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"roman" - 750 õppematerjali

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Roman Britain

British history Roman Britain Roman Britain was those parts of the island of Great Britain controlled by the Roman Empire between 43 and about 410. The Romans referred to their province as Britannia. Prior to the Roman invasion, Iron Age Britain already had cultural and economic links with Continental Europe, but the invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanization, industry and architecture, leaving a legacy that is still apparent today. Historical records beyond the initial invasion are sparse, although many Roman historians mention the province in passing. Most of the knowledge of the period stems from archaeological investigations and especially epigraphic evidence.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Roman invasion

The Romans came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed our country. The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy .One day, some years before Jesus Christ was born, the Romans came to Britain. First invasion - Caesar's first raid In August 55 B.C. (55 years before Jesus was born) the Roman general, emperor Julius Caesar invaded Britain. He took with him two Roman legions. After winning several battles against the Britons in South-East England he returned to France. Second invasion - Caesar's second raid In 54 B.C. Julius Caesar came to Britain again landing at Walmer near Deal in Kent. This time he brought with him five legions (30,000 foot soldiers) and 2,000 cavalrymen (horse riders). This time the Romans crossed the River Thames. After more fighting, the British tribes promised to pay tribute to Rome and were then left in peace for nearly a century.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Roman Britain

Roman Britain 1.Ülesanne 1.Roman empire exited,more then 400 years ago. 2.Colchester was the capital of Britannia for some time,soon London or Londinium became the capital 3. Romans speaked Latin. 4. Roman rules Britannia. 5. Julius Ceasar ,Hadrian 6. Romans rules Britain before the Vikings. 2.Ülesanne  a–2  b–5  c- 1  d-3  e–4 3.Ülesanne  1–d  2–g  3- i  4–h  5–j  6–a  7–b  8–f 4.Ülesanne 55- Julius Ceasar first came to Britain in the year 55 BC (before Christ ). 400- Britannia became a part of the Roman Empire for more than 400 years.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Towns in Roman Britain

Towns in Roman Britain Ingrit Roosileht 7.Klass 2013 Roman roads The Romans built Britain's first towns. They built towns all over Britain as centers to administer the people they had conquered. Within 17 years of the invasion, they had several major towns connected by the famous Roman roads. Towns soon became important places for meetings and trade. What were Roman towns like? v The Roman towns were full of fine buildings and temples. v Streets were laid out in neat, straight lines, like on a chess- board. In the middle there was a large square, called the forum v Many towns had running water and sewers. Aqueducts were bridges for bringing water to the towns. Only the rich had water piped to their houses; everyone else used water from public fountains. The only toilets were public lavatories, which were built around the town and connected to underground sewers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

"Minevik on oleviku osa ja tuleviku eeldus" L.Meri

,,Minevik on oleviku osa ja tuleviku eeldus" (L. Meri) Miski siin ilmas pole juhuslik, vaid kõik on ette määratud. Kõik varem olnu ja tehtu on tihedalt seoses järgneva eluga. Nii ka Eesti iseseisvumine. Pikk võõrvõimude alluvuses oldud aeg kasvatas eestlasi tugevateks inimesteks. Kauaaegne viha, mis oli kogunenud sajanditega, pani meid õppima ja seadis sihi saada iseseisvaks. Olen nõus väitega, et kes minevikku ei mäleta, see elab tulevikuta. 24. veebruaril 1918 kuulutati välja Eesti Vabariigi iseseisvus. Eestlased suutsid rahvuslikul ärkamisajal, mil nad olid Vene võimu all, usinasti omandada kooliharidust ning neil tekkis ka võimalus ennast edasi arendada gümnaasiumis või ülikoolis. See pani aluse Eest oma haritlaskonna tekkele. Näiteks Jaan Tõnisson ja Jaan Poska võtsid aktiivselt osa ka oma riigi loomisest. Võiks lausa öelda, et nemad ja teised haritlased oma pealehakkamisega lõid Eesti Vabariigi. See näitab, ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
165 allalaadimist

Roman Jakobson Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics

Roman Jakobson Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics Resümee R. Jakobson uurib kommunikatsioonifunktsioonide teoorias poeetika seost keeleteadusega ning väidab, et poeetika pole eraldiseisev, vaid on osa keeleteadusest ja seda peab analüüsima sellest lähtuvalt, tegeledes struktuuriga, uurides sisu. See väide on aga kehtiv mitte ainult sõnakunstile, vaid ka kõigile keelevariatsioonidele. Paljud poeetilised jooned kuuluvad mitte ainult keeleteaduse, vaid ka kogu märgiteaduse alla, kuna keel jagab paljusid omadusi mõnede teiste märgisüsteemidega või isegi nende kõigiga. Poeetika on oluline ka teatris, kinos, muusikas jne. Poeetika tegelebki peamiselt küsimusega ,,Mis teeb verbaalsest sõnumist kunstiteaduse?" Kirjanduse uurimine koosneb nagu keeleteaduski kahest probleemidekogust: sünkroonia ja diakroonia. Sünkroonne kirjeldus vaatleb mitte ainult iga antud staadiumi kirjandusloomingut, vaid ka kirjandustradi...

Keeled → Keeleteadus
7 allalaadimist

Kunst Itaalias 16. sajandil. Leonardo ja Raffael.

Kunst Itaalias 16. sajandil. Leonardo ja Raffael. Kunstielu uus keskus Rooma · kultuurielus pole algul mingit langust eelmiste sajandite vaimsed jõud arenesid iseseisvalt edasi · 16. sajandi algul sai kunstielu keskuseks Rooma · paavstideks mitmed tuntumate suurnikuperekondade esindajad paavstitroon kui au- ja kasuahnete plaanide täitmine hiilguse rõhutamiseks kutsusid väljapaistvamaid vaimuinimesi (kunstnikke) Kõrgrenessanss · 16. sajandi alguse kunsti nimetus · pole ainult vararenessanssi ideaalide teostumine, vaid ka nendest eemaldumine; uute eesmärkidega · omane kunstniku isiku tähtsuse enneolematu tõus rõhutati kunstniku erinevust tavainimesest · erinevus loomise ja lihtsalt tegemise vahel · kunstnik = jumalasarnane looja · soosis tegelikult kunstnike individualismi, auahnust ja eneseteostuse otsinguid Leonardo da VINCI · pärandanud rikkaliku kogu kavandeid ja ideid...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
51 allalaadimist

Roman Frister boigraafiline põnevusromaan „Müts“

1. Pealkiri, autor, žanr Roman Frister boigraafiline põnevusromaan „Müts“ 2. Kirjuta süžee, intriigi visand – mis, millal, kus, kellega, kuidas ja miks juhtus (tegelased, aeg, koht). Teos räägib läbisegi autori jõukast lapsepõlvest, varjamisest natside eest, koonduslaagrist ja tema hilisemast elust. Kuna laagrikogemus on teose motiiviks, siis ma võtan selle intriigi aluseks. Roman, juudist laps, kes elas perega Poolas, põhiliselt Krakowi linnas. Poolas oli võimul saksa okupandid, kes jahtisid juute. Romanil ja tema perel olid võltsitud dokumendid, mille kohaselt olid nad sakslased. Kui nende käest küsiti dokumenti, lasti neid alati lahti. Nende paberitega said nad käia ka tööl. Alati hiilisid nad surma- ja sunnilaagritest eemale, ent ühel päeval kõik muutus. Roman oli

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

UK test

customs, holidays and music, traditional dance lie in folk dancing and clog dancing. Bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. Largely mountainous. Saint David. 7. What are the symbols of the 4 constituent countries? The daffodil and the leek ­ Wales. The thistle ­ Scotland. Rose ­ England. N-Ireland - Shamrock 8. How did the Romans influence Britain? The Roman invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanization, industry and architecture. 9. Which areas of life is English used in? Communication , science, business. 10. Which languages influenced the Old English (until the 10th century) most? Latin 11. Where do British people live? In Great Britain(mostly) 12. Describe Ireland. The population of Ireland is approximately 6.4 million. Just under 4.6 million live in the Republic of Ireland and just under 1

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
3 allalaadimist

Saksa kunst 15.-16. sajandil

Saksa kunst 15.-16. sajandil · kõige olulisem uuendus oli trükigraafika levimine raamatutesse pildid · vanim tehnika puulõige meenutavad tasapinnalist vitraazi lihtsad, tugevad, nurgelised jooned · leiutati sügavtrükitehnika vasegravüür peenemad jooned ja varjundirikkam MARTIN SCHONGAUER · arendas vasegravüüri iseseisvaks kunstiliigiks · trükkinud rahulikke madonnasid, fantastilisi pühakuid ja ka olustikupilte MATTHIAS GRÜNEWALD · peateos on maalingud Isenheimi kloostri kiriku kahe tiivapaariga altaril · sünge tühi maastik · tumeda taeva foonil kujutatud Ristilöödu käed on kui liigesest väljas kannatus rõvedalt edasi antud · sümboolne pilt inimkonna kannatustest, mille toob kaasa katk · meeleolu, kompositsioon on ühendatud kehade ruumilisuse ja naturalismiga · selgusega esitatud inimlik ja jumalik loomus leinavad kui inimest ja viidatakse kui lunastajale · altari välimise tiibadepaaril on pidul...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
90 allalaadimist

Scotland I

FROM YouTube: A History Of Scotland - Episode 1 - The Last Of The Free (1/6) 1. Why is the early Scottish history often mythologised? Early Scottish history is often mythologised because its earliest records are almost always written by others (for example Tacitus). 2. Directly and indirectly, what did the Hadrian Wall represent? It represented directly the border of the Roman colonies in Britain and indirectly the ‘’end of the world’’, where true (Roman) civilization ended and savagery began. A History Of Scotland - Episode 1 - The Last Of The Free (2/6) 1. Why shouldn`t we call the Pictish society barbarian? They were affluent, had a good diet, were very organized, probably communicated with people far away 2. What were the differences between the Gaels and the Picts? They converted to Christianity before the Picts

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kirjandus 11.klass

1. Loetud programmivälise teose analüüs ,,Kaheksa armastavat naist" Robert Thomas. Tegevus toimub 50'datel. Zanr: kriminaalne komöödia. Plot. Probleem ahnus, omakasupüüdlikkus 4. Analüüsi ja tutvusta E.A.Poe novelle Byron: ,,Tõde on igas väljamõeldises kummalisem". Tema mõjutajad on gooti õudusjutud, reisikirjad, ulme- ja detektiivilood. Poe'l on oskus luua eriskummaline miljöö, olla usutav ja luua puänte. Fantaasia püsib puberteediealise tasemele. Talle meeldib lisada teaduslikke detaile. Edgar Allan Poe on rahutu unistaja, õnnetu luuletaja võrdkuju. Ta ei kohanenud oma aja ega maaga. Tema maailm on kusagil igavese ilu ja õuduse vahepeal. Kuigi ta ise peab ennast luuletajaks, pidi ta tulutoovamaid zanre majanduslike olude sunnil kirjutama hakkama. Ta on kirjutanud 70 novelli, mistõttu peetakse teda ameerika novellizanri alusepanijaks. Lisaks luulele ja proosale on Poe kirjutanud kirjanduskriitikat, ...

Kategooriata → Kirjandus
37 allalaadimist

London - inglise keeles kokkuvõte

LONDON The history of the town is very closely linked with the history of the country itself. The name probably comes from the celtic words Llyn, which means a lake, and Dun, which means a fort or a strong place. Although the site was not important during the Celtic period (400 BC ­ 43 AD) During the Roman occupation Londinium, as it was called then, was not influential politically, but was, however an important crossing point for the romans over the river Thames. Londinium was at a very good place, so it soon became a trading centre. In AD 61 the city was devastated by Boudicca, who led a revolt againt the Roman conquest of Britain. The city was burned down and its inhabitants massacred. London was rapidly rebuilt, becoming the capital of the province Britannia

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Esimene maailmasõda

Esimene maailmasõda 1) Põhjused, eellugu, taust Põhjused: · teravnenud vastuolud maailma suurvõimude vahel: Saksamaa Prantsusmaa / Inglismaa · kiirelt arenev Saksamaa soovis juhtpositsiooni Euroopas · Balkani poolsaarel põrkusid Austria-Ungari ja Venemaa konkurents mõjupiirkondade pärast · Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa tüli Elsass-Lotringi alade pärast · kolooniate ümberjagamine · natsionalism · suurriikide liidusuhete mehhanism · militarism, võidurelvastumine ja soov rakendada sõjaplaane · imperialism ühe riigi enesekeskset poliitikat oma võimu- ja mõjupiirkonna laiendamiseks · riikide teatud inimrühmade ja üksikisikute ambitsioonid · psühholoogiline hirm kaotada oma liitlastele · kultuurierinevus ja fatalism (usk saatusesse) · valmisolek riskida sõjaga vähemoluliste eesmärkide nimel · ülitundlikkus suurriikide pidevate kriiside ja pingete tõttu Eelugu, taust · alahinnati ohtu riigimehed ei uskunud, et sõda kujuneb nii suu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
372 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ajalugu ingl. k

History of Great Britain Prehistory (55BC) no written records 6th 3rd c. BC the Celts came to British isles hill figures, hill forts, stone circles ( Stonehenge ) RomanBritain (55BC 400AD) Julius Caesar, named the country Albion Hadrian's Wall, villas, roads, the town of Bath The AngloSaxon, Danish and Norman invasions Germanic tribes settled and stayed Anglia Christianity was brought, religion became important, churches were built 8th century = raids by the Vikings and the Danes 1016 1042 : Under Danish rule ( York was the capital ) 1042 : local AngloSaxons regain their rule 1066 : Normans arrive ( the Norman conquest ) Medieval Britain (106615th c.) the Battle of Hastings William the Conqueror a new AngloNorman state the feudal system introduced the rule of the king and church strengthened centralised country, military rule Scotland, Wales and Ire...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
30 allalaadimist

The Irish Problem

The Irish Problem "The curse of Cromwell on you" Oliver Cromwell... Detested Roman Catholicism Believed that the Irish could never be trusted Used Irish land as a way to pay 1652 "Cromwellian Settlement" in Munster and and Leinster Was a cruel man: claimed to be acting on God's behalf and expelled about 1000 Catholic priests from Ireland The main reason for this was Cromwell's belief in fundamental Protestantism and hatred of Catholicism A church ­ place for religious people to meet each other Oliver Cromwell Attempts to 'solve' the Irish problem New Model Army

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


BOADICEA WORKSHEET 1. How did happen that Boadicea became the queen of the Iceni tribe ? Because of her husband death, se got the tribe 2. Compare the Roman and the Iceni women. In Rome women dress in white linen, wash their hair with soap and dress it in elaborate patterns and thread it witd ribbons and shrick at the sight of a spider. Iceni womens are very angry, they mark their bodies with woad, their warriors wouldn't step into steam bath, in their opinion they are not savages. 3. What are Boadicea's motives for going into the battle? She wants vengeance for Romans,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Prehistory, Saxon invasion and Celtic Kingdoms

England and Scotland. The Celtic tribes were ruled over druids who memorised religious teaching, tribal laws, history etc. The Romans ­ The Romans invaded Britain because The Celts of Britain helped the Celts of Gaul to fight the Romans and because Britain had become a great food producer. Romans brought reading and writing skill to Britain. In 43AD they occupied Britain but they couldn't conquer Scotland and built a wall to it's border ­ Hadrian's wall. 409AD the last roman legions left the island. Roman Life ­ There were 3 types of towns in Roman Britain. Two of them were established by Roman charter, the third type were the old capitals of the Celtic tribes. By 300AD all the towns had thick walls. The Romans left about 20 large towns and a hundred of small ones. Many of the towns were at first army camps and the Latin word for it ­ castra ­ has still remained in the names of these towns: Leicester, Chester, Doncaster, Lancaster etc

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
9 allalaadimist

Raamatu ajalugu - kokkuvõte

The Greek word for papyrus as writing material (biblion) and book (biblos) come from the Phoenician port town Byblos, through which papyrus was exported to Greece. From Greek we also derive the word tome (Greek: ), which originally meant a slice or piece and from there began to denote "a roll of papyrus". Tomus was used by the Latins with exactly the same meaning as volumen. Whether made from papyrus, parchment, or paper, scrolls were the dominant form of book in the Hellenistic, Roman, Chinese, and Hebrew cultures. The more modern codex book format form took over the Roman world by late antiquity, but the scroll format persisted much longer in Asia. Codex Woman holding a book (or wax tablets) in the form of the codex. Wall painting from Pompeii, before 79 AD. Papyrus scrolls were still dominant in the 1st century AD, as witnessed by the findings in Pompeii.

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
22 allalaadimist


. Antique Roma , , 75 ­ 80 . , . Antique Roma , , 113., , . Antique Roma , , 118 128 ., , . Antique Roma , , 3 . .., , . Roman art . , , . , . . Roman art , , 10 ­ 11 ., . Roman art , , 10 ­ 11 ., . Roman art , , 1250 1277 ., . Roman art , , 11 ­ 12 . . Roman art 1153 .,

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
4 allalaadimist

Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall Hadrian's Wall was a stone and turf fortification built by the Roman Empire across the width of Great Britain to prevent military raids by the tribes of Scotland to the north, to improve economic stability and provide peaceful conditions in the Roman province of Britannia to the south, to physically mark the frontier of the Empire, and to separate the unruly Selgovae tribe in the north from the Brigantes in the south and discourage them from uniting. The name is also sometimes used jocularly as a synonym for the border between Scotland and England, although for most of its length the wall follows a line well south of the modern border -- and neither the Scoti tribe nor the English lived in Britain at the time of the wall's construction.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
3 allalaadimist

The Orgin of Names of the Months

March Martinus Named after the god Mars. April Aprilis Named either after the goddess Aphrodite or the Latin word aperire, to open. May Maius robably named after the goddess Maia. June Junius Probably named after the goddess Juno. July Julius Named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E. Prior to that time its name was Quintilis from the word quintus, fifth, because it was the 5th month in the old Roman calendar. August Agustus Named after emperor Augustus in 8 B.C.E. Prior to that time the name was Sextilis from the word sextus, sixth, because it was the 6th month in the old Roman calendar. September September From the word septem, seven, because it was the 7th month in the old Roman calendar. October October From the word octo, eight, because it was the 8th month in the old Roman calendar.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Cultural history

(Celts were too fragmented to make it happen) Iron ­ Celts brought iron with them into Great Britain which made some big changes. Iron is stronger then bronze and iron ore is more common(it made tools and weapons better). One of the interesting innovations that they brough to Britain was the iron plough which changed a lot about the farming(made it easier). Iron changed trade and fostered local independence. Hadrian's wall ­ was a defensive fortification in Roman Britain. Buliding of the wall started in 122 AD, during the rule of emperor Hadrian, it was the first of two fortifications built across Great Britain.(the second one was Antonine Wall) The function of the wall was to keep the enemy away. Hadrian's wall was added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1987. It is about 115-120 km long. Christianity in Roman Britain - Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire in 4.century.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
4 allalaadimist

History of Different cultures

History of Different cultures Maile Kikerpill 2013 The Roman Empire began as a farming community on the Tiber River in central Italy was occupied in the 700 BC by 500 BC the area was dominated by Etruscans by 300 BC the Latins ruled central and southern Italy in 264 BC the Latins began to dispute the territorial ambitions of the Carthaginians known as the ,,Punic Wars,, finally destroyed in 146 BC By 70 AD Rome ruled every country that touched the Mediterranean was not the largest empire in total territory in world history

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Kuidas sisukorda automaatselt teha?

Kuidas sisukorda automaatselt teha? Pealk Alapeal kiri Esmalt tuleks luua uued pealkirja laadid: Pealkirjad1 - Times New Roman, kirjamärgi suurus 16 Samamoodi tee uus laad alapealkirjadele: Pealkiri1 - Times New Roman, kirjamärgi suurus 14 Pealkiri3 - Times New Roman, kirjamärgi suurus 13

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
6 allalaadimist

London History

LONDON HISTORY PERIOD EVENTS PEOPLE The Celtic period (400 BC ­ Name: Celtic words (Llyn (a lake) + AD 43) Dun (a fort or strong place) ) Not important The Roman occupation (AD 43 Londinium ­ not important Boadicea ­ a revolt against - AD 410) politically. An important trading the Roman conquest centre. Devastation ­ AD 61. Rebuilt. Roman walls built in AD 200. Anglo ­ Saxons (AD 400 ­ Destroyed the Roman towns. Many 1066) kingdoms. London in ruins. King Egbert ­ one Flourishing. Attacks by Vikings. kingdom England (the 9th century)

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Report of Colosseum Koostaja: Maiki Joakit Colosseum or Roman Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is an elliptical amphitheatre in the center of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire. It is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering.Occupying a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian's reign (81­96). The name "Amphitheatrum Flavium" derives from both Vespasian's and Titus's family name (Flavius, from the gens Flavia).Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. As

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
12 allalaadimist

The Chiltern Hills

beech woods, wild flowers, and a variety of wildlife. History · In pre-Roman times, the Chiltern ridge provided a relatively safe and easily negotiable route across southern Iron Age England, thus the Icknield Way (one of England's ancient trackways) follows the line of the hills. · The name "Chiltern" comes from the Cilternsæte, a tribe that occupied the area in the early Anglo-Saxon period. · One of the principal Roman settlements in the Roman province of Britannia Superior was sited at Verulamium (now St Albans) and there are significant Roman and Romano-British remains in the area. · Use · The hills have been exploited for their natural resources for millennia. The chalk has been quarried for the manufacture of cement, and flint for local building material. The beechwoods of the Chiltern Hills have for centuries fostered the furniture trade, especially chair

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Celtic Mythology / Keldi Mütoloogia

Celtic Mythology Celtic mythology is the mythology of Celtic polytheism, apparently the religion of the Iron Age Celts. Like other Iron Age Europeans, the early Celts maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure. Among Celts in close contact with Ancient Rome, such as the Gauls and Celtiberians, their mythology did not survive the Roman empire, their subsequent conversion to Christianity, and the loss of their Celtic languages. It is mostly through contemporary Roman and Christian sources that their mythology has been preserved. The Celts peoples who maintained either their political or linguistic identities (such as the Gaels and Brythonic tribes of Great Britain and Ireland) left vestigial remnants of their forebears' mythologies, put into written form during the Middle Ages.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Inglis keele spikker

1)Haigustest vabanema- get rid of illenses 2) impeeriumi osaks saama- become a part of the Empire 3) mõnda aega- for some time 4) millegi poolest kuulsamaks saama- famous for 5)kuumaveeallikad- hot springs 6) peamiselt maakohtades- mostly in the countryside 7) linnarahvas- townspeople 8)raha teenima- earn some money 9) sõjad said läbi- wars were over 10) röövretki alustama- start raids 11) Rooma valitsemine- Roman rule. 1)See on palee, kus kuninganna elab- this is palec, where for the queen lives 2) Need on suveniirid, mis ma Londonist ostsin- These are suvenires, what I buy in England. 3)See on raamat, mida ma vajan-This is a book, what I need. 4) See on sõber, kelle isa oskab häid anektoote rääkida- This is the friend, whose father can talk jokes very well. 5) See on jope, mille ostsin kasutatud riiete kauplusest- This is jacket, which I bought the second hand. 6) See

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Religion in Ireland

day . 3. Christianity is and has been the largest religion in Ireland. Most churches are organised on an all-Ireland basis which includes both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Many people believe that St Patrick was the one responsible for bringing Christianity to Ireland. Although he made a major impact on Christian Ireland he certainly wasn't the first to arrive here. St. Palladius was the first Christian to arrive in Ireland. 4. The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church. It is the largest Christian church in Ireland. This map is based on a reasearch made in 2011, that shows how many catholics are in The Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland. Areas in which Catholics are in the majority are blue. Areas in which Catholics are in a minority are red. 6. Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. He is the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


continues to give rise to debate. Hisory of Scotland ! The history of Scotland begins around 10,000 years ago, when humans first began to inhabit what is now Scotland after the end of the Devensian glaciation, the last ice age. Of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age civilization that existed in the territory, many artifacts remain, but few written records were left behind. The written history of Scotland largely begins with the arrival of the Roman Empire in Britain, when the Romans occupied what is now broadly England and Wales and the Scottish Lowlands, administering it as a Roman province called Britannia. To the north was territory not governed by the Romans -- Caledonia, by name. Its people were the Picts. From a classical historical viewpoint Scotland seemed a peripheral country, slow to gain advances filtering out from the Mediterranean fount of civilisation, but as knowledge of the past

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Julius Caesar

Introduction I chose this topic because I am intrested in Roman history and ruled by the people and their life story. My theme is Julius Caesar because this intrested me. Julius Caesar's life Caius Julius Caesar His family isn't rich. born 13. July BC and died 15. March BC. He was Ancient Rome commander, politician and writer His family had noble, patrician roots. Julius Caesar's woman He married with youngest The second marriage Casar daughter Cornela Cinna

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inforaatika 1 - Keskkond

Tallinna Tehnikaulikool Energeetikainstituut Töö Ekseli tookeskond ja joonestusvahendid Üliõpilane Roman Rudenko Õppemarkmik Õppejõud Kaarel Allik Õpperuhm endid 143128 AAAB10 Roman Rudenko 143128 AAAB10 R o m a n R 4 3 1 2 8 u 4 3 1 2 8 d 4 3 1 2 8 e 4 3 1 2 8 n 4 3 1 2 8 k 4 3 1 2 8 o 4 3 1 2 8

Energeetika → Informaatika 1
8 allalaadimist

TEST - the history of London

TEST – The history of London 1) London was definitely not an important place during the Celtic period. It was just a mosquito-infested swamp. 2) London became a trading centre during the Roman occupation. It was an important crossing point for the Romans over the river Thames. Market forces began to operate. With troops stationed and ships calling, merchants will inevitably set up shops. 3) The Celtic warrior queen Boudicca and her tribesmen fought against the Roman conquest and devastated Londinium. The city was burned down and its inhabitants massacred. 4) London was rapidly rebuilt and in AD 122 the Roman walls were built around it as a defence. 5) The Romans left Britain early in the 5th century because they had to cope with troubles elsewhere in the Empire. 6) Around AD 400 the Germanic tribes invaded Britain. 7) London fell into ruins because the Anglo-Saxons destroyed the Roman towns and formed many kingdoms that were hostile to one

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 9

Test 9 1 Translate. 1 Ma loen sageli ajaloolisi romaane. I often read historical novels. 2 Paljud riigid on Eestit valitsenud. Many countries have ruled Estonia. 3 Rooma villas olid keskküte ja mosaiikpõrandad. A Roman villa had central heating and mosaic floors. 4 Roomlastel ei õnnestunud Sotimaad vallutada. The Romans didn´t manage to conquer Scotland. 5 See imeerium on eksisteerinud umbes 400 aastat. This empire existed foir about 400 years. 6 kohalikud elanikud inhabitants 7 lossivaremed ruins of a castle 8 restaureeritud mõis a restored manor house 2 Use the words who, whose, which or where to complete the sentences. 1 This is the house where I grew up.

Keeled → Inglise keel
64 allalaadimist

Word algoskused

MS WORD 1. Teksti suurus ja font (14, vasakul, rasvane) Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. 2. Värvimine (14, keskel, allajoonitud) Selle teksti tausta värvin kollaseks ja teksti siniseks. Selle teksti tausta värvin kollaseks ja...

Muu → Arvutiõpetus
2 allalaadimist

Pilveteenuse pakkuja sekundaarvastutus autoriõiguste rikkumise korral

elavad eraldi majades ning kellel omakorda on lapsed ja lapselapsed, kes samuti elavad eraldi, kuid siiski moodustavad kõik tema järeltulijad, nende naised, lapsed ja lapselapsed ühe familia, kus valitses kõigi üle pater familias. Neid pereisa võimu all olevaid inimesi nimetati agnaatideks (agnati). Nad olid tavaliselt järeltulijatega veresuguluses, kuid mitte alati (näiteks adopteeritud isikud). 1 William L. Burdick. Principles of Roman law and their relation to modern law. Clark, New Jersey: The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. 2004, pp 212-213 2 M. Kõiv, A. Mäesalu, K. Piirimäe, M. Tänava. Inimene, ühiskond, kultuur I osa. Tallinn: Koolibri, 1998, lk 181 4 4. Isa ja laste vahelised õigussuhted Laste ja vanemate vaheliste õiguslike suhete aluseks on seaduslik abielu ja perekond. Rooma

Õigus → Autoriõigus
4 allalaadimist

Lahtri vorming

Lahtrite vormistus - kiri, andmete paigu Materjal töövihikutes: Exc_keskkond_2007_20 Exc_Vormindamine.x i, andmete paigutus ja piirid xc_keskkond_2007_2010.xlsm Exc_Vormindamine.xlsm Ülesanne Muutke vasakpoolsete lahtrite kujundust nii, et need näeks välja nagu paremal oleval pildil Arial Times New Roman Courier Tahoma Tallinn Tartu Võru Rakvere Valga Tallinn Tartu Võru Rakvere Valga Vasak Kesk Parem Üleval keskel All keskel See on esimene rida See on teine rida Kuu Juuni Juuli August Jaanuar I

Majandus → Informaatika I
3 allalaadimist

The City on London

The City of London History The City of London occupies one square mile in the middle of the capital. It once made up the entire town of London, surrounded by the wall first built by the Romans. The Roman Londinium grew up on the northern side of the "London Bridge" in the past. Products such as olive oil, wines and fruit were brought by ships from different parts of the Roman Empire and unloaded onto wooden quays along the river. In AD 61 the native Celtic Iceni tribe, led by Queen Boudicca, rose up against The Romans. They burnt Londinium to the ground but Roman armies eventually defeated Boudicca. The city was rebuilt and was gradually surrounded with a wall of stone and brick which lasted for many centuries. During the archeological excavations in 1954 the Roman Temple of Mithras was revealed. It was a pagan temple dedicated to the Persian Sun-god. The Temple

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Referaat teemal "Rooma õigus ja Euroopa õiguse ajalugu"

Kaksteist tahvlit olid küll roomlastele eriomased, kuid nad rõhutasid alati kreeklaste abi nende koostamisel. Roomlased ei kahelnud hetkegi, kui oli vaja teistelt rahvastelt midagi head ja mõistlikku üle võtta ja rooma kombel kasutama hakata.5 3. Euroopa õiguse ajalugu Euroopa ühtset õigust nimetatakse tänapäeval, tavaliseks ühenduseks rahvusvahelises õigussüsteemis ehk Euroopa Liiduks. See teema siin on seoses õigusliku mõtlemisega, mis on 2 D. Tamm. Roman law and European legal history. Copenhagen, 1997, lk 6 3 D. Tamm. Roman law and European legal history. Copenhagen, 1997, lk 191 4 D. Tamm. Roman law and European legal history. Copenhagen, 1997, lk 189-190 5 H.hattenhauer. Euroopa õiguse ajalugu I raamat. Tartu, 1995, lk 84-85 5 ajalooliselt kindlaks tehtud Euroopa õiguslik areng, mis on mingitmoodi seotud Rooma

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
255 allalaadimist

8.kl matemaatika ülesandeid koos lahendustega

kummagi aasta lõpul juurde 12% selleks ajaks hoiul olevast summast. Kui suure summa saab Martin kätte 2004. aasta lõpul? Lahendus: Esimesel aastal lisandub Martini arvele 12% ehk 0,12 . 18000 = 2160 krooni. Aasta lõpuks on tal 18000 + 2160 = 20160 krooni. Teisel aastal lisandub Martini arvele veel 12% ehk 0,12 . 20160 = 2419,2 krooni. Teise aasta lõpuks on 20160 + 2419,2 = 22579,2 krooni. Vastus: 2004 aasta lõpus on Martini hoiusumma kasvanud 22579,2 kroonile. 8. Ettevõtja Roman peab muretsema endale auto. Ta tahab teada, millist autot osta, kui välimuselt meeldib Seat Toledo. Valida on ökonoomse - diisli Seat Toledo Stella 1.9 TDi 81 kW ja odavama - bensiini mootoriga Seat Toledo Stella 1.6 16V 77 kW vahel. Mõlemal juhul sooritaks Roman 50000 kroonise sissemakse koos lepingutasuga. Bensiinimootoriga auto korral on liisingu makse iga kuu 3729.27 krooni. Diisli puhul aga 4962.58 krooni. Seejuures jätame arvestamata kindlustuse ja muud jooksvad kulud.

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
205 allalaadimist

London - sillad, tornid, ajalugu

THE CITY OF LONDON History The City of London occupies one square mile in the middle of the capital. It once made up entire town of London, surrounded by the wall first built by Romans. The Romans also built a bridge over the Thames and there has been one in the same area ever since. The Roman Londinium grew up on the northern side of the bridge. In AD 61 the native Celtic tribe, led by Queen Boudicca, rose up against the Romans. They burnt down Londinium to the ground and killed most of its inhabitants. Roman armies eventually defeated Boudicca and Londinium was rebuilt. At the end of the fourth century AD the Roman Empire began to crumble and the Roman armies were recalled from Britain to defend Rome itself. Once they had left, tribes such as Angles,

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


Kit Kat Klubis ja keerleb 19-aastane inglise kabaree esineja Sally Bowles’i ja tema suhte noore ameerika kirjanik Cliff Bradshaw’i ümber. See hõlmab hukule määratud armastust saksa pansionaadi omaniku Fräulein Schneideri ja tema eaka kosilase Herr Schultz’i, juudist puuviljade müüja vahel. Autoriteet 3 Libreto Joe Masteroff Muusika John Kander Laulusõnad Fred Ebb Tõlkijad Hannes Villemson, Kirke Kangro Lavastaja Roman Hovenbitzer (Saksamaa) Muusikajuht ja dirigent Tarmo Leinatamm Dirigent Lauri Sirp Kunstnik Roy Spahn (Saksamaa) Valguskunstnik Palle Palmè (Rootsi) Koreograaf Winfried Schneider (Saksamaa) Sisukokkuvõte 4 Muusikali tegevus viib meid Berliini aastal 1929. Samal ajal kui Weimari vabariik on uppunud majanduslikku ja poliitilisse segadusse, õitseb ööelu – nii ka kurikuulsas Kit-Kat-Clubis. Äsja Berliini saabunud ameerika kirjanik Cliff

Muusika → Muusika
2 allalaadimist


Spain Katrin Pärtel 10b Tartu Kristjan Jaak Petersoni gümnaasium Basic Information ❖ Capital: Madrid ❖ Population: 47.737.941 ❖ Area: 504.782 sq km ❖ Religion: Roman Catholic ❖ King: Felipe VI ❖ Queen: Letizia Sagrada Familia Large Roman catholic church in Barcelon Designed by Catalan Spanish arhitect Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926) Flag and coat of arms Festivals ❖ Tomato Fight Running of the bulls ❖ World biggest food-figh ❖ Pamplona ❖ 1945 ❖ July, 6-14 ❖ Last wednesday of August ❖ 14th century Food ● currently an internationally known rice dish from spain. ● ingredient:chicken, pork,shellfish,fish,eel,squid,beans,peas, artichokes or peppers Places to go

Keeled → Hispaania keel
3 allalaadimist

Kõige sagedasemad vormistusvead

VALE: Muinasjutt on rahvajutu üks peamisi liike. Igal rahval on omad muinajuttu tegelased ja kirjastiil. ÕIGE: Muinasjutt on rahvajutu üks peamisi liike. Igal rahval on omad muinajuttu tegelased ja kirjastiil. Peab olema rööpjoondus. Kirja stiil VALE: Muinasjuttud aitavad väikestel lastel eluks ette valmistada, mis on halb ja mis on hea. ÕIGE: Muinasjuttud aitavad väikestel lastel eluks ette valmistada, mis on halb ja mis on hea. Kirja stiil peab olema Times New Roman. Peatükkide pealkirjad Peatükkide pealkirjad peavad olema Heading 1. Alapeatükkide pealkirjad Alapeatükkide pealkirjad peavad olema Heading 2. Joonealune viitamine Joonealune kirja stiil peab olema Times New Roman ning kirja suurus 12. Kirja suurus VALE: Muinasjuttud õpetavad lapsi, et kõik on erinevad ja laps peaks sellest aru saama. ÕIGE: Muinasjuttud õpetavad lapsi, et kõik on erinevad ja laps peaks sellest aru saama. Kirja suurus peab olema 12

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
2 allalaadimist

Referaat Ita Ever

KEILA GÜMNAASIUM 10A klass Kertu Tauram Näitleja Ita Ever Referaat Juhendaja: õp H.Väljamäe Keila 2010 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus 3 1. Ita Everi elulugu 4 2. Ita Ever ja Gunnar Kilgas 5 3. Saatuslik reis 6 4. Ita Everi ja Roman 7 5. Ita Ever ja tüdrukud 8 6. Ita Everi etendused ja filmid 9 Kokkuvõte 10 Kasutatud materjalid 11 2 Sissejuhatus Ita Ever on Eesti tuntud ning armastatud näitleja. Otsustasin temast referaadi teha, sest ta on mu lemmiknäitleja Eestis. Esimeses peatükis on juttu Ita Everi eluloost.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
56 allalaadimist

Õpetus Wordi keerukamate asjade kasutamiseks

Praktikum nr1 Konspekt 1) Veeriste määramine · Teen topeltklõpsu lehel. · Panen sealt ülevalt ja alt - 2,5cm, paremalt ­ 2cm ja vasakult 3 cm 2) Rööpjoondus · Võtan ülevalt riba pealt avalehe, siis sealt normaallaad, ning parempoolse hiire klõpsuga valin muuda. · Sealt panen kirja stiiliks Times New Roman ja suuruseks 12 · Sealt võtan vormingu ja lõik · Panen joonduse rööpselt · Reavahe sammuks 1,5 rida 3) Pealkirjad · Võtan jällegi avalehe, sealt pealkiri 1 ning parema hiire klahviga teen paremklõpsu ning valin muuda · Sealt panen pealkirjad paksu kirja, kirja suuruseks 14, kirjastiil Times New Roman ning joondatud keskele · Võtan jälle vorming ning sealt lõik · Vaatan, et joondus oleks keskele

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
19 allalaadimist

Article of Barcelona

I am talking is Barcelona in Spain. It is a wonderful city. Firstly, there is quit worm, even then when in North European is cold, in summer is the weather even hotter but it the best thing about Barcelona. The secondly Barcelona is located beside the Mediterranean Sea. Water in there is green colour and it is beautiful to look. Architecture in Barcelona is stunning all of the buildings are originals. Many of the buildings date from medieval times, some from as far back as the Roman settlement of Barcelona. The biggest building Barcelona is definitely The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, often simply called Sagrada Familia is a massive Roman Catholic Church. It has been under construction since 1882, and is still financed by private donations. As of 2007, completion is planned for 2026. These were my favourites' things when I visited Barcelona but these were not only things because the city is a hugely big and large. It was incredible experience in my life and I

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

August Kitzbergi Libahundi film (1968)

stsenarist Algimantas Mockus 1931.A Leida Laius Leedu 26. märts 1923 ­ 6. aprill operaator 1996 Oli eesti filmilavastaja Roman Sabsay Kunstnik- Linda Vernik Kostüümikunstnik- Hilda 1.mai 1929 ­ 5. detsember Kruusi 2002 Helilooja- Veljo Tormis Oli eesti helirezissöör Helirezissöör- Roman Sabsay Hilda Kruusi (vasakul, koos Alide Leet-iga) 12.september 1915 - 27.juuni 1994

Filmikunst → Film
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun