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"disorder" - 118 õppematerjali


Eating disorder

Eating disorder Overeating Dagne Markiine Kotkas Definition Eating disorder is a condition defined by abnormal eating habits Eating disorder may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake Overeating involves excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual's health Behavioral symptoms Binge eating* - compulsive overeating Inability to stop eating or control what you're eating Rapidly eating large amounts of food Eating even when you're full Hiding or stockpiling food to eat later in secret Eating normally around others, but gorging when you're alone

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Speetch - Eating disorders

Eating disorders I think that eating disorder is a very serious subject and everybody should know how to eat properly. Many famous film stars, singers and pop arts go on a diet to lose weight. There's nothing wrong with that but you have to know where to draw the line. Being on a diet may seriously affect your mind and body and not in a good way. We also see many over-weight people. That is another extreme. Over-weight is not good for your heart and its actions. It severely damages your heart work and

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Bipolaarne häire ja kuritegevus

bipolaarsele häirele ka narkootikumide sõltuvus ( patients with comorbid substance abuse), oli risk suurenenud arvestataval määral ning seetõttu nägid uurimise koostajad vajadust uuteks analüüsideks ja kontrolliks seoses isikutega, kellel on tuvastatud bipolaarse häire ja narkootikumide sõltuvus. ( Nagu eelpool mainitud, siis narkootikumidega seotud juhtumid jäeti algselt välja.) Kasutatud kirjandus: Kokkuvõte on koostatud artikli põhjal: Bipolar disorder and violent crime. 640121d1ddc3%40sessionmgr13&bdata=JmxvZ2luLmFzcCZzaXRlPWVob3N0LWxpdmU %3d#db=psyh&AN=2010-19602-009

Psühholoogia → Kohtupsühholoogia
36 allalaadimist

SHOPPING addiction

Shopping addiction Shopping as a chronic condition, that becomes difficult to stop and the end results are harmful.It is defined as a control disorder and the person who has these addiction never can't control his spendings itself. In one hand it is mediceable, nowadays there are a self help books and special groups, where the shopoholics speak about their problems and why they spend so much money and for what they spend it. Most of shopoholics shopping or spending money as result of feeling disappointed, angry, or scared.They buy new things,even if they haven't money,they borrowed it from ther friends, relatives

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
7 allalaadimist


AUTISM Erki Viidalepp Ron Türnpu 10b Definition Autism is a developmental disability that results from a disorder of the human central nervous system. Autism manifests itself at a very early age, "before the age of three years". Causes of Autism Genetical diseases Other reasons - Fragile X Syndrome - Birthtraumas - Phenylketonuria - Diseases - Tuberous Sclerosis - Unknown reasons - Down's Syndrome - Rett's Syndrome Frequency China: ~ 1.8 million cases Japan: 55.8 per 10,000 (1991) USA: ~ 500 000 cases United Kingdom: 1 case in 110 children Symptoms

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Munchaussen syndrome by proxy

seisundite tõttu. MSBP on üks lapse väärkohtlemise vorm, mida esimesena kirjeldas Inglise lastearst Roy Meadow aastal 1977. Sellise nime sai see häire selle sarnasuse tõttu Münchauseni sündroomile, mis on häire, kus inimene tahtlikult tekitab või mõtleb endale välja haigussümptomeid. Rangelt öelduna tähendab MSBP, et inimesel on Münchauseni sündroom ja see psühhopatoloogia avaldub lapse läbi. Munchaussen syndrome by proxy Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) is an uncommon disorder first described by Roy Meadow in 1977. It was so named because of its similarity to Mun- chausen syndrome, a factitious disorder in which a person intentionally produces or fabricates physical symptoms in him- or herself.' In MSP the symptoms are intentionally produced o r fabricated in a child by a parent, usually the mother MSBP is a syndrome in which perpetrators either harm a child in their care or achieve harm through their

Õigus → Õigusteaduskond
8 allalaadimist


Hüperaktiivsus Aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire (ATH), ka tähelepanu defitsiidi sündroom, üliaktiivsus, hüperkineetilisus, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Tunnused Raskused keskendumisega ja tavapärastele käitumisreeglitele allumisega. Toimetulekuraskused õppimises, suhtlemisel, huvialategevusel. Tähelepanu puudulikkus. Motoorne üliaktiivsus ja impulsiivsus, hajameelsus, unustamine. Puudulik ja ebapiisav keskendumine. Halb organiseeritus ning aja ja tegevuste planeerimine. Kannatamatus, kärsitus. Kiire ärrituvus Keskmiselt 7-12% lastest on hüperaktiivsed. Poisse on hüperaktiivsete hulgas kordades rohkem kui tüdrukuid. Hüperaktiivsus ei kao elu jooksul kuhugi. Jaguneb kolmeks:  Domineerivalt tähelepanematus  Domineerivalt hüperaktiivsus  Kombineeritud tüüp Ravi on pikaajaline, koosneb: psühhosotsiaalsest abist ja medikamentoossest...

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
7 allalaadimist

Mesilaste haigus - CCD

....................................15 5. Kokkuvõte................................................................................................................16 Kasutatud kirjandus......................................................................................................17 2 Sissejuhatus Pere kokkuvarisemise hälve (ingl. k colony collapse disorder ehk CCD) [1] on südroom, kus töömesilased mesilastarust teadmata põhjustel ära kaovad. Selliseid kadumisi on toimunud küll kogu mesindusajaloo vältel, kuid terminit pere kokkuvarisemise hälve hakati kasutama 2006. aasta lõpus, kui Põhja-Ameerikas oli drastiline kadumiste suurenemine (suurenes umbes 25%)[2]. Perede kokkuvarisemine on ökoloogiliselt väga suur probleem, kuigi tavaarusaama järgi võiks mesilaste tähtsus olla vaid mee tootmine, siis tegelikult püsib nende

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
28 allalaadimist

Eating Disorders

It seems like every little girl dreams of becoming a model. They want to be thin and pretty like the models they see on television . Often the desire becomes an obsession and young girls see "thinness" as being a needed characteristic. For many girls, the teenage years are spent trying to acquire this look. Eating disorders are a serious health problem. Three of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating or compulsive eating disorder. There are other possible causes to this widely known health problem. The media shows a great deal of beauty and thinness on television and magazines that are viewed by many people daily. Everyone has the desire to look like the actors and actresses do but, in reality, it just will not happen for most of us. An unfavorable relationship a person has with others is also a contributing factor to disordered eating habits.

Keeled → Inglise keel
116 allalaadimist


Addictions Business English Marion Soomre 10.b What is addiction? The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical depence or psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video games, crime, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography, etc. Drug addiction Drug addiction is widely considered a pathological state. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. Video game addiction Video game addiction, or more broadly video game overuse, is excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games that interferes with daily life. Instances have been reported in which users play

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Drugs and addiction

Used sources 10 1. Addictions Addiction has been defined as physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (for example alcohol, tobacco, heroin, caffeine and other drugs) which cross the blood-brain barrier once ingested, temporarily altering the chemical milieu of the brain. Drug addiction Drug addiction can simply be defined as a "chronic relapsing disorder characterized by persistent drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviours". Drug addiction is chronic, with no known cure. Controlled may be by means such as voluntary 12 step programs, group therapy, one on one therapy, and mandatory methadone maintenance. Treatment programs can be successful in treating the addiction. Without treatment, active drug addicts often end up dead, incarcerated, or in institutions. Behavioral addiction

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


information may develop eating disorders. RISE OF THE VISUAL SOCIAL MEDIA · Body image issues have been on the rise rince the introduction of social media websites that hoste the idea of ,,perfect" or ,,idealized" body sizes · Websites such as Tumblr, Lookbook , Instagram and also Facebook feature photos that can be recognized as harmful towards any person with a mental disorder. However, they can also be k to editrecognized Master text as causes for eating disorders and depression. styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level ,,Thigh Gap" trend The thigh gap trend began in December after the VS Fashion show and is very prominent on Tumblr, Instagram and pinterest.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

If you are not in facebook, you don't exist

admitted of being addicted to Facebook. But it was only a matter of time before large numbers fell like prey to the lures of a 24/7 social network with so many wonderful things to offer -a home among friends and shared applications like games, quizzes, personality-type "tests", awards and gifts, not to mention sharing laughs and creative feedback via photos, videos and more. I know that we live in a digital age, but maybe this new fancy disorder is a bit over a notch. All in all, I think that it's completely normal to have an account in Facebook, but we should keep some boundaries in case we don't want to mix up our virtual life with the real one. Sure I can communicate with my friends easily via Facebook chat, but seeing eye-to-eye is way better. And I don't mean that instead of chatting online we should chat via videocall- no no! We shouldn't spend our short and precious life wandering around in the dephtless expanses

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Schizophrenia Kristel Raud PSPSB ­ 2 What is schizophrenia? Mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by impaired emotional responses Delusions including paranoia and auditory hallucinations, disorganized thinking reflected in speech, and a lack of emotional intelligence Symptoms Hallucinations (hearing voices) Delusions (bizarre or persecutory in nature) Disorganized thinking and speech Social withdrawal Sloppiness of dress and hygiene Loss of motivation and judgment Positive and negative symptoms

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Kings Speech - tegelaste lühitutvustus

The King's Speech Your Name Your School George V George Frederick Ernest Albert 3 June 1865 - 20 January 1936 Mary of Teck Edward VIII George VI Good mannered, harsh George VI  Albert Frederick Arthur George  14 December 1895 - 6 January 1952  Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon  Elizabeth II, Margaret  easily frightened, speech disorder  Strong-willed, reserved, kind Edward VIII  Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David  23 June 1894 - 28 May 1972  Wallis Simpson  disappointment to his father  Arrogant, easy- going, charming Elizabeth, the Queen Mother  Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes- Lyon  4 August 1900 - 9 April 2002  George VI  Elizabeth II, princess Margaret  Good-natured, self- confident

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


ALLERGIES An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Reactions occur when a person's immune system reacts to normally harmless substances in the environment. A substance that causes a reaction is called an allergen The most common allergens include dust mites, molds, pollens, animal dander, cockroaches, peanuts, milk, eggs, latex, and penicillin. The dust mite is the most common cause of allergies. Mild allergies like hay fever are very common in the human population and cause symptoms such as red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack. Food Allergies-what can cause effects like vomiting, stomach upset and hives. Seasonal Allergies what can cause as an example effects like sniffling and sneezing Pet Allergies what cause coughing red itchy eyes runny nose and sneezing As an example from real life there are some people who also have somewhat weird allergies like an allergie for exercise ,m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Essee Eating disorders

Firstly, one reason for this could be media. Advertisers heavily market weight-reduction programs and present anorexic young models as the paradigm of sexual desirability. Also, clothes are designed and displayed for thin bodies in spite of the fact that few women could wear them successfully. Another thing to mention is genetic factors. According to studies, anorexia is eight times more common in people who have relatives with the disorder. This disease will become apparent after some kind of psychological shock. Finally, even their families can give negative influence. Although, almost every parent knows how important right nutrition is, there are also some people who behave differently. Sometimes some ignorant parents even urge their children to lose weight. In conclusion, there is no single cause for eating disorders. The actual cause of these disorders appears to result from many factors.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
17 allalaadimist

Michael Phelps (Biography of a Sportsman)

Michael Phelps was born on 30 June, 1985, in the USA. He is called 'The Baltimore Bullet'. He is an American swimmer who is famous for holding the world record for the most gold medals at a single Olympics. Michael was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Michael's parents divorced in 1994. He has two older sisters, Whitney and Hilary, who both are also swimmers. In his youth, Michael was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. He took up swimming at the age of seven mainly to provide himself an outlet for his energy. At the age of 10, Phelps held a national record for his age group. He improved rapidly and by the age of 15 he qualifyed for the 2000 Summer Olympics. Phelps finished fifth in the 200 metre butterfly. Five months later he broke the world record in the same event and also became the youngest man ever to set a swimming world record. He has broken four Olympic

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Drug addiction presentation

Drug addiction Definition ● Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a dependence on a legal or illegal drug or medication. Keep in mind that alcohol and nicotine are legal substances, but are also considered drugs. Consequences of using drugs ● Drug addiction can cause serious, long-term consequences, including problems with physical and mental health, relationships, employment, and the law. Best known drugs ● Cannabis ● Heroin ● Cocaine ● LSD ● Ecstasy Cannabis

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kompulsiivne ülesöömine

BINGE EATING DISORDER EHK KOMPULSIIVNE ÜLESÖÖMINE Risto Tõldsep IX klass 2014/15 Mis see on? · Kompulsiivne ülesöömine ehk kompulsiivne toitumishäire, tuntud ka nimetuse all toidusõltuvus, on söömishäire, mida iseloomustatakse kui kinnisideelise, kompulsiivse suhtumisena toitu. · Isik, kes kannatab kompulsiivse söömishäire all, satub sagedatesse ülesöömis­ või õgimisperioodidesse, mille vältel ei suuda oma toitumist kontrollida. Põhitunnused · Õgimishood ­ süüakse ka siis, kui ei olda näljane. Neil on kinnisideed: sage rohkest söögist fantaseerimine, isuäratavate toitude visualiseerimine, söömise salajane planeerimine jne. · Erinevalt buliimikutest ei püüa ülesööjad esile kutsuda tahtlikku oksendamist. · Toitu kasutatakse vahendina, et varjata oma emotsioone, täita hingelist tühjust või saada lihtsalt jagu päevasest stressist ning probleemidest elus. Sümptomid · Kontrollimatu söömine olemata füüsiliselt näljane. · S...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
1 allalaadimist

A review of bowel and bladder control development

A REVIEW OF BOWEL AND BLADDER CONTROL DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN Tallinn Health Care College Aleksandra Sitko Tallinn 2015 UROLOGIC AND GASTROINTESTINAL PROBLEMS Urologic and gastrointestinal problems in children are of great concern to parents. In most cases, such problems represent no organic disease or serious behavior disorder but nevertheless can cause more serious complications in toilet training than parents recognize. CLINICAL TRIALS Clinical experience, however, suggests that in most children these problems can be managed successfully within the realm of general pediatric practice. BOWEL AND BLADDER INCONTINENCE IN CHILDREN Almost all children have wetting and/or soiling accidents at one time or another.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Shopping addiction


Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Biography • Was born in Netherlands in 1853 • His father was a church preacher and his mother was a housewife. Vincent was the eldest of six children • He became a painter at age of 27. Before that he tried many professions, such as teacher, preacher, art salesman, working in a bookstore etc • He struggled with a mental health disorder throughout his lifetime • He died in France in 1890 when he committed a suicide (while being only 37 years old) Art • Van Gogh's first paintings were mostly of poor people. The colors in his early paintings are dark and brown (muddy). The feelings portrayed were of sadness • In his later paintings Van Gogh started to lighten his colors and paint in short brushstrokes. His paintings started to look much happier, brighter and more colorful

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

"Rain man"

When he finds out that his estranged father had left his inheritance to someone else, he gets mad. That is the reason why he took Raymond from the institution where he was living. He wanted to take the money from his brother even when he realised that there was something wrong with him. At least he came to his senses in the end. The second problem revolves around Raymond and his disability. No one understood what he was going through. At that time, autism wasn't a widely known disorder. Nowadays, there is still no actual cure for it but it can be managed. Many people who are autistic can live relatively normal lives. The therapy for autism is usually different for every subject. It has to be developed for the patients' needs. In the movie, Raymond didn't have that. Even his own brother thought he was crazy and stupid when in reality, he was exceptionally smart and understood numbers the way no one else did. The third problem is the relationship between Charlie and his father

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Anna oli tuulerõugete vabanemisest meeleheitel. 4) It was hard for Maria to accept the boys' apology since they had scared her to death. Marial oli raske poiste vabandust vastu võtta, sest nad olid ta surnuks ehmatanud. 5) Ken made such a big deal out of the situation and it was hard for him to get over it. Ken tegi olukorras sääsest elevandi ning tal oli raske sellest üle saada. 6) After years of suffering under an eating disorder Maria's dietician helped her start eating healthy again. Pärast aastate pikkust söömishäire all kannatamist aitas Maria dietoloog tal uuesti tervislikult sööma hakata. 7) Stella didn't want to look after her tearful sister as she just wished for peace and quiet. Soovides lihtsalt rahu ja vaikust ei tahtnud Stella oma pisarais õe järgi vaadata. 8) Mia getting lost in the middle of the night made her parents feel at a complete loss.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Eating habits and health

most of us. Often the desire becomes an obsession and young girls see "thinness" as being a needed characteristic. For many girls, the teenage years are spent trying to acquire this look. 40% of 9- and 10-year-old girls are already trying to lose weight and I find this fact really terrifying. Eating disorders are a serious health problem. Three of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating or compulsive eating disorder. This can lead to many health problems, for instance an irregular heartbeat, that causes heart failure and even death. In my opinion, people are aware of the consequences of eating disorders and junk/fast food. I think, that eating disorders should be taken more seriously as this can be fatal. The eating habits of young girls should be supervised by their own parents.

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist


on täielikult lõhustunud Alkohol kahjustab eelkõige loote ajurakke ja kesknärvisüsteemi Iseeneseliku abordi ja nurisünnituste oht Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) ehk fetaalne (loote) alkoholisündroom on kogum füüsilistest ja vaimsetest sünnidefektidest, mis tulenevad rasedusaegsest alkoholi tarvitamise mõjust lootele FAS-i diagnoosimise kriteeriumideks on välised tunnused näos sünnieelne või ­ järgne kasvupeetus ja kesknärvisüsteemi kahjustus FAS Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) ehk alkoholist põhjustatud sünnidefektid on üldtermin vigastustele, mis tulenevad rasedusaegsest alkoholi tarvitamise mõjust lootele FASD korral võivad lapsel esineda vaid üksikud FAS-i nähud Alkoholist põhjustatud sünnidefektid on pöördumatud ja kestavad eluaja Kohase abi korral võivad inimesed FASD-ga kasvada ja areneda suhteliselt hästi. FASD-ga inimene võib vajada eluaegset erihoolt. FASD Raseduse esimesel trimestril mõjutab alkohol aju rakkude liikumist ja

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
8 allalaadimist

Princess Diana’s Time In The Royal Family - Charles’s Point of View

I like her very much and I will ask her to marry me and be The Princess of Wales. 1985 January: It’s been a few years since we got married, we’ve had two kids, Prince William and Prince Harry. Ever since we got married we’ve gotten so much attention, too much of it. Diana is way more popular than me and it makes me jealous but also the constant publicity takes a toll on her to the extent that Diana’s health has been affected and she has an eating disorder. It has had a great impact on our marriage, I hope things will get better. 1987 January: The last few years have been bad, me and Diana are both miserable with each other. We are pursuing other relationships and have decided to separate, but for the well-being of The Royal Family, we are not having a divorce. 1992 December: Diana has used her popularity and celebrity status to keep herself afloat and in a position of power. She also mocked me and disrespected The Royal Family. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Juveniilne idiopaatiline artriit ja füsioteraapia

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis Tartu Health Care Collage In general Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) - the most common form of arthritis in children and adolescents Autoimmune disorder Commonly occurs in children from the ages of 7 to 12 First defined in the first half of the 16th century Treatment includes: education, medical treatment, physical therapy, occupational therapy Symptoms Non-specific Lethargy, reduced physical activity, and poor appetite Pain Persistent swelling of the affected joint(s) Morning stiffness A multidisciplinary approach is necessary for the successful treatment

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Estonian Defence League

Estonian Defence League In this world, different people like different things. Some people are into dancing, but some people are into war games and military things. For those, who like the last ones, there is a special organisation, that raises love to our home country in young people. Estonian Defence League even protects our country in case of a war or emergency. It has and always will be free and open to all of those, who are even a little bit interested in it. The Estonian Defence League was preceded in 1918 by Estonia's first armed home defence organisation: The Citizens' Defence Organisation (Omakaitse) against the public disorder accompanying the Russian Revolution. On 11 November in 1918 the Citizens' Defence Organisation was renamed the Estonian Defence League which performed the tasks of a national guard in the War of Independence. In October of 1925 was founded the Estonian De...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

A book review

failed every exam but English. Instead of going home and face his parents he decides to stay in hotel. For two days he wanders in New York and meets different people. Everything is described through Holden's perspective. Holden had quite complex character. He sometimes acts like a 13-year-old but in the same time he can be quite reasonable. Holden´s mood swings and trastic changes of feelings could even could mean that he had somekind of bipolar disorder. He could literally hate a person in one second and love in the next. He criticises others alot for being phony. Only persone he really seemed to be fond of was his little sister Phoebe. The book has a slightly depressing undertone because Holdens thougts about the situation he was in and his surroundings were often very gloomy. The lousy hotel where he stayed was probably the gloomiest part of the book. The author uses slang and repeats often same words which is essentially quite similar to

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


THE most boring life, by the school, home, school, home routine. I think I’m kind of a mix al of them exept the neards and boring rutine part, I don’t think I could never ever devote so much of my time to learn and learn and learn, I am 100% sure that I would find a million better things to do with my time, but no judging, right? Couse I almost forgot about the everything-in-this-life-is-bad-i-want-to-die kind of girls, who claim thay have a depression, but in reality, the biggest disorder they have is called teenage years. You have to be honest, it is actually pretty funny time to time. And now a little bit of teenage every day life. And just a little note to you about what I am going to talk about does not 100% include myself. But anyways They wake up what and is the first things in their mind? Twitter news, Instagram news, is it weekend already or maybe somebody has texted me? After that there comes i-don’t-want-to-go-to-school whine and make-up

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


ideal and the muscular male body ideal portrayed in the media with a range of psychological symptomatology including body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Over time the cultural ideal for women's body size and shape has become considerably thinner and leaner and men's body size and shape has become stronger and more muscular. Websites such as Tumblr, Lookbook , Instagram and also Facebook feature photos that can be recognized as harmful towards any person with a mental disorder. However, they can also be recognized as causes for eating disorders and depression. Just to show how bad the situation is, I kindly ask you to do a litle test. Just pull out your cell phones or laptops. Access your Instagram App and go to the "Explore" page. Refresh the page. Now count the number of photos that refer to some type of body image. The average number of photos related to body image on the explore page is 6. Now search the hashtags; Thinsporation, Proanorexia,

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
4 allalaadimist

Tähelepanu ning selle omadused

TÄHELEPANU 1. Defineeri mõistet tähelepanu. Mis on tähelepanu omadused? Tähelepanu on psüühiliste tegevuste suunamine ja konsentreerimine objektile, millel on isiku jaoks püsiv või situatiivne tähendus. Omadused: tähelepanu püsivus, maht, jaotuvus, konsentratsioon, ümberlülitavus, valivus(objekti ja müra eristamine) 2. Kirjelda 2 tähelepanu peamist liiki(lähtudest kognitiivsest lähenemisest)- tahtmatu tähelepanu: ärritaja tugevus, suurus, kontrast, liikumine, kordumine. Näiteks reklaamid. Tahtlik tähelepanu: on aktiivne, kujuneb õpetuse ja kasvatuse käigus, autojuhtimise õppimine, uue peatüki omandamisel, igava tegevuse,materjali käsitlemisel, huvi. 3. Kirjelda tüüpilist visuaalse otsingu katset ning milliseid tähelepanumehhanisme on võimalik sellega uurida? Katseisikud olid vastamisi klassikalise visuaalse otsingu katsega: neile esitati arvutiekraanil kas kolm või kuus objekti - põhili...

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
122 allalaadimist

Piirialane ebastabiilne isiksus

1. Piirialane ebastabiilne isiksus 24-aastane naispatsient. Patsient saabus haiglasse suitsiidkatse järgselt. 2 päeva tagasi oli ta võtnud sisse 20 tbl Xanaxit, 15 tbl Paracetamoli ja joonud umbes 0,5 l rummi. Suitsiidkatse sooritas ta hiljuti purunenud lähisuhte tõttu. On teada, et patsient on ka varem ennastkahjustavalt käitunud. Kätel on näha värsked ja vanemad põletusarmid. Patsient räägib ka seda, et lähisugulaste ja kolleegidega on tal suhted halvad. Viimases töökohas oli patsient saanud hoiatuse, sest oli üht kolleegi füüsiliselt rünnanud. Probleemide põhjustajana käsitleb teiste inimeste hoolimatut käitumist. Praegust elusituatsiooni näeb ta lootusetuna, ainukese väljapääsuna näeb enesetappu. Varasemalt on ta käinud mitme erineva psühhiaatri vastuvõtul ja saanud antidepressiivset ravi. Patsient on senises ravis pettunud. Kodus on püüdnud leevendust leida alkoholist ja amfetamiinist. 2. Arutelu Inimesel, kellel on piirialane eb...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

The Polar Boy

Laos and Jaanika Arum. This film focuses on the development of the relationship between two young people - Mattias and Hannah. "The Polar Boy" has been supported by Estonian Film Foundation. Mattias is a young talented photographer living in Tallinn, who has a dream to become a student of the Berlin Arts Academy. He is in his final year of school and has to concetrate on studying before exams, but suddendly he fells in love with a girl. Hannah suffers from a mental disorder called bipolarity. She has periods of depression and periods of elevated mood and it is quite hard for her to control her mood swings. An unnormal amount of alcohol and drugs affects her life and she refuses to face the reality. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hannah, that he can be also just as adventorous and unpredictalble as she is. She does not want an ordinary lover. She wants sleepless nights, endless conversations, passion and madness.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Aktiivusus ja tähelepanuhäired

Kooli nimi ...................................................................... Aktiivsus ja tähelepanuhäired Iseseisevtöö Juhendaja: ................................... Kooli nimi Tartu 2011 PROBLEEMSITUATSIOON 11-aastane poiss saabus lastepsühhiaatriosakonda. Laps on veendumise, et keegi teda ei salli, Nii näiteks olevat koolis õpetajatega läbisaamine halb ja klassikaaslased narrivad teda. Poiss leiab, et ta ongi teistest halvem ja seetõttu põlastusväärne laps. Osakonnas viibimisejooksul on täheldatav poisi püsimatus mitmesugustes mängudes ja tegevustes, eriti keskendumist ja paiga...

Meditsiin → Õendus
48 allalaadimist

Lecture1 Introduction to psychology

through behavior. Why? What is psyche? · A soul or a spirit? · Psyche is a reflection of actuality in the mind, cognition of the environment and ourselves · Psyche as a form of interaction with oneself or an environment based on an individual experience More for discussion.. · What is the aim of psyche? · Is it possible to change psyche? If yes, how? · Is it possible that the same phenomenon is once psychical and another time not? · What is a mental disorder? · Do we have free will, or are we driven by our environment, biology, and nonconscious influences? Psychology as a science · Psychology is a science that gathers facts systematically, organizes them into general principles and formulates theories out of these factual data Is psychology rather a new or an old science? - Scientific and pre-scientific psychology Interpreting data · Qualitative vs quantitative studies

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Teenage Tommies

Teenage Tommies 1. What does war test in people who pick up the weapon to fight? War tests people’s capacity for courage and the limits of human endurance, both physical and mental. 2. What do young soldiers soon find out about themselves? Some young soldiers find out that killing comes easily to them, even too easily. Others recoil from acts of blood. 3. What feelings do stories about teenage soldiers evoke in people? The stories about teenage soldiers evoke a particular sadness, resonant as they are of the destruction of youth and possibility 4. What were the volunteers’ motives for joining the army (emotional and other)? The volunteers’ motives varied and often overlapped as many were gripped by patriotic fervour, sought escape from grim conditions at home or wanted adventure. 5. Why did the children of immigrants rally to the flag? The children of immigrants rallied to the flag ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Short and long term effects of alcohol

excessive ­ too much on something lethargy - A state of apathy with lack of emotion or interest stupor - A state of reduced consciousness or sensibility cardiovascular - Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels. malabsorption ­ not abrorbing sustained - held continuously at a certain level correlation - linear statistical relationship between two random variables, indicating both the strength and direction of the relationship hypertension - The disease or disorder of abnormally high blood pressure adverse - unfavorable sedative-hypnotics - are drugs which depress or slow down the body's functions withdrawal - A type of metabolic shock the body undergoes when a substance, usually a toxin such as heroin, to which a patient is addicted is withheld. impairment - The result of being impaired; a deterioration or weakening; a disability or handicap; an inefficient part or factor. malignant neoplasms ­ harmful/injurious abnormal mass of tissue

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
62 allalaadimist


sellisel juhul saab leida õige tee tema kasvatamiseks ja õpetamiseks, et temast kujuneks õnnelik ja lugupeetud inimene. Pedagoog peab eraldama suurt tähelepanu hüperaktiivse laste erinevate isiklike omaduste välja selgitamiseks ning saadud andmete põhjal rakendama vastavat akadeemilist juhendit, käitumuslikku sekkumist ja klassiruumi kohandamist. 11 ALLIKAD Cooper, P., Ideus, K. (1997). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A practical Guide for Teachers. London: David Fulton Publishers. Krull, E. (2001). Pedagoogilise psühholoogia käsiraamat. (2., Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Mis on koolilapsel muret? (1997). Toim. Mehilane, L. Taru: Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliinik. Neuhaus, G. (2001). Hüperaktiivne laps. Tallinn: Kunst. Nõmme, A. (2005). Hüpi lasteaias. Soovitusi toimetulekuks hüperaktiivse lapsega. Tartu: Atlox. Rander, M. (1999)

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
69 allalaadimist

Erivajadustega õppija

Puude tajumine Raske vaimne alaareng Üldiseloomustus (IQ 20­34) Lapsed Identiteet täiskasvanueas Puude tajumine Sügav vaimne alaareng Üldiseloomustus (IQ alla 20) Õppimisvõimalused Abikool (abiklass) Toimetulekukool (toimetulekuklass) Hoolduskool (hooldusklass) TÄHELEPANU- JA HÜPERAKTIIVSUSHÄIRE Sünonüümid MBD ­ Minimal Brain Dysfunction ADHD ­ Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (Ameerikas) ADD ­ Attention Deficit Disorder (Ameerikas) DAMP ­ Deficit in Attention, Motor Control and Perception (Põhjamaades) Hyperkinetic Child Tähelepanu häirele omane tähelepanematus, impulsiivsus, laps ei märka detaile, teeb hooletusvigu, pidevad raskused keskendumisega, tundub, et ei kuule, mida talle öeldakse, ei jälgi juhtnööre ega vii asju lõpule, raskusi tegevuse planeerimisega,

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
61 allalaadimist


TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Kasvatusteaduste Instituut INDIGOLAPSED Referaat Juhendaja: doktor Veronika Nagel TALLINN 2008 2 Sisukord TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL...........................................................................................................1 Sisukord ....................................................................................................................................3 Sissejuhatus................................................................................................................................4 Kust tuleb nimetus indigolaps?................................................................................................5 Tähelapsed.................................................................................................................................6 Kristall-lapsed ......................................................................................

Pedagoogika → Sissejuhatus...
60 allalaadimist

Terrorism and fighting against it

means possible. A victim of a terrorist act sees the terrorist as a criminal with no caring for human life. The general public's view is the most unstable. His sympathetic view of terrorism has become an integral part of their psychological warfare. Terrorism is a criminal act. So, whether the terrorist chooses to identify himself with military terminology, or with civilian term, he is a criminal either way. Terrorism is classified into six categories: civil disorder, political terrorism, non- political terrorism, quasi-terrorism, limited politival terrorist, official or state terrorism. These categories are further divided into different types. For example, Germany's bombing of London and the U.S. atomic destruction of Hiroshima during World War II are called state terrorism. Nowadays, cyberterrorism becomes more and more common and in consideration the importance of IT today (for example if we watch how important have IT became in

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Toitumise ja töömälu vahelised seosed

Toitumise ja töömälu vahelised seosed Üha enam tõuseb meedias teemana üles tervislik toitumine ja räägitakse palju sellest, mida ja kui palju peaks sööma. See võib inimestes suurendada soovi ja samas ka survet tarbida just tervlislikku toitu. Siiski on liigsöömine ja ülekaalulisus arenenud maades suur probleem. Mind on pannud mõtlema just olukorrad, kus inimesed üritavad pidada dieeti või luua endale uusi toitumisharjumusi, kuid mingil põhjusel see ei õnnestu. Miks on see nii? Põhjuseid on kindlasti palju, aga loengu teemadest lähtuvalt otsustasin ma uurida töömälu ja toitumise vahelisi seoseid, kuna töömälu ülesandeks on ebasoovitavate ihade ja kiusatuste allasurumine. Bryani ja Tiggermani (2001) uurimusest selgus, et ülekaalulistele naistele ettekirjutatud dieet ei mõjutanud kognitiivset sooritust (sealhulgas töömälu). Dieedil olemine suurendas kontrollitunnet enda kaalu ja söömiskäitumise üle. Samas mõju...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
3 allalaadimist

Sinu seksuaalsus

menstruatsiooni algamisel. PMS-i iseloomustab: menstruatsioonile eelnev pingesolek, meeleolukõikumine, ärrituvus, unetus, peapööritus, rindade tundlikkus, higistamine, lihasvalud, kehakaalutõus, nahalööbed. PMS-i põhjused ei ole veel täielikult selged, ent arvatakse, et see sõltub hormoonide tasemest ja kõikumistest. · Premenstruaalne meeleoluhäire (premenstrual dysphoric disorder - PMDD) ­ premenstruaalne sündroom, mida iseloomustavad eriti selgelt avaldunud psühhosomaatilised sümptomid, nt depressioon, meeleolumuutused, hirmutunne, stress, ärrituvus, närvilisus, agressiivsus, patoloogiline unisus või unetus, tähelepanu vähenemine, kontrollikaotus. PMDD juhtumite puhul on sageli vajalik psühhiaatriline konsultatsioon. Üsna sageli määratakse raviks monofaasilisi rasestumisvastaseid tablette. Millised muutused sinuga toimuvad

Inimeseõpetus → Seksuaalkasvatus
66 allalaadimist

Sõltuvuskäitumise erinevad vormid

3. Juuste kiskumine tekitab naudingut või kergendustunnet. 5 Tallinna Ülikool Sõltuvuskäitumine 4. Häiret ei saa paremini põhjendada muu psüühikahäirega ja see pole tingitud kehalisest haigusest (n. nahahaigusest). Teoreetilised sõltuvuskäitumise vormid Internetisõltuvus ( Internet Addiction Disorder, Pathological Internet Use) Internetisõltuvust, mida võib vaadelda kui ülemäärast interneti kasutamist, mille tulemusel tekivad isiklikud ja suhtlemisalased probleemid, tööga seotud probleemid, majanduslikud probleemid või muud kõrvalekalded tervest ja rahuldustpakkuvast elustiilist. · Internetisõltuvuse uuringute alguseks võib tinglikult lugeda 1996. aastat, kui Ivan K

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
135 allalaadimist

Haiguse olemus ja esinemine

toitumisteadlasi. Ortorektikud muudavad oma toitumisharjumusi suhteliselt kergemini kui anorektikud ja buliimikud, neile tuleb lihtsalt väga põhjalikult selgitada, miks on oluline toituda selliselt, nagu toidu- ja toitumissoovitused õpetavad. Binge tähendab EESTI keeles pealesundivat, tahtele allumatut. Kui rääkida toitumisest ja toitumishäiretest, siis tähendab see kontrollimatut ülesöömist ja ingliskeelsest sõnast binge-eating disorder tulenev toitumishäire on pealesundiv söömishäire. Kompulsiivset söömist iseloomustavad järgmised tunnused:  süüakse palju kiiremini kui tavaliselt;  süüakse, kuni ollakse ebamugavalt täissöönud;  süüakse suuri koguseid hoolimata sellest, et kõht ei ole tühi;  süüakse üksinda, kuna on häbi söödud koguste pärast;  tuntakse tülgastust, masendust või süütunnet pärast söömist.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
3 allalaadimist

Toitumishäired - referaat

Toitumishäired Referaat Pärnu 2010 TOITUMISHÄIRED Toitumishäirete keskmes on kehakaalu ja -kuju ülemäärane tähtsustamine, millega seoses püütakse äärmuslike meetoditega vältida kehakaalu tõusu. Toitumishäired on tänapäeval laialdaselt levinud noorte seas, sest meedia loob ettekujutuse ideaalsest figuurist ja toitumishäired saavadki alguse selle saavutamise soovist. Kui inimese jaoks on toiduga seotud teemad muutunud kinnisideeks, kaalule ja figuurile mõtlemine muutub pidevaks ning ka väiksesse kaalutõusu suhtutakse paanikaga, võib see viidata võimalikule toitumishäirele. Toitumishäire on tõsine haigus, mis võib lõppeda isegi surmaga ning tavaliselt on selle haiguse ravimine raske ja aeganõudev ning haigusest tulenevad kahjustused võivad olla eluaegsed. Inimesed, kellel on toitumishäired, varjavad neid, kuid haigusega võitlemiseks on eelkõige vaja seda just endale ja teistele tunnistada. ANOREKSIA Haiguse olemus ja esi...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese õpetus
31 allalaadimist

Loovtöö 8.klass Tervislik toitumine

Ortorektikud ei ole võimelised valima endale toitu väljas einestades, sest nende arusaamise järgi sisaldab see palju rasva, saaste- ja lisaaineid . BINGE: · Binge tähendab eesti keeles pealesundivat, tahtele allumatut. Kui rääkida toitumisest ja toitumishäiretest, siis tähendab see kontrollimatut ülesöömist ja ingliskeelsest sõnast binge-eating disorder tulenev toitumishäire on pealesundiv söömishäire. · Kompulsiivset söömist iseloomustavad järgmised tunnused: XV. süüakse palju kiiremini kui tavaliselt; XVI. süüakse, kuni ollakse ebamugavalt täissöönud; XVII. süüakse suuri koguseid hoolimata sellest, et kõht ei ole tühi; XVIII. süüakse üksinda, kuna on häbi söödud koguste pärast; tuntakse tülgastust, masendust või süütunnet pärast söömist

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
211 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun