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"live" - 1428 õppematerjali

live on X street live in X street on a team in a team on the weekend at the weekend Monday trough Friday Monday to Friday be in the hospital be in hospital in the future in future fill out a form in school fill in a form at school get along with sb get on with sb meet with sb meet sb stay home stay at home play on a team play in a team

Tanja live kontsert

Tanja live kontsert Kaheksandal aprillil külastasin Tanja kontserti, mis toimus Tallinnas klubis Prive. Tegu ei olnud tavalise klubi peoga, vaid konkreetse kontsertiga. Tanja Mihhailova on 32- aastane vene rahvusest artist, kes laulab peamiselt poplaule. Ta on kasvanud üles Eestis ning siin õppinud. Ta on esindanud Eestit eurovisioonil ning võtnud osa ka paljudest muusikalidest. Muusikaga on ta tegelenud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Tanja tahtis õppima asuda muusikakooli, kuid teda ei võetud vastu, sest puudus õpetajate arvates muusikaline kuulamine. Kõigele vaatamata on Tanjast kujunenud üks Eesti edukamaid artiste. Kontsert toimus Tallinna vanalinnas ning kuulajaid oli kokku tulnud palju. Tanja astus ise lavale kell üks öösel, kuid uksed avati juba pool tundi enne südaööd. Klubi on väike ning rahvast oli kohale tulnud palju, selletõttu ei saanud ka kontserti väga hästi nautida. Kohati tundsin ennast e...

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Kasulikud programmid Windowsis

Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Notepad++ toetab mitmeid programmeerimiskeeli iTunes iTunes on tasuta rakendus, mille abil saad oma arvutis digitaalset muusikat ja videoid korraldada ja esitada. See on ka pood, kust leiad kõik meelelahutuseks vajaliku. Seega on see täiuslik koht kuulamiseks, vaatamiseks, lugemiseks, mängimiseks, uurimiseks ja ostmiseks. Windows Live messenger Windows Live Messenger (lüh. MSN Messenger) on Microsofti kodukasutajatele mõeldud kiirsuhtluse programm Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimis Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase tslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Viies tase as tase Neljas tase Viies tase Skype

Muu → Ainetöö
9 allalaadimist

How to live healthy

How to live healthy Good health isn't just about healthy eating and exercise it also includes being positive, confident and a healthy lifestyle. If you want to live healthy, you should drink a lot of water. Water is needed to carry out our body functions, remove waste and carry nutrients and oxygen around our body. Men should drink about 3 liters water a day, for women it's about 2 liters. Also, you should have enough sleep. If you are tired you eat more. Sleep is a key to a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight and mind. People who do regular activity have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

One reason why is good live in Estonia

Good morning my dear classmates and teacher. I'm here to talk about one reason why is good live in Estonia. Estonia is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Estonia is a very beautiful country because of its versatility. I can read a lot of reasons for living here. We have a very beautiful nature, which will take many speechless. We have also a lack of mineral resources, which is very important to us. These reasons may be very much to read. Each person has their own reason why he likes to live in Estonia. For me personally the most important thing is our language

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

The perfect place to live

The Perfect Place to Live For me, I think I am already living in a perfect place, Estonia. I would not want to live somewhere else because I think Estonia has everything what a perfect place should have. Many people who live in Estonia are dreaming of a home in a warmer place. There are many reasons why I would not want to live there. One reason is that the weather stays excactly the same every day but in Estonia we have different seasons. Furthermore why I like living in Estonia is that the nature is amazing and if I am very tired I could just go 10 kilometers out of the city and I would be in pure nature, but in China it would be impossible. I am happy about my life in Estonia. I cannot imagine a better place to live. I am never going

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

How global warming will change the way we live in future?

Hello ladies and gentelmans Today I'm going to talk about how global warming will change the way we live in future. In fact durning the twentieth century global temperature went up by over 0,7 Celsius degree. It looks pretty small number but even slight Climate change leads to serious consequences. Firstly, global warming will cause that glaciers start to melt. And as a result, the water level will raise and cities and villages which are located near oceans and sees will be flooded. Secondly, if we don't stop global warming, we will bserve more

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Computerised world – a better or a worse place to live in ?

Computerised world – a better or a worse place to live in ? Although computers are said to be one of the most successful inventions there are many people who do not totally agree with that saying. Computers are able to do everything that make our life easier, but why are there still so many different opinions about ones' usefulness? The positive side of having computers in our life is how much it actually changes our life and makes it easier. There are no problems, I mean literally no problems that computers could not do.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

We live in a constantly changing world - essee

not have water to drink nor wash themselves. But somewhere someone has unlimited food and water and never thinks about those people who are in need. Due to the over consumption of water, gas, wood et cetera, we might be in a lack of mineral resources in the future. And if they run out, we need to find an alternative variant. Already today we have places on Earth were there are no clean water and fresh air. People are already trying to make the world a better place to live in but there are also people who still do not do anything to achieve it. People are using renewable energy (wind, sun), using less air pollutin fuels and recycyle as much as possible. It helps to maintain normal balance in the nature. Fast changes require us faster solutions for a normal life. We do not know what might happen in 10 or 100 years, but we are bound to consider, that life has to continue after us.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eesti otsib superstaari tv3 live tuur

Kontserdiarvustus ehk retsensioon Mina arvustan Eesti Superstaar tv3 live tuuri, mis toimus pärnu vallikraavis 19.juunil. Seal esinesid Ott Lepland, Lenna Kuurmaa, Koit Toome, Getter Jaani, Teele Viira, Triin Niitoja, Rusanna Lints, Artjom Savitski ja meie tänavune superstaar Liis Lemsalu. Minule meeldisid Getter Jaani, Ott Lepland ja Koit Toome. Getter on sündinud 3. veebruaril 1993 Tallinnas. On Eesti laulja, "Eesti otsib superstaari" kolmanda hooaja finalist. 2010 aastal alustas Getter koostööd plaadifirmaga Moonwalk, mis pani alguse tema soolokarjäärile

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
7 allalaadimist

Eesti otsib superstaari tv3 live tuur

Kontserdiarvustus ehk retsensioon Eesti Superstaar tv3 live tuur toimus pärnu vallikraavis 19.juunil. Seal esinesid Ott Lepland, Lenna Kuurmaa, Koit Toome, Getter Jaani, Teele Viira, Triin Niitoja, Rusanna Lints, Artjom Savitski ja meie tänavune superstaar Liis Lemsalu. Minule meeldisid Getter Jaani, Ott Lepland ja Koit Toome. Minu lemmikuks lauljaks jäi Getter Jaani. Getter on sündinud 3. veebruaril 1993 Tallinnas. On Eesti laulja, "Eesti otsib superstaari" kolmanda hooaja finalist. 2010 aastal alustas Getter

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

My area

detached houses with yards. It is a very quiet and calm village. We have here only 3 food-shops, two really small ones and a bigger one ,,Maxima". Here is also being built a kindergarden. Near here we have a little staying place, something like a motel. We have a bus from the center, it takes nearly 35 minutes to get from the center to Muuga. Bus comes every 17-25 minutes, so it is quite comfortable. A lot of place to walk, go jogging and ride a bike. I'm happy that i live near the bus stop, it's very good for me, but however sometimes I may miss the bus. I can walk here in my yard only in a robe and nobody will tell me anything, that's why i like Muuga and also for its tranquilness. But i don't like that it takes me so much time to get to the city center.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

People can live one hundred years without really living a minute

"People can live one hundred years without really living a minute" Some people live a very long life but living a long life doesn't always mean a great life. Actions in your life are what will make your life truly amazing. First of all, when you live so many years without really doing something memorable, then what's the point. Life is all about challenges and adventures. They will make you wiser and you will have more things to remember. I think when you're finally old, it's great to look back and see what a wonderful life you've lived. On the other hand, some people are okay with just being and not doing something wonderful. They like their lifes just the way they are. They are happy with that comfortable position

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What should we do to live longer?

" What should we do to live longer? " Each person can do themselves a lot of things in order to live longer. Fresh and friendly environment belongs there too. In addition, the most important is healthy food. You should not eat junk food. You need to get all the necessary vitamins. It is necessary to eat local food, because it has no preservatives. In fact, there are many young people, who are smoking. Smoking is very unhealthy for everyone. Smoking damages our health. Acctually non-smokers life is much longer,

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


The tricolour flag of estonia dates from the 1880s, when it was the flag students` society.It was first used as a national flag in 1918.The blue represents the country beautiful blue skies, seas, and lakes; the black represents the rich soil of the land, and the white represents winter snows and the countery`s long fight for independence. Famous athletics live in Otepää Andrus Veerpalu Kristina Smigun Vähi Jaak Mae Pühajärve Basic school Otepää parish schools began 1765. First director was Juusa Pedo and 2007 we won the "Estonia's Beautiful School 2007" There are 101 students in our school. Some pictures

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Where would you prefer to live and why?

Where would you prefer to live and why? I would prefer to live in a big city instead of a village or a small town. For example Tallinn, London, New York or Paris. To start with, I would like to live in a big city because of its advantages. Big cities usually have more opportunities to spend your day and night. There are cinemas, coffee shops, theatres, shopping centres, libraries and night clubs. Although you need money to attend different exhibitions and shows big city also offers you free activities. Secondly, there are lots of banks, company offices and factories where people can work. That is the second reason I think big city life is better than a life in a small village.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

My room

My room I live in a comfortable city flat in a 9-stored block of flats not far from the centre of Tallinn. It is not a very green place, but still there are many trees around the house and in summer the yard looks very beautiful and cozy. The house is located comfortably because there a few supermarkets, pharmacies around. My flat is on the first floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony. The largest room in our flat is the living room and me and my husband room too. My family uses it as a sitting room. On the left there is my bed and desk. The desk has a lot of drawers where I keep my text-books, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable arm-chair. Beside it stands a lamp with blue shade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in the arm-chair and read an interesting book. Ther...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Suhtlemisvahendid arvutis

MSN-i kasutaja, Skype kasutan ma küll tunduvalt vähem, kuid ma saan mõlema programmi abil suhelda oma sõpradega ja teha videokõnesid. MSN Messenger ja selle areng MSN messenger on kiirsuhtlusvahend, mis on loodud Microsofti poolt. Esimene versioon 1.0 ilmus 22. juulil 1999. See sisaldas ainult põhifunktsioone nagu tekstsõnumit ja kontaktide nimekirja. Alates 19. juunil välja tulnud versioonist 8.0 kannab programm nimetust Windows Live Messenger. Versioonist 8.1 on Windows Live Messenger ka eestikeelne. Viimane versioon avaldati 2011 aastal, mille nimeks on Windows Live Messenger Wave 4. Windows Live Messengeri kasutamine Iga internetiühenduse ja veebibrauseriga varustatud arvuti saab ühenduda Messenger Service´isse kasutades MSN Web Messengeri. MSN-i kaudu saab rääkida oma sõprade või tuttavatega, lisada uusi kontakte, pidada videokõnesid ning saata faile. MSN-i on võimalik internetist tasuta alla laadida.

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
10 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide analüüs ja projekteerimine - kontrolltest 4

Küsimus 1 Õige Hinne 1,00 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Viia sobivad paarid kokku Vastus 1 Kasutada andmete salvestamiseks erinevad andmekandjad võimaldab "Database Mapper" pattern Vastus 2 Seostada omavahel objekti atribuudid ja andmebaasi väljad võimaldab "Representing Objects as Tables" pattern Vastus 3 Välistada sama objekti teistkordset väljalugemist baasist võimaldab "Object Identifier" pattern Küsimus 2 Osaliselt õige Hinne 0,50 / 1,00 Märgista küsimus Küsimuse tekst Olemi-seose diagrammi normaliseerimiseks tuleb: Vali üks või enam: a. Seostada mudel kasutajaliidesega b. Valida normaalne andmebaasitarnija c. Normaliseerida olemi-seose mudel d. Esitada olemid e. Võimaluse juures liita t...

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist

Do live in the countryside or in the city? essay

Essay Do live in the countryside or in the city? At the time I am living with my mother in the countryside. I am eighteen years old and when I finish school I want to be independent and live on my own. People say that when you live in the countryside you are living the easy life. I agree but physically it is very exhausting. You have to work hard to keep the house and yard clean. When you have a farm there is no lack of work and you always have your hands in the soil. At least there is always some action. Although living in the countryside has few bad sides, I am sure rural life stays always in my heart. To me country life has more pros than cons. If you are a maverick which I am

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia Estonia is the place where i live and i like to live in here. There are many reasons why i like to live in Estonia, but the main reason is that the Estonia is naturally great place where to live. Estonia has got very beatiful nature where we can go hiking or fishing. There are many great places wich you can visit in nature. In nature you can do a lot of things. It also attrackts many tourists. Estonia is also naturally quiet place, in here we don´t have volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes or other dangerous natural phenomenas. So we don´t have to worry about that in one beautiful day our house fly away by tornado or volcano burns it down. People

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

How can we make our planet a safer place to live

Kool Tallinn, 2009 How can we make our planet a safer place to live Essay Nimi Klass Juhendaja notice the cars. But to put this in pracitce, public Is our problems and transport should be improved ­ the buses planet a safe therefore we should be cleaner, they should drive more place to live can't fight frequently and there must be buses driving for animals, them. This to more destinations. This way people would fish, birds, way the air is understand that this is an easier, faster and a ourselves or being more cheaper way to get where ever you want. plants? Many and more You do not have to worry about parking and people think it polluted and gas prizes

Keeled → Inglise keel
76 allalaadimist

The old and the young should live under the same roof

The old and the young should live under the same roof Living under the same roof with different generations have positive and negative sides. Many people just can not take it to live with their grandparents, the other can. Should the old and the young livr under the same roof? Firstly, the positive sides are that the old ones do all the work that you do not want to do. They clean and cook. In the mornings you can eat homemade warm pancakes with jam. They do all things you want, they even give money to you. Secondly, there are some negative sides too. You do not have so much private space. Grandparents are so worried about you, the want to know that you are fine. They are

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Test on pronouns

TEST ON PRONOUNS 1. Sina ja mina elame mõlemad samas majas. ­ You and I, we live in a same house. 2. Keegi helistas, kui sa olid väljas ­ Kas ta jättis mingi teate? ­ Somebody called when you were out ­ did they leave a message? 3. Sul ja mul on sama pliiats, aga sinu oma on lühem kui minu oma. ­ You and I, we have the same pencil, but yours is shorter than mine. 4. Need olid mu elu kõige õnnelikumad päevad. ­ Those were the happiest days of my life. 5. Kui keegi helistab, lihtsalt võta ta nuber ja ma helistan talle hiljem tagasi

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

How can we make our town a better place to live in?

Ho difficulties andcloth bags instead of plastic bags. w can we stomach We can also fight against water make our problems. We pollution. We should stop using the town a should do products of companies whose factories better something cause pollution, so we will force them to place to before its too use environmentally friendly production live in? late. methods. The government should close The these companies who have polluted rivers first thing for a long time. This way our rivers will The we can do is be cleaner. People would have clean water living to stop to drink and to swim in. conditions in throwing There is also a way to fight against our city are

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Is it better to live in a city or is the countryside?

An essay Nowadays most people live in a city. However, there are also people living in the countryside. They are two entirely different ways of life - each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Most of the younger generation lives in the city because there is much more to do than in the countryside. You can go to the cinema, to a theatre, shopping, clubbing, to a gym etc. You will never run out of activities to do. While that may be true, there are some things that you can only do in the countryside for example

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Parfüüm - Lõhnaõli

.................................................................. 3 2.Jennifer Lopez ja Parfüüm............................................................................................................4 2.1.Jennifer Lopezist üldiselt ......................................................................................................4 2.2.Jennifer Lopezi parfüümide ajalugu...................................................................................... 4 2.3.Jennifer Lopez Live Luxe parfüüm ...................................................................................... 5 2.4.Parfüümi pudel ja pakend .....................................................................................................6 2.5.Parfüümi koostisosad.............................................................................................................6 3.Lõhnade sõnavara ..................................................................................................

Majandus → Tööstuskaup
26 allalaadimist

„People can live one hundred years without really living a minute.“

,,People can live one hundred years without really living a minute." Hundred years is a long time compared to one minute, but many people claim that it is possible to wrap all of those years into that one minute. They have an opinion that all those years only count if you use the time completely, without wasting it on activities and choices that make you unhappy. On the one hand I agree with this statement, people often live their lives without ever doing anything useful or something that really makes them happy. They are often very materialistic and that forces them to make decisions that do not really make them happy and therefore they are not really using the time that they have been given. On the other hand, it is physically impossible for people to live hundred years without really living a minute. To sum up, many say that it is possible to live hundred years without really living a

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Kuressaare Vanalinna Kool Kontserdipäevik Õpilane: Raido Martin Õpetaja: Malle Veske Kuressaare 2011 Sissejuhatus Ma käisin Eesti otsib superstaari Live tuuril, mis toimus 18. juulil 21.00- 23.00. Käisin kontserdil koos kolme sõbraga: Argo, Mikk ja Imre. Seal esinesid Artjom Savitski, Triin Niitoja, Rosanna Lints, Ott Lepland, Lenna Kuurmaa, Liis Lemsalu, Teele Viira, Getter Jaani ja Koit Toome Kontsert ise Kontserdi avas Ott Lepland lühikese kontserdi tutvustusega. Peale teda tuli lavale Artjom Savitski, kes esitas 30 seconds to Mars laulu ,, Closer to the Edge" ja The Rasmuse ,,Shot"

Muusika → Muusika
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele essee teemal: ,,Senior high school students – old enough to live on their own?\'\'

Senior high school students ­ old enough to live on their own? Senior high school students, are they old enough to live on their own or not? Moving out on your own for high school at the age of 16 can be a thrilling experience. No more restrictions and home coming times or annoying schedules. Is this freedom suitable for everyone then, especially at that age? Despite the fact that you have the freedom of choice to do everything you want to there are many disadvantages. Like your mom is not there every day to prepare you a hot dish, doing the laundry

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Bänd The Who referaat

esimest albumit liikus nende muusika keerukamate heliteoste poole. Algupärasesse koosseisu kuulusid laulja Roger Daltrey, kitarrist ja põhiline laulukirjutaja Pete Townshend, basskitarrist John Entwistle ja trummar Keith Moon. 1978. aastal suri Keith Moon ennasthävitava elustiili tõttu. Bänd jätkas uue trummari Kenney Jones'iga, kuid 1983. aastal mindi ametlikult laiali. Nad tulid hiljem kokku mitmeteks üksikuteks esinemisteks, mille seas olid näiteks heategevusüritus Live Aid ja bändi 25. aastapäev. 2002. aastal suri John Entwistle, kuid Daltrey ja Townshend jätkavad The Who'na esinemist. Algusaastad-Enne The Who'd mängis Roger Daltrey bändis The Detours, kus mängis soolokitarri. Kui 1961. aasta suvel vajati basskitarristi, kohtas Daltrey tänaval endist koolikaaslast John Entwistle'it, kes parajasti kandis enda isetehtud basskitarri. Daltrey kutsus ta bändi ja Entwistle nõustus. Kuna peagi vajati ka teist kitarri, soovitas Entwistle

Muusika → Rock
3 allalaadimist

Different nations

Different nations. There has always been a moving and mixing of people, caused by different reasons. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many cultural conflicts. It should be easy and good to live in a town full on different cultures, but it may cause some trouble to. Countries with rich diversity usually do not have a race problem.Small countries with only one or two nationalities can be the centre of such problem.The people in these countries do not have any experiences with other origins people, because they aren't used to it. When they see, for example, a black-skinned person ,they start whispering.However, people

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Reasons why people work

Reasons why people work In today's society it is known that people work because they need money to live. As Leonardo da Vinci said " God sells us all things at the price of labour " and unfortunately it tends to be true. However, there are still some of the other reason why people work. As Mothet Teresa said " Work without love is slavery" and fortunately there are many people in world who work because they love what they do. For example artists, musicians and actors do not earn a lot of money, however they can give the world something we need- entertainment.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

My ideal house

My ideal house I would like to live in a place where there are some mountains with snow on top of them and a sea nearby because i like beaches and mountains. My house would be in the middle of them, so i could see the sea from one side and the mountains from the other side of the house. The house would have two floors and a basement because that's all i need. On the first floor, there would be the living room with a big tv and some antique furniture, the kitchen, also with antique style oven and etc. A bathroom with a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How to deal with water shortage problems?

How to deal with water shortage problems? Water covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface and it is the most valuable resource in the world. We need water to live on this planet otherwise life on Earth wouldn't be possible. Many countries suffer from water shortages. There is no fresh water for people usage. It's actually a major problem in the world but what can we do to decrease this? Firstly, people need to realise that there are many other people in the world who does not have accessibility to water. We can decrease it by not wasting water on pointless things for example long showers and watering flowers outside the house

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

ÕLU Esitlus

ÕLU Üldist Õlu on kääritamise teel teraviljast vm tärkliserikkast toorainest valmistatud alkohoolne jook Temas on 1-7 massiprotsenti alkoholi Pärast õllepruulimist villitakse valmis õlu pudelitesse, vaatidesse või muudesse anumatesse ja tarvitatakse jahutatult. Õlu sisaldab kuni 95% ulatuses vett. Õllepruulimise jaoks on oluline vee karedus. Lager-tüüpi õlled vajavad pehmemat vett, ale-tüüpi aga vastupidi karedamat. Valmistamine Eestlased valmistavad õlut põhiliselt odrast Aafrikas valmistatakse hirsiõlut Saksamaal nisuõlut Ida-Aasias riisiõlut Mehhikos ja Lõuna-Ameerikas maisiõlut Saksamaal on välja töötatud ka õlle valmistamine kanepist. Kahjulik Õlu on küllalt kõrge energeetilise väärtusega ning rohkel tarbimisel võib põhjustada ülekaalulisust Õlles sisalduv alkohol tekitab alkoho...

Filosoofia → Etikett
27 allalaadimist

Juurdepääs arvutivõrku aruanne

Lisada ekraanipildid DNS päringu ja vastuse pakettidest Wiresharki keskmises aknas, kus UDP ja DNS osad on lahti. 4.4 Traceroute Lisada ekraanipilt käsurealt olevatest traceroute tulemustest. A. Mis on traceroute tulemuseks üldiselt? võrgu noodide nimed(ip) aeg ja kogus kuni sihtpunkti serverini välja. B. Mitme marsruuteri kaugusel meie võrgust asub 11 C. Milliseid protokolle kasutatakse tracert käsu täitmiseks? ICMP D. Milline paketi eluaja (Time To Live, TTL) väärtus on päringu pakettidel ning vastuse pakettidel? päringutel on 1,2,3...12 ja vastusel on 53 E. Mida TTL näitab? kui mittu noodi hüppet on lubatud pakettil teha. Lisada Wiresharkist salvestatud pakettide faili sisu. No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info 1 0.000000000 DNS 780 Standard

Informaatika → Side
35 allalaadimist

Side labor 5 aruanne: Juurdepääs arvutivõrku aruanne

ja ARP osa ning teine ekraanipilt Wiresharki keskmisest aknast, kus näha ARP vastuse paketis dekodeeritud EthernetII ja ARP osa. (Täissuuruses pilt klõpsates peale.) (Täissuuruses klõpsates peale.) IP F. Millised väljad on IP päises? Version, Header Length, Differentiated Services Field, (Explicit Congestion Notification, Total Length, Identification), Flags, Fragment Offset, Time To Live, Protocol, Header Checksum, Source address, Destination address Lisada ekraanipilt ühest paketist (ping vastus) Wiresharki keskmises aknas, kus IP osa on tervenisti lahti. (Täissuuruses pilt klõpsates peale.) ICMP G. Milliste protokollide päiseid ICMP paketid sisaldavad? eth:ethertype:ip:icmp:data H. Millisele aadressile saadetakse ping päring (MAC aadress ja IP aadress)? RealtekU_ca:94:db (52:54:00:ca:94:db), I

Informaatika → Side
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Muusikatunni esitlus

YELLOW SUBMARINE The Beatles In the town where i was born, There lived a man, Who sailed the seas, And he told us of his life, In the land of Submarines, So we sailed into the sun, Till' we found a sea of green, And we lived beneath the waves, In our yellow submarine, We all live in a yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, We all live in a yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, A yellow submarine. And my friends are all aboard, Many more of them live next door, And the band begins to play, ( a band plays a short song ) We all live in a yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, We all live in a yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, A yellow submarine. And we live a life of ease, Everyone of us, Has all we need, Sky of blue And sea of green In our yellow Submarine We all live in a yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, We all live in a yellow submarine, A yellow submarine, A yellow submarine.

Muusika → Muusika
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Pidgin messenger

interneti, saata lühisõnumeid või suhelda emaili teel. Mine võtan lähema vaatluse alla lühisõnumitega suhtelmise läbi interneti. 1. Pidgin messenger 1.1.Üldiselt Nii nagu igapäeva elus, nii valitseb ka internetis konkurents. Püütakse luua paremaid, kiiremaid ja mugavamaid programme, et oma loodud toodete kasutajaskonda suurendada ja läbi selle suuremaid summasid teenida. Lühisõnumitega suhtlemiseks kasutatakse Euroopas enamjaolt Windows Live Messengeri mis on Microsofti toodang ning selle tõttu on võimalik seda kasutada ainult MSN protokolli puhul. Mina arvan, et Eestis on suhteliselt raske leida inimest, kes kasutab igapäevaselt ja järjepidevalt interneti, kuid ei oma Windows Live Messengeri kasutajakontot. Teise alternatiivina tooksin ma veel välja ka Pidgin messengeri. Tegu on vabavaraga, mis ei sisalda endas reklaame (nagu Windows Live Messenger) ning on olulselt kompaktsem ja kiirem. Pidgin Messengeri üheks

Informaatika → It eetilised, sotsiaalsed ja...
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WL Messenger

teenuseid, et ära kasutada eripakkumisi. Mõned teenuseda, näiteks Apple'i e-world, on oma tegevuse lõpetanud. Teisi, näiteks Prodigy't, on järginud ebaõnn ja nende tulevik oli tume. Microsoft'i MSN tõmbas esimese paari kuu jooksul ligi üle miljoni abonendi, kuid Interneti populaarsuse plahvatuslik kasv sundis meid MSN-i ümber kujundama Internetti hõlmavaks ja laiendavaks, mitte niivõrd selle alternatiivi pakkuvaks teenuseks. (Gates, B 2000) Siinkohal vaatlemegi, kuidas on Windows Live Messenger (edaspidi WL Messenger) saavutanud sellise populaarsuse ja kasutajate rohkuse, mis on antud programmi tarkvara omadused ja rakendamised. 3. AJALUGU Algselt nimetati WL Messengeri ,,MSN Messenger'iks", mille esimene versioon tuli välja 22. juulil 1999 aastal, see sisaldas tavalist tekstisõnumit ja lihtsameelset kontaktide nimekirja. Kui esimene versioon oli avaldatud, oli tähtsal kohal toetada juurdepääsu America Online võrku

Informaatika → Majandusinfosüsteemid
14 allalaadimist

Grammar-present simple and present continuous

(switch ­ switches). Täpselt sama reegel kehtib tegusõnade kohta, mis lõpevad häälikuga `o` (go ­ goes). Erandina tuleks välja tuua tegusõna `have`, mille ainsuse kolmas pööre on has. He/She has a nice car. Does he/she have a nice car? He/She does not have a nice car. Juhul kui küsimus algab küsisõnaga (when, where, how, why, what), järgneb küsisõnale alati abitegusõna DO või DOES. Jaatav lause Küsiv lause Eitav lause I live in Tallinn. Do I live in Tallinn? I do not live in Tallinn. You live in Tallinn. He lives in Tallinn. She lives in Tallinn. It lives in Tallinn. We live in Tallinn. You live in Tallinn. They live in Tallinn. PRESENT CONTINUOUS ­ Kestev olevik 1. Kõnemomendil või Tom is drinking tea now. käesoleval ajaperioodil Miis Black is writing a toimuvat tegevust. new novel. 2. Sageli korduvat Mary is always nagging

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Inglise keeles Austraalia kõkkuvõte

Australia Reelika Vallas 10.03.2009 Who live there? · Who live in America. · In Australia live an australian · How much people live in Australia. · In Australia live little more than 2,3 million people. Australia most common names. · Smith114,9972 · Jones56,6983 · Williams55,5554 · Brown54,8965 · Wilson46,9616 · Taylor45,3287 · Johnson33,4358 · White31,0999 · Martin31,05810 · Anderson30,91011 · Thompson29,93112 · Nguyen29,79813 · Thomas27,27614 · Walker26,68815 · Harris26,02516 · Lee25,61217 · Ryan25,52618 · Robinson25,16819 · Kelly25,01420 Who is the most famous person in

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26 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside – a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship?

Living in the countryside ­ a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship? People have always had a choice where they want to live. Many years ago, a most of people did not have a choice where to live. It used to be that poor people lived in the countryside and rich people in the city. Nowadays it has changed. People can choose and most of them choose to live in the city. City and countryside are both different places where to live. Both have their positive and negative sides. There are differences in the environment, in job opportunities and how expencive or cheap is to live in the countryside. Those differences are making people to think about advantages and disadvantages of living in a countryside. There are several advantages, why to live in the countryside. First, environment in the countryside is very different. There is less pollution and there is no danger because there are no´t

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Bears Uljana Brezgina Bears Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Bears Black bears Black bears live in north America and central and eastern Asia. Black bears are smaller than brown bears. Black bears Polar bear Polar bears live near the north pole. They are good swimmers and the like to ride on pieces of ice. Polar bears eating fish , seals and birds. Polar bears

Bioloogia → Loomad jt.
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Tolerance and diversity

Tolerance and diversity First of all I had to pose myself a question what does tolerance mean to me? I came to the conclusion that for me it means accepting people the way they are- not caring about their appearance, orign, religion, attitude or skin coulor, even if their beliefs and thoughts are not just the same as mine. I think that every one of us should pay respect to other people. I find it interesting to learn about other cultures and how they live. Estonia is a culturally diverse society. It is home to approximately 1,4 million people and not all of them are Estonians. Beside us consider Estonia as their home: Russians, Ukranians, Belorussian, Jews, Tatars, Germans and Poles - among of many others. They all have chosen to live here and they want to be taken as a part of our nationality. They want to be accepted and esposed. I can't understand people who can't be tolerate. I think it would be absolutely dreadful if

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Ettekanne Austraalia kohta.

· Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere. · The capital of Australia is Canberra Facts about Australia · It is the smallest countinent in the world, but it's the largest island. There are six states and two territories in Australia. It has a population of 20.3 million. The currency is Australian Dollars. Animals in Australia Sea Habitat · Just off the coast of North Easr Australia you will find the Great Barrier Reef. · Lots of different types of animals live here. Aboriginals · Native Australians are called Aborigines. · They were the first people to live in Australia. · One of their most famous hunting weapons is the boomerang. · The didgeridoo is an old musical instrument that the Aborigines play. Uluru · Uluru also called Ayers Rock is the most famous landmark in central Australia. · It rises 348 meters above the surrounding plains and the base measures 9 km. · The rock appears to change colour during sunset.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Life in town vs Life in the country

Life in Town versus Life in the Country Lif in Town versus Life in the Country is different for all practical purposes. Most people live in Town perennially, although life in the Country would be more peaceful. Between Town and the Country, it is not right to say, which place makes people happier- it depends on us. Life in the Country is peaceful and pure. People who will locate to live in the Country, cold be a good relationship with nature. Life in the Country is easier in many ways: quiet, fresh air, cheaper food, comfortable. In the Country people don't live very close to each others, which makes life more peacuful, there is opportunity to feel privacy. Air is less polluted than in Town, which enlarge people lenght of life. Food and other important things for life is cheaper than in Town, because it is really hard to find a job and almost impossible to spend money

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Inglise keele tähtsamad ajavormid

Kas ta töötab pangas? Does she work as a cook? Kas ta töötab kokana? Do we work well together? Kas me töötame hästi koos? Do they work out new Kas nad töötavad välja uusi products? tooteid? I don’t live near here. Ma ei ela siin lähedal. You don’t live in Tallinn. Sa ei ela Tallinnas. He doesn’t live opposite the bank. Ta ei ela panga vastas. She doesn’t live in this flat Ta ei ela enam selles korteris. anymore. We don’t live together. Me ei ela koos.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Elistvere Animal Park

Elistvere Animal Park One Sunday in October I visited Elistvere Animal Park. There are wild animals in the park that naturally live in Estonian wild nature. Unlike most zoos there animals live in as natural conditions as possible. In Elistvere I saw elks, lynxes, foxes, wild boars and many more animals that we can come across in nature. Also I saw there animals who don't live in Estonian nature but they can easily live in our climatical conditions, for example European buffalos and reindeers. There is a terrarium house where are smaller and exotical animals but unfortunately it was closed that day. Most of all I like lynxes and brown bear.There are also hiking trails where you can walk and enjoy Estonian nature's beauty or have a picnic. Day in Elistvere Animal Park was very exciting despite of the fact that there were constructional works and trails were very muddy

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Squirrel and chipmunk

Chipmunks are easily recognized by the light and dark stripes on the back and head. They can be confused with some of the striped ground squirrels, but chipmunks are smaller and have five dark stripes on their backs. The cimpunk is very colorful: it’s black, white, grey, brown and red. Chimpunk weights up to one hundred and twenty five grams, but theres also some smaller species. Chimpunks are 16 cm to 30 cm long and have one-third to nearly half of their total length long tail. Chimpunks live usually in forests but you can find them also at parks. They eat many things: seeds, nuts, fruit, grass, shoots and many ohter plants, but also small frogs, worms and bird eggs. Some species hibernate in the winter, but some don’t. Chimpunks typically live about three years, but there have been some, who live nine years. Squirrels are familiar to almost everyone. More than 200 squirrel species live all over the world, with the notable exception of Australia. The most common

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun