The library was founded in 1873 A.D, and is the oldest and the third largest public library in Kansas City area. 6. Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace (France) Cheval began the building in April 1879. He claimed that he had tripped on a stone and was inspired by its shape. He returned to the same spot the next day and started collecting stones. For the next 33 years, during his daily mail route, Cheval carried stones from his delivery rounds and at home used them to build his Palais idéal, the Ideal Palace. First he carried the stones in his pockets, then a basket and eventually a wheelbarrow. He often worked at night, by the light of an oil lamp. 7.Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada) Architect: Moshe Safdie Habitat 67 is a one-of-a-kind housing complex located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is built as a part of Expo-67. It was designed to integrate the variety and diversity of
Turunduskommunikatsioon- TMM0860 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 2016 Kaiser Lachance Communication Inc on ettevõte mille üks võtme isikuks on David Kaiser, kes on ka artikli „How to Build an Agency:What We Wish Someone Had Written Years Ago“ kaasautor. Nagu siis ka artikli pealkiri siis selle sisu seisnes selles, kuidas peab välja nägema ettevõtlikult suur rahvusvaheline agentuur või isegi ettevõte/firma. Artiklis on toodud peamiseks ettevõtte näiteks eespool nimetatud Kaiser-i firma, mis on loodud Torontos Canadas aastal 2011. Artikli sisu seisnes selles, et kuidas oleks võimalik alustada uut suhtekorraldusfirmat. Kirjutatud oli samm sammult, mida ja kuidas teha
Feb 14th Throwing workout Feb 15th something light & explosive, either dumbbell jump squats, some type type of overheads, and/or 5x20m sprints Feb 16th REST Feb 17th Competition at Birmingham Feb 18th Travel to Athens Feb 19th Bench Press 4x4 up to 375lbs, Rhythmic step- step-ups 2x6, stair sprints x4 Feb 20th Jump Squats 4x4 up to 365lbs, Push Jerk 3x3 at 100kg, 4x100m build build--ups after lifting, throwing workout Feb 21st Rest & loosen up Feb 22nd Throwing workout, dumbbell jump squats 4x7 after throwing & 6x20m 6x20m sprints Feb 23rd REST Feb 24th Travel to Boston Feb 25th USATF Indoor Championships 7 Early Spring Results for Reese Hoffa
That's why our streets are so dirty. Everywhere I go, there are always some workmen building big houses. If we improved public transport or made electric cars, our streets wouldn't be so polluted. In Tallinn, for example, the air there is so polluted, that you can hardly breathe there. If the authorities put bins everywhere in the streets, our cities would be cleaner. The second thing is, that people still drop litter on the ground, even if there is a bin somewhere nearby. If we didn't build so much houses all around cities, we could save money from that and better build animal parks, green areas and playgrounds for children. If there were more green areas, people would have more oxygen. All in all, we must understand the importance of oxygen and where must litter go, then we could have better atmosphere and people wouldn't be worried about their health.
Google Guava Margus Martsepp History Java collections was created in 1997 3 big ideas: · interfaces (define collections) · implementations (concrete or abstract) · algorithms (to manipulate collections) Basic idea around this framework: Extensible - people can build on it Overview 1. Utilities - {static constructors,functional - {predicates, transform}} 2. Objects {equal, coalesce, ComparisonChain} 3. Immutable - {why, how, collections} Utilities - static constructors Create a list of 2 elements Utilities - functional - predicates Apply predicates on collections/iterables Functional language equivalent Utilities - functional - transform Create a transformed view of a collection Object - {equals, coalesce} Equals (null safe) Coalesce
activity helps to burn calories stored in the body from the food we eat. In order to lose weight, we need to burn calories. However, exercise not only helps us lose weight, but maintain our weight as we grow older. As we age, our metabolism decreases, and so we need extra physical activity just to maintain our weight. This is why most people put on weight as they age, even when they stick to the same diet that they have always had. Build and Tone Muscles: Exercise helps to build strong muscles and bones through both cardiovascular and strength training. Strength training is any form of exercise that requires muscle resistance, so whether you're using your own body weight or an external object, if your involving your body in motion that requires some resistance (e.g. push-ups), you are strength training. Why do we need to develop muscles anyway? Muscles help to build metabolism, and as you grow older, you'll really need an increased metabolic rate to maintain your weight
1m wide at base and 3.7m wide at top · average height 10m, witdh 5m History of the Wall · 1st wall in 218-208 BC (3000 miles long) · 4th wall in 1368-1620 · Ming dynasty ruled China · They built thousands of towers and forts · Over 1 million people died Construction of the Wall · made of quarried limestone or granite · in some areas made of fired brick · again over 1 million men died · that's over 300 men per mile · Qin made 70% of population build the wall Importance of the Wall · at first it was ment to keep enemies away, later to keep away semi- nomadic thiefs · nowadays a very popular tourist attraction · Simatai - wall in original state · Beijing reconstructed part · Thousands of tourists every day Parts of the Wall · from Gulf of Bohai to Jiayugan Pass · divided into 101 sections in 9 provinces · well preserved in Hebei and Beijing · most popular is Badaling section in
Also tourism services such as roads, bars, hotels, restaurants and other leisure facilities are built. Thanks to it, local people can get more jobs. Finally, tourism allows both the tourist and the local community a chance to experience other cultures. However, tourism can pose a threat to the natural environment and so may have bad effect on a country's wildlife. Tourists cause pollution and can damage the environment. What is more big companies are ruining the environment to build new facilities. For example, they cut down the forest, destroy the natural landscape in order to build hotels, restaurants for their business. Finally unfortunately some tourists do not always respect traditional cultures, they vandalize, make noise or throw rubbish. In conclusion taking everything into consideration I think tourism is very important and we must be careful not to ruin the place that attract tourists.
Giza Pyramid The Pyramids of Egypt are the largest constructions ever built and they are one of the most potent and enduring symbols of Ancient Egyptian civilization. They were buildings, where the dead kings and queens were placed. The pyramids were built between 2575-2465 BC. There were used 2, 3 million blocks of stone to build the Great Pyramid. Each block of stone weighed 2.5 tons and about 20 men transported it. There was about 100,000 men working there and it took about 20 years to build the Giza pyramid. This is the formula of setting the blocks to the Giza Pyramid : 2,400,000 stones used ÷ 20 years ÷ 365 days per year ÷ 10 work hours per day ÷ 60 minutes per hour = 0.55 stones laid per minute. Giza is the location of the Pyramid of Khufu also known as the "Great Pyramid" and the "Pyramid of Cheops"
Many things that are thrown away can be recycled, but some of the people aren't aware of that. They throw things away which may be dangerous for nature. Another solution is to use more buses and bicycles. Every family member doesn't need his/her own car. When you move more in fresh air, you will feel better yourself, your health will be better and you will reduce air pollution levels. Finally, big-factory owners should pay attention where they build on their factories. I think that it is very important that they don't build them in the middle of cities. The pollution twhat comes from the factories is bigdrastic. In conclusion, there are many ways to make our cities' air pollution levels lower. We all need to do what we can. As the old proverb says "To make things better, you should start with yourself". You address the propts given in the textbook, but in a rather vague way.
design and to verify the home´s efficiency. And last but definitely not the least negative side, which people might consider, is that looks count too. Most passive homes have limited windows and a boxy shape, which is the easiest geometry to keep insulated and highly energy efficient. Homes with curves and larger footprints require extra insulation and sealing , therefore they cost more money. Now let´s imagine, that despite all the extra fees, you still want to build an energy efficent house. So you must wonder, how high the standard is? Well, one passive house consultant in US reviewed a home, that was designed to earn top raiting from the Green Building Council, and yet he determined that it wouldn´t qualify as a passive house for several reasons it had too many windows but we all want to see the daylight, right? the windows didn´t absorb enough solar heat, and the L-shaped house, isn´t a simple cube
where the ornamental Blue Cornflower was the favourite because of its popularity and decorative appearance, because of this Blue Cornflower was selected as the National Flower of Estonia. National bird The barn swallow, the national bird, is a characteristic guest of Estonian homes. Its call can be heard from practically every eave or barn rafter in the country. If the bird finds a suitable opening, under the ridge of a roof or a broken window, it will build its cup-shaped nest; it will even build it inside a house. The choice of the barn swallow as a national bird was mainly the result of a campaign conducted by ornithologists at the beginning of the sixties. The Barn Swallow has been the national bird of Estonia since 23 June 1960. National stone Estonian national stone is the country's valuable grey limestone. Estonia lies on a thick layer of limestone which is visible on the steep banks of northern and western Estonia
of Arsenal Football Club. · With a capacity of 60,361, the Emirates is the third-largest football stadium in England after Wembley and Old Trafford. · Emirates Airline was the main sponsor for the stadium. Work was completed with the stadium in 2006 at a cost of £390 million. · At first in 1997 Arsenal planned to reconstruct the Highbury Stadium, but eventually decided the capacity of 48 000 would be too small. After this they chose a new location, and decided to build a new stadium. The project was ready by the year 2000. · The project included the redevelopment of Dayton Park, building a new waste station in Lough Road, the club making 1 800 new jobs for the community and building 2 300 new homes. So basically they didn't only build a stadium, but improved the community as well. · The exact distance between the North and South stands is 245.6m. Going from East to West measures in at 199.6m. The total height of the stadium is 41.466m with the
Identity as a personal project How could be one identity created? Or is it creating itself? Or, maybe, every child is born with some kind of identity? There are many theories about what identity is and how it is developing, so in this essay I want to discuss A. Giddens´ text and my reflection about his theory. “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” Patrick Rothfuss When talking about identity, it´s creation is a very important moment. To understand it, I was always thinking practically – I created a character, like in a movie or a book. What should happen first with the character, what factors influence the creation of individual identity? I agree to Giddens – person isn´t
20. Milleks kasutatakse Maven ja Gradle? Maven is a tool that can help in creating, building, publishing and managing dependencies for many applications. Maven is not bound to Java (Homepage) and it can be used with other programming languages such as PHP (Homepage). It is very easy to use and definitely worth its money (note that Maven is free) when compared with the time saved from doing the repetitive things ourselves. Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. The word maven means 'accumulator of knowledge' in Yiddish.[3]Maven addresses two aspects of building software: First, it describes how software is built, and second, it describes its dependencies. Contrary to preceding tools like Apache Ant, it uses conventions for the build procedure, and only exceptions need to be written down. An XML file describes the software project being built, its dependencies on other external modules and
at her feet. The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States, and was a welcoming sight to immigrants arriving from abroad. ● Due to the troubled political situation in France, work on the statue did not commence until the early 1870s. ● The statue was constructed in France, shipped overseas in crates, and assembled on the completed pedestal on what was then called Bedloe's Island. ● They made an fundraiser to get the money to build The Statue of Liberty ● It was an gift from the French ● In France they have the original, but smaller. ● At the beginning it was used as an lighthouse, due to the similiarities to an ancient bronze statue of the Greek god of the sun, Helios. This statue is believed to have been over 100 feet (30 m) high, and it similarly stood at a harbor entrance and carried a light to guide ships. ● In 1875, Laboulaye proposed that the French
Pro Kapital believes that the future of Kalaranna should be as a promenade open to the sea, a harmonious whole of the greenery and buildings shaping the urban space. People of Kalamaja overall agree with the views of Pro Kapital but they are not fond of the idea of losing natural sandy coastal line, which by the detailed plan will be replaced by a promenade. This year in August tensions between the Kalamaja community and the developer had hit a high when Pro Kapital decided to build a fence around its property. Not only did they enclose their own property, but also fenced the entire seaside preventing public access. Pro Kapital said that they are allowed to build a fence around the port while it is developed. (Kuusk, 2015). They believe that they have no obligation to provide public access to the beach or the sea, as there is a harbour adjacent to the beach. Not surprisingly, the locals and the residents of Tallinn did not approve this kind of action
* Never look down on anyone unless you're helping him up. * Nobody is perfect. I am nobody. * None of us are as stupid as all of us. * Pray for what you want. Work for what you need. * Practice does not make perfect...Perfect practice makes perfect. * So close, and yet so far away. * Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. * The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows the average guy can see better than he can think. * The goal of science is to build better mousetraps. The goal of nature is to build better mice. * The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle. * The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire.(Helicopter pilot wisdom) * The things we remember best are those better forgotten. * There are three types of people in this world: the ones who keep you alive, the ones who would otherwise cause you to die, and the ones who somehow manage to do both at the same time.
Spiderman Stan Lee created Spiderman in 1962. Spiderman is also known as Atomic Hero. A spider that has accidentally received a dose of radioactivity bit Peter Parker, a schoolboy, while attending a science exhibition. As a result, Peter acquires the agility and proportionate strength of an arachnid. He sews his own super hero uniform and uses his scientific knowledge to build mechanical devices that eject sticky webbing, but he is less interested in fighting crime than in making a buck.
Leighton Meester Information Birth name: Leighton Marissa Claire Meester Born: April 9, 1986 (age 24) Birthplace: Marco Island, Florida, USA Family: mother, 1 younger brother, 1 older brother Actress, singersongwriter, model GOSSIP GIRL Character Different dresses Fashion clothes Friendly Cheerful Versatile Kind Smart Look Height/Build: slim, tall, athletic Hair: straight(sometimes wavy), brown, long, not natural Face: oval Eyes: brown, big, classes,wide Eyebrows: arched Mouth: wide, lush Nose: snub, little Forehead: wide Cheeks: dimples, rosy Complexion: healthy, no drugs Ears: scattered little bit
geographer al-Idrisi's in 1154. Tallinn has survived many historical events. Over the centuries, has Tallinn been reflected in ethnical stories - in numerous legends. In some areas the number of stories may reach tens. For example, a legend of St. Olaf's church, which is known around the legend of eighty, tells how the Estonians wanted that their city would be famous. The habitants of Tallinn let the chuch built by a mighty man. Unknown man said that he will build the church free if they guess his name. What in fackt happend. The church was named as its builder. And the sculpture of the snake and frog, which came out from Olaf'f mouth, are there nowadays. According to legend, there were some difficulties to find a right place where to build 4 Tallinn. It was decided to ask for advice from the wiseman. The wiseman told to put a
• Executes thousands algorithms simultaneously • The more algorithms that find the same answer the more likely Watson is to be correct • Checks if potential solution makes sense • Dynamic learning History • Development started in 2005 • First initial tests in 2006 • First successful tests in 2008 • Jeopardy matches in 2011 Future plans • Clinical decision support • Watson Engagement Advisor • Research • Build new Watson-powered apps Thank you for your attention
Irregular Verbs simple past be was/were become became begin began blow blew break broke build built buy bought catch caught come came cost cost cut cut do did drink drank drive drove eat ate feel felt find found fly flew forget forgot freeze froze get got give gave go went have had hear heard hit hit hold held hurt hurt keep kept know knew lay laid lead led leave left lend lent let let lie lied lose lost make made meet met pay paid put put read read ride rode ring rang run ran say said see saw sell sold send sent show showed sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spend spent s...
people's can breathe better air. This is partly true, but taking up cycling instead of using a car is really more dangerous than use only cars. Thanks to taking up cycling traffic will go busier and messier. There is much different kind of movers in traffic and it makes traffic really dangerous. It is clear that it is not too dangerous. There are many cities where cycling is very popular, for example in Copenhagen. If this method will be chosen, city needs to build special cycling roads. Thanks to these roads traffic should be safer. More energy is used up taking items to recycling banks than the benefits gained from recycling materials. It could be argued that there is more energy used up. There is made lot of campaigns, spend lot of money and so on. But quite big proportion of people does not care about it and think it is only wasting their time. Also they think that even they attend in this campaign, it change nothing.
IRREGULAR VERBS 1. Be was/were been-olema 2. Bear bore borne-välja kannatama 3. Beat beat beaten-peksma 4. Become became become-saama 5. Begin began begun-algama 6. Bite bit bitten-hammustama 7. Break broke broken-murdma 8. Bring brought brought-tooma 9. Build built built-ehitama 10. Burst burst burst-puhkema 11. Buy bought bought-ostma 12. Catch-caught caught-kinni püüdma 13. Can could - -saama 14. Come came come-tulema 15. Cost cost cost-maksma 16. Creep crept crept-hiilima 17. Cut cut cut-lõikama 18. Deal dealt dealt-tegelema 19. Dig dug dug-kaevama 20. Do did done-tegema 21. Draw drew drawn-joonistama 22. Dream dreamt dreamt-unistama 23. Drink drank drunk-jooma 24. Drive drove driven-autot juhtima 25. Eat ate eaten-sööma 26
It must be sealed up and buried for many thousands of years. For all that time it must be kept safe from earthquakes, flooding, terrorists and everything else. This is difficult. Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety - if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster. One of the most feared disadvantages of nuclear energy is the potential for weapons. Each year, every nuclear reactor is capable of making enough plutonium to build over thirty nuclear bombs. Nuclear plants must be secured well enough to prevent this material from falling into the wrong hands.
London London is the capital of England and of the United Kingdom. It`s one of the most populated cities in the world. More than 7 million people live in London today. London is situated in south-eastern England on the River Thames. The Romans started to build a town on the River Thames about 2000 years ago. They called their town Londinium and that`s where the name London comes from. London is made up of two ancient cities that are now joined together - the city of London and the city of Westminster. London is famous for it`s parks. Hyde Park is one of the largest and nicest of them . In summer you can walk in the park have a picnic or rent a small boat and go fishing. Hyde Park is also a place for big rock concerts - the Beatles,
TO BITE bite bit biting bitten TO BLEED bleed bled bleeding bled TO BLOW blow blew blowing blown TO BREAK break broke breaking broken TO BRING bring brought bringing brought TO BUILD build built building built TO BURN burn burned, burnt burning burned, burnt TO BURST burst burst bursting burst TO BUY buy bought buying bought TO CATCH catch caught catching caught
● Require large areas to live in ● Adult birds – feathers entirely white, black feet, mostly black bill ● Pens (females) – slightly smaller than cobs (males) ● Immatures – white mixed with some dull grey feathering; bills – black, large dirty-pink patch ● In Estonia first nesting - 1979 Whooper swan Behaviour of whooper swan ● Pair for life, cygnets stay with them all the winter ● Breffered breeding habitat – wetlands ● Both build the nest ● Male will stand guard over the nest while female incubates ● 4 to 7 eggs Influence of whooper swan ● Much admired in Europe ● National bird of Finland ● Protected species in Estonia Spread Bewick´s swan (väikeluik) ● Lenght 115 to 140 cm ● Adults – white all over ● Young birds – greyish with a pinkish bill ● Shorter neck, variable bill pattern ● Showing more black than yellow ● Bill is more yellow than black
London. Capsules The wheel carries 32 sealed and air- conditioned passenger capsules The wheel does not usually stop to take on passengers Commercial A standard adult ticket costs £25.00 Children under 5 free Luxury packages like 'champagne capsule' £299 The London Eye also caters to weddings and civil partnership ceremonies, starting at £1700 Interesting information It took 1,700 tons of steel to build this attraction Each of the 32 capsules holds approximately 25 people. The London Eye is often seen in many films and television shows The Singapore Flyer, at 15 metres taller than the London Eye, is due to open in early 2008 Pictures Thank you for listening!
was happening. One presentation tended to be boring and last too long. Equipment and Rooms There were some problems with equipment also: slide projector got stuck, music was not loud enough, rice cooker was not available and there was too little room for dancing. Everything else was working properly. Suggestions Firstly the Planning Committee should be formed. Secondly the timetable of events must be available and all the equipment should be checked before the event. The college should build up collection of CDs and provide free soft drinks/coffee.
Describing people appearance Vanus age Teismelise eas in one's teens Varastes/keskmistes/hilistes kahekümnendates in one's early/middle/late twenties Elatanud elderly Keskeas middle-aged Noor täiskasvanu a young adult Vastsündinud new born baby Pikkus/kehaehitus height/build Keskimist kasvu of medium/average height Laiaõlgne broad-shouldered Hea kehaehitusega well-built Muskliline muscular Sale slim Tüse plump Ülekaaluline overweight Rasvunud obese Juuksed hair Sirged straight Heledad blond/fair Laines wavy Lokkis curly Krussis frizzy Turris, püstised spiky Lühikeseks pöetud (close-)cropped Kiilanev balding kiilaspea bald Õlgadeni shoulder-lenght Keskmise pikkusega - medium-lenght Punakaspruunid, ingveri tooni ginger Seitel keskel a centre parting Nägu, huuled, nina, põsed, kulmud, ripsmed face, lips, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes Nur...
MIS ON MANGROVE FOREST ÜLDSE? Mangrove swamps are found in tropical and subtropical tidal areas. Many mangrove forests can be recognized by their dense tangle of prop roots that make the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water. This tangle of roots allows the trees to handle the daily rise and fall of tides, which means that most mangroves get flooded at least twice per day. The roots also slow the movement of tidal waters, causing sediments to settle out of the water and build up the muddy bottom. KAARDIGA SLAID Mangroves can be found in over 118 countries and territories in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The largest percentage of mangroves is found between 5° (degrees hääldad seda kraadi märki) North and 5° South latitudes.[20] Approximately 75% of world's mangroves are found in just 15 countries. Asia has the largest amount (42%) of the world's mangroves, followed by Africa (21%), North/Central America (15%), Oceania (12%) and
awake awoke awoken Ärkama; äratama be was, were been olema bear bore born taluma beat beat beat peksma become became become Saama, muutuma begin began begun Alustama bend bent bent painduma beset beset beset Ründama, piirama Kihla vedama, bet bet bet pakkuma bid bid/bade bid/bidden Pakkuma, käskima bind bound bound siduma bite bit bitten hammustama bleed bled bled veritsema blow blew blown puhuma break broke broken lõhkuma breed b...
Gerli Helts 2015 Martna Local School Almost invisible mirrored treehouse These little treehouses, which look like cube, are just perfect. Everyone will be able to get them transported and installed in their desired location. In house there is a ability to watch uninterrupted view trough the glass, because ceilings and walls are made of glass. Illustration 1: Reflection of the trees The house idea was bring to reality by Britta and Kent Lindvall, who desided to build their dream house in one of the most beatiful places of Northern Sweden. They wanted to by surrounded by the natural forests and undisturbed nature. To guests they wanted to offer a unique experience by living within nature’s quarters. Materials, which were used to create this amazing house, were: reflective glass, aluminium and wood. The ho...
The government put out a news brief to misinform the public. (separable) to exert, extend The workers put out considerable effort to get the job done on time. (separable) to expel Please put the cat out. PUT THROUGH (separable) to implement; bring to a successful conclusion The committee was unable to put through any reforms on campaign financing. (separable) to make a telephone connection for Operator, put me through to the president! PUT UP (separable) to raise; erect; build The construction workers put the buildings up in just a few days. (separable) to accommodate; provide food a shelter to The government put the refugees up in temporary housing. PUT UP WITH (inseparable) to tolerate Max has great difficulty putting up with noisy children. PULL APART The teacher pulled the fighting students apart in the classroom. B. The 'flat earth theory' can be easily pulled apart by any scientist. PULL AWAY = A. gain in distance B. vehicle leaving from a place A
Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electricl Power Engineering and Mechatronics Report on Exercises 1 on Power Electronics Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifiers Tallinn 2017 Given parameters: Output voltage, Ud = 10 V Input frequency, fin = 50 Hz Load resistance, Rload = 70 kOhm Calculations: u1 10 I d= = =0.143 mA R L 70000 πUd 3.14∗10 US= = =22.2 V √2 √2 PIV =π∗Ud=3.14∗10=31.42V U max =√ 2∗U s=√ 2∗22.2=31.4 V Table 1. Value comparison table. Parameter Calculated Measured Error Ud, V 10 9.667 0.33 Fin,...
2 0.22 0.02 PIV, V 31.4 30.2 1.2 Fig. 1 Circuit diagram 2 Peak Inverse Voltage (V) (green) Fig. 2 Peak inverse and output voltage traces Fig. 3 Circuit diagramm II 3 Fig. 4 Output current and voltage traces Conclusions: Learned the about full-wave rectifier working principles and Basic components. Had the chance to build a simple M2 single phase rectifier in the simulation workspace and measure different parameters. Also calculated the same parameters and compared the result. Interesting excercise, which gave a good overview of the inner workings of a full-wave rectifier. 4
In fact, sometimes tourist can go back and start his life there. On the otherhand, unfortunately there are some negative aspects aswell. Firstly, with mass tourism comes pollution. For example, tourist throws carbage on the ground because there are no garbage cans around. Another bad aspect is that tourists disturb wildlife. Hordes of tourists can go to forest and scare wild animals. Last but not least, is that places are spoiled by over-development. In fact, they chop down forest to build hotels and restaurants. In conclusion, there are number of strong points both for and against mass tourism. However, i think that being against mass tourism is more rightful than being in favour of accepting it. Andres Vambola 12D
and it only makes things worse. Being dishonest may lead to serious consequenses amd you have to deal with them afterwards. Honesty isn´t only important in your personal life, but also in business. Being honest will help you get a good job and respect. Although there are ways to earn money dishonestly, it won´t give us a good social status. Best feeling in life is when you are respected, but if you are caught lying then people won´t look at you the same way. It may take a long time to build the trust again. I strongly agree that being honest is the most important consideration in a relationship. Although telling lies may be easier in some situations, if you remain truthful, it will pay off.
pollution, noise, green-house effect and nuclear weapons are the things we did not need to bother about in the past. But these problems nowadays are not only making our life inconvenient, but even dangerous. In my opinion, humans are now relatively more powerful. So it is up to men to decide what we should do and what we shouldn't. It is our duty to make science and technology serve human beings better and better. In consequence, we are faced with a glorious task ---- to build a magnificent new civilization by means of advanced science and technology. Only then can we expect to make the development of science and technology a blessing rather than a curse.
In today's world tourism is vital part of economy. Although tourism has became main source of income to many countries, it was not so couple of decades ago. This young branch of industry started developing in the second half of last century, when people had more money and sources than ever before. Importance of tourism to countries such as Egypt, Greece and Spain can not be questioned, as employment, service industry and opportunity to sell goods, is related to it. Tourism has also helped to build up certain regions, which otherwise would still be struggling in poverty. Futhermore, to make country desirable destination, governments have to keep crime rate under control, which makes life safer for locals as well. On the negative side, relentless waves of tourists increase our carbon footprint. Transportation increases pollution and creates gridlocks. Often big hotels consume unreasonably large amount of water, while locals are left in dry
Fifth level Andrus Aljas Rait Kalda Maigi Pärnik-Pernik President/Deputy Vice- President Vice-President Finane& Chairman of the Operations/ Administration/ Members of Board Member of the Board Board Strategy Vision- we widen the travellers' percpectivies Mision-we build the Estonain Air-bridge to the world Values Fighting Spirit Dignity Caring Main strategic goals Ø Customer satisfaction Ø Develop airplain park Ø Market development Ø Implementation of the technology Ø Development of employees Ø Oppenness through PR activities Thank you for listening!
PHRASAL VERB PULL PULL - to remove from a fixed position (the dentist pulled the tooth) - to rip or tear (the dog pulled the toy to pieces) - to strain (a muscle, for example) injuriously. PULL DOWN 1) TO DEMOLISH They pulled down the old sports stadium to build a new one. 2) TO DEPRESS SOMEONE John was really pulled down by his recent divorce. 3) TO MOVE SOMETHING FROM A HIGHER POSITION TO A LOWER ONE The sun was shining in my eyes so I pulled down the blinds. PULL IN 1) TRAIN OR BUS ARRIVAL AT A STATION The train pulled in right on time. 2) TO ATTRACT A CROWD The festival really pulled in the crowds. 3) TO EARN I pulled in more this year than last year. How about you? PULL THROUGH - to recover from an illness
These are my thoughts of creating and keeping something. In the old times were many wars. Some states predominated over other weaker countries or states. Weaker countries had created their own and loved country and they wanted to live like that for a long time. But also stronger countries wanted to broaden their boards and become bigger than other strong states. I think that little countries scared. I understand it that way because they had saw a lot of hard work to build a country and live there is peace. And stronger states wanted to destroy all the worth what these people had seen with building their country. Bigger states may had a bigger army than them but little country was ready to fight. It was because they had a faith that they may can win them and save their country. It is understandable, I would to the same thing, cause I would not care how big strangers are I would be interested just of protecting mine country. For example is event from
Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he or she won't hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. Many people say, "Oh, he's a good friend of mine," yet they never take time to spend time with that "good friend." Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, time to build shared memories. The relationship is also constructed differently in different cultures Since friendship starts the moment a child starts socializing, the kind of friends that the child chooses should be taken care of till the time he / she learns to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong peers or lack of socializing can lead to severe psychological traumas and disorders. http://www.allaboutgod
leg or foot () fingers or toes or thumbs stomach knee elbow chest, breast shoulder waist palm Build weight to weigh well-built, sturdy, strong muscular height tall short average height slender
The ellis island is located in upper new york bay. Ellis island was a gateway for a millions of immigrants to the US from 1892 to 1954. The original island was quite small , but it was expanded with land reclamation between 1892 adn 1934. the name ellis island came from samuel ellis who brought the island in 1775. Ellis dies in 1794, and in 1808 New York State buys the island from his family for $10,000. The U.S. War Department pays the state for the right to use Ellis Island to build military fortifications and store ammunition The first Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opens on January 1, 1892, as three large ships wait to land. Seven hundred immigrants passed through Ellis Island that day, and nearly 450,000 passed throught Ellis Island first year. Over the next five years, more than 12 million people will pass through the island on their way into the United States. The Ellis island was designed by Edward Lippincott Tilton and William Alciphron Boring
All people in our society have a role. All adults should have jobs. That means that they need to choose a profession. Some professions are more needed in our society than others. Nowadays in Estonia we need mostly newer professions, connected with computers and things like that, bust also some older professions... The most needed profession is builders. The cities grow and new buildings are being razed. When you walk in the streets then you can see everywhere that some buildings are being repaired, or some older ones are being demolished to make space for newer and bigger buildings. Some old houses are being restored like they used to be in the past. In the Centrum new and modish glass buildings are being constructed. That gives the builders and all the people connected with construction and building jobs. And we need more of those people in our society. The second most needed profession is connected with computers. More...
temperance, fortitude, justice) to be developed. Of such an upbringing and education in the natural and the most important breeding ground for the family, dominated by deep, mutually respectful relationships and trust. Unfortunately, such families more and more for less. But even parents who have experienced degradation of their family, usually trying to give their children to the luggage, which would allow them to create a mature, intimate love and respect, and build a happy family life and the rearing of offspring. Karel Varik 10b