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Inglise keele majandussõnastik #1 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #2 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #3 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #4 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #5 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #6 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #7 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #8 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #9 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #10 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #11 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #12 Inglise keele majandussõnastik #13
Punktid 50 punkti Autor soovib selle materjali allalaadimise eest saada 50 punkti.
Leheküljed ~ 13 lehte Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2012-05-30 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 70 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 0 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
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500 majandusalast terminit

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Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

Lühiajaline pakkumine Supply in short run предложение в краткосрочном рассмотрении Pikaajaline pakkumine Supply in long run Предложение в долгосрочном рассмотрении Eesti keeles Inglise keeles Vene keeles Tarbija ratsionaalne käitumine. Consumer theory. Терия поведения потребителя Tarbija suveräänsus Consumer Sovereignty Суверинитет потребителя Ratsionaalne käitumine Rational behaviour Рациональное потребление Eelistused Preferences предпочтения


Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

Sõnastik Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudi erialadele 1 ability to pay maksevõime 2 abrogate annulleerima 3 accelerate kiirendama, kiirenema 4 access right juurdepääsu õigus 5 accommodation majutamine 6 accord kooskõlastama 7 account arve, aruanne 8 accounting raamatupidamine 9 accounting period arvestusperiood 10 accounting records raamatupidamise dokumendid 11 accumulated debt kogunenud võlg 12 adequate supply piisav varustamine 13 adulterate võltsima 14 advance ettemakse 15 advantage of secrecy salajasuse eelis 16 advertisi

Erialane inglise keel

Pure Competition

Pure Competition Competition The word "competition" may be used in two ways: ­ rivalry ­ (synonym; opposition, antagonism) ­ structural competition or "pure competition" The main characteristics of competition: 1. Number of firms 2. Type of product 3. Control over price 4. Conditions of entry 5. Nonprice competition 6. Information flow Pure Competition · Involves very large numbers of sellers and buyers. · Firms producing identical or homogeneous products. · Standardized product (a product identical to that of other producers). (ex. corn or cucumbers). · Free Entry and Exit: no significant legal, technological, financial, or other obstacles prohibiting new firms from selling their output in any competitive market No control over the price: "Price Takers" (

Micro_macro ökonoomika

Monopolistic competition

Monopolistic Competition Market Power Firms in monopolistic competition or imperfectly competitive markets are more likely to have limited market power because there are many firms with differentiated products (there are substitutes) and there is relative ease of entry and exit into the market Market Power among Sellers · Monopolistic competition - a market with a large number of sellers and relatively free entry; each firm "differentiates" its product. · Oligopoly - a market characterized by significant barriers to entry and "a few "sellers who recognize their interdependence in the market; products may be homogeneous or differentiated. Monopolistic Competition · Large number of sellers · relative ease of exit / entry · products are differentiated ­ actual differentiation ­ pe

Micro_macro ökonoomika

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products, services, or processes 3. Production 4. Marketing 5. Distribution 6. Customer service. Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and services to the delivery of products to consumers, regar



СОКРАЩЕНИЯ И СИМВОЛЫ В ЭКОНОМИКЕ LÜHENDID JA SÜMBOLID A Technological progress Технологический Tehniline progress прогресс AD Aggregate demand Совокупный спрос Kogunõudlus AE Aggregate expenses Совокупные затраты Kogukulutused AFC Average fix cost Средние постоянные Keskmine püsikulu затраты AP Average product Средний продукт Keskmine produkt, toodang APC Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine tarbimiskalduvus consume потреблению APS Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine säästmise

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Monopoly Market Power In pure competition sellers are "price takers." ­ No seller (or buyer) has the ability to influence the market price. In most markets, at least one or more of the conditions required for pure competition are violated. This gives sellers or buyers the ability to influence the market price and allocation of resources Pure competition results in an optimal allocation or resources given the objective of an economic system to allocate resources to their highest valued uses or to allocate relative scarce resource to maximize the satisfaction of (unlimited) wants in a cultural context. Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly is used to suggest the nature of problems that may exist when firms or agents have market power and are a

Micro_macro ökonoomika

The cost of production

The costs of production Production Decisions about production require individual agents to make decisions about the allocation and use of physical inputs. · Objectives of agents, technology, availability and quality of inputs determine the nature of these decisions. Since the objectives are often pecuniary, it is often necessary to relate the decisions about the physical units of inputs and outputs to the costs of production. · If the prices of the inputs and the production relationships are known (or understood), it is possible to calculate or estimate all the cost relationships for each level of output. In practice

Micro_macro ökonoomika

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