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"employee" - 111 õppematerjali


Artikli “A review of the literature on employee empowerment” kokkuvõte

Artikli “A review of the literature on employee empowerment” kokkuvõte: Artikkel räägib töötaja mõjuvõimust. Selleks, et olla edukas, on vaja mõjuvõimu, mille peab organisatsioon ise paika panama. Mida suurem on mõjuvõim, seda suurem on sisemise töö motivatsioon, suurem rahulolu tööga, seda väiksem on tööstress, seda suurem on töö kaasamine ja kaasatus ning suurem pühendumine. Töötaja peab valima, kas ta võtab vastutuse või ei, ning juhid peavad looma töötajale vastava keskkonna, et ta langetaks õige otsuse. Juhtidel on väga suur roll, kuid selleks, et olla edukas, on vaja teha pidevat järelvalvet, sest juhid on kui treenerid, kes aitavad töötajatel probleeme lahendada ja nad peavad andma positiivset tagasisidet tehtud töö eest, sest see suurendab motivatsiooni. Samas mida suurem on ettevõte, seda suurem on ka töötajate iseseisvus, sest juht ei jõua kõiki kontrollida. Keskkond peab olema piisavalt usaldatav, kaasahaarav, tolerantne ja r...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
13 allalaadimist


KAASAMISE RAKENDAMINE MUUTUSTE JUHTIMISEL Ologobo C. Andrew, Saudah Sofian, 2012 Individual Factors and Work Outcomes of Employee Engagement.. Procedia-Social and behavioral Sciences, 2012 (40): 498-508 Töötajate kaasamine organisatsiooni juhtimisse. On suur vahe, kas ettevõttes töötavad lihtsalt palgalised, või on nad kaasatud laiemasse projekti. Töötajate kaasamine mõjutab ettevõtte sisekliimat, inimeste lojaalsust ja tõstab tööviljakust, töötulemused paranevad. Suurem arv kaasatud alluvaid aitab organisatsiooni meelitada rohkem andekaid töötajaid, kui

Majandus → Operatsioonijuhtimine
6 allalaadimist

Artikli “An employee-centered model of organizational justice and social responsibility” kokkuvõte

Artikli “An employee-centered model of organizational justice and social responsibility” kokkuvõte Artikkel räägib organisatsioonilisest õiglusest. Selleks, et seda õiglust mõista, peab aru saama, et iga töötaja on erinev, igat töötajat mõjutavad erinevad kogemused. Juba tükk aega tagasi korraldati küsitlus, millest järeldus, et positiivselt mõjutab õiglust tööga rahulolu, töö tulemuslikkus ja kohustus, kuid negatiivselt mõjub vastupidine käitumine, kui seda eeldatakse töötajalt, töökoha vaenulikkus ja kättemaks. On koostatud mudel, mis näitab, kuidas töötajad mõtlevad, reageerivad ja käituvad emotsionaalselt töökeskkonnas, arvestades samas ka ruumi piirangutega. Tyleri ja Lindi teooria kohaselt selgub, et relatsioonilise mudeli puhul on tähtsaim kuuluvustunne. Tööandjad on õiglased, kui töötajad tajuvad neutraalset ja usaldusväärset tööõhkkonda. Teadusuuringud on näidanud, et vahetussuhete kasud on töötajate näol näidanud suuremat ko...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
7 allalaadimist


JOB DESCRIPTION Position: Career Information Specialist Eesti Töötukassa is looking for a career information specialist to it's team. Eesti Töötukassa works with unemployed people and organisations looking for employees. Reports to: Career Information Specialist will report to leading consultant. Employee will work and consult with other consultants and specialists. Position summary: · Conducts workshops and workclubs, · mediates career information and job searching, · supervises and advises job hunting ( individual and / or group, · informs the unemployment about fund services for jobseekers. Skills required : · Desire to help people find work, · a university degree (preferably in social sciences),

Sotsioloogia → Karjäärijuhtimine
2 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

simplify and streamline the Lisbon Strategy. The Employment Guidelines 2005-2008 and 2008-2010: devoted specifically to employment to boost the Lisbon Strategy. They aimed to contribute to fostering full employment, to improve quality and productivity at work and to strengthen social and territorial cohesion. Employees’ participation: Objectives: - The EU supports and complements Member States’ activities relating to employee involvement with a view to contributing to the achievement of the core objectives of the European social policy, which entail, among others, improved living and working conditions, proper social protection, lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion. - Flexicurity: an integrated strategy for enhancing, at the same time, flexibility and security in the labour market

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist


Questionnaire Dear respondent, thank you for answering this questionnaire. It will take 5-10 minutes to answer the questions. The respondents will remain anonymous. The aim of this questionnaire is to improve our service. Your answers are highly appreciated and it is really important for our company. 1. Are you interested in searching for a job/ employee in the web? pick one. Yes, No, Maybe, I don’t know 2. Have you used this kind of service before? (pick one) yes, no 3. If yes then where did you find about this type of service? (pick one) from web, friends, family, posters(ads etc), I don’t now, somewhere else(write) 4. If no then are you interested in this type of service? (pick one) yes, no, maybe, I don’t know 5. What is your occupation? (pick one) If employer, continue with question nr 6. If

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Taivo application

I would like to be an employee for Accounts Department. My advisor, teacher Martmets, of the Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium, highly promoted your company to me as a number one. Please accept this letter and resume as my application for the position. I will graduate from the Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium in Juny 2014, in Economics department. I considered that my free time, honesty, reliabelity and maturity match with your requirements as employee that's why I am applying for that position. To sum up, I hope my qualifications merit to your consideration. If you would like to schedule and interview or otherwise discuss my interest in position, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Taivo Leesment Phone 53308847

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Letter of complain

Dear Sir, 12/10/08 I am writing to complain about the behaving of one of your employees. I want to inform you about that I was treated really rudely by a shop assistant at your department store the day before. I was doing my shopping at your department store yesterday after I came from work and I got into a rude conversation with your employee after I did not remember my credit card pin-code and tried to pay in cash after that. But except a pleasant smile, I got insulted and told that I should know if I do have money on my credit card or not. Concerning how pleasant the employees at your shop usually are I was very surprised by this acting. That caused me deep disapproval about your shop. The name of employee who insulted me was Michael. I expect that you will resolve

Keeled → Inglise keel
56 allalaadimist


Malta 80 China 84 Kuwait 101 India 130 Libya 188 Source: TAXATION RATE Income Tax (%) Social Security (%) Country Corporate Individual Employer Employee VAT (%) Bulgaria 10 10 17.9-18.5 12.9 20 Serbia 15 10-20 16.9 16.9 20 Romania 16 16 28.45 16.5 24 Hungary 10 / 19 16 28.5 18.5 27 Czech Rep. 19 22 34 11 21 Poland 19 18/32 22.14 13.7 23

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Veebiteenuste kontrolltöö kordamisküsimuste vastused

Testi teemad: SOA ­ Service oriented architecture. Teenus on peamine komponent. Arhitektuur, mis kasutab 1) teenuseid organisatsiooni integratsiooni ehitusklotsidena, 2) komponentide taaskasutust läbi nõrga seotuse. Sõnumivahetuses kasutab XML-i. SOA raamistik võiks ideaalis olla 1) laiendatav, 2) taaskasutatav ja 3) asendatav. Veebiteenus o Programmide omavaheline suhtlemine ja andmevahetus üle hariliku veebi o Eelised: Erinevate platvormide rakenduste koostöö võimaldamine Tekstipõhised ja avatud standardid on arendajale arusaadavad Annavad võimaluse eri teenuseid integreerida üheks uueks teenuseks Taaskasutamise võimalus o Puudused Suur keerukus Väiksem jõudlus o Kasutusvõimalused Eri teenuste/programmide omavaheli...

Informaatika → Veebiteenused
32 allalaadimist

Essay, letter unit 8, 150 words

Dear Colleagues, Nimi Rühm Unit 8 I am writing to you with a big problem. In our company some persones dont get a Email from me. I've got a lot of feedbacks, where you some of you said about : Why I didnt get a email, if half of them got. So now a little bit more about email's. I wrote down some tips: If the email didn't come to you ­ CHECK Spam box. Susan has found out that all my emails are exactly in spam box. Another thing can be that your given address is old and you have been changed it to new one, it means come to my office and lets check together your information. Because I figured out that Michel and Sandra used a new email, but I had an old one. Hope that this tips will help you ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
2 allalaadimist

BMW summary

regularly performs a higher value activity. Employees could also earn extra pay trough a personal supplement, payable for an individual´s contribution to group results. One of the most outstanding BMW manufacturing facility is the Cowley plant. Unions in that plant won the CIPD People Management Award because of their high performance and very good teamwork. HRM had two high-profile initiatives like establishing self-directed work groups and using an employee suggestion scheme in which individual bonus payments are given in return for cost savings and production improvement suggestions. Here is some statistics how these initiatives worked: · in 2002, production targets were exceeded by more than 60 per cent; · the programme of continuous process improvement saved £10.5 million in two years 2002- 2003; · in 2003 there were 14 333 employee suggestions of which 11 064 ( 80 per cent) were implemented.

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Derivation (tuletamine, eesliited, järelliited)

DERIVATION (tuletamine) Verb Noun Adjective Adverb (öeldis) (nimisõna) (omadussõna) (määrsõna) -en -er -en -ly -fy (beauty -or -cal nicely beautify) -ist -able cruelly -ate -ics -less -ize/ ise -ism -al -ion -ed -ation -ent -ing -ant -ness -ful -let -ie -ment -ish -ee (employee) -ive -dom -ous -ence ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist


Story About five years ago Jessica and Adam met while Jessica was working in London as a programmer for an IT company. One day Jessica saw Adam at a furniture shop. Adam was a university student looking for a couch, he also was doing a summer job as a supermarket employee. When Adam was leaving the shop he left a little message near Jessicas laptop, it told her to call him. Jessica phoned her the next day and they met at the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked a lot about each other. Soon after they met Jessica was run over by a car as she was heading home from work. She was badly hurt, but recovered within 6 months. Adam helped her a lot by supporting her and taking care of her. 133

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Due Date review

They all give excellent performances. The story is about for this road movie concerning a soon-to-be father and his cross- country trip to make it back in time for his baby's birth. The heroes of the film are Robert Downey, Jr. as Peter Highman, Zach Galifianakis as Ethan Tremblay / Ethan Chase, Michelle Monaghan as Sarah Highman, Juliette Lewis as Heidi, Jamie Foxx as Darryl Johnson, RZA as Airline Screener Marshall, Danny McBride as Western Union Employee Lonnie, Todd Phillips as Barry, Mimi Kennedy as Sarah's Mom, Keegan-Michael Key as New Father, Aaron Lustig as Dr. Greene, Marco Rodríguez as Federal Agent. This film is recommended because there is so many funny things that are happening and is very exacting, too. The actors are very good and valued. Keiro Usin ME-11

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

My interest in chemical technology

18.09.2012 Mari-Liis Eha 120876KAKB My interest in chemical engineering I studied for 3 years in an english-science biased class in secondary school. My favourite subjects were chemistry and biology. We had many field trips. For instance, we had field trip to Kohtla-Järve to see the oil shale industry and also tours to see the wind generators. This is where my attraction to environment and chemistry grew together and I wanted to know more about further job and education opportunities in this field. I had a chance to be a job shadower at a company called ,,Orto", which is a chemical industry. One of the employees who I was shadowing had learned food chemistry and the other employee chemistry and environment. The job was truly fascinating and base...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon: How does technology can improve a business?

Understand risks Be innovative Why to use technology? Innovations in technology can help to turn small local businesses into global businesses Technology brings businesses closer to customers Increases productivity Makes things easier Involves more potential customers Can analyze performance How to use technology? Good communication Use smartphones Connect employees virtually with the company Teleconferencing Create employee portals and team sites No matter with location Better reviews Bring businesses closer to customers Help via email Online chat How to use technology? Internet marketing Informational website Advertisements on search engines Online product sale Mobile marketing Text messaging Advertisements on mobile application Use right hardware and updated software

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The most needed professions in Estonia 21st_centaury

When you grow up, you have to find one profession what is good for you. This is importand in your life. The most needed professions in Estonia are connected with computers and medicine. These are very hot workplaces. The most needed employee is who can works with computers. More and more we find jobs, where we have to use computers or tehnology what is connected with computers. Companies need more people who can fix them and to service. IT tehnology is in very fast progress because of that employers need more and more emlpoyees who can do work like this. The second most needed profession are connected with medicine. Hospitals need nurses, good doctors and other medicine workers. Helping people is very important job

Keeled → Inglise keel
76 allalaadimist

Letter of recommendation

on. During these years that I have known her she has shown that completing assignments on her own or in team is not a problem. Her ability to communicate with different people and self-discipline help her through any situation she may face. She is a very creative person and talented in arts. She has finnished (kool) of fine arts and her talent is incredible. I highly recommend (nimi kelle kohta) for whatever position she may decide to take up next. She is the type of employee that anyone would be happy to work with. Sincerely, Allkiri Nimi Telefon Mail

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

The Use of the Telephone in Relation to Customer Service

How to transfer customers on the telephone 1. Tell customers what you can do for them. Avoid saying, "I can't help you" or "This department does not handle that". By giving the name of the correct person or department, you are helping the customer, so state your sentence positively. 2. Own the contact. Give the customer your name, department and phone number. This is especially necessary for telephone transfers. 3. Inform the next employee. Fill him/her in on the details of your conversations with this customer. Also tell the next employee what the customer said as well as what his/her attitudes and feelings were. How to make a problem call Anytime you have to make a difficult call there are important steps to follow. Even though you may not be calling to sell a product, the basic steps of a successful telemarketing call still apply. Before you make your call, develop an action plan.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

An Invention

Dear classmates, I'm going to talk about a mobile phone invention Mobile phones have brought about a dramatic change to the communication industry. The development of mobile phones has made long-distance communication a matter of seconds. The mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Dr. Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee. On April 3, 1973, the first cell phone call was made. The caller was naturally, Dr. Cooper himself. Prior to the development of mobile phones, people used two-way radios to communicate while they were mobile. The idea behind two-way radios gave rise to the invention of mobile phones. During the 1940s, Motorola came up with the Walkie-Talkie followed by handheld two-way radios that operated on battery power. In 1947, Douglas Ring and W. Rae Young at Bell Labs introduced the idea of

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

What makes a good leader?

What makes a good leader? Almost every employee has a leader who leads and co-ordinates his workers. Furthermore, we all lead our lives with minor exceptions. Every person is unique and each leaders has different leading techniques. First of all, leadership is an art. It is because it continually evolves, changes form, and requires creativity. It is a science because there are certain principles and techniques required. A good leader knows when it is time to change shape. A great leader allows creativity to be unleashed and takes risks

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Henry Ford inglise keeles

Henry Ford biography born July 30, 1863 Michigan Click to edit Master text styles Left school at 15 and gone to Second level work Third level 1. father farm Fourth level 2. Were apprentice in Fifth level Detroit 3. Employee Married with Clara bryant Had one son Died 1947 Henry Ford was... Industrialist Founder Sponsor Inventor Why Henry Ford Is Important Click to edit Master text styles He revolutionized Second level production by Third level Fourth level implementing the Fifth level moving assembly line he made a car for the masses: the Model T Mudel T facts

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Most needed professions in Estonia in 21st century

The second most needed profession is connected with computers. More growing computer using and replacing jobs with robots and computer programs leaves some people without jobs. But companies need somebody to look after the computers and computer repairmen who know how to fix the computer problems. There are viruses computers and hackers who try brake in computers and all companies computers need to protected from those threats. The third most needed profession is a good government employee. People want some changes in their lives, but government employees think only about, how to earn more money. They have to think first about people and then about themselves. Estonia's most needed professions are likely the same as in other developed countries. I think that modern society needs more professions who know how to use new technologies, and toctors who help we make our life better.

Keeled → Inglise keel
149 allalaadimist

Süsteemiteooria ja võrgustikuteooria debatt.

koostöö suunas, kuna on aru saanud, et koostööst võidavad nad rohkem  Google’I ja Apple’I suurimaks sõjatandriks saab hoopis post-app ajastu  Dünaamiline koostoime ümbritseva keskkonnaga selgitab arendamisvajadusi.  Konkurents on süsteemi osa, millega tuleb arvestada Kasutatud kirjandus  Castells M. (2011), “A Network Theory of Power”, International Journal of Communication 5 (2011), 773–787  Ingram D. "The Relationship Between Systems Theory and Employee Relations” Demand Media   Pavlus J. (2015), “Apple and Google Race to See Who Can Kill the App First” , kättesaadav: , (kasutatud 07.10.2015)  “Platform Competition: Are Device Ecosystems Expanding?” kättesaadav: cosystems-expanding / , (kasutatud 07.10.2015)  Spencer G. (2015), “No Ecosystem Is an Island: Google, Microsoft,

Varia → Uurimistöö alused
11 allalaadimist

Prefixes and suffixes

Less- without- hopeless, senseless Able- able- readable, capable Ese- pertaining to- Japanese, Siamese Ian- composed of- Christian, Jeffersonian Ic- Characteristic of- angelic, volcaninc Ive- relating to- corrective, active Ous- full of- riotous, poisonous Er- one who- maker, hunter Hood- state, condition- manhood, likelihood Ness- state, condition- greatness, happiness Ship- condition, skill- friendship, workmanship Ess- feminine- lioness, patroness Ee- one who- employee, payee Ism- state, condition- socialism, colloquialism Ive- quality of- detective, captive Ist- one who- pianist, humorist Ment- state of being- refreshment, establishment Ry- qualities of- dentistry, forestry Tion- state, condition- creation, transition En- made of- darken, lighten

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (andmete korrastamine)

hours) days) days) Project 1 Category 1 Employee 1 6/22/2017 8/21/2017 210 59 6/22/2017 8/26/2017 300 64 Project 7 Category 5 Employee 1 7/13/2017 8/6/2017 750 23 7/13/2017 8/11/2017 790 28

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist

What are the most needed professions in the 21st century?

People are often asking me what are the most needed professions in the 21st century. I've understood that in Estonia we need mostly newer professions, the ones that are connected with computers. In my opinion one of the most needed professions is a doctor. I know we have a lot of doctors, but a lot of them go to a foreign country. Mostly because of the low salary in Estonia. In my opinion the second most needed profession is a really good goverment employee. Estonians want some changes in their lives. Our goverment employees only think about earning more money. The third most needed professions is actually needed the most, it's connected with computers, as I first mentioned. More growing computer using and replacing jobs with robots and computer programmes leave some people without jobs. That's why people need to know more and more about computers. Companies need someone to look after

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

SO1: Good reputation on the local market WO1: Not enough qualified employees to SO2: Extensive and varying customer base support numerous customers SO3: Relations with foreign partners in WO2: Project-orientedness implies a Baltic states, Scandinavia and UK multitude of different code to support SO4: Reliable employee base WO3: Unattractive and obscure web SO5: Attractive inspiring office space in the representation and interface of products very heart of the city WO4: Too many areas of services SO6: WebMountain ­ the core for efficient WO5: Absence of real international business and easy building of information systems network

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Martin Lawrence

Big Momma's House 2 Release Date: January 27, 2006 (USA) Plot: On his latest assignment, FBI agent Malcolm Turner (Lawrence) goes undercover as Big Momma, and works as a nanny for an unhappy woman (Procter) who is under investigation for murder. Runtime: 99 min Language: English Awards: 1 win & 2 nominations Treiler of Big Momma's House 2 Another most popular movie Black Knight Release Date: November 21, 2001 (USA) Plot: Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After sustaining a blow to the head, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England. Runtime: 95 min Language: English Awards: 1 nomination Treiler of Black Knight clip 5 The King's daughter

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

Tranferability ­ the ability of compeditors to gather the resources and capabilities necessary to support a compeditive challenge Replicability ­ the ability of compeditors to use duplicates resources and capabilities to imitate the other firm's success Explicit knowledge ­ knowledge that can be easily articulated and communicated Tacit knowledge ­ knowledge that is not easily communicated because it is deeply rooted in employee experience or in the company's culture BUSINESS MODELS EXAMPLES: Customer solutions model Profit pyramid model Multi-component system/installed model Advertising model Swichboard model Efficiency model Blockbuster model Profit multiplier model Entrepreneurial model De Facto Industry standard model Business model generation Osterwalderi ärimudel: 4 valdkonda ja 9 bulding blocki 1. How a

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist


an empirical assessment of Alderfer's ERG theory. - Arnolds, C.A., Boshoff C. Does higher remuneration equal higher job performance?: an empirical assessment of the need-progression proposition in selected need theories. - Halepota, H. A. Motivational Theories and Their Application in Construction. - Harlow, D. N. Behavioral theories converge ­ a dynamic behavioral model. - Hayes, N. Sotsiaalpsühholoogia alused. - Ramlall, S. A Review of Employee Motivation Theories and their Implications for Employee Retention within Organizations. - The British Broadcasting Corporation. Theories of Human Motivation.

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
926 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kontrolltöö

White-collar-valgekrae Strike-go on strike Grievance-kaebus Working conditions-töötingimused Tõlgi eesti keelest Computer programmer-programmeerija Plumber-torumees Washing machine repairman Recruitment consultant-värbamiskonsultant Receptionist-admin Delivery van driver-veoautojuht Clerk-kontoriametnik Builder Electrician Teacher Architect Lawyer-advokaat Ma allkirjastasin kirjaliku töölepingu. I signed a written contract of employment Millised on töötajate õigused? What are the employee rights? Milliseid töötingimusi sa eelistaksid? Which working conditions would you prefer? Tööliste esindaja läheb läbirääkimisi pidama. A rep will negotiate. Ma pean oma kolleegidega konsulteerima. I have to consult with my colleagues.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Noun/Adjective, Verb/Noun

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective liberty liberal grammar grammatical possibility possible dark dark honesty honest fun funny energy energetic magic magical optimist optimistic jealousy jealous royalty royal biology biological globe global basis basic music musical ancestor ancient silence silent occupation occupational sensation sensational science scientific environment ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

A short story

When I finally arrived I had already given up hope. I was suprised by a secretary who greeted me with a smile and said she was happy that I had received her message about the one-hour-delay of the interview. But I didn't have my cellphone with me, so I wasn't able to read that message! It turned out that the people in that company were all very kind and they gave me the possibility for a one-day work trial. When I had finished the day I left as a new employee. When I thought about the day's adventures, I smiled. Everything had come out right in the end.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

"Labor Code"), which regulates the various issues related to employment, such as the rights and obligations of employer/employee, the terms of a labor agreement, vacation and leave, working conditions, termination of a labor agreement, and so on. The Georgian Labor Code is flexible enabling the employer to match the employment policy with company's requirements in the most efficient way. Moreover, in most cases, the Labor Code gives the employer and the employee the freedom to stipulate the terms and conditions of the labor through a contract. Prohibition of discrimination Georgian legislation does not allow discrimination of parties within their labor relations in any form. Any distinction made between persons and in the treatment of an employee should be sub- stantiated by the content, specificity and conditions of assigned work. Employment Age Georgian Legislation allows an employer to hire an employee from the age of 16. However, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

IT ülalhoid - praktikum 1

TIIM A 1) Mõelda välja näidisvaldkond (fiktiivne ettevõte) (tehas, pank, ladu ...) Vihje: kuhu sobituks IT meeskond >= 20 FTE(full time employee)-d. – a) Ettevõttele nimi: YouSolutions Suurus: kuni 100 töötajat Geograafiline asukoht: Tallinn Tegevusvaldkond: IT arendus; veebilehtede ja äppide arendus – b) Ettevõtte missiooni, visiooni, eesmärkide välja mõtlemine / kirjapanek Ettevõtte YouSolutions missiooniks on viia kliendi IT lahendused uuele tasemele. Ettevõte pakub huvitavat töökohta ja eneseteostusvõimalusi enda töötajatele. Ettevõtte visiooniks on olla enim kasutatud it-lahenduste pakkuja Eestis. Ettevõtte eesmärgid: 1. Pakkuda IT-põhiseid lahendusi, kus hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe oleks paigas 2. Tagada oma töötajatele meeldiv ja turvaline töökeskkond 3. Täita kliendi ootused ja vajadused 4. Pakkuda töötajatele arendavaid koolitusi 2) Millised on teie tiimi ettevõttes IT lahendused? Mis (äri)rakendused neid lahendu...

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide ülalhoid
0 allalaadimist


Website Merlin Entertainments, 70% Owner Lego Group, 30% Opened 1968 Operating season March - October Rides total Legoland parts: Worlds Duplo Land Imagination Zone Legoredo Town Adventure Land Miniland Pirate Land Lego City Knights' Kingdom Accident On April 29, 2007, a 21-year old female Legoland Billund employee, was killed by a roller coaster. Legoland in Billund, Denmark, is the largest and the oldest. It is divided in 8 different worlds: Duplo Land, ImaginationZone, LEGOREDO Town, Adventure Land, Miniland, Pirate Land, Lego City, Knights Kingdom and Viking land. The park opened in 1968 and has 1.6 million visitors annually, making it the largest tourist attraction in Denmark outside Copenhagen. The parks are marketed to young families, and although they have a number of roller coasters, they are

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


willing you are when you speak to or meet your potential new employer for the first time. If you can use all of these 3 qualities then there ise a high propability that there is a bright future ahead of you. If you know how to use all of those abilities then having a successful life and well-paid job are not far away. There are employers who does not care about your grades in high school they want the person who you are. At the beginning you're probaply not as good employee as more experinced workers but after many hours of work you finally will gain confidence and will be as good as more experienced workers or even better. All in all for success skills, motivation and attitude are really the things you need.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Cashflow Quadrant

If you want to take control of what you do today in order to change your financial destiny it will help you chart your course. This is the CASHFLOW Quadrant: The letters in each quadrant represent: E- for employee S- for self-employed B- for business owner I-for investor Each of us resides in at least one of the four quadrants of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. Where we are is determined by where our cash comes from. Many of us rely on paychecks and are therefore employees, while others are self-employed. Employees and self-employed individuals reside on the left side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
15 allalaadimist


Personaliuuringud Tallinn 2015 Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................... 2 1.Organisatsiooniuuringud ja nende eesmärgid.........................................................3 1.1 Uuringu protsess............................................................................................... 5 1.2 Uurimismeetodid............................................................................................... 6 1.3 Professionaalse uuringupartneri vajadus...........................................................8 1.4 Uuringu tulemuste rakendamine.......................................................................9 1.5 Enimlevinud vead uuringute läbiviimisel.........................................................10 Kasutatud allikad.............................................................................................

Haldus → Personalitöö
36 allalaadimist

Effective Benchmarking for Project Management

Effective Benchmarking for Project Management Project Management Institute, 2006 ( project-management-1153) Probleemipüstitus Arikli teemaks oli projektijuhtimise efektiivsuse/jõudluse mõõtmine. Probleemipüstituse põhiteesiks oli "you cannot effectively manage what you cannot measure". Selleks, et ettevõte püsiks konkurentsis, peavad ettevõtte protsessid olema efektiivsed. Kui tehnilisi protsesse on võrdlemisi kerge mõõta (näiteks ajaühikus valminud tooteid või ajaühikus tehtud eksimusi lugedes), siis juhtimist/projektijuhtimist mõõta on sootuks keerulisem. Pakutud lahendus Artikli autor pakkus välja üldkasutatava mõõdikute süsteemi projektijuhtimise jaoks. Mõõdikute väärtusi ajas jälgides ja konkurentidega võrreldes saab projektijuhtimise efektiivsust üsna edukalt hinnata. Autor juhtis tähelepanu, et projektijuhtimise kui võrdlemisi "pehme" valdkonna e...

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide...
42 allalaadimist


Family relations · Father: a male parent · Mother: a female parent · Dad (informal): one's father · Mum, mummy, mom (informal): one's mother · Parent: father or mother · Child (Plural Children): a son or daughter of any age · Son: a male child · Daughter: a female child · Brother: a man or boy in relation to other children of his parents · Sister: a woman or girl in relation to other children of her parents · Grandfather (Informal grandpa): the father of one's father or mother · Paternal grandfather: the father of one's father · Maternal grandfather: the father of one's mother · Grandmother (Informal grandma): the mother of one's father or mother · Paternal grandmother: the mother of one's father · Maternal grandmother: the mother of one's mother · Grandson: a boy child of one's son or daughter · Granddaughter: a girl child of one's son or daughter · Uncle: the ...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Kobe Bryant

the Charlotte Hornets, then traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. As a rookie, Bryant earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest. Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from2000 to 2002. A heated feud between the duo and a loss in the 2004 NBA Finals led to O'Neal's departure following the 2003­04 season. In 2003, Bryant was accused of sexual assault after having sex with a hotel employee in Edwards, Colorado. In September 2004, prosecutors dropped the case after his accuser refused to testify, and Bryant had to rebuild his image while becoming the cornerstone of the Lakers. He led the NBA in scoring during the 2005­06 and 2006­07 seasons, setting numerous scoring records in the process. In 2006, Bryant scored a career-high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, the second most points scored in a single game in NBA history,[4] second only to Wilt

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
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Thinking Strategically

air transport. The airline specifically targeted price-sensitive customers, and kept ticket prices low by keeping costs low. Southwest's success comes from identifying its critical success factors (CSFs) and developing its business strategy around them. The company's CSFs include:  lowest fares in the marketplace  competition with bus and automobile transport, rather than other airlines  low overhead costs and a cost-conscious employee culture  low debt-to-equity ratio  lower wages offset by profit sharing plans  friendly, courteous staff with a strong commitment to the organization  high standards of teamwork without rigid job demarcations  quick turnaround times optimizing aircraft usage Course: Thinking Strategically Topic: Defining Strategy Copyright 2007 SkillSoft. All rights reserved. SkillSoft and the SkillSoft logo are trademarks or registered trademarks

Keeled → Inglise keel
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France school

professional 'lycée'. The latter enables them to acquire a professional diploma in order to pursue further vocational studies or integrate the workplace. Links between the professional and the general and technological study programmes and between the C.A.P. (Certificate of Professional Aptitude) and the professional baccalaureate are facilitated. The C.A.P. gives access to manual worker or qualified employee jobs and aims to provide direct access into the world of work. Pupils can also take a 2-year course of studies towards a professional qualification called a B.E.P. (Certificate of Vocational Proficiency) in one of four fields (social and health careers, driving jobs and road transport services, the catering and hotel industry, and the optics-eyewear sector). In a professional lycée, the BEP course is integrated into the three-year programme of the professional baccalaureate.

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
1 allalaadimist

James Watt

At first, steam power was used mainly for spinning, but eventually weaving was also powered by steam engine. By 1819, the year of Watt's death, there were 18 steam weaving factories in Glasgow, with 2800 looms. (This was excellent news for factory owners, but hundreds of unemployed handloom weavers were not so happy.) Despite his success, Watt was a rather insecure and jealous man, who did not like others having their own ideas. When one employee of the company, a man named William Murdoch, experimented with high pressure steam engines, Watt discouraged him from patenting and continuing his work, even though his engines were potentially much better and smaller than the ones Watt himself had invented. Murdoch never patented his design, and returned to fixing Watt's own engines. Later Murdoch made another important contribution to gas lighting. He retired from business in the year 1800, giving up to his two sons

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Ashton Kutcher

ASHTON KUTCHER Christopher Ashton Kutcher was born on february 7 , 1978, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He is best known as Ashton Kutcher. His parents are Larry Kutcher, a factory worker, and Diane (née Finnegan), a Procter & Gamble employee. Kutcher was raised in a conservative Roman Catholic family, with an older sister, Tausha, and a fraternal twin, Michael, who had a heart transplant when the brothers were young children.Ashton is an American actor, producer, former fashion model and comedian. According to a former coach, Kutcher played sparingly as a wide receiver on a team that won only two games in his entire high school football career and he also appeared in school plays.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

action 229. tender ­ offer to work for a certain price (pakkumus) 230. assignee ­ person who receives sth which has been legally transferred (keegi kellele kohustus on antud) 231. breach ­ failure to carry out the terms of an agreement 232. intent ­ the will or purpose with which one does an act 233. material ­ important or relevant 234. labour law = employment law 235. employment contract ­ tööleping 236. employee ­ töötaja 237. employer ­ tööandja (person or company which has employees and pays them) 238. work under the supervision and control of the employer 239. remuneration ­ töötasu (payment of services) 240. individual and collective labour law ­ individuaalne ja kollektiivne tööõigus 241. individual labour relations ­ individuaalsed töösuhted 242. compulsory full-time schooling 243

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Stages of democratization

Stages of democratization The old regime breaks down. New democratic structures are built. Initial fragility These new structures become embedded; their removal is unthinkable: `consolidation'. Structural factors : ­ Factors that are `unchangeable' or change slowly; `preconditions' · Historical · Economic · Political W. Germany 1950s: educated, literate population, but residue of authoritarian attitudes, poor experience of Weimar democracy? E. Germany 1990s: educated, literate, good knowledge of West German system ­ (relatively) easy adaptation once East German state collapsed Mexico: as economy developed did potential for democratic structures increase? South Africa: little apparent scope for change? Transitions theory 1. liberalization of authoritarian rule 2. civil society pushes the boundari...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun