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"bank" - 495 õppematerjali

bank - er pangad en vas (üks) vaas vas-er vaasid en katt (üks) kass katt-er kassid en plats (üks) koht plats-er kohad

Bank accounts

Most adults have a bank account. The current account is for general expenses but some people also have a deposit account by which you can earn interest on your money. You can take money out of your bank account by using a cash card. When you use a credit card, you arrange to pay at later time. The main commercial bank offer bank loans for individuals or small businesses. Merchant bank deal with company finance on a larger scale. Banks also offer services such as mortgages, insurance, and buying and selling shares and foreign currency.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL POLITICAL SCIENCE AND GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE ANNELI PALM CRITISIM ABOUT IMF AND WORLD BANK INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY (RIR6032/RIR6004) ESSAY 2014 Contents TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL.............................................................................................. 1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 3 Basic of liberalism.................................................................................................. 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Vastuvõtutööalused KT 1. Toatüübid- SGL, TWIN, DBL, SUI, JUN SUI, INVA, ADJ, CON,TRIP, DBL DBL (2xlaivoodi) 2. Vooditüübid- crib, baby bed/baby cot, french bed/couch (diivan),bank bed (nari), LV (lisavoodi) 3. Vaated- parital ov-osaline/peaaegu olemata ov, ov- ookeani vaade, ocean front-ookean otse ees,beach front- rand otse ees, city view-linnavaade, mountain view- mägede vaade, water view- vaade veekogule, island view-vaade saarele, pool view- vaade basseinile. Garden view-vaade aeda. 4. Ametid vastuvõtus-tegema sisse-ja väljaregistreerimisi, sobitama inimesi tubadesse, arveldama, tegema pakkumisi, rääkima reisibüroodega, lahendama klientide probleeme, suhtlema klientidega, andma toateenijatele infot. 5. Mõisted- RO-ainult tuba, ei sööke; BB-majutus+hommikusöök;HB- majutus+2toidukorda;AL-kõik hinnas;FB- majutus+3toidukorda;UAL-kõik vägagi hinnas; a la car...

Turism → Turism
4 allalaadimist

Basic banking

5. Financial Institutions and Services Objectives and Outcomes To give overview of main players. 5.1. Introduction It is common to distinguish between monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and other financial intermediaries. The distinction is based on the functions of institutions ­ institutions in the first group (MFIs) play important role in the process of money creation in modern economies. European Central Bank (ECB) describes Monetary financial institutions as including national central banks (and also ECB in the euro area), credit institutions and non-credit institutions which receive deposits from general public (individuals and non-MFI firms) and grant credit and/or invest in securities. Major non-credit MFIs in Europe are money market funds. Credit institutions are defined in the directive 1 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions as:

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

Pankadevaheline konkurents Eesti turul

....................................................................................................3 1EESTIS TEGUTSEVAD KREDIIDIASUTUSED...................................................................4 1.1Swedbank...........................................................................................................................4 1.2SEB Pank...........................................................................................................................4 1.3Nordea Bank AB Eesti filiaal.............................................................................................5 1.4Danske Bank Eesti filiaal...................................................................................................5 2KONKURENTS TURUL.........................................................................................................5 2.1Teenusepakkujad laenuturul...............................................................................................6

Majandus → Rahandus ja pangandus
49 allalaadimist

Eesti pangad läbi aegade

INKO Balti Pank 46. Eesti Innovatsioonipank 3 47. Eesti Maapank (Virumaa Kommertspank) 48. Eesti Hoiupank- Liitus Hansapangaga 49. Tallinna Pank- Liitus Eesti Ühispangaga 50. EVEA Pank 51. ERA Pank 52. Eesti Investeerimispank- Liitus Eesti Forekspangaga 53. Eesti Forekspank- kannab ärinime AS Optiva Pank. 54. Optiva Pank- kannab ärinime AS Sampo Pank. 55. Preatoni Pank- kannab ärinime Nordea Bank Finland Plc Eesti filiaal. 56. Preatoni Pank- kannab ärinime AS SBM Pank. 57. Eesti Ühispank- kannab ärinime SEB Eesti Ühispank. 58. . SEB Eesti Ühispank- Alates 7.03.08 kannab ärinime SEB Pank. 59. . AS SBM Pank- Alates 14.05.08 kannab ärinime MARFIN PANK EESTI AS. 60. . AS Sampo Pank- Alates 1.06.08 kannab ärinime Danske Bank A/S Eesti filiaal. Ärinime vahetamise järel jätkab tegevust kaubamärgi Sampo Pank all. 61

Majandus → Majandus
31 allalaadimist

ID-kaardi taotlemine

koostaotlemisel Alates 15eluaastast 38,34 40 Alla 15aastased isikud; 19,17 20 Keskmise, raske või SWEDBANK 221023778606 sügava puudega isikud; SEB PANK 10220034796011 Üldtingimustel Eesti SAMPO 333416110002 vanaduspensioni ikka NORDEA BANK 17001577198 jõudnud isikud Viitenumber: 2900081994 IDkaart kiirkorras 44,73 Ei saa välisesinduses Makse selgitusse märkige toimingu taotleda nimetus, isiku nimi ja isikukood (kui Tasumine pangaülekandega välisriigis asuvast pangast Sooritades riigilõivu ülekannet välisriigis asuvast pangast, on lisaks eelnevale vaja

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
5 allalaadimist

Unit 5-6 sõnavara

Illiberal- mittetahtlik Incomplete-mittetäielik Denmark- Danish USA- English Greece- Greek Norway- Norwegian Britain- English Italy- Italian France- French Turkey- Turkish Sweden- Swedish Holland- Dutch Portugal- Portuguese Spain- Spanish Russia- Russian Finland- Finnish Germany- German UNIT6 The bank of England- keskpank, central bank Commercial bank- clearing bank Merchant banks- äripank- specialise in services for companies Regular payment- direct debit Salary- palk, money your employer pays you every month Net- neto, the amount that remains after everything else has been deducted Wages- palk, money you make when you work, usually paid weekly, in cash Routine- tavapärane, ordinary and boring Cost- maksma Stirling- the currency unit of United Kingdom

Keeled → Inglise keel
103 allalaadimist

Names with and without the

Oceans/seas/canals =the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal also: Newspapers = the Washington Post, the Financial Times organisations = the European Community, the BBC (= the British Broadcasting Corporation) Sometimes we leave out the noun: the Hilton (Hotel), the Sahara (Desert) Sometimes the name is only the + noun: the Vatican (in Rome), the Sun (British newspaper) Names with ...of... usually have the. For example: the Bank of England/ the Tower of London/ the Museum of Modern Art the Houses of Parliament/ the Great Wall of China/ the Tropic of Capricorn the Gulf of Mexico/ the University of London (but the London University) C/ Many shops, restaurants, hotels, banks etc. are named after the people who started them. These names end in -'s or -s. We do not use 'the' with these names: Lloyds Bank (not the Lloyds Bank)/ McDonalds/ Jack's Guest House/ Harrods (shop)/ Churches are often named after saints:

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


financial and cultural centre. Major tourist destination. Over 300 languages are spoken. Over 7,5 million people. Royal Botanic Gardens Between Richmond and Kew in southwest London. Botanical research and education institution. Attractions: Alpine house, Minka house, museums etc. Ealing Studios Television and film production company. The oldest film studio in the world. Over 60 films. Royal National Theatre Located on the South Bank. Building was designed by architect Sir Denys Lasdun. Presents a varied programme. Madame Tussauds It was set up by wax sculptor Marie Tussaud. Dr. Philippe Curtius. Chamber of Horrors. Saint Margaret's Church Westminster Abbey on Parliament Square. In the 12th century by Benedictine monks. Has been rebuilt twice. Harrods Largest department store. Harrods Bank, Harrods Estates, Harrods Aviation and Air Harrods. All Things for All

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
34 allalaadimist

Two holidays in the UK

Two holidays in the UK In the UK are many holidays, some are weird, some aren't. I describe two holidays, which I think are quite interesting. Bank holidays are public holidays in the United Kingdom, when banks and many other businesses are closed for the day. One bank holiday is Stiltion Cheese Rolling. Cheese Rolling has become an annual event in Stilton and every May Day hundreds of villagers and visitors make their way to the main street to watch the teams battling for the honour of being called the 'Stilton Cheese Rolling Champions'. The event is also Stilton village festival, and includes Maypole dancing, live music and other entertainment. There are side-shows, fairground rides, stalls, food and drink, and a concert in the evening.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad ADVERTISING

customer data. 5. Watchdogs ­ Customer protection group who are concerned about the gathering and storing of large quantities of customer information. 6. encrypt the information ­ private data is encrypt to a secret code and the information is no longer available to others MONEY-BUYING, SELLING AND PAYING 1. current account ­ where you pay in your salary and the withdraw money and pay your every day bills. 2. bank statement ­ regular notis on how mutch money you have on your account. 3. savings account ­ it where you deposit any extra money that you have and only take money out when you really need it. 4. be in the red ­ when you account is overdrawn, you can be said to be in red. You have money but you owe it to the bank 5. be in the black - To be in black- you have money left on your bank account. 6. bank loan ­ when you loan money from bank 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Vaatamisväärsused Eestis II

look practically without any changes. Decorative ceiling paintings have been preserved partly in the Church; there are magic ceiling marks on the vaults of the choir room, over the vestry there is a unique room with a fireplace, the other fireplace is situated in the attic of the choir. Supposedly so the accommodation possibilities were created for the pilgrims, who traveled through the Scandinavia and the Island of Gotland to Maarjamaa. · Panga Bank is the highest of the banks of the Northern coast of Saaremaa and Muhu. The maximum height of the Bank is 21.3m and the reach about 2.5km. In the highest point of the Bank an ancient sacrifice place is situated, where sacrifices to the sea were made in the old times. · The Field of the Kaali Meteorite Craters in Central Saaremaa is the rarest nature remembrance in Estonia, being at the same time also the most impressive field of craters in Eurasia

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


multinational beverage corporation, which is headquartered in Atlanta. Six Flags Over Georgia  Six Flags Over Georgia (1967) is a theme park located west of Atlanta.  Six Flags Over Georgia, like most amusement parks, prides itself on its roller coaster collection Atlanta Botanical Garden  The Atlanta Botanical Garden is a 30 acres (12 ha) botanical garden located adjacent to Piedmont Park in Midtown Atlanta. Bank of America Plaza (Atlanta)  Bank of America Plaza is a skyscraper.  At 317 m the tower is the 60th-tallest building in the world.  This is the tallest building in Georgia. Atlanta airport  Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson airport is located, which is the world's most congested airport in passenger numbers and rising into the air and landing characteristics. The city is the headquarters of the airline Delta Air Lines.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The euro in Estonia

stable institutions, that can guarantee the democracy and the protection and respect of human rights and minorities; a functioning market economy and the ability to cope with the pressure of competition and market forces within the EU; ability to meet the obligations of membership, including the support for the goals. Country's administrative system must be capable of applying EU laws and put them to use. According to Vahur Kraft, the leader of Estonian Nordea Bank, the euro creates many new opportunities for the country's economy and the society as a whole. Bo Kragh, the vice president of the Bank of Estonia, has a bit different point of view. He has said in his article that the euro takes away our financial independence. Kragh says the Bank of Estonia won't be an independent institution anymore and it will be a branch office of European Central Bank from now on. That won't change

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

Indutseeritud Induced investment investeeringud Keinsi rist Keynesian –cross diagram Inflatsiooniline(langus) Inflationary (recessionary) gap lõhe Säästmise paradoks Paradox of thrift Raha ja pangandus, rahapoliitika. Money, monetary policy and Banking. Kaup-raha Commodity money laenuraha Credit money veksel bill rahatäht Bank note tchekk check dekreetraha Fiat money likviidsus liquidity Väärtuse mõõt Unit of account vahetusvahend Medium of exchange Väärtuse säilitamise Store of value vahend maksevahend Standard of differed payment Keskpankk Central Bank Commercial banks sularaha currency

Majandus → Majandus
25 allalaadimist

Erialane inglise keele konspekt

___________________ Regulate Definition: To control or supervise somethin by means of laws or rulers. Currency Definition: A system of mony, or the bills and coins themselves, used in a particular country. Interest rate Def: The cost og borrowing money over a period of time or the pice that lenders charge borrowes for the use of lendedr's money. Exchange rate Def: The value of one currency against the currency of another country. Central bank Def- A national bank that provides financial and banking services for its country's goverment and commercial banking system Monetary policy Def- The way a central bank controls the amount of money in the economy at a particular time, for axample by changing interest rates. Fluctuate Def- The irregular rise and fall of number or amount. Speculate Def- To buy goods, shares, property, etc. in the hope that their value will increase so that can be sold for a profit. Inflation

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
40 allalaadimist

Eestis tegutsevad pangad

Eestis tegutsevad pangad Eestis tegutsevad pangad on: Nord pank, Sampo pank, Swedpank, Bigpank, Krediidipank, Tallinna Äripank, LHV Pank Eesti, Bank DnB Nord ja SEB Pank. Pangad on rahaasutused, mis tegelevad raha hoiustamise, laenamise, investeerimise ja teiste finantsteenuste osutamisega. Pangad teenivad tulu laenuintresside, investeerimise ja finantsteenuste osutamise eest võetava tasu pealt. Nendel pankadel on palju ühist: tegelevad erinevate laenude ja liisingute andmisega, raha hoiustamisega, kindlustusega, fondide, investeeringute ja mitmesuguste arveldamistega.

Majandus → Majanduse alused
40 allalaadimist


household furnishings. The compay is British and trains its stuff to offer a friendly, proffessional service. Kwik-fit is a company which fits tyres and exhausts to cars. And its name suggests, the company offers a fast service, usually while the customer waits. It is a British company. Mc Donald s is the world s largest hamburger restaurant company. It isa n American company and is committed to serving high quality food. First-Direct is a bank and offers a range of services. It is a British company and offers its customers 24 hours telephone banking Sony is a Japanese company which manufactures electornic and hi-fi equipment. It also operates in the music sector and insurance. There are usually several different deparments in a company. They all need to work together t omake the company successful. Companies offer products or services to the consumer. Product development is a key activity

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essee teemal "I am buying myself an apartment"

apartment has to have two or more floors. Good dream, huh? In fact, in old town, there is an apartment that fits to my requirements – apartments like that are expensive and I have to get a loan. I decided that I will take the loan from Swedbank, SEB or LHV, because they offer a loan, that has better conditions. So, let’s hope that I have gathered very much money – around 500 000€. My dream apartment costs around 750 000€ – so I have to get 250 000€ from bank. I think that Swedbank has the best offer, because you can choose interest by yourself and what is more important – you can get the insurance too, other banks don’t offer that. I have to have certain salary – at least 600€. Fortunately, when I’m 25, my salary will be four times higher. So, my plan is to get an apartment, that has very good view, I will take a loan from swedbank and also get home insurance from there. I will pay it back to the bank for 15 years, 1958€ + % per month.

Keeled → Business english
3 allalaadimist

Now you see me review

bank in Paris in few seconds. About a minute later, the cash starts to fall down from the ceiling over the audience. The next day, FBI arrests The Four Horseman, and the big thrilling chase starts. The FBI, leaded by the general agent (Mark Ruffalo) and an Interpol detective (Mélanie Laurent), tries to reveal the secrets of the magic trick. At the same time The Four Horseman outwits them many times. Parallelly to the FBI a lordly ex-magician (Morgan Freeman) tries to find out the bank robbing secret. The film scrolls up to big finale, what ends with a culmnation and a lot of surprises. I truely enjoyed the movie. I have seen Louis Leterrier's films and "Now You See Me" is the best of them for sure. There was enough tricks and magic to keep you up waiting for the next illusion. You won't understand the whole movie until the end, where everything will clear up and there will be a lot of emotions inside you at the same time. I

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Places I would like to visit in London

Places I would like to visit in London Lagedi school VIII The London Eye • The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. • London Eye is also known as the Millennium Wheel • The London Eye was formally opened by Prime Minister Tony https:// sch&q=london+eye&imgrc=nM3bY3L0TF94BM%3A Blair on 31 December 1999 • London eye cost £70 million.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom and London

writers. Bands such as the Rolling stones, the Beatles, The Sex Pistols and Pink Floyd are one of the most famous bands in the world. In 2006 UK was selected to be the most toleranr country in the world. It is one of the few countries where gay marriges are allowed. There are 8 public holidays in Great britain. They are Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May day, Spring bank holiday and late Summer bank holiday. The economy is traditionally based on coal-mining, iron and steel manufacturing etc. England has a large supply if coal and the oil have gas reserves in the North Sea. Buckingham Palace is teh offical London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. When the Queen is at home the Royal Flag flies on the top. Houses of Parliament stands on the north bank of the river Thames. St James's Park is the most ancient of London's parks. Hyde Park

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

Odesa (Odessa) ­ 1 million. Zaporizhzhya (Zaporozhye) ­ 0.8 million. 5 GDP growth, %: 1.0 (2013 forecast EBRD ­ downward revision from previously projected 2.5%). Official language: Ukrainian (although Russian is widely used in business communication). Currency: Hryvnya (UAH). Government type: republic. Membership: the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Trade Organization (WTO), etc. Ukraine is bordered by Russia in the east, the Black Sea in the south, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland in the west, and Belarus in the north. The country is rich in mineral resources: iron ore, coal, manganese, natural gas (shale ­ costly and dangerous to extract), oil, sulfur, graphite, titanium, magnesium, kaolin, nickel, mercury, timber and others.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


is situated on the top of the hill and was built in 1939 and renovated in 1969. Jägala Waterfall Jägala Waterfall (height ­ 8 m) is one of the highest and fastest flowing Over thousands of years the falling water has worn out the edge of the limestone banks and as a result a steep-sided valley about 300 m long and 12-14 m deep has been created The best impression of the mightiness of the waterfall can be obtained in the period of high waters in spring and autumn. Türisalu Bank Türisalu Bank is one of the most impressive places of the North Estonian limestone coast, towering up to 31 meters A good view opens out to the Island of Naissaar and Vääna-Jõesuu On the Landscape Reserve of the area grow many rare plants, including shrubby cinquefoil, fringed pink, black cotoneaster, etc. Piusa Caves Piusa Caves Nature Reserve is a nature reserve Põlva Orava county area

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


The political turmoil in Fiji has had a severe impact on the economy, which shrank by 2.8% in 2000 and grew by only 1% in 2001. The tourism sector recovered quickly, however, with visitor arrivals reaching pre-coup levels again during 2002, which has since resulted in a modest economic recovery. This recovery continued into 2003 and 2004 but grew by 1.7% in 2005 and grew by 2.0% in 2006. Although inflation is low, the policy indicator rate of the Reserve Bank of Fiji was raised by 1% to 3.25% in February 2006 due to fears of excessive consumption financed by debt. Lower interest rates have so far not produced greater investment for exports. However, there has been a housing boom from declining commercial mortgage rates. The tallest building in Fiji is the fourteen-storey Reserve Bank of Fiji Building in Suva, which was inaugurated in 1984. The Suva Central Commercial

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne ülevaade Inglismaa kultuurist

One of the greatest is surely Buckingham Palace, which is the official London residence of British monarch, built in 1703 as a large townhouse for Duke of Buckingham. Also, Big Ben, the 150-years-old great bell of the clock at the north-eastern end of Palace of Westminster and is also the largest four-faced chiming clock in the world, and the Tower of London, a historic fortress and scheduled monument in Central London on the north bank of the River Thames, are great tourist attractions as well as St. Paul’s Cathedral, The British Airway’s London Eye, Westminster Abby and Piccadilly Circus. Tourists also love to visit Greenwich, which is best known for giving its name to the Greenwich Meridian (0° longitude) and Greenwich Mean Time. Foods and drinks English cuisine is formed by country’s history, its temperate climate and geography. The food

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


10. Digital outdoor advertising - advertising by LED screens on the streets 11. Sonic posters - ads which are "making" sounds 12. Lenticular posters - ads which are showing different pictures when somebody is walking past them or near them 13. OTS or coverage - the distance between the point where you first notice the advertisement to the point where you don't see or recognize it anymore MONEY-BUYING, SELLING AND PAYING 1. Current account - bank account for daily transactions, payments and cash withdrawing 2. Bank statement - is regularly sent to costumer by bank so costumer can see how much money he has on his account 3. Savings account - bank account where you hold your extra money and don't use it everyday until you need it 4. Be in the red - to have an overdrawn account 5. Be in black - to have credit, opposite to overdrawn 6. A mortgage - money that you lend from the bank to buy a house 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


and one of the Royal Parks of London. The park was the site of the Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton. Hyde Park remains open throughout the year from 5 am until midnight. Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase The London Eye The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, England. Official name was originally the British Airways London Eye. Later the Merlin Entertainments London Eye. Since January 2011, the EDF Energy London Eye. Muutke teksti laade Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Teine tase Kolmas tase Kolmas tase

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele tähtsamad ajavormid

They like eating out on Fridays. Neile meeldib reedeti väljas söömas käia. Do I work efficiently? Kas ma töötan efektiivselt? Do you work for Statoil? Kas sa töötad Statoil’is Does he work in the bank? Kas ta töötab pangas? Does she work as a cook? Kas ta töötab kokana? Do we work well together? Kas me töötame hästi koos? Do they work out new Kas nad töötavad välja uusi products? tooteid?

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The European Union

cheks within the EU members. The next year Spain and Portugal join the European Communities. In 1989 the Berlin Wall falls and in the next year German unites. In 1992 the treaty on Eurpean Union is signed in Maastricht. In 1993 the single market is created, the next year Austia, Finland and Sweden join the EU. In 1997 the treaty of Amsterdam is signed, which showed the beginnings of a common foreign and security policy. In 1999 The European Central Bank takes responsibility for monetary policy and launches euro to 11 countries, Greek joines in 2001. Same year in Nice the European Council agrees to change the system for enlargement of the EU, in 2001 the treaty is signed. In 2002 new Euro coins and notes are introduced to the eurozone members. In 2004 10 countries join the EU: Estonia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. In 2007

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Õppelaen kokkuvõte

septembrit. Intressiarvestuse baasiks on tegelik päevade arv kuus ja 360-päevane aasta. Intressiperioodiks loetakse 1. september kuni 31. august. Õppelaenu on õigus võtta igal õppeaastal ühe korra ning igal haridusastmel vaid ühe õppekava nominaalse kestuse jooksul. Õppelaenu andjad on krediidiasutused, kes annavad õppelaenu oma krediidiressursi arvel. Riiklikku õppelaenu saab taodelda viiest pangast: AS Eesti Krediidipank, Swedbank AS, AS SEB Pank, Danske Bank A/S Eesti Filiaal ja Nordea Bank Finland PLC Eesti Filiaal. Õppelaenu taotlemiseks esitab õpilane või üliõpilane krediidiasutusele viimase poolt määratud vormi kohase laenutaotluse, millele lisatakse järgmised dokumendid: 1) isikut tõendav dokument või ametlikult kinnitatud väljavõte selle dokumendi isikuandmetega lehest; 2) välismaalase puhul dokument, milles on märge alalise elamisloa kohta, või selle ametlikult

Majandus → Majandus
5 allalaadimist

Jaani Kirik

SAINT JOHN´S CHURCH Tallinn Saint John´s Church The church was built in 1867 Neogothic church organ Renovation of the church Danger of collapsing donations Swedbank-221001159467 SEB bank-1000 200 416 3009

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Portugali kliima, taimestik, rahvastik

Loodusvarad: Tsink, hõbe, kuld, uraan, vask, tina, volfram, marmor, savi, kips jne. Keskkona probleemid: Pinnase erosioon, tehastest ja sõidukitest põhjustatud õhusaastus ning veereostus, eriti ranniku aladel. Laamtektoonika: Portugal asub Euraasia laama äärealal, Aafrika laama läheduses. Vulkaanism: Vulkaane leidub Assoori saartel: · Flores · Fayal · Pico · San Jorge · Graciosa · Terceira · Don João de Castro Bank · Sete Cidades · Unnamed · Agua de Pau · Furnas · Monaco Bank Portugalis on esinenud ka väiksemaid maavärinaid, nt Lissaboni maavärin 1755 aastal. Pico vulkaan. Rahvastik: Portugal on kõige ühtlasema rahvastikuga maid. Peaaegu kõik inimesed seal on üht päritolu, räägivad sama keelt ning kuuluvad katoliku usku. Portugaallased- hispaanlastele lähedane romaani rahvas- on tekkinud peamiselt romaani, araabia ja keldi hõimude segunemisel

Geograafia → Geograafia
60 allalaadimist


SEB + + + + + + DANSKE + + + - + + SWEDBAN + + + + + + K BIGBANK + + + - - - LHV + + + + + + Kommertspangad eestis: BIGBANK Citadele Banka Eesti Filiaal Danske Bank A/S Eesti Filiaal DNB Pank Krediitipank LHV Pank Nordea Pank SEB Swedbank Tallinna Äripank Versobank

Majandus → Finantsanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Кредитно-денежная политика Банка Эстонии

- ---------------------------- RPv-1 : 2009 1 1. - .................................................................................3 4. ............................................................................... 5 5. ­ .................................................................... 5 5.1. ......................................................................................... 6 ­ . , . ................................................................................................ 6 5.2. ...........................................................................................7 . , , . , . , . , , . . .............................................................................

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine ja...
13 allalaadimist


and the Lion Rampant flag . · Flower of Scotland is popularly held to be the National Anthem of Scotland, and is played at events such as football or rugby matches involving the Scotland national team · St Andrew's Day, 30 November, is the national day, although Burns' Night tends to be more widely observed. Tartan Day is a recent innovation from Canada. In 2006, the Scottish Parliament passed the St. Andrew's Day Bank Holiday (Scotland) Act 2007, designating the day to be an official bank holiday. The National Dances The Flora McDonald's Fancy The Sailor's Hornpipe The Irish Jig Scottish Lilt Competition Dancing Food & Drink · Although the Deep fried Mars bar is jokingly said to exemplify the modern Scottish diet, Scottish cuisine offers such traditional dishes as haggis, Buccleuch Scotch beef, the Arbroath Smokie, salmon, venison, cranachan, bannock,

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The Republic of Estonia - referaat

Estonia has a multi-party system with numerous parties, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments. There are 11 political parties in Estonia right now. Two most important of them are IRL and Reformierakond. They form The Riigikogu in very large amount. On 1 January 2011, Estonia changes over to the euro, the single European currency. Kroons are exchanged into euros in all bank offices that offer cash services at the central exchange and without a commission fee until the end of June 2011. Thereafter, a limited number of bank offices will continue to provide this service for an entire year. Eesti Pank will exchange kroons into euros at the central rate and without a commission fee for an unspecified term. Kerli Uue 10.r

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Raha ja pangandus I KT

tehinguid ilma finantsvahendaja sekkumiseta. Rahad liiguvad otse lõplikult investorilt lõplikule emitendile, ilma vahendajateta: laen, kinnine väärtpaberiemissioon. Finantsvahendaja teenust ei kasutata (v.a. konsultatsioon ja nõustamine) Universaalpangad (pakuvad suurt ulatust finantsteenuseid) - mis tegelevad kõikide pangandusoperatsioonidega (Eestis kõik kommertspangad). 11. Pank (it. banca< banco pink, lett, pikk töölaud; ingl. bank; sks. Die Bank )- hoiuasutus, kellel on avalikkuselt hoiuste vastuvõtmise õigus ning kes võib luua juurde deposiitraha avalikkusele antavate nõudehoiuste ja arvelduskontode näol. Pank on krediidiasutus, s.o. rahalisi vahendeid koguv, hoiustav, valitsev ja laenutav asutus; kutseline kaubandusettevõte, mis kaupleb rahaga; pangad moodustavad rahvamajanduse raharinglussüsteemi. Panga liigid on: hoiu-, diskonto-, emissiooni-, investitsiooni, kesk-, kommertspank jne. 12

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
60 allalaadimist

The Da Vinci Code lühikokkuvõte

whereabouts. Langdon thinks the Grail probably hasn't been moved since then. Many historians study Leonardo's work closely in the hopes of discovering the secret of the Holy Grail's hiding place. Sophie wonders if the key is to the Grail itself, but Langdon thinks it unlikely that Sophie's grandfather was so high up in the hierarchy of the Priory of Sion that he had access such classified information. They finally reach the address on the back of the key. It is the Depository Bank of Zurich, a Swiss bank. Sophie and Langdon use the key to get through the elaborate security measures--gates, metal doors, and so on. They arrive at the front Office. The guard recognizes the pair from the news and calls Interpol and the bank's president, Monsieur Vernet. To get access to the box they need an account number. The Church officials are uncomfortable giving him such a large sum of money, which could easily be traced back to the Church

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

Team Leader (Sergeant), Estonian Army (National Service), July 2004 - June 2005 Duties: Leading a group of 10 soldiers, motivating groups to work as a team, preparing training exercises. Order Picker/Head of the Shift (Supervisor/Team Leader), Filee Meat Factory (Rannarootsi Meat Factory), Estonia, June 2003 - September 2003 Duties: Looking after a team of 8 people, picking orders, tasting meat products in a chilled warehouse. Sales Agent/Team Leader, Estonian United Bank (SEB Bank), September 2002 - July 2004 Duties: Making presentations. Finding customers. Talking to customers. Selling Life insurance and pension schemes contracts. Represent Estonian United Bank on exhibition. Building sales team. Organizing trainings to sales team. VOLUNTARY WORK: Fundraiser, RECOVERY Charity, April 2012 ­ Jan 2017 Regional Coordinator and Partner of Let's Do It!, Let's Do It! World, Nov 2011 ­ Dec 2015 Duties: Coordinating Leicester and Leicestershire

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keele artiklite kasutamine

Central Square the Louvre Hyde Park the Tate Gallery Broadway the Coca-Cola Plaza London Bridge the Olümpia Hotel Euston King´s Cross the Ritz (hotell) Tallinn Airport the Moskva Cafe Oxford University the newsagent´s Salisbury Cathedral the bank London Zoo the post office Buckingham Palace the National Mall NB! the Royal Palace the Empire State Building the High Street the White House the Mall, the Strand (teed) the Eiffel Tower NB! Kui need hooned on saanud nime kellegi inimese järgi, siis artiklit ei kasuta:

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Weed Management Handbook

Weed Management Handbook Summarized by: Student X Introduction • What is a weed? • Disadvantages and advantages • Seed bank • Different ways to deal with weeds • Resistance of herbicides What is a weed? • Older definitions: -a plant not valued for its use or beauty -a plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered • Modern definitions: -plants that are considered undesirable by producers -unwanted plant which in some way hinders or interfers with human activity. (Crops may at some point also be weeds) Weed disadvantages • Reduces crop yield – weeds and

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

29 assets varad 30 assets and liabilities aktiva ja passiva 31 assumption ülevõtmine 32 assurance kinnitus, kindlustus 33 auction oksjon 34 audit report kontrolliaruanne 35 authority volitused, võim 36 bailsman käendaja 37 balance sheet bilanss 38 bank balance saldo 39 bank loan pangalaen 40 bank manager pangajuhataja 41 bank share panga aktsia 42 bankruptcy pankrot 43 barter vahetuskaup 44 basic assets põhivara 45 bear kursilangus 46 benefactor heategija, annetaja

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

ICC müügileping

9 5.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, or implied from a prior course of dealing between the parties, payment of the price and of any other sums due by the Buyer to the Seller shall be on open account and time of payment shall be 30 days from the date of invoice. The amounts due shall be transferred, unless otherwise agreed, by teletransmission to the Seller's bank in the Seller's country for the account of the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed to have performed his payment obligations when the respective sums due have been received by the Seller's bank in immediately available funds. 5.2 If the parties have agreed on payment in advance, without further indication, it will be assumed that such advance payment, unless otherwise agreed, refers to the full price, and that the advance

Majandus → Majandus
116 allalaadimist

Korea Rahvademokraatlik Vabariik

Majandus Põhja-Koreas on kasutusel isoleerimispoliitika, mis tähendab et rahvusvaheline kaubandus on väga piiratud, mis takistab märgatavalt potensiaali majanduskasvuks. Õigete meetmete ja reformidega võiks Põhja-Korea majandus kasvada aastas 6-7%. Domineeriv sektor majanduses on tööstus, järgnevad teenused ning põllumajandus. Tegeletakse veel ka masinaehitusega, metallurgiaga, turismindusega, toiduainete töötlemisega. Rahandusega tegelevad 2 banka, I on kesk Põhja-Korea bank, millel on 227 harukontorit ja II bank on Changgwang krediidi Bank, millel on 172 harukontorit. Rahaks on Põhja-Korea won, (1 won ­ 100 jeon) Põhja-Korea soovib arendada oma raketiprogrammi, kuid maailma juhtivad riigid on selle vastu. Hoolimata üleüldisest vastuseisust sooritas Põhja-Korea 5. aprillil 2009 raketikatsetuse, mis katsetust jälgivate riikide andmetel ebaõnnestus Põllumajandus

Geograafia → Geograafia
31 allalaadimist

Writting a summary

This happens through the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Council of the European Union is the body representing the goverments of the EU countries. The funfamental decisions on European policy are taken by the European Council. This is made up of the Heads of State or Goverment of the EU, who meet regulary at least every 3 months. Another important institutions in the EU are European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Court on Auditors. The EU is active in many ares of policy: in economic policy, consumer protection, foreign policy, environmental protection, internal policy and justice. The final sections EUROpean money gives a brief when and why the Euro was introdused. Since 1999 there has been a common European curency - the euro. More than 333 million EU citizens, or two thirds of the total population, have the euro as their common currency

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


SKP aastane kasv 3, 5 % tööstus 27% SKP inimese kohta 20 100 USD teenused 71 % inflatsioon oli 2,6 % Riigi kuulumine majandusorganisatsioonidesse. Rootsi kuulub majandusorganisatsioonidesse nagu OSCE, Euroopa kosmoseagentuur, ÜRO, Euroopa Liit, NATO, African Development Bank AfDB, Asian Development Bank AsDB, Council of Europe, European Bank for Reconstruction and development EBRD, European Space Agency ESA, European Union EU, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, United Nations - UN, Inter- American Development Bank IDB, International Labour Organisation ILO, International

Geograafia → Geograafia
40 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

be enforced by the courts of member states. European Union institutions The European Union is governed by seven(7) institutions. Article 13 of the Treaty on European Union lists them in the following order: 1) the European Parliament 2) the European Council 3) the Council of the European Union (simply called "Council") 4) the European Commission 5) the Court of Justice of the European Union 6) the European Central Bank 7) the Court of Auditors Most EU institutions were created with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in the 1950s. Much change since then has been in the context the shifting of the power balance away from the Council and towards the Parliament. The European Parliament The European Parliament (EU Parliament or the EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union. Together with the Council of the European Union (the

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Registreerimis kaart

Registreerimiskaart Registration form Perekonnanimi Saabumiskuupäev Surname Date of arrival Eesnimi Lahkumise Fist name kuupäev Date of departure Tänav Tasumis viis / Way of payment Street Sularaha/ Cash Voucher Panga üllekanne/Bank Transfer Krediitkaard/ Credit card Valid thru / Nr Postiindeks Toa number/ Room no Postal(zip) code Linn ...

Turism → Hotellimajandus
43 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun