Mercy kill as a way out Mercy killing has always been a controversial topic, some believe that practicing it should be punished because it could lead to bad consequences but others think a person should never be punished just for helping. Mercy killing should not be punished. People with terminal illness usually experience a lot suffering and when they have a choice whether to live in pain and be a burden to their family and hospital or die in peace, many usually prefer the second choice. Some prefer to die with dignity and if mercy killing would be punished they simply would have the freedom of choose. On the other hand mercy killing should be punished. If mercy killing becomes something usual younger people might start thinking life has a smaller value. A tremendous amount of resources is used to keep the terminally ill people alive and doctors might start using euthanasia as something to save up the resources...
Introduction: Hi, I'm here to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using legal English. How many of you have had to use/have had any interaction with legal English? Well, I, myself, apart from learning it in this class, have never, but many others have. Legal English dates back to thousands of years and it is an essential part of law. Lately, in some cases, legalese has been smoothly replaced with plain language and for some it is unacceptable. So, why use legal English when there is already plain language that can be used instead? Body 1: Firstly, we all like to follow traditions, right? So do most lawyers. You know Latin was and is important for English law, the practice of using Latin word versus in case names (for "against") still occurs daily. Why change something that has been used and appreciated for thousands of years? Law is known for it's conservatism and legalese might have maintained so well because many lawyers
you can consume, so to gain profit. Corporations inside the cities were made and guilds were formed. It also had a key structure: Father who was head of the corporation and his family who also among other things had the right to vote, an understudy who learned the business and a disciple who worked as a servant for the house and learnt the basics on how to do the masters job. All of this fast development eventually lead to the alliance of cities. 5. What is the difference between legal positivism and natural law theory (look from Internet!)? Legal positivism states that law is created by the people in power, therefore government who is a legally constituted authority. Law is still law and must be obeyed and therefore human nature or morality is not of concern. The validity is in law itself and is sufficient evidence that it must be followed. Natural law on the other hand is legal rights or ‘’law’’ in the moral itself.
privatization policy was one of the important reforms of Georgian Government, that was ad- dressed to denationalization of the remained state property in order to attract foreign investments, increase and develop the private sector and effective use of country resources. Georgia is a business-friendly state that strives to make Georgia the best destination for business- es. The reforms and creation of the right legal base have played a significant role in Georgia's economic growth. The Government of Georgia stays committed to its economic reform agenda and intends to implement further reforms to improve its investment climate and stimulate eco- nomic growth. This means more reforms and more initiatives in a range of fields aimed at further improvement of investment climate and progress in terms of the ease of doing business.
Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave Break the law – do something illegal Penalty – punishment Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Law – the system of rules System of courts – all judicial institutions Enforce – to make people obey the law Authority – a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity /the moral or legal right or ability to control Prescribe – to tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a rule of something Impose The word law can have several meanings, it can be divided into prescriptive and descriptive law. Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave, e. g. law of gravity Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave e.g. speed limits In all societies relations between people are regulated by prescriptive law; customs (informal
1.Common law A common law legal system is a system of law characterized by case law which is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals a common law system is based on legal precedents. The roots of the common law legal systems can be traced back to the first common law system created in England during the Middle Ages. Today, most countries that once had ties to England, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, to name a few, operate under common law. Aside from Great Britain, the majority of the countries in Europe operate under a version of civil law modeled after the Roman legal system created centuries ago
established in Georgia and they are as follows: · Joint-Stock Company (JSC) · Limited Liability Company (LLC) · General Partnership (GP) · Limited Partnership (LP) · Cooperative (CO) · Business Partnership (BP) · Individual Enterprise (IE) The rules contained in the LOE apply equally to foreign and local companies. Therefore, foreign nationals may freely participate in the incorporation of legal entities, due to the absence of any applicable legal limitation. General Rules Applicable to All Types of Business Entities · Registering Authority All companies shall be registered with the Tax Inspections of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. · Charter - A company may have its Charter (Articles of Association, By laws) or a Shareholders' Agreement in which the founders may articulate the details of management and operation of the company. The legislation does not require
fine (trahv) - certain sum of money person pays for breaking a law corruption (korruptsioon) - dishonest or unethincal conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority suspension (kõrvaldamine) - form of punisment that people recieve for violating rules and regulations Civil Action (tsiviilhagi) - lawsuit between two private parties prosecution (süüdistus) - the institution and carrying on of legal proceeding against a person injury (vigastus) - an act or event that causes someone/something no longer to be fully healthy claim (nõudeõigus) - to apply for compensation or to inherit something prison (vangla) - residence for incaretaking criminals majority (enamus) - greater amount of the group public opinion (avalik arvamus) - collective opinion of many people on same issue, problem etc.
29. ühiskonnavastaseks käitumiseks pidama consider anti-social behaviour 30. oht ühiskonna heaolule ja korrale danger to the well-being and order of society 31. leidma süüdi olevat (milleski) find guilty of (a crime) 32. riigivastane süütegu offence against the state 33. rahatrahv fine 34. vangistus imprisonment 35. juriidilised kohustused legal obligations 36. vaidlusi lahendama (kohtus) settle disputes in a court of law 37. kinnisvara võõrandama transfer real estate 38. testamenti tegema make a will 39. äriühingut asutama set up/ establish/ found/ form/ start a company 40. riskeerima tehingute tegemisega risk making transactions 41. õigusnõustamist taotlema seek legal advice 42
as well as the displaced, throughout sustaining their survival throughout the humanitarian aid program that the organization is conducting. SAA is part of the Coalition for a Democratic Syria, a coalition of Syrian American organizations which includes six organizations which are United for a Free Syria, Syrian Expatriates Organization, the Syrian Emergency Task Force, Christian Syrians for Democracy and Association of free Syrians. 4. Judicial system and its functionality The Syrian legal system is based partly on French law and partly on Syrian statutes. Investigating magistrates determine whether a case should be sent to trial. Minor infringements are handled by peace courts, more serious cases go to courts of first instance. There are civil and criminal appeals courts, the highest being the Court of Cassation. Separate state security courts have jurisdiction over activities affecting the security of the government. In addition, Shari'ah courts apply
näitel) 4. Ius commune allikad: a. Õiguse allika mõiste. b. nende ajalooline kujunemine (sugukonnaõigus, lokaalõigus, kodifikatsioonid, loomuõiguskoolkond, ajalooline koolkond) c. kehtiva õiguse allikad d. ,,rahvusliku õiguskorra püramiid". KIRJANDUS: 1. Ainekavas näidatud soovituslikud materjalid. 2. Comparative Juridical Review. Vol 30, 1993. (Vt Smith, R. Artikkel) 3. David, R., Brierley, J.E.C. Major Legal Systems in the World Today. London 1985, pp 1-79; 81-154. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES; sobib ka 1968.a väljaanne). 4. Glendon, M.A. jt. Comparative Legal Traditions. 1994. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES, SOBIB KA 1985.a väljaanne), pp 1-41; 44- 191; pp 192-276. 5. Ilus, E. Rooma eraõiguse alused. Toim. H. Pisuke. Tln. 2000, lk 27-53. 6. Kohtud Eestis: minevikus ja tänapäeval. Koost. H. Schneider. Trt 1994, lk 7-46. 7. Luts, M
Essential Vocabulary - I The role of law in society 1. juriidilised kohustused – legal obligations 2. kannatanud pool, kahjukannataja – injured party 3. vaidlusi lahendama (kohtus) – to settle a dispute in a court of law 4. riskeerima tehingute tegemisega – to risk making transactions 5. õigusnõustamist otsima – to seek legal advice 6. tagama, et leping kehtiks – to ensure that the contract would be valid 7. õiguslikke vahendeid kasutama – to use legal means 8. harjuma õiguslikke vahendeid kasutama – to get accustomed to using legal means 9. omama teadmisi millestki – to have knowledge of smth 10. ette kirjutama, ettekirjutus, ettekirjutav – to prescribe, prescription, prescriptional 11. karistust kandma – to serve punishment (ka to suffer a penalty) 12
· Homereading we read a case from European Court of Justice thingy. · Oral thing. · 90% you have to attend · Have to prepare for class and take part of it etc What we learn: Terms Expressions / collocations (nt obey/abide by the law) Explaining AWOL absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parliament readings(amendments made to the law (seadusemuudatused)pass/ adopt the lawpass on to the presidentproclame (väljakuulutama) or veto or sent to supreme court (riigikohus) (may declare it un-constitutional)it has to be published in the state gazette (riigiteataja) Vald rural municipality
non-contentious responsible for to decide whether preferred term for a matters usually assuring the law is or not to instigate practising lawyer in concerned with followed and carried (põhjustama, certain jurisdictions estates, deeds, powers- out in every case. kaasa tooma) legal of-attorney, and Judges also read proceedings foreign and through court to appear in court international business. documents and may A notary's main research legal issues. functions are to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and statutory declarations, witness
Printerite kasutusalad 1) Raamatupidamine Canon LBP-3460 Regioon: Universaal Prindimeedia tüüp: ümbrik, LASER TRANSPARENCY, paber Meediavorming: A4, A5, B5, executive, legal, letter Prindilahutus: 600 x 600 Prinditehnoloogia: laser Etteandesõlmede maht (lehte): 250 Väljundusalvede maht (lehte): 250 Prindikeeled: PCL 5e, PCL 6 Maksimaalne mälumaht (MB): 64 Standardmälu: 64 Võrgukaart: 10/100 TX ETHERNET Ühendused: RJ-45, USB 2.0 Operatsioonisüsteemid: windows 2000/98 SE/ME/NT 4.0/server 2003/XP Paberi vorming või maksimumsuurus: A4 First page out (s): 8
combination of locals and expatriates. As the company is small and with a limited budget the chosen method must be both economical and effective. Since the entry mode chosen was exporting, the best way to maintain the low budget would be to mainly hire locals together with few expatriates. As the market of entering is a foreign country (Nigeria) there would be needed to hire locals of the new country in the sales, marketing and legal departments. The locals should be hired as sales representatives and agents as they know the culture, methods to approach the possible customers and the needs of the market of the new country. Their tasks would be the direct selling (i.e. door-to-door selling, attending fairs and trade shows) and also meeting with the potential retailers and vendors, who could start selling Daffodils products. The
A former female police officer was awarded an estimated £1,000,000 in a package, after complaining of bullying and sexual and racial harassment. For instance I think it's absolutely ridiculous to get a million for that. I think many people have suffered much more and would deserve much more. But that all concludes in people's ego. It's the side that people get greedy. At that moment lawyers step into play. They have helped create a world in which dissatisfaction leads to blame. Most victims of legal harassment will settle with money in order to avoid a lengthy and expensive trial. The defendant, however vast they may become, will be carried by his or her lawyer, working for a share of the profits. The ,,ambulance chasing" lawyers who are involved in this sort of legal chicanery get rich because when they win they can win simply billions. Innocent defendants know that they have a choice: they either spend years fighting the case or else they settle out of court
Report Estate Planning Basics By Attorney Denis Clifford Complied by: Tartu 2010 This book explains, what most people need to know about estate planning. It will give the legal knowledge, what you need to know preparing your estate plan. ,,Estate Planning" essentially means two things. First, it means deciding who gets your property after you die and choosing the wisest legal transfer methods for leaving your property to those you want to receive it. Second, it means makeing some important personal decisions, such as who will provide care for your young children, if you have any, if anything happens to you and the children´s other parent, and who should make medical and financial decisions for you if you someday become incapacitiated and unable to handle things yourself. A First Look at Estate Planning Who needs to bother with estate planning
tahvlit olid küll roomlastele eriomased, kuid nad rõhutasid alati kreeklaste abi nende koostamisel. Roomlased ei kahelnud hetkegi, kui oli vaja teistelt rahvastelt midagi head ja mõistlikku üle võtta ja rooma kombel kasutama hakata.5 3. Euroopa õiguse ajalugu Euroopa ühtset õigust nimetatakse tänapäeval, tavaliseks ühenduseks rahvusvahelises õigussüsteemis ehk Euroopa Liiduks. See teema siin on seoses õigusliku mõtlemisega, mis on 2 D. Tamm. Roman law and European legal history. Copenhagen, 1997, lk 6 3 D. Tamm. Roman law and European legal history. Copenhagen, 1997, lk 191 4 D. Tamm. Roman law and European legal history. Copenhagen, 1997, lk 189-190 5 H.hattenhauer. Euroopa õiguse ajalugu I raamat. Tartu, 1995, lk 84-85 5 ajalooliselt kindlaks tehtud Euroopa õiguslik areng, mis on mingitmoodi seotud Rooma õiguse või mõne teise maa õigusest
general improvement, far from it. Family and Relationships · Adoption: 19 states allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children in a complex and expensive twostep process, in which one parent first adopts and then the second can petition for joint rights. · Ceremonial Marriages: Same Sex Marriages may be officiated by church officials, or anyone else, but ceremonial marriages in and of themselves involve no civil laws and carry no legal benefits or responsibilities. · Domestic Partnership Registration: is a means by which some cities allow opposite and samesex couples to go on public record as a nonmarried couple. The major benefit is used to establish legal responsibility for debts after a relationship ends. · Domestic Partnership Affidavit: Many private employers and municipalities offer domestic
In addition to the dynamic pace of development of the economy, Russia offers to foreign investors increasing every year the market of goods and services to consumer and business. Most often, this together with the high rate of return on invested capital is a crucial factor in the decision to enter the Russian market. One possible way to full implementation of business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation - is the creation of a legal entity. An enterprise with foreign capital - is created on the territory of the Russian business- organization whose founders are foreign citizens or organizations. Russian legislation provides for the establishment of enterprises in Russia as a 100-percent foreign ownership and joint - with the participation of Russian and foreign shareholders. Established on the territory of the Russian Federation entity with absolute or partial foreign
1. system of pandects pandektiline süsteem 2. general provisions üldosa 3. law of property asjaõigus 4. family law perekonnaõigus 5. law of sucession pärimisõigus 6. law of obligations võlaõigus 7. General Part of the Civil Code Act TsÜS 8. Law of Property Act AÕS 9. Family Law Act perekonnaseadus 10. Law of Succession Act PäRS 11. Law of Obligations Act VÕS 12. persons and transactions isikud ja tehingud 13. natural persons 14. legal persons 15. passive legal capacity õigusvõime 16. active legal capacity (an ability to independently asume civil rights and incur civil obligations) teovõime 17. live birth elussünd 18. bequeath property pärandama 19. mental state vaimne seisund 20. restricted active legal capacity piiratud teovõime 21. mental illness vaimehaigus 22. mental disability nõdrameelsus 23. mental disorder psüühiline häire (sickness of the mind) 24
Drug addiction Definition ● Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a dependence on a legal or illegal drug or medication. Keep in mind that alcohol and nicotine are legal substances, but are also considered drugs. Consequences of using drugs ● Drug addiction can cause serious, long-term consequences, including problems with physical and mental health, relationships, employment, and the law. Best known drugs ● Cannabis ● Heroin ● Cocaine ● LSD ● Ecstasy Cannabis ● Weed effects include losing interest in health, life, school activities, old friends and goals.
SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (BANKING) PREAMBLE: This is a MILITARY POWER OF ATTORNEY prepared pursuant to Title 10, United States Code § 1044b, and executed by a person authorized to receive legal assistance from the military services. Federal law exempts this power of attorney from any requirement of form, substance, formality, or recording that is prescribed for powers of attorney by laws of a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory, commonwealth, or possession of the United States. Federal law specifies that this power of attorney shall
SilverKera 10.B GAG Some statistics · An island country · Southern tip of the Malay peninsula · Total area of 710 km2and a population of 5 312 400 · Population density 7 315/ km2 · Left-handtraffic A brief history of Singapore · Comes from the Malay wordSingapura · British colony in 1819 · Occupied by Japan in 1942-1945 · 1959 self-governing state · 1963 joined Malaysia · 1965 complete independence Legal system · Legal system based on English common law · Trial by jury removed in 1970 · Caning · Mandatory death penalty · "Possibly the highest execution rate in the world relative to its population" Economy · Location made it an important trading post · In 2011 ranked 2ndfreest economy · Singaporean dollar · Port of Singapore · Worlds highest % of millionaires (1 out of 6) · No minimum wage and high income inequality levels among developed countries
ruttu ja hiljemalt viie aasta jooksul pärast nimetatud kuupäeva. 3. Kui töökohas tehakse muudatusi, seda laiendatakse ja/või ehitatakse ümber pärast kuupäeva, mil vastavalt artikli 12 lõikele 1 jõustub käesolev direktiiv, võtab tööandja vajalikud meetmed tagamaks, et kõnealused muudatused, laiendused ja/või ümberehitused vastavad lisades sätestatud miinimumnõuetele. Eesti õigusakt: · Kaevandamise ja kaeveõõne teisese kasutamise ohutusnõuded 1 Legal act: Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministri määrus, number: RTL 2004, 112, 176; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, number: RTL 2004, 112, 176, Entry into force: 27/08/2004; Reference: (MNE(2004)52298) · Maavarade kaevandamisele esitatavad töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse nõuded 1 Legal act: Vabariigi Valitsuse määrus, number: RTI 2004, 51, 358 ; Official Journal:
In the strictest terms, Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy means that a perpetrator has Munchausen's syndrome or factitious illness himself/herself and manifests the psychipathology via the child. Aga kas MSBP on vaimne haigus ja kas kohtul on võimalus tunnistada selliseid vanemaid süüdimatuks/kas kohtul on alust karistust selle võrra kergendada? Vastus on ei. (vaata siin järgi USA, Austraalia ja UK seadusi. Kas nendes riikides on ka vaimne haigus süüdimatuse alus?) In majority of legal jurisdiction, doctors are only allowed to give evidence in regard to whether the child is being harmed. They are not allowed to give evidence in regard to the motive as it would be prejudicial to the determination of the guilt. Furthermore, It has been specifically established in legal precedents in Australia and the U.K. that Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy does not exist as a medico-legal entity. About seven years ago, an attorney asked me how much it would cost to assess a mother accused of MSBP
which are subject to regular official veterinary checks. According to the TFEU free movement provision articles 26 and 37, basically mentioned PB&R company may claim for a compensation from the EU Member State because animals or any kind of goods may and should have no barriers within Union’s member states to move as a part of “free movement agreement”. According to the Treaty, all businesses, which are legal and are operating in Member State(s) should not be banned or there should not be any restrictions added to their businesses within the territory of all states that agreed on “free movement”. According to article 34 and 35 there could not be any restrictions on export or import of goods within the Member States. So based on this particular case there was a ban that influenced company’s export and import procedures which ended as a loss and damage of PB&R’s business. 1 - http://www
It's takes a lot of work to remain responsible for million-dollar words, be that as it may. Cradle disclosed to ABCNEWS he has been engaged with "possibly more than 100" lawful activities over the expression -- going from suing Iran-Contra figure Oliver North since he driven his television show with it, and to asking radio telecaster Don Imus to cut it out utilizing the expression too. Sony's Columbia Pictures and New Line Cinema additionally got notification from their legal advisors when they utilized the expression in promotions of the film Booty Call and Rumble in the Bronx. Grants have run from four figures to a "solid" six-figures. The way to their prosperity, legal advisors say, is the Buffers' trademark on the expression, and their readiness to utilize the law to protect it. One of the most concerning issues for trademarks is that in the event that you permit such a large number of individuals utilize the expression, at that point you've lost control.
In its resolution of 8 March 2011[1] Parliament called on the Commission to establish a single market surveillance system for all products (harmonised and non-harmonised), based on one legislative act covering both the General Product Safety Directive and Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 on market surveillance, in order to attain a high level of product safety and market surveillance, and to clarify the legal basis. On 13 February 2013, at Parliament's request, the Commission presented the Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package, which aims to improve market surveillance systems in the Member States. The package consists of new enforcement rules for the internal market for goods, which will enable national market surveillance authorities to enforce the law and to provide better and more extensive means of consumer protection
puhkamiseks. Ka nädalas töötajal peab olema võimalus puhkamiseks kogu ööpäeva. Tööandja peab tagama võimalust töötajale puhkepausi teha, kui tema tööpäev kestab rohkem kui 6 tundi. Iganädalane keskmine tööaeg ei pea olema rohkem kui 48 tundi. Ööse vahetuse töötajale peab tagama võimalust läbida tasuta meditsiinilist kontrolli, enne tööle asumist. TÖÖ- JA PUHKEAJA SEADUS Legal act: seadus; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, Publication date: 17/03/2003; Reference: (MNE(2003)54342) Tööandja on kohustatud töötajale andma vaheaja puhkamiseks ja einetamiseks pärast neli tundi kestnud töötamist, kui kollektiivlepingus ei ole sätestatud teisiti. Tööandja on kohustatud andma rasedale arsti otsuses näidatud ajal vaba aega sünnituseelseks läbivaatuseks, mis arvatakse tööaja hulka. § 26
The Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity." 1 Birgit Majas Overview established in 1908 current director, Robert S. Mueller, III On July 31, 2009, had a total of 32,709 employees. Headquarters in Washington, D.C. FBI budget $6.4 billion Legal personality: Governmental: Government agency 2 Director appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate term of each FBI Director is limited to ten years current Director, Robert S. Mueller, III confirmed as Director of the FBI by the Senate on August 2, 2001 took the oath of office on September 4, 2001 3
Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. You've probably heard that drugs are bad for you, but what does that mean and why are they bad? Medicines Are Legal Drugs If you've ever been sick and had to take medicine, you already know about one kind of drugs. Medicines are legal drugs, meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. But it's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want. Cigarettes and Alcohol Cigarettes and alcohol are two other kinds of legal drugs. (In Estonia, adults 18 can buy cigarettes and alcohol.) But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults and off limits for kids. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco leaves. Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain. Each cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine
war4)Villeins or Serfs-didn`t own land,products went to Lord,had to do any job that the Lord asked them to do5)Slaves- had to work hard System of government:King-ruled throughly the system of patronage,he gave hands and privileges to people who were loyal to him when he needed it. The Domesday Book was the record of the great survey of England, executed for 'William the Conqueror'. The survey was similar to a census by a government of today. Magna Carta is an English legal charter. The Magna Carta required King John of England to proclaim certain rights, respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law. Anglo-Saxon poetic forms:Didactic poems-stories from Bible about saints` lives and moral lessons Chivalric romances-plot is centred around a single knight who fought at tournaments,slayed dragons and underwent a series of adventures in order to win the heart of his heroine. Courtly love-lover idealised and idolised his beloved.
These are mainly income and value-added taxes . Tax revenues come from a variety of sources. Goods that are imported into Lithuania face import duties that range from 10 to 100 percent (but average 15 percent on most goods). The highest tariffs are on tobacco, automobiles, jewelry, and gasoline. The personal income tax level is 33 percent with rates of between 10 to 35 percent on supplemental income from investments or interest dividends. Labour law Essential political economic and legal reforms started after the independence of Lithuania in 1990. Since then the legal system has been reformed to meet the demands of the social and economic changes brought by the return to democracy and the free market economy system. The population of Lithuania is 3.4 million, with a labour force of 1.6 million. Unemployment has been low, but has increased to almost 10 per cent during 2009. All employees in Lithuania
States, is one of the fundamental principles of the Treaty (Art. 28 TFEU). According to its wording, Article 34 TFEU applies to obstacles in trade ‘between Member States’. A cross-border element is therefore a prerequisite for evaluating a case under this provision. Taking into account that described measures affect also import and export of dogs, its fall in the scope of the Article 34-36 TFEU. National legal provisions in question are capable of hindering intra-EU trade2 Is there a measure in form of action or inaction? Measure in question is in form of action - the parliament adopted the prohibitive law. Articles 34-35 TFEU are often characterised as a defence right which can be invoked against 1 Case 7/68 Commission v Italy [1968] ECR 423 2 Case 8/74 Dassonville [1974] ECR 837, paragraph 5. national measures creating unjustified obstacles to cross-border trade. Accordingly, infringements of
Am I going to marry Marriage (or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. For me, marriage is a very important event it makes people care about each other more and understand each other better. I have thought about it to marry in distant future. But before is needed to finish the school. It is not enough, because be some time before that to live together. Must also find a good and rewarding job, because weddings arevery expensive at this time. But if two peoples want to get married then money is not an obstacle
A monopoly - single seller - the good produced and sold has no close substitutes - barriers to entry prevent others from competing - in the short, run the firm can alter the price and output; the firm is a "price maker" (or "price setter") Barriers to Entry (BTE) Social or political institutions or economic conditions that prevent firms from entry into a market. There are three major types of barriers to entry: economic, legal and deliberate. laws, regulations, patents, copyrights, trademarks, . . . location, natural ability, information, economics of scale (natural monopolies) Economic Barriers:Economic barriers include economies of scale, capital requirements, cost advantages and technological superiority Economic Barriers Economies of scale: Monopolies are characterized by declining costs over a relatively large range of production.
rahuldab õiguslikke ideaale, demokraatiat või seaduse reeglit. Lihtsamalt öeldes positivism on vaade sellest, et õigus on sotsiaalne konstruktsioon (Green 2003). 5 Kirjanduse loetelu Grauberg, E.ja Kivinurk, K. 1991. Maailm. Tõde. Vabadus : sissejuhatus Lääne-Euroopa filosoofia ajalukku. Tallinn: Valgus. Green, L. 03.01.2003. Legal positivism. Stanford University. (6.10.2009) Popkin, R.H. ja Stroll, A. 1999. Philosophy: Contemporary philosophy. 3rd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Saarinen, E. 2007. Filosoofia! Tartu:Hermes OÜ. 6
considerably, this can function as a general definition of the literary form. The debates are necessarily charged, highlighting the contrasting values and personalities of the participants, and exposing their essentially opposite natures. On the surface, debate poems typically appear didactic, but under often lies a genuine dialogue between 2 equally paired opponents. For an example The Thrush and the Nightingale. · Feudalism- Was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that fluorished between 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of a land in exchange for service or labor. · Thomas Becket-Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162-1170. He is venerated as a saint and martyr by both the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. He engaged in conflict with Henry II of England
operations that could result in asbestos exposure and the importance of preventive controls; safe work practices, controls and protective equipment; the appropriate role, choice, selection, limitations and proper use of respiratory equipment; emergency procedures; decontamination procedures; waste disposal; medical examination requirements Sector specific and worker related provisions Directive 94/33/EC - young workers EESTI VABARIIGI TÖÖLEPINGU SEADUS Legal act: seadus, number: RT I 2004, 37, 256; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, number: RT I 2004, 37, 256, Entry into force: 01/05/2004; Reference: (MNE(2003)54579) Employers shall adopt the measures necessary to protect the safety and health of young people, taking particular account of the specific risks which are a consequence of their lack of experience, of absence of awareness of existing or potential risks or of the fact that young people have not yet fully matured
LONDON LONDON Largest city in western Europe Dominates Britain Headquarters of all goverment departments the country´s parliament major legal institutions the monarch Bussiness and banking centres, the national television networks and newspapers Seven times larger Fifth of the total population TWO AREAS Walled City (the square mile) Small Did not contain Parliament or the royal court Traders and merchants Westminster Outside London´s walls National institutions meeting place WEST END AND EAST END West End Theatres, cinemas, expensive shops East End
Printeriliides peab seetõttu olema kahesuunaline. Paberi formaat (laius) Iga printerimudel on ette nähtud ühe kindla maksimaalse paberiformaadi kasutamiseks. Paberiformaat võib vastata Euroopa (A4, A3 jne.) või Ameerika (legal, letter jne.) standardile, sama kehtib ka muude andmekandjate, sealhulgas ümbrike kohta (Euroopa DL 220x110 mm, C5 229x162 mm, rahvusvaheline B5 250x176 mm, USA kommertsionaalne COM10 211x105 mm, Monarch 191x98 mm jt.). Paberiformaat A4+ on ekvivalentne USA legal formaadiga. Tegelikult määrab andmekandja formaadi maksimaalselt võimalik prindilaius. Lühikese võlliga maatriksprinteritel on selleks harilikult 257 mm, pika võlliga printeritel 420 mm (võimaldab A3- formaadi põikiasetust). Prinditiheduse 10 cpi korral vastab see kas 80-le või 136-le kirjamärgile (sümbolile) reas. Harilikult saavad printerid tulemusi väljastada ka väiksemaile paberiformaatidele, näiteks kirjaümbrikele, postkaartidele ja etikettidele
Should mercy-killing be punished? It is argued whether mercy-killing should be punished or not. Every human being deserves the right to life, but is it still so when it is not possible to live a normal life? To start with, it is not life when it is not possible to move or even talk. If a person is in coma and court and his family has given the permission, then mercy-killing should be acceptable. On the other hand, we all make mistakes including doctors. When the doctor says that she or he will never wake up it can never be 100% true. In other words, the doctor should pay his price for taking human life. To sum up, in author’s opinion mercy-killing should not be punished. If it is certified by court, his doctor and family then it is legal and maybe it will be a favor for all of them.
serving in the administration of President Barack Obama. She was a United States Senator of New York from 2001 to 2009. In the 2008 election, Clinton was leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. A native of Illinois, Hillary Rodham attracted national attention in 1969 for her remarks as the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College. She embarked on a career in law after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973. Following a stint as a Congressional legal counsel, she moved to Arkansas in 1974 and married Bill Clinton in 1975. Rodham cofounded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families in 1977, and became the first female chair of the Legal Services in 1978. Named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979, she was twice listed as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America. First Lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992 with husband Bill as Governor, she successfully led a task force to reform Arkansas's
the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Pacific and Caribbean. The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a constitutional republic and representative democracy. The government is regulated by a system of checks and balances defined by the U.S. Constitution, which serves as the country's supreme legal document. In the American federalist system, citizens are usually subject to three levels of government, federal, state, and local; thelocal government's duties are commonly split between county and municipal governments. In almost all cases, executive and legislative officials are elected by a plurality vote of citizens by district.
Inimese genoomi projekt (ajalugu, eesmärgid, ELSI, strateegiad). 1956 a. esimene inimgenoomi füüsikaline kaart 1977 a.Sanger: dideoksü sekveneerimise metoodika 1980 a. Botstein: geneetiline kaart RFLP-de alusel 1981 a. Sanger: mitokondriaalse genoomi järjestus 1987 a. USA DoE initsiatiiv inimgenoomi uurimiseks 1988 a. USA NIH loob National Center of Human Genome Research, paralleelselt luuakse HUGO 1990 a. algab HGP 1992 a. Weissenbach: esimene mikrosatelliitidel põhinev geenide aheldatuse kaart 1995 a. Lander: esimene STS põhinev aheldatuse kaart 1999 a. Sanger Center: esimene inimkromosoomi (22) täielik järjestus 2001 a. 90% inimgenoomist sekveneeritud (Celera ja HGSC) 2003 a. inimgenoom on 99% ulatuses sekveneeritud Esmane eesmärk, saada informatsiooni inimese geneetilise pärandi kohta, mis omakorda aitab selgitada erinevate geenide osa ontogeneesis ja patoloogiate tekkes. Projekt algselt planeeritud 15 aastaks, lõpetatud 2 aasta...
Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õenduse õppetool Õppeaine: Eetika Sissejuhatus- situatsiooni kirjeldus · · Õe eetikakoodeksi eesmärk on toetada õdesid otsuste langetamisel nende igapäevases töös. · Õde hoiab isikuandmete konfidentsiaalsust ja jagab seda teavet mõistlikult. · Kliinikumi juhtum õde pani patsiendi isikliku andmeid interneti. Situatsiooni analüüs · Õde riputas intensiivravile sattunud lapse pildi Facebooki · Õde lisas sinna kommentaare lapse elu ja tervise kohta · Kliinikum alustas sisejuurdlust õe suhtes · Arutelu · Õe eetikakoodeks ei jälgitud (isikuandmeid võib kasutada üksnes andmesubjekti nõusolekul või selleks pädeva organi loal). · See tegevus lisas stressi ja muret patsiendile ja tema perele. · Õde peab hoiama isikuandmete konfidentsiaalsust. Järeldused · Organiseerida järjepidevalt eetika-alaseid koolitusi. · Kasutada andmesalvestusja dokumendihaldussüst...
Parents: Aethelwulf, King of Wessex, and Osburh Relation to Elizabeth II: 32nd great-grandfather House of: Wessex Crowned: 871 Married: Ealhswith of Mercia Children: 5 children Died: 899 Buried at: Winchester ·Only King to have epithet"the Great" ·Defended England against Danish invasion and founded the first English navy ·He encouraged the translation of scholarly works from Latin and promoted the development of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. ·A new legal code came into force during his reign. ·At the age of 19 in 868 he is recorded as fighting beside his brother in Mercia against the Danes In 878, the Danes under their leader, Guthrum overran Wessex. Alfred and his remnants went into hiding. At Easter time in 879, Alfred set up a base in the region of Athelney. The great Saxon kingdoms of England had been reduced to one man who ruled a small area of swamp. It was from this hidden base in the swamps that King Alfred became Alfred the Great
awareness or perceptions and sensations. Some drugs appear to be more likely to lead to uncontrolled use than others. Bans Most governments have designed legislation to criminalise certain types of drug use. These drugs are often called "illegal drugs" but generally what is illegal is their unlicensed production, distribution, and possession. These drugs are also called "controlled substances". Even for simple possession, legal punishment can be quite severe. Laws vary across countries, and even within them, and have fluctuated widely throughout history. Despite drug legislation large, organized criminal drug cartels operate world-wide. Advocates of decriminalization argue that drug prohibition makes drug dealing a lucrative business, leading to much of the associated criminal activity.