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Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel) (0)

Inglise keel - Kõik luuletused, mis on inglise keeles
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Leheküljed ~ 12 lehte Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2016-12-21 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 51 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
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Tegemist on 11 leheküljelise kokkuvõtega kogu esmakursuslaste inglise keele materjalidega, mis tulevad ette sissejuhatavas aines inglise keelde (õigus). Materjal sisaldab kõiki sõnu, mis kursuse käigus ära tõlgitakse ja defineeritakse ning lisaks on ka suulise ja kirjaliku vastamise teemade kokkuvõtted (kirjalik ja suuline essee).

Sarnased õppematerjalid


prelim year 1

TOPICS For the PRELIM Year 1 Put down 10-12 relevant terms and retell about: 1. Prescriptive and descriptive law Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave Break the law – do something illegal Penalty – punishment Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Law – the system of rules System of courts – all judicial institutions Enforce – to make people obey the law Authority – a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity /the moral or legal right or ability to control Prescribe – to tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a rule of something Impose The word law can have several meanings, it can be divided into prescriptive and descriptive law. Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave, e. g. law of gravity Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave e.g. spee


Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

To file a claim with sb ­ (kellegagi hagi esitama); nõuet esitama To bring an action ­ hagi alustama To find sb guilty ­ süüdi mõistma Not guilty (innocent) - süütu Verdict ­ otsus, mille teeb vandekohus Judgment ­ kohtuniku otsus Prison ­ vangla ­(taval kauem) Jail ­ vangla (taval pool-aasta aega) Serve a sentence ­ karistust kandma Offence (crime); felony;­ süütegu, kuritegu 3 Misdemenour ­ väärtegu, tavaliselt väike (nt trahviga karistatav) Public law ­ avalik õigus Private law ­ eraõigus Civil law ­ eraõigus Implementation ­ kohaldamine, rakendamine To administer justice ­ õigust mõistma Public opinion ­ avalik arvamus Majority - enasmus Fair trial ­ õiglane kohtupidamine Define sb guilty of sth ­ süüdi millestki Mercy-killing - eutanaasia Abuse ­ kuritarvitamine Balance and Separation of powers ­ võimude tasakaal ja lahusus Judicial power ­ kohtu võim Legislative power ­ seadusandlik võim Executive power ­ täideviiv võim

Inglise õiguskeel 1

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid i=25w06u&x=1jqY&fbclid=IwAR1qQksMLyeDlPJwkOTW_Fq18r1xJUkZrlbt6nX49ZocC _ojSaZoykYBJXk Prosecutor, judge, sworn advocate, notary NOTARY JUDGE PROSECUTOR SWORN ADVOCATE/ ATTORNEY-AT- LAW WHAT DO THEY A notary public of the A judge presides over The prosecutor has Attorney at law or DO? common law is a a courtroom, hearing three main tasks: attorney-at-law, public officer evidence, making

Akadeemiline inglise keel

Essential Vocabulary töö

6. ohver victim 7. süüdistatav, kaitsealune (krim.) accused, defendant 8. väljaspool mõistlikku kahtlust beyond / without reasonable doubt 9. süüd tõestama prove guilt 10. süüs kahtlema doubt guilt 11. kahtlusalune suspect 12. süütuse presumptsiooni printsiip principle of presumption of innocence 13. õigus vaikida right to remain silent 14. rahatrahvi määrama impose a fine 15. vangi mõistma sentence to imprisonment 16. vabadusest ilma jätma deprive of freedom 17. üldkasulik töö community service 18. heidutama kuritegusid toime panemast, heidutus deter from committing crimes 19. leidma kuriteos süüdi olevat find guilty of a crime 20

Inglise keel

Public International Law is a system of law

Public International Law is a system of law, different from domestic law. Why is this system unique? Usually law regulates relations between people, people and the state etc, PIL regulates relations between states. Thats why PIL is important for international relation students. PIL influences the life of everybody, it doesn't regulate people directly but indirectly (through the decisions of the states), because it's everywhere. It's like air. E.g. when you want to send a letter to Brazil, you put a stamp from your own country and send it from your post office and the letter gets delivered. Why is this so easy, because there are certain international conventions that regulate postal services. E.g. traffic signs are almost the same everywhere, why? Because of certain int conventions that require the states to have more or less unified traffic signs. States apply international regulations to national regulations and they have to be in accordance with each other, the s

Inglise keel

Comparative law

1.Common law A common law legal system is a system of law characterized by case law which is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals a common law system is based on legal precedents. The roots of the common law legal systems can be traced back to the first common law system created in England during the Middle Ages. Today, most countries that once had ties to England, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, to name a few, operate under common law. Aside from Great Britain, the majority of the countries in Europe operate under a version of civil law modeled after the Roman legal system created centuries ago In a common law system, the law is created by precedents set after judges decide actual cases. When a judge hears a case that has a new issue in it, the judge makes a decision regarding the issue in the case. That decision then becomes a precedent that must be followed by other courts with equal standing within the legal s

Inglise keel

Inglise õiguskeel

Essential Vocabulary - I The role of law in society 1. juriidilised kohustused – legal obligations 2. kannatanud pool, kahjukannataja – injured party 3. vaidlusi lahendama (kohtus) – to settle a dispute in a court of law 4. riskeerima tehingute tegemisega – to risk making transactions 5. õigusnõustamist otsima – to seek legal advice 6. tagama, et leping kehtiks – to ensure that the contract would be valid 7. õiguslikke vahendeid kasutama – to use legal means 8. harjuma õiguslikke vahendeid kasutama – to get accustomed to using legal means 9. omama teadmisi millestki – to have knowledge of smth 10. ette kirjutama, ettekirjutus, ettekirjutav – to prescribe, prescription, prescriptional 11. karistust kandma – to serve punishment (ka to suffer a penalty) 12. vägivaldselt käituma (kellegi suhtes) – to act violently towards smb 13. ajutine ametist/spord

Inglise keel

Introduction and history of the European Union

Introduction and history of the European Union History The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. The idea is that countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely avoid conflict.The ancestor of the European Union is the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) which was created with the Treaty of Paris (1951) and was signed by France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and West Germany (total of 6 countries). European Economic Community (EEC) was created with the Treaty of Rome (1958), establishing a customs union (tolliliit). The European Union (EU) was created by the Maastricht Treaty which came into effect on November 1st 1993. Introduction The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union.EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and main

Inglise keel

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