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"logical" - 159 õppematerjali


Logical argument

8. If________, then_______. 8. LOGICAL ARGUMENT 8.1 Questions or conclusions based on conditions with "if". If farmers really need to kill foxes, why don't they just shoot them? What if there isn't enough work to go round? What if the employers decide to introduce new working practices? And what happens if the two sides can't agree? What would happen then if state benefits were cut completely? If this also makes Britain more attractive for overseas visitors, so well and good.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


Andmelülikiht jagab andmepaketid enne füüsilisse kihti saatmist kaadriteks (vt. fragmentation) ning võtab füüsilisest kihist vastu kinnituskaadreid (kaadreid, mida vastuvõtupool veakontrolliks tagasi saadab), teostab veakontrolli ning kui avastab vea, edastab kaadri teistkordselt. Nii tagab andmelülikiht võrgukihile veavaba virtuaalse kanali . Andmelülikiht jaguneb kaheks alamkihiks - ülemiseks ja alumiseks. Ülemist nimetatakse loogilise lüli juhtimiskihiks (LLC - Logical Link Control) ja alumist meediapöörduse juhtimiskihiks (MAC - Media Access Control). Lülikihi protokollid on näiteks PPP, SLIP, HDLC, ABP, Go Back N, SRP Füüsiline kiht (Physical layer) Füüsiline kiht OSI mudeli esimene ehk kõige alumine kiht. Siia kuuluvad riistvara ja selle juhtimise protseduurid ning see defineerib võrgu füüsikalised ja elektrilised karakteristikud ja tagab andmete edastamise võrgus elektriliste impulsside, valgus- või raadiosignaalidena ning

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
32 allalaadimist

Pääsuõigused ja kettaruumi haldamine

Sellele järgnevad kasutatavate RAID-ketaste nimed/asukohad. student@server:~$ sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd Loo uue massiivi peale LVM volume group kogu ruumi ulatuses. vgcreate on programm LVM volume group loomiseks. Anname selle argumentideks LVM volume group nime ja RAID-massiivi, mille peale see luuakse. student@server:~$ sudo vgcreate VolumeGroup00 /dev/md0 Loo uus logical volume kogu ruumi ulatuses. lvcreate on programm logical volume loomiseks. Lipuga -l 100%FREE loome logical volume kogu vaba ruumi ulatuses. Lipuga -n anname nime loodavale logical volume. Viimase argumendina anname LVM volume group nime. student@server:~$ sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n LogicalVolume00 VolumeGroup00 Loo uus failisüsteem loodud logical volume peale. student@server:~$ sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/VolumeGroup00/LogicalVolume00

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide ja...
6 allalaadimist

Philosophy today

as a relation between language and objective reality. Thus, understanding the structure of language is what reveals the structure of reality. Continental Philosophy At the same time that analytic philosophy was emerging, E. Husserl was developing his "phenomenological" approach to philosophy. He too emphasized high standards of clarity and precision, but sought them more in the rigorous description of our immediate experience (the phenomena) than in the logical analysis of concepts or language. Continental Philosophy In "Being and Time" Heidegger turned phenomenology toward "existential" questions about freedom, anguish and death. Later, French thinkers influenced by Husserl and Heidegger, especially Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, developed their own versions of phenomenologically based existentialism. Continental Philosophy The term "continental philosophy" was the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

C# Progammeerimise keel

typeof(T) Obtain System.Type object for T checked(x) Evaluate expression in checked context unchecked(x) Evaluate expression in unchecked context default(T) Obtain default value of type T delegate {...} Anonymous function (anonymous method) Unary +x Identity x Negation !x Logical negation ~x Bitwise negation ++x Pre-increment x Pre-decrement (T)x Explicitly convert x to type T Multiplicative x * y Multiplication x / y Division x % y Remainder Additive x + y Addition, string concatenation, delegate combination

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

artifacts. Questions about, for example, the form and function of scientific explanations In this section our aim is to examine alternative approaches to the philosophy of would be relevant to the former (analytic) approach, while questions about the relevance science from a logical point of view. Given the historical and sociological welter of of morality to science would merit special attention in the latter (synthetic) approach. /.../ views discussed, we want to be able to think about this or that particular question or Perhaps one of the reasons for the lack of communication between Anglo- approach as the realization of a logical possibility

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Lexical and syntactic stylistic devices

contextual meaning and emotional meaning and secondary meaning 1. EPITHET 1. METAPHOR ­ indicates individual 1. ZEUGMA 1. PERIPHRASIS 1. BATHOS ­ based on similarity of 2 evaluation of sth. Logical ­ "to join" ­ w-d is ­ use of longer ­ spoiling the lofty effect. Function notions, hidden comparison attribute is non-evaluative ­ in the same description instead of ­ irony, humour. (dead (faded due to long use "green grass"; grammatical relation plain & short (Author mentions: elevated +down-

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele modaalid (modals)

could can/can't can will may may/may not are allowed to could might could would formal may might Making offers Making suggestions Making logical Criticism I will help shall assumptions ought to shall can must should have been can could can't could

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Word ja Excel märksõnad-seletused

WORD Lehekülje häälestus (vasakult 3,5cm) : Page layout- margins-custom margins.. CTRL+A- teeb kogu teksti siniseks Üleliigsete tühjade ridade eemaldamine: Replace-more-special-paragraph mark-Otsi: ^p^p Asenda: ^p Nurksulgude eemaldamine: replace- [any character] Viide lõigu lõppu: year accessed-millal külastasid. Sõna tähtede vahe: font-spacing CTRL+D-dubleerib CTRL+c-copy CTRL+V ­paste EXCEL Tabeli andmete muutmine: Select data-edit Countif-(kogus palju mida on)-nt mehi kokku Mode-kõige sagedamini esinev hinne Ceiling-...=CEILING(B4*1,2;0,05) Averageif-keskmine (sugu,kriteerium, tunnus) IF-logical test (C1=D1) True,False Teksti ühendamine: =A1&" on sündinud "&C1&". Aastal ja ta on tähtkujult "&F1&" Sumif- nt hind kriteeriumite järgi (NIMI;KRIT,HIND) Suur täht =proper() Esitäht =left(A1) Format cels-custom- #" sorti"

Informaatika → Arvuti töövahendina
9 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne report kiri

This report is based on a diagram showing the percentage witch genres students like to read. This report will describe the reading habits of The Aru Secondary School. The most popular genre for girls was romantic novels and for boys thrillers. This is shown by fact that girls like more romantic and boys like more suspense. In the survey can read that only 17% girls like to read poetry and only 9% of boys like to read poetry. In conclusion I will say that these results are quite logical outcome. It is been always that girls like more romantic novels and boys thrillers. For summing- up I will say that it is nice that students like to read.

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Ettevalmistamata monoloog

to summarise...; At this state I`d like to conclude that...; In conclusion...; As I`ve explained in this presentation today...;) 4.LANGUAGE AND PRESENTATION: · Use present tenses (Use the present perfect to report somebody`s words...;Oscar Wilde has said that..;) · Make use of synonyms and different grammatical constructions (Try not to repeat the same words or phrases..) · Use a clear voice and logical transitoin (Don`t jump between the points..)

Keeled → Inglise keel
250 allalaadimist


They think it is boring and parents work really hard to make them study. Also, a lot of students think that the majority of the subjects they are learning are pointless. But actually none of those are pointless and every thing has a reason. In addition to that, if students could choose the subjects themselves, then some classes would be really empty. For example, a lot of students do not like maths or reading. Math develops logic and then we could imagine how many people would be without logical thinking. And reading books enriches vocabulary, so if people do not read books at all, their vocabulary would be quite small. On the other hand, learning different things like history and bilogy expand people's knowledge greatly. With learning so many different things one's brain and memory develops and that makes a person intelligent. In my opinion, students have to learn different subjects, even those that they find boring and

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

 1 t de(t )  u (t )  K P e(t )   e(t )dt  TD   TI 0 dt  This is a third-order plant model given by a transfer function of 1 G( s)  , u (t ) is input signal, e(t )  r (t )  y(t ) is the error between the ( s  1)3 output y (t ) and the desired output setpoint r (t ) . Use logical reasoning to determine whether K P , TI , TD must be increased or decreased in each of the following examples: a. Run in MATLAB the below program to see the output development if Proportional gain K P increases from 0.1 to 1. (10 marks) Example 1: Proportional gain K P increases from 0.1 to 1. G=tf(1,[1,3,3,1]); for Kp=[0.1:0.1:1], G_c=feedback(Kp*G,1); step(G_c), hold on; end b. Run in MATLAB the below program to see the output development if the proportional gain K P increases from 0

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist

What is expected of a graduate of the 21st century

history student in University of Tartu, I am wondering over the same questions and find myself often thinking what is expected of me after graduating and how has university played a role in my development for almost three years now. When asked what is the main purpose of university, most people would say that it is preparing students for different proffessions, which would later be the driving force of the country. But I think it is more complicated than that. Going to university is a logical step to a ambitious young high school graduate and some even don’t consider other possibilities. On the other hand, universities are getting a lot of critic because some say that the goal of universities are to produce as many diploma graduates as possible. I think that universities are places where young people who doesn’t know yet what they want from life, can use this time to discover their true interests. Im sure that many young high school graduates who start study

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Coca-Cola presentation

In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta. Fank Robinson ­ the bookkeeper of John Pemerton recommended to have Coca Cola for the name of the soft drink invented by Pemberton. Robinson also scripited the flowing Logo oF Coca ­ Cola. The soft drink was first sold to the in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. About nine servings of the soft drink were sold each day. The first year of the sales were a big loss which is quite logical i think. Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut ­ sales went up strictly. On April 23, 1985, the trade secret "New Coke" formula was released. Mission · To refresh the world... · To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... · To create value and make a difference. 2009 annual review : In 2009, our Company generated $8.2 billion in cash from

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist


Exeli funktsioonid jagunevad rühmadesse: 1) Maatemaatilised(Math ja Tig) 2)Kuupäeva- ja kellaaja funktsioonid(Date ja Time) 3) Otsimise ja viitamise funktsioonid(Lookup ja Reference) 4)Loogikafunktsioonid (Logical) 5) Finantsfunktsioonid (Financial) 6)Tekstifunktsioonid(Text) 7)Statistikafunktsioonid (Statistical) Matemaatilised funktsioonid 1)Liitmisfunktsioon SUM(Liidetav1;Liidetav2) 5 SUM(piirkond) - liidab kokku piirkonnas olevad arvud 5 7 9 40 12 3 4 9 18 2)Aritmeetiline keskmine AVERAGE(piirkond) - see on tegelikult statistiliine funktsioon - annab piirkonnas olevate arvude aritmeetilise keskmine 3 9 10 7.333333 3)Ruutjuur arvust SQRT(arv) ...

Informaatika → Funktsionaalne...
2 allalaadimist

You are what you think you are

You are what you think you are In my oppinion, you have to work hard to achive greater things in life. I do not agree with people who say that karma decides your life, or that everything is decided before you were born. I know, that if you work hard and put a lot of effort in your life, you will be succesful. Of course there are a lot of people, who would disagree with me, and a lot of them have great and logical explanations and theories, but in my opinion it just is not true. For example, every politican or person on a high paying job, who i have ever seen, has worked his way up the career ladder. Usualy they have studied very hard in school, to get to where they want to be. Most of them have gotten to where they want to be. Of course there are people who have gotten to important positions in life thanks to luck and many of them have had a lot of good ideas or have

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Shutter island review

Some of the parts were very well executed, for example the part where Teddy realises he is a patient in the hospital. The movie was good becasue you could not tell what was going to happen and the ending was unexpected, that is what is diffrent from other movies. I have once seen this film before and then iI thought it was much more boring because I was younger and could not understand the point of the film. It still is confusing and I think the film gets more logical with time or when you watch it over and over again. I would suggest is to people my age and older. The best part in the movie was when they were in cell block C, where the most dangerous patients were held and I also liked the part where Teddy found the nurse in a cave and she told him about the plans and things the doctor was doing in the hospital. It was a good movie but for me it was a little bit boring.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What is levels of formality

If you are writing a letter to a friend, writing something personal, you would use a more informal style. And also distribute on Social, Formal and Professional. If you are writing a letter for a job application or a academic essay, you would write in a more formal style. Writing or Spoken language takes on different levels of formality depending on the social situation and the relationships between those involved. It seems to me, these rules are very logical. And in my opinion, they are familiar to everyone.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Electrical engineering

object. Famous people with big impact are Nikola Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, john Logie Baird and many more How to become an electrical engineer Electrical engineers typically hold a degree in electrical engineering or electronic engineering. Getting into engineering school takes good grades in math and science. Students also need courses in English, social studies, and computers. Engineers should be creative, curious, logical, and detail-oriented. They should also be able to work as part of a team. What do electrical engineers do? Electrical engineers work in a very wide range of industries and the skills required are likewise variable. These range from basic circuit theory to the management skills required of a project manager. The tools and equipment that an individual engineer may need are similarly variable, ranging from a simple voltmeter to a top end analyzer to sophisticated design and manufacturing software

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

process is less formidable. You will want to know how to join similarities, compare and contrast certain facts, introduce the next topic, offer a supporting idea, or refer to previously presented facts. You will also need to know how to present different shades of argument to produce logically a recommendation you wish to make. This requires an ability to emphasise certain facts and 'bury' others. However, all facts need to be linked to give a logical flow. This unit will give you language practice in this important aspect of producing written documents. Evaluation Exercise 1 Connectives Study the following two versions of the same text and decide which do you find easier to read and why? what is the difference between them? When the ICN equipment was first introduced, it was found to provide a flexible and advanced system. Its speed of operation was greater than comparable hardware then available

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Future Tenses

Future forms Will-future Going to- Simple Present Future Future future presen progressi progressi perfect t ve ve • • Planned Future Planned Action Sth. Will Prediction, action in action action in will already assumptio the future is fixed the near definitely have n (assur future happen happene • logical ed/de (it d before • conseque ffinite) usually a certain spontaneo nce (sth. happens) time in us action Is goint to the happen) future Form Will-future Going to- Simple Present Future Future

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Computer games

VIDEO GAMES Video games, nowadays, are a new form of entertainment that has replaced traditional games. As everything in life, it has advantages, if they are used with coherence, but also disadvantages. On the one hand, you can have a good time alone. Besides, there are many logical games where it is possible to learn. Apart from being entertaining, they test your logic and skills. Video games can also improve your reflex actions and develop your imagination. On the other hand, video games can cause addiction and make you lose communication with your family and friends. People sometimes spend too much time in front of the screen, so they are not in the street with their friends. Furthermore, some video games are very aggressive and can influence our behaviour negatively.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Noun/Adjective, Verb/Noun

soap soapy ice icy storm stormy emotion emotional logic logical agriculture agricultural popularity popular tenacity tenacious volatility volatile care careful music musical fame famous

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


to arrogance, and eliminates the single-language entity from effective competition. There are any number of ways for the individual to learn a second or even third language. Immigrants, who refuse to become fluent in the language of their host country prevent their own success. It is mind-boggling that there are Russian-speaking families in Tallinn, for example, who have lived here in the Estonia for forty years and still have learned nary a word of Estonish! So the logical, success-promotive strategy is to learn one or more languages of a higher Tier. And such must be the policy in the schools, from the first day of pre-school or kindergarten. Children who do not speak Estonish (for example) are little disadvantaged in Estonia. I do not propose any one method or program over another, but rather assert that the policy of bilingualism is necessary for the success of every individual and thus also for the success of local and regional society.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ajalugu

NeoBiheivoristid - loomad õppimisprotsessid, metodoloogiline vs radikal. Positivism - the belief that science should study only those objects or events that can be experienced directly. All speculation about abstract entities should be avoided. Logical positivism - the philosophy of science according to which theoretical concepts are admissible if they are tied to the observable world through operantional definitions. 1. If theory is used, it must be used in ways demanded by logical positivism. 2. All theoretical terms must be operantionally defined. 3. Nonhuman animals should be used as research subjects for two reasons: (a) relevant variables are easier to control. (b) perceptual and learning processes occuring in nonhuman animals differ only in the degree from those processes in humans therefore the info can be generalized to humans. 4. The learning process is of prime importance because it is the primary mechanism by

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia ajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Might the Welsh language face a bright future?

There has been an increasing interest towards Welsh also because at the workplace the ability to speak and write Welsh has become as important as for example computer skills have been. To my mind the Welsh people have set their sight to preserving their language and even to enlarge the population speaking it. Families are being reminded of the use of raising their children bilingually. Of course the use of English will not disappear, in my opinion, never, which is quite logical. But I think that the Welsh language itself will not either. I think that us, Estonians can understand their pursuit very well and the tendency in the world towards preserving smaller languages, is in its high point.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Chinatown review

power board Mulwray with help from his wife Evelyn Mulwray. From the beggining, the movie develops an interesting and enthralling plot, which is enriched with sarcastic humour and complex human relations. The plot is very unpredictable so when the final result appears, it is very unexpected and well-hidden.3 Each incident pulls the audience deeper into the story and makes them to think and wonder but when the conclusion reveals, everything is logical and simple. This shows the wonderful work of the director.The different leves are combined very smoothly but it doesn't get boring, because of it's enthrilling action scenes, rudeness and drama.4 About the cast ­ Jack Nicholson seems to be the perfect actor choice for the leading role. He has that charm and intelligence to perfectly carry out the role of Gittes. In the movie, he is even more appealing with his broken nose, than he was before. The sarcastic humour and the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks- Monologue

Why do you think they say that? Do you agree? Give reasons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are expected to structure your monologue and present it speaking fluently with appropriate pronunciation and intonation and only natural pauses. You are expected to express yourself confidently, clearly and politely. Interact naturally with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications. Be logical and clear, paraphrase successfully. Your vocabulary should be precise and appropriate, as well as the register. Use a VARIETY of simple and complex grammatical structures as appropriate. Your monologue can be structured as following: 1. Introduction: state the topic (the conviction held). Recite the task. 2. Developing arguments with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications: - an account for such belief

Keeled → Inglise keel
163 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

1.The Conceptual Architecture identifies the high-level components of the system, and the relationships among them. Its purpose is to direct attention at an appropriate decomposition other system without delving into details. Moreover, it provides a useful vehicle for communicating the architecture to non-technical audiences, such as management, marketing, and users. Logical Architecture In Logical Architecture, the externally visible properties of the components are made precise and unambiguous through well-defined interfaces and component specifications, and key architectural mechanisms are detailed. The Logical Architecture provides a detailed "blueprint" from which component developers and component users can work in relative independence. Logical Architecture. Model System Behavior Execution Architecture An Execution Architecture is created for distributed or concurrent systems.

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Reporti kirjutamine

INTRODUCTION- state what you are going to write about. If the report is based on a survey, state when and by whom the survey was carried out. phrases to use The aim of this report is to ..... This report will examine/ consider/ compare.... This report is intended to ...... It is based on a survey which was conducted/ carried out.... B. BODY PARAGRAPHS- present the facts in a logical, organized way. Use sub-headings if necessary. Don´t discuss more than 3/4 aspects. Give some description and explanation. phrases to use Since/ As..... For this reason/ these reasons..... According to the survey...... Surprisingly/ Oddly/ Strangely/ Probably..... The graph/diagram/survey suggests/shows..... The cause for .....

Keeled → Inglise keel
1027 allalaadimist

Iluuisutaja Jevgeni Pljustsenko

Cup of Russia 2002. . 1- . Crest Whitestrips Challenge 2002. -. . 1- . 2003. . . 1- . - 1- . - 1- . - 2002/2003. . 1- . - 1- . 1- - 1- . 2- - 1- . 2003. , . 1- . - 1- . - 1- . - 1- . ABC Sports Challenge 2003. , . 1- . 2003-2004 - (" " , "Nyah" ). 1- - "-300", , " " ( Campbell's Classic, ). 2- - " " ("Art on Ice", "Magic Stradivarius", "King of the Forest" ( "String 'N' Beats"), "" -). - "-300" , ", " , "" , , " " , "Supertramp" - "The Logical Song" ( "Art on Ice" , 20- IV ), 5- ( ), (Afric Simone) "Hafanana" ( ), "" - , ( ), "Queen" "I Was Born To Love You" ( "Champions on Ice"). Campbell's Classic 2003. -, . 1- . Skate Canada 2003. , . 1- . Trophee Lalique 2003. , . 1- . Cup of Russia 2003. . 1- . International Figure Skating Challenge 2003. -, . 1- . - 2003/2004. -, . 2- . - 1- . - 2- . 2004. . 1- . 2004. , . 2- . - 1- . 12 - 1- . - 2- .

Keeled → Vene keel
14 allalaadimist


). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Tõlgitud raamatud · Laplace, P.-S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, tõlge.). New York: Dover. (Originaalteos publitseeritud 1814) Tekstis: (Laplace, 1814/1951). Artikkel või peatükk kogumikus Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Artikli pealkiri. Kogumiku toimetaja, Kogumiku pealkiri (artikli lk-d). Ilmumise koht: Kirjastaja. · Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick, Jr., P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. Kui entsüklopeedia märksõnal ei ole autorit, siis algab viide märksõnaga, millele järgneb aasta. Publitseerimata uuringud

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

Diminished loudness expresses intimacy, mildness, shyness, but also threat and warning. A loud voice may express familiarity, good heartedness, excitement, etc. PITCH: Depends on a state of excitement. It is high when a person is angry/excited; low when disappointed, desperate, sorrowful. TEMPO: The tempo of speech is normally slow with depression or sadness, but anger, fear, joy and other momentary feelings accelerate it. PAUSES: Pauses are chief means of making one's speech emotional. Logical pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts, which correspond to sense groups and are often marked in text by punctuation. Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase. The emotional pause corresponds to a dash and strengthen the speaker's disbelief. Such pauses may be marked in a text and may be introduced by a speaker.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Hoe to write an argumentative essay?

If for and against arguments were given earlier, this is the place where the writer can give his own opinion. If the writer feels there are more arguments for than against the topic, it is advisable to give those before the final paragraph to lead the reader to a proper conclusion. If giving support to an opinion throughout the essay, the opinion should be restated here. There are a lot of linking expressions that are useful for connecting the separate sentences and paragraphs into a logical cohesive text and are considered absolutely necessary in a good essay. The following are some examples of these. To introduce points: Firstly/To begin with/In the first place; One point in favour of/against is/One advantage of ... is/One disadvantage of ... is, etc. To add more points: Secondly/Thirdly/What is more/Furthermore/both ... and/not only ... but also/In addition/Besides/A further advantage of ... is/not to mention the fact that, etc.

Keeled → Inglise keel
140 allalaadimist

Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

features. To achieve a bigger and more sustainable competitive advantage different types of innovations should be combined together. 2. Name an example of a company from the book, which has gone beyond product innovation –explain which of the 9 other types they have used?  I really liked the example of Microsoft reinventing integrated office tools. When I think about it in today’s context, it seems very logical – a lot of companies do that. But that must have been an amazing innovation for that time. They used: o Profit model – instead of paying for the different applications separately, they combined them into one package that the consumers can purchase for a cheaper price (compared to the total price of purchasing the applications separately). o Process – constant data collections from users of the sofware ->

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


the game. It must be something is You, or you will end the game. You can break rules doesn’t mean there is no rules in the game. You must think creatively but don’t think too far outside the box. The reason why Baba is You become a game changer from regular puzzle games is not just because a creative idea, the most important thing is the developer has consider almost all the possibility of the gameplay of each level. From the simple X is Y statements to logical phrase, and then the complex modifiers, each new element is not independent, but is combined with other elements to make more possibility of the game. The puzzles are presented as separate levels on a world map. I think the shortcoming of the game is that the current difficult level of the game is a bit high. Sometimes we get stuck at some levels, just stare at the screen and have no idea how to solve the puzzle. The sound of the game is great, but if

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


To: From: (DO NOT write your own name. A member of the student committee etc. is fine) Subject: Basic structure 200 (+/- 10%)  Introduction: Aim of the report Status of the writer (who you are – not your name – to write the report given in the task) Source of the information that the report is based on a survey, state when and by whom the survey was carried out.  Body paragraphs: Each paragraph presents new facts that are supported by evidence. Present the facts in a logical, organized way. Use subheadings, if you prefer, to make it clearer. Group similar points under headings. Don’t include too many points in the report: choose 3-4 major points and develop them fully.  Conclusion: According to the report type, either make recommendation or assessment/state the final result/give comments. If you are asked to give your opinion, do so in the conclusion. Different report types and their outlines  Analyzing a survey

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Why I came to study English essay

they constantly bombard me with questions about my future. That made me think about how exactly did I end up studying English? First of all, as a kid, I was so sure I would be a hairdresser or a teacher or a cook in the future. I am sure that almost every kid thinks the same, when all they have for inspiration are cartoons and toys to play with. When I started school, I was very interested in mathematics and other subjects that required logical thinking, because apparently I was smart in that area at the time. Up until 6th grade I was the best student in our class, winning mathematic competitions left and right and not only that. By that time I had also found out that I loved to write, specially poems and I used every opportunity to submit my works for competitions and I had the luck to win some of them. It felt good to be one of the best students in our class.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Veebiteenuste kontrolltöö kordamisküsimuste vastused

o Platform-independent, language-independent, standards-based o Hea API testimine, veebibrauseriga o Ressurss: tuvastamisühik,, REST teenuse kirjeldamise vahendid o Loetelu SOAP ja REST teenuste turvalisus o REST: http/s autentimine, access tokeni kasutamine (ka kolmanda osapoole kaudu, nt OAuth) REST põhimõtted: o Use logical URL-s: o Query should return only necessary data (if necessary, proovide a paging mechanism) o Document well (if output is in XML, document it with a schema) o Provide URL-s in REST responses instead of having the client construct their own o GET access should never cause a state change XSD näide

Informaatika → Veebiteenused
32 allalaadimist

OSI mudel

kihti saatmist kaadriteks (vt.fragmentation) ning võtab füüsilisest kihist vastu kinnituskaadreid (kaadreid, mida vastuvõtupool veakontrolliks tagasi saadab), teostab veakontrolli ning kui avastab vea, edastab kaadri teistkordselt. Nii tagab andmelülikiht võrgukihile veavaba virtuaalse kanali. Andmelülikiht lisab IP aadressidele MAC aadressi alg- ja sihtarvutile. Andmelülikiht jaguneb kaheks alamkihiks - ülemiseks ja alumiseks. Ülemist nimetatakse loogilise lüli juhtimiskihiks (LLC - Logical Link Control) mis tagab universaalse liidese kanalite vahetuseks võrgukihiga ja alumist meediapöörduse juhtimiskihiks (MAC - Media Access Control) mille ülesandeks on adresseerimine ja kanalipöörduse juhtimine. Lülikihi protokollid on näiteks PPP, SLIP, HDLC, ABP, Go Back N, SRP. 5 Võrgukiht on OSI sidemudeli altpoolt kolmas kiht. See haldab pakettide liigutamist seadmete

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist


But who can say that we will develop into civilized beings? Surely, God has the right to cut his losses! But why play the gold medalists' national anthems and why wear stars and stripes on your swimming costumes? But if you worked on a farm and your chickens were killed by foxes, you'd think differently. But if you detect more crimes, you'll still need prisons. But if you followed that line to its logical conclusion, you'd pardon all criminals. But surely, you can see what you're getting in the holiday brochure. But surely, if you raise benefits too high, people wouldn't bother to work. But surely, the canal system is much too slow for industry today 7.2 Countering politely (through agreement followed by antithesis) Well yes, but if you visit it in June, it's extremely beautiful. Yes, but a serious astrologer would want to know a person's exact date of

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Exceli exami materjal

Exceli exami materjal Exceli töövihik - Exceli faile nimetakse töövihikuteks. Exceli tööleht - Tööleheks nimetataksegi seda suurt tabelit, mis "laiutab" suuremal osal ekraanil. Aktiivne lahter ­ Lahter, mis on aktiivseks tehtud. Lahter või pesa ­ rea ja veeru ristumiskoht. Igal lahtril on aadress, mille moodustavad veerutäht ja reanumber (A1, C5 jne.). Lahtri aadress ­ A1 jne Lahtriplokk ­ Märgistatud lahtrid Aktiivne lahter ­ kus sa praegu asetsed Valem - on Exceli eriline moodus teha arvutusi, kasutades seejuures teistes lahtrites asuvaid andmeid. Funktsioon ­ Funktsioon on lühidalt öeldes eeldefineeritud valem teatud kindlat tüüpi tegevuse (enamasti arvutuste) sooritamiseks. Liigendtabel ­ risttabel. Risttabelite abil saad teha algandmete alusel mitmesuguseid koondeid, analüüse ja aruandeid Makro - makro on käskude järjend, makro käivitamisel täidetakse ükshaaval makrosse kitjutatud käsud Iseloomusta ...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
139 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency D-E

Different Ex4. 1. In 2. To 3. Up 4. Below 5. With 6. Of 7. Up 8. For EXPERIENCE Ex1. 1. Have 2. Learn 3. Gained 4. Brings 5. Share 6. Based on Ex2. 1. E 2. D 3. B 4. F 5. A 6. C Ex3. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B Ex4. 1. Traumatic 2. Bitter 3. Satisfying 4. Memorable 5. Fascianating 6. Formative 7. Exhiliarating EXPLANATION Ex1. 1. Hear 2. Gave 3. Owe 4. Demand 5. Defies 6. Think of Ex2. 1. A very detailed 2. The most likely, any other possible 3. An immediate 4. No apparent 5. Convincing 6. Logical Ex3. 1. A word of 2. By way of 3. Some sort of Ex4. 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft] ACMS Application Control Management System ACP Ancillary Control Program + Auxiliary Control Process ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ACR Allowed Cell Rate ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System ACS Access + Access Control Set + Access Control System + * Advanced Computer System [IBM] + Anti Curl System + Asynchronous Communication Server ACSS Audio Cascading Style Sheets ACTLU Active Logical Unit ACTPU Active Physical Unit ACTS Automated Computer Time Service ACTT Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology [Seiko] ACU Automatic Calling Unit ACVC Ada Compiler Validation Capacity A/D Analog to Digital ADA Automatic Data Acquisitions + (Programming Language named after Augusta Ada Lovelace) ADB Apple Desktop Bus ADC Adaptive Data Compression (protocol) [Hayes] + Add with Carry + Analog to Digital Converter

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

OSI mudel

unikaalselt iga süsteemi võrgus ja samal ajal tuvastavad ka võrgu, milles konkreetne süsteem asub.Võrgukiht lisab alg- ja sihtarvuti IP aadressi saadetavale paketile. ● Andmelülikihi ülesanne on andmepaketi muundamine binaarkoodiimpulssideks, mida saab saata üle edastusmeediumi sihtarvutisse, kus toimub vastupidine protsess. Andmelülikiht koosneb kahest alakihist: 1. Loogilise lüli juhtimiskiht (LLC - Logical link control), mis teostab veakontrolli ja parandust 2. Meediapöörduse juhtimiskiht (MAC -Media access control), mis tuvastab lõppseadme füüsilise aadressi ja selle kuidas toimub pääsukontroll edastusmeediumile (CSMA/CD või Token Passing). ● Andmelülikiht lisab IP aadressidele MAC aadressi alg- ja sihtarvutile. ● Füüsiline kiht edastab andmed üle võrgumediumi sihtarvutisse. See arvestab

Informaatika → Informaatika
8 allalaadimist

Social network

Facebook is a social networking service, which was launched in February 2004. It is owned and operated by Facebook Inc. In September 2012 Facebook had over billion active users and more than half of them were also using Facebook on a mobile device. Facebook's latest research shows that the most popular mobile device used for visiting is iOS and by the popularity the second most used device is Android. Using Facebook on your mobile device raises the potential of your account getting stealed. It is so because most of the users don't use safe connection so all your data is available to other users on the same network. So the very first thing you should do is to use safe connection by adding to the end of this word ,,http://" (which you can find in the beginning of every webpage) an ,,s" so the address should be like ,,https://". The second thing you can do is that if you own the Wi-Fi access point then you should definately...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

Phonostylistics studies phonetic features which are at the speaker's writer's disposal to emphasize words or the whole utterance. The phonetic arrangement of the utterance does not exist by itself- it is iseparably connected with the meaning and message. Phonetically we distinguish between prosodic means and what may be termed as orchestration of sounds. Prosodic means Include such phenomena of speech as loudness, diapason (pitch), acceleration or slowing down the tempo, pausation, logical and emphatic stress, intonation contours. In this respect the written text is far from being perfect, much of it can be pronounced differently and therefore understood differently. Loudness The tone of the voice may vary from being cold, sharp, contemptuous to being tender, gay etc. Depends on many factors. Diminished loudness expresses intimacy, shyness, mildness, also threat, warning may be expressed by it. A loud voice may indicate various states: familiarity,

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

threat and warning. A loud voice may express familiarity, good heartedness, excitement, etc. PITCH: Depends on a state of excitement. It is high when a person is angry or excited; or low when he is disappointed, desperate, sorrowful. TEMPO: The tempo of speech is normally slow with depression or sadness, but anger, fear, joy and other momentary feelings accelerate it. PAUSES: Pauses are chief means of making one's speech emotional. Logical pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts, which correspond to sense groups and are often marked in text by punctuation. Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase (e.g. "Do you mean to say that she is still / (a pause is marked) a virgin?"). Here the emotional pause corresponds to a dash and strengthen the speaker's disbelief (e.g. "She is so gentle so / gently cruel

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

denoting what they denote. Rather, he contended, a sentence containing a definite description, such as "The woman who lives there is a biochemist," has subject­predicate form only superficially, and is really--logically--a trio of generalizations: it is equivalent to "At least one woman lives there, and at most one woman lives there, and whoever lives there is a biochemist." Russell argues for this analysis both directly and by showing that it affords solutions to each of four vexing logical puzzles: the Problem of Apparent Reference to Nonexistents, the Problem of Negative Existentials, Frege's Puzzle about Identity, and the Problem of Substitutivity. A variety of objections have been raised against Russell's Theory of Descriptions. P. F. Strawson pointed out that it is at odds with our usual linguistic habits: though a sentence having "the present King of France" as its subject presupposes that there is at least one King of France, it is not false

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun