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"rochester" - 33 õppematerjali

rochester on ligi 40 aastane, Jane aga pole veel kakskümmendki, on mr Rochester huvitav vestluskaaslane. Nad hakkavad tihti vestlema erinevatest asjadest.

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre 1)Jane Eyre cv. Nimi: Jane Eyre Vanus: 20 Keeled: Inglise Prantsuse, Ladina Haridus: Lõpetas Lowoodi kooli Muud oskused: Maalimine Eelnevad ametid: Guvernant, algkooli õpetaja Perekonnaseis: Abielus Lapsed: poeg Elukoht: Inglismaa, Mr. Rochesteri mõis metsas. Soovituskirjad: Lowoodi kooli ametnikeilt, mr. Rochesterilt Soovitav amet: Guvernant Tasud: 40 naela aastas, tasuta majutus ja toit. 2) Lugu mr. Rochesteri seisukohalt. Mul oli õnnelik elu kuni 18 eluaastani, mil mu isa suri. Ta jättis mu vennale kogu oma varanduse. Varsti peale päranduse kättesaamist mu vend suri. Ma olin suures shokis, ma ei teadnud mida teha.Kuid ta ei tahtnud ka mind vaeseks jätta. Sain aru, et mu isa oli otsinud mulle ühe väga kauni neiu Ladina-Ameerikast. Neiu isa oli väga rikas ja see oligi vist põhjus, miks mu isa meid paari pani. Me abiellusime. Varsti sain aru, et mu naine on hull. Ta üritas mind mitu ko...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
81 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

Kuulutuse peale tuleb pakkumine Alice Fairfaxilt, kelle sõnul peaks ta õpetama 8-aastast prantslast Adele Varensi Thornfield Hall mõisas. Palgaks oleks 30 naela aastas. Jane otsustabki võimalust kasutada ning pakib oma asjad ja asub Thornfield Halli poole postitõllaga teele. Jõudes Thornfieldi leiab ta eest vana naise, Alice'i, keda peab lesestunud majaperenaiseks. Imestab veel, et Alice temaga nagu võrdsega, mitte teenijaga, käitub. Pärast aga selgub et Thornfieldi peremees on Edward Rochester, kes aga alati reisimas on ja harva Thornfieldis on. Jane kuuleb Rochesteri kohta palju head ja lahket, k.a et Adele olevat mr Rochesteri sohilaps ühe prantslannaga. Jane, olles õnnelik oma uue elukoha üle, vajub unne. Järgmine päev kohtub ta Adele'iga, kes, pärast esimesi tunde, on Jane meelest keskpärane õpilane. Ta pole eriti taibukas ja usin, kuid loll ka mitte. Keskmine. Jane kiindub Adele'i kiirelt. Samuti saab ta hästi läbi ka ülejäänud teenijaskonnaga. On ainult üks imelik

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
47 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

In the winter Helen got sic and died. The epidemic also resulted in the departure of Mr. Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood. Jane spent eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher. After teaching for two years, Jane accepted to be a governess at a manor called Thornfield, where she thought a French girl named Adele. The housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax did the housekeeping and told Jane about the hose and Rochester. Jane employer Rochester was a dark, impassioned man. After a while Jane found herself falling in love with him. One night Jane heard strange voices and discovered that Rochester’s room was in fire and saved his life. Rochester told Jane that the fire was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole, but Jane did not believed him, because Grace continued working at Thomfield. One night Rochester brought home a very beautiful woman called Blanche Ingram and Jane got mad to Rochester. Jane thought that

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre raamatu kokkuvõte Charlotte Brontë lühikirjeldus kirjandus

French girl named Adèle. The distinguished housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax presides over the estate. Jane’s employer at Thornfield is a dark, impassioned man named Rochester, with whom Jane finds herself falling secretly in love. She saves Rochester from a fire one night, which he claims was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole. But because Grace Poole continues to work at Thornfield, Jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story. Jane sinks into despondency when Rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named Blanche Ingram. Jane expects Rochester to propose to Blanche. But Rochester instead proposes to Jane, who accepts almost disbelievingly. The wedding day arrives, and as Jane and Mr. Rochester prepare to exchange their vows, the voice of Mr. Mason cries out that Rochester already has a wife. Mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife—a woman named Bertha. Mr. Mason testifies that Bertha, whom Rochester married when he was a young

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism. It is a novel considered ahead of its time. In spite of the dark, brooding elements, it has a strong sense of right and wrong, of morality at its core. There are several Christian aspects underlying the plot that mold its character and essence. Jane Eyre is divided into 38 chapters; most editions are at least 400 pages long (although the preface and introduction on certain copies are liable to take up another 100)

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Charlotte Bronte , "Jane Eyre"

Elamistingimused olid koolis halvad, sest tihti olid mittesöödavad söögid või üldse mitte midagi. Seal oli ka samamoodi külm ja polnud riideid, mida endale selga panna. Koolis sai Jane sõbraks Helen Burnsiga. Kahjuks tabas kooli tüüfus ning suur osa õpilastest surid, kaasaarvatud Helen. Jane lõpetas kooli ning jäi sinna veel 2 aastaks õpetajaks. Jane tahtis uut tööd. Ta sai tööd Thornfieldis, kus ta pidi olema guvernandiks Adele´le. Thornfieldi peremees oli mr Rochester. Ta oli karm mees ja umbes 4o aasta vanune. Thornfieldis elasid mr Rochester, majapidajanna Fairfax, peremehe hoolealuna Adele, kummaline teenija Greaze Poole , Sophie, Leah ja John. Jane ja mr Rochester veetsid palju aega koos. Kuigi Jane oli vaevu 20 aastane ja tema peremees 40, said nad väga headeks sõpradeks. Kord öösel nägi Jane, et tema peremehe voodi põleb. Jane päästis oma peremehe. Mr Rochester kutsus oma mõisasse mitmeid sõpru ja muid seltskonnainimesi.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
62 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

appears in both book and film. Consider the importance of Sarah Poole. In the book, Jane suspects she is the person responsible for the fire and the stabbing at Thornfield Hall. In the film, Sarah is hardly mentioned. Adele talks about a mysterious woman who appears at night but this plot line is not developed further in the film. Evaluate the portrayal of Jane's strength of character. Many factors showing that she is a strong woman are present in the book and the film. For example, Edward Rochester asks Jane Eyre to detail her "tale of woe" but she refuses. Despite the harsh conditions she faces, her character is compelling because she remains strong and the film follows the book in emphasizing this point. Jane's rescue of Edward Rochester from fire is another action taken directly from the book that shows her courage. Opinion Film starts near the end of the story when Jane Eyre drifting in the rain, impoverished and homeless until she is rescued by St. John Rivers and his sisters

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre Täiesti põhjalik kokkuvõte.

külm. Iga päev loeti palveid ning kõik pidid tegema nii nagu õpetaja ütles. Koolis sai Jane sõbraks Helen Burnsiga. Kahjuks tabas kooli tüüfus ning suur osa õpilastest surid, kaasaarvatud Helen. Jane lõpetas kooli ning jäi sinna veel 2 aastaks õpetajaks. Jane tahtis endale leida uue töö ning selle ta ka leidis. Ta sai tööd Thornfieldis kus ta pidi olema guvernandiks Adele`le. Thornfieldi peremees oli mr Rochester. Ta oli karm mees ja umbes 40 aasta vanune. Thornfieldis elasid mr Rochester, majapidajanna missis Fairfax, peremehe hoolealune Adele, kummaline teenija Greace Poole ja veel mõned teenijad. Jane ja mr Rochester veetsid palju aega koos. Kuigi Jane oli vaevu 20 aastane ja tema peremees 40, said nad väga headeks sõpradeks. Kord öösel nägi Jane, et tema peremehe voodi põleb. Jane päästis oma peremehe ning nad said veelgi suuremateks sõpradeks. Mr Rochester kutsus oma mõisasse mitmeid sõpru ja muid seltskonnainimesi. Nende seas ka Ingram Blanche

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
298 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre kokkuvõte

Mrs. Reed tahtis Janest lahti saada ja saatis ta vaestekooli. Ta saadeti Lowoodi vaestekooli kus õpilasteks olid ainult tüdrukud. Koolis sa Jane sõbraks Helen. Kes hiljem suri tüüfusesse. Sellesse surid ka paljud teised õpilased. Jane kasvas suureks ja hakkas seal koolis õpetajaks. Ta tahtis endale uut tööd. Ta sai tööd Thornfieldis kus ta pidi olema guvernandiks Adele'le. Sealne peremees oli mr Rochester, ta oli väga karmi olekuga. Alguses polnud mr Rochester mitte kunagi kaua kodus. Aga siis hakkas ta tihedamini kodus olema ja ta veetis palju aega koos Janega. Jane armus mr Rochesteri. Ühel päeval nad läksid jalutama kus selgus ka et Rochester armastab Jane ja palus ta endale naiseks. Jane oli nõus. Kuid pulmapäeval selgus et Rochesteri naine on veel elus ja pulm jäeti ära. Mr Rochesteri naine oli hull ja teda hoiti mõis pööningul. Jane oli väga löödud ja jooksis Thornfieldist ära. Ta võeti elama ühte perre

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
142 allalaadimist

“Jane Eyre” C. Bronte

seal halvad söögid ning väga külm. Iga päev loeti palveid ning kõik pidid tegema nii nagu õpetaja ütles. Koolis sai Jane sõbraks Helen Burnsiga. Kahjuks tabas kooli tüüfus ning suur osa õpilastest surid, kaasaarvatud Helen. Jane lõpetas kooli ning jäi sinna veel 2 aastaks õpetajaks. Jane tahtis endale leida uue töö ning selle ta ka leidis. Ta sai tööd Thornfieldis kus ta pidi olema guvernandiks Adele`le. Thornfieldi peremees oli mr Rochester. Ta oli karm mees ja umbes 40 aasta vanune. Thornfieldis elasid mr Rochester, majapidajanna missis Fairfax, peremehe hoolealune Adele, kummaline teenija Greace Poole ja veel mõned teenijad. Jane ja mr Rochester veetsid palju aega koos. Kuigi Jane oli vaevu 20 aastane ja tema peremees 40, said nad väga headeks sõpradeks. Kord öösel nägi Jane, et tema peremehe voodi põleb. Jane päästis oma peremehe ning nad said veelgi suuremateks sõpradeks. Mr Rochester kutsus

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

karmid, söök oli kehv ning elamistingimused halvad. Lowood Jane sai Lowoodis sõbraks Helen Burnsiga. Kooli tabas tüüfus ning paljud õpilased surid. Peale kooli lõpetamist õpetas Jane õpetajana Lowoodis veel 2 aastat. Thornfield Jane soovis vaheldust Lowoodist ning läks Thorfieldi guvernandiks Adelele. Thornfieldis armus Jane oma peremehesse mr Rochesteri. Pulmad Jane ja mr Rochester otsustasid abielluda. Pulmad jäid aga katki, sest üks mr Rochesteri tuttav ilmus pulma ning ütles, et mehe naine on veel elus. Jane põgenes Thornfieldist. Rivers'id Mitu päeva hiljem jõudis Jane Rivers'te juurde, kes võtsid Jane'i enda juurde elama. St John leidis Jane'le töö kohalikus koolis. Jane sai teada, et Mary, Diana ja St John on tema sugulased. Jane sai oma kaugelt sugulaselt päranduse ning jagas seda koos oma uute sugulastega.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

Peategelased Kõrvaltegelased Jane Eyre - orvuna kasvanud, kirglik ja Tädi Reed - Jane`i rikas ja vihkav tädi, kelle otsekohene neiu, kelle saatus muutus peale juures Jane elas enne vaestekooli saatmist. seda kui ta läks guvernandiks suurde ja Helen Burns - Jane`i parim sõber Lowoodis, üksildasse Thornfieldi mõisasse. kes suri tiisikusse. Adele - Jane`i kasvandik Thornfieldis Edward Rochester - salapärane ja tujukas John, Diana ja Mary -pere, kelle juurde Jane Thornfieldi omanik, kellel on dramaatilne satub Thornfieldist põgenemisel. Hiljem minevik ning kes varjab oma mõisas sünget selgub, et need on ta sugulased. John teeb saladust. Jane`ile abieluettepaneku. Bertha Mason - hullumeelne naine Kokkuvõte Lapsepõlv Elu Thornfield`is

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

George Eastman

George Eastman Eastman sündis 12. juulil 1854. aastal Wathervill`is, 20 miili kaugusel edela Uticast, Oneida maal, New York`is. Ta oli kolmas ja noorim laps peres. Isa oli George Washington Eastman ja ema oli Maria Kilborn, mõlemad elasid enne kokkusaamist äärelinas Marshall`is. 1860. aastal kolisid nad Rochester`i. Kaks aastat hiljem tema isa suri ja Eastman lahkus kõrgkoolist, et peret toetada ja hakkas tööle kontoripoisina 14-aastaselt. Eastman oli tagasihoidlik, leiutaja, visionär ja filantroop. 1925. aastal Eastman ühel päeval ütles Kodak`i juhtimisest lahti, saades valitsuse esimeheks. Ta seejärel keskendus frilantrrpilisetele tegevustele. Oma viimasel kahel aastal Eastman oli suures piinas. Tal oli probleeme püstiseismisega ja ta kõndimine oli vaevarikas, see oli põhjustatud tema taandarenenud häirest, mis mõjutas tema selgroogu. Ta elas teadmisega, et tema ülejäänud elu on ratastoolis. 14 märtsil 1932. aastal ta lõp...

Tehnika → Tehnikalugu
4 allalaadimist

Declan Galbraith

Declan Galbraith Family Born December 19, 1991 Declan Galbraith and his family live in England, in the small town of Hoo Father Alec scottish, mother Siobhan irish Declan's grandfather sang in a band and played several instruments At the beginning His talent was publicly acknowledged for the first time when at just 7 years old he insisted on performing at the annual Rochester Dickens Festival After this he started to enter local talent contests and within a year he had won 15 titles and more than £1,000.00 Achievements His first recording was `Walking in the Air' His most memorable performances: the Queen's Jubilee at St Paul's Cathedra accompanied by the St Paul's Choir and an unforgettable experience when singing in front of more than 22,000 people at an Elton John concert. More

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Christina Aguilera lühikokkuvõte eluloost

Aguilera's father was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, while her mother is of Irish[14] descent (Christina's maternal grandmother emigrated from County Clare.)[15] Her father, Fausto, was stationed at Earnest Harmon Air Force Base in Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada and Japan. Aguilera lived with her father and mother until she was seven years old. When Aguilera's parents divorced, her mother took her, and her younger sister Rachel, to her grandmother's home in Rochester, Pennsylvania, a suburb outside of Pittsburgh. According to both Aguilera and Fidler, her father was very controlling, as well as physically and emotionally abusive.[16] She later wrote about her difficult childhood in the songs "I'm OK" in Stripped, and "Oh Mother" in Back to Basics. Although her father has written to Aguilera, she has ruled out any chance to reunite with him.[17] Since then, Fidler has married a paramedic named Jim Kearns, and changed her name.[18]

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

between Douglass and Garrison. Douglass further angered Garrison by saying that the Constitution could and should be used as an instrument in the fight against slavery. With this, Douglass began to assert his independence from the Garrisonians. Garrison saw the North Star as being in competition with the National Anti-Slavery Standard and Marius Robinson's Anti-Slavery Bugle. In March 1860, Annie, Douglass' youngest daughter, died in Rochester, New York, while he was still in England. Douglass returned from England the following month, taking the route through Canada to avoid detection. By the time of the Civil War, Douglass was one of the most famous black men in the country, known for his oratories on the condition of the black race, and other issues such as women's rights. Lincoln's death At Abraham Lincoln's memorial, Douglass was in the audience while a tribute to Lincoln was being given by a prominent lawyer

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


Suuremad järved Red, Lake of the Woods, Mille Lacs, Leech, Winnibigoshish. Rahvaarv 4 775 508 (1999; 20. koht) Haldusjaotus 87 maakonda Rahvastikutihedus 60,0 inimest ruutmiili kohta (1999; 20 koht). Etniline koosseis 3 92,9% valgenahalisi (1,9% ladinaameerika päritolu), 3,1% mustanahalisi, 1,2% indiaanlasi, 2,7% asiaate (1999). Pealinn St. Paul. Suuremad linnad Minneapolis, St. Paul, Bloomington, Duluth, Rochester. Majandus Majanduse arengut on soodustanud Suure Järvistu ja Mississippi veeteed. Tähtsamad tööharud on must metallurgia ja laevaehitus (Duluth), põllutöömasinate-, arvutite- ja toiduainetööstus (või tootmiselt USA-s esikohal). Mesabi mäeahelikus paikneb 2/3 USA rauamaagivarudest. Kasvatatakse maisi, nisu, sojauba. Peetakse piimakarja ja kalkuneid (USA-s esikohal). Suuremad firmad Minnetoukas asuv Cargill Inc. On USA suurimaid toiduaine tootjaid.

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Gooti ja romaani kunst

eeskujuks Konstantinoopoli Hagia-Sofia ja Veneetsia Püha Marcuse katedraal; idamaade mõjud; Fort Perigeux, Notre-Dame-la-Grande (skulptuuridega fassaad); Kesk-Pr.: Auvergne koolkond ­ empoorkirikud (2 korrust, suured galeriid 2.korrusel); Notre-Dame-la-Porte kirik, Le Puy katedraal, Burgundia koolkond ­ basiilika; Cluny klooster ­suurim romaani kirik (5lööviline) Inglismaa: levinuim Normandia ehituskunst; pikaksvenitatud põhiplaan, tugevalt eenduvad külglöövid; Durcham, Rochester, Southwell, Gloucester katedraalid Hispaania: valitsev araabia kunst; mauride mõjud, Kataloonia Narbonne piiskopkond; Santiago del Compostella kloostrikirik Itaalia: mitmekesine arhitekt., palju riike ja linnriike, Lombardia: algul lameda laega basiilikad, võlvimine Pr. eeskujul, Modeena katedraal; Veneetsia: tugevad idamaised mõjud, Püha Marcuse katedraal, Pisa toomkirik (Toscanas);Firenze: San Miniato al Monte kirik; Rooma: ehituskunstis tõstine tagasilöök

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
59 allalaadimist

Analüüs Swifti kirjandusest inglise keeles

pretensions to the British throne from a court in France (primarily at SaintGermainenLaye) until 1717, and both Jameses were regarded as a serious threat to the stability of the British monarchy until the end of the reign of George II. The court of the Pretender attracted those Jacobites, and their Tory sympathizers, whose political activity precluded them staying safely in Great Britain; notable among them was Swift's friend, the Anglican Bishop of Rochester Francis Atterbury, who was exiled to France in 1722. Swift's Lilliputian claims that the machinations of "BigEndian exiles" at the court of the Emperor of Blefuscu have brought about a continuous war between Lilliput and Blefuscu for "six and thirty moons" (Lilliputians calculate time in 'moons', not years; their timescale is apparently also onetwelfth the size of normal humans.) This is an allusion to the wars fought underKing William III and Queen

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
3 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

conformity, far more inclined to accept and enjoy sexual, religious and verbal licence. Cultured but lusty court. Sexual hints flourished. Stimulated and fostered the stricter disciplines of poetic satire, which fed on contradictions, the ironies and hypocrisies of society. Sharpness of wit, degree of profanity (pühaduseteotus) or ribaldry (nilbus), cultivated laziness, ministerially abetted (õhutatud) twists of laws and distractions of his mistresses. John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: writer of satirical and bawdy poetry. To a Lady in a Letter, Song, A Song Charles Sackville: The Advice, from the Latin Sir Charles Sedley: Song Dryden: 14. Restoration drama (Dryden, Etheridge, Wycherley, Congreve) Theatres closed in Civil War, resumed in altered society of Restoration, florishing after Puritan regime. Most famous: unsentimental or „hard” comedies of John Dryden, William Wycherley, and George Etheredge

Keeled → British literature
22 allalaadimist

Linking Words and Phrases - õppematerjal

· compared to · in comparison in like manner · like · likewise · similarly At St. Rita School for the Deaf, a private school, there is a dress code that mandates how the students are to dress. The boys must wear a pair of pants and dress shirts. Similarly, the strict dress code requires plaid skirts and blouses for the girls. Like her grandmother, Sally loves the Gallaudet Homecoming football game. The news reported that Montana would be very cold this week. I said, "Likewise, Rochester will be, too." Ronda bought a new Saturn car; so in like manner the rest of her friends did the same thing. By comparison, Greensboro, N.C. is much smaller than Washington, D.C. is. The cat acts as if he is the boss of the house. The cat is as proud as a king. Bob loves to go to parties. In comparison, Sue loves to stay at home with her family. Compared to seven years ago when the printer worked well, it has been "ill" a great deal of the time in recent weeks.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

" The defiant Jack Kennedy took the cue and named his group "The Muckers Club." Kennedy remained close friends to the end of his life with several of his Choate fellows, including especially Kirk LeMoyne "Lem" Billings. Throughout his years at Choate, Kennedy was beset by health problems, culminating in 1934 with his emergency hospitalization at Yale-New Haven Hospital from January until March. In June 1934 he was admitted to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and diagnosed with colitis. When Kennedy graduated from Choate in June 1935 his superlative in The Brief, the school yearbook (of which he had been business manager), was"Most likely to Succeed." 1960 presidential election On January 2, 1960, Kennedy officially declared his intent to run for President of the United States. In the Democratic

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Füüsiline tervis, iseloom ja individuaalsed erinevused ja nende seos heaoluga

1 Füüsiline tervis, iseloom ja individuaalsed erinevused ja nende seos heaoluga 2010 2 Füüsiline tervis ja selle seos heaoluga - Okun jt (1984) poolt läbiviidud meta-analüüsid näitasid füüsilise tervise ja subjektiivse heaolu vahel positiivset korrelatsiooni. - Ryan ja Frederick (1997) leidsid, et subjektiivne vitaalsus on seotud ning sõltub nii somaatilistest kui ka psühholoogilistest faktoritest. -Ryffja Singer (2000) töö tulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et positiivsed suhted teistega olid eriti olulised tervisega seotud protsesside parandamises. 3 See, et tervise ja heaolu vahel on seos, on ilmselge. Haige olemist seostatakse tihtipe...

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
46 allalaadimist

Õnn - elu eesmärk?

Side, mis vanema ja lapse vahel toimib, on nähtamatu, kuid kõikvõimas, andestav, toetav, nii tihe, et vahel tundub käega katsutav ­ tingimusteta. Tulevikul poleks mõtet, kui poleks lapsi. Miks muidu hõisatakse, et lapsed on meie, riigi tulevik? Laps on kahe inimese vahelise armastuse vili, õnnistus, kingitus. Õnnelik inimene on kellegi poolt armastatud, oodatud, vajatud. Mõelda, milliste meeletusteni on viinud armastus! Kirjandusest meenuvad kohe Romeo ja Julia, Jane Eyre ja Rochester, Antonius ja Cleopatra, Simson ja Delila, Selene ning Endymion. Lähiajaloost mäletame printsess Dianat ja Dodi al- Fayedi, Maria Callase ja Aristoteles Onassise lugu. Inimestel on vaja kedagi, kellele toetuda, loota ja kindel olla. Parimal juhul rajatakse armastatuga ka pere, mis põhinebki usaldusel, rõõmul, headusel, toetusel, mõistmisel, andmisel ja vastusaamisel, rahul ning kõige tähtsamal ­ armastusel

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
54 allalaadimist


health care settings for years. But this highly drug-resistant bacterium has gained attention in recent years for its role in several deaths among otherwise healthy school-age athletes. Are MRSA infections on the rise? What are the real risks of MRSA infection for you or your child? And what can you do to protect against MRSA infection? James Steckelberg, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., answers these and other common questions about MRSA. What is MRSA, and why is it sometimes referred to as a "superbug"? · MRSA in hospitals. MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria - often called "staph." Many years ago, a strain of staph emerged in hospitals that was resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Dubbed methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it has been called a "superbug"

Meditsiin → Nakkushaigused
35 allalaadimist

Great Britain

and the Young Vic Company in London, the Scottish Youth Theatre in Edinburgh. The National Youth Theatre, which stages classical plays mainly by Shakespeare and modern plays about youth, was on tour in Russian in 1989. The theatre-goers warmly received the production of Thomas Stearns Eliot's play `Murder in the Cathedral'. Many famous English actors started their careers in the National Youth Theatre. Among them Timothy Dalton, the actor who did the part of Rochester in ` Jane Eyre' shown on TV in our country. The British Schools Schooling in Great Britain is voluntary under the age of 5 but there is some free nursery school education before that age. Primary education takes place in infant schools for pupils ages from 5 to 7 years old and junior schools (from 8 to 11 years). Some areas have different systems in which middle schools replace junior schools and take pupils ages from 9 to 11 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Referaat Railgun Table of contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 1.What a railgun basically is............................................................................................................4 1.1History of railguns...................................................................................................................4 1.2Theory behind it......................................................................................................................5 1.3How a railgun works...............................................................................................................6 1.4How a railgun would work on a military ship in the future....................................................8 3. Research advances so far...............................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


finish it. This cathedral was destroyed in the Great Fire. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt it in 1675-1708. During the World War II it was damaged a bit. The Dome of St. Paul's is 111 metres high. It consists of 2 domes, one inside the other. The Nave is the main hall of the cathedral. The Whispering Gallery runs around the inner dome. It gets its name because even a whisper can be heard all around it. The Tower of London · First builders: Bishop of Rochester, William Conqueror, William III · 1st usage ­ fortress and a palace · 1st prison was Wakefield Tower · Executions: high-profile criminals; beheaded at Tower Hill · Ravens ­ guarding, if left, kingdom would perish · Beefeaters · Safeguard jewels, guard prisoners, tour guides · Origin unknown, payment beef, veal, mutton etc. · Guarding Tower of London since 1485 · Live in fortress, must have a home outside too

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Eesti keele eksami 2018 konspekt

asju. Hoolimata õnne defineerimise keerukusest, on seda aegade jooksul siiski mõõta üritatud, kuna soov ja lootus on ju elu paremaks muuta. 2013. aastal Euroopa riikides läbi viidud uuringust selgus tõsiasi, et inimese rahulolu ning leibkonnaliikme sissetuleku vahel on selge seos. Näiteid kirjandusest: 1) Suur Gatsby (Fitzgerald) 2) Tuulest viidud (Margareth Mitchell) 3) Daamide õnn (Emilie Zola) 4) Õde Carrie (Dreiser) Rahast kibestunud tegelased: 1) Rochester (Bronte "Jane Eyre") 2) Aramis ("Kolm musketäri") 3) Keskkond ja loodushoid Vabatahtlike võimalused keskkonna kaitsmiseks: heakorratalgute korraldamine ja loodustalgutel osalemine looduskaitselised tegevused (nt. looduskaitsealade hooldamine) keskkonnaharidus ja elanikkonna keskkonnateadlikkuse tõstmine (nt. Loodusmatkad lastele, taaskasutuse võimaluste tutvustamine) uuringud ja seire (nt. lindude rände jälgimine ja linnuliikide loetlemine)

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
64 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

Up until that time, coffer dams and crude caissons were the only means by which foundations could be constructed in water. Their use was limited by the length of wooden piles and by soils that were unsuitable for pile driving because they were either too soft or too hard. Credit for developing the first pneumatic caisson belongs to William Cubitt and John Wright, who used the technique on the bridge (1851) over the River Medway at Rochester (UK). It was similar to the caisson developed by Labelye, but differed in that the chamber resting on the river's bottom was airtight and required workmen to enter by means of airlocks after the water had been driven out by pneumatic pressure. Working in this environment, men suffered from the little understood "caissons disease," now better known as "the bends." The eventual diagnosis of this condition permitted the construction of bridges

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

mowtta.os 97 38'OO'N 73'OO'E Prmce Edward I., Island 75 46' OO 'N M' ooW Robson, Mt., peak. 75 S4'OO 'N 119'OOW San LUIS Potosi, state, Mex , 76 23'oo'N l00'00W 37"36' E 85 SS'OO 'N 22'OO'E Pampas, plam 79 38'OO'S 60' OOW Pnnce Edward Island, Rochester, MN , 51 44°01'N 92'28W San LUIS Rio Colorado, Irt! land. Panama, country 44 9' oo'N 81' OOW provmce, Can. 74 48' oo'N 63' OOW Rochester, NY , 51 43'09'N 77'37 W MeXICO , 76 32°28'N 114°47W 16'OS'E I'III:J U.( ..

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist


religious calling with an activity once condemned by churchly authorities, but also went on to become the only man in history to use cryptanalytic talents to procure ecclesiastical rewards. Within two years, he had been named rector of Barton, Bedfordshire, for solving more than 300 pages of cipher that exposed Sweden's attempt to foment an uprising in England. He virtually guaranteed his future when he testified before the House of Lords in 1723. Here, Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, was being tried by his peers for attempting to set a pretender on the English throne. The pretender's cause exhorted the allegiance of many in England, and the nation's attention focused on Atterbury's trial. Most of the facts about the alleged conspiracy had come from his intercepted correspondence, and the most inculpatory evidence had been extracted from the portions in cipher by Willes and by Anthony Corbiere, a former

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Let's take a recent historical example. The Hare Krishna Society is an Eastern religious sect with centuries-old roots traceable to the Indian city of Calcutta. Its spectacular modern-day story occurred in the 1970S when it experienced a remarkable growth, ~ Chapter 2 RECIPROCATION READER'S REPORT 2.1 From a New York State Businesswoman Asdays; the Corporate Secretary at a business in Rochester, NY, I usually work but one evening I had stayed late to finish some important work. While pulling out of my parking spot, my car slid on some ice and ended up stuck down a small ravine. It was late, cold, and dark; and everyone from my office had left. But, an employee from another department came by and towed me clear. About two weeks later, because I worked on personnel matters, I became

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun