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"sexual" - 127 õppematerjali


Short analysis of two phonetics articles

Unbelievable? Well, sociolinguistics, sociopathology, sociophonetics are all very fascinating subjects. Never thought a single word or a sound you make could tell random strangers who you are? Well, prepare to be convinced otherwise. (Well, not solely by these two articles or my short conclusions, of course, it is a very wide field and there is yet much research to be done.) Anyhow, here I have found two research articles, both dealing with whether it is possible to distinguish someone's sexual identity solely based upon a few words, or much less, a single phone. As it turns out, it is. How it is done, is also shown (although I must admit that my current education did not allow me to understand all the details of the methods used) and a lot of research poured into finding out what it is that random people find "sounding gay" or "sounding heterosexual". The articles have a nine year gap, and the newer, written 2015 also mentions Munson et al's research several times

Filoloogia → Foneetika
1 allalaadimist

list of teenage problems

· Alcohol : friends who drink, should/ should not drink, drinking parents · Drugs : caffeine, taurine, prescription drug abuse, marihuana · Family problems : alcoholic parent, divorce, bad relationships with siblings · Weight problems : bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders, diets · Nutritional problems : lactose intolerance, allergies, diabetes, vegeterian or carnivorus · Other teenagers : bullying, boyfriend/girlfriend, classmates, friends · Sexual health : period, body changes, sexual harrasment, virginity, STDs, birth control · Psychological problems : eating disorders, sleeping disorders, skisofrenia

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Paljunemise evolutsioon

Paljunemise  evolutsioon Paljunemine • Üldine eluavaldus • Suguline paljunemine • Mittesuguline paljunemine - vegetatiivne, eoseline Mittesuguline paljunemine • Evolutsiooniliselt vanim paljunemisviis on vegetatiivne paljunemine • Üks vanemorganism • Ajaliselt kiire protsess • Vegetatiivsel paljunemisel on pärilik muutlikkus väga väike • Vanimad elusorganismid ainuraksed • Esimesed hulkraksed u. 600 mln.a.t. • Vegetatiivselt paljunevad isendid evolutsioneeruvad aegalselt. Suguline paljunemine • Suguline paljunemine on levinum kui mittesuguline paljunemine • Keerukas ja bioloogiliselt kallis • Märgatav evolutsiooniline eelis • Ulatuslikum geneetiline rekombineerumine • Pidevalt varieeruv järglaskond Paljunemise evolutsiooni  teooriad • Evolutsioon eelistab organisme, kes evolutsioneeruvad kiiresti • Mittesugulisel paljunemisel iga järglane võib saada suure tõenäosusega rohkem kahjulikke kui ...

Bioloogia → Evolutsioon
3 allalaadimist

Sexualisation of women in advertising

+ Are you not tired of us being portrayed only as sex objects, stupid, helpless and only necessary as housewives, who cannot survive without a man? Well, I am and I think it is time to take real action about this problem! We can’t let the advertisers carry on without any moral responsibility. I understand that we live in a very sexualized world, which means subsequently that sexual content dominates in media. Due to this, we often just attempt to ignore sexist commercials. This is a huge mistake however! This kind of attitude will maintain the sexism in advertisements. An additional aspect of advertisements that strongly disturbs me is that the inclusion of only stereotypically beautiful women who are mainly attractive in men’s eyes. Have you not noticed that

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain

thought you should be. Their “if it feels good, do it” attitudes included little forethought nor concern for the consequences of their actions. Hippies were dissatisfied with what their parents had built for them. Hippies rejected middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. They embraced aspects of eastern philosophy and desired to find new meaning in life. Hippies were often vegetarian and believed in eco friendly environmental practices. They championed free love and sexual liberation, particularly for women. They also promoted the use of psychedelic drugs which they believed expanded their consciousness. Hippies participated in alternative arts and street theater and listened to folk music and psychedelic rock as part of their anti-establishment lifestyle.Some hippies lived in communes or aggregated communities of other hippies. It kinda identifies with the famous “yolo” (You only live once) thinking. I’m not exactly

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

American Literature Character Sketch-The Color Purple-Shug Avery

The Color Purple by Alice Walker Shug Avery was a very passionate African-American blues singer, and I believe quite a lot throughout the novel. Her evolvement was interesting to observe. First impression of her wasn’t positive because she appeared rather inelegant and also quite selfish. In essence, she seemed to be unlikable as well as superficial. Shug (originally Lilly) didn’t really embrace herself and adopted a nickname – “Shug”. However she developed a sexual relationship with Celie and with that broke the boundaries of traditional gender roles. She was outspoken, exteremely honest and not easy to affect. All her three children were born out of wedlock. She is a good example of sexuality and gender not being as univocal and simplistic topics as they may seem since she was a bisexual (sexual relationship with Celie). Throughout the novel Celie’s mother was compared to Shug. Celie saw her mother in Shug while she took Shug as a role model herself.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Julian Assange - elulugu

Gillard, called the leaks "an illegal act" and suggested that his Australian passport should be cancelledunable to explain how Assange had broken Australian law. On 10 December 2010 over five hundred people rallied outside Sydney Town Hall and about three hundred and fifty people gathered in BrisbaneA petition circulated by GetUp!, who have placed full page ads in support of Assange in The New York Times and The Washington Times, received more than 50,000 signatures. Allegations of sexual assault · Swedish police began an investigation - On 20 August 2010, began an investigation into two separate sexual encounters involving Assange. Assange has said the allegations of wrongdoing are "without basis", describing the sexual encounters as consensual. He turned himself in to the London police, after Interpol put out a notice that he was wanted. · Details about the incidents -- hazy - According to a report published yesterday by Reuters, people in

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Lolita kokkuvõte

Mees on valmis köigeks, et olla Lolita lähedal ja see viib isegi abieluni Lolita emaga, keda mees tegelikult ei armasta. Lolita ema surres lähevad nad Lolitaga reislema mööda Ameerikat, kuid peagi selgub, et keegi jälitab neid. Lolitat ja Humbertit ootab ees seiklus mööda Ameerika suviseid teid ja linnasid. ,,lolita" is Valdimir Nabokovi written roman form 1955. This book got faous thank it's unrefined and sexist content. ,,lolita" is a story about middleaged man sexual obsession to young girls. The leading character Humbert moves as a leaser to middleaged woman Charlotte Haze house and become attached to her teenage daugther Dolores alias Lolita, who is really mature for her age and shows some sexual interest toward Humbert. Man is ready for anything to be near Lolita, he eaven marries to Lolitas mother, who Humbert really doesen't love. When Lolita's mom dies, Lolita

Keeled → Inglise keel
255 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The brief history of vegetarianism

An animal that feeds on plants Herbivore Feeding on other animals Carnivorous A flat green bean eaten without the Fava bean pod Edict An official proclamation issued by authority Temperance Abstinence from alcoholic drink Restraining from something, Abstinence typically alcohol or sex Lust Strong sexual desire A M E AT L E SS D I E T WA S REFERRED TO AS A "PYTHAGOREAN DIET" FOR YEARS Fava beans have souls too! 1847 «plant-based foods have much less impact on the environment than meat does»

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Essee Eating disorders

According to the medical dictionary, eating disorders are a group of behaviors often fueled by unresolved emotional conflicts symptomized by altered food consumption. The most common types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Why do some people start with such harmful nutritional habits? Firstly, one reason for this could be media. Advertisers heavily market weight-reduction programs and present anorexic young models as the paradigm of sexual desirability. Also, clothes are designed and displayed for thin bodies in spite of the fact that few women could wear them successfully. Another thing to mention is genetic factors. According to studies, anorexia is eight times more common in people who have relatives with the disorder. This disease will become apparent after some kind of psychological shock. Finally, even their families can give negative influence. Although,

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
17 allalaadimist

Gay Families

Gays want to adobt children too, but people are more against it. Gay marriages are more for that people would accept them and get more used with them. Marriage makes them more equal with straight people and more rights. This helps them adopting children too. It shows, that two people have a great bound and they're able to adobt and raise a child. They may be good parents, but it's going to be a hard life for that child because of his gay parents. And maybe parents would even effect child sexual orientation. Surrounding ideology tells us what is beautiful, wrong, good and so on. So when childs parents are gays, maybe it can effect child too and make him gay. In my opinion gays are good average people, but I don't support their marriages and child adopting, because gay men spread AIDS. If they would be normal people in our society and everyone would accept them, then spreading AIDS can increase. However women can be

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Albert Ellis

· Hoolitses oma õe ja venna eest. · Õppis hoolimatusest mitte hoolima. KARJÄÄR · 1934. bakalaureus ärivaldkonnas. · 1943. kliinilise psühholoogia magistrikraad. · 1947. doktorikraad. · Hakkas kirjutama ja uurima seksuaalsuse teemal. · Temast sai 20.saj. suurkuju.. · Oli ratsionaalse mõtlemise rajaja. TÖÖ SEKSUOLOOGINA · 1950. lõpus toimus seksrevolutsioon. · Julgustas abieluväliseid suhteid. · ,,The American Sexual Tragedy" (1954) · ,,Sex Without Guilt in the 21st Century" (1958) · Kokku 75 eneseabiõpikut. · Seksuaalselt terve mõistus tähendab ,,Avatud meeli ja eksperimente, mis on valitud nii, et nad ei tooks kaasa liiga palju ebamugavusi, sest seksuaalsetel avastusretkedel isik areneb. A. ELLISE ARMULOOD · Kaotas süütuse 24.aastasena. · Kirglikud, kuid lühiajalised armulood. · Kaks esimest abielu ­ mõlemal naisel olid kõrvalsuhted.

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemispsühholoogia
1 allalaadimist

Suguline valik

Ülesanne: Suguline valik 1. Paabulind – Pikkade, värviliste sulgedega ja paremate geenidega isastel paabulindudel on emastest väiksem ellujäämistõenäosus, sest nad on kiskjatele kergesti nähtavad. See näitab emastele, et vaatamata väljapaistavast sabast on nad olnud suutelised varasemalt toime tulema, mis näitab, et tegemist on tugeva ja paremate geenidega isasega. 2. Putukas - Achias rothschildi – Kui isane putukas on sümmeetriline, siis see peegeldab emastele usaldusväärsust, et järglased tulevad ka sarnased. Lõppude lõpuks oleksid sama liigi putukad ühesugused eristamatud kloonid. Siis poleks emasputukatel vahet kellega paarituda ja tekiks neid liiga palju, mis ohustaks teiste taime/loomaliikide ellujäämisi. 3. Punahirv – Paaritumiseks valitakse tavaliselt võimsate sarvedega isane. Kahjulik pool seisneb selles, et suured muudavad looma kohmakaks ja võib raskendada puude vahel liikumist. Samuti jahimehed kütivad enamasti medali suurus...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
14 allalaadimist

Õpilaste Suhtumine Seksuaalvähemusse

com/dictionary/ (15.03.2008) /Internetis/ 4. American Psychological Association [WWW] (13.02.2008) /Internetis/ 5. Asexual Visibility and Educational Network [WWW] (15.03.2008) /Internetis/ 6. Babst, G. Hate crimes [WWW] (08.19.2005) /Internetis/ 7. Bailey, M.; Zucker, K. Childhood sex-typed behavior and sexual orientation: A conceptual analysis and quantitative review [WWW] %20Zucker,%201995.pdf /Internetis/ 8. Bearman, P.; Brückner, H. Opposite-sex twins and same-sex attraction [WWW] (10.2001) /Internetis/ 9. Blanchard, R. Fraternal birth order and the maternal immune hypothesis of male homosexuality [WWW] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih

Muu → Teadus tööde alused (tta)
114 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

emotional piety of Counter-Reformation Catholicism, ideal to express absolute monarchy. It was expensive style, although its role was to give an aura of divinity and autocracy on Charles II, couldn’t hide that he was kept in power by the will of Parliament. 13. Restoration poetry (Rochester, Sackville, Sedley, Dryden) After 1660. 2 main themes: sex (whoring), drinking.Charles II’s court wa despite of its cloak of Anglican conformity, far more inclined to accept and enjoy sexual, religious and verbal licence. Cultured but lusty court. Sexual hints flourished. Stimulated and fostered the stricter disciplines of poetic satire, which fed on contradictions, the ironies and hypocrisies of society. Sharpness of wit, degree of profanity (pühaduseteotus) or ribaldry (nilbus), cultivated laziness, ministerially abetted (õhutatud) twists of laws and distractions of his mistresses. John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: writer of satirical and bawdy poetry

Keeled → British literature
22 allalaadimist

Julian Assange - powerpoint

Public appearances Media conferences Officials trying to determine whereabouts Appearing for the first time in nearly a month At the moment Smith's Norfolk mansion, Ellingham Hall 10 December 2010 outside Sydney Town Hall Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Allegations of sexual assault Swedish police began an investigation Details about the incidents -- hazy Smith offered to an address for bail -- Smith's Norfolk mansion, Ellingham Hall ABC news ­ sexualassaultwikileakssmear 11454882&tab=9482931§ion=1206840&playlist=2521702&page=2 Magazine Covers Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


backlash for its controversial lyrics. Shakur became the target of lawsuits and experienced other legal problems. Later, he was shot five times and robbed in the lobby of a recording studio in New York City. Following the event, Shakur grew suspicious that other figures in the rap industry had prior knowledge of the incident and did not warn him; the controversy helped spark the East Coast-West Coast hip hop rivalry. After serving eleven months of his sentence for sexual abuse, Shakur was released from prison on an appeal financed by Marion "Suge" Knight, the CEO of Death Row Records. In exchange for Suge's assistance, Shakur agreed to release three albums under the Death Row label. On September 7, 1996, Shakur was shot four times in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas, and died six days later of respiratory failure and cardiac arrest at the University Medical Center.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Are men better directors than women ?

Of course there are exceptions like lions (lionesses do hunting which ensures food for their families), seahorses (males bear the eggs) and some others, but in general law of nature is such. So it is not surprising that this law applies for the human beings, but we are truly exceptional species. Our mind that led us through enormous changes in society fetched us to such state of affairs that nowadays many women place their careers first. The reasons for that are very different: suppressed sexual needs, uncertainty in helpmates, need to realise themselves, need to ensure the well-being of their children, etc. So, on one hand, we can undoubtedly say that some women are more suitable for executive jobs than males because they are more advanced and have more management flare. On the other hand we cannot disagree that in usual men have better grip and energy in business, leadership and management affairs.

Filosoofia → Ärieetika
17 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin poetry analysis

the war. But at least they can leave their children some money. I think that Larkin means that the troops are going to be brought home from Vietnam. At the end of almost every line in the first stanza is /And it is all right./ In his ironical way he is trying to say that the Vietnam War was pointless, because it did not bring any results. Another poem about the Vietnam War is ´´High Windows.´´ The poem was written is the 1960s during the sexual revolution. Partly due to that there were conflicts between the younger generation and an older, different generation. He says that older people are stuck in boundaries and that they have dreamed all their life. And now he can be free and does not have to hide what he thinks about the priest. With this poem he means that he can now be free and does not have to think what the society is thinking about him because the society is changing. He does not have to pretend of being

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Humpback whale

very long, between 1/4 and 1/3 the length of its body, and have large knobs on the leading edge. The flukes, which can be 5.5 m wide, is serrated and pointed at the tips. Adult males measure 12.2-14.6 m, adult females measure 13.7-15.2 m. They weigh 25 to 40 tons. Feeding Feed on krill, small shrimp-like crustaceans, and various kinds of small fish. Each whale eats up to 1 and 1/2 tons of food a day. Mating and breeding Humpback whales reach sexual maturity at 6- 10 years of age or when males reach the length of 11.6 m and females reach 12 m. Each female typically bears a calf every 2-3 years and the gestation period is 12 months. The calf is between 3-4.5 m long at birth, and weighs up to 907 kg. Distribution and migration Is found in all the world's oceans. Most populations of humpback whales follow a regular migration route. They are summering in temperate and polar waters for feeding.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

British humor

Ineken Nuut Ada Leif 12.a Tartu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium BRITISH HUMOR United Kingdom and it's former colonies Sarcasm and self-deprecation Deadpan delivery Insensitive to other cultures No subject is taboo Lack of subtlety, crass THEMES INNUENDO ­ SATIRE ­ imply to sth or ridiculing human someone vice or weakness Sexual humor Most commonly Shakespeare polititians ,,Young men will Irony, sarcasm, do't if they come parody to't/By Cock, they ,,I'm not young are to blame" enough to know everything." THEMES ABSURD ­ surreal Unreasonable Monty Python Compared to The Beatles influence on music 3 of 6 ­voted among 50 greatest comedians ever

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sun Bear

Sun Bear its name. The diet of the Sun Bear consists mainly of invertebrates and fruits but as omnivores they will eat a wide variety of foods including small vertebrates, such as lizards, birds, and turtles, eggs, the young tips of palm trees, nests of bees, berries, sprouts, roots, and coconuts. In fact, Sun Bears have been observed to eat over 100 insect species and over 50 plant species. The Sun Bear does not hibernate, and, as a result, it can reproduce year-round. The offspring reach sexual maturity after 3-4 years and may live up to 30 years in captivity. A female Sun Bear can produce 1 to 2 cubs per year. Sun Bears undergo a roughly 96 day gestation period after which the 300 to 400 g cub is born blind and hairless.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Catcher in the Rye - kokkuvõte

characters shines out right from the beginning, not only through the actions, such as getting expelled or being in a fight, but also through the frequent use of profanities, which make the characters more realistic rather than adorned. Even though the themes and topics discussed in the novel make it rather relatable, I believe they also make it unsuitable for youngsters who have just reached adolescence. In addition to the frequent use of profanity, the at times strongly depressive, violent or sexual tone of the novel, alongside with the difficulty of the problems addressed and discussed, make it overly difficult for the youngsters to completely understand, thus possibly leaving a wrong impression of the reasons for those situations and actions. To my mind, this novel is meant for the youngsters nearing adulthood, as their thinking is more critical, making the themes of the novel more understandable.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Snakes & Earrings

having a serpentine tongue, Lui spends the night with Ama and immediately moves in with him and wants to have her own tongue split to match his. Ama introduces Lui to Shiba to get her started on the process by having her tongue pierced. Like that was enough for her.. Lui decides to have a dragon and kirin tattoo on her back. With going to Shiba-San, she gets to know things like body modification, sado- masochism, possession and nihilism, because she pays for his services through sexual favors and that's where the affair starts. Lui finds herself unable to choose between a man who claims to love her enough to kill for her and one who claims to love her, but feels sadistic temptation to kill her. My opinion of what author tries to say: Nobody can't tell what You should like and dislike Everybody changes, but are still able to fit in We all have bats in our belfry There are lots of things in the world that most of the people have never seen

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

Jew-baiting has been the bitterest case in history. Their percecution was caused by their antichristian beliefs and holding on to their own religion. Its culmination came during the World War II, when the massive Jew-baiting took place, known as the Holocaust. People's, who obeyed Adolf Hitler, tolerance changed to a very cruel way of intolerance. Very hot topic is also discrimination and not accepting homosexuals. Despite of that, many countries have allowed people with different sexual orientations to get married and even adopt children. There have even been gay parades even in Estonia, not to mention the ones that have been organised in world capitals like Rome and Berlin. Tough it is surrounded with a lot of critizism, it is a huge step to grew people's tolerance. My father once told me that earlobs can show people's tolerance. The longer the lobs, the more tolerant the person. It might be a fairytale or a grain of truth. If it is a

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

The Life of Indigenous Australian Children.

Many had to sleep in dormitories with about nineteen to twenty-five other girls in each of dormitory. If any of the girls wet the bed, she would get her nose rubbed in the wet sheet and then receive a beating. The food they ate was so bad that sometimes the meat was infested with maggots. They were not supplied with shoes; in order to keep their feet warm; children would jump into the cow dung. In Kinchela Boys' Home, which was based in New South Wales, the boys often suffered sexual and physical abuse. Often the white people would send Aboriginal women out into the white community, and if they came back pregnant, the rule was to keep each woman for two years and then take the child away; sometimes mother and child would never see each other again. The white society thought it would be in the best interest of the child to remove her from the corrupting influence of her Aboriginal family. There were no rules or regulations for the treatment of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Speculation about Shakespeare

to prove either way.[180] Sexuality Main article: Sexuality of William Shakespeare Few details of Shakespeare's sexuality are known. At 18, he married the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway, who was pregnant. Susanna, the first of their three children, was born six months later on 26 May 1583. However, over the centuries readers have pointed to Shakespeare's sonnets as evidence of his love for a young man. Others read the same passages as the expression of intense friendship rather than sexual love.[181] At the same time, the 26 so- called "Dark Lady" sonnets, addressed to a married woman, are taken as evidence of heterosexual liaisons.[182] Portraiture Main article: Portraits of Shakespeare There is no written description of Shakespeare's physical appearance and no evidence that he ever commissioned a portrait, so the Droeshout engraving, which Ben Jonson approved of as a good likeness,[183] and his Stratford monument provide the best evidence of his appearance

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Kobe Bryant

the Charlotte Hornets, then traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. As a rookie, Bryant earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest. Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from2000 to 2002. A heated feud between the duo and a loss in the 2004 NBA Finals led to O'Neal's departure following the 2003­04 season. In 2003, Bryant was accused of sexual assault after having sex with a hotel employee in Edwards, Colorado. In September 2004, prosecutors dropped the case after his accuser refused to testify, and Bryant had to rebuild his image while becoming the cornerstone of the Lakers. He led the NBA in scoring during the 2005­06 and 2006­07 seasons, setting numerous scoring records in the process. In 2006, Bryant scored a career-high 81 points against

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
4 allalaadimist

Proyecto Final: Transducción Entre Idiomas

Celestina, Calisto ha visitado por primera vez y está hablando a Pármeno sobre "amor impervio", así como mostrar la facilidad con que se excita sexualmente. Esta es una de las primeras escenas explícitas de la novela. La primera mención del amor viene con Calisto encuentra con Melibea por primera vez. Aquí habla palabras encantadoras que no ofender a mucha gente. Sin embargo, en la cita es la primera descripción del amor por Celestina, y es muy erótico y sexual. "Punta de la barriga" y "se turbe con la dulzura del soberano deleite, 2 que por el Hacedor de las cosas fue puesto" son algunas de las citas que hacen el punto de vista de Celestina (que tiene más años, más sabio, y ¿más realista?) del amor distinto al de Calisto. También se muestra fuera en este párrafo, apropiadamente, es el humor sexual oscuro. Por

Keeled → Hispaania keel
4 allalaadimist

Gender equality in higher positions of companies

opinion it will bring even more sexism. It shows that women are somehow weaker, fragile and need help for everything. And this on the other hand, will cause a situation where females will receive less credit for their jobs, even if they do their work really well. Every person is unique and has their own set of skills. Companies have to value people's experience, qualification and education more than their gender, race, sexual orientation or other personal aspects. Those have nothing to do with the ability of someone doing the job or how this individual will bring profit to the company. So, no company should hire or even make a job interview with a woman just because she is a woman. Vice versa, if a woman is turned down by a company just because she is a woman, is already a serious discrimination. Some parts of the he society have taken an opinion that women have to maintain their family and children

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
3 allalaadimist

Reproduction - sotsioloogia

thus in need of manipulation by man. · The demise of the midwife and the rise of male-attended mechanically manipulated birth followed close on the heels of the wide cultural acceptance of the female body as a defective machine. Birth of medical domain: 1773 obstetric forceps were invented which gave man midwife a distinct advantage.There was however an urgent need to deconstruct the view that saw birth as `normal' and `natural' physiological event coupled with resistance based on sexual prudery that denied men vital access to the `birthing subject' Creation of Lying in hospitals In England between 1739 and 1765 two lying in wards and four lying in hospitals were created. Provincial hospitals followed in 1800s Hospitals were financed by private capital and, mostly charitable and received patients from the working classes. In the Americas the women of colour and immigrants were. For the first time uninhibited access to female body becomes possible. HOWEVER,

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

La Celestina Ejercicio de Traducción

are truly in love must be driven mad by the force of the erotic fantasies that come so naturally, which God gave us in order for humanity to continue; we would perish without this driving force. Literary Translation (even more evolved, that way I would speak) Calisto is obviously falling for her Parmeno. Don't be mad at him for it, real love is too much to handle. There are two things about love: One, it's natural, and two, the sexual fantasies it causes us to have make us crazy. God made it this way so that humans can continue populating... without these fantasies that make us crazy, we would all die. James Mabbe, Ed. Dorothy Severin, 1631 CELEST. I would have thee to know, Parmeno, that Calisto is love-sick, sick even to the death. Nor art thou for this to censure him to be a weak and foolish man: for unresistable love subdueth all things

Keeled → Hispaania keel
5 allalaadimist

R Family Vacations-powerpoint R Family Vacations is the most inclusive international GLBT vacation offered. R vacations are designed for gays and lesbians, along with their families and friends. This year they truly have something for everyone from a family friendly summer camp, a cruise designed for Broadway fans, and an adult only all-LGBT riverboat cruise. are mindful that their guests are people of all ages, genders, backgrounds, nationalities, and sexual orientation. Conclusion I agree with these people to some extent.On the one hand they deserve living together as hetero couples do. But on the other hand i do not want my children will see that their hugging, kissing or walking hand in hand. That covers all i wanted to say. Sources http://en.wikipedia

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

English literature

No robber, pirate, murder, violater of church could be knight. 7. Courtly love. The favour to be found with ladies is one of the main topics of the competitions. With the improved standards of living, war band had to rethink their attitude to women. Marriage could be only between people of one rank, there was loyalty between relatives, which often brought to intermarriage. The prime functions were dynastic alliance and purity of the lineage. So sexual relationships were strictly watched, so there had to be found a way to protect noblewomen and to change the sexual energies of hot-headed young into socially acceptable behavior. The culture of courtly love removed the lady from within the reach of her social interiors by putting her on a pedestal. The men around her are allowed to focus their desire on her person in an asexual and controlled way. Man could become her

Keeled → Inglise keel
65 allalaadimist


Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883 and died in April 28, 1945was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. He became the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925. After 1936, his official title was "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire". Mussolini was born into a working class background; his father Alessandro Mussolini was a blacksmith and a Marxist activist, while his mother Rosa was a school teacher; unlike her husband, she was a devout Catholic. His father named Benito after Mexican reformist President Benito Juárez; while his middle names Andrea and Amilcare were from Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani. Benito was the eldest of his parents' three children. As a young boy, Mussolini would spend time helping ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

The Giant Eland

The Giant Eland The Giant Eland (Taurotragus derbianus also known as the Lord Derby Eland) is an open forest savannah antelope. It is found in Central African Republic, Sudan, Cameroon and Senegal. There are two subspecies: the endangered T. d. derbianus, found in Senegal's Niokolo-Koba National Park, and the low risk T. d. gigas, found in Central Africa. Characteristics Giant Eland are typically between 220-290 cm (7.3-9.6 ft) in length, stand approximately 150 to 175 cm (4.9 to 5.7 ft) at the shoulder, and weigh 440-900 kg (968- 1,980 lb). Despite its common name, it is of very similar size to the Common Eland. The smooth coat is reddish- brown to chestnut, usually darker in males than females, with several well-defined vertical white stripes on the torso. A crest of short black hair extends down the neck to the middle of the back, and is especially prominent on the shoulders. The slender legs are slightly lighter on their inner su...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Kõne Briti majandusest inglise keeles

constitution, but much of the British constitution is embodied in written documents, within statues, court judgments and treaties. So in my opinion that's a stupid system. Because if you watch other countries how much do they pay for compensation claims then it's nothing. Though in other countries there are huge sums what civilians get from companies. A former female police officer was awarded an estimated £1,000,000 in a package, after complaining of bullying and sexual and racial harassment. For instance I think it's absolutely ridiculous to get a million for that. I think many people have suffered much more and would deserve much more. But that all concludes in people's ego. It's the side that people get greedy. At that moment lawyers step into play. They have helped create a world in which dissatisfaction leads to blame. Most victims of legal harassment will settle with money in order to avoid a lengthy and expensive trial. The defendant, however vast they

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Political analysis (PEST) Lithuania

1990. Since then the legal system has been reformed to meet the demands of the social and economic changes brought by the return to democracy and the free market economy system. The population of Lithuania is 3.4 million, with a labour force of 1.6 million. Unemployment has been low, but has increased to almost 10 per cent during 2009. All employees in Lithuania have equal employment rights, regardless of race, colour, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. The five-day working week with two rest days is the standard established under the law. According to the Labour Code working time may not exceed 40 hours per week and the duration of daily working time must not exceed 8 working hours. Maximum working time, including overtime, must not exceed 48 hours per 7 working days. The Government sets the minimum wage periodically. The Lithuanian national minimum wage is 800 litas (3600 EEK) a month. Environmental law

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Character sketch Georgie, Sasha

My this character sketch is going to be about Sasha from the book „Orlando“ written by Virginia Woolf. Firstly Sasha is a Russian princess, who travels to England to the court of King James I. Sasha awakens a feeling of despair in Orlando. Sasha who was exotic, mysterious, fascinating, unusual and mystical changed Oralndo’s complacency about his life. Before that Orlando was born into a nobel family and he had a great fortune and status. Sasha awakens a deep sexual desire in Orlando. Orlando liked Sasha as an individual because at first he didn’t know what gender Sasha was, because she wore clothes that were not appropriate for a female and also she was quite tall for a common woman. But Orlando couldn’t overcome her seductive nature and also what made it harder was the fact that she spoke fluent french. What made Sasha so mysterious was that she was foreigner and she had deceptive manners. Orlando could never be sure what was on her mind

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist

For and against studying abroad

Being an exchange student might also be a bad idea if you have special circumstances at home, such as a terminally sick relative or a romantic partner. A year away from him or her will put quite a strain on a relationship. Studying abroad may cause you to make some choices about your commitment level if you are a college athlete or heavily involved in an organization as well. Plus you might experience some discrimination about gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Do your homework to find out if studying there will be a good idea.

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist


teisedki analüüsivad rahvajuttude mõju tänapäevastele kuulajatele ning rääkijatele (nt Bruno Bettelheim uurimusega Kinder brauchen Märchen), vaatlevad muinasjutu sümboolikat (nt William Desmonde Jack and the beanstalk). Rohkearvulisi vaatlusvõimalusi esindagu mõned tunnuslikud artiklipealkirjad Das Mädchen ohne Hände. Ein Märchen ohne Inzest (Heino Gehrts), Into the Endzone for a Touchdown: A Psychoanalytic Consideration of American Football (Alan Dundes), Sexual Symbolism in the Language of the Air Force Pilot: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Folk Speech (S. G. Kenagy). Nalju ning psühhoanalüütilist lähenemisviisi neile käsitleb Freud teoses Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewußten (Nali ja selle suhe alateadvusega; tsiteerimisel kasutatakse Hamburgis 1958. a. ilmunud väljaannet). Käsitletakse nii kirjanduslikke nalju kui pärimuslikke naljandeid ning anekdoote, nii et siinkohal peame

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
101 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

educated, where we live and who we connect to When we hear word ,,tolerant" then mostly we connect it with homo sexuals, racism, religion and all kinds of different people(disabled people for example) and how we tolerate those things. Speaking of homo sexuals then for me they are same people as I am and I have nothing against them. I only would not like if homo sexuals would start effecting my future child and saying that being homo sexual is better and so on, that i would tolerate, of course. Also I would not like them to have babies because in my point of view children need usual, traditional family, because having for example 2 fathers may cause problems with other children and life would be harder and stranger. Nowadays attitude towars black people is changed but there were times when they were hated and treater evilly. This was not just race problem, it was also affected by cultural differences

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Shakespeare/Poems and Sonnets

His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. POEMS · In 1593 and 1594, when the theatres were closed because of plague, Shakespeare published two narrative poems on erotic themes, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. He dedicated them to Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. In Venus and Adonis, an innocent Adonis rejects the sexual advances of Venus; while in The Rape of Lucrece, the virtuous wife Lucrece is raped by the lustful Tarquin. Influenced by Ovid's Metamorphoses, the poems show the guilt and moral confusion that result from uncontrolled lust.[ Both proved popular and were often reprinted during Shakespeare's lifetime. A third narrative poem, A Lover's Complaint, in which a young woman laments her seduction

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


arusaama, et teiste perede probleemid ei ole minu mure. Kui need probleemid kahjustavad otseselt lapse huve ja arengut, peavad need muutuma kõigi mureks ja hoolitsuseks kasvava põlvkonna eest, sest ükskõiksus lähiümbruskonnas toimuva vastu puudutab oma tagajärgedega varem või hiljem igat inimest ja perekonda. Laps on ju tegelikult kõige kaitsetum ühiskonna liige ja tema heaolu sõltub täielikult teda ümbritsevatest täiskasvanutest. Viited 1. Goldstein, S.L. 1999. The Sexual Exploitation of Children. A Practical Guide to Assessment, Investigation and Intervention USA. London: CRC Press. 2. Ilves, G. 2000. Tung tappa: seksuaalkurjategijad läbi aegade. Tallinn: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja OÜ 3. Lowenstein, L.F. 1998 Paedophilia. The Sexual Abuse of Children, its Occurrence, Diagnosis & Treatment. Knebworth: Able Publishing 4. Soonets, R. 1997. Laste väärkohtlemine. Tartu: Kirjastus AS ATLEX 5. Soo, K.2006

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
41 allalaadimist

Freud Sigmund

­ Oedipus Complex · Castration Anxiety ­ Electra Complex · Penis Envy · Latency · Genital 15 16 Penis Envy Freud and Women · INFERIORITY · `The sexual life of the adult · JEALOUSY woman is a dark continent · PSYCHOSEXUALLY for Psychology' IMMATURE · BISEXUAL · LOW SEX DRIVE · FRIGID · NARCISSISM · VANITY · LITTLE SENSE OF JUSTICE · WEAK SOCIAL INTEREST 17 18 3 Structural Model of the Mind (1920-1939)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1046 allalaadimist

Oscar Wilde

In 1895, days after the triumphant first night of "The Importance Of Being Earnest", Queensberry stormed into Wilde's club, The Albemarle, and finding him absent left a card with the porter, addressed "To Oscar Wilde posing Somdomite". Bosie, who hated his father, persuaded Oscar to sue the Marquess for libel. As homosexuality was itself illegal, Queensberry was able to destroy Oscar's case at the trial by calling as witnesses rent boys who would describe Wilde's sexual encounters in open court. Oscar lost the libel case against Queensberry and was arrested by the crown. With essentially no credible defence against charges of homosexual conduct, he was convicted and sentenced to two years hard labour, the latter part in Reading Gaol. Unreformed Dickensian prison conditions caused a calamitous series of illnesses and brought him to death's door. Constance fled the country with their children and changed the family name, always

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Varjude mäng

et ennast suurena tunda. Huvitav on ära märkida asjaolu, et Isabella lahkub sõnadega ,,Good by, my Superhero!". Siinkohal saab seda lauset võtta üsna sarkastilise märkusena. Kangelase võimed jäävad väiksemaks, ehk kaovad, kui tal enam kedagi päästa ei ole, sest päästetav saab väga hästi ka omapead hakkama. ISABELLA: ,,Flavio, mu Flavio! It is frightening to consider just how deeply entrenched objectification of women really goes. We must certainly combat sexual objectification, but the battle will not end there. Women are objectified in more profound ways than we realise, and we must tear down every entwined shred of the patriarchy, in order to achieve our modest goal of being recognized and treated as human beings. Good by, my Superhero! Adieu, mon Flavio! Adiós! Lebewohl! Hüvasti! Ära lähen sinult nende õitsevi ilmuga!" Kogu lugu nagu keerlebki naiselikkuse ja mehelikkuse ümber. Armastuse ümber. Isabella ja

Teatrikunst → Draama õpetus
6 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia kontrolltöö vastused.

1. Milline on psühholoogiateaduse eesmärk? On peamiselt psüühika ja käitumise üldiste ja igalpool kehtivate seaduspärasuste väljaselgitamine, mitte aga unikaalsete ja kordumatute detailde uurimine. 2. Milline on psüühika eesmärk? Psüühika eesmärk on maailmast tervikpildi loomine 3. Mis on eneseteadvus ja millal see inimesel tekib? Teadlik olemine ja arusaamine iseeendast. See tekib teisel eluaastal. Loomadest on lihtsaim vorm oranguatngil ja simpansil. 4. Millises vanuses omandab laps keele, hakkab mõtlema kujundite ja sümbolite abil? VT. Piaget Laps omandab keele 1,5-3 eluaastal ( preoperatsiooniline mõtlemise areng)ja loogiline mõtlemine( kujundite ja symbolize abil) 6-12 eluaastal ( konkreetsed operatsioonid) MA EI TEA KAS LOOGILINE MÕTLEMINE ON SAMA MIS SÜMBOLID JA KUJUD. 5. Millises vanuses areneb aju kõige enam (aju kaal suureneb kõige enam)? Esimesel eluaastal. 6. Milline vanemate kasvatustiil ...

Majandus → Rahandus ja pangandus
171 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun