Inglise keele test unit 1 1. do the crossword 1.without any problem or worries . a. Carefree 2.To answer. a . Respond 3. A period of time durning which a king or queen rules a country. a . reign 4. Someone whoes job is to give advice about a subject.a . adviser 5. The rising and falling og the level of the sea. a. tide 6. the chair that a king or queen sits on. a. throne 7. Someone who plays a musical instrument,especially as a job .a . musician 8. A place where a lot of people go for a holiday. a .resort 9. Someone paid to do jobs in another person's house. a. servent 2. write a negative sentence (-) or a general question (?) In the summer I slept till eleven. (-) In the summer I didn't sleep till eleven. The busiest month was June. (?) WAs the busiest month June ? I make new friends easily. (-) I dont make new friends easily. John enjoys reading. (-) John dosn't enjoy reading. He's spent all his holisays here. (?) Has he spent a...
The Atlantic Ocean St George´s Channel The Irish Sea The English Channel The North Sea The Bristol Channel The Celtic Sea The Isle of Mull The Strait of Dover The Scilly Isles The Wash The Hebrides The North Channel The Isle of Wight Lobster (vähk) Sole (merikeel) Crab (krabi) Salmon (lõhe) Scallops (karbid) Seabass (mereahven) Submarine (allveelaev) It´s a boat that can move under water. It´s often called a sub. Lifeboat (päästepaat) It´s a small boat that is used to save people. Cruise ship (kruiisilaev) It´s like a hotel at sea. There are restaurants, gyms, theatres, shops and even tennis courts on board. Cargo ship (kaubalaev) It´s a large boat that carries goods for trading. Ferry (parvlaev/praam) It´s a boat that carries passengers across a lake, a river, or a sea. It often takes cars on board. Yac...
UNIT 14 (I) 1. Follow the road safety rules 2.Dangers 3.Right speed ... distance 4.Mp3 players ... mobile phones 5.Rd lights ... stop signs 6.Direction as the traffic 7. Any tricks on the road 8. The Pavement 9. A Crash Helmet 10. Brakes ... Wheels (II) 1.Although 2.Because 3.otherwise 4.because 5.Although 6.otherwise 7.Because (III) 1. Switch off all electrical appliances when you leave home 2. It's Dangerous to walk on a dark road without a reflector 3. Children mustn't play with matches because it might cause a fire 4. Have you ever had a car crash 5. It's dangerous to dive into the river in an unknown place 6. Do you always wear a crash helmet when you go cycling (IV) 1. Lives | 9. Realized 2. Was | 10. Stopped 3. Didn't Wear | 11. Was 4. Thinks | 12. understood 5. Noticed | 13. have learned 6. Didn't treat | 14. Don't try 7. Had Had | 15. 'm not 8. Didn't Make |
BREAK DOWN- 1) (int)(of machinery) stop working 2) (int) (of a person) lose control of feelins; 3) (int) (of talks/negotiations etc) fail 4) (tr) seperate under headings BREAK IN 1) (int) enter by force or illegally BREAK INTO 1) (tr) enter by force 2) (tr) inerrput BREAK OFF 1) (tr) end a relationship/agreement BREAK OUT 1) (int) (of war, etc) begin suddenly BREAK THROUGH 1) (int) advance (in spite of opposition) BREAK TO 1) (tr) tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way BREAK UP 1) (int) (of schools, etc) ; stop for holidays 2) (int) end a relationship BRING ABOUT 1) (tr) cause happen BRING BACK tr cause to recall BRING DOWN tr cause to fall BRING FORWARD tr move sth to an earlier date or time BRIN IN tr create profit, money BRING ON tr cause, usu sth unpleasant BRING OUT tr put on the market BRING ROUND 1) tr caus...
UNIT 1: Töövihikust harjutus 7. 1 Puhkuse alguses külastasin ma oma vanavanemaid. At the beginning of my vacation I visited my grandparents. 2 Juulikuu lõpus veetsime nädala Saaremaal. At the end of July we spent a week on Saaremaa. 3 Me tutvusime vaatamisväärsustega ja lõõgastusime rannas. We went sightseeing and relaxed on the beach. 4 Enne reisi Saaremaale olin ma treeninglaagris. Before the trip to Saaremaa I was at a training camp. 5 Laager asus mere ääres. The camp was at the seaside. 6 Pärast treeningut käisime sageli ujumas. After the training we often went sightseeing. 7 Õhtuti mängisime rannas palli. In the evenings we played ball on the beach. 8 Leidsin laagris palju uusi sõpru. I made a lot of new friends at the camp. 9 Augustis käisime perega Lätis. In August we went on a family trip to Latvia. 10 Külastasime lõbustusparki ja matkasime Siguldas. We visited an amusement park and took a walk in Sigulda. 11 Suve joo...
UNIT 6: Töövihikust harjutus 9. 1 Millal sa viimati sõid kaasavõetud einet? When did you last have a packed lunch? 2 Tavaliselt sööme me õhtul sooja toitu. We usually have a cooced meal in the evenings. 3 Sam ostis valmistoidu ja soojendas selle praeahjus üles. Sam bought a ready meal and heated it up in the oven 4 Kas me võiksime süüa hiina restoranist kaasatoodud toitu? Could we have Chinese takeaway? 5 Mõnikord sööme me laupäeviti väljas. We sometimes ate out on Saturdays. 6 Puu- ja köögiviljad on tervislik valik. Fruits and vegetables are a healthy choice. 7 Tädi Maggie räägib palju tervislikust toidust. Aunt Maggie talks a lot about healthy food. 8 Minu tüüpiline hommikusöök koosneb apelisinimahlast ja võileivast. My typical breakfast is consist of sandwich and a glass of orange juice. 9 Kas sa sooviksid tüki röstsaia moosiga? Would you like a piece of toast with jam? 10 Muuseum on avatud aasta läbi. The museum is opened ...
Alex had to write essay The most terrible Day of my summer.That topic was the perfekt title to cover his encounter whit a troop of monkey in India.He hadn´t had a opputunity to share his adventure whit his mates ,it was even more exciting to write it down Alex write a trip to India. He and his mother decided to visit Kanyakumari .They enjoyed views of the red clifts and the sea . Unfortunately they hadn´t vist Tay Mahal in northern India. The vorst experience of visit India was very wild monkey how cute he nouse ,stole food,raid reacly bins and attacked peole. A 13-years old Danya was attaced these wild anymals from garden whwn she tried to scare away monkey . All alex calssmates was shckded Molly was interested in bit hat caused my monkey. Mike commented Moneys action like monkey took over coutrol Mrs Glies wanted to know about culture of india . She worked alex essay as exellent .
4. A. 1) 1848 2) - 3) 3 4) 2725 5) 1849 6) - 7) 1520 8) 40 9) 67 10) 1906 B. 1-c 2-b 3-a
POSITIVE/NEGATIVE ADDITION *although kuigi, vaatamata sellele et + clause (alus->öeldis) // To add more points/arguments/information to what is already informal known or what has been mentioned before, we can use: * even though + clause (alus->öeldis) // * and - ja informal * also ka, samuti * though kuigi, siiski + clause (alus- * as well ka, lisaks, samuti >öeldis) // informal * as well as ja lisaks ka * in spite of hoolimata, sõltumata + noun OR -ing form * in addition to kõrval, lisaks * despite hoolimata, vaatamata + noun OR -ing form * both ... and mõlemad .. ja ... ...
Solid- SCIENCE a solid substance is firm and hard and is not a liquid or a gas Steep- a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to climb Terraced house- a house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides. The American word is row house Utility room- a small room in some houses that contains equipment such as a washing machine Virtually- used for emphasizing that a statement is almost completely true Winding- a winding road, river etc has a lot of bends in it Yard- a unit for measuring length. There are three feet or 36 inches in a yard. One yard is equal to 0.91 metres. Unit3 words Maintenance job- work that is done to keep something such as a building, machine, or piece of equipment repaired and in good condition Milk float- a small truck used for delivering milk to people's homes Obsessed- considering someone or something as so important that you are always thinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people
U 15 SB 2) 2C, 4A, 6D, 8B 3) How about i come ... ? School is off Hei s sure to know Due for tomorrow Tie in with sth Get a flight sorte get back to me 4) *Easter * her grandparents' birthday gift * the weather and the currency * Some doorways and doors * Layers and a camer * The view from the topp of Olaf's church tower, the secret passagesunder Swedish defences, the winding streets of old... the parliament buildinf, some museums, and art galleries. * Pancakes together with Hannah's mates * Tartu 5b) 1. Was ... marked- märgiti; is includes on lisatud 2. 2. was built- ehitati- heisatakse 3. 3. was ... mentioned- mainiti 4. Was built- ehitati 5. was created- rajati; wa named- nimetati Revision Sample answers 3) 1. Isi t Oki f I read your diary? 2. Isi t all right if I try your crash helmet? 3. Can I have some milk in my coffee? 4) Sample answers. 1. You might ge...
Altitude Kõrgus Expand Laiendama Amateur Amatöör Explosive Lõhkeaine And so forth Ja nii edasi Extravaganza Priiskav etendus Anthem Hümn Fan Fänn Archer Vibukütt Feature Joon, tunnus Arrows Nooled Free fall Vaba langemine Attach Lisama, kinnitama Gilt Kullatis Backgammon Triktrakk (lauamäng) Glide Liuglema Band Vöö, pael Graceful Sujuv Boulder Rähn Handkerchief Taskurätt Bow Kummardama Highlight Esile tõstma Bungee cord Bendzi nöör Instinct Instinkt Carry out L...
ACRE(aaker)- a unit of area used in certain English-speaking countries. ADVENTURE(seiklus) - an exciting or very unusual experience. ALIKE(ühtviisi) - in the same manner or form. APPRECIATE(tänulik) - to feel thankful or grateful for: to appreciate a favour. ARCHERY(vibulaskmine) - sport of shooting with bows and arrows ASPECT(aspekt) - appearance to the eye; visual effect ASPIRING( ambitsioon)- to rise to a great height ASSIGN(loovutada) - give out or allot AWARD-WINNING(auhinnatud) - BARGAIN - an agreement or contract establishing what each party will give. BOILING HOT (keev) -to an extreme extent BOTHERED ( tüütama) to give trouble to; annoy; pester; worry BREAK - to separate or become separated into two or more pieces BROADEN - to make or become broad or broader; widen BROCHURE -a pamphlet or leaflet. CABLE - a strong thick rope CANCEL - to revoke or annul CHALK (kriit) -white,soft... CHANGEABLE able to change or be changed; fickle ...
Unit 14 sõnad Accountant- raamatupidaja, arveametnik Aspect- külg, ilme, välimus Award- auhind, tasu, otsus Capture- kinni püüdma, vangistama, lööma ; saak, vangistamine Charity- heategevus, ligimesearmastus Commercial n - kaubandus-, äri-, kommerts- ; reklaam Debt- võlg Dragon-lohe, draakon Edition. väljaanne Educate- harima, haridust andma Endanger- ohtu seadma, ohustama Extinct- väljasurnud, kustunud Furthermore- veel enam, lisaks, pealegi Gossip- keelepeks, kuulujutt, klatsimoor ; keelt peksma Grip-haare, arusaamine, kohver ; haarama, kinni hoidma Incompetent- asjatundmatu Individual n- indiviid, üksikisik Informative- informatiivne Innocent-süütu Insult-solvang ; solvama Liver-maks Millionaire-miljonär Moving- liikuv, liigutav Nag- näägutama ; võidusõiduhobune Negotiations-läbirääkimised Ratings-hinnangud Sane-terve mõistusega Scene- stseen, tegevuspaik Shrub- põõsastik Slapstick-tegevuskomöödia, kõva laksu imiteerim...
Shareholders aktsionärid Management juhtkond workforce tööjõud organisation chart organisatsiooniskeem Board of Directors juhatus/nõukogu Chairperson or President esimees Managing Director majandusjuhataja Chief Executive Officer tegevdirektor Senior managers tippjuht Company officers aktsiaseltsi personal Marketing turundus Public relations avalikud suhted Information technology IT infotehnoloogia Personnel or Human Resources inimressursid Finance rahandus Production tootmine Research and Development uuringu- ja arendustegevus recruit värbama tööjõudud position ametikoht apply for kandideerima letter of application avaldus covering letter avaldus curriculum vitae elulookirjeldus application form avalduse blanket short list/candidates/applicants taotlejad interview intervjuu hire palkama recruitment agency/search firm värbamisfirma retailing jaemüük retailers jaemüüjad shops/...
Unit5 Words Offer- pakkuma Lay- asetama, katma Layer- kiht Container- nõu, anum Cardborad- kartong, papp Tight- tihe, tugev, tugevasti seotud Drive-in sissesõidu Board- laud tahvel Yard- jard(0,9144m) Trashcan- prügikast Refill- uuesti täitma Store- hoiule panema Steak praad Fried chicken kanapraad Menu menüü Dessert- magustoit Pie pirukas To specialise in spetsialiseeruma Counter lett Lid kaas Customer klient Extracharge lisatasu To be broud of olema ühke millegi üles Task 67 „to go“ means to take away The menu in a drive in restaurants is displayed on a board Plastic knives and forks are thrown into a trashcan after a meal Americans usually tip waitresses 15% In a coffee shop you can have extra cups of coffee for no extra charge Americans have deep freezers to store food Macdonalds specializes in fast food Hot drinks are in plastic cups with tight lids Task 68 Deep freeze- a fridge or a room , in which food is stored for a long ...
Form 7 Unit 16 Translation 1. Mida me võiksime teha sel nädalavahetusel? Lähme kunstinäitusele! What shall we do this weekend? Let's go to an art exhibition! 2. Millist vaba aja tegevust sa eelistad uisutamist või pikniku pidamist? Which leisure activity do you prefer ice-skating or having a picnic? 3. Ma pigem läheksin vaatamisväärsustega tutvuma kui teatrisse. I would rather go sightseeing than to the theatre. 4
8.klass Inglise keele tv ülesanne Unit 14 lk 87 h 5 a 1 Last Sunday morning I DECIDED to study for my English test. 3 That is WOULD BE ......... 4 STARTED 5 WROTE 6 LEFT 7 HAD LEARNED 8 TOOK 9 LOOKED 10 FINISHED B 11 do= had done 12 draw= have drow 13 come = came 14 say= said
Test unit 14 b 6 klass vastused 1. ül. Immigrant, teenager, rap, producer, record. 2.ül. sell,sold,sold,müüma fly,flew,flown,lendama win,won,won,võitma sing,song,sung,laulma drive,drove,driven,sõitma 3.ül. in at at trought for about by 4.ül. were is has was are am have is 5.ül Have you ever met a celebrity ? Has he ever eaten Japanese food ? Has your sister driven a car ? Has your mother played the piano ? Have you ever seen a beaver ? 6.ül. Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was born in 11. November 1974 in Hollywood, California, USA. Leo's mother is German American and father Italian American.Leo is 1.85 height. His first TV show was at the age of 5 " Romper Room." His first film role 1991 Josh in ,, Citters." He was played Jack Dawson in ,, Titanic" 1997.
9klass, CLICK ON 3, Workbook, Unit 2 ex 14 (B,C) b.) A-2 B-1 C-5 D-6 E-4 c.) A-5 B-4 C-1 D-2 E-6
unit 3 boast-uhkeldama breathe-hingama brush-hari commit suicide- enesetappu sooritama emperor-keiser exhibition-näitus fail- läbi kukkumine fascinating-paeluv feature-iseloomustav joon heart failure-südame puudulikkus homesick- koduigatsus influenza-gripp masterpiece-meistriteos moral-moraal palette-palett pigeon-tuvi report-ettekanne, aruanne, referaat shotgun-haavlipüss spoiled-ära hellitatud strict-range sweetcorn-suhkrumais tepee-püstkoda thorougly-põhjalikult treasure-aare triangle-kolmnurk vineyard-viinamarjaistandus war correspondent-sõjakorrespondent warrior-sõdalane
I love english 5 Revision Unit 11 1) Vocabulary 1. Who is the patron saint of Scotland? 2. A clan is a large group of related familys. 3. The Scots are proud of their national costume. 4. There are heather moors, moutains and lochs in Scotland. 5. Do you belive that there is a monster in Loch Ness? 6. We saw many sheeps on the hillside. 7. An indrustial centre. 2) Make sentences 1. LAKE / POND long/big/sweet/deep/high A lake is deeper than a pond. 2. MOUNTAIN/HILL
Unit 8 Test Punase kirjaga teksi aseemel on töös tühi koht Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast Kui eelvaates oleks kõik näha oleks liiga lihtne Vabandust ebamugavuste pärast 1. Kuulamisülesanne Martin 1. Martin and his family were at the airport 2. He was thirsty, so he wanted to drink 3. The Pepsi splashed on to peoples faces and clothes 4. There were lots of lots of people around him Alice ...
Inglise keele test Unit 13 8.klass KUULAMIS ÜLESANNE: 1. teaches you to be understanding. 2. goes jogging on the forest, nere his home 3. he's not too good enough. 4. twice a week. 5. a jazz dance club. 6. time 7. had an operation. 8. played football. 9. lift weights. 10. swimming 2. aerobics karate ice skating the high jump cross-country skiing yoga the long jump volleyball 3. translate 1) How do you keep fit? 2) I have PE lesson twice a week. 3) Mirjam came first in the 100-metre race. 4) Who coaches your school football team? 5) I think you should change your eating habits. 6) If you eat too much fat and sugar, it has bad influence on your health. 4. do / doing 1)jogging 2)cycling 3)working/digging 4)reading 5)to play 6)to leave 7)laughing 8)walking 5. ...
Unit 3 1. 1. Did you have to pay to park here. 2. Ou musnt cycle on the pavement. 3. Pleace fastenrour sealtbelts/ The plane is going take off in a minute. 4. Excuse me is there a bookshop near here. 5. Go stright on and turn raight at the traffic lights. 6. This street is for pedestrians only. 7. A police officer the stopped us and wanted to see Dads driving licence. 8. Jim was fined for speeding. 2. 1. Can 2. Musnt 3. Must 4. Musnt 5. Must 6. Can 3. 1. Was opened 2. Are sold 3. Musnt be dry-cleaned; cant be washed 4. Was created 5. Was damaged 6. Was stolen;Was found 7. Was written 8. Is wsited
Inglise keele kontroll töö vastused. (Unit 11)
fame-kuulsus employ-tööle võtma, tööd andma,( tööd alustama) qualification-kvalifikatsioon, erial. ettevalmistus part-time work/job-osalise tööajaga töö full-time work/job-täispika tööajajga, põhikohaga töö payment-tasu specific-eriline, spetsiifiline self-employed-füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja, FIE CV-elulookirjeldus, curriculum vitae Rescue-päästmine; päästma career lesson-kutsenõustamise tund vocational-kutsehariduse- course-kursus vocational course-kutseõpe college-kolledz factory-vabrik praise-kiitus; kiitma peace of mind-meelerahu disappointment-pettumus rapidly-kiiresti demand-nõudlus; nõudmine; nõudma massive-hiigelsuur version-variant, versioon underage-alaealine founder-asutaja, rajaja personally-isiklikult select-valima establish-kehtestama alcohol-alkohol guideline-juhtnöör, suunis gap-auk, tühimik innovative-uuenduslik innovator-uuendaja entrepreneur-ettevõtja salary-töötasu, palk reference-(tööotsija) soovitaja; soovituski...
imposed on ntx reeglitega peale pandud 749. constitutional order 750. combat võitlema 751. comprise hõlmama 752. police department and division 753. watches and protects jälgib ja kaitseb 754. neighbourhood watch naabrivalve 755. expertise ekspertiis 756. forensic kohtu (omadussõnana) 757. National Defence Academy sisekaitseakadeemia 758. to be admit vastu võtma 759. attained saanud/saavutanud 760. police abuse väärkohtlemine unit 17 761. Environmental law keskkonnaõigus 762. EC law euroopa ühenduse õigus 763. domestic law siseriiklik õigus 764. interrelated elements vastastikuses seoses elemendid 765. environmental interdependence vastastikune sõltuvus keskkonnast 766. by national boundaries 767. unification on environmental law- keskkonna ühtlustamine 768. ecological equilibrium ökoloogiline tasakaal 769. cultural and historical heritage and landscape kultuuriline ja ajalooline pärand
UNIT 7 THE FARMERS PROBLEM B 1.Kirjelda inimeste välimust ja iseloomu 1.What's your aunt like? 2. What's your brother like? She's quite slim and tall. He's quite plump and short. She's got short hair. He's got dark hair. I think she's good-hearted. I think he's cheerful. 2. Kirjuta, kas 's on ->lühend sõnast IS ->lühend sõnast HAS ->OMASTAV KÄÄNE 1. He's not like me at all.- lühend sõnast is 2. My brother's not at home. - lühend sõnast is 3. Bob's uncle is a teacher. - omastav kääne 4. She's got two sisters. - lühend sõnast has 5. It's got one small window. - lühend sõnast has 6. My father's eyes are blue. omastav kääne 3.Võrdle. Moodusta omadussõnadest nii kesk-kui ülivõrdeid. A 1. Mountain climbing is more dangerous than diving. 2. Diving is more interesting than swimming...
Upstream Proficiency Unit 3 part 2 key EX 30 1 When Steve made the local soccer team, he was spotted by a local talent scout, and before he knew it, he was asked by the owner of a major team to sign a contract. He is said to be the best soccer player England has ever produced. 2 It is (widely) felt that more dustbins should be supplied by the Council to alleviate the refuse situation. The paths in the local park are covered with litter and rubbish overflows from the few dustbins that have been provided by the Council. 3 When Bess was promoted to CEO of the company, she was given the authority to hire or fire anybody she wanted to. She replaced two of the lazier secretaries and it is said she will hire an extra person for Saturdays. 4 We regret to inform you that your luggage has been misplaced. It appears to have been put on a plane to Italy. You will be contacted as soon as its exact whereabouts has been ...
I LOVE ENGLISH 6 8.klass Unit 1 test 1. Translate. 1 Mida on sul ja su sõbral ühist? What do you and your friend have a common? 2 Ma mõistan su vaatenurka. I can understand your point of view. 3 Mida sa selle all mõtled? What do you mean by this? 4 Missugune vapustavalt ilus pruutkleit! What a gorgeous bridal / wedding dress! 5 Kas sa oled kunagi pulmas käinud? Have you ever attended a wedding? 6 Jane rebis kutse kostüümipeole tükkideks. Jane tore the invitation to the fancy dress
Unit 7- 8 1. Tarbija ühiskond Consumer society - the world of people who buy goods or make use of services 2. Keskkond Environment - the natural world around us 3. Pakend Packaging many companies use it (boxes, bottles, etc.) 4. Ümbertöötlema Recycle that is made using old materials 5. Saaste Pollution like smoke in the air, can be reduced if companies use trains instead of road transport 6. Osooni kiht - Ozone layer - high above the earth's surface, helps to protect the earth from harmful rays of the sun 7. Kemikaal/ tuuma saaste - Chemical/ nuclear waste- dangerous substance which pollutes nature 8. Globaalne soojenemine - Global warming - increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere 9. Prügikast - Rubbish bin(GB)/ trash can(US) - a place where you can throw your trash 10. Õli laigud - Oil spills - pollutions, usually in the sea ...
UNIT6 The bank of England- keskpank, central bank Commercial bank- clearing bank Merchant banks- äripank- specialise in services for companies Regular payment- direct debit Salary- palk, money your employer pays you every month Net- neto, the amount that remains after everything else has been deducted Wages- palk, money you make when you work, usually paid weekly, in cash Routine- tavapärane, ordinary and boring Cost- maksma Stirling- the currency unit of United Kingdom Fit- sobima, to find the space or time for something Currency- money used in another country Distribution- levitamine, giving things too a large group of people Banking- the business of looking after peoples money Transactions- tehing, movement of money into or out of customers accounts Reporting- giving information Urgent- kiire, very important, needed very quickly Data- andmed, information or facts Control- to make something do what you want it to
UNIT 3-4 Retailing - Jaemüük the business of selling goods to the general public Retailers - Jaemüüjad sellers Shop store Pood - place, where you can buy things Outlets - Firma esinduspood a retail outlet Retail chains - Jaeketid - one company but many shops Shopping centres - Ostukeskused - malls Hypermarkets or superstores hüpermarketid vs supermarketid Retail Park - Ärikeskus - there is number of large stores Department store - Kaubamaja - large shop which sell a wide variety of products Assuming Eeldamine expecting Consumer Tarbija person who buys goods for their own use Bargain hunter - Otsima allahindlusi - look for cheap goods High fidelity - Suur usaldusväärsus Flexibility - Paindlikkus Suppliers - Varustaja Sales pitch what salespeople say to convince you to buy Quirky or unusual, untypical Veider vs ebatavaline Alternative or not traditional Alternatiivne vs...
1. come to mind 2.make up your mind 3. i don't mind 4. peace of mind 5. get sb/ sth out of your mind 6. mind your head 7.mind your own business
Unit 9 Forest Party 1. Kirjuta puuduvad tähed. 1. When you enjoy doing something, you do it whip pleasure . 2. On your birthdayyours friends can give you the bumps . 3. When you give somebody a present, you need to wrap it up. 4. When you put bowls,cups, forks and knives on the table, you lay the table . 5. Of you want to say something to many people, you make a speech. 2. Kirjuta lünka sobiv eessõna. Vali siit : in / on / at 1. Why didn´t we go to the swimming pool on Tuesday afternoon ? 2. Little Peggy didn´t sleep well at night. 3. The pupils of class 6 went on a class trip on Monday morning. 4. Please come to my place in the evening. 5. All the animals had a meeting at noon. 6. They had a big garden party on Saturday night . 7. In the afternoon the headmaster made a speech. 8. My parents left for Helsinki on Thursday afternoon . 3. Vasta küsimustele...
UNIT 3 VOCABULARY eager innukas elegant elegantne acre - aaker (4046 m²) elk põder adventure seiklus embassy saatkond alike sarnaselt, ühtmoodi emergency erakorraline olukord, hädaseisund appreciate hindama, väärtustama enthusiastic entusiastlik, innukas archery vibusport establish asutama, rajama, sisse seadma aspect aspekt, külg, ilme, välimus exceptional erandlik, eriline aspiring edasipüüdlik facility abivahend, hõlpsus (-ies- tarbed) assign määrama fair õiglane (n.s.-na näitus) award-winning auhinnaline fall kosk bargain soodus ost familiar tuttav, harjumuspärane, familiaarne ...
10.kl VOCABULARY OF UNIT 4 acid rain happevihm address aadress afar kaugele (nt maale) alternative alternatiiv, valikuvõimalus ant sipelgas armour soomus, raudrüü array rivi, rida ballad ballaad ban keelustama budget eelarve can´t help ei saa midagi parata can´t stand ei talu car pool auto ühiskasutus centipede sajajalgne circumference ümbermõõt clad kaetud, riietatud clover ristikhein coal kivisüsi community kogukond, ühiskond consequence tagajärg conservation looduskaitse crimson veripunane, tulipunane daisy tree karikakra puu deceive tüssama, petma, eksiteele viima deforestation metsa lageraie demand nõudma diameter diameeter drawback puudus, tagasilöök drift triivima, hulkuma emit eraldama, kiirgama endangered species ohustatud/hävimisohus liigid energy use energia kasutus epic eepiline, kangelaslik face vastu astuma, silmitsi olema fairy land muinasjutumaa fil...
Words & expressions 1) A generous nationhelde rahvas 2) A polar bearjääkaru 3) A social disastersotsiaalne katastroof 4) Connected through charityühendatud läbi heategevuse 5) Continuing economic problemsjätkuvad majanduslikud probleemid 6) Daytoday workigapäevane töö 7) Economists rely on sthmajandusteadlased tuginevad millegi 8) Endangered speciesohustatud liigid 9) Extreme weather eventsekstreemsed ilmastikunäitajad 10) Halfway around the worldpooleldi ümber maailma 11) In conclusionkokkuvõttes 12) In the fight for resourcesvõitluses resursside pärast 13) It's doubled to more than a billionsee on kahekordistunud rohkem kui miljardile 14) Life on our planetelu meie planeedil 15) Limited to onepiiratud ühele 16) Nevertheless,...kuid siiski, sellegipoolest 17) On the EarthMaal 18) People ...
English Form 5 Unit 4 Puud : Birch- kask Maple-vaher Spruce-kuusk Maple leaf-vahtraleht Kuidas moodustada nendega lihtsaid lauseid? There are many birches next to our house . Meie maja krval on palju kaskesid . Spruce is a Christmas tree . Kuusk on julupuu . Maple is beautiful tree . Vaher on ilus puu . Maple leaf is the emblem of Canada . Vahtraleht on Canada embleem* . *Embleem - Smbol .
Unit 2 Test 1 Translate. 1 Mulle ei meeldi, kui sa kasutad minu arvutit luba küsimata. I don´t like it when you use my computer without asking permission. 2 Jason ja Jack koristavad oma tuba kordamööda. Jason and Jack take turns tidying their room. 3 Mulle ei meeldi see salat; selles on liiga palju äädikat. I don´t like this salad; it has too much vinegar in it. 4 Isa nõudis, et me tõtt räägiksime. Father insisted us telling the truth. 5 Kui ma karbi avasin, leidsin, et äratuskell oli viga saanud. When I opened the box, I found that the alarm clock was damaged. 6 See pole aus! See on pettus! It´s not fair! That´s cheating! 7 Vanaema tavaliselt küpsetab mu sünnipäevaks metspähkikooki. My grandmother usually bakes hazelnut cake for my birthday. 8 Meie meeskonnal läheb sellel hooajal hästi. Our team is doing well this season. 2 Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1 According to a survey pe...
Unit 1 Test 1 Translate. 1 Mida on sul ja su sõbral ühist? What do you have in common with your friend? 2 Ma mõistan su vaatenurka. I understand your point of view. 3 Mida sa selle all mõtled? What do you mean by this? 4 Missugune vapustavalt ilus pruutkleit! What a gorgeous bridal dress! 5 Kas sa oled kunagi pulmas käinud? Have you ever attended a wedding? 6 Jane rebis kutse kostüümipeole tükkideks. Jane tore the invitation to the fashion show into pieces. 7 Pinge Alice´i ja tema armukadeda poiss-sõbra vahel kasvas. The tension was building up between Alice and her jealous boyfriend. 8 Mis lahti? Su silmad on pisaraid täis. What´s up? Your eyes are filled with tears. 2 Write the verbs in the suitable tense. 1 I booked the tickets and in two weeks I will be off to Mexico. (book;be) 2 Did your sister Victoria get engaged when she was eighteen? (get; be) 3 When Uncle George died, Aunt Mary wor...