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"nature" - 890 õppematerjali

nature – volcanoes, lava fields, waterfalls, geysers and hot pools Kingdom of Denmark ● Capital - Copenhagen ● Language - Danish ● Size – 43,094 square kilometers ● Population – 5,564,219 ● Flag – red,white Scandinavian cross ● Emblem – 3 crowned lions ● Symbols – swan, red clover, beech


nature What is nature? Nature, in broadest sense, is material world- all the universum. In smaller sense, nature is part of world, which is not influenced by humen activity. Where come from word nature? The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant "birth". Natura was a Latin translation of the Greek word physis which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord. Most Beautiful Places Of The World We quite often see and read about manmade wonders of the world but have

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

English nature

Form 10A 2009 Introduction The climate is cyclical England is in the middle latitude The English weather changes frequently 52% of the year is overcast England is washed by the warm Gulf Stream Spring March, April, May Wild areas may still be cold and muddy Animals start emerging from their hibernation Plants start blooming Sun and showers Summer Plants and animals start breeding Warm weathers The landscapes are covered with flowers Warm rain The average temperature ranges from 10 0C ­ 150C Britain's highest temperature recorded is 38.5°C in August 2003 Autumn Birds are returning after migrating from the north Birds start growing their winter plumage. Many flowers fade Trees reveal their autumn colours It rains more often Winter Animals start hibernating Flowers are rare Not much snow because of the Gulf Stream The average temperature ranges from 0 0C­ 5 0C; The lowest temperature recorded is -27.2°C in 1895 Flora Plants usual...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Haanja Nature Park

Haanja Nature Park Where? When? Located: Võru County, in the Haanja Uplands Area:About 20 000 ha History: 1957- Suur-Munamägi, Vällamägi protection 1997 ­ Haanja landscape reserve was created What are habitats there? Farmhouses are spread far apart Plains of glacial river Plains of glacial lake Small plots of land Poor arable land Morainplains Grasslands Pastures Inhabitants Braun's holly fern Yellow hydrangea Lady's-slipper orchid Hairy Maarja-leaf Animals · Roe · Badger · Boar · Beaver · Fox · Mink · Gray rabbit · Otter · Moose · Shrew · Red deer · Lynx What can visitors do there? Suur Munamägi The primaeval forest of Vä...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Estonia's nature

Estonia is a small country in Northern Europe with an area of about 45 000 sq km. The country's climate is determined by the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The summer temperatures are a little lower than the average of that latitude, but the winters are considerably warmer. As a part of the East-European Plain, the country has a rather flat surface. The highest and most topographically variagated region in Estonia is in the south-eastern part of the country. The Sakala Upland plains offer contrast to the hills of Ottepää, Karula and Haanja. At 318 metres, Suur Munamägi ('Great Egg Hill') is not only the highest point in Estonia, but of all the Baltic countries. The country has 3974 km of coastline, while the land border, in comparison, is only a mere 633 km. The coast varies from limestone cliff in the north to sandy beaches in the west. Most of Estonia's many islands belong to the West Estonian archipelago. The largest islands are Sa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ireland's nature

Ireland's nature Katry Mets Ireland Ireland is a country in north- western Europe. Irelands capital is Dublin The highest point being Carrauntoohil (at 1,038 m or 3,406 ft) The longest river in Ireland is the River Shannon. The Roads in Ireland are very narrow and are lined on both sides by stone walls. The Aran islands The Aran Islands comprise three islands (Inis Mór, Inis Meáin and Inis Óirr) located at the mouth of Galway Bay. The names are Irish language for 'the big island', 'the middle island', 'the south island`. The Aran Islands are rich in the language, culture and heritage of Ireland. The islands can be reached by sea by catching a ferry or by plane. The Burren The Burren, from the Gaelic word Boireann is an area of limestone rock covering imposing majestic mountains, and valleys with gently meandering streams. Monuments ar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Eclipse fourth chapter (Nature)

Eclipse, Chapter 4 (Nature) The chapter opens with Bella having a bad week. She has accepted the fact the Victoria is still after her because, in all honesty, she never expected her to stop. However, Bella is feeling the need to be changed more now than ever. Carlisle and the others aren't that concerned has there are seven of them. Edward's one reply is that he will have the discussion with her if she meets his condition. Edward goes away hunting with Emmett and Jasper leaving Alice in charge of watching Bella. Bella is hoping to keep her time occupied by working and helping Angela. Unfortunately when she gets to Newton's they don't need her to work and a flyer saying "Save the Olympic Wolf" causes Bella to head straight to La Push. Bella arrives at La Push greeted by a shocked yet extremely happy Jacob. Bella instantly feels like the Bella she used to be with Jake, less responsible and carefree. They walk to First Beach and talk ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Dioxins and furans in the atmosphere

D i ox i n s a n d f u r a n s i n t h e atmosphere. Their impact on humans and nature. Emission sources What are dioxines and furans? The term Dioxin is commonly used to refer to a family of toxic chemicals that all share a similar chemical structure and a common mechanism of toxic action. Most dioxins and furans are not manmade or produced intentionally, but are created when other chemicals or products are made. This family includes: seven of the polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins (PCDDs), ten of the polychlorinated dibenzo furans (PCDFs) and

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Australian nature, cities and animals.

Australia Kaspar Rätsep G1A Australian nature · Australian nature is extremely diverse and interesting. It's the driest inhabited continent, only its south-east and south-west corners have a temperate climate. · The climate of Australia is significantly influenced by ocean currents, which is correlated with periodic drought, and produces cyclones in northern Australia. · Much of the northern part of the country has a tropical summer rainfall (monsoon) climate. The southwest corner of the country has a Mediterranean climate

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Weather and Nature in Estonia

Winter is very crafty, some days temperature can be around 5 degrees below zero, but sometimes can be 20 degrees below zero.If you like skiing then winter in Estonia is a best time for it. In my opinion, summer time is a best time for me. But I like winter too. Nature in Estonia is also very beautiful. I wanted to tell about some birds and flowers in Estonia : there are ... I often think about our environment.For example, smoke from factories and garbage.Every one of us must protect our nature and there are a lot of ways doing it. I like Estonia weather and nature very much, because I like diversity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


REPORT To: local authorities From: a member of the Nature Club Subject: environmental situation at Poku Date: 22 February 2012 As a member on the Nature Club I have decided to write a report describing the environmental situation and make some recommendations based of the opinion poll. The situation at Poku is satisfying. Water and noise pollution is low because there are no cities around here. Wildlife is good and getting better because we have beautiful forests near Poku which gives good living and development places for wild animals. Paper and glass recycling is well organized

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Idealization of nature in Romantic poetry

Idealization of Nature in Romantic Poetry One of the main characteristics of romanticism in general is the constant praising of nature and connecting it with almost everything. As the second half of the 18 th century was the time of the industrial revolution, urbanization and mankind's distancing from nature in every way, it is not surprising that as a result it became more and more important to and valued by people ­ it had suddenly become something remote and far from everyday life, somewhat a luxury. The utmost way this luxury manifests in romantic poetry is nature's ability to help whoever takes the time to value its divinity get in touch with themselves and get away from everything that might influence their way of acting. Nature provides the ideal atmosphere and

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

The usa's general information and nature

largest country both by land area and population It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations The U.S. economy is the world's largest national economy Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Nature America consists of 50 states. 48 of them are on North American continent and 2 of them (Alaska and Hawaii) are separated. Alaska is separated by Canada and Hawaii lies in the Pacific Ocean. America shares borders with Canada, Mexico and Russia. America is surrounded by three oceans ­ Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean. It's also bounded with Gulf of Mexico and Bering Strait. The highest point in America is Mount McKinley (6,194 m) in Alaska.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

How has the nature of fame changed?

the Golden Age of Hollywood. Back in the day, celebrities were presented as incomparably glamorous, flawless beings, closer to gods than humans. Fame was controlled not by the famous and certainly not by the audience, but by the owners of the media. The lives of the rich and the famous used to be mysterious and even inexplicable. It was so foreign and artificial a construct that we thought that fame made you special. The rise of reality TV, however, was a major step in the changing nature of celebrity. “Normal people” became stars overnight. The dominance of smartphones and social media has meant that the public records everything: nervous breakdowns, breakups and displays of erratic behavior, and popular celebrities seem to have become beloved for being like us – or at least more photogenic versions of us. These days, celebrity at the most basic level, just simply means “being known” among a group of people and having a certain opinion that others look up to

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism

The advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism has both ­ the good sides and the bad sides. A lot depends on the country as much it depends of its people. The good side is definitely the environment and society, which enrich and develop into many directions. So do people, too. New languages spread to schools all over the world and people learn and try out new things such as new oriental cuisines and much more. Many different traditiones expand that way. On the other side, people are different and probably, when they move to another country, they expect or hope, that there is better life, but often they are wrong. The obstacle can very easily be even the language. If you don't know or understand the language of the country, it can be very tricky to live on. But in good will, learning the language isn't very hard, unless you're learning Chinese symbols. The threat of terr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Estonian University of Life Sciences

Estonian University of Life Sciences What can be learnt? • A lot of subjects, which are connected of life sciences • Examples: • Veterinary Medicine • Horticulture(aiandus) • Forestry(metsandus) • Environmental Protection(keskkonnakaitse) • Nature tourism What are the requirements to get in? • Estonian exam • Math exam(narrow/wide) • Average mark • Admission exam(vastuvõtueksam) Facilities • Library • Dormitories(ühiselamud) • Sport facilities • Different institutes • Võrtsjärve Learning centre • Animal clinic • Organic centre Fees • Depends: • 1.Free • 2. 650 – 3900 euros per semester • Dormitories 80 – 150 euros a month What work can you do later? • Vet • Gardener • Farmer

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Ireland Position Ireland is the third largest island in Europe, and the twentieth largest island in the world. It lies to the northwest of Continental Europe and is surrounded by hundreds of islands. To the east of Ireland, separated by the Irish Sea, is the island of Great Britain. Politically, the Republic of Ireland (also known simply as Ireland) covers five sixths of the island, with Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom, covering the remainder in the northeast. Climate Overall, Ireland has a mild, but changeable, Oceanic climate with few extremes. The warmest recorded air temperature was 33.3 °C at Kilkenny Castle, County Kilkenny on 26 June 1887, where as the lowest recorded temperature was 19.1 °C at Markree Castle, County Sligo on 16 January 1881. Inland areas are warmer in summer, and colder in winter there are usually around 40 days of below freezing temperatur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Biggest dangers to wild animals in Estonia.

What are the biggest dangers to wild animals in Estonia? Wild animals in Estonia, like in many other places in the world, are in danger. Forest industry, agriculture and other human activities in the nature, as well as pollution, disturb and even endanger the life of wild animals. Firstly, big forest machines disturb animals. For example, in winter the machines disturb animals who hibernate in winter. As a result, animals can leave their habitations and go somewhere else where is quiter. In addition to disturbing animals, the forest industry endanger wild animals' lives. Some machines can simply kill some animals accidentally. Besides, there are some species which are rear in Estonian forests

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Natura 2000

Natura 2000 ja Life Natura Natura 2000 eesmärk ja põhimõtted Natura 2000 on üleeuroopaline kaitstavate alade võrgustik, mille eesmärk on tagada haruldaste või ohustatud lindude, loomade ja taimede ning nende elupaikade ja kasvukohtade kaitse. 150 Euroopas elutsevast imetajaliigist on tänaseks ohustatud pooled; 520 linnuliigist, 180 roomajate ja kahepaiksete liigist ning 150 kalaliigist on ohustatud kolmandik. 10 000 taimeliigist on ohustatud 3000 ja 27 hävimas. Naturavõrgustik põhineb kahel direktiivil: nn linnudirektiivil mille eesmärk on kaitsta linde, nn loodusdirektiivil mille ülesanne on kaitsta looma ja taimeliike ning nende elupaiku ja kasvukohti Liigid ja elupaigatüübid, mille kaitseks tuleb luua Natura 2000 alad, on kirjas loodus ja linnudirektiivi lisades. Oluline on kaitsta elupaigatüüpe: mis on oma loodusliku levila piires kadumisohus; mille leviala on piiratud; mis esindavad elupaiga tüüpilisi omad...

Loodus → Loodus- ja keskkonnakaitse
25 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

Estonia Topic Tallinn 2007 2 List of Contents page Facts and figures 3 Geography 3 Climate 3 Nature 4 History 5 Economy 6 Culture 6 Biggest towns 7 Language 8 3 Facts and figures The Republic of Estonia is a small country. Covering only 45, 228 sq km it is slightly bigger than Denmark, Belgium or Switzerland. Estonia's population is under 1.4 million. The official language is Estonian but since very many Russians live here Russian is also wide spread. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn. The currency used in Estonia is Eesti kroon. The Estonian national flag is blue-black-white. It was originally the flag of the Estonian Students' Society. The flag was first consecrated in Otepää Church in 1884. For a while, during the Soviet occupation, the flag was banned but it was again seen in p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


Smog Author: Uku Volke 12.A TKiG, 2012 Problem · Highly toxic · Term originates from the 19th century London · Coined in Daily Telegraph July 26, 1905 · Worsened by thermal inversions Origin: Smo(ke) + (fo)g = Smog Main Causes The London Smog: coalpowered industry. Photochemical smog = vehicular fumes + industrial fumes + sunlight The main pollutants: NO2, SO2 Thermal Inversion Health Risks · Bad for everyone · Extra risk for people with heart, lung conditions and children, elderly Smog in NYC, 1988 Beijing, 2005 The Worst Case Scenario 5 "Smoggiest" Cities · Beijing, China · New Delhi, India · Santiago, Chile · Mexico City, Mexico · Ulanbataar, Mongolia Alternative Meanings Smog may also refer to....

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia Tekstid 4-6 2020

Majandussotsioloogia Seminar 6 Tekstid 4 ja 5 Jekaterina Bavõkina 193893TABB Tekst 4: Ritzer, G., & Miles, S. (2019). The changing nature of consumption and the intensification of McDonaldization in the digital age. Journal of Consumer Culture, 19 (1), 3– 20 - Palun kirjeldage McDonaldsi ja Amazoni näitel, kuidas on kliendid prosumerid. Kas te olete ise Amazonist oste tehes või McDonaldsis süües tundnud, et teete tasuta tööd? Palun põhjendage. Esiteks, kes on prosumer? Prosumer - isik, kes võtab aktiivselt osa kaupadest ja teenustest, mida ta ise tarbib

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
1 allalaadimist

George Orwell "Animal Farm" essay - "Human nature exposed in the novel"

Orwell's ,,Animal Farm" Humans are the most deceitful animals in the World. Even if we do not want to confess it to ourselves, we have to accept the fact that humans constantly change their ways of thinking and acting to make the World a better place to live in for themselves. Our lives are fulfilled with lies we enter to our or someone else's mind. A lot of it is connected to people's constant need of power and control. "Animal Farm" is a book that reverberates that kind of human nature through politics, dictatorship and power, but in nowadays' World this kind of behaviour occurs also in our everyday life, not only politics. First of all humans are in a constant need of power. The essence of the power does not even matter as long as they have some kind of control. It could be control over some group, over a person and his mind, actions and thoughts or just over a certain situation where we want to gain a higher role so everything could be under their command.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

USA topic

United States of America Table of Contents 1. Facts 2. Geography 3. Nature 4. History 5. Population 6. Government 7. Industry, economy 8. America's pop culture Facts Official Name: United States of America Capital City: Washington, D.C. Largest city: New York City Official languages: None at federal level National language: English Government: Federal constitutional republic President: Barack Obama ( Barack Hussein Obama II)

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Australia Topic

AUSTRALIA Tallinn 2008 Only one country in the world fills a whole continent. That country is Australia. The continent it fills is Australia, too. Australia, then, is both a country and a continent. Australia is one only continent except Antartctica that is all south of the equator. Since it is south of the equator, its seasons are just the opposite of ours. It has summer while we have winter, and the other way round. Sometimes Australia is called the island continent. There is a good reason why. It is an island. It is 1800 miles from the mainland of Asia and almost half way round the world from Europe. More than 6000 miles of ocean separate it from the America. Australia is the world's smallest, flattest and driest continent. It is also the oldest ­ some of the rocks are more than 3,000 million years old. It is the 6th largest country. Its territory is 7 700 000 km2. Australia is...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

Introduction Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti or Eesti Vabariik) is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by the Russian Federation (338,6 km). The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people closely related to the Finns, with the Estonian language sharing many similarities to Finnish. The modern name of Estonia is thought to originate from the Roman historian Tacitus, who in his book Germania (ca. AD 98) described a people called the Aestii. Similarly, ancient Scandinavian sagas refer to a land called Eistland, close to the German term Estland for the country. Early Latin and other ancient versions of the name are Estia and Hestia. Until the late 1930s, the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Environmental problems (Keskkonnaprobleemid)

as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize this as being integral to any approach. In some way or form, almost all cultures have recognized the importance of nature and its biological diversity for their societies and have therefore understood the need to maintain it. Yet, power, greed and politics have affected the precarious balance. Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares? · Why is Biodiversity important? Does it really matter if there aren't so many species? · Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play.

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist


Stress Stress is a necessary part of nature. It´s the organism´s defence mechanism for changes in the surrounding enviorment. Without it we could not survive. Stress has many effects on the body that are necessary for a reaction to the stressor. When an animal senses danger, it automatically triggers a fight or flight response. In case of a lifethreatening situation, stress is an invaluable ally. It can even motivate us to prepeare for upcoming challenges. But as we move further and further from our natural habitat,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

Outcomes: · Revolution did not bring welfare · Lives of the lower-classes worsened · Extended the distance between the lower and upper class · The rich got richer, the poor got poorer 2. Romanticism is a reaction against classicism, science and atomic (aesthetic ideal of order and unity) worldview. Romantic ideal is the organic world. Romanticism: · Returns to nature and belief in the goodness of mankind · Exaltation of the senses and emotion overcome reason and intellect is the time when novels became more important · Imagination is very important, it is a God-like creator (W. Blake: "I know that this world is a World of Imagination and Vision") 3. Romantic image of the poet The poet was a learned man who also knew how to appreciate nature. He was in spiritual marriage between the mind and the external world

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist


· Animals living mostly in forests · Birds ­ first animals in Estonia · 135,600 species of incents · 350 species of verebrates Mammals · 65 different species of mammals · No endemic species Picture2 · Tremendous amount Picture3 · Specific mammals in Estonia · Importance Picture4 Picture5 Imphibians · Most common: grassfrog · Good conditions · Benefit · Nature protection Picture6 Birds Picture7 · 329 different species · Barn swallow · 100 species under nature protection Picture8 · Breeding sites Fish Picture9 · Not many species · National fish herring · Living in the Baltic Sea Picture10 · Fish as a food product Picture11 Insects

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Vaikelu eelkäijad ja õitseng

Vaikelu eelkäijad ja õitseng Sven Puusepp Dita Donatella Henriette Kadak 10­2 • Natüürmort ehk vaikelu (prantsuse keeles nature morte 'surnud loodus') on elutu looduse ja esemete kujutamine kunstniku poolt seatud kompositsioonis. • Natüürmorti võib jaotada kujutatu põhjal alaliikideks: lille- ja viljademaal, kalad ja jahitrofeed, vanitas–tüüpi vaikelud ning einevaikelud. • Natüürmorte võib leida juba Vana-Egiptuse sarkofaagidelt. Usuti, et sarkofaagil kujutatud esemed muutuvad teispoolsuses reaalsuseks ja surnu saab neid siis kasutada. Natüürmorte on

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
8 allalaadimist


Sightseeing *Haanja Nature Park Haanja Nature Park (area about 17,000 ha) is situated on the Upland of Haanja and was established for the protection of the highest region of Estonia and the Baltic States In addition to the beautiful domed hills, deep valleys and picturesque small lakes old villages, customs and cultural traditions have been preserved * Timmas Nature Reserve Timmas Nature Reserve(the Reserve) is taken under the protection of natural forest and meadow colonies of protected species Reserve land and water protection regime is divided into the character and the degree of economic control of two special management zones and limited. *Suur Munamägi The highest point of the Baltic States Suur Munamägi (318 m, from foot to summit 62m) is situated in the Southern part of the Village of Haanja, 18km South from Võru

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia Estonia is the place where i live and i like to live in here. There are many reasons why i like to live in Estonia, but the main reason is that the Estonia is naturally great place where to live. Estonia has got very beatiful nature where we can go hiking or fishing. There are many great places wich you can visit in nature. In nature you can do a lot of things. It also attrackts many tourists. Estonia is also naturally quiet place, in here we don´t have volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes or other dangerous natural phenomenas. So we don´t have to worry about that in one beautiful day our house fly away by tornado or volcano burns it down. People don´t have to live in fear and in here they dont mus´t worry about natural disasters. Other good thing is that we don´t have dangerous or poisonous wild animals in nature.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Filosoofid, kes räägivad teadusest

because made of steel 2. Formal cause: - what form, definition or property it has - why is this salt? because made of sodium and chloride 3. Efficient cause: - what initiated the change or movement - why did the baseball move? because someone hit it 4. Final cause: - what end or goal does it have? - why does he walk? because he wants to be healthy - also nature operates in terms of final causes - things don't happen spontaneously, every action that nature takes is for the sake of something, everything has a purpose - where a series has a completion, all the previous steps are done for the sake of that - art partly competes with and imitates nature - animals and plants do things for the sake of an end - plants grow leaves to provide shade for fruit - has roots downwards for nourishment

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
10 allalaadimist

Me and the environment

INKA ISESEISEV TÖÖ ­ Me and the environment It is very important to keep the environment clean. Many people don' t think what wrong behavior does with the envoronment. Very much people throw their garbage into th environment. Why people throw so many things into the environment whent there is so much garbage bins everywhere, many collecting points. I don' t throw my garbage to outside, i put it in the garbage bin. I will try to sort my garbage. But there's also things why I am forced to ruin nature . I really don 't wanna do that but I can't change it anyhow. I'm forced to do it because in that department whe I live , here is no drainpipe. Because of that we have to throw all our used water to the nature. Everything what we do, what needs to waste water, that's goes all to the nature . It' sad because of that we don't have that drainpipe, our life is so complicated . It takes a lot of time. I think that is the only thing how I pollute the nature.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

For and against Camping holiday

For and against Camping holiday Camping holidays become more and more popular nowadays. People like to spend their vocation in nature, far away from computers, internet, TV and mobile phones. They want to go somewhere where they can listen to the wild nature. Is the nature always better choice? Camping holiday is good for humans health because of breathing fresh air. In town there are too many pollute things which damage and is bad for your health. Walking is good our body, because when you walk then you burn the calories. In the wild nature your eyes are relaxing, they do not have the stress as in town. This kind of vocation is more cheaper than vocation in the spa or hotel. Most of camping places are free so you do not have to pay money for it

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Paris famos for Louvre and Eiffel tower Population: 2 125 246 Largest cities Marseille poplation: 850 600 University of marseille est 1409 Largest cities Lyon population 445,452 The city is known for its historical and architectural landmarks Flag Tricolour Blue White Red Symbols National emblem: The National Anthem: La Marseillaise The official motto: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) Nature Forests Nature Mountains Nature Rivers The longest river of France: The Rhine Nature Lakes Largest lake of france is Lac du Bourget (Lake Bourget) Famous people Coco Chanel Famous people Marie Antoinette Famous people Franck Ribery Famous people Emma Watson Interesting facts France is the most visited country in the world. 83 million tourists in 2012 France once controlled more than 8% of the world`s land There is only one stop sign in the entire city of Paris

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Reflective Statement Antigone

Johanna Merirand Reflective Statement How was your understanding of the cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed during your interactive oral? My comprehension of the traditions and culture of the ancient Greek was substantially enhanced through the discussion we had on the conflict between men and nature in Antigone by Sophocles. The two main characters in the play are Antigone and Creon, who both are motivated by their hubris and the need for glory. In the play, Antigone rebels against the rules set out by Creon, when she attempts to bury her brother even though it has been prohibited by the state. Antigone is sentenced with a death penalty, which is found unreasonable by many of the other members of the society.

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Class essaay. "Music is the universal language"

center on those voices, and catch their message. Music tells us stories wich were never known. Nowadays young people hear music on MP3. They're like in their own reality. Yes it's great to feel that, but a little bit strange, because when somebody wants to ask something at the bus stop, they can't hear anything. Thats sad. I listen to my iPod too, but sometimes it disturbes me, and then I want to hear the naturalmusic after hearing artificial music, which is just imitted that nature by humans. I like to create everything with my hands. I love everything that is connected with art. Some years ago Istarted to paly the goitar, but I havent enough patience. But now, I want to really learn and play it better. I know when I can play guitar I can play it everywhere in companies. That can be a perfect way to found an agreement and it unites the strangers. Guitar creates a joyful atmosphere and gives great mood. I believe that every human beignmust find their own Eva and adam

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Elistvere Animal Park

Elistvere Animal Park One Sunday in October I visited Elistvere Animal Park. There are wild animals in the park that naturally live in Estonian wild nature. Unlike most zoos there animals live in as natural conditions as possible. In Elistvere I saw elks, lynxes, foxes, wild boars and many more animals that we can come across in nature. Also I saw there animals who don't live in Estonian nature but they can easily live in our climatical conditions, for example European buffalos and reindeers. There is a terrarium house where are smaller and exotical animals but unfortunately it was closed that day. Most of all I like lynxes and brown bear.There are also hiking trails where you can walk and enjoy Estonian nature's beauty or have a picnic. Day in Elistvere Animal Park was very exciting despite of the fact that there were constructional works and trails were very muddy

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essay about necessaty of zoos

Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary alternatives to a natural environment. Not only people are trying to keep endangered species and rare animals in the nature reserves, but also the number of zoos built around the world is slowly growing. Do we actually need those kind of man-made "homes" for animals or is it better for them to live outside cement walls in their natural habitat? First of all, nowadays we need to help the nature and animals that are the ones facing quite big danger of becoming extinct. Mostly it is caused by our selfish attitude: we do not take care of nature. Zoo is one of the solutions to help to preserve nature and to protect it from poachers. For example Loxodonta africana is an African elephant who has been hunt down and whose population was significantly reduced in 20th century.The population in the Tanzanian Selous Game Reserve,

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele aruanne Lahemaa majutuskohtadest

services, for example Raudsilla holiday centre near Kolga manor. Raudsilla's buildings are all tipi's. Adami tourist farm in Vainupea village has a smoke sauna in the Vainupea river valley. There are several examples of co-operation in Lahemaa tourism. Some riding farms provide riding trips along Lahemaa, where they have accommodation and catering services organised with co-operating manors and other service providers. Many accommodation providers use local nature guides to provide hiking services in Lahemaa National Park. The co-operation network ­ genuine experiences in Lahemaa (14 tourist farms), all provide local food, including home baked bread, different home baked pastries, local fish dishes, traditional old dishes etc. For example Mätta riding farm always serves their home baked bread, goat milk and meat dishes. Kuusiku Nature farm also serves home baked bread, farm honey and several different pastries. Beside that Kuusiku Nature farm

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad mantra 1 summary notes MRdd

principle Mantra 3 How living in disharmony with it harms Scriptures don't say that we have to give up all happiness. We can enjoy even on material level, but how? We can enjoy our quota. OVERVIEW OF ISO MANTRA 1 PURPORT (P 1-2) Glory of Vedic knowledge (p 3-4) How the Lord is the proprietor of everything. (p 5) Eg of one's quota in nature. (p 6-8) Eg of one's quota in human possession if the earth. (p 9-10) Eg of quota in human diet. (p 11) Live according to Ishavasya. We focus primarily on Srila Prabhupada's purports, because we want to understand Srila Prabhupada's mood. GLORY OF VEDIC KNOWLEDGE (P 1-2) THE PRINCIPAL UPANISHADS. 1. Isa 7. Taittiriya 2. Kena 8. Aitareya 3

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

How to produce bioenergy from agricultural resources without harming the environment

moisture regain: alder – 700 kWh/ton birch – 1500 kWh/ton Wood gas • Wood gas is produced by heating biomass (wood) in a temperature over 700°C without air access or in a method of pyrolysis. Wood gas consists of carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide. The calorific value of wood gas is approximately 1,25 MWh/1000 m³ wood. 34...40 m³ of wood gas can be produced out of a 100 kg of wood Biomass from nature protection area • Ecologically pure • Low cost • Sustainable Biomass from nature protection area – an environmental friendly input for biogas Jaak-Albert Metsoja Nature Conservation Society “Eagle” •The overall managed area today (including chopped area) is 1300 ha •Of that appr. 500 ha was mowed and balled last year •The first phase is restoring the flooded meadow •As for now the material is chopped and just left on the meadow

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Keskkonna kunst (Environmental art)

Environment al art Marika Rodionova 11a What is that?  The term "environmental art" often encompasses "ecological" concerns but is not specific to them. It primarily celebrates an artist's connection with nature using natural materials. The concept is best understood in relationship to historic earth/Land art and the evolving field of ecological art. The field is interdisciplinary in the fact that environmental artists embrace ideas from science and philosophy. The types  Ephemeral - made to disappear or transform  Designed for a particular place - and can't be moved  Involves collaborations between artists and others, such as scientists,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tao Te Ching (Tim Chiu)

Tim Chiu April 4th , 2009 Topics y Lao Zi ­ The Person y Tao Te Ching ­ The Book and the Name y Ch. 1 & 14 ­ Describing the indescribable Tao y Ch. 2 & 11 ­ On duality and Formlessness y Ch. 8 & 78 ­ The Virtues of Water Lao Zi ­ The Person y Real name was Lee Er, who was a highly regarded philosopher of his time y Keen observer of the virtues of Nature and the relationship between man and his environment y Realized the existence of a formless and indescribable origin: Tao y Can not thoroughly analyzed by our thoughts and logic y Its existence gave rise to everything and pervades all that we know y The manifestation of Tao in humans is called our True Nature y Purity and innocence of a child y Spring and Autumn, Warring States Era of the Chou dynasty (~500BC), during a time of turmoil and spiritual disintegration

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon keskkonnast

Good afternoon everyone. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Valter and I am a student of Tallinn University of Technology. I'd like to talk about environment, its pollution and protecting. I shall only take 3 minutes of your time. Let me begin with the word enviroment and what it means! It means surroundings in which people, animals and plants exist. These are the things that we need, to be alive, but they are also many man-made things and technical progresses that harm the nature. Therefore we can´t live on this planet without basic components which are needed for human existence - air, water and soil. Firstly air, which is mostly a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. People, animals and plants can ´t live without air. Without oxygen there would be no fire. So we can see, that air is the basic condition for life on the Earth. Did you know that till 18th century people didn´t know composition of the air? They only used the knowledge of moving the air.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
152 allalaadimist

The Romantic Age

The Romantic Age. Began in the 18th century. There are some disagreements about when the period began so we can't say the exact year of the beginning. Characteristics of Romantic age: The Romantic Age is a term used to describe life and literature in England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. -Imagination was very important Like William Blake an English poet has said "I know that this world is a World of Imagination and Vision" -Belief and appreciating nature -Independency ­ Writers placed the individual, rather than society, at the center of their vision. The assertion of nationalism became a central theme of Romantic age. Literature Emergence of new ideas and positive voices. Emphasis was women and children, the heroic isolation of the artist or narrator, and respect for nature. Some writings were also based on the supernatural. Belief in the possibility of progress. Writers tended to be optimists and espoused democratic values.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
8 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjanduse, Realism ja naturalism

force to the factories, also dramatic growth in cities • New tension in society, what it really means to be an American • Income disparities – big gap between people who are rich and people who are poor • Westward expansion – people can think about optimistic things happening when they think about the positive things happening in the country • United States as an urban nature: skyscrapers, full of people etc Intellectual and literary trends • Darwinism • Social Darwinism • Rejection of Romanticism – writing moves away from romanticism • New Realism • Regionalism (Bret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett, Joel Chandler Harris) MARK TWAIN (1835-1910) • relied very strongly on his personal experience • writes in very plain language • tension in progress and pragmatism

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Summary of philosophy of right (õiguse filosoofia kokkuvõte)

1707 formation of the British Parliament Social Contract philosophy: The reasons for entering a social contract and the responsibilities of the goverment *Hobbes: To preserve one's safety *Locke: To preserve one's safety and property *Rosseau: To preserve one's safety, property and freedom, but to guarantee the latter, the goverment also has the responsoility of improving/educating the citizens. Laws are historical conventions, people can be forsed to be free. State of nature Hobes: state of nature is a state of conflict, a state of war. Locke: state of nature is peaceful, all men are equal. They treat others as themselves. Rousseau - people in the state of nature were neither good or bad. Man was like an animal not posessing any needs besides the primary ones. The bad habits of men are byproducts of ingaging in a civil society. All men are equal Sovereign Hobbes: can not be overthrown and can do whatever the fuck it wants. The best one is monarch.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
48 allalaadimist

The letter to Australia

a didgeridoo. Did you saw it? How it looks? And how they play it? I'll like if you will talk to me about it. It seems a very interesting instrument. Australins have a strong sense of humour and I have read that they will tell anti-English jokes to the English, anti-lawyer jokes to the lawyers and anti- mother-in-law jokes to mothers-in-law. Is is true? Did Australians laugh about you? They are very easy-going by nature. They put a high value on their leisure time. I hope that when I go to Australia, I will see kangaroos and koalas. I have seen they only in Zoo, not in nature. Did you see any animals in nature? Do you know that the cutest animal spends 80% of its time asleep in eucalyptus tree? I didn't know it before. Australian most famous landmarks are an ancient rock in the desert, a modern opera house in Sydney harbour and a huge coral reef off the north-east coast

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun