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"curiosity" - 46 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: curiosity

Faile: 0

Marss ja selle uurimismissioonid

Mhartin, Himre, Khevin Marss ja selle 12.A uurimismissioonid. Marsikulgur Curiosity. Mehitatud missioon Marsile. Marsi andmed arvudes Päikesesüsteemi neljas planeet Päikesest 1½ korda kaugemal kui Maa Teleskoobiga hästi vaadeldav iga 15-17 aasta tagant Keskmine kaugus päikesest 227,9 mln km Kaugus maast 55-400 mln km Tiirlemisperiood 686,98 Maa päeva Marsi suurus Läbimõõt 6974 km Pindala 144,8 mln km² Ruumala 163,18 miljardit km³ Mass on 6,4219*1023 kg ehk 0,106 Maa massi Tihedus 3933 kg/m³ Gravitatsioon 40% Maa omast Kliima ja õhk Temperatuuri muutumine keerukam Pinnatemperatuur on +25°C kuni -125°C Atmosfäär ­ peamiselt süsinikdioksiid, lämmastikku ja argooni on kuni 2%, hapnikku 0,3% Hõredad pilved Marsi pind Punakas kivikõrb Vulkaan Nix Olympica Mäeahelike ja orgude kõrguste vahe küünib 14 km-ni Senised Marsi missionõid 2/3 kogu missioonidest ebaõnnestunud kaksik-kulgurid Spirit (MER-A) ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
7 allalaadimist

It was a perfectly ordinary Friday evening

Father helped us carry things into the house, after that sister and I decided to take a walk in the woods. Mom asked us to be careful, because people were talking about a creature that was hairy, fast and with bloody eyes and sharp teeth. We thought it is unbelivable and funny, just for people could have something to talk about. After all it seemed impossible. We took different way than usually. We walked until we came to an old, ugly, deserted house. Curiosity was so great that we forgot mom's advice. Approaching the house we saw window frames covered with cobwebs . We decided to open the door even tough we were frightened... Creeeek! We trembled and took a step back .. we realized that it was just the floor board .. we moved on .. it was dark and freaky. Moving to the next room, we found an old broken sofa with black table.The room next to us opened up a hideous view so that I nearly fainted. Hanging down from the ceiling our neightbour

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Marss ja selle uurimismissioonid

Theema: Marss ja selle uurimismissioonid. Marsikulgur Curiosity. Mehitatud missioon Marsile. SLAID 2 Marss on Päikesesüsteemi neljas planeet. Marss asub Päikesest 1½ korda kaugemal kui Maa ja saab seepärast poole vähem soojust[viide?]. Teleskoobiga on see Maast poole väiksem punakas planeet hästi vaadeldav iga 15­17 aasta tagant suure vastasseisu ajal, kui Marsi ja Maa vaheline kaugus on ainult 55­60 mln km. Sel ajal paistab Marss taevas niisama heledalt kui Veenus.

Füüsika → Füüsika
8 allalaadimist

Dog Communication

Dog Communication Kristjan Olt Dog communication comes in a variety of forms, and is part of the foundation of dog social behaviour. Dogs use certain movements of their bodies and body parts and different vocalizations to express their emotions. One gesture may mean many different things. For example a tail wag may mean: ­ Excitement ­ Playfulness ­ Happiness ­ Anxiety Greeting ritual When one dog meets another dog, they usually walk around each other, sniff each other or even bark if they don't like something Body movements Tail position usually shows dog's mood. Ear position shows dogs level of attention Mouth expressions inform us about dogs mood Dogs use their tongue to lick each other and that is the sign of friendliness. Dogs stamp their legs when exited. The position of head is a sign of curiosity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Drugs - your enemy

DRUGS-your enemy! Drugs-What are they? · Banned by law · Really dangerous and unhealthy · People use them to get high or feel better · Affect our behavior and senses completely · There are natural and chemical drugs What is a drug addiction? · Constant need to have it again and again · Physical addiction · Mental addiction Main reasons to start · Your friends use it · Curiosity-new and interesting · Symbol of independents,rebellious and being an adult · The feeling of being high · Easy to get · Symbol of money and fame What is what? · Ecstasy · Methadone · Meth · Cocaine · Heroin · Crack · Amphetamine · GHB · LSD · Nervines · Cannabis · Glues and varnishes · White Chinese The risky part · Pure or not? · What's in it? · The level of strongness · Making a coctail · Unpredictable ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist



Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Da Vinci

 Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath. He was painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer.  a man of "unquenchable curiosity"( Kustutamat uudishimu) and "feverishly inventive imagination"( palavikuliselt leidlik kujutlusvõime) Characters  Leonardo appears to have had no close relationships with women but he had many good friends.( Gay man) Mona Lisa  Oil on cottonwood  One of the most famous paintings of all times is a mystery. It is uncertain whether the painting is a portrait of the wife of the Florentine citizen Francesco del Giocondo as traditionally believed, while Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile remains a subject of speculation.  The painting can be seen in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The last supper  Tempera on gesso, pitch and mastic.  The mural repre...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Internet - a blessing or a curse?

It has replaced live, face-to-face communication with other people. Instead of going out and meeting a friend for coffee, people prefer to sit In front of a computer screen, typing. The internet has another very bad characteristic feature: it is highly addictive. It takes valuable hours from your working day without you even noticing. Because the Internet is limitless, it has no boundaries, much like the universe, people always discover new things, new websites, new information and that curiosity is what keeps them constantly online. Not only does the Internet reduce our face to face communication, it also has a dramatic effect on our intelligence. It has been scientifically proven that while surfing the Web, certain parts of the brain deteriorate, reducing the capabilities of one"s brain. It demands less brain activity than reading a book for example The Internet, at the same time, is both a blessing and a curse. When using it for the right

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Leiutaja Alexander Graham Bell

of the founding members of the National Geographic Society. He began teaching at a deaf school in Boston, and lodged with Thomas Saunders, and met Gardiner Hubbard, whose daughter, Mabel, had been deaf since the age of five. Quite unable to speak, she became the pupil of Bell, and after two years of painstakingly hard work, he taught her to talk. He had also fallen in love with her and they were married. As a child, young Alexander Graham Bell displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. In 1877 his telephone was patented, and the Bell Telephone Company was created, which was to make him millions. In the space of 18 years, Bell had to fight off 600 separate legal actions in relation to his telephone. He was granted the freedom of the City of Edinburgh in 1920, two years before he died at home in Nova Scotia, at age 75

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Father found- Muriel Jensen

smuggle Gusty out of town before the bad guys found her. Her amnesia is common knowledge, so he appeared in her hospital room at dawn and slipped a wedding band on her finger, the mate to his. Waking her up and showing her the rings was all the assurance it took for her to go with him, this stranger who claimed to be her husband. So now they are hiding out, trying to keep a low profile so that the bad guys won't find them and finish the job. Bram is adept at deflecting Gusty's curiosity, but he's always worried that, as snippets of her memory return, she'll remember the truth and leave him, knowing that he's been lying about their relationship all along.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist


Põhikool Referaat PÄIKESESÜSTEEMI PLANEEDID – MARS, SATURN JA NEPTUUN 4 klass Juhendaja: õpetaja Tallinn 2018 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus .........................................................…............................... 3 1. Planeet Marss ..................…………………………….................................... 3-4 2. Planeet Saturn .............………………...................................................... 5 3. Planeet Neptuun ....................…………………………….............................. 6 Kokkuvõte ......………………………………...................................................... 6-7 Kasutatud kirjandus ................................................................................ 7 Sissejuhatus 2 Valisin päikesesüsteemi planeetidest ref...

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
2 allalaadimist


What unique talents would you bring to this position? What specifically interests you about this position. Qualities appreciated by employers the most: Hard workers Professionalism Dependable High-energy Positive Confidence Self-motivated Self-monitoring Team-oriented Intellectual curiosity Organized, and able to manage multiple Good under pressure priorities Effective communicators Flexible Confident SAMPLE LETTER Dear Ms Lake I am writing in response to your advertisement in Yes! student magazine to apply for the job at the summer camp. /I am writing to apply for the job at the summer camp, as advertised in Yes! student magazine. I am an 18-year-old school-leaver from Estonia good at English and

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s.

Essay How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s. Comparison between two articles by Warren & Brandeis and Julie Cohen The two articles have questioned - What is privacy ? The simplest answer would be that the privacy is a human right and like in the first article by Warren & Brandeis, they quote Judge Cooly who sayd that, the privacy is the right to be let alone. This means, that a person is free to go and do what ever the person wants, no one has a right to harm him/her physically or mentally and vice versa. What ever the person decides to do, nobody else has the right to know about it without persons premission. Julie Cohen starts her essay with a point that privacy has the image problem. In the world where there is no mobile platforms, data mining social meedia, in simple words the internet, its easyer to leave the person alone, but what can we do in the world where is very difficult to be incognito because ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

" "How about we move," for any individual who doesn't have any acquaintance with it at this point, is accepted to be the last known expression mouthed by rural father Todd Beamer before he and his kindred travelers on the destined United Flight 93 went up against their ruffians on Sept. 11, constraining the plane to crash in a field. Since that sad day, those two words have been deified as an image of American courage and insubordination despite psychological oppression. It has appeared on curiosity things of different types; artist Neil Young utilized it in a song of devotion, and the president even attempted to make it a mobilizing weep for the country. Presently, Todd Beamer's better half is endeavoring to grab the expression as her own, battling creators of floppy caps, keep-the-brew can-chilly froth holders and other lawn grill stuff from commandeering the memory of her dead spouse. "How about we roll" is apparently as harmless and omnipresent as "We

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist


Kuid Spirit ja Opportunity ei ole mõeldud elumärkide otsmiseks. Ühe meetodina kasutatakse Marsil leiduvate üliväikeste metaanikoguste analüüsimist. Metaan on gaas, mida mikroorganismid suudavad toota, seepärast oligi metaani avastamine 2003.aastal bioloogidele oluline. Kuid metaan võib moodustuda ka geoloogiliste protsesside käigus, näiteks vulkaanide aktiivsuse tagajärjel, seepärast on metaani päritolu väljaselgitamine oluline. Selleks on valmistatud kosmosesond Curiosity. Curiosity püüab leida metaani Marsi pinnalt ja lisaks uurida metaanis sisalduva süsiniku isotoopide vahelist suhet. Biloogiliselt toodetud metaanis on ülekaalus kerge isotoop süsinik-12. Kuid Curiosity ei hakka töötama üksinda. Metaani tootvate alade täpseks kaardistamiseks saadavad NASA ja Euroopa Kosmoseagentuur ESA 2016.aastal kosmosesse uue sondi, millel on muljetavaldav nimi: ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). TGO ehitavad Euroopa riigid ja selle saadab üles USA. 2018

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
18 allalaadimist

Valentine's day

Middle-aged people often gift red roses. In Estonia there's now a new custom: Valentine cards contest. Valentine's Day in Estonia is celebrated to remember good friends. Poems and jokes Be My Valentine A man walks into a post office one day and sees a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity gets the better of him; he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says, "I'm sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, 'Guess who?'" "But why?" asks the man. "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies. A Mommy Moment Four-year-old Mitch loved candy almost as much as his mom Ann did. He and Daddy had given her a beautiful heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's Day. A few days later Mitch was eyeing it, wishing to have a piece of it

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

Romantic poet keeps the image of a nation alive and is: · A visionary · A free spirit whose most important sense was seeing · A noble savage · A wanderer · An artist as a supremely individual creator 4.TheGreek revival (reasons for its appearance, main characteristic features, types of writings that were inspired by the Greek revival, etc) · Developments in the field of archaeology · Curiosity in the Mediterranean region and the Orient (Rome, Palmire, Balbek, China) · Hellenizing classicism ­ started replacing buildings with copies of true Greek pillars; people wanted to be trendy and built Pyramids, obelisks. Later at Baroque times they were replaced with ancient ruins. · The Elgin Marbles - also called the Parthenon Marbles, are a collection of marble sculptures that

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist


9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Linnamägi, Ü., Asser, T. (2004). Dementne inimene, koormus ühiskonnale. Eesti Arst, 83(4), 256 - 261. Linnamägi, Ü., Braschinsky, M., Saks, K., Võrk, E., Lääts, T. (2008). Käsiraamat dementsete haigete hooldajale. Tallinn: Iloprint; Eesti Alzheimeri Tõve Ühing. McEvoy, P., Plant, R. (2014). Dementia care: using empathic curiosity to establish the common ground that is necessary for meaningful communication. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, 477 ­ 482. 10

Meditsiin → Õendus
26 allalaadimist

Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle Life Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland, to an English father, Charles Altamont Doyle, and an Irish mother, Mary Foley, who had married in 1855.] Although he is now referred to as "Conan Doyle", the origin of this compound surname is uncertain. Conan Doyle's father was an artist, as were his paternal uncles (one of whom was Richard Doyle), and his paternal grandfather John Doyle. Conan Doyle was sent to the Roman Catholic Jesuit preparatory school St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, at the age of eight. He then went on to Stonyhurst College, but by the time he left the school in 1875, he had rejected Christianity to become an agnostic. From 1876 to 1881 he studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, including a period working in the town of Aston (now a district of Birmingham). While studying, he also began writing short stories; his first published ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
8 allalaadimist

Victorian age

among the US people. After that american publishers pirated his works(international copyright) and this resulted in a severe criticism of the American society(American Notes). He saw a significant change in the people and the circumstances of America. After that he didn't have as big American readership but still some supporters remained. · Name more important works by him. The Picwick Papers all his essays Novels: Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby, The Old Curiosity Shop, Christmas Carol all made into films America: American Notes, Martin Chuzzlewit Social Novels: David Copperfield(most autobiographical), Bleak House, Little Dorrit, A Tale of Two Cities 1861-1867: Great Expectations, Our Mutual Friend 5. The Woman Question · What is the Woman Question? It is the change in womens role in society in the 19th century. Women wanted to have equal rights with men, the right to vote, many women became feminists. Women wanted to move beyond home and from

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

) have brought to the fore a plethora of forms and highlighted mutually enriching consequences of border crossing Á no matter how easy or problematic the encounters with the foreign may have been. Travel writings take readers elsewhere, keeping their curiosity alert to the exoticism that other people and places have to offer. At the same time, the authors of *Email: [email protected] ISSN 0907-676X print/ISSN 1747-6623 online # 2012 Taylor & Francis

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Charles Dickens

· Charles Dickens'i sünnikoha muuseum Portsmouthis · Dickensi majamuuseum Broadstaires ja sealne Dickensi festival alates 1937 · Charles Dickens´i Centrum Rochesteris Teosed 1836 ­ 1837: "Pickwick-klubi järelejäänud paberid" ("The Pickwick Papers" ) 1837 ­ 1828: "Oliver Twisti seiklused" ("Oliver Twist") 1837 ­ 1839: "Nicholas Nickleby elu ja seiklused" ("Nicholas Nickleby" 1840 ­ 1841: "Antiikasjade kauplus" The Old Curiosity Shop") 1841: "Barnaby Rudge" 1842: "Märkmeid Ameerikast" ("American Notes") 1843: "Jõululaul" ("A Christmas Carol") 1843 ­ 1844: "Martin Chuzzlewit" 1844: "Kellad" ("The Chimes" ) 1845: ("The Cricket on the Hearth") 1846: "Reisipildid Itaaliast" ("Pictures from Italy ") 1846 ­ 1848: "Dombey ja poeg" ("Dombey and Son") 1848: "Parimad tondijutud" ("The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain")

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
47 allalaadimist


ISIKSUSETESTID • Ajalugu: temperamendi mõõtmine: sangviinik, koleerik, melanhoolik, flegmaatik • MMPI • Suur viisik: tänane teadmiste tase • Viis dimensiooni, mis eristavad inimesi: avatus, vastutustundlikkus, ekstravertsus, kooskõlalisus, neurootilisus Lavater: flegmaatik, koleerik, sangviinik, melanhoolik SUUR VIISIK • Avatus/Openness to Experience - appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, and curiosity. • Vastutustundlikkus/Conscientiousness - a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement; planned rather than spontaneous behaviour. • Ekstravertsus/Extraversion - energy, positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others. • Kooskõlalisus/Agreeableness - a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.

Muu → Uurimistöö alused
69 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

of the Evening Chronice. After a brief honeymoon in Chalk, Kent, they set up home in Bloomsbury, where they had ten children. On 9 June 1865, while returning from France with Ternan, Dickens was involved in the Staplehurst rail crash in which the first seven carriages of the train plunged off a cast iron bridge that was being repaired.Because of that he died.( 9 June1870) Oliver Twist (1837-39), Nicholas Nickleby (1838-39), The Old Curiosity Shop and, Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty as part of the Master Humphrey's Clock series (1840- 41), A Christmas Carol written in 1843. Hard Times- For These Times. is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1854. The book is a state-of-the-nation novel, which aimed to highlight the social and economic pressures that some people were experiencing. Unlike other such writings at the time, the novel is unusual in that it is not set in London.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist

Britain history.

natural disasters the Western world has seen. Ireland lost about half o its population: one million died and another million emigrated. Irish corn crops remained unaffected, but they were exported. Profit counted more than human lives. The Victorian age is also known for its literary achievements. Charles Dickens is considered one of the greatest English novelists of all time. His books included "Oliver Twist", "Old Curiosity Shop", "Nicholas Nickleby" and others. He became very rich and used his wealth for the antislavery movement, social housing projects and international copyright laws. At the same as the middle classes were expanding in Victorian Britain, so were the working classes. New industries were developed, new factories were built and Britain's products were exporter all over the world. Life in the new factories was one of terrible hardship

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

We should keep apart natural and deliberate use of archaic words, thus, in Shakespeare many words are archaic today but where ordinary words at that time. (natural words). Contemporary writers and speakers use these words deliberately. Function: 1. recreate truthfully the atmosphere of a certain period (historical novels). 2. to parody historical novels (in this case archaic words are used extremely often). 3. to stress the characteristic toutchness of the past. E.g. Dickens "The Old curiosity shop". 4. for the sake of humour when used in everyday speech. In poetry archaic words are often used for their more elevated colouring and not for the sake of historical background. In official documents some archaic words are still used, however the tendency is that to avoid them. E.g. hereby, hereinafter. Poetic diction ­ words traditionally used in poetry and partly they overlap with archaic words. E.g. hapless (unhappy), naught (nothing), hearken (to hear)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

He uses poet and translator Joachim Neugroschel as his "titling person". He was born to Estonian parents and has included elements of Estonia in some of his works (e.g. the flag). Native American Art. Native Americans might not have a term for "art" but certainly knew of the concept. They too drew pleasure from things made well and imaginatively. Some works were made with functional utility and ritual correctness in mind. Collecting of Native art was spurred by curiosity (craftsmanship of the savage), anthropology (artefacts of a `vanishing culture' by C19 sentiment) and non-Western concepts (traits not expressed in Western art). Now, many communities request that museum collections be returned to them. They regard some works as being intended to be seen only by knowledgeable people that are able to control the powers that the work expresses. Exemplary Works Colonial Period. 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

He uses poet and translator Joachim Neugroschel as his "titling person". He was born to Estonian parents and has included elements of Estonia in some of his works (e.g. the flag). Native American Art. Native Americans might not have a term for "art" but certainly knew of the concept. They too drew pleasure from things made well and imaginatively. Some works were made with functional utility and ritual correctness in mind. Collecting of Native art was spurred by curiosity (craftsmanship of the savage), anthropology (artefacts of a `vanishing culture' by C19 sentiment) and non-Western concepts (traits not expressed in Western art). Now, many communities request that museum collections be returned to them. They regard some works as being intended to be seen only by knowledgeable people that are able to control the powers that the work expresses. Exemplary Works Colonial Period. 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


reason. A person can be insensitive in one way, such as blind, and extraordinarily sensitive in another way, such as in hearing. It is also possible to be so ultra-sensitive that the result is disadvantageous. I expect no argument in asserting that a normal sensitivity is a healthy, indispensable ingredient for optimal education. Sensitivity can be heightened or blunted by education. It is intertwined with curiosity. An ideal education affords numerous and varied opportunities for students to touch, see, smell, listen, hear; to spark their curiosity. When I was a child the things that pleased me were largely other than the plants which have earned me a living as an adult. For example, I collected postage stamps, played basketball, was fond of listening to music, played all manner of games, but dealt only in a neutral, uninspired fashion with plants. The one thing that was constant and

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

Mary had heard herself mentioned to Miss Bingley as the most accomplished girl in the neighbourhood; and Catherine and Lydia had been fortunate enough never to be without partners, which was all that they had yet learnt to care for at a ball. They returned, therefore, in good spirits to Longbourn, the village where they lived, and of which they were the principal inhabitants. They found Mr. Bennet still up. With a book he was regardless of time; and on the present occasion he had a good deal of curiosity as to the event of an evening which had raised such splendid expectations. He had rather hoped that his wife's views on the stranger would be disappointed; but he soon found out that he had a different story to hear. "Oh! my dear Mr. Bennet," as she entered the room, "we have had a most delightful evening, a most excellent ball. I wish you had been there. Jane was so admired, nothing could be like it. Everybody said how well she looked; and Mr. Bingley thought her quite

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


front side which is towed and is used to dig scallops out of the sand and mud. The dredge is towed along the bottom until it is full, then lifted onto the boat and the contents tipped out. 57 Scallop dredge used in scallop fishing 58 59 60 Background ~ Dredges are one of the best Billfish teasers because they simulate a school of bait, which peaks the curiosity of billfish. When the billfish come to examine the dredge teaser they are easily caught on rigged baits. The drawback with previous generations of dredges was they were difficult to store and required a lot of lead weights to keep them under water. Additionally, when a wire broke you had to discard the dredge or undertake a major repair operation. Description ~ The 2 inch diameter Multi Dredge will accommodate up to 8 arms which screw in and out of

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

­ behaviour/personality as escape from `deficiency' · Aesthetic ­ D motives - Symmetry, order, beauty · But humans do things for positive purposes · Cognitive ­ humans seek positive, enriching experiences - knowing, understanding, exploring ­ curiosity, unselfish giving of love · Esteem ­ B motives - Competence, approval, recognition; self and others · Devised a hierarchy of needs · Belongingness and love ­ strive for higher ones... - Affiliation and acceptance ­ similar to Roger's positive regard ­ ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

Critical: Florence, Rome, Naples, Venice. Fount of art, literature, philosophy, music – cultural mecca. Diplomatic representatives, British residents: opened doors, introduced to people. Climax in Rome. Greatest prize: classical antiquities – scuplture, vases, cameos, gems, coins, medals. Purchase-obsessed. Result: publications (what seen). Changed people’s perception of classical past. Returned minds enriched, into culture cosmopolitan influence, refinement of manner, intellectual curiosity -> lasting change in English art, architecture, music, manners. Collecting, works of art, sculpture collections, change in architecture and interior design (neo-classicism), obsession with classical antiquity. 21. Augustan journalism (Addison, Steele) Richard Steele’s Tatler, Joseph Addison’s and Steele’s Spectator – mixes of short pieces, letters, essays, poems commenting on contemporary matters, morals and events. Religious bigotry and division of

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

Word Count: 3482 Abstract: Because there has been much debate over whether plant based diets are beneficial or not, I’m willing to learn more about it and since there’s eligible data available on the effects of vegetarian/vegan diets on cardiovascular diseases, my research question is formed accordingly: To what extent does a plant based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease? The importance of this study lies in my own curiosity and my desire to acquire further knowledge on the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease. In this investigation I will study two similar prospective studies on plant based diets and cardiovascular diseases, mainly coronary artery disease, to find out if the outcomes of one have anything common with the other. I want to find out whether the outcomes of these studies are reasonable and have any evidence from other studies to support them. My

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


11.klass Juhendaja:õpetaja Alla Sviridova The research paper on the topic The Origins of the Name of Pühtitsa Nunnery through People’s Understanding and Belief presents an overview of the development of Kuremäe women’s monastery. The author has chosen this topic because the legends of Our Lady icon gave rise to great curiosity. The aim of the paper was to find out where the nunnery got its former name of Pühtitsa, and how it is related to the discovery of the icon of the Mother of God. The paper has 9 chapters. In the first chapter the author introduces the only operating Orthodox nunnery in Estonia. The second chapter presents the origins of the name Pühtitsa. The third is an overview of human awareness of the legend, which tells the story of the icon of Our Lady

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
5 allalaadimist


facts and to look for extra information about Britain and even about other country symbols. 34 Motivation is perhaps one of the most important elements in this situation. It goes without saying that cultural competence can lead to respect towards different cultures and it is important to stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity about the target culture. I hope my research might motivate students of Ahtme gymnasium to know more about British history and culture. 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY Brown, S. (1994). Otherness and the actor-network: the undiscovered. London. Scott, K. (2000). Scotland to boost tourism with searches for ancestral roots. Edinburgh. Smith, J. (1975). United Kingdom: The Noble Lineage of the Union Jack. London.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

a few tears escape. I wasn't in the mood to go on a real crying jag. I would save that for bedtime, when I would have to think about the coming morning. Forks High School had a frightening total of only three hundred and fifty-seven -- now fifty- eight -- students; there were more than seven hundred people in my junior class alone back home. All of the kids here had grown up together -- their grandparents had been toddlers together. I would be the new girl from the big city, a curiosity, a freak. Maybe, if I looked like a girl from Phoenix should, I could work this to my advantage. But physically, I'd never fit in anywhere. I should be tan, sporty, blond -- a volleyball player, or a cheerleader, perhaps -- all the things that go with living in the valley of the sun. Instead, I was ivory-skinned, without even the excuse of blue eyes or red hair, despite the constant sunshine. I had always been slender, but soft somehow, obviously not an athlete; I didn't have the

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


America (most originated in the fertile crescent, Asia or South or Central America). It was probably a "camp follower" of several of the western native American tribes who domesticated the crop (possibly 1000 BC) and then carried it eastward and southward of North America. The first Europeans observed sunflower cultivated in many places from southern Canada to Mexico. Sunflower was probably first introduced to Europe through Spain, and spread through Europe as a curiosity until it reached Russia where it was readily adapted. Selection for high oil in Russia began in 1860 and was largely responsible for increasing oil content from 28% to almost 50%. The high-oil lines from Russia were reintroduced into the U.S. after World War II, which rekindled interest in the crop. However, it was the discovery of the male-sterile and restorer gene system that made hybrids feasible and increased commercial interest in the crop

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist


In 1936, they produced the first Himalayan kitten. They published an article about colourpoint inheritance in the American Journal of Heredity. Having accomplished their aim, the breeding programme was abandoned. Sydney W France's book "Siamese Cats" (1949) also mentioned the crossing of Siamese cats with Persians, a practice which eventually led to the now familiar Colourpoint Persians (Himalayans). In 1949, such breedings were regarded with a mix of curiosity and disapproval. "Some curious experiments have been made from time to time in an effort to cross Siamese cats with Persians and even the tabby cat, and at least two treatises have been written on the subject. "Siamese-Persian Cats" by Clyde E. Keeler and Virginia Cobb, "Journal of Heredity" v. 27. No. 9. Sept. 1936, and "Crosses with Siamese Cats" by K. Tjebbes, Journal of Genetics, V. 14. p. 335, 1924. From this we find that Swedish Dr. K. Tjebbes in about 1924

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


conventional adj. following accepted rules or standards adv. conventionally Syn. traditional n. convention Professor Canfield agreed with the conventional theory about the origin of the Basque language. To become integrated into a society, you must learn the conventions of that society. curious adj. odd or strange; eager to learn adv. curiously Syn. peculiar n. curiosity A curious object was discovered in the remains. Sally was curiously interested in the history of Alaska. exceedingly adv. very; to an unusual degree v. exceed Syn. extremely n. excess adj. excessive adv. excessively In tropical zones, it is exceedingly hot and humid. It is not safe to exceed the speed limit. exclusively adv. no one else; nothing else; not shared adj. exclusive with others n

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

Become my husband, by your choice? ORGON Tartuffe. MARIANE But, father, I protest it isn't true! Why should you make me tell this dreadful lie? ORGON Because I mean to have it be the truth. Let this suffice for you: I've settled it. MARIANE What, father, you would . . . ? ORGON Yes, child, I'm resolved To graft Tartuffe into my family. So he must be your husband. That I've settled. And since your duty . . (Seeing Dorine) What are you doing there? Your curiosity is keen, my girl, To make you come eavesdropping on us so. DORINE Upon my word, I don't know how the rumour Got started--if 'twas guess-work or mere chance But I had heard already of this match, And treated it as utter stuff and nonsense. ORGON What! Is the thing incredible? DORINE So much so I don't believe it even from yourself, sir. ORGON I know a way to make you credit it. DORINE No, no, you're telling us a fairly tale! ORGON I'm telling you just what will happen shortly. DORINE

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

A New Earth

designed to awaken the witnessing faculty in the child, which is Presence. They will help the child to disidentify from the pain-body. You may also want to talk to the child about your own pain-body using the child's terminology. The next time the child gets taken over by the pain-body, you can say, “It's come back, hasn't it?” Use whatever words the child used when you talk bout it. Direct the child's attention to what it feels like. Let your attitude be one of interest or curiosity rather than one of criticism or condemnation. It is unlikely that this will stop the pain-body in its tracks, and it may appear that the child will not even be hearing you, yet some awareness will remain in the background of the child's consciousness even while the pain- body is active. After a few times, the awareness will have gown stronger and the pain-body will have weakened. The child is growing in Presence. One

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

we might call the Law of the Secret Door. W h e n Belle in Beauty and the Beast is told she has the run of the Beast's household, except for one door which she must never enter, we know that she will be compelled at some point to open that secret door. If Pandora is told she must not open the box, she won't rest until she's had a peek inside. If Psyche is told she must never look upon her lover Cupid, she will surely find a way to lay eyes on him. These stories are symbols of human curiosity, the powerful drive to know all the hidden things, all the secrets. THE WIZARD OF OZ Dorothy runs away from home and gets as far as the carnival wagon of Professor Marvel, a Wise Old Man whose function, in this incarnation, is to block her at the threshold of a dangerous journey. At this point Dorothy is a willing hero, and it's left for the Professor to express the danger of the road for the audience

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

The moment I became grateful he was spending time with me would be the beginning of the end. Neither of us would respect me if that happened. The Bentley SUV sat at the curb and Gideon's driver stood at the ready by the rear door. Gideon looked at me. "I had some workout clothes packed and brought over, in case you were set on visiting your gym. Equinox, right? Or we can go to mine." "Where's yours?" "I prefer to go to the CrossTrainer on Thirty-fifth." My curiosity over how he knew which gym I frequented vanished when I heard the "Cross" in the name of his gym. "You wouldn't happen to own the gym, would you?" His grin flashed. "The chain. Usually, I practice mixed martial arts with a personal trainer, but I use the gym occasionally." "The chain," I repeated. "Of course." "Your choice," he said considerately. "I'll go wherever you want." "By all means, let's go to your gym." He opened the back door, and I slid in and over

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun