow. 5.Trends

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Useful Vocabulary for Letters of Application

.....  I saw your advertisement in...... and I would like to be considered for the job  I heard about this position through my careers officer at school  I believe that I have all the necessary skills and qualifications for this post  I believe that I would be suitable for this post In the main body  I am an 18-year-old student.../ I am 18 years old....  I am currently in the final year of .....  I am currently studying for my Secondary School Certificate / High School Diploma / University Degree – BA or BSc  I have been studying ...... for ....years  I have just finished secondary school  I hold a full driving licence / I have a clean driving licence  I believe I am suitable for this post as I already have experience ....  I am quite good at ....  I also have qualifications in (first aid)  I have the language skills needed for this job

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajad

You are not swimming now. I am sitting. (Ma istun. Ikka veel istun. Ei ole veel püsti tõusnud) I am not standing. They are reading their books. (Nad loevad oma raamatuid. Hetkel loevad ja ei ole lugemist lõpetanud) They are not watching television. What are you doing? Why aren't you doing your homework? (Miks sa oma kodutööd ei tee (praegu) ?) Past Continuous: (Kui tehti midagi minevikus ja tegevust ei lõpetatud) Was, (he, she it)were + olevik+ing EXAMPLES: I was studying when she called. (Ma õppisin, kuid ei lõpetanud õppimist, sest ta kutsus mind ja ma pidin õppimise pooleli jätma) While I was studying, she called. I was carefully picking up the snake when it bit me. ( Ma olin ettevaatlikult just ussi üles võtmas, kui ta mind hammustas. See tähendab, et ma ei saanudki ussi üles võtta) Conditional Sentence Type 1 (Kasutad siis, kui esitad tingimuslause (kui-lause) olevikus) If + olevik, will + tegusõna NB! will ei käi kunagi koos IF'iga!!!)

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
251 allalaadimist

A letter of recommendation

2010-11-28 To whom it may concern: This is recommendation from ...... I have worked with this outstanding individual for a while. Madis has proved to be a remarkably competent, caring and effective by tractor driving. I find his skills very good. Madis left because of the studying in school, which are very important to everyone. Now I can say that he will no more have such problems and can work for w long time. I could recommend no individual more highly than ....... Sincerely yours, Kristo Harakas

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43 allalaadimist

An e-mail to my Estonian deskmate

Dear Kaisa, 09.10.2011 Hello! How is it going in Estonia? If you remember I'm in Canada and that is why I'm writing you. I miss you and all classmates. Tell hey them from me. The School where I am studying is Académie Ste. Cécile International School. I can take music, drama and languages courses. That is really interesting and I like here. All the classmates are really friendly and understanding. The family where I am living with is big. There is a mother and father, two sons and one daughter. They are really nice. I get along with their daughter whose name is Carlis. My English is better than before and I am more confident. This is a positive experience.

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10 allalaadimist

Application for a job.

Estonia 29 March 2010 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Montreal, QC H3G 1M8 Canada Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to your advertisment in the newspaper for the International Advanture Course. I am 18 years old and come from Estonia. I have learned english for 6 years, and I would like to continue studying English, and so the job you offer would be great opportunity for me to improve my speaking. I am available from July to September, so every time suites to me. I am always interested in working with people. And I also like to oragnise some interesting activities. My hobbys are cycling and swimming. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, -your name-

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23 allalaadimist

Sõbrakirjeldus inglise keeles

My friend name is Birgit and she is 16 years old. She lives in Rapla and goes to school in RVG. She is not a new student in this school. She graduated last year ninth grade in this school. She is very good student and she is studying quite well. Her favorite classes are estonian and english and she don't like math, russian and chemistry. She has one little sister called Lisette, who is 8 months old and one little brother called Roomet, who is 7 years old. Roomet just went to school in September in our school. Birgit enjoys cleaning rooms and she likes to hang out with her friends. She likes to watch movies and she goes in to a cinema quite often.

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16 allalaadimist

Inglise test. Tegusõnad sobivas vormis.

Kirjuta lünka tegusõna sobivas vormis. 1.He never eats chocolate in the evening. 2.Look! They are running in the park. 3.I can't talk now. I am studying for a test. 4.We often do group work in history lessons. 5.There are lots of cars in the street. One is passing the school right now. 6.Put on your winter coat. It is snowing. 7.I live in a small town. 8.He usually does his homework in the evening. 9.Listen! Somebody is singing. 10. We often play volleyball after school. 11. My aunt never drinks coffee. 12. We like warm and sunny days. 13. February comes after January. 14. It usually rains a lot in October.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Dear Mrs

Dear Mrs. Smith, I hope that you don't mind me contacting you after such a long time. I also hope that you remember me as your student from high school. I am writing to ask your advice on my choice about continueing my studies. I have always wanted to be an artist, but my parents haven't approved my choice. I have a bachelor's degree in Mathematics. but the three years spent studying it, i have come to an understanding that this field of carreer is not for me. I wish to pursue my studies in the field of Fine Arts, but i don't want to upset my parents. I would very much appreciate your advice on this issue. Thank you for your time. Yours sincerely,

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5 allalaadimist

Thomas Alva Edison

(11.02.1847-18.10.1943) By Jekaterina Kolessova Thomas Edison Inventor American greatest inventor Businessman Scientist Developing fields: mass communication electric power generation sound recording motion pictures Thomas Edison The seventh and last child Samuel Ogden Edison, Nancy Matthews Elliott Hearing problems Nickname: AL Short studying in school Sale of sweets and newspapers Telegraph operator Achievement Mass communication, telecommunication Principles of mass production Large teamwork Improvement light bulb Electric chair Achievement Kinetoscope Mimeograph Ticker tape Phonograph Motion picture camera Just because something doesn't do what you Best Quotes planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.

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2 allalaadimist

Letter of application

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to apply for the writer job which was advertised last week in the Financial Times. I would like to apply for the job because the conditions are excellent and the job perfectly matches my personal and professional interests. I think I would be the perfect candidate for the job because I like writing and humanities have always been my favourite studying subjects in school. I have also been blogging since two years and reading books and watching movies have always been my two favourite hobbies. I have also taken part in various writing competitions and in my free time I write reviews for the movies. If given the job I would do it part-time as I am still attending school. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully

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3 allalaadimist

Understanding Health

UNDERSTANDING HEALTH CHAPTER 6.NUTRITION AND WEIGHT CONTROL WILLIAM M. KANE Introduction ◦ Name: Mairis Õispuu ◦ Studying: Food Engineering and Product Development ◦ Topic: Nutrition and Weight Control ◦ Importance of this topic Section 1. The Basics of Nutrition ◦ Carbohydrates ◦ Fats ◦ Proteins ◦ Vitamins ◦ Minerals ◦ Water ◦ Fibre Section 2. A Balanced Diet ◦ The Food Groups ◦ Milk and milk products ◦ Fruits and vegetables ◦ Breads and cereals ◦ Sugar, refined fats, and oils ◦ Meat group ◦ Vegetarianism ◦ Dietary Guidelines Section 3. Weight Problems

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Graafiku kirjeldus

the temperature of water. On first day the temperature of water was 25ºC. It raised to 26ºC in the secon day. By the third day it fell to 24ºC. For the next day it raised by one degree. After that, since forth day to seventh day, it fell dramatically to only 20ºC. By the ninth day the tepmerature raised again to 25ºC. Then it stayed satble for a day and raised by one degree per day to 27ºC on the twelft day. On day 13 it fell 2 degrees and on tha last day it raised to 26ºC. By studying this graph, we can see that the average temperature of the water was around 24ºC.

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20 allalaadimist

Stolen Passport.

Dear Sirs, I am writing to ask for your advice of on a stolen passport. My name is Reelika and I am currently studying at a university in the north of England. My passport was stolen on the morning of the 3rd September, when I was walking down the Alpha Street. At one moment, I noticed a young man following me. I quickly jumped on the bus and suddenly he was right behing me, yelling at My bag. I kept the bag close to me until the next bus stop. After that I went shopping and when I started to pay I discovered that my wallet was missing. I had all my money, credit cards and my passport in my bag. I don`t know

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4 allalaadimist

We need paper books

WE NEED PAPER BOOKS We really need paper books. Now a days, most of teenagers think that studying by a computers or mobile phones is much more useful, but actually ist's not. A lot of people spend their time at home using a computer, when people start doing it in schools too, they are going to be blind soon, because it affects your eyes. People should really think about their future more. I understand if you are doing some schoolworks on the computer, but definitely not all of those. If you read lots of books, it developes you reading speed and it will be useful if you can read fast and if it sounds nice. Also if you are on the computer all the time, you can't write soon, too. And then the next generation in Estonia is going to be like Africa, that people can't read or write. So we should still use paper books, it's cheaper and much more useful.

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4 allalaadimist

Letter of application

I want to apply on the volunteer position. I am 18 years old and come from Estonia. At the moment I am a student at Tartu Descartes`i Lütseum. I have been learning English for 10 years and one of the reasons I am applying for this job is that I want to practise my English. I have always been interested in working with people. I am outgoing and cheerful and I can communicate with other people very well. I have finised a course in psychology and in the near future I would like to continue studying it. The job as a volunteer would be a great opportunity for me to improve my knowledges. I am available for interview at any time. I can be contacted on 5134428 at any time. I am available to start work from the end of June. Thank you for considering my application. I look forvard to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Mari Saar

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228 allalaadimist

Report "youth activities"

The aim of this report is to analyse the hobbies of the Estonian and the Russian youth in Tallinn.It is based on Estonian human Development Report 2009. it seems that Estonian and Russian youth most like sport activities ,in addition they are concerned about studying languages too.Dancing is also an occupation what is very popular amongst younger generation. It appears they have a lot of similar hobbies although percentages seem to different by nationality. These are drama groups,health clubs,folk groups,religious groups and car driving. In general it seems taht Russian and Estonian children are very active and keen on to providing for a bright future. Despite of many similarities there are some differences too.Surprisingly Estonian youngsters are not very interested in photography,pets' clubs,computer studies and youth societies.Although for compensation, they sing in choirs and they do handicraft.As we can see from the chart, Russ...

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13 allalaadimist

Essay: Living in a City

Living in a City ­ Good or Bad? Nowadays more and more people are moving from the countryside to the cities. Why? There are many advantages of living in a city. There are more opportunities to find a job and to promote one's career. There are usually better schools and universities are founded in cities, too. On the other hand are cities pretty noisy, therefore it can create a restless environment for concentrated studying. A big advantage of living in a city is the variety of entertainment ­ concerts, theatres, cinemas, restaurants and cafes, nightclubs and so on. However, in the countryside people can enjoy the silence and relax without paying any money. Also, in the countryside the environment is much greener and cleaner as in the cities the air is more polluted, which can damage our health. Living in a city, people have much better accessibility for things in need, like food, medications etc

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21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun