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"testing" - 174 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: testing

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Structural Testing Of Homebuilt Aircraft

STRUCTURAL TESTING OF HOMEBUILTS Editor's Note: Alex Strojnik's Aviation articles on laminar flow in in all cases of new designs. He writings and aircraft designs have lightplane design, Alex designed also believes load testing may be in appeared in Sport Aviation many and built a very low drag powered order in a number of instances times in the past decade. A native sailplane, the S-2 (Sport Aviation, involving composite airframes. of Yugoslavia, Alex has very April 1982), which would become While there has been no history of impressive academic credentials. the first homebuilt motorglider in structural failure in composite

Mehaanika → Abimehanismid
4 allalaadimist

Resources for a Beginner Tester

This is a collection of materials that I typically send to someone who wants to know more about testing. I recommend to go through Part 1 in the given order. Part 2 presents further resources organized by category. This is just the beginning... But you need to begin somewhere :) Part 1: Diverse Half-Measures and Increased Serendipity 1. Watch this - Open Lecture by James Bach at Estonian Information Technology College 2. Learn 5 testing skills in 4 hours: by Helena Jeret-Mäe and Joep Schuurkes 3. Read this article by Michael Bolton to learn how to immediately start finding issues. 4. Sign up and participate in a Weekend Testing Europe session to learn from and interact with other testers. 5. Read this article http://www.ebaytechblog

Informaatika → Tarkvara testimise alused
15 allalaadimist

Animal Experimentation

Animal Experimentation Based on the Constitution of Estionia, we are all born with equal rights. However, mankind denys that animals share these rights. Animals are just as entitled to the rights of living, avoiding pain as humans are. Nonetheless, we still abuse them, often even without a second thought. Despite the wide use of animal testing, the research gained from it is not helpful to mankind. The chemicals and medicines tested on animals reacts differently on every species. That is why results gained from animal testing could be incorrect and misleading. In many cases, not only are the results wrong, but the opposite can be true for humans; a drug may cure a disease in lab animals but have an bad effect when used in treating people for the same symptoms. Only the study of human patients will ultimately lead to valid research.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide analüüs ja projekteerimine

Enesetest 10.4 HITSA Moodle Infosüsteemide analüüs ja projekteerimine Õpikeskkonna avalehele ► Minu kursused ► Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž ► I230 ► 10. Süsteemi realiseerimine, hooldus ja tugi ► Enesetest 10.4 Alustatud neljapäev, 22. oktoober 2015, 20:35 TESTI NAVIGATSIOON Olek Valmis Lõpetatud neljapäev, 22. oktoober 2015, 20:39 1 2 3 4 5 Aega kulus 3 minutit 59 sekundit Kuva korraga üks Punktid 0,00/5,00 aken Hinne 0,00, maksimaalne: 10,00 (0%) Lõpeta ülevaatus Küsimus 1 Üksiku mooduli testimine eesmärgiga leida vigu mood...

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
29 allalaadimist

Rational Use of Diagnostic Tests

Rational Use of Diagnostic Tests Screening tests Diagnostic tests are often used to screen asymptomatic patients and identify risk factors for occult disease. Screening tests should be generally noninvasive, inexpensive, and of minimal risk to the patient. Screening tests should have high diagnostic sensitivity, which means few false negative results would be expected, as the goal of testing is to rule out the presence of disease. Screening tests should be used to screen for diseases that (1) have serious consequences if left undetected, (2) are reasonably prevalent within the population, and (3) have treatment options readily available. Should a positive result be obtained, a more accurate, confirmatory test should then be performed. One example of a screening test would be the urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio (Cort:Crt)u,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 3 variant

Transition: süsteemi käitamine 4. Внедрение (Transition) В фазе «Внедрение» создается финальная версия продукта и передается от разработчика к заказчику. 4 test levels Unit test(module test, verify the functionality of a specific section of code), Integration testing(verify the interfaces between components against a software design), System testing( testing a completely integrated system to verify that it meets its requirements), Acceptance testing(testing delivered to user) Waterfall gde nuzno naiti owibku 2loeng 9 Tarkvaraprobleemi lahendamine varajastes disainietappides on on 100 korda odavam kui... Extreme programming XP short iterations(1-2 weeks), short release cycles(1-2 months),user stories(customer perspective), customer

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
86 allalaadimist

Prototüüpide loomine

(2004). User Stories Applied For Agile Software Development.  Boston, MA: Addison Wesley.  The FeedForward Blog (2007a). How Laura uses FF.  The FeedForward Blog (2007b). How Zoe uses FF.  LeContract blog (2010). Ginsburg, S. (2009). An agile approach to iPhone design: Paper prototyping + user testing. agile-approach-toiphone-design-paper-prototyping-user-testing Spool, J.M. (2005). Seven Common Usability Testing Mistakes. Carroll, J.M. (1999). Five Reasons for Scenario-Based Design. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Rosson, B.M., Carroll, J.M. (2002). Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human Computer Interaction

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist


Greenpeace general facts. Greenpeace is a non-governmental organization which was found in 1971 by Kumi Naidoo who is an executive director and Lalita Ramdas who is a chairman. Greenpeace has about 2.86 million members in 41 different countrys and its main office is located in Amsterdam. Origin. The founders of Greenpeace believed a few individuals could make a difference which motivated them to stop USA's underground nuclear testing and that was the first time they did something good for environment and they wanted to keep doing that. Objectives 1 Greenpeace is perhaps best known for its campaigns to protect whales and other large aquatic animals from hunters and trappers. Greenpeace programs target multiple areas of ocean defense, centering primarily on pollution and unfair or abusive fishing practices. 2 Many electronics and other products contain toxic chemicals and heavy metals

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

Subsystems and Components • Components are the physical realization of an abstraction in the design • Subsystems can be used to represent the component in the design 6. WATERFALL MODEL The waterfall model is a sequential software development model (a process for the creation of software) in which development is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing (validation), integration, and maintenance. Why a Pure Waterfall Process is Usually Not Practical - Don’t know up front everything wanted and needed o Usually hard to visualize every detail in advance - We can only estimatethe costs of implementing requirements o To gain confidence in an estimate, we need to design and actually implement parts, especially the riskiest ones o We will probably need to modify requirements as a result - We often need to execute intermediate builds

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Tarkvara testimist käsitlev juhendmaterjal

Näiteks võib klassifikatsioone välja tuua selle põhjal, 1. Kes testib? 2. Mida testitakse? 3. Kuidas testitakse? Kõiki testimise liike ei pruugi süsteemi testimisel olla võimalik ega ka vajalik läbi viia (kuna testimisvajadused olenevad süsteemile püstitatud nõuetest), samuti pole järgnevalt kirjeldatud kõiki võimalikke testimise liike. Testimise erinevaid liike kirjeldatakse ka raamatutes Lessons Learned in Software Testing [KA+], Effective Methods for Software Testing [PE] ning Testing Standards Working Party materjalides [TS]. 5.1 Liigitus tarkvara testitavate omaduste järgi Tarkvaral on palju erinevaid omadusi, millele võib defineerida nõuded. Võimalike omaduste hulgas orienteerumise lihtsustamiseks on koostatud kvaliteediatribuutide süsteeme. Üks neist on ISO/IEC 9216 poolt kirjeldatav kvaliteediatribuutide süsteem, mis jagab tarkvara omadused kvaliteedinäitajateks ning nende allnäitajaiks. Standard

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist

Erialane inglise keele konspekt

Erialane inglisekeel 2 semester. Software engineering Tarkvara tehnika. Sub.discliplines of software engineering. 1. Software requirements 2. Software design 3. Software develompment 4. Software testing 5. Software maintenance 6. Software configuration managment 7. Software engineering managment 8. Software development process 9. Software qengineering tools 10. Software quality Ex 1 1. analysing and defining the problem to be solved. 2. Desiging the program. 3. Coding. 4. Testing. 5. Training the users. 6. Dockumenting. 7. Obtaining feedback from user UML- united modeling language Algoritm- eeskiri mis tleb kuidas seda prorgammi kirjutada.

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
40 allalaadimist


ee) • Infoturbe lekskion – • Protokoll, meie ainekontekstis suhtlemisreeglite kogumik 12.02 • CIA – confidentiality, integrity, availability • SKT – salastatus/konfidentsiaalsus, kättesaadavus, terviklikkus • Interneti rünnakute eest võib saada kuni 5 aastat vangistust • Küberturvalisus ehk IT süsteemida kaitse riist-ja tarkvara süsteemi osadel • Häkker – keegi, kes otsib süsteemi nõrkusi • White-box testing – häkkeril on süsteemist kõik teadmised • Black-box testing – süsteemi kohta eelnevat infot pole • Projektijuht vastutab, et turvatestid oleks läbitud • OSI mudel – 7. rakenduskiht, 6. esitluskiht, 5. seansikiht, 4. transpordikiht (TCP), 3. Võrgukiht (IP), 2. Kanalikiht (lülikiht), 1. füüsiline kiht. • OWASP – open web application security project e vabas kasutuses olevad veebiturvalisuse eest vastutavad asjad

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
22 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

GRP Cold Cut & Pull Codes & Standards Unsustained Loads Hydraulic Analysis ­ Wind Selection of Pipe ­ Earthquake Class ­ Ship Pitch & Roll Fittings Class ­ Vibration Piping Layout Buried Pipeline Design Thermoplastic Piping Design Comparison with Steel Steel Piping International and national standards define the design, fabrication, installation and testing clearly for different industries and processes Codes require design for primary and secondary stress in static and dynamic modes not just hoop stress Material properties are defined for steel but are tenuous for thermoplastics Properties isotropic Manufacturer independent of design Thermal strain limited < 100ºC NDE is defined for steel Testing is defined Corrosion and Design Life Thermoplastic Piping Design Comparison with GRP GRP Piping

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

“Kasutajamugavus ja kasutajakogemus”

Meie loodud uues disainis on antud nupp nähtav kohe avalehel sisenemise nupu juures. 3. Vanas disainis oli võimalik apteegist toote kontroll ka, aga nimekiri võttis palju ruumi lehel ja seda ei olnud võimalik scrollida. Meie uues disainis on võimalik nimekirja scrollimine, mis säästab lehel ruumi ja kasutaja saab näha, kus ta on peatunud. Prototüübi testimine Prototüübi testimiseks valis meie tiim 2 viisi - hallway testing ja remote testing. Mõlemad viisid olid valitud seepärast, et lubavad testida prototüübi üheaegselt. Tiim saab tulemused kohe ja saab jälgida reaalses elus, kuidas kasutajad testimist teevad. Antud viisid lubavad ka koostööd kasutajate ja tiimi vahel. Samuti võtavad need viisid vähem aega kui teised. Mõlemal puhul osales testimises 5 inimest. Hallway testingpuhul palusime testida meie prototüüpi 5 juhuslikult valitud inimeselt ülikoolis. Neile oli antud 2 ülesannet: luua konto ja vahetada keel.

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist

Summary - IT in motorsport

Almost everything there are controlled with computers. One thing to point out is the steering wheel of a Formula One car. Modern F1 wheel might have 35 or more knobs, buttons and switches. Driver can adjust almost everything of his car with the wheel. Usually F1 wheels have also LED screens which can display as many as 100 pages of info and data. Third topic I talked about was simulators. Modern road circuit simulators can be very similar to real life experience. For example most of the testing in F1 are made with simulators because it is much cheaper and also testing kilometres and time is limited. But the rally simulator have not yet reached that kind of level. They are similar but doesn’t actually simulate the real life. I think the cause of this is that it’s much harder to simulate all kind of different road surfaces like snow or gravel etc and also it’s harder to drive and so it has less market. Last topic I talked about was about video analysis

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mycoplasma hyosynoviae

• Liigese liikuvus vähenenud • Sünoviaalvedelik kollast värvi, sisaldab fibriinihelbeid • Labordiagnostika: • Postmortaalselt võetakse proov liigesevedelikust süstlaga aspireerimise teel • Vedelikust leitakse haigustekitaja Mycoplasma hyosynoviae • Proov võetakse loomalt, kellel on kliinilised tunnused esinenud vähemalt 3-4 päeva PROOVI VÕTMINE A. Collecting joint fluid from a 6-week-old pig demonstrating lameness prior to diagnostic testing.  B. Swabbing the intra-articular cavity for diagnostic testing. RAVI • Antibakteriaalne • Toimeained: Linkomütsiin, tiamüliin • Süsteemne manustamine injektsioonina (im) • 3-4 päeva • Glükokortikosteroidid • Pärsib põletikku ja ebamugavustunnet loomal • Paranemine võib toimuda ka ilma ravita RAVI • Eestis sigadel kasutusel preparaat Tiamowet • Toimeaine tiamüliin • Inhibeerib bakteriaalsete proteiinide sünteesi

Põllumajandus → Infektsioonhaigused
1 allalaadimist

The Gemini Guidance Computer

The Gemini Guidance Computer XXX The Gemini Guidance computer - Citations Retrieved 24 Novmber 2015 Retrieved 24 November 2015 The Gemini Guidance computer - Vocabulary The Gemini Guidance computer - Structure History Objective Functions The Gemini Guidance computer - History End of the Mercury program 1. Man in space New era of testing 2 men in space more instrumentation Introduced in 1965 The Gemini Guidance computer - Objective To maneuver the spacecraft in space Calculate the distances between the rendezvous points Practicing rendezvous with Agena. The Gemini Guidance computer - Functions Prelaunch Ascent backup Insertion Catch-up Rendezvous Re-entry The Gemini Guidance computer - Conclusion 1. History 2. Objective 3. Function

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
1 allalaadimist

Arvutid 2017 Kospekt

vigu avastavad koodid vigu parandavad koodid Rikked arvuti riistvaras. Püsivad rikked:1.Ühenduste rikked;2.Purunenud komponendid;3.Tootmisel tekkivad rikked;4.Disaini vead. Mitepüsivad rikked:1.Keskond (temp. Niiskus, rõhk ...);2.Vibratsioon;3.Toide;4.El. magn väli, staatiline elekter, maandus;5.Halvad ühendused;6.Kriitilised ajad (timing);7.Takistuse ja mahtuvuse muutused, 8.Müra;9.Vananemine. Millal testitakse:*Normaalses tööreziimiz. (Online testing,Concurrent testing)*Spetsiaalses testimise reziimis. (Off-line testing). Kus on stiimulid: *Süsteemi sees (Self-testing)*Eraldi testri mälus (External testing). Milliseid rikkeid testitakse: *Projekteerimise vigu. (Design verification)*Tootmise vigu*Tootmise praaki*Rikkeid (Field testing, Mintenance testing) . Milline on testimise objekt: *Mikroskeem IC (Component level testing)*Plaat (Board level testing)*Süsteem (System-level testing).

Informaatika → Arvutid
26 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjutis/writing, core values

Unit 1 Writing Our company's core values are to provide quality products at affordable prices and make sure that the ingredients in products are safe and natural. We recognize environmental issues and never knowingly create a product that is harmful to the environment, we don't use animal testing and our manufacturing supports wind power. Nature's Care aims to foster the staff's development. For the employees of Nature's Care we provide a pleasant working environment and supply training oppurtunities and perks. Customers are very important to us so we treat each customer as an individual and try to make every person who shops with us feel important and valued. Nature's Care recognizes that these days customers value more natural products, so

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Internet piracy

economically. According to the Motion Picture Association of America, in 2005, MPAA studios lost $2.3 billion worldwide to Internet piracy alone. Posting movies on a P2P service or an unauthorized website is akin to giving illegal copies to millions of people. Regardless of whether or not a tangible item is stolen, a repercussion still results. Unfortunately, not all who embrace the "try before you buy" mentality follow through with their decision to buy the product after testing something they would deem worth purchasing. It is my personal opinion that file sharing is unethical. I feel that the justifications of those that support it are not valid. All content that can be converted into a digital format should Erkko Liiv 11.a not be made freely available simply because it is easy to distribute. The films, music, software,

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

Bodyshop Company The Body Shop International plc is a global manufacturer and retailer of naturally inspired, ethically produced beauty and cosmetics products. Founded in the UK in 1976 by Dame Anita Roddick, we now have over 2,100 stores in 55 countries, with a range of over 1,200 products, all animal cruelty free, and many with fairly traded natural ingredients. We were the first international cosmetics brand to be awarded the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. And we have our own fair trade programme called Community Trade, making us the only cosmetics company with such an extensive commitment to trading fairly. Community Trade now works with 31 suppliers in 24 countries, providing over 15,000 people across the globe with essential income to build their futures. The Body Shop is a leader in the trend towards greater corporate transparency, and we have been a force for positive social and environmental change through our lobbying

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

A lab report describes an experiment and its conclusions and has four main parts: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. The major difference between design and lab reports is that design reports do not include a methods section (other than when describing the evaluation plan.) When performing an experiment, the method that you use to obtain an answer must be presented for someone else to validate the results. For example, when testing the emissivity of a material, the difference between using a thermopile and using an energy balance will affect the results. The absence of a methods section in your design report may be disconcerting because you might have spent up to half the semester considering different concepts before choosing one, but ultimately you won’t write about that process. The audience only cares about what you came up with and not how you got there. A design report is not a history (“first we tried this

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist

Information technology specialists

Information technology specialists Gerda Põdder Tallinn University of Technology Content IT-specialists (in general) Duties Skills Environment Prerequisites Salary Some interesting facts IT-specialists computer support specialists Duties Work with customers Identify computer-user problems Fix computer problems Teach people Supervise the work Upgrade hardware and software Assist in the design, preparation, editing and testing Skills Great customer service skills Good communication skills Computer skills Technical skills Listening skills Be willing to learn English spoken skills English written skills Environment Usually: Comfortable; Informal; Well-lit offices or Computer laboratories Education/Prerequisites Large knowledge base Some hands-on experience Solid educational background Bachelor's degree Associate's degree Salary (40 hours a week) Depends $32,110 - $53,640 on average

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


2. Diastrophic dysplasia (one per 110,000 births) 3. SED (one per 95,000 births) Primordial dwarfism A rare form of dwarfism that results in a smaller body size in all stages of life beginning from before birth. Potential causes Many forms of dwarfism are usually the result of a spontaneous mutation in a single gene from averagesized parents. By genes inherited from one or both parents. Diagnosis Through prenatal testing. Most cases are not identified until after the child is born. Treatment Hormonal therapy. Limblengthening surgery. Most forms of dwarfism cannot be treated or cured. Prevention Prompt treatment of any childhood illnesses and proper nutrition. During pregnancy avoiding cigarettes and alcohol. Some causes of dwarfism are genetic. There are no ways to prevent them. Interesting facts 85% of children with achondroplasia are born

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Unit 2 test (8 klass)

2. Jason and Jack take turns tidying their room. 3. I don’t like this salad, there’s too much vinegar in it. 4. Dad insisted on us telling the truth. 5. When I opened the box, I found that the alarm clock was damaged. 6. That’s not fair! That’s cheating! 7. My granny usually bakes a hazelnut cake for my birthday. 8. Our team is doing well this season 2) 1. To 2. Up For 3. Of For Up 4. With 5. For On By 6. With 7. At 8. To To 3) 1. Was testing, sank, had to 2. Had read, went 3. Was riding, took 4. Was having, heard, had finished, called 5. Were bilding, started 6. Had sat, started 7. Was reading, entered 8. Didn’t have to, decided 4) 1. 4 playing pieces, 2 dice and a game board 2. The player with the highest number will start 3. At the square nr1 4. Once 5. Is taken by another player 6. I moved up the ladder and places the playing piece on the square at the top of the ladder. 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Oracle: SQL ja PLSQL 01

1. Logige Oracle�i andmebaasi �testdata� k�lge kasutajanimega scott ja parooliga tiger. Enter user-name: scott Enter password: Last Successful login time: Sun Mar 05 2017 01:20:23 +02:00 Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing oions 2. Uurige, milline on tabeli kandidaadid struktuur. SQL> DESCRIBE kandidaadid Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------- ID CHAR(11) EESNIMI VARCHAR2(20) PERENIMI VARCHAR2(30) MATEMAATIKA NUMBER(3)

Informaatika → Oracle programmeerimiskeeled...
35 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt 2020

Apache HTTPD, IIS etc.  Eksamsüsadmini Eksampeamised Eksamtehnilised Eksamtöövaldkonnad/tehnoloogiad Server monitoring, Monitoring application logs, Server updates, Backup copies, Server user management, Linux/Windows server administration  Käsitestimine Eksam- EksamUnderstanding the application business logic, Testing application functional requirements, Regression testing, Responsible for quality control  automaatestimine - Manual tester background, Automation tools (Selenium, Cucumber), Basic Python/Java/JavaScript  pentestimine Eksam Eksam- EksamAutomation tester background, Good software/hardware know-how (śerver + application), Good understanding of network traffic, Application business logic analysis, Penetration tools (OWASP ZAP, Blurpsuite, Kali

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
96 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksami materjal

74 · projekteerimise vead Mittepüsivad rikked (Nonpermanent Faults): · keskond (temperatuur, niiskus, rõhk, ...) · vibratsioon ja müra · toide · magnetväli ja staatiline elekter · halvad ühendused · takistuse ja mahtuvuse muutused · vananemine · Testimine Millal testitakse : · Normaalses tööreziimis. (Online testing,Concurrent testing) · Spetsiaalses testimise reziimis. (Off-line testing) Kus on stiimulid : · Süsteemi sees (Self-testing) · Eraldi testri mälus (External testing) Milliseid rikkeid testitakse : · Projekteerimise vigu. (Design verification) · Tootmise vigu · Tootmise praaki · Rikkeid (Field testing, Mintenance testing) Milline on testimise objekt : · Mikroskeem IC (Component level testing)

Informaatika → Arvutid i
476 allalaadimist

Arvutid 1 eksam

· tootmisel tekkivad rikked · kasutamisel tekkivad rikked · projekteerimise vead Mittepüsivad rikked (Nonpermanent Faults): · keskond (temperatuur, niiskus, rõhk, ...) · vibratsioon ja müra · toide · magnetväli ja staatiline elekter · halvad ühendused · takistuse ja mahtuvuse muutused · vananemine Testimine Millal testitakse : · Normaalses tööreziimis. (Online testing,Concurrent testing) · Spetsiaalses testimise reziimis. (Off-line testing) Kus on stiimulid : · Süsteemi sees (Self-testing) · Eraldi testri mälus (External testing) Milliseid rikkeid testitakse : · Projekteerimise vigu. (Design verification) · Tootmise vigu · Tootmise praaki · Rikkeid (Field testing, Mintenance testing) Milline on testimise objekt : · Mikroskeem IC (Component level testing)

Informaatika → Arvutid i
587 allalaadimist


by 3D printing. Stratasys refused and withdrew their license for use of the printer. ABOUT THE COMPANY Stratasys manufactures 3D printing equipment and materials that create physical objects directly from digital data. Its systems range from affordable desktop 3D printers to large, advanced 3D production systems, making 3D printing more accessible than ever. Manufacturers use Stratasys 3D Printers to create models and prototypes for new product design and testing Educators use the technology to elevate research and learning in science, engineering, design and art. Hobbyists and entrepreneurs use Stratasys 3D Printing to expand manufacturing into the home -- creating gifts, customized devices and inventions. GRABCAD In september 2014 Estonian company GrabCAD, founded by two former students of Tallinn University on Tecnology, was purchased by Stratasys for 100 million dollars. Social network for engineers

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Automatiseerimistehnika ja arvjuhtsüsteemide lühendid

CAPPC Computer Aided Production Planning and Control arvuti toel tootmise plaanimine ja juhtimine; vastav tarkvarapakett CAPPP Computer Aided Process and Production Planning arvuti toel protsesside ja tootmise plaanimine; vastav tarkvarapakett CAPSC Computer Aided Production Scheduling and Control arvuti toel tootmise juhtimine; vastav tarkvarapakett CAR Computer Aided Robotic arvuti toel robotitele juhtprogrammide koostamine; vastav tarkvarapakett CAT Computer Aided Testing arvuti toel testimine ja katsetamine; vastav tarkvarapakett CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing raalintegreeritud projekteerimine ja tootmine; minimaalne arvuti toel lahendatavate ülesannete kogum sisaldab järgmisi tarkvarapakette: CAD, CAM, CAP, CAQ CNC Computerized Numerical Control arvuti toel programmeeritav arvjuhtimine (salvestatav), kasutakse paljude tööstusseadmete automatiseeritud juhtimisel CSG Constructive Solid Geometry hulgateoorial põhinev tahkekeha 3D-mudeldamine DNC

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
16 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

of those concentrate only on pets (mostly cats and dogs) but some just don’t mention hunting in any way. These types of organizations have been left out from this report. Below are listed some organizations, their goals and views on hunting. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is largest and most known animal rights organization in the world. They mostly concentrate their attention on factory farms, clothing trade, animal testing and entertainment industry. When going to PETA webpage first thing to see was pop up window about stopping seal hunt in Canada. They are especially concerned about killing animals because they are considered pests. Such animals would be beavers, bats, geese, deer, pigeons, mice, raccoons, snakes, chipmunks, squirrels, bears, coyotes, ducks, foxes, mountain lions, prairie dogs, rabbits, and even wolves. So their view on hunting is negative. [9]

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Muusika mida aeg-ajalt kuulan

Muusika, mida aeg-ajalt kuulan Mina kuulan väga erinevat muusikat, enamasti kuulan ma pop muusikat aga ka palju räppi. Just poppi kuulan ma sellepärast, et nendes lugudes on sõnum. Kui ma kuulan näiteks jazzi siis tihti loos ei ole sõnumit (just instrumentaalses loos). Ma kuulan muusikat trenni ajal või varem kui sõitsin bussiga. Need on head tegevused muusika kuulamiseks, kuna sa ei tee midagi aga samas ka teed ja siis tundub, et aeg läheb kiiremini. Mul ei ole otseselt lemmik artisti või samblit aga kui pean valima siis ​ASAP Rocky (Rakim Athelaston Mayers), kuna ta teeb väga huvitavat muusikat ja mulle meeldib see. ASAP kuulub hiphopiansamblisse ASAP Mob, mille järgi ta on võtnud endale hüüdnime. ASAP alustas tegevust 2007. aastal New York-is. Ta teeb räpp muusikat. Tema räpilood on erinevad, mõned on kiire tempoga mõned aeglase või ka mõlemat. ASAP on välja andnud kolm albumit ning neljas peaks varsti välja tulema. Näiteks viima...

Kirjandus → 8 klassi kirjandus
1 allalaadimist

Agiilne arendusmeetod

Agiilne arendusmeetod Tanel Särgava Joonis - Tüüpiline tarkvaraarenduse projekt o Esialgu said kokku 17 inimest kes nimetasid endid ,,Agiilseks liiduks" olid tarkvaraarendusega tihedalt seotud ning panid aluse agiilsele manifestile o Extreme Programming, Scrum, Dynamic Systems Development Method, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, Lean Development · ,,Agile manifesto" Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan o Kirjutada nö. Lightweight tarkvara o Kaasata klienti arendusse o Veenduda, et klient oleks rahul saadava lahendusega, mitte ei kirjutata valmis mid...

Informaatika → Informaatika
17 allalaadimist

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is a set of metods, directed on artificial creating of new combinations of genes that are not meeting in the nature. Nowadays genetic engineering is using much more difficult methods and hundreds business concerns around the world are engaged in receiving and testing of genetically modified plants. However, there are different meanings concerning this theme. It is known, that the population of our globe is growing steadily and because of it has appeared a problem of shortage of the food. And genetic engineering is able to solve this problems, because there are used some technologies which modify organisms genes and give them new properties, such as resistnce to some diseases, cold weather or wreckers

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

Arvutite riistvara veakindlus. · Rikked arvuti riistvaras. Püsivad rikked: 1.Ühenduste rikked; 2.Purunenud komponendid; 3.Tootmisel tekkivad rikked; 4.Disaini vead. Mitepüsivad rikked: 1.Keskond (temp. Niiskus, rõhk ...); 2.Vibratsioon; 3.Toide; 4.El. magn väli, staatiline elekter, maandus; 5.Halvad ühendused; 6.Kriitilised ajad (timing); 7.Takistuse ja mahtuvuse muutused, 8.Müra; 9.Vananemine. · Testimine. Millal testitakse : · Normaalses tööreziimiz. (Online testing,Concurrent testing) · Spetsiaalses testimise reziimis. (Off-line testing) Kus on stiimulid : · Süsteemi sees (Self-testing) 48 · Eraldi testri mälus (External testing) Milliseid rikkeid testitakse : · Projekteerimise vigu. (Design verification) · Tootmise vigu · Tootmise praaki · Rikkeid (Field testing, Mintenance testing) Milline on testimise objekt : · Mikroskeem IC (Component level testing) · Plaat (Board level testing)

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist


• contribution to development of NATO security policies related to cyber defence its definition of scope and responsibility of military in cyber defence, • carrying out cyber defence-focused training, awareness campaigns, workshops, and courses, • developing and conducting cyber defence-focused exercises and its ability to provide CD exercise support, • providing cyber defence SMEs to NATO and its ability in cyber defence testing and validating. CURRENT STATUS There are currently 15 countries involved within the centre: • Estonia • Germany • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Poland • Slovakia • Spain • Hungary • United States • Netherlands • Austria • United Kingdom • France • Czech Republic THANK YOU!  

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
11 allalaadimist

Jobs and occupations

Jobs and occupations 1. dentist ­ a filling has come out of one of your back teeth 2. an optician ­ you think your eyes need testing 3. a chiropodist ­ you find you have an ingrowing toe-nail 4. a chiropractor, a masseur, a physiotherapist 5. a hairdresser ­ your fringe is getting a bit too long 6. a photographer ­ you want a portrait photograph of yourself 7. a solicitor ­ you have decided to sue somebody 8. a travel agent ­ you fancy a holiday in the sun 9. a broker ­ you want advice on investment or insurance 10. a piano tuner ­ your grand piano isn't sounding quite right 11

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Kantserogeenid põhjavees

puhaste ainetega.  Toksikoloogilised ja epidemoloogilised laboratoorsed uurimused. OTSING  RCS Journals - sisaldab keemia ja loodusteaduste artikleid  groundwater AND health AND problems AND carcinogens OR cancer OR carcinoma  32122 vastet, neist 17723 artiklit  Mitchell E.; Frisbie S.; Sarkar B. (2011). Exposure to multiple metals from groundwater—a global crisis: Geology, climate change, health effects, testing, and mitigation. - Metallomics., 9, 874-908. [Online] doi: 10.1039/C1MT00052G (11.04.2013)  Põhjavees loomulikult eksisteerivate toksiliste metallide levimus. Nende keemilised, biokeemilised ja füsioloogilised interaktsioonid.  Analüütilised katsemeetodid proovide jaoks, mis sisaldavad mitut metalli. OTSING  Scopus – andis pealkirjast saadud märksõnadega spetsiifilisemad tulemused, kui muude märksõnadega.  Patania, F., Lo Nigro, S

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist

RAS operatsioonisüsteemid - reaalajalised tuumad

76. Mille poolest erinevad terminid ,,bug", ,,error", ,,fault" ja ,,failure"? · Bug ­ midagi, mis on sattunud programmi arusaamatul viisil (`putukas') · Error (defect) ­ viga nõudmistes, disainis või koodis · Fault ­ viga (tõrge), mis ilmneb tarkvarasüsteemi töötamisel · Failure ­ tõrge, mis põhjustab süsteemi `riknemise' (töökõlbmatuse), nõuetele mittevastavuse töö ajal 77. Mis on tarkvara musta kastina testimine (black-box testing)? Black-Box testing ­ sisendid ja väljundid vaatluse all, kuidas väljund saadakse ei uurita. Eeltingimuseks selge (korrektne) interfeisi defineerimine (määratus) · Exhaustive testing (põhjalik) ­ kõigi võimalike sisendkombinatsioonidega testimine (5 sisendit, 16- bitised täisarvud ­ 280 võimalust ) · Boundary-value testing ­ piirväärtuste testimine (min, max, keskmine) · Random test generation ­ juhuslike väärtustega testimine (statistiline käitumine,sarnane

Tehnoloogia → Reaalajasüsteemid
19 allalaadimist

ECDIS Voyage planning

chart data caused by: survey errors; horizontal datum errors and uncertainties; unreported changes; and obsolescent survey technology.  Alarms  Antigrounding  Sensors  Route  Network  Radar/Targets (CPA/TCPA)  Chart areas  Others Logging functions  Track, Logbook  Targets data  Radar overlay  Logbook, Route, Screen shots printout  Playback Testing ECDIS  The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has identified and described the necessary performance tests and checks for an IMO-compliant ECDIS. IEC Publication 61174 is the basis for type-approval specifications related to operational methods of testing and required test results for an IMO-compliant ECDIS. IEC 61174 is used as the basis for type-approval/certification by Maritime Safety Administrations for an IMO-compliant ECDIS.

Merendus → Navigeerimine
6 allalaadimist

Liigeste liikumissuunad ja lihased, mis neid liigutavad.

Referaat Liigeste liikumissuunad ja lihased, mis neid liigutavad. Triin Kiisa 2011 1.Liigesed ja nende liikumissuunad. Liigesed võivad olla vastavalt liikumisvõimalustele ühe-, kahe- ja mitmeteljelised. Üheteljeliste liigeste hulka kuuluvad plokk- ehk sarniirliiges ja ratasliiges, tigu- ehk vintliiges. Plokkliigesese liikumistelg on frontaaltelg ja on risti liikuvate luude pikiteljega. Plokkliigeses on võimalikud ainult painutus ja sirutus. Plokkliigesed on näiteks sõrmede ja varvaste lülidevahelised liigesed. Tiguliiges on plokkliigese erivariant, mille erinevuseks on see, et kumeral liigesepinnal leiduv vagu ja nõgusal liigesepinnal paiknev hari kulgevad veidi spiraalselt, s.o vindikujuliselt, mitte sagitaalselt. Seetõttu toimub samaaegselt painutuse ja sirutusega luude vabade otsade vähene suunast kõrvalekaldumine. Näiteks õlavarre-küüna...

Meditsiin → Massaa?
79 allalaadimist

„Agroecological Economics“ by Paul Wojtkow

engineering is the best way to produce products. Agroecological Economics analyzes the current topics that must be addressed in order to provide sustainable agricultural systems. It explains the economics of land-use ecology with emphasis on changing over from a conventional model of agriculture to environmentally- and ecologically-friendly models and the financial incentives that are important to these practices. · Analyses agricultural solutions with economic testing · Offers applications of ecologically-sound-land-use practises in productions and manu- facturing · Ect. Bioeconomic modeling Computer models find really practical use in agriculture. The most common applications are in yield prediction or to measure some other outcome. Yield prediction is only on aspect that it can capacipate. Bioeconomic models can forecast profitability, optimize profits, are multi-objective, also are capable of finding multiple solutions

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

8. klassi Inglise keel - Unit 2

I don't want to waste time arguing with you. 5) Ian decided to leave .?. work earlier and on his way to the bus stop he met his old friend by accident 6) He provided me with the information I needed 7) Jim was staring at the garage door as if he had seen a ghost. 8) Alice understood she had been rude to her sister and went upstairs to apologize to her. 3 Use the verbs in the past simple, the past continuous, or the past perfect 1) While Jack was testing his new conker, it sank and he had to look for some new ones. (test; sink; have to) 2) After Mum had read the letter, she went upstairs to talk to Jane. (read; go) 3) Jim was riding a horse when some girls took a photo of him. (ride; take) 4) I was having breakfast when I heard the telephone ring. When I finished eating I called Jane back. (have; hear; finish; call) 5) The children were building sandcastles at the beach when the first raindrops started to fall. (build; start)

Keeled → Inglise keel
133 allalaadimist

„The Chocolate War“

,,The Chocolate War" The book begins as Jerry Renault is being beaten at a football tryout. He takes a beating on the field, tackled and smashed over and over, but the coach is impressed by Jerry's will and asks him back the next day. It was important for Jerry to betray no sign of distress, because The Goober said that coach is testing Jerry and he is looking for guts. Walking home, he feels pain in his side and. Nauseated and weak, he manages to return to school. Obie hates Archie and hates what he does to people, but he is not strong enough to speak out against Archie. Perhaps he is afraid, and simply wants to avoid the fallout that would result if he defied Archie or voiced his opinions against him. Obie work after school is grocery stock clerk. Archie makes assignments that other students have to complete

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Position Paper The Kingdom of Belgium

their lack of meaningful human control over the critical functions of targeting and engagement in every attack. As well as that has Belgium signed a resolution that prohibits the use of LAW-s by the Belgium military. Belgium has proposed commencing negotiations in 2019 on a new treaty to prevent the development and use of lethal autonomous weapons systems. II. The Question of Preventing the Creation and Testing of Nuclear Weapons. In this day and age, The Kingdom of Belgium thinks that nuclear weapons are one of the most vital weapons that a country can use at war. We think that the NATO countries should constantly upgrade their nuclear arsenal, to be compatible with other nuclear power countries, such as Russia, The Republic of North Korea and many others. At the moment The Kingdom of Belgium holds in their possession with some other NATO countries the American type B-61 nuclear warheads

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


WHAT IS A RESPIRATOR? A respirator is a type of personal protective equipment (PPE). It is worn over the nose and mouth. Some respirators also cover the face and eyes. A respirator can protect you against breathing in harmful contaminants that are in the air - if you use it properly. MIS ON RESPIRATOR? Respiraator on teatud tüüpi isikukaitsevahendeid (IKV). On kulunud üle nina ja suu. Mõned respiraatorid ka katta nägu ja silmad.Respiraator võib teid kaitsta vastu hingamise kahjulikke saasteaineid, mis on õhus - kui te kasutate seda õigesti. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO WEAR A RESPIRATOR? Workers doing cleanup or ripout jobs create a lot of dust that gets into the air. This dust is there even if you cannot see it. It may contain mold or chemicals like asbestos or lead. If you breathe in this dust, you might become temporarily or permanently ill. You might become ill right away or sometime in the future. Always wear a respirator for clean...

Kategooriata →
4 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 8. klassile (ILE 6) Unit 2

up. 4 Can´t you undestand! I don´t want to waste time arguing with you! 5 Ian decided to leave from(?) work earlier and on his way to the bus stop he met his old friend by accident. 6 He provided me with the information I needed. 7 Jim was staring at the garage door as if he had seen a ghost. 8 Alice understood she had been rude to her sister and went upstairs to apoligise to her. 3 Use the verbs in the past simple, the past continuous, or the past perfect. 1 While Jack was testing his new conker, it sank and he had to look for some new ones. (test; sink; have to) 2 After Mum had read the letter, she went upstairs to talk to Jane. (read; go) 3 Jim was riding a horse when some girls took a photo of him. (ride; take) 4 I was having breakfast when I heard the telephone ring. When I had finished eating, I called Jane back. (have; hear; finish; call) 5 The children were building sandcastles at the beach when the first raindrops started to fall. (build; start)

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

programs. When presented with an expression of non-standard English, a typical rater will inevitably undervalue the essay even though an answer may be functionally equivalent to a response given in standard English. AES would have the capacity to overcome this human limitation if the relevant affected variables associated with nonstandard English can be isolated and adjusted. AES Programs Presently there are three major developers of automated essay scoring. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) has e-rater which is a component of Criterion SM, a comprehensive electronic portfolio administration system E-rater is also used as a scoring application for high- and low-stakes assessments, as well as a number of test practice applications. Vantage Learning has developed IntellimetricTM which is also part of an electronic portfolio administration system called MyAccess! TM Person Knowledge Technologies supports

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
18 allalaadimist

Phosphate Binders: Your Questions Answered

Phosphate Binders: Your Questions Answered What's the deal with phosphate in kidney disease anyway? Phosphate and calcium are both minerals that are essential in maintaining a healthy body. Together, they help build strong, healthy bones and teeth, and also play a role in regular cell and nerve function. Through a delicate process called homeostasis, the body keeps both phosphate and calcium at healthy levels. Both the kidneys and the parathyroid glands play vital roles. First, the kidneys, which activate vitamin D, control the amount of phosphate that is absorbed and excreted from the foods you eat. Second, a hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates phosphate by increasing or decreasing the blood's phosphate concentration. A normal blood phosphate level in adults is 3-4.5 mg/dL and a normal PTH is 10-55 pg/mL. However, in kidney disease and kidney failure, the body is not able to keep the levels of phosphate at healthy level...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun