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"force" - 500 õppematerjali

force - set/reset clearing, Programming Console, 111 limit switches, preventing false inputs, 59 Programming Console, 110 functions, 5 grounding, 22, 32, 51 M–N hexadecimal data, converting displays, Programming Console, maintenance, 135 111 memory

Kasutaja: force

Faile: 0

Pygmalioni etenduse arvustus

Näidendi arvustus Pygmalion Teose autoriks on iirlasest Bernard Shaw. Ta oli näitekirjanik ja üheks London School of Economics asutajateks. Tema oli ainuke inimene keda on kunagi premeeritud nii Oscari kui ka Nobeli kirjanduspreemiaga. Shaw oli 56 aastane kui kirjutas nende auhindade võidu teose ­ ''Pygmalioni.'' Näident mida esitas Tour De Force Theatre Company etendati Salme Kultuurikeskuses ning lavastajaks oli Peter Joucla. Ta õppis Performing Arts Londonis ning on töötanud ennem täielikult teatrile pühendumist nii õpetaja kui ka lektorina ülikoolis. Saali valik oli ideaalne. Ruum oli vana võitu ja lava väike mis tegi õhkkonna hubaseks ning lisas soojust sellele ajastule. Näident oli väga kaasahaarav ja huvitav. Näitlejad olid andekad ning naljakad. Eriliseks tegi see asja

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


Kui kõik olid saalis istet võtnud, saabus kuninga uhkes livrees kuller teatega, et hoone tuleb muuks ürituseks vabastada. Kullerile vastas tavariideid kandev krahv MIRABEAU kõlava bassihäälega: ”Minge ja teatage neile, kes teid saatsid, et me oleme siin rahva tahtel ja et me lahkume siit üksnes tääkide survel!” (Allez dire à ceux qui vous envoient que nous sommes ici par la volonté du peuple et que nous ne quitterons nos places que par la force des baïonettes!) Mõni päev hiljem liitus vastse parlamendiga ka Ameerika iseseisvussõja kangelane markii de la LA FAYETTE10 [la fai´jett] ja kuninga nõbu PHILIPPE D’ORLÉANS11 [fi ´lipp dor´lea(n)]. See oli vanameelsete lõplik kaotus. 9. juulil soovitas kuningas ka kõigil ülejäänuil ühineda Rahvuskoguga, mis samal päeval muutus esimeseks üldrahvalikuks parlamendiks, võttes nimeks ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE CONSTITUANTE, meie ajalooõpikutes ASUTAV KOGU.

Sõjandus → Prantsuse Revolutsioon
26 allalaadimist

WiFi turvalisus referaat

ITK WiFi turvalisus Referaat Tallinn 2013 Mis on wifi? Wifi on tehnoloogia, mis võimaldab elektroonilistel seadmetel vahetada andmeid ilma füüsilise ühenduseta. Selle asemel edastatakse andmeid raadiolainetena. Seda kasutatakse peamiselt arvutivõrkude loomisel. Wifi spetsifikatsioonid on reguleeritud IEEE 802.11 standarditega, mis tegelikult hõlmab kõiki juhtmevabade arvutivõrkude spetsifikatsioone. Seetõttu kasutatakse ka Wifi väljendit tihtipeale juhtmevaba arvutivõrgu sünonüümina, kuid tegelikult on sellest normatiivist vaid üks toode. Wifi kasutamiseks on arvutil vaja selleks juhtmevaba võrgu kontrollerit, mis on võimeline edastama ja vastu võtma raadiosignaale, millega edastatakse andmeid pakettidena. Peamine funktsionaalsus, mis sellisest andmeside võimalusest ära kasutatakse on interneti ühendumine. Sellise raadiosignaaliga on võimalik ära katta erineva suurusega pindalasid, kus sõltumata füüsilise arvutiv...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
34 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Accurate - free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact Admiral - a naval officer of the highest rank Air force - the military unit of a nation charged with carrying out military operations in the air Air marshal - an air force officer of a rank comparable to an army lieutenant general Ally - a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose Assassinate - to kill suddenly or secretively, especially a politically prominent person; murder premeditatedly and treacherously Biased - having or showing prejudice Brutal - savage; cruel; inhuman Capture - to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize:

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

Diversity in organization: the case of Office of Naval Research Human Resources Management and Organization Behaviour homework Darja Kristina Vester My work is mostly based on a book "Building a Diverse Work Force: Scientists and Engineers in the Office of Naval Research, which was written by Committee to Study Diversity in the Scientific and Engineering Work Force of the Office of Naval Research, National Research Council in 1997. The Office of Naval Research has for 50 years been in the forefront of research and development in the USA, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. Predating the National Science Foundation, ONR is one of the oldest federal agencies whose mission is to fund external research and development in support of national security needs. It continues today to be viewed as a premier

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Sir Isaac Newton

College, Cambridge As a students, we know him because.. · He was the first person who invent the 3 laws of motion · Theory of gravitation · Newtonian fluid, nonNewtonian fluid · Newton's theory of color · He invented the early telescope in 1671 Newtons laws in latin Newton's First Law · An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Newton's First Law · Newton's First Law is a reason why we have to wear seatbelt Newton/carandwall.gif Newton's Second Law · Force equals mass times acceleration. F = ma Newton's Second Law · Something very massive (high mass) that's changing speed very slowly (low acceleration), like a glacier, can still have great force Newton's Second Law

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

La Celestina Ejercicio de Traducción

It's easy to see, Parmeno, that Calisto is lovesick. You shouldn't blame him for succumbing to such a strong force; true love conquers all. And you should, know, if you don't already, that there are two universal truths about love. First, is that it is in man's nature to love a woman, and in women's to love a man. Secondly, those who are truly in love must be driven mad by the force of the erotic fantasies that come so naturally, which God gave us in order for humanity to continue; we would perish without this driving force. Literary Translation (even more evolved, that way I would speak) Calisto is obviously falling for her Parmeno. Don't be mad at him for it, real love is too much to handle. There are two things about love: One, it's natural, and two, the sexual fantasies it causes us to have make us crazy

Keeled → Hispaania keel
5 allalaadimist

Johnny Cash

radio. Taught by his mother and a childhood friend, Cash began playing guitar and writing songs as a young boy. In high school he sang on a local radio station; decades later he released an album of traditional gospel songs, called My Mother's Hymn Book. He was also significantly influenced by traditional Irish music that he heard performed weekly by Dennis Day on the Jack Benny radio program. Cash enlisted in the United States Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base and technical training at Brooks Air Force Base, both in San Antonio, Texas. Cash was assigned to a U.S. Air Force Security Service unit, assigned as a code intercept operator for Soviet Army transmissions at Landsberg, Germany. Where he created his first band named The Landsberg Barbarians. He was the first radio operator to pick up the news of the death of Joseph Stalin.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Natural disasters

Natural Disasters: Does Mankind Even Stand a Chance? Throughout time, man has fought valiantly against the forces of nature. We have successfully climbed the tallest mountains, sailed the greatest seas, and defeated the mighty dinosaurs. But we are no match for nature's greatest weapon: Natural Disasters. As far as natural disasters go, the deadly trinity of mudslides, whirlpools, and meteors is man's greatest nemesis. Mudslides strike without warning and with deadly force. Every day, across the world, unsuspecting villagers are hammered by the force of 36,000 tons of that soft wet dirt known as mud, as it cascades down mountains, rolls across plains, swoops through valleys, and takes flight over cliffs. Once the mud strikes, it leaves the villages and cities in ruins, as houses and other structures are quickly destroyed. And just as every day these villages are leveled by

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Emprical social research

Home Assignment nr. 1 Social Empirical Research (1) 1. What is/ are the research question(s) of this paper? 2. Which research design was applied? 3. Which sampling was used? 4. What kind of results are produced? 5. What are the main messages of this paper? 6. Is it a piece of quantitative or qualitative research? 1. Women entering in the Labour Force 1.1. How women actually make the decision to enter the workforce? Why women stay in the workforce? If women actually make the decision to enter the workforces? 1.2. Research design was Case Study. 1.3. Sampling based on differrent international researchers works, projects, statistical data derived from CSO Labour Force Statistics and interviews. 1.4. 1.5. Individual women make decisions whether to enter the labor for different reasons and ways

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


reportedly started already in 1845. The first patent was awarded to a professor in Oslo when he accelerated a 500g projectile to 50ms. The first primitive railgun was created in 1918 when French inventor Louis Octave Fauchon'Villeplee created an electric cannon where two parallel busbars were connected by the wings of a projectile and the apparatus surrounded by a magnetic field.When current passes through the busbars and projectile, a force is created which propels the projectile along the busbars into air. 4 The first theoretically viable railgun was proposed in 1944 by Joachim Hänsler of Germany's Ordnance Office. The gun was never built but a 1947 report concluded that while it was feasible in theory, the energy consumption for each gun would be enough to illuminate half of Chicago.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

An analysis of the problem of Political Power - essee

Introduction It is said that in the political philosophy there are only two questions: ,,Who can have what?" and ,,Who will decide over it?". It is not exactly like that but it is quite close to the trough, to begin with. The first question includes material amenity's, and dividing rights and liberties.(Wolff, 1996) What is power? It is ability to influence others to do something they otherwise would not. Also, others can be affected with threats and force. (Kilp, 2010) Political power includes also right to force the others and to punish them if they disobey. Who should have that kind of power? Actually the political power is quite mysterious by itself. If someone has legitimate political power over me then he or she has a right to force me to do things that they want.(Wolff, 1996) But how can other person have rights to tell me what I have to do? It feels insulting if someone says to me what I

Filosoofia → Sissejuhatus...
35 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 4 / Stength of materials I HW 4

intensity: p = F/b. The value of design factor is: [S] = 4. The beam load case is to be chosen according to the student code last digit A. The dimensions are to be chosen according to the last but one digit of the student code B. Required milestones: 1. Compose a scaled structural model of the beam (according to particular A and B); 2. Calculate the supports’ reactions; 3. Compose the scaled diagrams of bending moment M and shear force Q; 4. Determine the beam’ critical sections (or critical section), compose the strength condition for bending and determine the appropriate INP section with minimum material usage; 5. Compose a scaled sketch of the chosen INP section with diagrams of normal stress  and shear stress , acting at the critical section(s); 6. Calculate the values of safety factor for both bending and shear and check the adequate strength of the beam; 7

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
84 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

States, a diplomat who with his service helped to maintain the legal continuity of the Republic of Estonia through the Soviet occupation. Out of the 5 UN's regional groups (Asian, African, Latin-American and Caribbean, Eastern European, Western European and Others) Estonia has been a member of the Eastern European Group since May 2004. Estonia also participates in the UN mandated international forces led by NATO in Kosovo (KFOR) and Afghanistan (International Security Assistance Force, ISAF), the Multinational Force in Iraq, as well as the EU-led peacekeeping mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 1996, more than 30 Estonian policemen have participated with the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations in police missions to Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Kosovo. In April 2005, a UN peacekeeping seminar Train the Trainers with participants from nearly 30 countries, organised jointly by Estonia and the United Nations, took place in Tallinn.

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
5 allalaadimist

How can we make our town a better place to live in?

breathing thing we can also do is to use paper and Ho difficulties andcloth bags instead of plastic bags. w can we stomach We can also fight against water make our problems. We pollution. We should stop using the town a should do products of companies whose factories better something cause pollution, so we will force them to place to before its too use environmentally friendly production live in? late. methods. The government should close The these companies who have polluted rivers first thing for a long time. This way our rivers will The we can do is be cleaner. People would have clean water living to stop to drink and to swim in. conditions in

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

between periods of relatively rapid economic growth (expansion or boom), and periods of relative stagnation or decline (contraction or recession). · important phenomenon associated with cyclical fluctuations is unemployment, (people seeking work cannot find it, even when the economy is growing rapidly). The unemployment rate is the ratio of the number of unemployed workers to the size of the labour force. The labour force consists of · those who are either working or are actively looking for a job. In comparison with the total population, it leaves out - young people who are not yet working, - the old who are retired, - and those who do not wish to work--or have given up hope of working. Inflation refers to the rate of change of the average level of prices. Keynesian revolution explains why the study of macroeconomics is so intertwined with policy and politics.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Break; bring, väljendid, kõnekäänud

BREAK DOWN- 1) (int)(of machinery) stop working 2) (int) (of a person) lose control of feelins; 3) (int) (of talks/negotiations etc) fail 4) (tr) seperate under headings BREAK IN 1) (int) enter by force or illegally BREAK INTO 1) (tr) enter by force 2) (tr) inerrput BREAK OFF 1) (tr) end a relationship/agreement BREAK OUT 1) (int) (of war, etc) begin suddenly BREAK THROUGH 1) (int) advance (in spite of opposition) BREAK TO 1) (tr) tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way BREAK UP 1) (int) (of schools, etc) ; stop for holidays 2) (int) end a relationship BRING ABOUT 1) (tr) cause happen BRING BACK tr cause to recall BRING DOWN tr cause to fall

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Tefal pannid

Tefal pannid Tefal pannkoogipann Ø 25 cm • Tefali Pleasure sarjal on Thermo-Spot indikaator, mis näitab kui pann on saavutanud toidu valmistamiseks vajaliku temperatuuri. • Pannil on vastupidav ja mittenakkuv Titanium Force pind. • Pann sobib kõigile pliiditüüpidele sh induktsioonpliidile. Tefal Sensation wok-pann 28 cm • suurepärase vastupidavusega mittenakkuv Resistium kate, • Pannid on sobilikud mida on väga kerge gaasi- ja elektripliidil puhastada. kasutamiseks, ei ole • Patenteeritud Thermo-Spot mõeldud kasutamiseks funktisoon, annab märku millal pann on saavutanud induktsioonpliidil.

Toit → Kodumajandus
4 allalaadimist


kultuuri ja looduskeskkonna jätkusuutlikku arengut. PÄRNU NOORTE VABAAJAKESKUS Pärnu Noorte Vabaajakeskus on MTÜ Pärnu Vabakooli Seltsi avatud noorsootöö põhimõtteid järgiv allorganisatsioon, mis loodi Pärnu Linnavalitsuse ettepanekul 2008. aasta suvel. Samal aastal tehti algust ehitustöödega Pärnu Noorte Vabaajakeskusele mõeldud hooneosas Noorte väljak 2. Ehitustööde lõppedes kolisid uude keskusesse lisaks noortekeskused Force Majeure ja CHE. Viimane neist muutis oma nime eelmise etapi lõppemise ja uue etapi võrsumise tõttu noortekeskuseks MKE ­ Muusika Kogu Eluks. 29. jaanuaril 2009.a. toimus Pärnu Noorte Vabaajakeskuse pidulik ja suurejooneline avamine mida kajastati kõikjal meedias. Pidulikule avatseremooniale järgnes noortele õhtune kontsert ansambliga Külalised, mida tulid kuulama ligi 150 noort. 2009.a. sügisel lahkus majast noortekeskus Force Majeure. Samal ajal liitus meiega noorte

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
40 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

almost quadrupled since the organization's founding (Fassbender, 1998; Morris, 2000). However, as disagreements between the P-5 emerged over the Kosovo crisis in 1998­1999, and even more significantly in relation to Iraq in 2003, this debate was overshadowed by one regarding the criteria to be applied in determining the acceptable bounds within which states may have recourse to the use of force. It is an exploration of these issues, and the fundamental bearing that they have on the UNSC's legitimacy, that forms the principal focus of this article. The first of these harbours concerns regarding the legitimacy of the UNSC, which it sees as being undermined by the Council's apparent inability to constrain great power use of force, particularly by the United States. This interpretation of the crisis of

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Compensation method-Kompensatsiooni meetod

β = 0,95 U B ( x)l = 0,95 · 0,01 = 0,0095 Combined uncertainties U ¿ 2 U C ( x) = U A ( x ) +(¿ B(x)¿¿ l ) 2 ¿ √¿ U C ( l ´AC ) = √ 0,013182+ 0,00952 = 0,01625 U C ( l '´AC ) = √ 0,0086672 +0,00952 = 0,01286 Uncertainty of electromotive force √( 2 2 2 ∂ε ∂ε ∂ε UC (ε) = ∂ε ' · U C ( ε )( ' ) + ∂ l AC

Füüsika → Füüsika ii
7 allalaadimist


Introduction to wave energy There are several possibilities to harvest different forms of energy from the sea. One of these options is the usage of waves for the generation of electricity. The devices needed to perform this task are called wave energy converters. Wave energy is indirect solar energy in twice. At first there is the wind, which is caused by variations in atmospheric pressure due to a differential solar heating of earth's surface by the sun. Different regions of pressure drives a force which rises a movement of atmospheric air masses that causes the earths wind system. If wind strikes over the surface of an open water, waves are induced. First they are very flat with only a low level of energy. When there is a long distance over the water on which wind can attack the small ones, they became bigger and bigger with a lot of energy inside them. Physics of wave energy To have a better understanding of the technical possibilities to harvest the energy

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 1 / Stength of materials I HW 1

8 9 Student Student Code Delivery Date Teacher' Name Karina Korell 164498 MVEB 16.12.2017 Priit Põdra The structure consists of 2 members: steel wire rope 7x7 and a circular bar made of Aluminum alloy Al Mg4.5Mn0.7. The structure is loaded by the vertical force F that is acting at the joint, connecting these components. Calculate the minimum allowed diameter d of the aluminum bar and the maximum allowed value of the load F, assuming the relative position and mechanical properties of components (manufacturing tolerances, components' mass, possible stress concentration and buckling should be neglected). Wire rope nominal diameter is 10 mm and the strength is FLim = 58,3 kN. Yield strength of Aluminum alloy is 0,2 = 110 MPa.

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
123 allalaadimist

War and peace

When the Americans withdrawed all of their offers to help Nasser nationalised the Suez canal so that he could use the it's revenues to finance the Aswan High Dam. b) When Nasser nationalised the canal the Brits and the French were outraged because they were the main financiers and shareholders of the Suez Canal. They wanted Nasser destroyed and removed.By August 1956 the British and the French were holding meetings to discuss a possible seizure of the Suez canal by force. The French wanted the Israelis to join their side but it would have been a problem because the Brits had a treaty with Jordan. However, when they found out that Israelis weren't intending to attack Jordan any time soon, the Brits, French and Israelis decided to join their forces against Egypt and started to make plans. Israel would attack Egypt and the French and the Brits would send troops into the Suez canal under the excuse of keeping the two sides under apart and the canal open for shipping

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Louna-Aafrika poliitajalugu, South Africa

Conquest Colonization Slavery Indentured labour Racially discriminatory laws ­ reserved jobs for whites; differential pay-scales etc Post 1910 state strong and centralized institutionalised racism: "power, wealth and privileges [distributed] unequally on a racial basis" (Giliomee, 1995, p190) Farming and mining (the basis of the economy) both required large work forces. Once slavery was abolished, need for to generate labour force. Taxation (poll tax) used to force blacks into labour force. Segregation used to control access of blacks to land. A strong, centralized and unequal state. 1936 ­ Black voters removed from common roll. 1956 ­ Coloured voters removed from common roll. 1948 `Apartheid' state ­ based on idea of `separate development'. Contested control of the state In South Africa, different population groups made conflicting claims to self-government (i.e. democratic rule).

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Ühiskond KT 3

8.NATO 1966. aastal väljus Prantsusmaa NATO sõjalisest tiivast ja organisatsiooni peakorter viidi Pariisist Brüsselisse. Põhja-Atlandi pakti viienda artikli kohaselt võetakse ühe liikmesriigi vastast rünnakut kui kallaletungi kogu ühenduse vastu. 2001. aastast tegutsevad NATO juhtimisel Afganistanis rahvusvahelised julgeoleku- abijõud (ISAF). 2009. aastal sai heakskiidu Brüsselis toimunud NATO kaitseministrite kohtumisel NATO reageerimisjõudude (NATO Responce Force, NRF) NRF-i mudel, mis põhineb suurel määral Suurbritannia initsiatiivil varem välja pakutud NRF-i sisese kriisireguleerimisüksuse ASF (Allied Solidarity Force) olulistel elementidel – ühine planeerimine ja väljaõpe, solidaarne rahastamismudel, suur nähtavus avalikkusele ning usutav heidutusvõime. NRF-i tuumikuks saab ligi 13 000-meheline üksus, mis on viie kuni kümne päevaga valmis siirduma kriisipiirkonda. Lisaks sellele määratavad liikmesriigid täiendavad 10–30-

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
12 allalaadimist

The Moon Is Down

unnamed nation at war with England and Russia. A French language translation of the book was published illegally in Nazi-occupied France by Les Editions de Minuit, a French Resistance publishing house. Furthermore, numerous other editions were also secretly published across all of occupied Europe, including Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Italian versions. It has appeared in at least 92 editions across the world Plot summary In the story, an invading force arrives at a coal mining town in Europe and North America and takes it over, only Dougie Smith can save them. Their goal is simple: to control the coal mine and organize increased production and exportation of coal. The occupiers soon find themselves in conflict with the townspeople as a resistance movement begins. They try to combat the resistance and force the inhabitants into submission, but realize the futility of this, as it becomes clear the war is lost.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Eesti-inglise-vene laeva mehaanika terminoloogia sõnastik

erikaal specific weight Froude arv Froude number gravitatsiooniline takistus gravity-related resistance hõõrdetakistus frictional resistance hõõrdetegur coefficient of friction koosmõju interaction hürdodonaamiline rõhk hydrodynamical pressure hüdromehaanika fluid mechanics hürdrostaatiline rõhk hydrostatical pressure inertsjõud inertial force isepoleeruv värv self-polishing paint jäätakistus residual resistance jäätakistus ice resistance kaal weight käigulained shipborne waves käigulainete interferent wave systems ineraction kaikuvus propulsion karedus roughness kasulik tõukejõu, towing force, efeectiv pull pukseerimisjõud

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
39 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

sent to the Tower and was beheaded. HIs 6th wife survived. 3. Edward- was sickly and ruled only for a few years and then he died 4. Mary Tudor/Bloody Mary- was catholic and killed many protesntants. Ruled only for a few years and then died 5. Elizabeth I - very clever and educated,she was fluent in several languages. She wanted to unite England and make it a very important force in Europe. She never married and was called the "Virgin Queen". It was a very peaceful time, she loved theatre and plays. People had good lives and were entertained. Mary (catholic), The queen of Scots, was executed by Elizabeth I. Elizabeth had no heir. The power of the English monarch increased in this period. Bubonic plaguse killed one third of the population in England during its first

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

• All bills passed are given Royal Assent before becoming law • Uk`s head of government is the Prime Minsiter • The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, who has been in office since 11 May 2010 Military • The armed forces of the United Kingdom/Her Majesty's Armed Forces— consist of three professional service branches: the Royal Navy and Royal Marinesthe British Army and the Royal Air Force • The Commander-in-Chief is the British monarch, Elizabeth II, to whom members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance • The UK is an active and regular participant in NATO and other coalition operations • Britain remains one of five recognised nuclear powers, with a total of 225 nuclear warheads Royal Navy • The Royal Navy is a technologically sophisticated naval force, and as of April

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


The state system of Cuba Timmo Kuuskla Introduction Socialist republic New constitution 1992 Communist Party "leading force of society and of the state" The first secretary President of Cuba Raul Castro Government February 24, 2008 Lot of duties Elected by National Assembly of People's Power For five years The National Assembly of People's Power Legislative parliament of the Republic of Cuba Supreme body of State power 614, 31 Council ministers

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Newspapers in Britain

In britain, the newspaper industry, often called Fleet Street, has a mojar influance on public opinion and is a strong force in political life. Britain's press is unusual in that it is divided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press. The term quality press is used to describe papers, which follow the tradition of the journals of the 18th and early 19th centuries. The 'quality' papers are printed on large papers, have an undramatic layout and are serious in tone. They have editorials which comment on important issues and reflect the political views of the editor

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Esitlus - "Küberkaitse ja kübersõda"

juurdepääs Nende murdmisel kasutatakse kolme peamist viisi (murdmise kiiruse järjekorras): § Arvamine § Dictionary attack, kus kasutatakse skripti/programmi, millele on antud ette sõnade nimekiri § Brute-force attack, kus programm proovib läbi kõikvõimalikud kombinatsioonid etteantud parameetrite sees BRUTE FORCE ATTACK'I KESTVUS: SUUR- JA VÄIKETÄHED, NUMBRID JA SÜMBOLID (96 võimalikku märki) Pikkus Kulunud aeg tavaarvutiga (10 miljonit Kombinatsioone märkides katset sekundis) 2 9 216 0 sekundit 3 884 736 0 sekundit 4 85 miljonit 8½ sekundit 5 8 miljardit 13½ minutit

Sõjandus → Riigikaitse
27 allalaadimist

Coplementary and alternative medicine

Coplementary and alternative medicine Paula Johanna Rõuk Basics CAM Nearly 40% of cancer patients use some form The most common CAM therapies used in the US prayer (45.2%) herbal medicine (18.9%) breathing meditation 11.6%) meditation (7.6%) Classification Whole medical systems Mind-body medicine Biologically based practices Manipulative and body-based practices Energy medicine Wholemedicalsystems Presence of energy in your body Ancient healing systems Ayuverda Traditional Chinese medicine Homeopathy Naturopathy Mind-body medicine Harmony of mind and body Meditation Prayer Yoga Tai chi Biologically baced practices Special diets Vitamins Teas Oils capsules Body manipulation Human touch Chiropractic Osteophaty Energy medicine Reblocking energy force Magnet therapy Reiki Acupuncture

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Rigikaitse kodutöö

Sõjaväelised Auastmed Briti Sõjavägi 1) Admiral of the Fleet 2) Commondore Brigadier 3) Field Marshal 4) Marshal of the Royal Air Force 5) Admiral of of the Fleet 6) Group Captain 7) Squadron leader Ameerika Ühendriigid 1) General of the Army 2) General of the Air Forces 3) Brigadier General Nõukogude Liit 1) Nõukogude liidu Marssal 2) Sotnik 3) Desyantnik 4) Polkovnik 5) Kindralpolovnik Eesti Vabariik 1) Brigaadikindral 2) Grupijuht 3) Brigaadikomandör 4) Staabiveebel 5) Armeekindral Saksamaa 1) Obergruppenführer

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

History of London 2

debate ideas. Growing literacy and the development of the printing press meant that news became widely available. 10: Which street became the center of the embryonic press during the 18th century? Fleet street 11: What were the Bow Street Runners and when were they established? Liis Toomsalu The Bow Street Runners were established in 1750 as a professional police force. 12: What was a common way to punish criminals during this time and how was it done? Penalties for crime were harsh, with the death penalty being applied for fairly minor crimes. Public hangings were common in London, and were popular public events. The death sentence could be passed for picking pockets, stealing bread or cutting down a tree. Minor crime was punished by being sent to prisons, sometimes transported abroad for theft, whipped in public.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu direktiivid

authorities reports on occupational accidents suffered by his workers inform and consult workers and allow them to take part in discussions on all questions relating to safety and health at work; ensure that each worker receives adequate safety and health training Exposure to Physical Hazards Framework Directive 89/391/EEC Vabariigi Valitsuse määrus, number: RTI, 07.02.2002, 15, 83; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, number: RTI, 07.02.2002, 15, 83, Entry into force: 01/06/2002; Reference: (MNE(2003)54546 The employer shall assess and, if necessary, measure the levels of exposure to noise to which workers are exposed. Results of the risk assessment have to be recorded on a suitable medium and kept up to date on a regular basis. The risk assessment shall be furthermore updated on a regular basis, particularly if there have been significant changes which could render it out of date, or if the results of health surveillance show it to be necessary.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Hydroelectricity Sander Vidder Kristo London Hydroelectricity Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy. History Hydropower has been used since ancient times to grind flour and perform other tasks. In the mid1770s, French engineer Bernard Forest de Bélidor published Architecture Hydraulique which described vertical and horizontalaxis hydraulic machines. Hydroelectric Dam Generating methods Conventional (dams) Pumpedstorage Runoftheriver Underground Advantages Economics CO2 emissions

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Fast 2 Furious

,,2 Fast 2 Furious" is the sequel to 2001's wildly popular ,,The Fast and the Furious". Once again the movie revolves around street racing, but this is a very different film from the original. This movie finds Brian kicked off by the police force when streetracing in Miami. He gets busted and the FBI cuts a deal whereby his record will be cleaned if he goes undercover to help them get a dirty information. The allure of these movies isn't the plot though. It's the cars and the racing.In my opinion, this movie is a bit better than the first. The movie has an entirely different feel from the first. The races are a little longer as they're not just doing quarter mile drag races and there are also some massive chase

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnade seletused Marie Curie teksti kohta

or obtain from another 4. Pitchblende ­ a major ore of uranium and radium 5. Deplorable ­ causing or being a subject for regret; very bad 6. Fission ­ the act of cleaving or splitting into parts 7. Harnessing ­ the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal 8. Cripple ­ offensive way to say person who is disabled or impaired in ay way 9. Succumb ­ to give way to superior force 10.Hefty ­ heavy, weighty 11.Abode ­ a place in which a person resides; residence 12.Currents ­ a flowing; something that flows; moving in a certain direction 13.Dissymmetry ­ absence or lack of symmetry 14.Estrange ­ to turn away in feeling or affection 15.Cathode ­ the electrode or terminal by which current leaves an electrolytic cell 16.Impregnable ­ not to be overcome or overthrown, unconquerable 17.Dogma ­ an official system of principles or tenets concerning faith, moral,

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


☄ Anger grew in the country at the way that the Stuart monarchs raised money ☄ Puritanism- ideological Protestantism ☄ Some of them thought the luxurious lifestyle of the king and his followers was immoral. They were also fiercely anti-Catholic and suspicious of the apparent sympathy towards Catholicism of the Stuart monarchs. ☄ This led to The Civil War ☄ Victory for the parliamentary force ☄ The king (Charles I) was captured and became the first monarch in Europe to be executed after a formal trial for crimes against his people. 1649 Charles I is executed. For the first and only time, Britain briefly becomes a republic and is called the Common wealth. 1660 The monarchy and the Anglican religion are restored. ☾ The church was restored. However, the conflict between monarch and Parliament soon re-emerged

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
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Henry II Greates an empire

David I of Scotland. · Within the year he secured his right to the throne. · On 19 December 1154 he was crowned in Westminster Abbey. Lordship over Ireland · Shortly after his coronation, Henry sent a group of clerics to invade Ireland. · In 1171, Henry arrived from France, declaring himself Lord of Ireland. · In 1172, Roman Catholicism was proclaimed as the only permitted religious practice in Ireland. Consolidation in Scotland · An invasion force from Scotland led by their King was advancing from the North. · Flemish armada was sailing for England, just days from landing. · The hostile armada dispersed in the English Channel. · By the end of this crisis the King was "left stronger than ever before".

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Am i an optimist or pessimist

Am I an optimist or pessimist We live a hard life, we need to deal with many problems. And everyone looks at these problems in there own way. Some of the people are optimistic and the others are not. But is my glass half-full or half-empty? To answer this question I have to weigh all the pros and cons. For example, sometimes in hard situations I just give up, because I just can no longer force this. But I still know, that somewhere deep in my heart there is hope that everything will be alright. That is why I can proudly call myself an optimistic person! And I want to give you good advice! Even on those days when nothing in your life seems to be going right, it can be really tough to see the silver lining among all those clouds. But ability to see the good in even the worst situations is so important. Try to be more optimistic and you will see-life is not that bad!

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Pearl Harbor

McCawley (Ben Affleck), Danny Walker (Josh Hartnett), Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale). This story tells of „Word War II“ when the Japanese destroy Pearl Harbor in Hawaii .Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker are childhood best friends.Rafe and Danny went for be a pilot together with U.S. Army. Rafe met Evelyn in the army. They fell in love. Evelyn is a very good army nurse. They didn`t have time to be together, because Rafe went to the british as an army volunteer.When Rafe went to the British Air Force and died there then Danny started to whisk Evelyn. But then it turned out Rafe was alive.Then Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Danny and Rafe began fighting against them and get in many opponent ection. Danny and Rafe were on various missions, in which Danny gets killed. Evelyn has a child that is actually Danny child but even in this despite Rafe and Evelyn lived together. I like this movie because there is much action and romance. Ther are many intersting events.I like war films. Name:

Filmikunst → Ameerika filmi ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Should children be encouraged to do sports?

Choosing an exercise should be appropriated to the child's age and development. A good thing to do is to take the child for a walk, swimming pool or even to play a video game Wii. Secondly, sports makes children more active and playful, which develops their minds. Sports influence people mental health and it helps to decrease stress, anxiety and depression when you get older. All in all, I think it is important to encourage children to do sports but parents must not force their children into sports because it may make them feel negative about it. Liisa Sildmaa 11.humanitaar

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Victorian life - Briti ajalugu

around 1905. It was at this point that the militant campaign began with the formation of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). The WSPU was quite radical in their behaviour, as they wanted to get the right to vote as quickly as possible. To illustrate their more militant stance, they adopted the slogan "Deeds, not words". Many of the suffragettes were imprisoned for their violent and vandalizing actions. In prison, they started a hunger strike and were force fed by the guards. The authorities' policy of force feeding won the suffragettes great sympathy from the public. The government passed a law that allowed the release of prisoners who were about to die from malnourishment. A new suffrage bill was introduced in 1910, but growing impatient, the WSPU launched a heightened campaign of protest in 1912 on the basis of targeting property and avoiding violence against any person. Initially this involved smashing shop windows, but ultimately

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
3 allalaadimist

King Alfred the Great

of Wessex, and Osburh Relation to Elizabeth II: 32nd great-grandfather House of: Wessex Crowned: 871 Married: Ealhswith of Mercia Children: 5 children Died: 899 Buried at: Winchester ·Only King to have epithet"the Great" ·Defended England against Danish invasion and founded the first English navy ·He encouraged the translation of scholarly works from Latin and promoted the development of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. ·A new legal code came into force during his reign. ·At the age of 19 in 868 he is recorded as fighting beside his brother in Mercia against the Danes In 878, the Danes under their leader, Guthrum overran Wessex. Alfred and his remnants went into hiding. At Easter time in 879, Alfred set up a base in the region of Athelney. The great Saxon kingdoms of England had been reduced to one man who ruled a small area of swamp. It was from this hidden base in the swamps that King Alfred became Alfred the Great

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Books today and tomorrow

Books today and tomorrow Ervin Sagor Books have always played a great role in life and it is important to read them but nowadays people read less than they used to do. When I think about our relationship with books a question comes to my mind: `'Will there be books in the future?'' I think people read more books in the past because then there were no television and radio to entertain people. In the present people rather watch moving images from television than pick up a dusty old book. My opinion on importance of books is that there are books with empty storyline as well as there are books that are considered as true gems which contain knowledge and a great story and the importance of these books is immeasurable. Considering the fact that people in the future will be even lazier than they are now shows that the books will stay on the bookshelves or will b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


PRODUCT ERGONOMIC KEBOARD A "fixed-split keyboard" is a single board, with the keys separated into two or three groups, allowing the user to type at a different angle than the typical straight keyboard. An "adjustable split keyboard" has the keyboard split into several independent pieces, so the angle between them can be easily changed. Either of these types of keyboards may include elevated sections at various angles. Other ergonomic keyboards have fixed, vertically aligned keys, so the user types with their hands perpendicular to the ground, thumbs-up. Still others allow a range of rotation and elevations. Simple ergonomic keyboards can cost as little as typical keyboards or as much as $995 for high end keyboards. An ergonomic keyboard may reduce muscle strain and reduce risk of Carpal Tunnel syndrome, but there is no clear evidence of benefit. After a user takes the time to adjust to this style of keyboard, these keyboards can make t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Nobody can win a war

They cannot sit in one place and deal with their own business. Human just need to know everything and be part of it. Is war worth fighthing? Why people just cannot get along with everyone? Human is naturally warrior and human have to be part of everything and when people have not enough of something he need get more of it. Human has always been greedy, always want to be a wealthy and command everyone, but others do not let him do that. People do not let command and force themselves and this is the reason why wars begin. Peoples misunderstanding goes so far, when they tap more powerful and deadful methods. Human nature is evolved move and stand their own point of view. Human never let do something bad with them and their kindrad. Millions of people have died in wars, but this do not stopped them fighthing. No matter of fact how many victims this causes human must have his inclination.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun