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"science" - 775 õppematerjali

science - du-mythe_978.jpg (14.10.2014) 6. curie/010_pierre-et-marie-curie_theredlist.jpg (13.10.2014) 7. Nobeli preemia kodulehekülg: bio.html (11.10.2014) 8. Nobeli preemia kodulehekülg: curie.

Kasutaja: science

Faile: 0

Science reigns people

Science reigns people Biochemist Isaac Asimov has once said: “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”. The more one thinks about his words, the more they have to be accepted. It is true that science affects people, but the most influential is the part that directly concerns them and their lives. That is why this essay will take a closer look at some of the pros and cons of medical development. I will begin with the positive aspects of medical evolution. Firstly, thanks to advanced medicine, doctors are able to detect diseases at an early stage, or even before they arise, which gives people a longer life. Secondly, knowing how diseases spread and behave is possible

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


1. The use of technology in the classroom can enhance learning. 2. Learning how to use a computer can provide even the youngest students with early knowledge of necessary job skills, from typing and basic research, to learning graphic design, for example. 3. Computer skills allow a child to become exposed to new ways of thinking, using both their creative and logical thought processes. Math, science, art, and other subjects can be incorporated into lesson plans in fun and interesting ways for children of all ages and learning capabilities. As any teacher knows it is essential to keep students engaged. With today's tech-savvy generation the key is using technology like laptops, smartphones, and iPads in the classroom. Today's students have grown up with all this technology, so schools must change with the times and adapt to the way students learn best

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Infootsing viiteandmebaasidest Web of Science ja Scopus.

Iseseisev töö nr. 4 1. Leia, mitu artiklit on Lawler, Andrew avaldanud ajakirjas Science viimase 5 aasta jooksul. a) 24 artiklit (kui arvestada ka 2011. aastat, siis 35). b) Author: Lawler, Andrew. Lisasin otsivälja „Publication name“, kuhu kirjutasin Science ning valisin aastad 2012-2016. c) The battle over violence d) Sort by: Times Cited – highest to lowest e) 6 f) Selle artikli täistekst ei ole üheski andmebaasis avatud. 2. Leia andmebaasist Web of Science artikleid oma kursusetöö teemal ja tee viiteanalüüs. a) Current Organic Chemistry b) 3 c) Otsisin „synthesis of bioactive compounds“, siis valisin Result Analysis1, kust sain valida tulemuste järjestuse Source Titles järgi. c) Panda, Siva S.; Khanna, Pankaj; Khanna, Leena. 29 viidet. d) Panin linnukese ajakirja nime ette ning valisin View Records. 3. Otsing referaatandmebaasis Scopus. a) ((bioreactors) and (wastewater) and (treatment)) and doctype (ar) b) Liu, H., Logan, B.E

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
7 allalaadimist

A science of electrical drives


Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu

Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu Elina Kaldarova MJ212 About AHHAA The aim of AHHAA is to introduce science to everyone AHHAA welcomes visitors of all ages and offers a great opportunity to spend a fun day filled with science! AHHAA It is the biggest science centre in Baltic States! It's located in Tartu, Sadama 1, next to Aura water park In Science Centre AHHAA, you can: try fascinating "hands-on" exhibits on 3000 square meters of exhibition area visit a new temporary exhibition twice a year see exhilarating science theatre shows test your skills and knowledge in various workshops enjoy the breathtaking planetarium shows visit the biggest science shop in Estonia Planetarium In this room you can see over 5 millions stars and take a breathtaking journey through space.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Andmebaaside Compendex Engineering Village, ProQuest Science Journals, Science Direct, EBSCOhostWeb analüüs

Kui sisestasin otsiprofiili thermal treatment AND physical properties AND polyethene, leidsin null artiklit. 2.1.2. Leia Tehnikaülikooli teaduri Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Compendex. Vihje! Õige nimekuju leidmiseks kasuta autori indeksit "Browse Indexes/Author". Sisesta otsikastikesse "Krunks M", vali nimekujud, süsteem kopeerib nimed otsivormi koos Boolei operaatoriga OR. a) mitu artiklit leidsid? Leidsin 59 artiklit. 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. Tutvu andmebaasi ülesehituse ja otsivõimalustega: lihtotsing: Basic Search, kompleksotsing: Advanced Search: otsiväljad, otsingu täpsustamine (Full text, source type, document type jne), tesaurus. 2.2.1.Leia Jim Browni artikkel Tools for all jobs. a) Ava artikli täistekst ja leia, millist firmat Jim Brown juhatab. Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa b) Kirjelda otsistrateegiat:

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
14 allalaadimist


põhjapanevaid saavutusi või sõnastusi teadusvaldkonnas, mis oleks toonud ,,äkki" tunnustuse ka tööd teinud ning vaeva näinud naisele. 9. II Maailmasõda Sõda mõjutab kõike! 10. Naisteadlastel tuli valida ­ kas töö või perekond, kuna väidetavalt ei olnud nad mõlemaks samal ajal suutelised. Selle tõsiasja kinnituseks oli raamatus fakt, et 1923. aastal olid kõik naisteadlased, kes kuulusid ühingusse American Men of Science vallalised. Ja ühingu nimi näitab veelkord ühiskonna suhtumist, eelarvamusi naisteadlastesse. Võib-olla tuleneb see sellest, et naised pühenduvat tööle rohkem, kui mehed? Leidsin internetist 2007. aastal USA's läbiviidud uuringu tulemused, mille kohaselt 70% meesteadlastest on abielus ning lapsevanemad, kuid samade näitajatega naisteadlasi on vaid 44.

Filosoofia → Teadusfilosoofia alused
63 allalaadimist

"Kes kontrollib ilma, kontrollib ka maailma"

Kes kontrollib ilma kontrollib ka maailma. See oli juba kolmas USA teadlaste poolt esile kutsutud torm peale Kolmanda Maailmasõja algust. See torm ründas kohutavate tsunaamide ja keeristormidena Venemaa idarannikul asuvaid linnu. Ühendriigid kavatsesid seda strateegiaat jätkata kuni Venemaa täielikult alistub. Samamoodi ähvardasid nad ka Hiinat ilma jätta nende mussoonvihmadest ­ ka seda kavatsesid nad teha oma uue leiutise abil, mis oli algselt mõeldudpäästmaks tuhandeid inimelusi, suunates eemale ka kõige tugevamad keeristormid. Ilma vihmata, põuas ja toidupuuduses alistuks Hiina ilmselt kiiresti. Kõik see algas pärast seda, kui see hull vabariiklane Ammerika Ühendriikides võimule sai ja Vene ning Hiina riigipäid solvama kukkus. Venemaa, kes muidugi selliseid provokatsioone ei talunud, saatis pärast aastat solvangute talumist oma kõige osavamad palgamõrtsukad USA riigipea kallal. Kolm...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
8 allalaadimist

Which is more important-sport or science?

The arrogance of former sporting superstars is one thing and the godlike status they attain in the eyes of the populace is another. Where will these sports stars be in the event that we have to leave this planet because of the downward spiral of pollution? I will tell you where, in the most expensive and comfortable accommodation available on board the vessels that will disembark our planet. Just then to the reader this article may have taken a turn toward some sort of science fiction that they may think is far beyond anything they will ever have to care about. But the truth is we are almost at the point of no return. It seems in this we are distracting ourselves from the seeming inevitability of our fate by becoming so engrossed in the pursuit of sporting "glory" so as to forget the importance of the pursuit of scientific research and its goals. The many important branches of research involved with the future technologies of humanity

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

QUIZ 1 A science of electrical drives


Mehhatroonika → General Course of Electrical...
3 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 4: Web of Science; e-raamatud; teatmikud

sain 25 tulemust b) Klikides GREAT CITATION REPORT: leidsin artiklite avaldamise arvu aastate lõikes, tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes ning vastava artikli tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes c) kõige enam tsiteeritud artikli pealkiri: Efficient enantioselective reduction of ketones with Daucus carota root kokku 77 tsitaati d) 2010. aastal tsiteeriti seda artiklit 11 korda 1.2. Kasutades otsivõimalust "Cited Reference Search" leia TTÜ professori Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Web Of Science. a) Milliseid andmebaasi poolt pakutud nimekujusid kasutasid: kasutasin Krunks M b) Artiklite arv: 84 c) Kõige suurema viitamiste arvuga artikli viitamiste arv ja kaasautorid: viidati 132 korda, kaasautorid puudusid 2.1. Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" koobalti (cobalt) sulamis- ja keemispunktid a) Otsivõimalus, mida kasutasid aine leidmiseks: panin TEXT SEARCH otsivälja

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
18 allalaadimist


Canada A Mari Usque Ad Mare Official language(s) English, French Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, Cree, Recognised regional languages Dëne Sliné, Gwich'in, Inuvialuktun, Slavey, Tlch Yatiì Languages in Canada North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean spanning over 9.9 million square kilometers, Canada is the world's second largest country by total area its common border with the United States is the longest land border in the world. Some facts The land that is now Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of Aboriginal peoples beginning in the late 15th century, British and French France ceded ...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
13 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

A good reason to doubt - 49 other peaople have the same opinion. Falsifia​ble​ ​→ possible​; ​not falsifi​ed World disappeared in 2012 and got recreated 3 secs later → ​unfalsifiable​ - cannot prove it’s true/wrong, cannot provide any tests to prove it. Or​ - one or another but not both → ​exclusive - one or another (both) → ​inclusive​ (Invited those who are managers or specialists - both) Arguments valid or not - logic is a science where to decide it Different arguments lead to different methods. 1 - Recognizing arguments What is an argument? An ​argument​ is a group of statements, so that one or more of them (called the ​premises​) is said to provide support for one of the others (called the ​conclusion​). When the course starts, you should listen But the course has started Therefore, you should listen. What is a Statement?​ Statements ​are declared sentence.

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Poliitika keskkond ja sotsialiseerimine

Poliitika keskkond ja sotsialiseerimine Politoloogia – Political Science Poliitikateaduse teema on poliitika, kuid poliitika piire õppevormina defineerida ei ole sugugi lihtne, kuna ta hõlmab väga suurt ala. Poliitiline teadus on katse rakendada teaduslikke meetodeid, et saada paremini aru poliitilises maalimas toimuvast läbi süstemaatilise ja analüüsiva mõtlemise. Poliitikateadus aitab meil luua paremaid kontseptsioone, meetodeid ja üldistusi poliitilise maailma kohta. Poliitikateadus on teadus, mis uurib poliitilisi institutsioone

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
19 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

TEKST 2. Durbin, Paul T. (1984). A Guide to The Culture of Science, Technology, 3. Broad Synthetic vs. Narrow Analytic. Third, one may approach science and Medicine. ­ The Free Press. pp. 217-222. (Katkendid) from a narrow analytic or a broad synthetic point of view. That is, one could see one's task as primarily dissecting various features of science to see how they look or work, or C. Frameworks for Philosophy of Science as primarily locating science within a broader framework of human activities and artifacts. Questions about, for example, the form and function of scientific explanations

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu interditsiplinaarsetest andmebaasidest.

Iseseisev töö nr. 3 1. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. b) ("tools for all jobs") AND (jim brown OR brown jim) c) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. He also serves as the product lifecycle management specialist for the PLM Evaluation Center at Technology Evaluation Centers in Montreal. d) Laiemad märksõnad:  environment Kitsamad märksõnad:  aquatic ecosystems  oceans

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
2 allalaadimist

Fast Development of modern technology- a blessing or a curse?

Fast Development of modern technology- a blessing or a curse? Science and technology have brought about tremendous changes in people's lives. Scientific research continues to explore the fields that people previously undreamed of. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like computers, lasers and space-scuttles. Now all these newly invented technologies are benefiting people all over the world. In a word, advanced science and technology has made man master of the globe. As is known to all, each coin has two sides. When we are enjoying the

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia esitlus

Schools of economics and engineering go under this category too. · Art schools: that focus on visual art, music and similar. They take four years. Higher education Students can enroll into two basic kinds of higher education: · Polytechnic schools (veleuciliste), higher level education. · Universities (sveuciliste), highest level education. University study that lasts five years The levels of expertise are: · Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts (prvostupnik) · Master of Science and Master of Arts (magistar) · Master of Education (magistar edukacije) · Doctor of Science and Doctor of Arts (doktor) People who previously completed a Polytechnic schools or Universities were classified as "higher expertise" Primary and secondary education is essentially free because it is mostly sponsored by the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The truth pushes our world forward

The truth pushes our world forward 1. Truth has helped us to study and learn more about our world, not like religion and bible have done. Religion did not let science to evolve, but thanks to the sciences like Galileo Galilei science evolved because he was brave enough to say that earth is not the centre of the world. 2. Truth always comes out, Crusade wars began because of Turks conquered the holy lands and mistreated the Christians not because Christians wanted to increase their religion that happened later after the Crusade wars. 3. The Bible put humans to believe that we all are Childs of Adam and Eve but in fact humans evolved from

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter I have always known that I want to engage oneself with science. I am interested in how different things react with each other, their influence on human and realised that I can find all these in food science and nutrition. Nowadays people try to improve their food excesses, however, they do this incorrectly. People restrict themselves in food, but in such a manner they are depriving themselves of the important components necessary for the efficiency of the body. Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

overturned the authority of the Middle Ages and the classical world. And by authority I am not referring specifically to that of the Church the demise of its authority was already well under way even before the Lutheran Reformation had begun. The authority I am speaking of is intellectual in nature and consisted of the triad of Aristotle(384322) and Ptolemy (c.90168). The revolutionaries of the new science had to escape their intellectual heritage [ pärandus ]. With this in mind, the revolution in science which emerged [ kerkis esile ] in the 16th and 17th centuries has appeared as a watershed in world history. The long term effects of both the Scientific Revolution and the modern acceptance and dependence upon science can be felt today in our daily lives. And not with standing some major calamity science and the scientific spirit will be around for centuries to come.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist


alates aastast 2015 kuni 2019. Esita tulemuste kuvast ekraanipilt. 3 e) Mitu vastet väljastas andmebaas nende parameetrite alusel?111 Vaata tulemuslehel lähemalt artiklit „Antimicrobial activity of bioactive starch packaging films against Listeria monocytogenes and reconstituted meat microbiota on ham.” f) Kes on artikli autorid ja mis ajakirjas see artikkel ilmus? Zhao Y; Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada. Teixeira JS; Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada. Saldaña MDA; Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada. Gänzle MG; Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada; Hubei University of Technology, College of Bioengineering and

Infoteadus → Andmebaasid ja infootsingud
6 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia

• Art schools: that focus on visual art, music and similar. They take four years. People who completed secondary school are classified as "medium expertise“. 6 Higher education Students can enroll into two basic kinds of higher education: • Polytechnic schools (veleučilište), higher level education. • Universities (sveučilište), highest level education. The levels of expertise are: • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts (prvostupnik) • Master of Science and Master of Arts (magistar) • Master of Education (magistar edukacije) • Doctor of Science and Doctor of Arts (doktor) People who previously completed a Polytechnic schools or Universities were classified as having "higher expertise" 7 Primary and secondary education is essentially free because it is mostly sponsored by the Ministry of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Artiklite otsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Iseseisev töö nr. 6 Andmebaas ScienceDirect Web of Science You searched for: TOPIC: ("synthesis of bioactive compounds") AND DOCUMENT TYPES: (Article) AND LANGUAGE: (English) Otsiprofiilid Timespan: 2014-2016. Indexes: SCI-

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
4 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil 2.1.1.Leia kompleksotsinguga Quick Search artikleid teemal Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene a) otsivälju "All Fields" - leidsin 176 kirjet b) otsivälju "Ei controlled terms"- leidsin 4 kirjet 2.1.2. Leia Tehnikaülikooli teaduri Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Compendex a) mitu artiklit leidsid? Leidsin 59 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals 2.2.1.Leia Jim Browni artikkel Tools for all jobs. a) Ava artikli täistekst ja leia, millist firmat Jim Brown juhatab - Tech-Clarity Inc b) Kirjelda otsistrateegiat: otsiprofiil: au(Jim Browni) AND (Tools for all jobs) 2.2.2. Ava andmebaasi ProQuest tesaurus: Advanced Search/Thesaurus a) esita kitsamad ja laiemad märksõnad, mida võib kasutada ökosüsteemide (ecosystems) kohta kirjanduse leidmisel. - laiemad (broader) märksõnad: environment

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
16 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access eajakirjad

C5&as_sdtp=on 7440 tulemust Kuna tulemusi on nii palju , leidub nendes ka väga palju kasulikke artikleid, kuid nende leidmine nii paljude hulgast on raske. Nende hulgas oli palju artikleid, mille täistekstid on TTÜ raamatukogus saadaval. 2) Kasutasin ANVANCED SCHOLAR SEARCH: biocatalytic and stereochemical and synthesis ajapiiranguks 2005-2012 otsingu ainevaldkondadeks valisin BIOLOGY, LIFE, SCIENCE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ja CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE %3Abiocatalytic+and+stereochemical+and+synthesis&btnG=Search&as_sdt= 0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0 1950 tulemust Piiratud otsinguga saadud tulemused on kõik asjalikud ja kasulikud. Paljud täistekstid saadaval TTÜ raamatukogus 3) Otsing Yahhoo´st. Kasutasin inglise keelt: biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis;_ylt=Aur0Lgsn1nx5CzTv_t7fiHSbvZx4?

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
15 allalaadimist

James Hiller

James Hiller James Hillier (Born August 22, 1915 in Brantford, Ontario and died January 15, 2007 in Princeton, New Jersey) was a Canadian scientist and inventor who designed and built the first electron microscope in North America in 1938. As a boy, James Hillier thought he would like to be a commercial artist. Instead, he turned out to have a talent for mathematics and physics, and won a science scholarship to the University of Toronto. There, he and fellow student Albert Prebus invented the world's first practical electron microscope. Their first device magnified objects to 7,000 times their original size. Electron microscopes work by focussing a beam of electrons, rather than a beam of light. Hillier spent many years refining the electron microscope and marketing it to research laboratories and universities, receiving a total of 41 patents for devices and processes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kitsede söötmisalased uuringud

Kitsede söötmisalased uuringud Sissejuhatus · Kits on väikemäletsejaline loom ja tema põhisöötadeks on rohusöödad. · Karjamaal eelistavad kitsed süüa karjamaarohu ülemist fronti, samas ei meeldi neil süüa rohu varsi · Kõik kitsetõud ,sõltumata soost ja vanusest vajavad samu toitaineid [] Kitsede söötmine Ida- Aafrikas · Halva kvaliteediga karjamaad · Suurt rolli mängivad ilmastikuolud- kuiv periood · Banaani, puuvilla kook, maisi jäätmed Vesi · On üks kõige olulisem komponent söötmisel. · Vee kvaliteet peab olema hea, vesi ei tohi olla roiskunud · Paigutades joogivee ümbrusesse kive ja kruusa ­ vähendab see haigusi, nt sõramädanik · Söötes rohelist karjamaa rohtu, on veetarbimine väiksem, kui kuiva heina söötes....

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Filosoofid, kes räägivad teadusest

- If there is something else that seems to be more true, people just ignore or reject it to be true so that the former opinion can hold true. - Example: A man was shown a picture hanging in a temple of all the people who had paid their vows as having escaped shipwreck. He was asked if he now acknowledged the power of god. He replied "Yes, but where is the picture of those who drowned after their vows?" - This can also be seen in philosophy and science - Against Aristotle's "final causes" - People should use methods of induction instead: 1. The table of Presence: - we must know all instances in which the nature is present - collect our data without any prejudice 2. The table of Absence: - we must investigate the absence of the given nature in things which are similar to things which have that nature.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
10 allalaadimist

H. G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) a Brief Biography Sometimes called the father of modern science fiction, H.G. Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, Kent, England. His father, a professional cricket player and shopkeeper, and his mother, a former lady's maid, raised Wells with the idea that he would find a place in the work world that they were accustomed. He aspired to a different place in society. When he was thirteen, he left school to become a draper's apprentice, a job his family expected would be proper for a boy of his station. The work repelled him, however.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 6: Erialainfo otsing; patendiotsing

1. Teemaotsing internetist 1. Google Scholar Advanced Scholar Search Find articles with all of the words ­ biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis Collections ­ Articles & patents ­ Search only articles in the following subject areas: Biology, Life Sciences and Enviromental Science; Chemistry and Materials Science; Medicine, Pharmacology and Veterinary Science Leidsin 6 310 tulemust Leheküljed tundusid head, leidsin mitmeid online raamatukogusid. Artiklid tundusid sisukad. Biocatalytic synthesis of polymers. Synthesis of an optically active, epoxy- substituted polyester by lipase-catalyzed polymerization. (1989). [WWW] (03.04.2012) 2. Yahoo! Advanced Web Search

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
20 allalaadimist

Philosophy today

Most contemporary philosophers follow one of two approaches ­ "Continental" philosophy ­ "Analytic" philosophy Continental philosophy is more influential on the European continent Analytic philosophy is predominant in the major research universities in the English-speaking world Analytic Philosophy Analytic philosophy developed from attempts in the early 20th century to make our concepts precise. The model of this procedure was science. Emphasis in contemporary analytic philosophy is on language and meaning, and meaning is understood as a relation between language and objective reality. Thus, understanding the structure of language is what reveals the structure of reality. Continental Philosophy At the same time that analytic philosophy was emerging, E. Husserl was developing his "phenomenological" approach to philosophy. He too emphasized high standards of clarity and

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Impulsi jäävuse uurimine

Programm Science Workshop arvutab mölema käru asendi igal diskreetsel ajahetkel ning joonistab liikumist iseloomustava graafiku -- kuidas muutub vankrikeste asend aja jooksul. Graafikutelt vöime leida vankrite kiirused enne ja pärast pörget (Linear Fit). Leides vankrikeste massid, vöime arvutada mölema vankri impulsid enne ja pärast pörget. I OSA: Arvuti seadistamine ja töö ettevalmistamine 1. Uhenda Science Workshop interfeis arvutiga, lülita sisse interfeis ja lülita sisse ka arvuti. Esimese liikumissensori pistikud ühendage interfeisi digitaalpesadesse 1 ja 2 (Digital Channels l and 2), kollane pistik esimesse sisendisse. Teise liikumissensori pistikud ühendage interfeisi digitaalsisenditesse 3 ja 4 (kollane pistik sisendisse 3). Avage Science Workshop`i fail p16_con1.sws.

Füüsika → Füüsika
33 allalaadimist

Rühmatöö Open Access

1. andmebaasi loomise aeg; Open Access ( Open Access ehk avatud juurdepääs on andmebaas, mis tagab piiranguteta ja tasuta juurdepääsu teadusinformatsioonile internetis. Avatud juurdepääsu oluline külg on selle kiire levik üle kogu maailma. ( Andmebaasi loomise alguseks loetakse 1990-ndaid aastaid. ( Aastal 2003 oli loodud ajakirjade register. (https://moodle.e-, Projekti eesmärgiks oli koguda elektrooniliste teadusajakirjade ja tagada vaba juurdepääsu tasuta teadlaskonna liikmetele. ( Idee luua kataloog avatud juurdepääsuga kiideti heaks ainult aastal 2002 Esimese Põhjamaade konverentsil Lundis (Rootsi) ja Kopenhaagenis (Taani). ( Tuginedes proovivõtu tu...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
7 allalaadimist

Marika Almar LochNess

Loch Ness Monster Nyo Science School Class 10B Supervisor: Meeli Lepisk Author: Marika Almar Loch Ness Status of a classic phenomenon Popularity endures Best known cryptozoological creature Most-sighted monsters 1000 feet deep 24 miles long 6th century The Picts - the main inhabitants Strange beast in the Scottish highlands The first references 1930-1933 1930s ­ new road 1933 - a couple reported an enormous animal Observations Footprints 1934 Robert Wilson's photo First photo of a "head and neck" Snapped 5 photos 1975 ­ photo was fake 1975 An American-based expedition Possibly an ancient reptile 2011 George Edwards' photograph The most convincing Nessie photograph ever 2013 David Elder - amateur photographer References http://ww...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei Rauno Tapner 10M 2017 Basic information Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy, on 15 February 1564. He was an Italian polymath: astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, mathematician He has been called the: father of observational astronomy father of modern physics father of scientific method father of science Education At the age of 4, Galileo told his father that he wanted to be a monk. This was not exactly what father had in mind, so Galileo withdrew from the monastery. In 1581, at the age of 17, he gave into his father´s wishes entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his father wished. By 1585 he gave up his courses in medicine and left without completing a degree to become a mathematics teacher. What he did? Galileo discovered how the earth moves.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of television

TV teaches the ideals of democracy and political argument. Watching television can be compared with reading books. It provides an outlet for creative talents. By the beginning of the 21-th century TV became a coloured world network. Numerous programmes people can receive by satellite or cable. The choice of the channels ranges from six to twenty. These channels show programmes of various kinds from documentaries, current events and sports to programmes American films and science fiction cartoons. Now this medium of communication allows people to see and speak with each other if they are separated by thousands of kilometres. TV bridges between Russia and the USA once were very popular. They showed that TV was a unifying force and that our planet in reality is a small world. Previously innovations were promoted on TV. TV shocked, surprised and stimulated. It brought ballet, opera, and theatre to big masses of people. It was even in the vanguard of new drama

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Infoteadus, infoteaduse protsessid, teadusliku informatsioonikäsitlus, infokriis al 19 sajandil.

a oma käsitluse informatsiooni hajumisest (Bradford, S.C. Sources of information on specific subjects. Engineering, 137 (1934), 8586) ning sõnastas informatsiooni hajumise seaduse (Law of Scattering, Law of Scatter, Bradford's Distribution), Bradfordi seadus. Alfred James Lotka (1880­1949) rakendas statistilisi meetodeid, et mõõta teadlaste produktiivsust (Lotka, A.J. 1926. The frequency distribution of scientific productivity. Journal of Washington Academy of Science 16, 317 323 ). Ta analüüsis bibliograafiaid ja leidis seaduspärasuse, et keskmiselt 61% kõigist autoritest on andnud bibliograafiasse ühe artikli. Statistilisi meetodeid rakendati ka selleks, et mõõta sõnade sagedust tekstides. Harvard lingvistikaprofessori George Kingsley Zipf (19021950) nime on saanud nn Zipf'i seadus. Tegemist on esinemissageduse analüüsiga. George K. Zipf'i seadus ütleb, et sõna esinemissagedus mingis tekstis on seoses selle sõna esinemiste arvuga (Zipf, G.K

Informaatika → Infoteadus- ja...
101 allalaadimist

USA Cinema

 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science- is a professional honorary organization  Ceremony history- the first Academy Awards (were handed out on May 16, 1929)  A. Katharine Hepburn and Meryl Streep – (most nominations, most wins)  Walt Disney- holds a record with 64 nominations  John Williams- the most nominated living person(39) Film Genres  Introtution- (the western, crime (gangster), horror, the musical, science fiction and comedy)  Genre Categories- (can never be precise)  Examples of Sub-genres- (aviation films, biographical films, buddy films, caper films, chase films, disaster films, documentary films...)

Filmikunst → Film
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Adventure-seiklus Crime-kuritegu Detective-detektiiv* Ghost-kummitus* Historical-ajalooline* Horror-õudus* Science fiction-ulmekirjandus Spy-spioon Travel-reisimine* Boring-igav* Complicated-keeruline Educational-haridus Exciting-põnev Fantastic-fantastiline* Fascinating-paeluv Funny-naljakas* Hilarious-lõbus Imaginative-kujutlusvõime Interesting-huvitav* Outstanding-väljapaistev Romantic-romantiline* Scary-õudne/hirmutav* Case- tagaajamine Violently- vägivaldselt Cab-takso Slippers- sussid Test tube- katseklaas Astonished-üllatunud Whisper-sosistama Convinced-veendunud Mutter-podisema Destroy-hävitama Rather nervous-üpris närvis Watch-käekell* Rush-kiirustama Horrid-kohutav Eccentric-ekstsentrik Passing cab-mööduv takso Gentelman-härrasmees* Incredibly excited-uskumatult põnevil Anarchist-anarhist Forging-võltsima Contents of the tube-tuubi sisu Water supply-veevarustus Drops of liquid-vedeliku tilguad Remaining drops-ülejäänud (tilgad...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

My work is mostly based on a book "Building a Diverse Work Force: Scientists and Engineers in the Office of Naval Research, which was written by Committee to Study Diversity in the Scientific and Engineering Work Force of the Office of Naval Research, National Research Council in 1997. The Office of Naval Research has for 50 years been in the forefront of research and development in the USA, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. Predating the National Science Foundation, ONR is one of the oldest federal agencies whose mission is to fund external research and development in support of national security needs. It continues today to be viewed as a premier R&D organization where the best science and engineering is identified, supported, and applied to meet national security requirements. The rapidly changing human resources environment in the United States portends significant changes in the talent pool from which ONR will develop its future work force

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

What makes a good leader?

What makes a good leader? Almost every employee has a leader who leads and co-ordinates his workers. Furthermore, we all lead our lives with minor exceptions. Every person is unique and each leaders has different leading techniques. First of all, leadership is an art. It is because it continually evolves, changes form, and requires creativity. It is a science because there are certain principles and techniques required. A good leader knows when it is time to change shape. A great leader allows creativity to be unleashed and takes risks. Person like that can transform his or her organization for major developement. A good leader needs to be able to laugh but a great leader should be abel to laugh at oneself. Secondly, a good leader is considering with his employees. Of course he or she has to have

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


She have many awards- most important is the nobel prize, She was 87 then. Making the oldest winner of the literatur prize at the time of the award The communist theme- was writing radically on social issues ( the good terrorist- 1985) And when she left her family and moved to salisbury she joined Left Book Club , a group of Communists "who read everything, and who did not think it remarkable to read." ... and the sufi theme-which was explored in the Canopus in Argos sequence of science fiction ( sequence of five science fiction novels) But it was not popular,

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Report for Frankenstein

Report Title: ,,Frankenstein'' Author: Mary Shelley Genre: Novel Setting (time): 19th century Setting (place): North Pole, Europe (Switzerland, Scotland, England) Tone: magical, dark, mysterious, ghostly Themes: love, loneliness, science, human tendency Introduction Frankenstein was first published in March, 1818. This book is also known as The Modern Prometheus. Frankenstein is one of the most popular works of gothic horror and science fiction literature and it is considered to be one of the best known novels of English Romanticism. Characters Robert Walton: Walton is a well-educated sea captain who wants to explore the North Pole. He meets Victor there and then he writes Victor's story to his sister. Victor Frankenstein: A young man who is interested in science, chemistry and nature and he is the creator of the monster. Elizabeth Frankenstein: The wife of Victor and who is later killed by the monster. She is

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Kantserogeenid põhjavees

 495 vastet, 460 artiklid ja 35 raamatulõigud  Belluck, D. A., Benjamin, S. L., Dawson, T. Groundwater Contamination by Atrazine and Its Metabolit es . – ACS Symposium Series, 1991, 459, 254-273. [Online] ACS Publications (07.04.2013)  Atrasiin – toksiline aine, mille maapinnas degradeerumisel tekkinud laguprodukte peetakse võrdselt mürgiseks ning võimalikeks kantserogeenideks inimeste suhtes. OTSING  Web of Science – suur andmebaas, kuid pole keemiapõhine  Carcinogen AND groundwater AND organisms OR health  92 vastet, millest 84 artiklit  Xie, Y.; Guo, C.; Ma, R.; Xu, B.; Gao, N.; Dong, B.; Xia, S. Effect of dissolved organic matter on arsenic removal by nanofiltration. – Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51 (10-12), 2269-2274. [Online] Web of Science (08.04.2013)  Arseen – naha- ja kehasiseste vähkide tekitaja

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. 2.1.1. a) Thermal treatment and physical properties and polyethylene b) ((((thermal treatment) WN All fields) AND ((physical properties) WN All fields)) AND ((polyethylene) WN All fields)) c) 200 artiklit d) Thermal treatment and physical properties and polyethylene e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.1.2 a) 69 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Valisin advanced search. Sealt sisestasin otsiprofiili "Tools for all jobs" in Document title. Tegin linnukese full texti ette, autoriks kirjutasin "Jim Brown". Dokumendi tüübiks valisin Article. 2.2.2 a) · laiemad märksõnad: environment · kitsamad märksõnad: aquatic ecosystems, arid zones, coastal plains, coral reefs,

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
5 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Ülesanne 2 Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. 2.1.1 b) ((Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene.) WN All fields) c) 189 artiklit e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.1.2 a) 68 articles found in Compendex for 1969-2014: ((({KRUNKS MALLE}) WN AU) OR (({KRUNKS M.}) WN AU)) 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Otsistrateegia : Kõige pealt kirjutasin otsingulahtrisse Tools for all jobs seejärel panin Advanced Search ja sealt kirjutasin teise otsingukasti Jim Brown ja panin in Autors- AU , kahe otsingufraasi vahel oli AND 2.2.2 a) o laiemad märksõnad: environment

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist

"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne

o Jules Verne was a French novelist o He was born on February 8, 1828 at Nantes, France o Studied Law in Paris o Took up writing in his early twenties o His first major success was in 1864 ­ Voyage to the Centre of the Earth o Died on March 24, 1905 at Amiens o Considered to be the `father' of science fiction o Professor Pierre Aronnax ­ the main character, narrator, a professor in the museum in Paris of Natural History; gruff, unrefined and a classic pedant. o Conseil ­ Aronnax's domestic servant, 30 years old, knowledgeable of science, never complains o Ned Land - a Canadian and the king of harpooners, a large and quiet man, easily angered when contradicted. o Captain Nemo- the antagonist of the novel, creator of the Nautilus. o takes place in 1866.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


N n är är v vi i d d, Neuron Närvirakukeha ja tuum Närvirakud on loomade ühed pikimad dendriit rakud. Närvirakud ei jagune. Närvirakukehad Neuriit asuvad pea- või seljaajus ja müeliinkest moodustavad aju hallaine. Jätked valgeaine ja presünaps närvid Dendriidid toovad erutusi, neuriidid juhivad edasi nt lihastesse. Närvirakke mööda kanduvad edasi elektrilised signaalid ­ närviimpulsid (kuni 100 m/sek). Sünaps Neuronite vaheline ühendus, mis võimaldab närviimpulsi üleminekut ühelt neuronilt teisele. Mõnel neuronil võib olla üle 10000 sünapsi st, et samapalju on vastuvõtvaid sünaps rakke tema ümber. Igas sünapsis saab impul...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Susan Engelken for her kind smoking, packaging, novel technologies, support and coordination of this book. and cleaning. The second part describes the manufacture and main characteristics of Fidel Toldrá ix Contributors Irene Allais Susan Brewer Cemagref, UMR Genial, Equipe Automat Food Science and Human Nutrition, & Qualite Alimentaire, 24 Av Landais, University of Illinois, USA. F-63172 Aubiere 1, France. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Janice A. Callahan Keizo Arihara Food Technology and Safety Laboratory, Department of Animal Science, Kitasato Bldg 201, BARC-East, Beltsville, Maryland University, Towada-shi, Aomori 034-8628, 20705, USA

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun