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"expected" - 269 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: expected

Faile: 0

What is expected of a graduate of the 21st century

In Mike Nichols 1967 cult film „The Graduate“, Dustin Hoffman character Benjamin Braddock, who has just graduated from college, is facing basically same questions as posed in the title of this essay. Everyone is asking what is he going to do with his life now, but he is very uncomfortable aswering them and at that point he doesn’t care as well. Being a third year history student in University of Tartu, I am wondering over the same questions and find myself often thinking what is expected of me after graduating and how has university played a role in my development for almost three years now. When asked what is the main purpose of university, most people would say that it is preparing students for different proffessions, which would later be the driving force of the country. But I think it is more complicated than that. Going to university is a logical step to a ambitious young high school graduate and some even don’t consider other possibilities. On

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 3 - prognoos

As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world’s largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents, nearly a third (31%) of all 6.9 billion people on Earth. Islam was second, with 1.6 billion adherents, or 23% of the global population. If current demographic trends continue, however, Islam will nearly catch up by the middle of the 21st century. Between 2010 and 2050, the world’s total population is expected to rise to 9.3 billion, a 35% increase.1 Over that same period, Muslims – a comparatively youthful population with high fertility rates – are projected to increase by 73%. The number of Christians also is projected to rise, but more slowly, at about the same rate (35%) as the global population overall. As a result, according to the Pew Research projections, by 2050 there will be near parity between Muslims (2.8 billion, or 30% of the population) and Christians (2

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite 2. labor

3 Move to position 20% of Max at 50% Slide moved to 20% of speed max position at 50% speed. Behaved the same way as the previous record. 3 2. Move to position 50% of Max Slide moved at 50% speed to the expected position. 3. Move to position 75% of Max Slide moved at 50% speed to the expected position. 4 3: Move to position 10% of Max. Slide moved to expected Acceleration = 100% Deceleration = position with sharp 100% movement. 4: Move to position 90% of Max

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
42 allalaadimist

Jõuelektroonika diood

0,80 - 50,1 4 0 39,9 0,81 - 59,6 7 0 44,8 0,83 - 70,9 1 0 - 0,84 - 80,6 1 0 - 0,85 - 90,1 1 0 - Estimation of the knee point and the forward voltage drop Uf The knee point voltage is obtained from fig.1.2. as 0,76V. The forward voltage drop is 0,82V. Conclusion The obtained volt-ampere characteristic looks like expected. The forward current of the diode depends exponentialy on the voltage across it. The characteristics for the reverse biased diode show no reaction because the voltage source was too weak to trigger any reverse current. The obtained forward voltage drop is in the expected region of 0,7-2V.

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
62 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Organizations with high proportion of fixed costs in their cost structures have high operating leverage. Degree of operating leverage = CM/operating income Sales mix is the quantities of various products that constitute total unit sales of a company. Breakeven point in bundles = FE/ CM per bundle. Chapter 7 - Flexible budgets, direct-cost variances, management control Variance is the difference between actual results and expected performance. Management by exception is the practice of focusing management attention on areas that are not operating as expected and devoting less time to areas operating as expected. Static budget, or master budget, is based on the level of output planned at the start of the budget period. Static-budget variance is the difference between the actual result and the corresponding budgeted amount.

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Acverbs and adverbial phrases

(= he is always late) I’ve never done it and I never will. (= I will never do it) Phrases like every day, once a week or most evenings go in front or end position. Every day we go jogging. We go jogging every day. I have driving lessons three times a week. Also usually goes in mid position, but too and as well go in end position. Ann bakes lovely cakes. She also makes bread. /She makes bread too/as well. Yet, still, already Yet means that something is expected to happen. Have you had a holiday yet? (It’s time to have a holiday.) Still means ‘going on longer than expected’. I’m still working on my project. (There is no time for a holiday yet.) Already means ‘sooner than expected’. I’ve already passed all the exams. (Long before the deadline.) Yet usually goes at the end of a negative statement or question. Kate has received a present, but she hasn’t opened it yet. Have they sent you the tickets yet

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

-ing and to

tell you what to do. 5) Try to and try -ing (also just 5) want, ask, help, would like, try) Example: 1. I was very tired. expect, beg, mean, would prefer. I tried to keep my eyed open, but (verb + to or verb + object + to) I couldn't. 2. Try pressing the Example: 1. We expected to be late. green button. 3. These cakes are 2. We expected Dan to be late. delicious. You should try one. 6) tell, remind, force, encourage, 6) Need to, need -ing Example: teach, enable, order, warn, invite, 1. I need to take more exercise. persuade, get. Example: Can you

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks- Monologue

EDUCATION AND JOBS A5 MONOLOGUE Topic A5.2 Read the topic below and prepare to speak about it. Use the questions given to help to plan your monologue. Some people think that all school-children should wear school uniforms. Why do you think they say that? Do you agree? Give reasons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are expected to structure your monologue and present it speaking fluently with appropriate pronunciation and intonation and only natural pauses. You are expected to express yourself confidently, clearly and politely. Interact naturally with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications. Be logical and clear, paraphrase successfully. Your vocabulary should be precise and appropriate, as well as the register. Use a VARIETY of simple and complex grammatical structures as appropriate.

Keeled → Inglise keel
163 allalaadimist

Essee kirjutamine inglise keeles

opponents of this view say, there are people who oppose…  To express opinion: I believe, in my opinion, I think, in my view, I strongly believe… Problem essay For example: What can we do to reduce global litter? What alternative sources of energy can we use? Outline: Introduction – state topic, the reason why it has arisen. Mention that there are several, possible solutions. Paragraph 2 – 1 solution and expected results Paragraph 3 – 2 solution and expected results Paragraph 4 – 3 solution and expected results Final paragraph – summarize your opinion or give the best suggestion and explain why this is the case. A problem is given and you have to offer possible solutions. One solution and its possible outcome per paragraph. Discursive essay For example: The role of marriage in today’s society. The role of Free Press. Outline: Introduction – make a general statement about the topic, explaining the past/current situation

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Vetelvedu mõisted

CHTRS – charterers - prahtijad COA - contract of affreightment - prahileping, prahtimisleping CQD - customary quick dispatch - tavalise kiirusega laadimine ja lossimine DISCH - discharge - lossima DISPORT - discharge port - lossimissadam DLOSP - dropping last outward sea pilot - viimase väljaviiva merelootsi laevalt lahkumine DWAT - deadweight all told - kogukandevõime DWT - deadweight - kandevõime ECSA - exchange carriers standards association? ETA – estimated / expected time of arrival - eeldav saabumisaeg ETC - estimated time of completion – eeldatav valmismisaeg ETD - estimated / expected time of departure – eeldatav laeva sadamast lahkumise kuupäev ETS - expected time of sailing – eeldatav purjetamise aeg EXCL – excluding – välja arvatud FIFO – free in/free out FLG – flagging – märgistamine/ laeva lisamine riiklukusse registrisse/ lipustamine FO – flagging out - (laeva) väljalipustamine (lipu alt välja viimine)

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Solar power

Definition Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity The most abundant energy source on Earth Explosive growth in recent years History Charles Fritts ­ first solar cell, 1% efficiency (1883) Bell Labs ­ first modern silicon cell, 6% eff. (1954) First solar powered calculators (1978) 40percentefficient solar cell in 2006 Solar panels were installed on the White house (2013) Rapid growth Solar industry is the fastestgrowing in the US Solar industry is expected to double every year until 2020 Employs over 100 000 people in US alone Solar cooker Produces heat by concentrating sun rays into one spot Takes long to cook, difficult to burn Works roughly like an oven Bread and cakes usually brown on their tops Solar power ­ good investment? The cost of solar power is constantly falling Will be cheaper than nuclear power in 201415, than coal in 2016 17 Strong demand Enterprises are building more efficient solar panels Gujarat solar park

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

My charity day

My charity day If somebody has always had everything what he needs, then he does not think much about that how other people can make out with their lives and needs. That is why me and my friend Joan decided to devote one day to make other people happier. 42 I was waiting that day for months and when my clock alarm rang that morning I was so excited about what is going to happen. I woke up at 11 a.m, ate my breakfast and then went to shower. We decided to do the charity in Old Town, our destination was sell as much our clothes, what we do not need anymore, as we can. All the money, what we received, went to charity. 76 In the beginning we set up our clothes and then we started to waiting our first clients. It was our fist time to do something like that in the public and at the start we did not know how people would react for that activity. We were nicely surprised, because we did much better job than we first expected.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


that they could do it in a dignified manner rather than have their lives prolonged by medical technology? Ultimately, it's a question of choice: empowering people to have control over their own bodies. The main opposition comes from religious groups, medical associations whose members see practising euthanasia as an inproper exctension of their role as carers. Throughout centuries the doctors' purpose in life has been to cure suffering, how can they be expected to do otherwise, even if it's done for a good cause. The issue has been misinterpreted by some people. They seem to be of the opinion that practicing euthanasia would turn nursing homes into places of fear and elderly people in residencial home are afraid that they will be a candidate. For whatever motive it may be done, all civilisations, all religions have regarded this as morally wrong.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sagrada Familia church

Sagrada Familia church Loviisa Pihlas Basic information  Located in Barcelona.  Roman catholic church.  Designed by Antoni Gaudi.  Also called cathedral.  Completion expected in 2026.  Financed from donations and ticket money. History  The builing of the chursh started in 19 March 1882, from a project of architect Francisco de Paula del Villar.  In 1883 Antoni Gaudi took over the work.  After his death in 1926 diffrent archidects have continued his work. Antoni Gaudi`s design  Changed the design drastically.  Modernist style.  Most of his designs and models where destroyed in 1936 during the civil war.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Prefixes with definitions

3. repopluate - to provide a new population for an area in which the population has declined 4. recalculate - to calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data 5. impossible - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 6. international - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 7. irregular - not according to usual rules or what is expected 8. misunderstood - incorrectly understood or interpreted 9. miscalculate - to count or estimate incorrectly 10. overpaid - paid too much or more than usual 11. overbooked - to sell more tickets or places for an aircraft, holiday, etc. than are available 12. postgraduate - a student who has already got one degree and is studying at a university for a more advanced qualification 13. prepaid - paid for earlier 14

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
7 allalaadimist


The following points give us a good overview how men and women do it in Estonia. This report was commissioned by the Estonian Department of Statistics. It can be seen from the chart that both men and women spend about eight hours on household chores in Estonia. Men spend most of their time on building and making repairs. Less than an hour of their time is spent on gardening and pet care. Moreover men also like cooking and laundry in spite of losing their manhood. As expected, women occupy most of their time on child care. However it is surprising that they spend nearly one fifth on building. The reason for this may be due to men having more jobs outside of the home, earning money for the family. On the basis of the points mentioned above, men and women share in doing all tasks in caring for the household. However, women naturally do more around the house as they spend the majority of their time there, while caring for the children. In this, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Inglise keele siduvad sõnad

.. on the contrary it follows that if so/not in contrast turning to Stating the obvious in comparison Summary obviously Concession (sth unexpected) in conclusion clearly however to conclude naturally even though in brief of course however much to summarise as can be expected nevertheless overall surely still therefore after all Yet

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

"We're the Millers"

Jason Sudeikis, Emma Roberts, Will Poulter, Nick Offerman, Kathryn Hahn, and Ed Helms. It was released in the U.S. on August 7, 2013. David is a drug dealer. He is unable to pay his depth to his boss. So his boss offers him to go to Mexico and get some marijuana for him. It is going to be difficult to get across the border. David decides to pose as a family man. He collects four different people together. They all pretend like they are on family vacation. Their trip is harder than expected and they have a lot of troubles in their journey. This is a great movie when you want to watch something light and funny. It is a good comedy. I loved the characters and the story line of the film. "We're the Millers" made me laugh to tears. This is not the film what makes you think deeply about the life but it is a good film for a long car journey. This film showed me how four totally different persons can grow real family and the importance of reliability.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sõnade derivatsioon e. tuletamine - Words derivation

Words derivation LÕPUD: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Prefix & Sufix -ation -ise/-ize -ing -ly dis- -ence -en -ive ir- -ion en- -able im- -ance -ate -y -il -age -fy -ed in- -er -ical un- -ing -ant over- -ness -ent out- -ity -en under- -ition -ous -ment -ful -hood -ible -ship -less -ist ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

One-pager doc Fors Rent

Seeking for: Partnerid Investorid Solution: Pakutakse erinevaid liiki autosid. Fikseeritud kuutasu, mis välistab kõik võimalikud Revenue forecast: kõrvalkulud. 2019: 57 906 2020: 86 000 2021: 96 000 Business/revenue model: Rough calculations in addition to previous: expected profit, loss, Kliendiks on peamiselt teeninduspiirkonna, ehk Talinna elanikud, mille osa on 4487 isikud, current runway? Revenue drivers? 1% Tallinna elanikest, turistid - 5% külastavatest turistidest (turistide arv 400 000 aastas) ja etevõted. Core team: Julia Krupenina - raamatupidaja Income from: Reiko Urbla - müügijuht 1. Autode rent Market: Current status: Äriplaan on valmis

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
2 allalaadimist

Passive seletus (inglise keel)

get married/ divorced; get dressed (=put on your clothes), get lost, get changed (=change your clothes). It is said that... He is said to... He is supposed to... Henry on väga vana. Keegi ei tea täpselt, kui vana ta on, kuid... It is said that he is 108 years old. He is said to be 108 years old. Mõlemad laused tähendavad, et "Räägitakse, et ta on 108 aastat vana." Neid lausestruktuure saab kasutada mitmete tegusõnadega, eriti sõnadega: Alleged believed considered expected known reported thought understood Võrdle neid kahte struktuuri: Cathy works very hard. It is said that she works 16 hours a day. She is said to work 16 hours a day. The police are looking for a missing boy. It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans. The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans. The strike started three weeks ago. It is expected that it will end soon. The strike is expected to end soon.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Truth or Dare ?

as making the dare apply to both the questioner and the queried, or incorporating Spin the Bottle to select the next person to be asked; this results in many different "variants" of the game, limited only by the players' creativity. The game's title is sometimes extended to reflect additional options, for example: "truth, dare, double-dare, kiss, torture or promise". When double-dare is chosen, the person chosen is requested to do something but the person making the request is also expected to do the dare as well. When kiss is chosen the person must kiss a certain person sometimes of the same sex but not often. Torture, the person will be put in a scenario that will often embarrass or cause pain. Promise, you must make a promise and keep it (works similar to dare). The next person to make a dare can never copy that dare that was just given to them.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Only 23% of the questioned British think that school prepares them for everyday life. The result surprised me because it showed that British kids and Estonian kids think very differently. THE SCHOOL UNIFORM Surprisingly, 17% of the questioned Estonian students approved the school uniform, for me it was surprising that so many approved the school uniform. Predictably, 74% of the questioned British students approved school uniform, which was expected, because school uniforms are more wide-spread in British schools than in Estonian schools. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT ISSUE That topic also, surprised. All of questioned Estonian students disapproved the use of corporal punishment. 62% of the questioned British students agreed to corporal punishment. The results were one end to another. That shows clearly, how different the education systems of Estonia and the United Kingdom are. CONCLUSION

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Filters report 5 Electronics and Semiconductor Engineering

UL, V 10 9,359 I, mA 5,08 15 Δ, ms 6,84 6,67 φ, deg 27,07 24,6 A, dB 1,01 1,59 Figure 2. Input and output signal traces Conclusions The experiment shows that a simple low-pass filter can be constructed using a resistor and a capacitor. The results gained during the simulation match the expected ones relatively closely and the only difference between calculated and measured results occurs with current.

Energeetika → Elektrimaterjald
5 allalaadimist

Report / survey

different or similar. Types of books The survey showed us that both, boys and girls, mainly read cassical novels. To be exact, 80% of questioned students read classic novels, also popular among both sexes are horror and humor books. 20% of boys and girls like sience fiction. Nearly 50% of the boys read informative literature, but non of the girls. Only one girl out of 9 like to read romatic novels. The most unpopular books are poetry and biography books. Number of books read As i expected, girls read more books in a month than boys. It is shown by the fact that a significant number of girls read 2-3 books a month. Boys read usually about 1-2 books per month. Only a few boys read more than 2 books Sources The most common sources where they get their books form are books stores and a home library. This is indicated by the fact that 67% get their books from home and 60% from stores. The school library is

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
32 allalaadimist

Abu Dhabi

Transport Planes Buses Taxis Farries Abu Dhabi International Airport The airport is one of the fastest growing airports in the world in terms of passengers, new airline operators, and infrastructural development. Public transport The first town bus entered service in about 1969 Abu Dhabi has about 8,000 taxis A massive expansion of public transport is anticipated within the framework of the government's Surface Transport Master Plan 2030. The expansion is expected to see 130 km (81 mi) of metro and 340 km (210 mi) of tramways and/or bus rapid transit (BRT) routes. Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Smart cities

By mid century this will increase about 20 per cent. For successful operations people need smart cities. The smart city functions like the human body. Smart cities make cities more liveable, efficient, sustainable and safe. Smart cities are built around users. It leverage technology to serve people. Smart cities start with an information network designed to optimize resources and thereby promote sound, sustainable development. It has been expected that in 2025 there are at least 88 smart cities. Connected streets are the core of smart cities. Smart connected streetlights open up many possibilities. They can gather and send information. Standby lighting can switch on when somebody walks by. There can be specific lighting to cross the street safely. Smart cities can also help you finding a parking spot. Life can be easier using different sensors. Waste collection companies can watch online how full containers are

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


2. Vaatlusandmetest parameetri empiirilise väärtuse leidmine Hüpoteesi kontrollimiseks küsitleti 100 meest ja 100 naist ning saadi järgmised tulemused: Empiiriline jaotus Kasutame funktsiooni CH mehed naised KOKKU Actual range empiirilis meeldib 20 10 30 Expected range teoreetilis neutraalne 50 55 105 Funktsioon leiab olulisuse ei meeldi 30 35 65 Kui p> siis pole erine KOKKU 100 100 200

Matemaatika → Statistika
154 allalaadimist

H. G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) a Brief Biography Sometimes called the father of modern science fiction, H.G. Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, Kent, England. His father, a professional cricket player and shopkeeper, and his mother, a former lady's maid, raised Wells with the idea that he would find a place in the work world that they were accustomed. He aspired to a different place in society. When he was thirteen, he left school to become a draper's apprentice, a job his family expected would be proper for a boy of his station. The work repelled him, however. He worked briefly in a drugstore, returned for a stint as a draper's assistant, then finally found a job as a teacher's assistant in a grammar school. Education and academia suited him well. In 1884 he entered college with a scholarship to study biology. He was able to study under one of the great biology teachers of the time, Thomas Henry Huxley, and Wells gradu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Lufthansa Case

research, which he had made. As a result Ruhnau didn't loss. His decision to cover half an explosure brought to company 225 mil. DEM, because in the worst case if he used full forward cover company would pay 1,6 billion DEM against 1,375 billion Ruhnau paid. 3)In 1985 the foreing currency options were a related new financial instrument for explosure management. Also analysts thought that 96 mil dollars was too big money amount for the purchase of an instrument, which hedger expected not to use. 4)We cant exactly answer, why Herr Ruhnau preffered Boeing to Airbus. But we can suppose that quality of Boeing jet and its technical characteristics surpassed Airbus jets. Also we can suppose thar Herr Ruhnau got a very good offer from Boeing and bought jets at a discount price. In conclusion we must to say that Board of Lufthansa should retain Herr Heinz Ruhnau as Chairman because he achieved a significant business results.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Printsess Diana

Prince of Wales. Diana was first educated at Silfield School, then at Riddlesworth Hall in Norfolk, and at West Heath Girls' School . Diana reportedly excelled in swimming and diving, and wanted to be a professional ballerina. From the mid-1980s, the Princess of Wales became increasingly connected with charities. (As Princess of Wales she was expected to visit hospitals, schools, etc.) In addition, the Princess was the patroness of charities and organisations working with the homeless, youth, drug addicts and the elderly. From 1989, she was announced as a President of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. She was married on 29 July 1981. The wedding, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral, was televised and watched by a global audience of over 750 million people. On June 21, 1982 her first son Prince William was born.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Manners in Estonia

Manners in Estonia Kevin Pillau Hierarchy in Estonian Society Estonia is a hierarchical society. Age, experience and position earn respect. Older people are generally viewed as wiser and as a result revered and honoured. Elders are introduced first and in general are treated much like royalty. Those in senior positions bear the responsibility to make decisions in the interest of the group. Due to seniority titles are very important when addressing people. It is expected that you will use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name. Cultural Traditions Estonian culture as an identity is very strong. Oral traditions especially have played a key role in preserving traditions, stories and customs during Soviet administration. Singing is a very Estonian activity and the Estonians are known to have sung their way to freedom during the "Singing Revolution" of 1989-91. Manners Estonians on the whole are quiet and reserved.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Rational Use of Diagnostic Tests

Rational Use of Diagnostic Tests Screening tests Diagnostic tests are often used to screen asymptomatic patients and identify risk factors for occult disease. Screening tests should be generally noninvasive, inexpensive, and of minimal risk to the patient. Screening tests should have high diagnostic sensitivity, which means few false negative results would be expected, as the goal of testing is to rule out the presence of disease. Screening tests should be used to screen for diseases that (1) have serious consequences if left undetected, (2) are reasonably prevalent within the population, and (3) have treatment options readily available. Should a positive result be obtained, a more accurate, confirmatory test should then be performed. One example of a screening test would be the urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio (Cort:Crt)u,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Etta James elulugu inglise keeles

name from The Creolettes to the Peaches. He also gave the singer her stage name Etta James. The success gave the group an opening spot on Little Richard’s national tour. Etta decided to leave the group. After leaving The Peaches she had another RnB hit. Her debut album At Last was released in late 1960. In early 1961 James released what was to become her signature song „At Last“. Though the song was not as successful as expected, it has become the most remembered song. In 1963 she had another major hit with „Pushover“. After a couple years scoring minor hits, James’ career started to suffer after 1965, but she continued to chart in the RnB top40 in the early 1970s. Following this brief success, however, she left Chess Records and did not record for another 10 years as she struggeled with drug addiction and alcoholism. Though she continued to perform, little was heard of her until 1987

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Princess Diana’s Time In The Royal Family - Charles’s Point of View

of View 1980 July: I came to the decision that I need to get a wife. I’m getting older and I need someone to enhance my place in The Royal Family, so I’ve had my eye on Diana Frances Spencer, I think she’ll be the perfect wife, she will be in my shadow but she’s good with people and she is beautiful and that’s all that matters. 1981 January: Me and Diana have been serious for over 6 months now. The media is crazy about us, she’s getting quite popular as expected, but the spotlight is still on me. She has come with me to many family events. The Queen likes her and so does her mother. I like her very much and I will ask her to marry me and be The Princess of Wales. 1985 January: It’s been a few years since we got married, we’ve had two kids, Prince William and Prince Harry. Ever since we got married we’ve gotten so much attention, too much of it. Diana is way more popular than me and it makes me jealous but also the constant

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower (esitlus Eiffeli tornist inglise keeles)

Construction and Design · When it was built, many were shocked by the tower's form. Eiffel was accused of trying to create something artistic with no regard to engineering. However, Eiffel and his team understood the importance of wind forces, and knew that if they were going to build the tallest structure in the world. · Equipping the tower with adequate and safe passenger lifts was a major concern of the government overseeing the Exposition. Although some visitors could be expected to climb to the first level, or even the second, there clearly had to be lifts. · Constructing lifts to reach the first level was relatively straightforward, but constructing lifts to the second floor was more difficult. Thanks for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Indefinite pronouns

instead of plural or uncountable nouns. Some is a possible plural form of a/an and one: Have a biscuit/some biscuits. I bought a cake/some cakes. Some, any and none can be used with of + the/this/these/those (+ ...) Some of the staff can speak Portuguese. Did any of your photos come out well? You can take any of these. Some is used: • with affirmative verbs: They bought some honey. • in questions where the answer ‘yes’ is expected: Did some of you sleep on the board? (I expect so.) • in polite offers and requests: Would you like some wine? Could you do some typing for me? Any is used: • With negative verbs: I haven’t got any matches. • With hardly, barely, scarcely (which are almost negatives): I have hardly any spare time. • With without when without any ...= with no ... : He crossed the frontier without any difficulty/with no difficulty.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The Greenhouse Effects

The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are sure about the greenhouse effect. They know that greenhouse gases make the Earth warmer by trapping energy in the atmosphere. Climate Change: Climate is the long-term average of a region's weather events lumped together. For example, it's possible that a winter day in Buffalo, New York, could be sunny and mild, but the average weather ­ the climate ­ tells us that Buffalo's winters will mainly be cold and include snow and rain. Climate change represents a change in these long-term weather patterns. They can become warmer or colder. Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease. Global Warming: Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Book review. A&Q (Slumdog Millionaire)

very interesting. So I decided to read the novel first, because the chances are (predictably and almost consistently so), I would like the book better. Most of the movies that were based on books like Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, and the more recent Marley and Me and multiple award- winning Slumdog Millionaire for example, fell short to its namesake. While they were no doubt entertaining films, fans of the book would have expected more and so would I. The book had a depth and a feeling, that was to me, lost in the movie. Page after page, I was riveted. His mis- adventures were more real, more painful, more lonely somehow - even though he was all of that in the movie too. His ambition was driven by more than love. And through all his life, his personality shone through. He was earnest, street-wise, innocent, likeable, and always, unassumingly profound.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

"Ender's game" powerpoint presentation

­ colonel ­ a brute ­ decides over Ender's life ­ Ender's friend ­ makes his life hard for him to keep improving Plot I · the world needs a commandor to fight the buggers · Ender is chosen as the most likely to be the one · he decides to go to the Battle School · alway gets advanced early · he is always put in difficult situatsions ­ had to fight against two armies · he becomes the best, as expected Plot II · Ender doesn't want to be like his brother Peter · doesn't want to be a killer · is able to do unpleasant and immpossible things ­ won the war outnumberd a thousand to one · Peter has planned to take control on Earth, beeing only 14 · uses their sister for help Plot III · after the war, everyone finally get to go home, except Ender and Valentine · they go to the first bugger colony

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The Magic of Living

Arabella had lived with her aunt and uncle since she had been orphaned at the age of five, and over the years had become accustomed to living in Hilary's shade. Hilary was the daughter of the house and as such expected ­and got-everything she wanted. Arabella could quite see that she could hardly expect to receive the same attention for herself. She was 22 and a trained children's nurse. It was only natural that her aunt should consider her capable of keeping an eye on the twins. In one day Arabella wanted to go to the doctor's house for tea and game of tennis, but her aunt's hints at lunch had been strong enough for her to scotch this idea. She had resigned herself to entertaining the twins

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Christmas differentces of 2 countries:England and Estonia

wrapped in bacon. For dessert they have a blazing Christmas Pudding and for drink eggnog. But, Estonian people Christmas meals are large ­ baked pork or goose struffed with apples or sauerkraut, black pudding with cowberry/red billberry jam, meat jelly with vinegar and strong mustard, glazed ginger-bread. People drink home- brewed ale and mead. Lastly, Father Chistmas in Estonia arrives with a huge bag bulging with gifts in the afternoon. Children are expected to sing, danc or recite poems to claim their presents. But, in England children find their gifts on the morning of Detcember 25 in their stockings bulging with gifts brought by Fater Chistmas at night. Family presents are found under the Christmas tree. Also, children visit Father Christmas in shops, where they recive small presents. Around the world, Christmas celebrations can vary markedly in form, reflecting differing cultural and national traditions

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


QUANTIFIERS 1.Fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many a. It seems to me that we've had ............................... assignments in English this term. b. How ........................................... material can we be expected to read in one week? c. ............................................................... books are not in the library. d. I've had ............................................................ headaches already because of stress. e. ....................................................depression can be attributed to being overworked. 2.Fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many, few, little, most. a. Our jard looks awful this summer.There are too ............................

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

To Room Nineteen

It gives insight about women’s rights and London society on these days. Showes how the perfect lives as they seemed from outside, acctually weren’t that ideal on the inside. The book itself is about a middle-aged woman, Susan, whose life is spinning around her four children, ideal husband and lovely home. Everything seems to be just perfect. When the youngest child went off to school, the seeming peace in this family is soon gone. Susan didn’t find the sense of freedom that she expected. She started thinking about herself she lost in her marriege life and was filled with emotions that were not inherent to her.. As she discovered that it was housework, children and husband, that made her lose her self-identity, she stared to hate everything in the house. Finally, she found a room where she could be alone and independent. In this room she forgot everything, nothing else mattered but her happiness. I enjoyed reading this book because it gave me many thoughts to think about

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Doing business in Australia

*Punctuality is important, it better to arrive a few minutes early. *Offering gifts is not part of Australian business etiquette, but it is acceptable to bring a small gift from your country. *Table manners are same as in Europe. *The person making the invitation generally pays the bill in restaurants. However, it is usual for friends to split the bill. *If you are invited out for a drink, don’t recall the subject of business unless your counterpart does so. *In a pub, each person is expected to pay for a round of drinks. Avoiding your turn to pay will only create a bad impression of you. Body language * Strong eye-contact is essential - it demonstrates involvement. *The accepted distance between people at meetings is an arm's length. *The "thumbs up" gesture is also a vulgar one. So be careful when you want to express joy or victory

Keeled → Business english
1 allalaadimist


SUGULISEL TEEL LEVIVAD HAIGUSED Kaisa-Helena Luht Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Viirushaigused HIV/AIDS AIDS - Omandatud immuunpuudulikkuse sündroom Kuidas nakkab? Kuidas ei nakka? 20 million dead, 39.4 million infected by 2004 25 million AIDS orphans expected by 2010 13 000 new HIV infections every day globally 8000 people dying of AIDS every day, 1 every 10 seconds globally 6.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS in South-East Asia in 2004 95% of infected persons are NOT aware of their HIV status Maailm alates 1999 1999 elas HIV-iga 33,6milj. suri AIDSi 2,6 milj. 2000 elas HIV-iga 36,1milj. suri AIDSi 3,0 milj. 2001 elas HIV-iga 40,0milj. suri AIDSi 3,0 milj. Ja nii igal aastal edasi

Inimeseõpetus → Seksiõpetus
7 allalaadimist

Eclipse fourth chapter (Nature)

Eclipse, Chapter 4 (Nature) The chapter opens with Bella having a bad week. She has accepted the fact the Victoria is still after her because, in all honesty, she never expected her to stop. However, Bella is feeling the need to be changed more now than ever. Carlisle and the others aren't that concerned has there are seven of them. Edward's one reply is that he will have the discussion with her if she meets his condition. Edward goes away hunting with Emmett and Jasper leaving Alice in charge of watching Bella. Bella is hoping to keep her time occupied by working and helping Angela.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kirja kirjutamine inglise keeles

Name Letter of Complaint 1. Salutation 2. Reasons for writing I am writing to complain about a kettle … 3. Complaint with justification / explanation I was disappointed with the quality of the kettle that I bought at your store two days ago. I was appalled at the inferior quality of the kettle that was sold to me at your store two days ago. 4. Expected solution I expect you to replace the kettle or refund the money. I insist that you refund my money or replace the item at once. 5. Closing remarks I look forward to your reply on the matter. I hope this matter will be resolved. 6. Sign-off Letter of application 1. Salutation 2. Reasons for writing I am writing in response to your advertisement in Sakala on Tuesday March 24. I would like to apply for …

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

Also, as it is needed to determine the group’s net third party interest/EBITDA ratio and thereafter apply the group’s ratio to an entity’s EBITDA, these may not be so straightforward to calculate. Therefore, applying the group ratio rule effectively raises a number of issues regarding the accounting rules followed, treatment of loss-making entities in the group, or the availability of consolidated financial reports. The comments to the discussion draft are expected by August 16, 2016. For banking and insurance companies - being net interest income receivers as their business model - the proposed fixed and group ratio rules will not be effective. OECD recognizes that these entities and groups are in most cases well regulated and therefore have lower BEPS risks. The banking and insurance groups are restricted to place debt in certain entities in their group by international regulatory capital requirements

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Serendipity arvustus - NB! inglise keeles

She had also written her own name and number in a book, which she later sold to one of the thousands of book stores in New York. Many years later, both Jonathan and Sara have moved on with their lives and are getting married. As Jonathan opens one of his wedding presents, he discoveres the same book, where Sara, Sara Thomas, had written her phone number. Jonathan then sets out to find the original love of his life, which turns out to be harder than expected, but also leads to one of the funniest scene in the film: Jonathan tries to get information a most unhelpful salesman in the same store, where it all got started. Sara, having also found the five-dollar bill with Jonathan Tragers phone number on it, flies to New York with her friend Eve, who just happens to get invited to Jonathans wedding by his soon-to-be wife. The main characters in the film are Jonathan, who at first is sceptical about Sara's beliefs as

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun