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"child" - 589 õppematerjali

child - Catholic family Songwriter, guitarist, vocalist and pianist Married Meg – Jack White Drumming, age 6 Blues influence – Son House, Blind Willy McTell

Child Prodigy

Child Prodigy Author: Mario Kallaste 11.R Kim UngYong Kim UngYong was born in 1962 and might just be the smartest guy alive today (he's recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as having the highest IQ of anyone on the planet). By the age of four he was already able to read in Japanese, Korean, German, and English. At his fifth birthday, he solved complicated calculus problems. Later, on Japanese television, he demonstrated his proficiency in Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, German, English, Japanese, and Korean. Kim was a guest student of physics at a university from the age of 3 until he was 6. At the age of 7 he was invited to America by NASA. Kim was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ"; the book estimated the boy's score at over 210. He finished his university studies, eventually g...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Fu Mingxia

 Is a top female diver, multiple Olympic gold medalist and world champion.  Chinese diver Fu Mingxia won the platform- diving world championship in 1991 at the age of 12, making her the youngest diving champ of all time.  She also holds the notoriety of being the youngest Olympic-diving champion, having earned a gold at the 1992 Barcelona Games when she was just 13 Early life  Though she was just a child, Fu demonstrated remarkable poise and body control.  Instead, they suggested she pursue diving, though Fu, only about seven years old at the time, could not swim.  Through a strenuous training program, Fu learned to set aside her fears and progressed quickly.  At times, Fu practiced 100 dives a day. 1992 Summer Olympics Barcelona China's Fu Mingxia competed in a preliminary round in women's 10 meter

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Witch Child Summary

Summary: While watching her grandmother go to the gallows to hang for witchcraft in 1659 England, Mary Newbery is abducted by a wealthy woman before the suspicious mob turns their lynching attentions to her. The book is written as a series of diary entries that chronicle her many adventures as a 17th century orphan with genuine knowledge of witchcraft. Mary is packed off to join Puritans headed to the New World. While they search for religious freedom, Mary searches for a fresh start and a chance to live a life untainted by the suspicion of witchcraft. She is informally adopted by good friends who accept her strong-willed nature and and knowledge of herbs, medicines, and midwifery. To escape the oppressive atmosphere of the village and the stringent Puritan expectations, Mary retreats to the woods where she befriends a local Native American boy. Despite dire warnings from all who care about her, Mary persists in keeping her journal, gal...

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5 allalaadimist

The star child

The Star Child Oskar Wilde, 1891 Anete Samelselg 12.klass OSKAR WILDE 1854-1900 Irish poet and a playwright GENRES:drama, short story, criticism, dialogue, journalism NOTABLE WORKS: "The picture of Dorian Grey" "The Imortance of Being Earnest" SHORT STORY GENRES: fairytale, fantasy MAIN CHARACTERS: poor woodcutters, star child, beggar woman STORY LINE: pert star child, who has no parents but is perfectly beautiful, one day he sees his beggar mother but remples her and turns into an ugly boy PLOT: he finds out that his parents are a queen and a king USED SOURCES 1. 2. 3. THANKS!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Child Progidy - Priyanshi Somani

Priyanshi Somani is a mental calculator. She was the youngest participant of the Mental Calculation World Cup 2010 and won the overall title. She is the only participant who has done 100% accuracy in Addition, Multiplication and Square Root till date in all four Mental Calculation World Cups. Somani is the winner of "Pogo Amazing Kids Awards 2010" in genius category. Her name is also added in the Limca Book of World Records. Priyanshi Somani was born on 16th november in 1998 in india. She is a daughter of businessman Satyen Somani and Anju Somani. She started learning Mental Maths at the age of 6. She was the youngest participant of the Mental Calculation World Cup 2010 and won the overall combination title in Germany. Somani claimed the title among 37 competitors from 16 countries, after standing 1st in extracting square roots from 6 digit numbers up to 8 significant digits in 6 minutes. She also has a World Cup Record in calcul...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Child prodigy - Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods child prodigy 2.11.2014 General information California, USA ● December 30, 1975 ● 38 years old ● Full name - Eldrick Tont Woods ● Nickname – Tiger ● Children - Sam Alexis (b. 2007), ● Charlie Axel (b. 2009) ● Career Introduced to golf before age 2 ● Beat father at age 11 ● Appeared in a TV show at age 2 ● ● ● Career 2 Won many competitions ● ● 1st major national junior tournament - 1989 Big I (13 y.o.) - 2nd place Western High School ● At 15 – became the youngest ever U.S. Junior ● Amateur champion "Most Likely to Succeed" ● Career 3 1994 - Stanford University ● Economics ● Dropped out after 2 years ● 1996 - Turned professional ● Achievements PGA Tour wins - 79 ● PGA Player of the Year – 11 ● PGA Tour leading money winner -10 ● fastest-ever ascent to No. 1 in the ● Official Worl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

When I was a child.

When I was a child Childhood is very special time in life. All these memories are unique. We all have had a childhood, we all got different memories. But not all memories aren't good. Kristo Karu tells a little bit about his childhood. When I was a child I liked to make troubles. Once I was cutting hammer handle into two pieces. Granddad punished me. Also I have been driving with sledge on very big puddle. Sledge didn't make it. I got very wet. Once I had been hitting chicken with bow arrow, granny saw me. This was very big trouble. I liked to eat matches when I found some. These tasted good. I spent very much time at granny's place when I was a child. Granny liked when I was there even I was very bad child

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Every school child have allowence

Every school child have allowence. Some children get allowence from parents, some children have to earn ourselves. Lots of children, whose parents do not give Money, have to go to work. If someone going to universty then he get a free place or he have to pay for it. But tuiton is very high, what its hard to pay at a time. In order to pay tiution, students should go to work while studying. Secondly the good thing is, if you work while studing, you always have a allowence. When class is going to travel, then you have the Money to pay for it. And you don't have to ask Money for your parents. Bad thing is that the work disturb studying. Beacuse you have two big obligation, where you can not miss. You don't have time to commit studying and your marks will be Worse. Work while studying is a big burden. Sometimes the work plan dont match with school plan. Therefore you have to miss some lessons. But then you miss the things what the other...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

How to choose glasses for a child

How to choose glasses for a child Lota Aadla OP 1 Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool 2015 When do you need to visit the oculist with your child for the first time? At the beginning of the first year as it is possible to correct the child´s eyesight. What glasses should you choose for your child? For children:  a frame could be closer to the face,  a frame could be at a smaller angle than glasses for adults,  a frame should rest on both ears and nose equally. Flexible glasses for younger children are a great opportunity to get used to them. Plastic frames or metal frames?

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Book report/review "The Snow Child"

The Snow Child English The Snow Child is a book by Eowyn Ivey. The author was inspired by the Russian fairytale Snegurotska while writing her debut novel. story takes place in Alaska 1920's and it talks about a couple, Jack and Mabel, who decide to make a snow girl out of snow. The next day the snow girl has become a real human being. Before Jack and Mable were living in Alaska they were living in Pennsylvania. They moved to Alaska to get away from the family, because they had lost their first child. It

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

The giver 1-6 chapter

1. Describe Jonas' family Jonas' family, like all other families in the community, includes a caring mother and father and two children -- one male child and one female child. Jonas' mother has an important job with the Department of Justice, and his father has a job as a Nurturer, taking care of newborns. Jonas has one younger sister, Lily. His family seems ideal. Each morning, they discuss their dreams that they had the previous night; during the evening meal, they share feelings about the events of the day, comforting and supporting each other according to the rules of the community. 2. What is the family's nightly ritual?

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

What is the best age to be?

What is the best age to be? In my opinion there is not a best age and because of that is a question that will always be left unanswered. The life span approach emphasizes developmental change is throughout adulthood as well as childhood. As a 18 year old female I cannot really choose a specific age group that would be best in the life in every aspect, because I have not yet reached certain age periods of my life span development. All ages have great and bad things. When you are a child your freedom is limited and it mostly depends on your parents´ mood at that time. Some examples like where you have to be home at 9.00pm and no TV until you´ve cleaned your room. Also then you have problems, but only the ones generated at school. Childhood has many responsibilities, some we like, some we have to do and some we despise. Responsibilities some of us enjoy doing is homework. We get a sense of pleasure after finishing a piece of work that we have done to the best of our ability

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

ACTA teemaline presentatsioon

Koostaja: Raudo Lepik Piraatluse tõkestamine internetis Väljatöötamine algas USA ja Jaapani vahel juba 2006. aastal Ametlikud läbirääkimised algasid 2008. aastal ACTA salastatus Rahva vastuseis CIPA ehk Children's Internet Protection Act ­ noorte tegevuse kontrollimine COPA ehk Child Online Protection Act ­ ei saanud kunagi seaduseks Enim on seotud SOPA ehk Stop Online Piracy Act ­ USA-s 2011. aastal vastuvõetud seadus takistamaks piraatlust ACTA on rahvusvaheline lepe, SOPA vaid USA sisene ACTA üle arutleti suletud uste taga, SOPA eelnõu mustandiga oli võimalik tutvuda ka tema vastastel ACTA avastati rahva poolt liiga hilja, SOPA vastu hakati võitlema kohe USA ­ Obama allkirjastas leppe saamata

Informaatika → It eetilised, sotsiaalsed ja...
8 allalaadimist

Should children be encouraged to do sports?

Should children be encouraged to do sports? The majority of parents do not know how to make their children understand the importance of exercising, especially because of the amout of technology no child will rather go out and play football than sitting at home and watching TV or playing video games. Should we encourage children to do sports? Firstly, doing sports is important for our health and if children do not do sports it may cause health conditions when they get older for example overweight. Choosing an exercise should be appropriated to the child's age and development. A good thing to do is to take the child for a walk, swimming pool or even to play a video game Wii.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Lapse väärkohtlemine ja hooletusse jätmine

Laste väärkohtlemine ja hooletussejätmine. 1. Lapse väärkohtlemine On mistahes käitumine lapse suhtes, mis alandab tema füüsilist ja psüühilist hea olu, seades ohtu tema eakohase arengu ja tervisliku seisundi 2. Hooletussejätmine On väärkohtlemise liik, mille puhul laps asetatakse psüühilise või füüsilise ebamugavuse uude seisundisse, kuna tema esmased vajadused jäetakse vanema(te) poolt rahuldamata. 3. Väärkohtlemise liigitused Lapsele suunatud vägivald Emotsionaalne vägivald Psühholoogiline ehk vaimne vägivald Füüsiline vägivald Lapse seksuaalne väärkohtlemine Seksuaalne ärakasutamine Seksuaalne vägivald 4.Lapse hooletussejätmine 4.1 Füüsiline hooletussejätmine ­ väljendub lapse vajadusi arvestava tegevuse puudumises või tema suhtes vääras tegutsemises. NT: laps jäetakse ilma eakohasest ja vajalikust ...

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
69 allalaadimist

Plural of nouns

bush ­ bushes tomato ­ tomatoes disco ­ discos piano - pianos watch ­ watches hero - heroes photo ­ photos radio ­ radios 4. Kui nimisõna lõpus on -f või -fe, siis tavaliselt f = v+es wolf ­ wolves thief ­ thieves knife - knives wife ­ wives half ­ halves roof - roofs leaf ­ leaves self ­ selves chief ­ chiefs 5. ERANDID child ­ children mouse - mice man ­ men goose - geese woman ­ women sheep - sheep tooth ­ teeth deer - deer foot ­ feet elk - elk

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

"prevent those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children. Alas! Too frequent among us, sacrificing the poor innocent babies" as well (54). Children are not representing anything, but a hot commodity there. Especially my attention was struck by the fact that the author incorporates a settlement system, when he calculates the costs for rearing and profit from the sale of poor women' babies. According to Swift, "a child just dropped from its dam may be supported by her milk for a solar year, with the little other nourishment: at most not above the value of two shillings" and he also believes that a healthy and delicious infant may easily be sold for 10 shillings, which means that "the mother will have 8s. net profit, and be fit for work till she produces another child" (53,55). The most seemingly blessed event ­ delivery of a child - compared to the way of doing business

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3 allalaadimist

Filmikirjeldus "Due Date"

My favourite film My favourite film is Due Date. Due Date is a 2010 American comedy road film directed by Todd Phillips, cowritten by Alan R. Cohen, Alan Freedland, and Adam Sztykiel, and starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. The film was released on November 5, 2010. Peter Highman is on his way home from Atlanta to Los Angeles to be present at the birth of his first child. Ethan was in Atlanta because his father died and he attended the furial which was held in Atlanta. On his way home Peter meets Ethan Tremblay who wants to become an actor in Hollywood. Right from that moment when Peter met Ethan they had a lots of problems: they got black listed from the airport, so they had rented a car and as their luggage was sent to Los Angeles by plane they did not have any money. Since they had no

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5 allalaadimist

Munchaussen syndrome by proxy

Rangelt öelduna tähendab MSBP, et inimesel on Münchauseni sündroom ja see psühhopatoloogia avaldub lapse läbi. Munchaussen syndrome by proxy Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) is an uncommon disorder first described by Roy Meadow in 1977. It was so named because of its similarity to Mun- chausen syndrome, a factitious disorder in which a person intentionally produces or fabricates physical symptoms in him- or herself.' In MSP the symptoms are intentionally produced o r fabricated in a child by a parent, usually the mother MSBP is a syndrome in which perpetrators either harm a child in their care or achieve harm through their insistence on medical tests and treatments for non-existent, fabricated or ecacerbated conditions. Abuse may go on for some time, and sometimes this abuse results in the child's death. In the strictest terms, Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy means that a perpetrator has Munchausen's syndrome

Õigus → Õigusteaduskond
8 allalaadimist


Bullying has been defined as "the tendency for some children to frequently oppress, harass or intimidate other children, verbally, physically or both, in and out of school." It is not the minor behaviour problems that are a part of growing up, such as horseplay, occasional good-natured teasing or even the odd physical scrap between children of equal strength. The most common form is name-calling. Children call others names for many reasons: because the other child is short or fat, is of a different skin colour, or has a lisp, a stutter or a physical disability. Maybe he is a slow learner or wears clothes that differ from the run of the mill. Victims are often smaller or weaker than average, or shy and insecure. Boys bully more than girls, and the tormenting is more often physical. Debra J. Pepler of the LaMarsh Centre for Research on Violence and Conflict Resolution at York University has

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6 allalaadimist


Family relations · Father: a male parent · Mother: a female parent · Dad (informal): one's father · Mum, mummy, mom (informal): one's mother · Parent: father or mother · Child (Plural Children): a son or daughter of any age · Son: a male child · Daughter: a female child · Brother: a man or boy in relation to other children of his parents · Sister: a woman or girl in relation to other children of her parents · Grandfather (Informal grandpa): the father of one's father or mother · Paternal grandfather: the father of one's father · Maternal grandfather: the father of one's mother · Grandmother (Informal grandma): the mother of one's father or mother · Paternal grandmother: the mother of one's father

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Artikkli kokkuvõte

Summary My maded abstract ,what is talking about communication with children.It is mainly for parents and grandparents. Communication with children include: · The words you speak · Your tone and voice - loud, soft, harsh or whispered · Gestures · How you stand · Your facial expressions Every child notices how her/him parens talks with her/him. Usually child responds just the same. Partens should look their bodylanguage to. If you are cheerful then they can recive te message better than the parent is angry. It is better when you are at the same level, when you talk with child. It's bad when you are over the kid, then she/he might not undrestand you or there can be some problems. Children need some attention to, if not then kids will be low-spirited. Younger kids need smaal kisses and some hugs or something that

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Gay Families

They want to legalize gay marriages and many countries allow people of the same gender to marry. Gays want to adobt children too, but people are more against it. Gay marriages are more for that people would accept them and get more used with them. Marriage makes them more equal with straight people and more rights. This helps them adopting children too. It shows, that two people have a great bound and they're able to adobt and raise a child. They may be good parents, but it's going to be a hard life for that child because of his gay parents. And maybe parents would even effect child sexual orientation. Surrounding ideology tells us what is beautiful, wrong, good and so on. So when childs parents are gays, maybe it can effect child too and make him gay. In my opinion gays are good average people, but I don't support their marriages and child adopting, because gay men spread AIDS. If they would be normal people in our society and

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9 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Continuous population growth is leading to overcrowded schools in many areas. Add this to the recent economic struggles, with many schools laying off teachers or closing altogether. This means that teachers are more overwhelmed than ever, often handling classes of 40 or more children at a time. Personalized learning Another important consideration in the pros and cons of homeschooling is your ability to tailor lesson plans to your child. In traditional school environments, classmates often learn at very different speeds. This helps slower learners stay on track with the class, but often leaves bright children bored and distracted. With homeschooling, children can learn at their own speed. Assured safety Perhaps one of the best arguments in favor of homeschooling is the guarantee of your child's safety. Bullying, fights and other school violence become a non-issue when your child is educated from home.

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1 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

degree of B.A. International Relations` Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: Citizenship, Children`s Rights and Participation: from the UN to the UK 6 Chapter 2: Citizenship Education in Wales………………………………………………14 Active Citizenship in Cadle Primary School: A Case Study 20 Conclusion 29 Bibliography 32 Appendices Appendix 1: The United Convention of the Rights of the Child Appendix 2: Interview with Jamie Richards, the Head Teacher of Cadle Primary School 2 Abstract: Children inherently have had a rather tenuous relationship with citizenship. Similarly to how women were once viewed, children have not been considered as subjects of rights due to their perceived incompetence and irrationality. Currently, children are not considered as being

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7 allalaadimist

Chat rooms

One of the biggest threats on chat rooms is the presence of pedophiles, online stalkers and other predators always looking to exploit the vulnerabilities of pre-teens and young teens. Chat room regulars can become easily disconnected from real-life activities and extra-curricular pursuits, leading to general aloofness, less contact with real- world friends and a gradual process of social disengagement. Thats a good question. And it all depends on how responsible your child really is - and what kind of relationship you have with them. Chat rooms are the most common place kids find themselves getting into trouble. And it's important to remember that online predators often hang out in children's chat room and pass themselves off as a child in the hopes of getting some personal information from one or more of the children they find there. Should you decide to let your child participate in chat or instant message

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6 allalaadimist

Having children while young

Having children while young Some people say that having childern while young is the best time of your life. However, being a child has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, you will still remember what's like to be a kid. Sure you will remember that in your 30s and 40s, but the more younger you are the more likely you are able to truly understand and relate to your child. All in all It's difficult to be sympathetic to someones problems when you dont know what they are going throught. However, for every plus side there is a minus. For one thing, you have to spend all day with your kid and can't go out when ever you want to. Sometimes when you are getting a child while you are still studying in a school you have to drop out of scool and go to work. But that means you cant acquire better knowledge , that can help you get a better job in the future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Beyonce Giselle Knowles

BEYONCE GISELLE KNOWLES SAATE TEADA:  Temast üldiselt.  Tema lapsepõlvest.   Tema laulukarjäärist.  Tema näitlejakarjäärist.  Tema eraelust. SISUKORD  Üldiselt    Lapsepõlv    Girl`s Tyme   Destiny`s Child    Soolokarjäär  Filmid  Eraelu  Kasutatud kirjandus  Aitäh kuulamast! ÜLDISELT  Sündinud 4.september 1981 Texases.  Laulja  Helilooja  Filminäitleja  Laulukarjäär: Destiny Child   Filmides:  "Austin Powers ja Kuldliige“ "Roosa  panter“ "Dreamgirls“  tagasi LAPSEPÕLV  Isa: edukas plaadiprodutsent  Ema: kostümeerija ja juuksur  Nime sai ema neiupõlvenime järgi.  Kodune keel: Prantsuse keel  Õde: samuti laulja, laulukirjutaja, näitleja.  Õppis Texases  Talendivõistlus  Tüdrukutebänd  tagasi GIRL`S TYME  Tamar Davis, LaTavia Robenson, Nikki ja Nina  Taylor.  Kuulsus levis kiiresti.   Produtsent: Arne Frager   Saatis talendisaatesse.  1993 hakkas isa bändi mäne...

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Friends have more influence than family

Friends have more influence than family A lot of peole think, that teenagers care more about their friends than family. Some in the other hand, don't. But why do people even think, that teenagers have more influence than family? For sure, children love their parents and parents love them. Family always wants the best for the child and every child should appreciate that. Parents can always help the child, for example when the child is making wrong decisions in life. Parents know you the best, and in my mind, it's necessary to have you family influence the most. In the other hand, friends, who are at the same age and who are giving you the help with making decisions in life, can't guaratnee that their information is the best. When you are at young age, definitely family has more influence than friends. You haven't found out the real and fake friends. The more you

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4 allalaadimist


Some people say that children should be given a chance to solve their problems on their own. Some people say that parents should make all their children’s decisions until the children are 18. By the law of our country, parents have the right to make important decisions about their children's lives. Parental obligations end when a child reaches the age of majority, which is 18 years old. Until that, parents are free to make all decisions relating to the welfare of their child as they see fit. Because of that law, some people say that parents should make all their children’s decisions until the children are 18. However, other people say that children should be given a chance to solve their problems on their own. There are parents who prefer to make all decisions for their kids. Some

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9 allalaadimist

Estate Planning Basics Referaat

provide care for your young children, if you have any, if anything happens to you and the children´s other parent, and who should make medical and financial decisions for you if you someday become incapacitiated and unable to handle things yourself. A First Look at Estate Planning Who needs to bother with estate planning? Here´s short answer: · Anyone who owns property that matters to them · Anyone with a minor child (under 18) If you have a minor child, or children, you automatically have estate planning concerns. It doesn´t go for Estonia. The first step in creating a sound estate plan is to look realistically at your unique personal situation. You could start with a few questions: · Are you married, partnered, single? · Do you have kids? · Are you in a second or subsequent marrage or partnership? · Do you have blended family? · Stepchildrens? · Do you have any childens from prior relationships?

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22 allalaadimist

A significant idol in my life: Beyonce

A significant idol in my life: Beyoncé. Beyoncé has been my idol for many years and there is a lots of reasons why she's still my idol. She has incredible music talent, fashion sense. She's just a diva, who's been on top for years without stopping, she always has something to come up and shock. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles is born in 4th September in 1981 in Houston, Texas. The journey to her career began when Destiny's Child was formed in Houston in 1990. Beyoncé was only 9 years old. Destiny's Child went on to become the top-selling female recording group of all-time. In 2001, Beyoncé became the first African-American woman and the second woman ever to take home the ASCAP PopSongwriter of the Year Award. She's been making history in so many ways, for example she was the first woman in 20 years that reach #1 in the U.S and the U.K with both her debut solo album Dangerously In Love and single "Crazy In Love"

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4 allalaadimist


RELATIVES Your mother's husband ­ father Your grandmother's daughter ­ mother, aunt Your mother's son ­ brother Your father's daughter ­ sister, me Your mother's male child ­ brother Your mother's female child ­ sister, me Your mother's mother ­ grandmother Your father's father ­ grandfather Your grandmother's daughter's son ­ brother Your grandmother's daughter's daughter ­ sister, me Your mother's or father's brother ­ uncle Your mother's or father's sister ­ aunt A child of your aunt or uncle ­ cousin A son of your brother of sister ­ nephew A daughter of your brother of sister ­ niece Your husband's or wife's father ­ father-in-law Your husband's of wife's mother ­ mother-in-law Your sister's husband ­ brother-in-law Your brother's wife ­ sister-in-law Your mother's son's wife ­ sister-in-law Your mother's daughter's husband ­ brother-in-law Your grandparent's father ­ great-grandfather (vaarisa)

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Eminem Eminem is born on October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. He is an American rapper, record producer, songwriter, and actor. He is the only child of Marshall Bruce Mathers and Deborah R. "Debbie" Nelson. Bruce abandoned the family when Eminem was 18 months old. He was married twice to Kimberly Anne "Kim" Scott, whom he met in high school. Kim and Eminem began their on-and-off relationship in 1989. Their daughter Hailie was born on December 25, 1995. Eminem has custody of his dughter. He also has custody of Kim's niece Alaina and Whitney. Whitney is Kims child with another man. As a child, Eminem developed an interest in

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1 allalaadimist


therapist uses music and all of its facets-physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual-to help clients to improve or maintain their health. Music therapists are found in nearly every area of the helping professions. Music therapists may work with individuals who have behavioral-emotional disorders. There are two approaches to music therapy for children: The therapy session can be one-on-one or in a group setting. When a therapist meets with a child for the first time, it is good for the therapist and the child to come up with goals for him or her to meet during the duration together. Music therapy can help children with communication problems, attention, motivation, and behavioral problems. The setup of the room where the session takes place is very important, in order to make the child feel comfortable and to allow the child to produce the music right. It should be a room dedicated for music. There shouldn't be other

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
7 allalaadimist

The poor farmer's daugters

THE POOR FARMER'S DAUGHTERS Once upon a time there lived a poor farmer who only had seven children as his treasure. They were all girls, named after every famous queen the country had had. However, none of them was his child ­ they were all orphans, found in the nearby forest many years ago, during the Great War. The eldest one was Margaret; she had long dark shiny hair and big blue eyes. She was a true beauty compared to the other maidens at the village. However, she had a bad side as well ­ the only one she ever cared about was she herself. And when living at the county-side, being an egoist is not good. Lucia was the next. This year she would turn 16 if she hadn't played with a magical potion in the childhood

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BEYONCÉ Basic information Full name: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles- Carter Born: September 4, 1981 (age 33) Houston, Texas, U.S. Husband: Jay-Z Music genre: R&B, pop, soul Most famous songs: "Crazy In Love", "Single Ladies" and "Halo" Destiny's Child Her career started in an girl group called Destiny's child with Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. Formed: 1990s Destiny's Child has sold more than 60 million records. Billboard magazine ranks the group as one of the greatest musical trios of all time, the ninth most successful artist/band of the 2000s Their most famous songs are "Bills, Bills, Bills", "Say My Name" and "Independent Women" The band took a brake in 2003 when Beyoncé's debut album, Dangerously in Love was realised, which made her a well- known a solo artist worldwide, the group finally broke apart in 2006

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1 allalaadimist

Mary Tudor

Mary Tudor Later to be known as Bloody Mary Young Mary Henry VIII first child Good at languages, science, music, sewing and dancing After Henry's divorce from Catherine, Mary was kept apart from her mother At 17 she had to become lady in waiting to Princess Elizabeth Mary became queen at the age of 37 Mary marries Philip of Spain Mary was pleased to marry Philip Philip was less pleased to marry Mary Mary rose every day at dawn and worked until midnight. She only saw her husband at meal times and in the evenings when

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10 allalaadimist

The Cement Garden Character Sketch

The Cement Garden - Ian McEwan Character Sketch - Tom Tom is the brother of the narrator of the story. He is the youngest child in the family. Tom was a 6-year-old little boy with pale skin. He had a bit big ears, black hair and his smile seemed idiotic. Tom was tender but mettlesome. Since he was the youngest child in the family he was mostly left out due to his age. Other siblings had their own activities together and Tom was too young to understand or take part. I.g. the game of scientists examining a specimen from outer space. His relationship with his father had changed after his father had become semi-invalid. After the incident Tom’s father was very severe with him. He felt like he had to compete for mother’s attention and frequently spited him with stinging criticism

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

English essay The Future of Education

the course a job. This will create a worker who will not be able to do his job without a computer. Teachers will take a backseat in these courses. There is also a chance that Teachers will have an easier job in the future, they will instruct the students only if needed. Also on the horizon are smart objects. These objects are geared more to small children then those that are in high school or college. Objects with animations such as building blocks that can talk and light up to indicate to a child how to stack them correctly. But that can also have an opposite effect, like the children will become addicted to the computers and such. That could be also fatal to the brain of the child. Then there is the good things for children who have problems with health. Like the development in the area of prosthetics. These new prosthetics are used to make education equal for all children. They have recently developed an implant for children with hearing disabilities

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4 allalaadimist

John Travolta

Childhood and Early Years John Travolta was born John Joseph Travolta on February 18, 1954 in Englewood, New Jersey. His father was a semi-professional football player turned tire salesman named Salvatore Travolta and was from Italian American descent. Helen Cecilia was his mother and was an actress and singer, who acted and directed before becoming a high school English and drama teacher. She was from an Irish American descent. John Travolta was the last of six children. As a child, John was always fascinated by on -stage world, due to the influence of his mother and also learnt to play the guitar, do the tap dance and also won a Twist competition at a tender age. He joined acting workshop at the age of 12 due to his love for acting. He dropped out of the Dwight Morrow High School after his junior year and went off to New York in order to secure a job as a performer. He got small roles in musicals like Grease and on Broadway, but nothing was significant

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5 allalaadimist

Truancy in school – individual responsibility

and high school who are definitely old enough to take responsibility for their actions. If they think that they are already smart enough and do not need to study anymore then it is their choice and their parents should not be punished for their children making that decision. There can be many reasons why parents cannot cope with their children. Families are different and you never know what is going on between the members of the family. If the child who is already old enough does not go to school it is his not his parents' responsibility because it is his future and he has a right to decide what to do after becoming an adult. I find that the idea that it is only the responsibility of the parents that their child skips school is quite wrong because there are many stubborn and unpredictable children who just cannot be forced to attend classes and parents can do nothing about it even if they do want their child to study.

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3 allalaadimist


Antropogenees  Liisa Leit G1BK Antropogenees   Antropogenees on inimese põlvnemine ehk antroploogia haru, mis uurib inimese teket ja päritolu. Ahvinimene (Australopiteekus)   Inimese kujunemine sai alguse ligikaudu 5-6 miljonit aastat tagasi Ida-Aafrikas, Victoria järve ja Kilimandzaaro mäe vahelisel alal, kus tekkis ahvinimene.  Välimuselt oli ta umbes poolteist meetrit pikk ja sarnanes pigem ahvile, kui inimesele. Ta liikus kohmakalt kahel jalal, vahel oma pikkadele rippuvatele kätele toetades. Ahvinimene (Australopiteekus)   Ahvinimese aju oli tunduvalt suurem, kui ahvil, kuid palju väiksem, kui inimesel. Ta ei osanud rääkida ja tal puudusid ahvile omased teravad kihvad. Ahvinimene oli võimeline kasutama tööriistadeks ainult üksikuid kive.  Ta oli tunduvalt nõrgem, kui teised ...

Antropoloogia → Antropoloogia
6 allalaadimist

The Life of Indigenous Australian Children.

They were not supplied with shoes; in order to keep their feet warm; children would jump into the cow dung. In Kinchela Boys' Home, which was based in New South Wales, the boys often suffered sexual and physical abuse. Often the white people would send Aboriginal women out into the white community, and if they came back pregnant, the rule was to keep each woman for two years and then take the child away; sometimes mother and child would never see each other again. The white society thought it would be in the best interest of the child to remove her from the corrupting influence of her Aboriginal family. There were no rules or regulations for the treatment of the Aboriginal children who were sent to work. The children then grew up in a white community knowing nothing of the Aboriginal culture and environment.

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4 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia esitlus

Education in Croatia Educational system in Croatia divided into: 1.Early childhood education 2.Primary education 3.Secondary education 4.Higher education Early childhood education There are three stages of early childhood education: · from when the child is 6 months old to when they're one · from the ages of one to three · from the age of three until the child stars attending primary school Even though these three stages are not compulsory, every child must attend kindergarten for a year prior to primary school. Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: · 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class that teaches every subject with the exception of foreign languages and Religion. The students stay in one classroom for the 4 years. · 5th through 8th grades, where different teachers teach different subjects

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1 allalaadimist

Corporal punishment

Corporal punishment In my opinion corporal punishment is unnecessary in our society, because nowadays students may react too fiercely. I believe with all the changes taking place in our world today, it is not realistic to think that the idea of corporal punishment would ever take hold again in schools. I think that most children would respond negatively to a change like this and that this change would only create more of a problem in the long run. Bullying can have a very bad effect on the child who is being bullied and on the child who is allowed to go on bullying. Corporal punishment was not allowed in our school. That is strictly denied to physically punish students in any way. In closing I believe that corporal punishment in schools is a thing of the past. I think that corporal punishment is wrong. Children should be punished when acting out in schools, but that punishment should be in a non-violent form.

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17 allalaadimist

Some people say that schools should not offer meals for pupils

In city schools are the meals pointless because there can children they own food with him or buy it some place nearby. Otherwise on country schools the lunge meals has to be because people live far from home otherwise they don't get their warm meal on right time. Near the city schools are always some shop or café where hey could enjoy their lunge. All so they would get more free time to be with their friends. But that would be an problem for some child parent who don't have money to send their child out for lunge. Also city schools food isn't very quality, because it has made by to much amount. Country schools are small and have a cheep very quality food. Cooks who work there usually has love for cooking so they make food with joy. That's what gives a food a good taste.

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20 allalaadimist


Beyonce Knowles Name Beyonce Knowles Beyoncé Giselle Knowles- Carter was born on September 4, 1981, in Houston, Texas, United States. Beyonce is an American recording artist, actress and fashion designer She enrolled in various performing arts schools and was first exposed to singing and dancing competitions as a child. Knowles rose to fame in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the R&B girl group Destiny's Child, one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time. Solo career She started her solo career in 2003, when she released her first album `'Dangerously in Love'' After that she has released albums: `'B`Day'' (2006) `'I Am... Sasha Fierce'' (2008) `'4'' (2011) Knowles' work has received numerous awards and accolades, including 17 Grammy Awards, 12 MTV Video Music Awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame .

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4 allalaadimist


Euroopa reisi, mille jooksul ta külastas Portugali , Hispaaniat, Kreekat ja Maltat. Ligi 3 aastat kestnud reis pakkus Byronile kui loojanatuurile külluslikku materjali loominguks. Poeemi ,,Child Haroldi palverännak" võikski vaadelda kui poeetilist reisipäevikut. Peategelaseks selles poeemis kes ühendab kõiki selle loo sündmusi on Child Harold. Ta on elupõletaja kes on pettunud Inglismaa seltskonnaelus aga saamas on ta ka enesesse tõmbunud ja salapärane noormees. Child on noore aadliku tiitel. Kirjanik unustab selles poeemis teatud mõttes oma tegelaskuju ja pigem annab ta hinnanguid poeemi sündmustele. Teose erakordus seisneb selles, et ta tõi sellesse oma kaasaja ühiskondlik- poliitlised sündmused ja probleemid. Ükski teine ei olnud teinud seda seni. Byron püüdis üldistada kohe oma kaasaja probleeme üldistada ja oma loomingusse lisada. Poeemis on põimitud iseenda läbielamised, sündmused ja isikliku elu intiimseid seiku ja armuelamusi

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
68 allalaadimist

Elu 2050 aastal

What kind of life can a child born in the year 2050 expect? How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in the year 2050? I think life will be very diffrent then. By the year 2050 pollution levels in cities will have decreased because scientists will have invented environmentally-friendly cars. By the year 2050 people will be living longer because scientists will have found cures for many diseases. By the year 2050 we will be going to other planets because space travel will have improved. By the year 2050 we will be doing

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60 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun