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"image" - 501 õppematerjali

image on the explore page is 6. Now search the hashtags; Thinsporation, Proanorexia, Probelemia and Thigh Gap. Did anything come up? If you have a Tumblr, access your app and find the search page.

Kasutaja: Image

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Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

Kujutluse loomise puhul on oluline mõista et kujutlus keskkonnast on vaatleja ja keskkonna kahepoolse protsessi tulemus, ning et kujutlus võib oluliselt varieeruda sõltuvalt vaatlejast. Tõenäosus sarnase kujutluse tekkimisest on suurem sarnaste omadustega ( näiteks sugu, vanus, kultuuriline taust) gruppides. Esimese peatüki lõpus selgitatakse muutust ajaloos keskkonna tajumises ja tuuakse välja tänapäeva maastikukujundajate eesmärk. THE IMAGE OF THE ENVIRONMENT The city is a construction in space, but one of vast scale, a thing perceived only in the course of long spans of time. Nothing is experienced by itself, but always in relation to its surroundings, the sequences of events leading up to it, the memory of past experiences. Moving elements in a city, and in particular the people and their activities, are as important as the stationary physical parts. We are not simply observers of this spectacle, but are

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Visaul Image

The Visual Image Person on the picture A is not important to the visual image, as well he should be able to play music. The model on picture B is definitely a visual image so important because it relates to his work. An artist in picture C visual image is not important for him,as the ability to draw or paint. Cook in picture D is not visual image important as well he should be able to make food. The official in picture E is visual image important because he must be creadible that he could give advise. It is hard to say which job is the most difficult to do well. I do not judge people on how they look, because the first impression may be wrong decision. In my opinion I think the fashion and art is influenced people's perception of beauty and ability, because people have been accompanied by the current fashion and it will become more beautiful by following it

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Image of Brazil

Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is a country in South America. It is the fifth largest country by geographical area, occupying nearly half of South America. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers. It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and the overseas department of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Population of Brazil is made up of many racial and ethnic groups. The last National Research for Sample of Domiciles (PNAD) census revealed the following: 49.4% of the population are White, about 93 million; 42.3% are Pardo (brown), about 80 million; 7.4% are Black, about 13 million; 0.5% are Asian, about 1 million; and 0.4% are Amerindian, about 519,000. Most native peoples who live and lived within Brazil's cu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Millenium Footbridge.

THE MILLENIUM FOOTBRIDGE What, where & when? • For pedestrians • located between Southward Bridge (downstream) and Black friars Railway Bridge (upstream) • Connects St.Paul’s Catherdal and Tate Modern • owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates • Construction of the bridge began in 1998 • opening on 10 June 2000. Closing, unexpected & not safety? • Londoners nicknamed Wobbly Bridge • crossed by 90,000 people, with up to 2,000 on the bridge at any one time. • a charity walk on behalf of Save the Children • Swaying motion • Closed after two days of limited access. • Reopened after two years when the bridge was entirely safe. In 2002. Particulars : • Design : Suspension bridge • Total length: 370 meters • Width: 4 meters • Longest span:144 meters • 5,000 people on the bridge at one time • on 28 April 1999 by Monberg Thorsen and Sir Robert McAlpine • cost of £18.2 million A little bit mo...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist


Lääts (Lens culinaris) Sissejuhatus • Vana kultuurtaim, Eestis harva viljeldatav • Ökoloogiliselt puhas kultuur • 1000 seemne kaal 25-65 g • Liblikõieline • Üheaastane • Isetolmleja • Kõrgus kuni 50 cm • Õied on läätsel valkjad või õrnsinise tooniga, paiknevad varrel kas üksikult või kobaras • Jässakad kaunad, milles kuni neli väikest lapikümarat seemet • Seemned 3-9mm • Lääts sarnaneb koostiselt ja toite väärtuselt herne või vikiga • 25% proteiini, 1,8% toorrasva, 54% lämmastikuvabu ekstraktiivaineid ja 2,7% toortuhka • Harva loomasööt • Eristatakse väikeseseemnelisi ja suureseemnelisi läätsi • Leitakse, et väiksematel läätsedel on mõnevõrra parem maitse lähtuvalt seemnete kooreosa suuremast osakaalust. ...

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
1 allalaadimist

Eesti tutvustus Inglise keeles (Bitmap image)


Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kevin Lynch „Image of the city“

Kevin Lynch ,,Image of the city" Linna kuvand ja selle elemendid. Kevin Lynch kirjeldab raamatus "The image of the city", kuidas kolme ameerika linna elanikud oma linna tunnetavad. Ta kasutab 5 peamist mõistet oma mõtete selgitamiseks: rajad, piirid, piirkonnad, sõlmpunktid ja maamärgid. · Rajad ( teed, tänavad) on nagu kanalid, mida mööda inimesed liiguvad. · Ääred on lineaarsed elemendid, mis pole tavaliselt jalakäijate poolt aktiivses kasutused. Need on aiad, kaldaääred, raudteed. · Piirkonnad on keskmise suurusega linnaosad, millel on

Arhitektuur → Maastikuarhitektuuri ajalugu
54 allalaadimist


THE IMPACT OF THE MEDIA ON BAD BODY IMAGE IN CHILDREN Today's children grow up in a world flooded with the mass media. Statistics reveal that, on average, a child watches up to 5 h of television per day and spends an average of 6 to 7 h viewing the various media combined. Body image issues have been on the rise rince the introduction of social media websites that hoste the idea of ,,perfect" or ,,idealized" body sizes. Over the past 20 years, several articles have proposed a link between the thin female beauty ideal and the muscular male body ideal portrayed in the media with a range of psychological symptomatology including body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Over time the cultural

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
4 allalaadimist

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a shy 11-year-old living with his miner father and older brother Tony during the miner's strike. Times are hard ­ his father and brother spend their days on the picket lines clashing with the police while Billy takes care of his senile grandmother. Billy's mother has passed away. Life has made Billy a sensitive and mature boy. His father forces him to study boxing to make him into his own image. Billy isn't interested in expressing himself with his fists, he has taken some ballet classes next door, run by Mrs Wilkinson. With the encouragement of ballet teacher Mrs Wilkinson he joins in with the classes and starts to express himself through dance. But Billy knows that if his father or brother would find this out, they wouldn't like it. With the adults busy with their own problems, Billy is able to keep his new activity a secret ... for awhile.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

Romantic ideal is the organic world. Romanticism: · Returns to nature and belief in the goodness of mankind · Exaltation of the senses and emotion overcome reason and intellect is the time when novels became more important · Imagination is very important, it is a God-like creator (W. Blake: "I know that this world is a World of Imagination and Vision") 3. Romantic image of the poet The poet was a learned man who also knew how to appreciate nature. He was in spiritual marriage between the mind and the external world. Poets believed that emotions were universal and almost inexpressible. They were always looking for smth. new, but also fought against previous literary styles and argued with philosophers from the 18th c and earlier. Romantic poet keeps the image of a nation alive and is: · A visionary

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Anatoomia atlas

Basic Vertebral Structures About this Atlas Columna Vertebralis Basics part 1 Columna Vertebralis Basics part 2 Vertebrae Cervicales- Atlas Vertebrae Cervicales- Axis Articulatio Atlanto- Axialis Vertebrae Cervicales Vertebrae Thoracicae Vertebrae Lumbales Os Sacrum {see Pelvis} Os Coccygis {see Pelvis} 1. Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy Image - Anatomic directions, localizations and views 1. Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy Image - Basic anatomic structures of human body 2. Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy Image - Basic anatomic structures of human body www.jurajartner

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
121 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 2

visual-based and subjective, procedures. Machine Vision proved to be among the best options to perform such defect assessment since it provided increasingly performing measurement equipment and tools, serving the purpose of automatic control. In particular, a relevant number of interesting works have been proposed so far, sharing the idea of helping (or even replacing) traditional measurement methods using image processing-based ones. The present work provides a rational and chronological review of the most relevant methods for pilling measurement proposed so far. This work serves the purposes of 1) understanding whether today automatic machine vision-based pilling measurement techniques are ready for supplanting traditional pilling measurement and 2) providing the textile technology researchers with a bird’s eye view about the main methods studied to confront with this problem.

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Photographic camera

photograph or several is instantaneous. In addition, the cameras allow us to keep a record of a large number of important events, either of oneself or of important moments for the global history. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words" 4 Uses of the Photographic Camera (SEBA) Camera obscura, the first camera was first mentioned by Chinese philosopher Mo-Ti in the 5th century before Christ. He formally recorded the creation of an inverted image formed by light rays passing through a pinhole into a darkened room. He called this darkened room a "collecting place" or the "locked treasure room." in 384-322 before Christ the optical illusion was understood by Aristotle. The crescent shape of a partially eclipsed sun projected on the ground through the holes in a sieve, and the gaps between leaves of a plane tree was viewed by him. Full account of the principle including experiments with five lanterns outside a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


THE IMPACT OF THE MEDIA ON BAD BODY IMAGE IN CHILDREN Kristiina Tammik What is body image? Body image is the perception of one's own body, based chiefly in comparison to socially constructed standards or ideals The way you perceive yourself How you feel IN your body What you believe about your appearance What is the issue? Negative body image is important to recognize because often, whether the person has control over the issue or not, it leads to harmful results. Poor body image comes from the idea that there is only one type of "perfect body". It is a big problem in today's society and is causing major issues in many lives. Facts 42% of 1st-3rd grades want to be thinner At age 13, 53% of the girls are `'unhappy with their body" Grows to 78% to when they are 17

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus funktsionaalse seotuse hindamiseks puhkeoleku fMRT-s

.. · Sõltub kihtide järjekorrast, mis oli valitud enne skaneerimist. · Sõltub valitud TR ajast, kui on pikk TR väärtus siis interpolatsioon võiks olla ebatäpne. Coregistration · [Eng] A Process to overlay structural and functional images in a way that maximizes the mutual information. · [Est] Ülekate protsess struktuuriliste ja funktsionaalsete piltide vahel, et suurendada vastastikku informatsiooni. · [Eng] The mean functional image is coregistered to a high resolution anatomical image, and all of the other functional images are then resliced to align with the reference image. · [Est] Keskmistatud funktsionaalne pilt is coregistered kõrgresolutsiooniga anatoomilise pildiga ja kõik ülejäänud funktsionaalsed pildid on teisendatud, et joonduda antud pildiga. Motion correction · Typically occurs when the person becomes uncomfortable

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
6 allalaadimist

HP PSC 1500 seeria printer analüüs

6. Mida tuleks teha paberiummistuse vältimiseks ? 7. Mida on võimalik teha kasutades PictBridge liidest? Kus see kontakt seadmel asetseb ? 8. Loetle ja kirjelda, missugused on seadme kolm paljundamise kiirust ja kvaliteeti mõjutavat sätet ? 9. Kirjelda, kuidas toimub dokumendi skaneerimine (tegevused, menüüd, käsud/korraldused) ? 10. Mida tuleb teha skaneerimise peatamiseks ? ( 2 võimalust) 11. Milleks kasutatakse tarkvara HP Image Zone ? 12. Loetle, missuguseid tindikassettide tüüpe on võimalik kasutada selles HP kombainiseadmes ? (Loetle tüübinumbrid) 13.Kuidas tuleks puhastada seadme klaasi ? 14.Kust on võimalik kontrollida kassettide tinditaset ? (menüüd/käsud) 15.Millal tuleks seade ühendada USB kaabli abil arvutiga- kas enne või pärast seadme tarkvara installeerimist ? 1. 1)Juhtpaneel 2)nupp on (sisse) 3)PictBridge'i kaameraport 4)söötesalv 5)söötesalve pikendi, 6)paberilaiuse juhik

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Materjalitehnika EP7-96%

c. Põletatud tellis d. Kermised Küsimus 2 Õige Hinne 4,0 / 4,0 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Millised on tehnokeraamika omadused võrreldes terastega? Vali üks või enam: a. Teraste sitkusnäitajad on madalamad b. Tehnokeraamika on paremini lõiketöödeldav c. Teraste kõvadus on oluliselt madalam d. Tehnokeraamika tihedus on enamasti väiksem e. Teraste tõmbetugevus on suurem Küsimus 3 Õige Hinne 4,0 / 4,0 The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location. Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Tehnokeraamika kõvadus Vickersi HV skaalas jääb järgmisse vahemikku: Vali üks: a. 150-700 b. 700-1000 c. 1000-3000 d. 5000-8000 Küsimus 4 Õige Hinne 4,0 / 4,0

Materjaliteadus → Materjalitehnika
85 allalaadimist

Justin Drew Bieber

Justin Drew Bieber Presentation Author: Instructor: Background Information Born March 1, 1994. London Ontario, Canada. Origin: Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Genres: Pop, R&B, teen pop. Occupations: singer, songwriter, musician, producer, actor Instruments: Vocals, guitar, piano, drums, trumpet. Years active: 2008-present. Style and Image Looking and sounding younger than his age, his teen-pop music, image, and frequent media attention. Style and Image He has been a frequent target of Internet bloggers and message board posters, notably by users of Internet message board 4chan and users of YouTube. Personal Life Bieber is a Christian. Bieber's philanthropic activities have included visiting children's hospitals. Bieber has said he is not interested in obtaining United States citizenship and has criticized America's health care system. Relationships On February 27, 2011,

Muusika → Muusika
7 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

indirect process that involves making inferences about the world based on knowledge and expectations. An example of this process is Gregory's (1980) constructivist theory. He suggests that to avoid sensory overload, we need to select from the information surrounding us, therefore, we often supplement perception with unconscious inferences. Thus he argues that perception begins with an incomplete retinal image that is two- dimensional, flat and size depends on distance. He says that perception is a constructive process in which the two-dimensional retinal image is elaborated to a three- dimensional picture in our brain, based on personal knowledge and experience. In other words the processes of perception is essentially affected by our expectations and probability in perceiving the world. Therefore conceptually driven perceptual processing is called a top-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Kaunitar ja koletis

Kaunitar ja koletis Vanemuise teatris Sisust Kaunis ja kurb muinasjutt Adam ja Belle Unistajad Sisemine ilu Lavastajakoreograaf: Silas Stubbs Muusikajuht ja dirigent: Lauri Sirp Kujundus: IIr Hermeliin Kostüümid: Louise Flanagan Videokujundus: Janek Savolainen Valguskunstnik: Tõnu Eimra Osades: Hayley Blackburn, Anthony Maloney, Lawrence Massie, Brandon Alexander, Julia Litvinenko, Maria Engel, Aivar Kallaste, Janek Savolainen jt. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level ...

Muusika → Ballett
6 allalaadimist

Auto esitlus

8 (88 kW) :64 : :9,1 /100 :55 000 km · :4,9 /100 : :6,4 /100 : : (mica) -: :5 :5 :88 :196 / 0-100 /:11,4 , :1395 :1925 ( ) 2x 4x ( ) ( ) ( ) . () , , - (CD, MP3, USB, 4x , ) ( , Alpine PDX-5 ) Alpine +Image Dynamics Image Dynamics IDQ V.3 (, ) (, ) ( ) 2x ( ) "hands free" Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles

Keeled → Erialaline vene keel
6 allalaadimist

Füüsika Radioaktiivsus esitlus

RADIOAKTIIVSUS Kuidas mõõdetakse? Neeldumisdoosi ühik on grei (Gy) Efektiivdoosi mõõdetakse siivertites (Sv) Kiirgust mõõdetakse bekrellides (Bq) Millised kiirgused kahjustavad? Kiirguskahjustus Kiirgus kahjustab kõige enam DNAd Kiiritustõbi tekib, kui inimene saab lühikese aja jooksul palju kiirgust Kiirguse mõju lootele sõltub loote vanusest ja kiirgusdoosist Radioaktiivse kiirguse kahjustused võivad ilmneda ka aastaid hiljem Tänan tähelepanu eest! Eliis Penek, Sander Timm, Reio Viikoja 12.A Kasutatud allikad ai_ichi_420x0.jpg AB7k/9Tjsq5-XgV4/s1600/Fukushima%2BDaiichi%2BNuclear%2BPl ant.jpg Fallout-Map-From-Japan-Nuclear-Plant.jpg

Füüsika → Aineehitus
7 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

12.2011 Consumer behavior Introduction Each and every one of us is a consumer. We buy products and services every day. But why do we prefer one product or service to another? What leads us to make the right decision before every purchase? There are many aspects influencing our decision making process and thereby our consumer behavior. Attitudes, perceptions, image, roles, motivations, determinants etc. encourage us to buy or not to buy a product or service. (Cooper & Gilbert, 2008, p. 43) There are many different definitions about consumer behavior. Emphasizing the most important ones and referring to the decision making models I will try to find the background of my own decision to visit Lapland in 2010 Christmas. Defining consumer behavior

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Egiptuse ja Mesopotaamia religioonid

Erinevalt Egiptusest olid pea kõik Mesopotaamia jumalad antropomorfsed (inimesekujulised) ja neile omistati ka inimlikke omadusi. Jumalatele ehitati võimsaid templeid. Ra Päikesejumal, maailma looja ja selle valitseja. Horos Taevajumal. Osiris viljakuse jumal ja surnute valitseja. Amon Teeba jumal. AmonRa Uue riigi peajumal. Anu Taevajumal ja jumalate isa. Enlil Anu poeg, jumalate kuningas ja inimliku kuningavõimu kaitsja. Ea oli maaaluste vete ja viljakuse kehastaja. Istar oli taeva kuninganna, armastuse ja viljakuse kehastaja. Marduk oli Babüloni jumal. Viljakuse jumal Ea Karistada kardeti saada pärast surma Austati väga lahkunuid Surnukehad palsameeriti Maeti hauakambrisse koos tarbeesemetega Vahel pandi kaasa ka lemmikloom Kassi sarkofaag Mesopotaamia rahvad pöörasid tähelepanu eeskätt elule enne su...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

9GAG Just for fun

9G AG IN TRO D U CTIO N W H AT IS 9G AG ? • Social media website • Users upload and share images and videos • Alternative to email • Why 9gag? • „Just for Fun“ mentality CO N TEN T • „Memes“ and „internet jokes“ – voted and commented on by users • Separated into general categories • Content in the form of image memes • Some memes are quite popular • Image has top and bottom caption • Memes in a comic strip W EBSITE CU LTU RE • „9gaggers“ • Mostly browsed at locations like school or the workspace • Platform „where people will go whenever they want to kill some time and have a laugh.“ STATISTICS • 80 million unique visitors • 2 billion page views in 30 days • Loads in 1.3 seconds, faster than 62 % of sites Country Percent of Visitors United States 11.2%

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


· %%For: (ivar) · %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit · %%LanguageLevel: 2 · %%BoundingBox: 0 0 842 595 · %%HiResBoundingBox: 0.0 0.0 842.0 595.0 · %%Pages: 1 · ...................................... · %%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black · %%DocumentSuppliedResources: · %%+ font CBAAAA+Helvetica-Bold · %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - PDF operators) 1.2 0 · %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - type operators) 1.2 0 · %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - general image support) 1.2 0 · %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - monochrome image support) 1.2 0 · %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - color image support) 1.2 0 · %%+ procset (Adobe Acrobat - indexed color image support) 1.2 0 · %%EOF · ÅSÓ × × t %!PS-Adobe-3.1 EPSF-3.0%ADO_DSC_Encoding: MacOS Roman%%Title: 011TP_spine_o.eps%%Creator: Adobe Illustrator(R) 13.0%%For: Denis Martynov%%CreationDate: 9/3/08%%BoundingBox: 0 0 129 866%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 128.6934 865

Tehnika → Trükitehnoloogia
6 allalaadimist

Google Earthi kasutamine. Riigi maastike uurimine

Terrasspõllud on mägede nõlvadel. Põllud on kitsad. Jne. 2. Foto Pealkiri 3. Foto Pealkiri 4. Foto Pealkiri Praktiline töö: Google Earthi kasutamine. Riigi maastike uurimine Maastikufotode tegemine o Tähista need kohad leppmärgiga - Ava Add Placemark , kujunda ja lisa joonisele punktobjekt. Pealkirjaks see, mida tahad edasi anda, näiteks ,,Vietnami põllud". o Pildi salvestamiseks ekraanile: File_ Save_ Save Image. Kirjuta kaardile pealkiri ja salvesta töölauale. Töölaualt oma töösse. o 1. Save_ o 3. Save Image Save Image töölauale 2. Kirjuta pildile pealkiri. Title and ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Arvuti töövahendina

Viirus hakkab süsteemis levima, kui nakatunud fail mõne rakendusega avada. Selliseid viiruseid on loodud paljude rakenduste failidele ning seega on viiruse levik võimalik ka kõige tavalisema pildirakenduse failide teel. 7 1.8 Muud pahatahtlikud programmid Sageli peetakse viirusteks ka muid pahatahtlikke programme, mis viirustest siiski tehnilises mõttes veidi erinevad. Näiteks Image 1ussviirus on sarnane viirusega, kuid levimiseks puudub vajadus enda sidumine mõne programmiga. Trooja hobuse eesmärgiks on andmetöötluse häirimine nakatunud arvutis, kuid teistesse arvutitesse levimiseks pole ta loodud. Veel ühe näitena võib tuua tagaukse trooja hobuse, mille eesmärk on luua teistele kasutajatele Interneti kaudu ligipääs nakatunud arvutisse. Image 2 8 3

Informaatika → Arvuti
13 allalaadimist

Beauty pageants for small girls should be banned

Beauty pageants for small girls should be banned Today's beauty pageants are detrimental to a child's development. These kinds of competitions can lead to low selfconfidence and poor body image. While most beauty pageants cater strictly to girls, there are a growing number that include boys as well. I firmly believe that taking part of beauty pageants is pressured by contestants' parents. It is their vision of how their children should look and act like. Some children do not want to partake in those competitions because it is tiring and chaotic, some children even do not understand what it is all about, because they are too young for that

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Companys export readiness assessment

Company's export readiness assessment Factors 0-10 Export Experience 9 Financial Status 7 Production Facilities - volume, capacity, technology 6 Transportation 7 Logistics - the product, production, information 5 Localization 4 Image 6 The success on the home market 8 Foreign Language 9 Total : 61 - 68% Interpretation of evaluation results · General grade 0-25% of the maximum - very poor to poor export readiness · General grade 26-50% of the maximum - the poor to satisfactory completion of export · General grade 51-75% of max - fair to good export readiness · General grade 76-100% of max - good to excellent export readiness Conclusions The company has good knowledge about export busi...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
3 allalaadimist

Industry of television and video technics

Optics and Digital Imaging: Cameras, CCTV, SVP, optival instruments Engine Business: Aircraft engines, overhaul, turbo-machinery Defense Program: 155mm SPH, K9 Thunder, M9ACE etc. 4.2 DSC From the Internet to mobile phones and digital cameras - multimedia enriches the world right before our eyes. Samsung Techwin has opened up a new world of multimedia by creating an impressive range of optical digital products and services based on the optical science technology, digital image processing and network technology we have accumulated through our camera business over a period of more than 20 years. Samsung Techwin opens up a new chapter in digital camera technology. A digital camera is not simply a device for recording precious moments. People share their life stories with each other by means of a visual language consisting of the photos taken with their camera. Samsung Techwin is pushing ahead with an endless series of innovations to enable

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Ralph Lauren

immaculate sense of style. Lauren not only had an innovative mind, but he also knew that packaging and presentation were of utmost importance -- something he didn't need to learn while studying for his business degree. It is Lauren's innovativeness, among many other traits of the model businessman, that has made him the founder, designer and chairman of a $900 million company. Not only was he the first fashion designer to have his own store, but he was the first to sell the whole lifestyle image that consumers flock to worldwide. Lauren sells much more than clothes and home furnishings; he sells a lifestyle image of sophistication, class and taste. Between school and his career move into the fashion industry, Lauren served in the United States Army from 1962-1964, and married Ricky Low-Beer after his army days. He is also the father of three children, Andrew, David and Dylan.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Gimp uurimustöö

Antsla Gümnaasium gimp uurimistöö antsla 2012 Sissejuhatus GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program Gimp on tasutatarkvara ja teda uuendatakse pidevalt detsembris 2005 tuli välja versioon 2.3.6, veebruaris 2006 versioon 2.3.7 jne. Gimp on saadaval aadressil GIMPi alla laadimine ja paigaldamine Mis siin ikka pikalt oodata ­ asume tegutsema. Erinevalt suure raha eest ostetavatest programmidest on GIMPi väga lihtne paigaldada. Paigaldamine on ka mitu korda kiirem. Esmalt tuleb GIMP alla laadida. Seda saab teha GIMP ametlikul veebilehel http://www.gimp

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
21 allalaadimist

The Great Wave off Kanagawa

The mountain The mountain that is seen at the bottom is Mount Fuji, with a snowcapped peak. Fuji is the central figure in the work (representation of famous places) Thirty six views of Mount Fuji, which give a portrait of the mountain seen from various angles. In Japan Mt. Fuji is considered sacred and is a symbol of national identity, [19] in addition to being considered a symbol of beauty.[20] The dark color around Fuji seems to indicate that the image takes place early in the morning, with the sun rising from the point of the observer, and illuminating the snowy peak. Between the mountain and the viewer there are cumulonimbus clouds, and although they indicate a storm, there is rain on neither Fuji nor the main scene. [21] Boats In the scene there are three oshiokuri-bune, fast boats that are used to transport live fish[22] from the Izu and Bs peninsulas to the markets of the bay of Edo. As the name of the piece indicates the boats are

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Horvaatia ehk Kroaatia

Horvaatia ehk Kroaatia Koostaja: ...................... Geograafiline asend Horvaatia pindala on 56 542 km² ja elanikke umbes 4 535 000, keskmiselt 80 inimest ruutkilomeetril. Horvaatia piirneb Sloveenia ja Ungariga põhjas, Serbiaga kirdes, Bosnia ning Hertsegoviinaga idas ja Montenegroga kagus. Horvaatia jagab Aadria mere rannikut Itaaliaga Trieste lahes. Horvaatia pealinn on Zagreb. Geograafiline ehitus Kiltmaa laiub Istria poolsaarelt Gorski Kotari suunas ning lõppeb künklikus Zagorje viinamarjakasvatuspiirkonnas. Karstimaastikke, mis on poorsest lubjakivist geoloogilised formatsioonid, näeb Gorski Kotaris ning need jätkuvad lähedases Istrias ja Velbeti mägedes, kus tuul ja vihm on üheskoos kaljudest vorminud veidrad kujud, kukovi. Loodusvarad Balkani poolsaare loodusvarad on piiratud. Piirkond on liiga mägine, kliima on suvel lii...

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist

A doll house

A doll house is a visually appealing home for an equally perfect doll to live in. In Ibsen's "A Doll House" the values of society were related only to the visual appearance of one's home and family. Social acceptance dictated Torvald and Nora's lives, including their relationship. Torvald can be assumed as not only the owner of this "doll house" but of Nora, his "doll", as well. Their marriage had the constant pressures of the image of perfection, and it is this tension that corrupts their relationship. It also forces Nora to realize the self-centered nature of her husband. Nora ultimately changes her resemblance of Torvald's "doll" and becomes an independent and confrontational woman, creating a great contrast with the title of this play. The standards on social acceptance in 1879 were harsh, and Torvald let it consume every every aspect of his life. His dependence on perfection harmed his

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ajalooline hoone - Haapsalu linnus

Haapsalu Castle Haapsalu Episcopal Castle, is a castle with cathedral in Haapsalu, western Estonia. It was founded in the thirteenth century to be a center for Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek. When there is a full moon in the month of August, it is said that an image of a maiden, the White Lady, appears on the inner wall of the chapel. On full moon nights in August an image of a maiden, The White Lady, is said to appear on the inner wall of the chapel. In 1228, the Archbishop of Riga formed a new diocese consisting of Läänemaa, Saaremaa and Hiiumaa and designated Gottfried, an abbot of Dünamünde Cistercian monastery, as the bishop. These boundaries of the new diocese were permanently fixed by a legate of Pope, Wilhelm of Modena in 1234. The first residence of the diocese was located in Lihula, where with the help of the Order the Bishop

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist


Patricia Benner (1942...) Annika Paavel Martina Vool Aljona Komissarova Patricia Benner "Knowledge development in a practice discipline consists of extending practical knowledge (know- · California ülikool- how) through theory based scientific investigations and through the clinical experience in the practice of psühholoogilise that discipline" (Benner, 1984) õenduse osakonna professor · bakalaurus õenduses · Magister kirurgiaõena · erialased õpped filosoofiadoktorina · as/unidadesAcademicas/FacultadEnfermeria/Diseno/Imagenes/Noticias /patriciaBenner.jpg Dr. Benneri Teooria · 5 oskuslevelit · kogemused kliinilises tegevuses võtmeks õend...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
32 allalaadimist

Cosa Nostra

[align=center][IMG][/IMG][/align] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Maffia on sisemise hierarhiaga organiseeritud kuritegevuslike jukude hendus, mille tegevuseks on materiaalse kasu saamine peamiselt ebaseadusliku riga. Sna maffia oli algselt he kuritegeliku jugu nimi, prast hakati ka kutsuma nii teisi kuritegelike juke le maelma. Kige esimene maffia, ehk kuritegelik juk sai alguse Itaaliast, lhem asukoht oli Itaalia krval asuv saar Sitsiilia. Selle kuritegeliku grupeeringu nimeks sai Cosa Nostra. Cosa Nostra oli maelma tuntum maffia, sest ta oli ka kige esimene maffi mis oli kunagi tehtud. Maffia Cosa Nostra tegevus laienes vga kiiresti ja mne ajaprast oli maffia Cosa Nostra laienenud Sitsiilia saarelt mandrile. Mjuvimu laiendamiseks kasutas maffia raostmist ja hvardamist. See oli vga edukas vimu laiendamis viis, sest kik le maelma teatsid sel...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
37 allalaadimist

Vaimuelu Eestis varauusajal

Vaimuelu Eestis varauusajal Kohtla-Järve Järve Vene Gümnaasium Julia Smirnova 10.B · Alates 14. sajandi esimesest poolest on linnaelu varasemast tunduvalt paremini jälgitav kirjalikes allikates. Suurenes kodanikkond, ehitati välja linnakindlustused ja tänavatevõrk. Majandustõus peegeldus ka mõningates tähelepanuväärsemates üksiküritustes. Üheks niisuguseks ettevõtmiseks oli Pirita kloostri rajamine Tallinna lähistele 1407. aastal. · Klooster asutati Lõuna- Rootsis asuva Vadstena püha Birgitta emakloostri eeskujul ning oli mõeldud eeskätt kaupmeeste vallaliste tütarde ja leskede jaoks. · 1435. aastal pühitseti kloostrikirik, mis ületas suuruselt kõik Tallinna kirikud. Tallinna linnamüüride sees asus küll juba 13. sajandi keskel rajatud tsistertslaste püha Miikaeli nunnaklooster, ent selle asukad pärinesid valdavalt Harju-Viru a...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Radioaktiivse kiirguse seire ja vajadus Eestis

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Matemaatika ja Loodusteaduste Instituut Jaanus K. ja Ott K. RADIOAKTIIVSE KIIRGUSE SEIRE JA VAJADUS EESTIS Referaat Õppegrupp: G-2 Juhendaja: Jaan Jõgi Tallinn 2008 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS....................................................................................................................... 4 AJALUGU.............................................................................................................................. 4 IONISEERIV KIIRGUS.......................................................................................................... 5 LIIGID.......................................................................................................................................

Loodus → Keskkond
47 allalaadimist

Ethernetis liikuva info jälgimine ja analüüs

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Automaatikainstituut Kodutöö nr 2 aines LAP3731, Arvutivõrgud Ethernetis liikuva info jälgimine ja analüüs Eero Ringmäe 010636 LAP42 Juhendaja: Rein Paluoja, Andres Rähni Tallinn 2003 Autorideklaratsioon Käesolevaga kinnitan, et olen antud praktilise töö teostanud vastavalt eeskirjale ning iseseisvalt ja aruande koostanud omal käel. Eero Ringmäe ................................ Uuritava sessiooni valik, põhjendus Et kõik ausalt ära rääkida, pean alustama sellest, et kasutasin käesoleva kodutöö tegemiseks küll WinPcap versioon 3.0 ajurit, kuid mitte WinDumpi käsurea- keskkonda, v...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
98 allalaadimist

Art-based learning

etc.), which have been chosen to reflect the global nature of Christianity. The resource can be used in RE to explore both learning about and learning from Christianity, and as part of spiritual, moral and cultural development( Margaret-Cooling/dp/1851753826). Usage of the method This method helps pupils to understand Christian signs and symbols. It is a good opportunity for a teacher to enrich their teachings with the language of image. An important criterion in choosing an artistic work is complexity. The choise must be done according to the age and ability of the children. Also teacher must remember that expression of christian art can be interpretered variously(Mazzarello:107-108). In my point of view visual teching methods are interesting for the pupils. Also it helps children to connect before heard bible stories with visual art. They see the symbols and also learns to analyse them.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Referaat de Chirico

·Värvid on tuhmid. ·Teostele saadi inspiratsiooni unenägudest ja kirjandusest. Rõhutati unenäolist, üleloomulikku ja mehhaanilist maailma. 9 Kasutatud kirjandus 1.Internet: Giorgio de Chirico. 2008. Wikipedia, 27.10.2008 2.Internet: Metaphysical art. 2008. Wikipedia, 27.10.2008 3.Internet: Image. 2008. 27.10.2008 4.Intenet: Surrealism. 2008. Wikipedia, 27.10.2008 5.Internet: Sürrealism. 2008. Wikipedia, 27.10.2008 6.Internet: Image:The Disquieting Muses.jpg. 2008. Wikipedia, 27.10.2008 7.Internet: Image:De Chirico's Love Song.jpg. 2008. http://en.wikipedia

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
25 allalaadimist

Materjalitehnika EP6-96%

nähtusi: Vali üks: a. tera tipu ette materjali, laastu, töödeldud pinna lähialasse, töödeldud pinna tugevus ja kõvadus suurenevad b. ainult töödeldud pinna lähialas, töödeldud pinna kõvadus ja tugevus vähenevad c. ainult tera tipu ette töödeldavasse materjali, ei mõjuta töödeldud pinna tugevust ja kõv d. ainult laastu sisse, ei avalda muud mõju Küsimus 9 Õige Hinne 4,0 / 4,0 The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location. Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Liikumised puurimisel on järgmised: Vali üks: a. pealiikumine - puuri pöörlev liikumine, ettenihkeliikumine - puuri liikumine horisontaalsuunas b

Materjaliteadus → Materjalitehnika
179 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise alused

Programmeerimise alused 13.november 2009 Henri Jeret 10 c Programmeerimisest rääkides ja sellega tegeledes peab saama lahti üldarvamusest, et arvuti on tark. Tegelikult on arvuti võrdlemisi rumal ning oskamatu. Ta küll oskab väga täpselt käsku täita, kuid seda tehes ta ei toetu enda tarkustele. Arvuti teeb vaid seda, mida programmerija on talle ette kirjutanud. Kui töödates tekib olukord, mille lahendamiseks pole talle mingeid käske antud, siis jookseb ta kokku või kuvab vastava veateate kujul: ,,Tundmatutel põhjustel...". Erinevaid programmeerimise keeli on kokku umbes 627. Selle all mõtlen peaaegu kõiki arvuti keeli. Mõned populaarsemad keeled: 1. Java ­ Java tuli ametlikult välja aastal 1995. Autor on James Gosling. Javal on nii mõndagi ühist C ja C++ keelega, kuna ta tugineb neil keeltel. Kuigi Java on hetkel kõige populaarsem keel, on tema populaarsus viimase seitsme aasta jooksum umbes 7% ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
90 allalaadimist

Tartu nähtavad linnastruktuurid. Kevin Lynch`i teooria rakendus

Seetõttu astuski ta Rensselaer`i polütehnika instituuti ja õppis mõne aja seal (Banerjee, Southworth 1990). Temast sai märkimisväärne linnaplaneerimise ja disaini toetaja 20. sajandil. Bakalaurusekraadi omandas Lynch linna planeerimises 1947. aastal Massachusetts`i Tehnoloogia instituudis. Professoriks sai ta 1963. aastal. Oma karjääri jooksul on ta avaldanud seitse raamatut, kõige tuntum neis on ka käesolevas töös enim käsitlust leidev The Image of the City, mille avaldamisaastaks jäi 1960. Seal kirjeldab Lynch elemente, mis strukturiseerivad linna. Oma eksperimendis kasutas ta Los Angeles`t, Bostonit ja Jeresy`t. Analüüsides oma töö tulemusi leidis Lynch ehitatud linnakeskkonnast need elemendid, mis on linna elanikkonnale olulised. Üks Lynch`i innovatsioone oli koha loetavuse mõiste. See on peamine viis ruumipaigutuse mõistmiseks. Antud ideed tutvustades oli Lynch`il võimalus eraldada erinevad linna tunnusjooned

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
13 allalaadimist

Juugend arhidektuuris ja maalikunstis

Juugend 12.klass Sisukord Sissejuhatus William Morris Juugend arhitektuuris -Juugend Eesti arhitektuuris Juugend maalikunstis Kasutatud kirjandus Sissejuhatus 19.saj. lõpul kujunes omapärane arhitektuuri, sisekujunduse ja tarbekunstistiil, mille tunnuseid täheldatakse ka kujutavas kunstis. Meil tuntakse seda stiili juugendstiili nime all, Ameerikas kannab ta nime "modern style" , Inglismaal ja Prantsusmaal aga "art nouveau". Üldiselt peeti juugendit 20.saj. esimesel poolel väga veidraks ja maneerlikuks. W. Morris Juugend oli inspireeritud 19.saj. teisel poolel Euroopa kunstiturgu vallutanud Jaapani puugravüüridest. Seda iseloomustab orgaanilise motiivide, eriti lillede- ja muude...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
29 allalaadimist


Polüstüreen Struktuurivalem Kasutusalad Polüstüreeni toodavad laias valikus tooteid, mis on peamiselt kasutatud kodumajapidamist inimtegevuses Näiteks: Ühekordsed nõud, pakendamine, mänguasjad jne Kasutakase samuti ehituses: soojustus plaadid, alaline raketist paneeli Ka dekoratiivmaterjalidena: lae liistud, laeplaadid, polüstüreen helineelavad elemendid, liim aluspolümeeriks, polümeeri kontsentraadid Meditsiini suunas: vereülekande süsteemis, abipersonali ühekordset vahendid Minu poolt tehtud piltid Kuidas saab teada, et tegemist on Polüstüreeniga? Viited TÄNAN TÄHELEPANU EEST

Keemia → Orgaaniline keemia ii
12 allalaadimist

Presentation slideshow Johnny Cash

· American country singer-songwriter · Deep, distinctive voice · Sorrow, moral, moral tribulation, redemption · 90 million albums Early life · Kingsland, Arkansas · 7 children · Death of brother Jack First marriage · Vivien Liberto · August 7, 1954 · 4 daughters · Divorce 1966 Early career · Memphis, Tennessee · "Hey Porter" · "Cry, cry, cry" · Sun -> Colombia Records · "Don't Take Your Guns to Town" Outlaw image · Drinking, amphetamines, barbiturates · 7 ­ number of being in jail · 1968 · June Carter "The Man In Black" · The Johnny Cash Show · Dressed all in black. · Band dressed in black shirts Illness and death · Shy-Drager Syndrome ­ 1997 · Autonomic neuropathy; diabetes · September 12, 2003 Interesting facts · Instruments: Guitar, voice, harmonica

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun