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"female" - 300 õppematerjali

female - she; sexless - it. Some other remarks: - morphologically unmarked for gender: bachelor  spinster, uncle  aunt, monk  nun, king  queen, nephew  niece, brother  sister - morphologically marked for gender: host  hostess , prince  princess, god  goddess, hero 

Intelligence and psychopathy: a correlational study on insane female offenders.

Intelligence and psychopathy: a correlational study on insane female offenders. C. SPIRONELLI, C. SEGRÈ, L, STEGAGNO ja L. ANGRILLI Spironelli, C., Segré, D., Stegagno, L., Angrilli, A. (2014). Intelligence and psychopathy: a correlational study on insane female offenders. Psychological Medicine, 44 (01), 111-116. Antud uurimuse eesmärgiks oli uurida kriminaalse taustaga naiste intelligentsuse ning psühhiaatriliste käitumismustrite vahelist seost. Taustinfona oli nii palju teada, et siiani ei ole ühtset arusaama IQ ja psühhiaatriliste käitumismustrite olulise seose suhtes ning peamiselt on seda uuritud meessoost kurjategijate hulgas (ning uuringutes käsitletakse enamasti crystallized IQ tulemusi)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike Anthropology and Tourism Female Adventure Tourism This essay will explain what significance culture has in adventure tourism. There are five paragraphs in this essay, where definitions of adventure travel and human culture are given. First, paragraph will look and define what culture, anthropology and adventure tourism are. Second paragraph will examine how different cultures impact female adventure travel. Third paragraph will point out the problems in adventure tourism. The forth paragraph will give recommendations for the future and some of the possible future problems in female adventure tourism will be looked at. The last paragraph will be a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries (Tisdell, 2000, Swarbrooke et al. 2003, Buckley, 2003)

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

Prantsusmaa rahvastiku analüüs

overseas departments: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, pagan 6) Population: 65,630,692 (July 2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 21 ARVUTAGE: keskmine asustustihedus in/km2 1275000 : 45228 = 28 7) Age structure: rahvastiku vanuseline jagunemine 0-14 ye ar s: 18.7% (male 6,285,130/ female 5,998,821) 15-64 ye ars : 63.8% (male 20,954,160/ female 20,937,651) 65 yea rs and over: 17.5% (male 4,857,441/ female 6,597,489) (2012 est.) JOONISTAGE: Excelis vanuselise jaotuse graafik 8) Median age: mediaanvanus total: 40.4 years male: 38.8 years female: 41.9 years (2012 est.) 9) Population growth rate: rahvaarvu kasvutempo 0.497% (2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 151 10) Birth rate: sünde 1000 elaniku kohta 10,43 (sündimus 10) 12.72 births/1,000 population (2012 est

Geograafia → Demograafia
13 allalaadimist


KANADA KANADAST LÜHIDALT Kanada on riik Põhja-Ameerikas Kanada on maailmas pindalalt Venemaa järel teine, samuti maailma kõige pikema rannajoonegariik (58 500 km). Kanadal on pikad rannaalad nii Põhja-Jäämere, Atlandi kui ka Vaikse ookeani ääres, samuti kaks teineteisest lahus paiknevat maismaapiiri USA-ga. Lääneservas piirneb Kanada Alaska osariigiga, peamine piir naabriga aga jookseb 6400 km pikkuselt mööda riigi lõunaosa. RIIGIPEA ­ Elizabeth ll RIIGIKORD ­ Kontstitutsiooniline monarhia RIIGIHÜMN - O Canada PEALINN - Ottawa PINDALA ­ 9 984 670 km RIIGIKEEL(ED) ­ inglise, prantsuse RAHVAARV ­ 34 568 211 (2013) RAHAÜHIK - Kanada dollar (CAD) KANADA ASUKOHT Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Atlantise allkaik

in Mythologies, in Arts, in Hermetics, in Folk even in Fairytales where young girl (Divine Female) needs to be saved... They all speak about times, when th Humanity falls asleep and becomes materialistic, forgets where it originates... this is the time of lower conciousness... Perseus using the beheaded head of Medusa to freeze and turn the living ones to stones once they look to it. The Mythology of Perseus and Medusa is connected to the descent of the Divine Female into Lower Conciousness. In the psysical part of the Great Year the Divine Female falls into Lower Consciousness and her shadow side emerges reflected in the unconcious Mortal Females who take control. This is also what the whore of Babylon is symbolizing. Perseus is symbolic for the returning Aether and Christ Consciousness that removes the influence and power of the lower conscious Mortal Females. The water that Perseus rides in on is also symbolic for the

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist


Tiger Summary Lilli Lakkur Biology, course 1 Today tigers are facing extinction but there are also some National Parks where they are protected. There is a National Park in the heart of India where a female tiger is trying to raise a family. She has got three little cubs. They are only nine weeks old and need mother's milk and protection. She is a successful mother because she knows how to take care of her cubs. The male tiger doesn't help her to raise the cubs. Male tigers also don't like being followed and they fight for their territory in order to mate several females. In fact male tigers are a huge danger to young cubs and one of their main enemies. Females also fight for territory but they

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Cooperi test

· Testi eel sörgi kergelt ja venita lihaseid · Õiget toitumist alusta juba 3-4 päeva enne starti. Tund enne testi võta: üks banaan, viis küpsist, kaks klaasi spordijooki ja kaks viilu leiba. :) · Cooperi test joostakse õhutemperatuuril mitte alla 10°C Age group Sex Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Male >2700 m 2400 - 2700 m 2200 - 2400 m 2100 - 2200 m <2100 m 13-14 year Female >2000 m 1900 - 2000 m 1600 - 1900 m 1500 - 1600 m <1500 m Male >2800 m 2500 - 2800 m 2300 - 2500 m 2200 - 2300 m <2200 m 15-16 year Female >2100 m 2000 - 2100 m 1700 - 2000 m 1600 - 1700 m <1600 m Male >3000 m 2700 - 3000 m 2500 - 2700 m 2300 - 2500 m <2300 m 17-20 year Female >2300 m 2100 - 2300 m 1800 - 2100 m 1700 - 1800 m <1700 m Male >2800 m 2400 - 2800 m 2200 - 2400 m 1600 - 2200 m <1600 m

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
14 allalaadimist

What is the best age to be?

What is the best age to be? The question we all may ask ourselves time and time again. What is the best age to be? In my opinion there is not a best age and because of that is a question that will always be left unanswered. The life span approach emphasizes developmental change is throughout adulthood as well as childhood. As a 18 year old female I cannot really choose a specific age group that would be best in the life in every aspect, because I have not yet reached certain age periods of my life span development. All ages have great and bad things. When you are a child your freedom is limited and it mostly depends on your parents´ mood at that time. Some examples like where you have to be home at 9.00pm and no TV until you´ve cleaned your room. Also then you have problems, but only the ones generated at school

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


king may not levy or collect any taxes , save with the consent of his royal council, which slowly developed into a parliament. In 1265, Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester called the first elected Parliament. The Laws in Wales Acts of 1535­42 annexed Wales as part of England and brought Welsh representatives to Parliament. Groundbreaking women in Parliament Countess Constance de Markievicz(first female MP elected in 1918). Nancy Astor was the first elected female MP to take up her seat in Parliament (1919). She was the Conservative MP for Plymouth Sutton until 1945. Margaret Bondfield was the first woman to hold a ministerial position in government. She was then promoted by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald in 1929 as the Minister for Labour, also making her the first female member of the cabinet. Margaret Thatcher was the longest serving prime minister of the 20th century.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Big bears in Canada

Big bears in Canada Michelle Kuusmik 9.c About big bears · Canadian folklore · attacking people · 4 species · predator · population: 20-25,000 or 22-31,000 · weight: adult male 300-650kg Polar bears · weight: adult female 175-300kg · averange life span: 25 years · lenght: 1.9-2.6m · shoulder height: 0.8-1m · fur: white to yellow · · North American brown bear · aggressive · population: 20,000 · weight: adult male 270kg Grizzly bears · weight: adult female 130-200kg · length: 1.5-2.8m · shoulder height: 0

Keeled → Inglise keel
0 allalaadimist


The Mallard is 56­65 cm long (of which the body makes up around two-thirds) has a wingspan of 81­98 cm and weighs 0.9­1.2 kg. The breeding male has a bright bottle-green head, black rear end and a yellowish orange (can also contain some red) bill tipped with black (as opposed to the black/orange bill in females). Mallard has a white collar which demarcates the head from the purple-tinged brown breast, grey brown wings, and a pale grey belly. The dark tail has white borders. The female Mallard is a mottled light brown and has buff cheeks, eyebrow, throat and neck with a darker crown and eye-stripe. Both the female and male mallards have distinct purple spectulum edged with white, prominent in flight or at rest. Upon hatching, the plumage coloring of the duckling is yellow on the underside and face (with streaks by the eyes) and black on the backside (with some yellow spots) all the way to the top and back of the head.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Blue Whale

Blue Whale important · The largest mammal · The largest anilam that ever lived on Earth · About 30 meters long · Weight about 120 tons · Life span is about 3540 years multiplication · Little whale are born in warm waters · Baby whale drink about 200 liters milk in day · Female blue whale may be maturing 4th5th life years · Male blue whale may be maturing 8th10th life years general · Blue whale has blue gray skin with white sports · A blue whale female is larger than a blue whale male. · The blue whale can dive to 500 meters below the water · they can be submerged for up to 2 hours · Today, there is still some 10 000 blue whales, their number is growing slowly · The blue whale is the only natural enemy of the killer whale

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Hispaania rahvastikupoliitika

Hispaania rahvastikupoliitika Anne-Ly Kaitsa Riigi rahvaarv Hispaania rahvaarv on 46,505,963 miljonit, seda 2010 aasta juuli seisuga. Selle arvuga paikneb Hispaania maailmaarvestuses 27. kohal. Maailma mastaabis kuulub Hispaania keskmise suurusega riikide hulka. Hispaaniaga enam-vähem samapalju inimesi elab Ukrainas (45,415,596 miljonit), Kolumbias (44,205,293 miljonit) ja Põhja-Koreas (48,636,068 miljonit ). Riigi rahvastiku tihedus Rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on 81,12 in/km2. Sarnase tihedusega on Kreeka ja Horvaatia (82,09 ja 79,58). Hispaania on keskmise tihedusega asustatud riik. Rahvastiku tihedus on suurim Hispaania keskosas, kuna seal asub Hispaania pealinn Madrid. Samuti on tihedalt asustatud ka ranniku alad, kus asuvad suuremad linnad nagu Barcelona ning Valencia. Rannikualad on tihedalt asustatud kuna seal on head liikumisvõimalused. Hõredamalt on asustatud pealinnast kirdesse jääv osa, tänu sealsele mägisele alale ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Cheryl Cole powerpoint esitus

Underground" peaked at number one on the UK Singles Chart, becoming the 2002 Christmas number one. Girls Aloud They have been nominated for five Brit Awards, and in 2009 won "Best British Single" at that year's Brit Awards for "The Promise". The 2007 edition of Guinness World Records listed them as "Most Successful Reality TV Group", while they also hold the record for "Most Consecutive Top Ten Entries in the UK by a Female Group" in the 2008 edition. In 2010, group seperated for about 3 years. Solo Career Her debut album, 3 Words, was released in the UK on 26 October 2009. 3 Big singles of that album were: "Fight for this love", "3 Word" and "Parachute" . From May to July 2010, Cole was the opening act for The Black Eyed Peas at the British shows of The E.N.D. Solo Career Cole's second solo album, titled Messy Little Raindrops, was released on 1 November 2010.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Report on the students` exercise preference

Date: 3rd April 2017 Introduction The aim of this report is to describe the changes in the students' exercise preferences, speculate on the reasons for the shifts and make recommendations for the sports centre on which facilities and training opportunities to include in the future. Female students Yoga and Pilates have remained the most popular exercise routines among the young women, who are acquiring education. From 2010 to 2015, the percentage of female students, who chose one of these two training programs, stayed at 45%. The reason for the lack of shift might be that the interests of the young women, who are acquiring education and practicing yoga or Pilates, have not changed. Male students Weightlifting has remained the most popular exercise routine among the young men, who are acquiring education. From 2010 to 2015, the percentage of male students, who chose this training program, stayed at 45%. The reason for the lack of shift might

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Unusual sports Wife Carrying Competition

Unusual sports Wife Carrying Competition Wife carrying is a contest in which male competitors race while each carrying a female teammate. The objective is for the male to carry the female through a special obstacle track in the fastest time. The sport was first introduced at Sonkajärvi, Finland. Rules The wife to be carried may be your own, or the neighbor's, or you may have found her further afield; she must, however, be over 17 years of age. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kilograms. If she weighs less than 49 kg, she will be burdened with a rucksack containing additional weight to bring the total load to be carried up to 49 kg.

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estonian Sport

● people came to railway stations ● 40 000-60 000 people Paul Keres ● January 7, 1916 ● chess grandmaster ● the world's top players from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s. ● the strongest player never to become world champion ● one of the greatest players in history Jaan Talts ● 19 May 1944 ● weightlifter ● silver 1968 ● gold 1972 ● 41 WR ● lifted 500 kg Erika Saulmäe ● born 11 June 1962 ● track bicycle racer ● only Estonian female medallist ● gold in 1988, 1992 Andrus Veerpalu ● 8 February 1971 ● most successful male cross country skier ● 2002 gold and silver ● 2006 gold ● oldest world champion in history - 38 years old ● oldest Olympic champion in individual distance Kristina Šmigun-Vähi ● 23 February 1977 ● most successful Estonian female cross-country skier ● 2 gold medals 2006 ● silver 2010 ● first woman to win a medal at the Winter Olympics Museum of sport

Keeled → Inglise keel
0 allalaadimist

Iirimaa rahvastik

Rahvaarv: 4203200 (juuli 2009 est.) Vanus struktuur: 0-14 aastat: 20,9% (isas 454571 / naissoost 424.022) 15-64 aastat: 67,1% (mehed 1411336/female 1409760) 65-aastased ja vanemad: 12% (mehed 224850/female 278661) (2009 est.) Keskmine vanus: Kokku: 35 aastat meessoost: 34.2 aastat emased: 35,7 aastat (2008 est.) Rahvastiku kasvu määr: 1.12% (2009 est.) Sünni-määr: 14,33 sünde 1000 rahvastikust (2008 est.) Death rate: 7,77 surmade 1000 rahvastikust (2008 est.) Rändesaldo määr: 4,71 migrant (s) / 1000 rahvastikust (2009 est.) Linnastumine: Linnaelanikkond: 61% kogu elanikkonnast (2008) määr linnastumine: 2,2% aastas muutus (2005-2010) Sugu suhe: Sünnijärgne: 1,07 meessoost (id) / naissoost Alla 15 aastat: 1,07 meessoost (id) / naissoost 15-64 aastat: 1 meessoost (id) / naissoost 65 aastat ja üle selle: 0,81 meessoost (id) / naissoost kogurahvastikust: 0,99 meessoost (id) / naissoost (2009 est.) Imikute suremus: Kokku: 5.05 surmajuhtumit 1...

Geograafia → Geograafia
22 allalaadimist

I know what you did last summer- review

happened again. After that they each go their own way. A year later Julie get strange letter. There was written ,, I know what you did last summer". Julie and her friends go back home and start to explore, who knows their secret. It is only a matter of time before they find this man or he finds them. The film is full of emotions and action. The actors, especially Hewitt and Gellar, won both Blockbuster Entertainment Award. Hewitt was best female actress and Gellar best female supporting actress. Film was also nominated as a best horror film in 1998. This film is well worth seeing and it sends an important message against drinking and driving. So if anyone is looking for a good scare you will not be dissappointed this movie. Don't miss it !

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Reproduction - sotsioloogia

their failings, particularly if these are financial However, where there is structure there is agency and resistance Ginsburg: Colen: II Contested reproduction · The idea of the body as a machine firmly established the male body as the prototype of this machine (Martin, 1987, Davis-Floyd: 1990, 1994). · This is seen as a significant departure from the ideas propounded in medical texts from the ancient Greeks up until the eighteenth century that described male and female bodies as fundamentally similar. · Though women had hitherto been conceptualised as embodying the same genitals as men inside their bodies, thus relegating women to `a lesser version of the male body' . · Any deviations from the male prototype became valid grounds for viewing female biology as `abnormal', defective and as untenable as nature itself, thus in need of manipulation by man. · The demise of the midwife and the rise of male-attended mechanically manipulated

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Giant Panda - slideshow

4 and 8, and may be they need the mother's reproductive until age 20. undivided attention, so she · The mating season takes is able to care for only one place between March and of her cubs. May. · She usually abandons one · The interval between births of her cubs, and it dies soon in the wild is generally two after birth. At this time, years. scientists do not know how · Usually, the female panda the female chooses which gives birth to one or two cub to raise, and this is a panda cubs. topic of ongoing research. · The father has no part in helping raise the cub. Vocalizations · Pandas can make 11 distinct vocalizations. This indicates highly evolved communications, which allow them to communicate with other pandas. Their vocalizations can convey

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Jääkarud (ing k)

Polar bear Ursus maritimus or the "sea bear." Polar bears live near the circumpolar at north in areas where they can hunt seals at open leads. Scientists estimate that there are between 22000 to 27000 polar bears. Its closest relative is the brown bear. Adult male polar bears are 2,5 to 3 meters tall. They weigh 250 to 770 kilograms. Adult female bears are smaller. They are about 1,8 to 2,5 meters tall and weigh 90 to 320 kilograms. Polar bears usually eat seals ­ usually the ringed seasl, but sometimes the bearded seals. When hunting is good, polar bears will typically eat only the fat and leave the rest of the carcass for scavengers including arctic foxes, ravens, and younger bears. Polar bears also sometimes kill and eat both walrus and beluga whales. They have even hunted short-legged reindeer and sometimes even birds and bird eggs

Bioloogia → Inglis keelne bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Iluvõimlemine (kokkuvõte inglise keeles) Competitive rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics was added to the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, with an individual all-around competition. However, many federations from the Eastern European countries were forced to boycott by the Soviet Union. Canadian Lori Fung was the first rhythmic gymnast to earn an Olympic gold medal. The group competition was added to the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. Olympic rhythmic gymnastics is typically restricted to female participants, although Japan has begun developing programs in which men can compete and in Spain, men are allowed to participate in women's competitions. The men's program has yet to be formally recognized by the FIG, however, and men cannot compete in the Olympics as a rhythmic gymnast. Gymnasts in Russia and Europe typically start training at a very young age and those at their peak are typically in their late teens or early twenties

Sport → Atleetvõimlemine
1 allalaadimist

Tundra loomad

Tundra animals Reindeer Reindeer were first domesticated in Norway and northern Asia. When it was seen how valuable they were, they were brought to Alaska in 1887 and later to parts of Canada. These North American reindeer became known as caribou. Although they are called by different names, they are both considered to be a single species. Unlike deer, both the male and female have antlers. The antlers of the male are long, branched and massive, and they are a little flattened at the ends. The antlers of the female are much shorter, simpler and more slender and irregular. Their large, spreading hooves support the animal in snow in the winter and marshy tundra in the summer. Reindeer are also great swimmers and use their feet as paddles. They can also lower their metabolic rate and go into a semi-hibernation when conditions get very harsh.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
15 allalaadimist

A significant idol in my life: Beyonce

also a huge succsess, she won another Grammy and many other awards. Beyonce is been really active all the time, winning awards, making movies, having tours all over the world and it all paid off. Beyonce started the year 2010 with historic wins at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards. Coming into the awards ceremony as the most nominated artist of the year with ten nominations, most from her worldwide #1 album, I AM...SASHA FIERCE, Beyoncé took home six Grammy's, setting a record for the female artist with the most wins in one single year. She has now earned 16 Grammy's overall. Now that she's given a birth to her first child her songs are still on top and having a child didin't make her calmer, she's still working with music very hard as she always been. Beyonce she's my idol, because she is unstoppable, she's powerfull and she shows to the world that everything is possible, if you belive in yourself, if you are yourself, without pretending and that's why she's so special.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Gender equality in higher positions of companies

Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree? In the 21st century it is all about gender equality and every individual wants to achieve high level position in their work place. In the past, women, in many societies, had less rights and privileges than men. The statement says that companies should give a certain number of higher positions to women. However, I do not agree with this requirement completely.

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
3 allalaadimist

Leona Lewis

in London. Besides singing she has learned to play guitar and piano. Her main influences are Mariah Carey, Eva Cassidy and Whitney Houston. She is a vegetarian and a member of PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an animal rights organization). At the age on 12 she wrote her first full-lenght song with what she won several music competitions. In 2006 she auditioned to a British musical talent show called The X Factor. She was the first female winner of the UK reality TV series The X Factor. During Leona´s performance in The X Factor singer Gary Barlow told Cowell, "you've got a big responsibility because this girl is probably fifty times better than any contestant you have ever had on this show, and it's your responsibility to make her the best record you can, so please do that.". She won a £1 million recording contract to Simon Cowell's record label and went on to sign a £5 million ($9

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Kate Winslet

Review Kate Winslet Sigrid Pihel From 6.b Tallinn 2010 Kate Elizabeth Winslet is one of the most eminent British female actors who became famous on Hollywood movies. She won Academy Award nominations for five times. She was also nominated for the prestigious Emmy Award. The awards won by Kate Winslet the include BAFTA, Grammy and Screen Actor's guild award. The English actress is famous for diverse range of characters she played in her entire film career. She is thus a beautiful female actor with the capability to play a diverse range of roles. Early life of Kate Winslet

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


õnnelikke sündmusi, sünde, et põgeneda halva õnne eest või siis abielu ja surma puhul. Tihti ka tervise eesmärgil. Voodoo uskumusi : Agwe: spirit of the sea / merevaim Aida Wedo: rainbow spirit / vikerkaare vaim Ayza: protector / kaitsja Baka: an evil spirit who takes the form of an animal / kuri vaim, kes võtab looma kuju Baron Samedi: guardian of the grave / haua kaitsja Dambala (or Damballah-wedo): serpent spirit / maovaim Erinle: spirit of the forests /metsavaim Ezili (or Erzulie): female spirit of love / naise armastuse vaim Mawu Lisa: spirit of creation / looja vaim Ogou Balanjo: spirit of healing /tervendav vaim Ogun (or Ogu Bodagris): spirit of war / sõjavaim Osun: spirit of healing streams / ravivate ojadevaim Sango (or Shango): spirit of storms / tormidevaim Yemanja: female spirit of waters / veevaim Zaka (or Oko): spirit of agriculture /põllumajanduse vaim Voodoo usub elusse peale surma ja kurjade hingede ja deemonite eksisteerimisse. Religioonid: Haitian Vodoo

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
7 allalaadimist


Family relations · Father: a male parent · Mother: a female parent · Dad (informal): one's father · Mum, mummy, mom (informal): one's mother · Parent: father or mother · Child (Plural Children): a son or daughter of any age · Son: a male child · Daughter: a female child · Brother: a man or boy in relation to other children of his parents · Sister: a woman or girl in relation to other children of her parents · Grandfather (Informal grandpa): the father of one's father or mother · Paternal grandfather: the father of one's father · Maternal grandfather: the father of one's mother · Grandmother (Informal grandma): the mother of one's father or mother · Paternal grandmother: the mother of one's father

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Womenrights essee

For a long time, through the history of human kind, women have fought for their rights. Issue of women rights and women status has always been discussed and there are many different points of view on this problem. In civilized community you are taught to respect human being as an equal to yourself. It just happens to be, that many eastern regions of men are not as happy as western nations, about the idea of leaving the wonderful life, in which they could tell a random female to strip and make them happy, for a life of begging for the thing they have been getting so easily. In europe a wife in a household is irreplaceable. No man is capable of raising children, cleaning, cooking, ironing and making money at the same time, thus men and women have divided their duties. Usually couple living together also provides eachother with support and comfort, when needed. If a male maks a female happy, he himself might get lucky in the bedroom

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Hiina mänguasja tehased

these promises.  After the work shift, there's another work assembly that lasts 15 minutes.  Even during the 30-minute lunch period, workers must return to the shop floor early to resume production or to attend another meeting. They're not paid for the time spent in these meetings or assemblies.  Workers endure long hours six to seven days a week.  The overtime work is up to 200 hours a month, which is more than five times the legal limit.  Female workers rarely get maternity leave, and with extreme hours and no childcare facilities they often cannot take care of their kids.  Many women are forced to send their children to live with family in the countryside.  Toy production involves close contact with chemicals that are incredibly harmful to the workers' health.  This results in alarmingly high levels of occupational disease and work-related injuries. In 2009, about one million

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ettekanne Birma faasan

© Tom Gardiner / © David Tipling / World Pheasant Association Hume's pheasant, Male Hume's Male Hume's pheasant with side view pheasant, rear view wings spread © Stephen Dalton / © Kenneth W. Fink / © Jean Howman / World Pheasant Association Close up of a Female Hume's female Hume's pheasant pheasant © Gary Robbins / © Jean Howman / World Pheasant World Pheasant Association Association

Bioloogia → Loomad
4 allalaadimist


Türgi (Türkiye) Hanna-Maria Ulm 11 A Riigi üldiseloomustus · Riigi lühend : TUR · Riigi kaart : · Pealinn : Ankara · Pindala : 783562 km2 · Riigikeel: türgi · Rahvaarv: 70586256 (2007) · Rahvastiku tihedus : 90,0 in/km2 · Riigikord: parlamentaarne vabariik · Rahaühik : Türgi liir · Ajavöönd : Ida-Euroopa aeg · ( leidsin riigi lühendi ( 28. jaanuaril) · leidsin vajalikud andmed riigi kohta (rahvaarv,pindala rahaühik jne ,28. jaanuaril) · Flags Of The World leidsin riigi lipu ja vapi (28 jaanuar) Riigi are...

Geograafia → Geograafia
16 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

normal and healthy life afterwards. I try to be tolerant about gays having untraditional partnerships and think of them as fellow humans and let them live their own lives, but allowing them to raise children is over my line. Moreover, I am even more confused and concerned about the gender roles. A couple of days ago I saw Oprah talk show where there was a man Thomas, who was pregnant. He was born as a woman, but when she was about twenty five, she had the sex change operation but kept his female genitals. So, ten and more years later he was ready to give birth to a baby. Many people present, including Oprah, were tolerant about that and encouraged him, also said that it is very normal and brave thing to do. Thomas got many supporting letters from all over the world and neighbours baked cakes for him and his wife. But I was shocked to the bone by that. Who was he? A man or a woman? He was a man in appearance, but biologically a woman. He considered himself to be a

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

The Witch Trials in Salem

witch, how to put a witch on trial, and how to punish a witch. In the modern Western world, witchcraft accusations have often accompanied the satanic ritual abuse moral panic. Such accusations are a counterpart to blood libel of various kinds, which may be found throughout history across the globe. Though witch-craze took different forms at different times and places, but never lost its essential character: that of a ruling class campaign of terror directed against the female peasant population. Witches represented a political, religious and sexual threat to the Protestant and Catholic churches alike, as well as to the state. Many people were executed, and others were imprisoned, tortured, banished, and had lands and possessions confiscated. The majority of those accused were women. Current scholarly estimates of the number of people executed for witchcraft vary between about 40,000 and 100,000

Keeled → British culture (briti...
6 allalaadimist

Haridus ja tervishoid Saudi-Araabias

Umbes 60% Saudi-Araabia üliõpilastest moodustavad naised, kuid ainult 15% tööjõust. Enamasti asuvad naised tööle hariduse valdkonnas või avalikus sektoris, kuid üleüldiselt on naistel raske siiski tööle saada. Ilmselt seisneb põhjus ka islami usus ja selles, et naised peavad abielluma ja jääma koduperenaisteks, üks põhjus on ka veel see, et paljudel aladel pole naistel lubatud töötada nt. ei ole neil võimalik praktiseerida õiguse alal. Joonis 2. Ratio of female to male primary enrollment (%) 2005-2012 Joonis 3. Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment (%) 2005-2012 Joonis 4. Ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment (%) 2004-2012 Antud joonistelt on näha, et naiste osalus hariduses on suurenenud, nii alghariduse kui ka põhi- ja keskhariduse puhul, kuid teadmata põhjustel on näitaja langenud kõrghariduse osas, kus naiste osakaal on jäänud väiksemaks.

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
7 allalaadimist

Kalakasvatuse eksami küsimused "Toiduainete loomne toore"

Kordamisküsimused kalakasvatuse eksamiks 1. Akvakultuuris kasvatatavad organismid, nende toodangu maht ja proportsioonid, nende muutumine läbi viimase aastakümne, akvakultuuri levik maailmas. Kalu, limuseid (austrid, kammkarbid, pärlkarbid) , vähilisi (krevetid, krabid, vähid), veetaimi jt veeorganisme Näiteks: atlandi lõhe , vikerforell, karpkala (See on maailma vanim kodustatud kala liik), tiigerkrevett, hiiauster, pakslaup, valgeamuur, pruunvetikas, kammkarp, jämepea ning vähilised. Kõige suurem toodangu maht on pakslaubal (3,66milj.tonni), teisel kohal on valgeamuur (3,61 milj.tonni) kolmandal ja neljandal kohal on karpkala ja jämepea. Need andmed on aastast 2007. Maailma vesiviljeluse kogutoodang ulatus 2003. aastal 51,4 miljoni tonnini. Kalad moodustasid sellest nii koguselt kui väärtuselt ligikaudu poole. Veidi alla poole akvakultuuri toodangust tuli sisevetest. Juhtival kohal on Vaikse ookeani äärsed Aasia riigid, kus on ...

Toit → Toiduainete loomne toore
31 allalaadimist

Amy Winehouse(inglise keelne)

AMY WINEHOUSE ·Born 14 September 1983 Amy Jade Winehouse born England and died 23 July 2011 (aged 27). ·She was singer and songwriter. ·She knew how to play guitar. ·a BRIT Award for Best British On 14 February 2007, she won Female Artist. ·Award three times. She won the Ivor Novello ·"Back to Black" The most popular song is ·dead on 23 July 2011, at her Amy Winehouse was found home in London. ·of her death is "as yet Police have said that the cause unexplained"and that the death was "nonsuspicious" ·"Forever 27 Club". Amy Winehouse belong s to

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon. Joss Whedon ( born Joseph Hill Whedon) is an American screenwriter, executive producer, film and television director, comic book writer, occasional composer, and actor, and the founder of Mutant Enemy Productions and co-creator of Bellwether Pictures. I haven't seen any of Whedon's shows or films. "Why he write these strong female characters"? Because his wife, his mother, his father and stepfather. He like a women how are stong and powerful. They women are hot. Men do not like it when women are powerful and strong. He wants to show that it's okay if a woman is masterful.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonian people

Estonian people Rait Rehemets Kenor Pille Population of Estonia · The population of Estonia is 1 340 194 (1.01.2011) . Estonian people · Estonians are a Finnic peoples, closely related to the Finns. Estonian faith · Estonians is the Christian faith. This is one of the Estonian people(male). This is one of the Estonian people (female). Estonians description · The Estonians are a sort of people.Some of them are hardworking and others, again, lazy . Estonia's most famous athlethe · Name:Erki Nool · Erki Nool was born on 25th June 1970,in Võru. · Age:40 years · Erki Nool won many gold medals. The picture of Erki Nool Sources used: · Google pictures · Wikipeedia

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Malaria What is malaria? Infectiousdisease Caused by a parasite called Plasmodium Transmitted by female Anopheles mosquito One of the most deadly diseases in the world Malaria distribution Types of malaria Four types of malaria that infect humans: Plasmodium vivax (P.v.) Plasmodium malariae (P.m.) Plasmodium ovale (P.o.) and Plasmodium falciparum (P.f.) Symptoms The general symptoms include: headache nausea fever vomiting flu-like symptoms Treatment Hospitalization Drugs and medications: o Chloroquine o Meflaquine o Quinine Prevention

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist


symbolize grace, pride, and beauty. An Indian tapir is a large mammal. The Indian pangolin is a pangolin found in the hills of India, Sri Lanka and many other places. The Indian elephant is one of three recognized subspecies of the Asian elephant. Can you guess witch one is the female with male elephant? The Bengal tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh and India. The Bengal tiger is the most numerous tiger subspecies. The red panda is a small mammal who is related to raccoons, skunks and weasels. Thank you for listening.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
3 allalaadimist

Endangered species

Big Leaf Mahogany 4. Beluga Sturgeon 9. Green-Cheeked Parrot 5. Goldenseal 10. Mako Shark Black rhino The Black Rhinoceros or Hooklipped Rhinoceros. An adult Black Rhinoceros stands 140­170 cm high at the shoulder and is 3.3­3.6 m in length. An adult weighs from 800 to 1,400 kg . The females are smaller than the males. Black rhino Alligator Snapping Turtle largest freshwater turtles in the world about 12 years of age. Female clutch of 1050 eggs hunted for their carapaces Alligator Snapping Turtle Thank you!!!

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Kati Pall Address Järvamaa Roosna- Alliku vald Koordi Küla Telephone(s) 58504218 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 30.09.1992 Gender Female Desired employment / TÜ Paifarm Occupational field AS Paide Selver Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Estonian Social skills and competences Good computer skills, Word, Powerpoint and Exel Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences Computer skills and Good competences

Ametid → Ametijuhend
7 allalaadimist

Kangaroos and Australia

· Australia is the smallest of the seven continents. Australia lies in the southern hemisphere. There are about 22 million people in Australia. Most of the people live in the south-east corner of the country. The capital city of the country, Canberra, is halfway between them. The contry has lots of rare birds, animals, and snakes. Kangaroo · Kangaroos have strong back legs and big feet. They use their back legs to hop. Female kangaroos have a pouch where they carry their babies. · The kangaroo is a symbol of Australia. They live in Eastern Australia. · A male kangaroo can be about 3 metres long. · They eat is plants, leaves and grass. · Kangaroos are good swimmers. · A baby kangaroos is called a " joey" Kangaroos and Australia

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hispaania rahvastikupoliitika

Hispaania rahvastik Tänapäeval on inimkapital muutunud väga oluliseks riigi arengu indikaatoriks. Kas riigi rahvastik kasvab või kahaneb, milline on vanuseline koosseis, inimeste haridustase, tervislik seisund jne. Mida paremini teatakse riigi rahvastikusituatsiooni, seda täpsemalt saab välja töötada riigi jaoks olulisi majandus- ja sotsiaalse arengu stsenaariume. 1. Riigi rahvaarv. Hispaania rahvaarv on 46,505,963 miljonit, seda 2010 aasta juuli seisuga. Selle arvuga paikneb Hispaania maailmaarvestuses 27. kohal. Maailma mastaabis kuulub Hispaania keskmise suurusega riikide hulka. Hispaaniaga enam-vähem samapalju inimesi elab Ukrainas (45,415,596 miljonit), Kolumbias (44,205,293 miljonit) ja Põhja-Koreas (48,636,068 miljonit ). 2. Riigi rahvastiku tihedus Rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on 81,12 in/km2. Sarnase tihedusega on Kreeka ja Horvaatia (82,09 ja 79,58). Hispaania on keskmise ti...

Geograafia → Geograafia
37 allalaadimist

Triin Aljand

Triin Aljand Märjamaa Gümnaasium 9-B Hanna-Liisa Hannus 2014 Personal information Full nameTriin Aljand Nationality Estonia Born July 8, 1985 (age 29) Tallinn, Estonia Height 1.79 m Weight 68 kg  She is a former Estonian swimmer.  Triin Aljand hobbies are music, movies and crosswords.  She is engaged with Slovenian swimmer Peter Mankoč.  Estonian female athlete in 2011 and 2012 Medals  She who won a silver medal at the 2012 European Aquatics Championships in 50m butterfly. European short course championships:  Silver 2011 Szczecin 50m butterfly  Silver 2012 Chartres 50 m freestyle  Bronze 2010 Eindhoven 50 m butterfly  Bronze 2011 Szczecin 50 m freestyle  Sheset the Estonian national records three times in the 50-m butterfly on December 12, 2008. She set another national record in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Makeup Most recognisable characteristics White base, red lipstick, red or black eyes and eyebrows Dress: kimono with obi and zoris and tabis Hair Hair-combs and hairpins No pillow wig zoris tabis Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level A geisha, when she is working, is just that: the illusion of female perfection. Geisha and prostitution Geisha is not a prostitute! "Geisha girls" Served Am soldiers General word for any Japanese prostitute Personal relationships and danna Marrying=retiring from the profession Taking a danna Personal relationships Chosen carefully Geisha are exclusive hostesses. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
50 allalaadimist


KAIRI MIKELSA AR MY13 Name and location •The company was founded 1924, 92 years ago •Adidas was registered 18 August 1949 •By Adolf Dassler •The company headquartered is in Herzogenaurach, Germany •Area served: worldwide Products and services •Footwear •Sportswear •Sports equipment •Toiletries •Adidas also designs and makes slide-style sandals, watches, eyewear, bags, baseball caps, and socks. •Adidas has a branded range of male and female geodorants, perfumes, aftershave and lotions. About company •Number of employees- 53 731 •The company's clothing and shoe designs typically feature three paralleel bars and the same motif is incorporated into Adidas's current official logo •It is the largest sportwear manufacturer in Europe and the second biggest in the world •"Adidas is all in" is the current global marketing strategy slogan for Adidas. Adidas Competitors •Nike •Puma •Converse ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun