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"complexity" - 87 õppematerjali


Uncertainty Ambiguity and Complexity in Project Management

............................................................................. 9 5.ARUTELU JA TAGAJÄRJED................................................................................ 11 KIRJANDUS......................................................................................................... 12 2 SISSEJUHATUS Käesolevas töös on refereeritud Lee Kong Chian School of Business uuringut „On Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and Complexity in Project Management“. Antud uuring on koostatud 2002. aastal augusti kuus ning on kättesaadav internetis. Töö eesmärgiks on ülevaade projekti juhtimisega seotud probleemidest, ebakindulsest ning keerukusest. Uuring on koostasid Michael Pichi, Christoph Locki ja Arnoud de Meyeri poolt. Uuringus on välja toodud, kuidas kavandada projekti ning hilisemalt ellu viimine, projekti monitooring, arutelu ja tagajärjed. 3 1. SISSEJUHATUSEKS

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Nafta eksport ja import

India: $60.9 Korea: billion Jaapan: $44.2 (9.1%) $50.8 billion billion (6.6%) (7.6%) KASUTATUD ALLIKAD World´s top exports. Crude Oil Exports by Country. [WWW] (13.05.2017) World´s top exports. Crude Oil Imports by Countr. [WWW] (13.05.2017) The observatory of economic complexity. Canada. [WWW] (14.05.2017) The observatory of economic complexity. The Arab Emirates. [WWW] (14.05.2017) The observatory of economic complexity. Iraq. [WWW] (14.05.2017) The observatory of economic complexity. Russia. [WWW] (14.05.2017) The observatory of economic complexity. Saudi Arabia

Energeetika → Kütuse ja põlemisteooria
9 allalaadimist

Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid: transfers

Output of non-deterministic algorithm may be different for different runs with the same input data Mittedetermineeritud algoritmi tulemus samade lähteandmete korral võib erinevatel lahenduskordadel olla erinev. Tõene Partial algorithm terminates for any set of input data. Osaline algoritm peatub mistahes sisendandmete korral. Väär Average time complexity of binary search is O(log n). Kahendotsimise keskmine ajaline keerukus on O(log n). Tõene Worst case time complexity of merge sort is O(n). Ühildusmeetodi (merge sort) halvima juhu ajaline keerukus on O(n). Väär (it is O(n log n)) Sorting method is quick if it has average time complexity O(n lon n). Järjestamismeetod on kiire, kui selle keskmine ajaline keerukus on O(n log n). Tõene Jah, üldjuhul ei saa kiiremini Last element added to the stack is removed first. Magasini (stack) viimati lisatud element eemaldatakse esimesena. Tõene LIFO=Last In First Out

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
24 allalaadimist


Availability Include redundant components and mechanisms for fault tolerance. Maintainability Use fine - grain, replaceable components. MVC arhitektuur MVC-arhitektuuri eelised ja puudused Eelised: Allows the data to change independently of its representation and vice versa. Supports presentation of the same data in different ways with changes made in one representation shown in all of them. Puudused: Can involve additional code and code complexity when the data model and interactions are simple. Kihiline arhitektuur Kihilise arhitektuuri eelised ja puudused Eelised: Allows replacement of entire layers so long as The interface is maintained. Redundant facilities (e.g.,authentication) can be provided in each layer to increase the dependability of the system. Puudused: In practice, providing a clean separation between layers is often difficult and a high - level layer may have to interact directly with lower-level layers rather than

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour and relationships? Our world is changing drastically. The vast array of devices which allow us to communicate with each other, changes alongside with it. People have tried various ways of communicating with each other. Some of them have been successful breakthroughs, other rendered obsolete for their complexity and lack of usefulness. Now is the year 2010 and the Internet is everywhere. Many people carry it around in their pockets and some people cannot live a moment of their life without it. The grand amount of information, available for them on their fingertips, addicts them. Information is power and that is why people nowadays want to be everywhere, know everything and see everyone at once. Not many take the time to sit down, grab a pen and a piece of paper and write a letter for someone

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Skrillex vs Mozart

I'm a rrrrock star, mix it with the bass and drop ya! Global! My strobes glow like Chernobyl! Kids explode and get mobile! No one even knows you! I make the whole world move! You play community theatre! I gained your same fame from home on a blown out speaker! [Mozart:] Oh yes, I've heard that EP, and see I transcribed it here Tell me, what comes after the 68th measure of diarrhea? And what kind of drugs does it take to enjoy this? I've no idea! I've seen more complexity in a couch from IKEA You go from piano to fortississimo, that means soft to very very loud, Cause I'm guessing that you didn't know! Why don't you put down your Cubase & pick up a real bow? I rocked harder than you when I was 5 years old!

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Tai Kuningriigi põllumajanduse iseloomustus

Järgnevad maniokk (29,8 miljonit tonni), mais (4,9 miljonit tonni) ja kumm (3,6 miljonit tonni), puuviljadest mango, ananass ja banaan. Loomakasvatuses on juhtkohal sigade arv (7,9 miljonit), riigi majanduses on oluline ka veisekasvatus (6,4 miljonit), järgnevad pühvlid (1,3 miljonit, kasutatakse riisipõldude kündmiseks), lambad ja kitsed (462 000). (FAOSTAT 2015) Tai ekspordi ning impordi kohta on infot kogutud erinevatest allikatest: The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) kodulehekülg, Top Thailand Exports, NSTDA kodulehekülg, Trademap lehekülg. Riik ekspordib kaupu 225,4 miljardi dollari ja impordib 219 miljardi dollari väärtuses. Seega on ülekaalus eksport. Eksporditavatest kaupadest on esikohal masinad (pumbad, mootorid) ja arvutiosad (kergetööstus ja kõrgtehnoloogiline tootmine), oluline on ka tekstiili ning jalanõude väljavedu. Põllumajandustoodang moodustab umbes 8% kogu ekspordist. Tõenäoliselt moodustavad

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

self-leveling is incorporated to allow the vehicle to cope with the extraordinary suppleness provided. France was noted for poor road quality in the post-war years, so the only way to maintain relatively high speed in a vehicle was if it could easily absorb road irregularities. While the system has inherent advantages over steel springs, generally recognized in the auto industry, it also has an element of complexity, so automakers like Mercedes-Benz, British Leyland (Hydrolastic, Hydragas), and Lincoln have sought to create simpler variants. This system uses a belt or camshaft driven pump from the engine to pressurise a special hydraulic fluid, which then powers the brakes, suspension and power steering. It can also power any number of features such as the clutch, turning headlamps and even power windows. The suspension system

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist

Upstream Proficiency Unit 3 part 2 key

Overrun ­ f, overlook ­ not notice or look out over Underdo, undercook, underdeveloped, underuse, underestimate, underplay ­ d. Underclass and underline ­ e. Underwrite ­ agree to provide money needed to cover losses. Outdo, outlive, outclass, outrun, outplay­ c. Outlook ­ attitude or forecast. Outline ­ general shape or general explanation, or show general shape or give general explanation. EX 38 Presence, tolerance, complexity, courtship, persistence, dependence, brevity, craftsmanship, sincerity, anxiety, fragility, resilience, leadership, resonance.

Infoteadus → Tekstianalüüs
7 allalaadimist

Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

organized into a coherent pattern. a legible city would be one whose districts or landmarks or pathways are easily identifiable and are easily grouped into an over-all pattern. This book will assert that legibility is crucial in the city setting, Although clarity or legibility is by no means the only important property of a beautiful city, it is of special importance when considering environments at the urban scale of size, time, and complexity. To understand this, we must consider not just the city as a thing in itself, but the city being perceived by its inhabitants. Structuring and identifying the environment is a vital ability among all mobile animals. Many kinds of cues are used: the visual sensations of color, shape, motion, or polarization of light, as well as other senses such as smell, sound, touch, kinesthesia, sense of gravity, and perhaps of electric or magnetic fields

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused

e Türk, Siimon (2004) järgi Teooriate paljusus moodsas käsitluses 1. Contingency theory (sõltuvusteooria) 2. Terviklik kvaliteedi juhtimine (TQM ­ total quality management) 3. Sotsiaalse võrgustiku teooria · Neurovõrgustikud · Mõjukusel põhinevad teooriad 4. Õppiv organisatsioon 5. Strateegiline juhtimine · Resource-based view ­ RBV 6. Complexity theory Contingency theory ­ sõltuvusteooria Väliskeskkond Tehnoloogia Sisekeskkond 1. Organisatsioon ­ suletud vr. avatud süsteem 2. Organisatsiooni tasakaalustatus ­ staatiline vr. dünaamiline tasakaal 3. Mõjukus ­ resursside voog organisatsioonis ning organisatsiooni ja väliskeskkonna vahel Organisatsiooni ja väliskeskkonna vaheline mõju Organisatsioon on avatud süsteem

Majandus → Juhtimine
134 allalaadimist

Katherine Mansfield

Her mother even tries to divert her attention with elegant hat, which she puts on Laura`s head and comments endlessly how it makes her beautiful. This brings along an internal conflict in Laura`s mind, either to grief, or to be vain and self- centered. Towards the end Laura is sent to the grieving family to fetch a big basket. At the sight of the dead man she then realizes how unbefitting her hat is and recognizes a change in herself. During that moment she discovers the complexity of life, where are no profoundly right or wrong social conceptions. She matures significantly, albeit everything she learned might not be a lesson of such a kind, which would serve as life-changing, rather short-lived knowledge, if not developed further. In conclusion, it can be said that Laura`s mother influenced her inner growth immensely. Above all Laura wanted to establish her true self and to be wise enough in order to manage in the world of adults

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Homework 2 Solution

heating loss. Second advantage: This always reaches the full supply voltage, then will produce full opening torque and can overcome easily the internal motor resistances, friction and loads. Third advantage: The PWM circuit is small, cheap, can be used to control a wide range of loads. It doesn’t need expensive variable electronic devices. Main disadvantage: PWM circuit is more complicated with high level of complexity. Second disadvantage: PWM causes vibration frequencies and interferes to other radio signals, to other electronic devices as well as to the human comfort.

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
3 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

suggests that the longer an essay is, the more highly valued it is by a rater. This could be because the writer provides additional details which improves the essay's standing in the eyes of the grader. However, this relationship is not linear, but logarithmic.More specifically, it appears as if essay length is important up to a point, but beyond a certain theshold it carries little additional weight. Though this counting method is admittedly superficial, it is an indicator of sentence complexity, and is also tied 3 conceptually to the intrinsic characteristic of style. It is useful to note that this one prox is joined with a number of others to estimate the trin, and would not normally be used as a single indicator for the trait. As alluded to previously, the prox (or prox cluster) variables are regressed against the essay ratings (or in the case where the model is not formulated in an a priori basis, to select the

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist

Art-based learning

The resource can be used in RE to explore both learning about and learning from Christianity, and as part of spiritual, moral and cultural development( Margaret-Cooling/dp/1851753826). Usage of the method This method helps pupils to understand Christian signs and symbols. It is a good opportunity for a teacher to enrich their teachings with the language of image. An important criterion in choosing an artistic work is complexity. The choise must be done according to the age and ability of the children. Also teacher must remember that expression of christian art can be interpretered variously(Mazzarello:107-108). In my point of view visual teching methods are interesting for the pupils. Also it helps children to connect before heard bible stories with visual art. They see the symbols and also learns to analyse them. For understanding that a picture has a structure and characteristics and it needs to be

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Roheline logistika

jätkusuutlikkuse tagamiseks elutähtsal kohal. Kuigi on tehtud suuri samme saaste vähendamiseks, siis üldiselt tänu jäätmetele, suurele ülekoormatusele teedevõrgus ja ressursside vähenemisele on logistikasektor globaalselt keskkonnasäästlikkusest veel väga kaugel. 8 6.Kasutatud allikad • Supply Chain Performance Measurement – Christoph Lindner • Complexity Management in Supply Chains : Concepts, Tools, Methods – Thorsten Blecker • Veebiartikkel : Green Supply Chain Management Practices: Impact On Performance 9

Logistika → Logistika
89 allalaadimist

Directing Fiction

Despite handling a number of thematic direction, Renoir's clarity of approach is such that these remain distinct. For example, the theme of mistaken identity, where one person substitutes for another (such as at the masquerade ball), is introduced at the airport and continues throughout. Together with the direct interpretation, every member of this upper-middle class social group is required (as a matter of course) to hide their true feelings, their identity. It is this complexity, presented in simple terms. Renoir subtly builds his case against the aristocracy, collapsing his house of cards only at the very end. Ivan The terrible by Sergei Eisenstein is a biographical/historical film. Sergei Eisenstein was the one who created a feeling of illusion,projected trilogy documenting the life and times of the notorious 16th century czar, appeared to great acclaim within the Soviet Union. The

Pedagoogika → Haridus
7 allalaadimist

Ekspordi korraldus

Välisministeeriumi pressitalitus. []. 25.05.2014. 4. Kerner, R. Juulis eksporditi enim Venemaale. []. 22.05.2014. 5. Kerner, R. Juunis kaupade eksport vähenes. []. 20.05.2014 6. Kerner, R. Novembris ületas kaupade eksport importi. []. 20.05.2014. 7. Learn More About Trade in Estonia. Observatory of Economic Complexity. []. 21.05.2014. 8. Learn More About Trade in Russia. Observatory of Economic Complexity. []. 22.05.2014. 9. Rozental, V. Vaata Tartumaa edukamaid ettevõtteid. [ PublicationId=71ac36cf-41cf-479d-a084-561ef312adf7]. 22.05.2014. 10. SDRs per Currency unit and Currency units er SDR last five days. International Monetary

Majandus → Ekspordi korraldus
40 allalaadimist


teisteks keskkondadeks. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS • Bergerona, J., Paquetteb, S., Poullaouec-Gonidecb, P. (2014). Uncovering landscape values and micro-geographies of meanings with the go-along method.- Landscape and Urban Planning. Väljaanne nr. 122. lk 108-121 • Bruni, D. (2016). Landscape Quality and Sustainability Indicators.- Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Väljaanne nr. 8. lk 698-705 • Cormont, A. (2016). Landscape complexity and farmland biodiversity: Evaluating the CAP target on natural elements.- Journal for Nature Conservation. Väljaanne nr. 30. lk 19-26 • Kokovkin, T. (2001). Viis mõtet maastikust. – Maastik: loodus ja kultuur. Maastiku käsitlusi Eestis. /Toim. H. Palang, H. Sooväli. Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut väljaanne nr 91. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse trükikoda, lk 40-44. • Külvik, M. (2001). Mida tahame maastikul kaitsta- seisundit või protsessi

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Review Of Donald Norman Design Of Everyday Things

copy or Norman's daydreaming of hypertext (p.??) wasn't incorporated into the digital edition. This formatting decision I consider a shortcoming of the book too. DOET is about to be republished in a new, updated edition this year, and should this edition include major updates to sections pertaining anticipation of the future, a lot of portions in the present edition may be forgiven - it is quite uncomfortable to read Norman's musings and fears for how the future will deal with complexity of objects that he prophesizes to appear when they are already integral parts of our everyday life and amongst them there are definitely examples of successful design - and it detracts from perceiving Norman in a wholly positive light and believing him. One of the things DOET aspires to teach the reader is observation - for the book to emerge as wholly successful the readers should start watching and seeing the objects of their everyday use and their interactions with them

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

opportunities for BEPS, for example in their branch and financial instrument-related operations. The fixed ratio rule and the group ratio rule should be used for these entities not controlled by financial regulations. However, for banking and insurance entities in the groups, the July 2016 discussion draft recommends no single approach but provides that countries should introduce their own rules to tackle the actual BEPS risks they face. Unfortunately, this will add to the complexity of interest expense deductibility rules the companies face and tax administrators need to take into account. The comments to this discussion draft are expected by September 8 th, 201t6. In summary, the OECD has done a thorough preparation to address the challenges under Action 4 of their BEPS project. Some lines of work are still in the discussion phase but a proposal for a fixed ratio rule supplemented with group ratio rule to

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


The rings might have resulted when a moon or a passing body ventured too close to Saturn. The unlucky object would have been torn apart by great tidal forces on ts surface and in its interior. In , the object may not have been fully formed to begin with anddisintegrated under the influence of Saturn's gravity. A third possibility is thatthe object was shattered by collisions with larger objects orbiting the planet ("Pioneer 10, 11"). Voyager I provided much more detail on the beauty, complexity, and sometimes baffling nature of the rings. The six known rings are actually composed of hundreds of tiny, thin ringlets with intervening spaces, so that the whole ring system looks something like the grooves in a phonograph record. Even the Cassini division, once thought to be empty space between the A and B rings, contains several dozen ringlets. There are far too many rings to be explained by the present theories of how planetary rings form and remain stable. The thin

Astronoomia → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist

Valkude ruumiline struktuur

mikrotorukeseks Valkude ruumiline struktuur regulaarne või irregulaarne? Primaarstruktuurid tohutult varieeruvad 1934 pepsiini kristallidelt difraktsioon 1958 müoglobiini struktuur (Kendrew) 1965 lüsotsüüm raeguseks on teada ca 10000 valgu struktuur "Perhaps the most remarkable features of the molecule are its complexity and its lack of symmetry. The arrangement seems to be almost totally lacking in the kind of regularities which one instinctively anticipates, and it is more complicated than has been predicted by any theory." John Kendrew kommenteerides esimest globulaarse valgu kristallstruktuuri, Cambridge University, 1958 Valkude struktuurse organisatsiooni tasemed 1. Primaarstruktuur aminohappeline

Keemia → Keemia alused
46 allalaadimist

Aeroobsete ja Anaeroobsete bakterite metabolismi erinevused

Tartu 2010 Summary Metabolism is one of the things that can be used to classify bacteria. For example aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are differentiated on the bases of their need for oxygen in the metabolism. The following report is a brief overview of bacterial metabolism, that is mostly concentrated on the diffrence between anaerobic metabolism ja aerobic metabolism. Because of the complexity of bacterial metabolism the report is mainly about the fundamental diffrences in catabolism (enzymes used and energy and products that are gained) and the defenceses that are used against oxidative stress. To write this report different literary sources, review journals and articels have been used to describe the metabolism in anaerobes and in aerobes. Sissejuhatus Metabolism on kõikide rakus toimuvate protsesside ja reaktsioonide ühine nimetaja. Need

Bioloogia → Mikrobioloogia
38 allalaadimist

New Guinea (inglise keeles)

destruction of their habitat by logging, road construction and conversion for human use. Although banned by the Indonesian government since 1990, trading in the feathers of the birds of paradise is still ongoing./5/ Vital waterways for people and wildlife Home to crocodiles, freshwater sharks, barramundi and hundreds of other fish species, the rivers of New Guinea rival terrestrial ecosystems in terms of complexity and diversity. They are also integral parts of forest ecology. River systems form extensive floodplains at lower altitudes, arising from networks of progressively smaller rivers and streams originating in the highlands. /2/ 10 References 1. 2. 3. http://news.nationalgeographic

Loodus → Loodus
5 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

6 Chapter 1: Literature Review The construction industry is complex and dynamic and has several constraints that distinguish it from other industrial sectors. Dimitri Mitchell outlined in a September 2009 article in Civil Engineering entitled “The Promise of Virtual Design”, four characteristics that illustrate the construction industry. First, there is a high degree of complexity resulting from different companies collaborating on a single project. These diverse and dispersed companies are required to exchange critical information during the design and construction phases. Second, owners and other non engineering stakeholders interpret 2D drawings differently and often have an incomplete understanding of the planned construction. Third, there is a high degree of uncertainty and risk caused by site conditions

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

3D, and a poorly optimized scene graph ( Unfortunately, the timings have not been repeated with the latest version of Java 3D. Marner's code shows other striking differences between Java 3D and OpenGL. The C++ and GL4Java programs are of comparable sizes (about 10 classes; 30 pages of code with documentation), while the Java 3D application is much smaller (5 classes and 11 pages). Marner comments on the complexity of the OpenGL code which required a kd-tree data structure, a culling algorithm around the view frustum, and preprocessing vertex operations. All of these capabilities are built into Java 3D, and so were not required in the Java 3D program. In the GL4Java source, the optimized view frustum algorithm is very hard to understand, but is responsible for an order of magnitude speedup over the simpler version. Also, the OpenGL applications could

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnastik 500 sõnaga

A 1. A border ­ äärepeenar 2. A brand new plot- uhiuus ala 3. A coherent system ­ sidev süsteem 4. A curved lawn ­ kaarjas muru 5. A fencing screen ­ puuaed, vahesein 6. A flower bed ­ lillepeenar 7. A focal point ­ keskpunkt 8. A fruit plot ­ puuviljaaed 9. A garden shed ­ katusealune aed 10. A gravel area ­ kruusaga kaetud ala 11. A hedge ­ hekk 12. A hidden area ­ varjatud ala 13. A lawn ­ muru 14. A natural boundary of trees and hedges 15. A path ­ kõnnitee 16. A patio ­ terass, siseõu 17. A screen-block wall ­ kiviaed 18. A shady area ­ varjus olev ala 19. A specimen shrub ­ ilupõõsas 20. A sunny area ­ päikeseline ala 21. A vegetable plot ­ juurviljaaed 22. Abandoned mines- mahajäetud miinid 23. Absorb- neelab, imeb sisse 24. Abundant color- külluslik värv 25. Accented- õhuline 26. Accessible ­ ligipääsetav 27. Accommodate ­...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Reasons why human beings are unique

Somehow, our language-learning abilities were gradually "switched on", Tattersall argues. In the same way that early birds developed feathers before they could fly, we had the mental tools for complex language before we developed it. We started with language-like symbols as a way to represent the world around us, he says. For example, before you say a word, your brain first has to have a symbolic representation of what it means. These mental symbols eventually led to language in all its complexity and the ability to process information is the main reason we are the only hominin still alive, Tattersall argues. It's not clear exactly when speech evolved, or how. But it seems likely that it was partly driven by another uniquely human trait: our superior social skills. While both chimps and humans cooperate, we will always help more Comparative studies between humans and chimps show that while both will cooperate, humans will always help more. Children seem to be innate helpers

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inimõigused, kaasuste kokkuvõtted, õigus isikuvabadusele

condition sine qua non for the lawfulness of the continued detention, but after a certain lapse of time it no longer suffices. The Court must then establish whether the other grounds given by the judicial authorities continued to justify the deprivation of liberty. Where such grounds were "relevant" and "sufficient", the Court must also be satisfied that the national authorities displayed "special diligence" in the conduct of the proceedings. The complexity and special characteristics of the investigation are factors to be considered in this respect. (ii) Application of the above principles to the present case () Grounds for detention 115. During the period covered by the Court's jurisdiction ratione temporis the Magadan City Court, in refusing to release the applicant, relied on the gravity of the charges against him and the danger of his obstructing the establishment of the truth while at. The Court observes that

Õigus → Inimõigused
28 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Exami spikker

Aristoteles (470-399 e.m.a) : väidete struktuur kui iseseisev uurimisobjekt 1967- IBM builds the first floppy disk Süllogism (Aristoteles): 1967 - Seymour Papert designed LOGO as a computer language for children. 1. eeldus: iga x on y. 1968 - Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation 2. eeldus: mõni z on x. 1968 - Douglas C. Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrates järeldus: mõni z on y. his system of keyboard, keypad, mouse, and windows at the Joint Computer Iga b on a Conference in San Francisco's Civic Center. He demonstrates use of a word Mitte ükski b pole a ...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
199 allalaadimist

Tsehhov daam koeraga Chekov Lady and the Lapdog

Chekov Lady and the Lapdog Reid about Chekov: The characters in Chekhov's plays are never fully "known" ­ as a writer, he seems to delight in maintaining a sense of indeterminacy, and unknowability, about them. The bare facts are always laughably inadequate to the complexity of "real" people. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born on 29 January (New Style), 1860, in Taganrog, a small port on the Sea of Azov, in southern Russia. As the son of a grocer and grandson of a serf, Chekhov was a first-generation intellectual. His modest background and upbringing are crucial to his development as a writer. Chekhov always felt that he missed out on childhood. It was a

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

8. Legal aid offices ­ õigusabi talitus 9. Legislative committee- seadusandlik komitee 10. Local bar associations ­ kohalik advokatuur 11. Abreast of recent developments ­ kursis viimaste arengutega 12. To be obtained - tuleb hankida 13. A broad range of issues ­ lai teemade ring 14. One-time requirement ­ ühekordne vajadus 15. Rank of management ­ auastme juhtimine 16. Nonprofit organizations ­ mittetulundus ühingud 17. The growing complexity of law ­ õiguse kasvav keerukus 18. The keen competition for job ­ töökohtade tugev konkurents 19. Demand declines ­ nõudluse vähenemine 20. Median annual earnings ­ aasta keskmine töötasu

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Euroopa pronksi- ja rauaaeg

Pare 2000 Bronze Age Hypothesis 1.Pronks oli majanduse ja ühioskonna alus 2.Vask/tina vajalik ühiskonnale 3.Loodusliku Vase/tina allika puudumine 4.Tulemus: Pronks viib suure vahetuskaubanduseni Ai-Bunar, Bulgaria; 5 aastatuhat BC 2200 peetakse tina+vase kooskasutamise alguseks Puttkamer (2006) (smelting) Metallurgia spetsialiseerunud, ,,täiskohaga töö" ,,myth of control" - sotsiaalse hirearhia töö? Kienlin 2013 -no rapid increase and development on scale and complexity in EBA -no evolutionist development in terms of techniques and technology -nolaws of chemystry and physics alone -no ,,political" authority over prestige-goods exchange -metallurgy and copper/bronze production complex and regionalli specific. Not necessarily elite-driven -väikesed gruppid seotud metallurgiaga, segmentary as in Neolithic times -intra-community part-time specialization 5-8% tina lisa vasele annab pronksi sulamisele ilusa kuldse värvuse, sulatamistemp on madalam, annab

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Filmikunsti ajalugu

1940 deal with RKO pictures: six film contract with complete control.1941 Citizen Kane released, Welles only 25 years old. 1940's: career as an actor. Influences on Welles. German Kammerspielfilm, expressionst cinema, chiaroscuro lightning (Lang), fluid camera (Murnau), baroque mise e scene, french poetic realism, john ford, theatre, radio Welles major themes: shakespeare adaptions (Macbeth, Othello), corrupting nature of ambition, obsession, mportance of a sense of the past, complexity of human characters (and human interaction), lost innocence, power and impotence. Welles vs Hollywood Citizen Kane was too much for 1940's audience. ,,The magnificant Ambersons"-studio edits, commercial failure. Journey into Fear-commercial failure. It's all True-all material was dumped into the Santa Monica Bay. The stranger-commercial success/Welles ,,my worst film". The Lady from Shanghai-commercial failure. Welles films in Europe ,,Othello"

Ajalugu → Filmiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Molekulaarbioloogia praksi kontrolltöö vastused

Kordamisküsimused 1.prax: · Mis on rakuliin ja rakkude primaarkultuur, mille poolest erinevad? Primaarne rakukultuur on otseselt koest eraldatud rakkudest koosnev ja piiratud jagunemisvõimega kloon. Rakuliin on imortaliseeritud kloon, mis on võimeline paljunema/ jagunema piiramatult. Immortaliseeritud liine saab kas iseeneslike mutatsiooni tagajärjeliste transformatsioonide kaudu, ka eraldades rakke kasvajatest. Tekitada kunstlikult telomeraasi sisseviimisel rakku. Rakuliin sageli aneupolidne- kromosoomide arv normaalsest erinev (tavaliselt suurem). Eri rakutüübid transformeeruvad eri sagedusega, suured liikidevahelised erinevused. · Milleks on söötmesse lisatud seerum, antibiootikumid ja aminohapped? Et rakud end hästi tunneksid. Seerum-keskkond + mitogeenid=kasvufaktorid ja muud proliferisatsiooniks vajalikud substansid. Antibiootikumid-et bakterid vohama ei hakkaks, meie rakud olid antibioo...

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
78 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

We believe that this strategy has been effective. While customers have not noted a difference in the range and quality of our products, we have managed to significantly reduce the number of products containing phthalates and artificial musks. We have now set fixed timescales for elimination of these ingredients. By the end of 2006, phthalates will have been removed from all of our formulations. Likewise, artificial musks will be out of 95% of our formulations by this date. However, due to the complexity of replacing them in some of our most popular products, our deadline for phasing our artificial musks from all formulations is therefore 2010.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Boolean Functions and their Cryptographic Criteria

𝑢∈𝔽 2 𝑎 𝑢 ≠0 5 Algebraic degree is one of the most important properties of Boolean functions, when it comes to cryptography. One of the basic requirements relative to the Boolean functions used in stream ciphers is that they allow to increase the linear complexity, which is obtained if these functions have a high algebraic degree.[7] Lemma 2.1. The weight of a Boolean function 𝑓 over 𝔽𝑛2 is an odd number if and only if deg 𝑓 = 𝑛. Theorem 2.1. If a Boolean function𝑓 of 𝑛 variables has a degree of deg 𝑓 = 𝑑 > 1 , then the following inequality stands correct: 2𝑛−𝑑 ≤ 𝑤𝑡(𝑓) ≤ 2 𝑛 − 2𝑛−𝑑 Proof

Informaatika → krüptograafia
1 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

•The domain object model provides an overall shape to which to add function, feature by feature. 3.Collective Ownership or Class Ownership: a. XP claims three benefits from collective code ownership: •We avoid waiting for someone to make a change we need in their code. •Overly complex code is eliminated because anyone who finds such code will try to simplify it. Knowing this, developers are less likely to add complexity that they cannot justify. •Collective ownership spreads knowledge of a system throughout the team reducing risk if a critical team member leaves. b. Feature teams also solve these problems, while keeping the well established benefits of individual code ownership: •By definition, all the owners of classes needing updates for the development of a particular feature are members of the feature team. In other words, the feature team owns all the code that needs changing for a particular feature.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia arvestus I semester

U 4900 geeni. 62. Caenorhabditis elegans ja Drosophila melanogaster geenitehnoloogia mudelobjektidena.  Caenorhabditis elegans – paeluss. Uss eostatakse ühe rakuna. Sellel on närvisüsteem ja aju. Demonstreerib käitumismustreid ja on võimeline algeliseks õppimiseks. Toodab spermat, mune, sigib ja paljuneb. Eluiga 2- 3 nädalat, läbipaistev keha, kasvatatakse bakteritega Petri alustel. Ideal compromise between complexity and tractability (keerukus ja töödeldavus). Rakkude jagunemine väga korrapärane. Igas organismis 959 rakku. U 20 000 geeni  Drosophila melanogaster – äädikakärbes. Thomas Hunt Morgan uuris neid ja avastas mutandi valgete silmadega. Avastati kromosoomid ja Morgan võitis Nobeli preemia 1933. aastal. Kärbse kohta teatakse väga palju ning selle uurimine on odav

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
14 allalaadimist

Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW).

Bioinformaatika ülesanded Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW). 1. BLAST programmide kasutamine tundmatu valgujärjestuse identifitseerimiseks või sarnaste valgujärjestuste leidmiseks ( Programmide kasutamisel tutvuda tutorialite ja juhenditega!!! ( a. Otsida sarnaseid järjestusi antud valgujärjestusele. Valida sobiv programm vastavalt NCBI juhendile valgujärjestuse võrdlemiseks valgujärjestuste seast. Valida otsimiseks Refseq andmebaas, sooritada otsing, tulemuste formaat 500 joondamise jaoks. GTESPLLTDPSTPNFFWLAWQARDFMSKKYGQPVPDRAVSLAINSRTGRTQNHFHIHISCIRPDVRKQLDNNLAN ISSRWLPLPGGLRGHEYLARRVTESELVQRSPFMMLAEEVPEAREHMGRYGLAMVRQSDNSFVLLATQRNLLTLN RASAEEIQDHQCEILRMRHPLVMGNWKLNGSRHMVHELVSNLRKELAGVAGCAVAIAPPEM...

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
39 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

1.The Conceptual Architecture identifies the high-level components of the system, and the relationships among them. Its purpose is to direct attention at an appropriate decomposition other system without delving into details. Moreover, it provides a useful vehicle for communicating the architecture to non-technical audiences, such as management, marketing, and users. Logical Architecture In Logical Architecture, the externally visible properties of the components are made precise and unambiguous through well-defined interfaces and component specifications, and key architectural mechanisms are detailed. The Logical Architecture provides a detailed "blueprint" from which component developers and component users can work in relative independence. Logical Architecture. Model System Behavior Execution Architecture An Execution Architecture is created for distributed or concurrent systems. The process view shows the mapping of components on...

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kvaliteet ja standardid

1. Tarkvaratoode ­ mis siia kuulub? Tarkvara arenduse tulem (toode, teenus) hõlmab mitmesuguseid komponente, mis kõik võivad olla kvaliteedihalduse objektid, näiteks arenduse käigus hangitud infotehnoloogiavahendid: riistvara, standardtarkvara, sideseadmed arenduse käigus tehtud töö: täitja arendatud tarkvara (sealhulgas lähtekood, objektkood, täitmiskood jm); installatsioonid, kohandamised, muudatused; andmehõive muudatused tellija organisatsioonis, protsessides, töökorralduses... projektdokumentatsioon kasutamise kohta (kasutajajuhendid); objektsüsteemi kohta; loodavate objektide kohta (programmi/testimise dokumentatsioon); installeerimise ja seadistamise kohta; arenduse (sh testimise) kohta metoodika: tulemuste kasutamine; tulemuste edasiarendamine; uute arenduste tegemine vahendid hoolduseks, muudatusteks, arenduseks teadmised projekti tulemuste kasutamisest; objektsüsteemist (süsteemianalüüs või vajalikud muudatused sead...

Informaatika → Tarkvara kvaliteet ja...
233 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Affect on Js during Holocaust. ID, ability to succeed, edu and employment. Other nationalities encouraged to increase #s in universities. Take from other. Sources? Proximity in time, books for issuing passports, esp in Baltics, etc. Nationality not listed in intl passports. IL just removed nationality from internal passports. DK ­ party archives, municipal archives ­ propiski, what's approved, what's denied. Tsvi's presentation ­ was the USSR an anti-Semitic regime? Complexity. Not the same as 1881. Suffered along w many other nationalities in USSR. Arbitrariness, repression, etc. Govt saw some things as threat. Gitelman ­ never a regime that tried to combat anti-Semitism more than early Bolsheviks. Antisemitism at odds w Communist ideals. Tried to distance self from tsarist regime. Lenin ­ 1919, not Js who are enemy of working people, but capitalists. Among Js and Rs, kulaks and others. Stalin, '31. J schools and synagogues shut down

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


many early microcomputers. Ivan Sutherland creates a graphics system called Sketchpad 1963 Douglas Engelbart receives a patent on the mouse pointing device for computers. ASCII -- American Standard Code for Information Interchange -- permitted machines from different manufacturers to exchange data Digital Equipment sells its first minicomputer, to Atomic Energy of Canada. 1964 Gordon Moore suggests that integrated circuits would double in complexity every year. This later becomes known as Moore's Law. 1954-1957 Shockley Semiconductor 1957 Co-Founder of Fairchild Semiconductors 1964 John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop the BASIC programming language at Dartmouth College. BASIC is an acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Texas Instruments receives a patent on the integrated circuit. 1965 Moore's Law Digital Equipment Corp (abbreviated DEC) introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
113 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

36-37; Erica Burman, Developments: Child, Image, Nation, (London: Routledge, 2008), p.11 37 Roche, p.477. 38 Allison James and Alan Prout, Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood, (London: Falmer Press, 1997), p. 8. 11 teaching`39. Children are now considered as social actors who have the capability to understand the complexity of the world. Pricilla Alderson points out that the recent studies into childhood have demonstrated `that children are much more competent than was formerly thought possible`40. Children as young as nine for example have been regarded of having a degree of capability in comprehending political issues and making political decisions 41. Alderson postulates that young children have a strong interest towards societal issues like

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

from different manufacturers to exchange data  Digital Equipment sells its first minicomputer, to Atomic Energy of Canada. 1964  Ian Sharp and others found I.P. Sharp Associates, in Canada.  IBM announced System/360, a family of six mutually compatible computers and 40 peripherals that could work together.  Gordon Moore suggests that integrated circuits would double in complexity every year. This later becomes known as Moore's Law. Moore’s law “Each new chip contains roughly twice as much capacity as its predecessor, and is released within 18-24 months of the previous chip.” 1964  John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop the BASIC programming language at Dartmouth College. BASIC is an acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. 1965 Digital Equipment Corp (abbreviated DEC) introduced the PDP-8, the first commercially

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

Judgement had to tame wit to achieve a sense of decorum or appropriatness (harmonious union of wit and judgement). The „closed” heroic couplet. In these 2 lines possible to attain rhetorical or witty effects by the use of parallelism, balance or antithesis. Alliteration and assonance could be used to strenghten this effect. Another option: Miltonic blank verse. Dramatic change in prose style, sought concision and clarity (John Locke’s writings). Analogy for new style mathematics. Former complexity (typical to the Restoration wits and scholars) gave way to more factual prose. Simple positive style, exact reflection of the new scientific and rational outlook of the Enlightenment. Vernacular literature. More people went to school. Imitation of classical models (Homer, Cicero, Virgil, Horace). In verse, tight heroic couplet, in prose essay and satire predominant forms. Qualities of order, clarity, and stylistic decorum. Represented in Pope’s Essay on Criticism

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

deliver their central promise ­ namely, economic growth," and that the "developing" countries grew better under the "bad" policies of 1960-1980. (2002: 128) Fashion and Rhetoric Why, then, the overwhelming dominance of NPM until a few years ago? Naturally, NPM is more than a fashion; as already stated, it is a genuine ideology, or based on one, the neo-liberal creed, in the sense that ideologies are reduced perspectives of reality, reified by their believers because they cannot handle the complexity of the latter. But the power of fashion in itself should never be underestimated, and as has been rightly said, Public sector reform is in fashion and no self-respecting government can afford to ignore it. How a fashion is established is one of the most intriguing questions of public policy. Part of the answer lies in policy diffusion brought about by the activities of international officials (whose zeal for administrative

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun