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"strategy" - 215 õppematerjali

strategy – tarnija kaasatud „suure pildi“ kujundamisse.

Estonian Environmental Strategy

Estonian Environmental Strategy According to the article in constitution, every person in Estonia is obliged to preserve environment and to compensate for damage they cause. In the last fifty years, the use of natural resources has been irrational. The result is that there are turned out many environmental problem areas and preconditions for environmental crisis. Estonian environment was significantly polluted by Soviet army and it takes decades to eliminate this.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Interbrand, a division of Omnicom, is a brand consultancy, specializing in areas such as brand strategy, brand analytics, brand valuation, corporate design, digital brand management, packaging design and naming. Interbrand method of the brand's assesment is based on a summation of the three groups of indicators: financial performance, achieved through the sale of branded products or services; the role of brand in the purchase decision; the contribution of the brand in the future profits of the company, namely the loyalty of customers. In order

Keeled → Business english
2 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

− Controls, monitors, or supervises top management. − Reviews and approves the use of resources. − Cares for shareholders’ interests. − Assures that the corporation is managed in accordance with state laws, security regulations and conflict of interest situations. Role of the Board in Strategic Management • Monitor developments inside and outside the corporation. • Evaluate and influence management proposals, decisions and actions. • Set corporate strategy, the corporation’s overall direction, mission, and vision. Carroll’s (1979) four responsibilities of business in order of priority … • Economic (must do) • Legal (have do) • Ethical (should do) • Discretionary (might do) *agenditeooria suures ettevõttes, * mis on mission, EKSISTENTS – KES ME OLEMA JA MIDA VÄÄRTUSTAME *suure ettevõtte hierarhia *Mintzberg The 5 Ps of Strategy were created by Henry Mintzberg in 1987. Each of the 5 Ps

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist

Inglise keele KT 2 semester

Successful product management depends on the organisation knowing how and if the current product range meets consumer and organizational objectives. The most important attitude towards product management is to view the product as only one part of the marketing mix which also includes price, place and promotion. "Product-market strategy" is the term used to describe all the decisions which the organisation makes about its target markets and the products it offers to those markets. This strategy represents a decision about the current and future direction of the organisation. Product-market strategy must be developed in the most cost-effective manner, paying attention to cash flow and profitability requirements. A sound marketing approach will usually attempt to increase profits and cash flow from existing markets. 1. How has marketing been defined in this text? Marketing has been defined in this text like this: "The process of matching an organisation's

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Terrorism and fighting against it

Terrorism and fighting against it Terrorism is not new and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described differently as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an unforgivable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view it is being represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. Terrorism is most common in nations with the average political freedom, and is least common in the most democratic nations. In some cases, terrorism has been a means to carry on a conflict without the antagonist realizing the nature of the threat, mistaking terrorism for criminal activity. Because of these characteristics, terrorism has become increasingly common among those extreme goals throughout the world. But despite its popularity, terrorism can...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Thinking Strategically

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Learning Aid Critical Success Factors in the Strategy of Southwest Airlines Purpose: Use this Learning Aid to learn about the critical success factors in the strategy of Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airlines has been the most successful airline in the industry over the past three decades. It is the preeminent low-cost air carrier in the United States, providing air transportation service between more than 60 American airports. Founded in 1971, the mission of the company was simple – make it less expensive to fly than to drive between two points. At first glance, Southwest's approach did not seem like a recipe for success. They did

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

Tartu 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION................................................................ 3 HISTORY.......................................................................... 3 PRESENT-DAY STATE ....................................................... 3 VISION AND STRATEGY.................................................... 4 PRODUCTS ..................................................................... 4 QUALITY........................................................................ 5 ANALYSIS....................................................................... 5 CONCLUSION.................................................................. 6 REFERENCES.................................................................. 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

Fookus sisekeskkonnale: ressursid ja võimalused Fookus tulevikku: otsused, plaanid, muutused Strateegilise juhtimise baasteooriad: Ratsionaalse otsustamise vaade (nt Ansoff, LCAG mudel) Majandusteaduslik vaade (nt Property rights, Principal-agent, Mänguteooria, tööstusökonoomika) Ressursid ja teadmised (nt resource vased view, knowledge-based view) Organisatsiooni ökoloogia (nt Organization ecology) Evolutsiooniline ja tõlgendav vaade (nt strategy as practice) Strateegilise juhtimise tsükkel: Keskkonna kategooriad: Strateegiad moodustavad üldise kava selle kohta, kuidas äriühing täidab oma missiooni ja saavutab seatud eesmärgid, ning sisaldab nelja strateegia tasandit: Operatiivstrateegiad ehk funktsionaalsed ­ organisatsiooni funktsionaalsete valdkondade eesmärgistatud plaanid, sisaldavad nt: o Teeninduse strateegia, Tootmise strateegia, Turunduse strateegia,

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

x Paika panema ettevõtte strateegia, üleüldise suuna, missiooni ja visiooni 4. Strateegia 3 etappi suures organisatsioonis hierarhia alusel. Variandid olid erinevates järjekordades ja variantides käis läbi: äristrateegia - keskkonnastrateegia - finantsstrateegia - organisatsioni strateegia. Tuli valida õige järjestusega variant. Ettevõtte e organisatsiooni s. ­ äristrateegia ­ finantsstrateegia - keskkonnastrateegia Strategy can be formulated on three different levels: y corporate strategy- corporate level strategy fundamentally is concerned with the selection of businesses in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of that portfolio of businesses. y business startegy - a strategic business unit may be a division, product line, or other profit center that can be planned independently from the other business units of the firm

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist

Inglise keele töö spikker (brands jne)

runs itself cost-effecitively and sensibly, if the product is not selling well then the money simply will not be coming in. *Successful product management depend on the organisation knowing how and if the current product range meets consumer and organisational objectives. *One way if the current product range meets consumer and organisational objectives is to conduct detailed benefit analysis segmentation. *Differences between strategy and tactical activities are: strategy is long-term planning and tactical is short-term planning. *Product-market strategy represent a decision about the current and future direction of the organisation. *To minimise costs at the outset, a sound marketing approach will usually attempt to increase profits and cash flow from existing markets. *Heinz revamped its marketing strategy to increase consumption of its tinned soups. *The product attributes of celery were linked with concepts of slimming and refreshment on summer days.

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


oleme valmis oma raha paigutama fondi viieks aastaks. Olles keskmise riskitaluvusega investorid, kes tahavad, et nende alginvesteering jääks alles, kuid samas on valmis võtma ka tulu teenimiseks riske, valisime investeerimiseks SEB strateegiafondi, kuna selle eesmärk on teenida tulu, mis on stabiilsem kui traditsioonilistel varaklassidel ehk aktsiatel ja võlakirjadel põhinevate fondide tulu. Investeerimiseks valisime strateegiafondide seast fondi SEB Strategy Balanced, kuna sellel on keskmine riskitase. SEB Strategy Balanced fondi näol on tegemist üsna uue fondiga, mis asutati 2008. aastal, ostuklass käivitati aga alles aastal 2012. Fondivalitsejaks on Seb Asset Management S. A, mis asutati 15.07.1988 ja asub Luksemburgis. Ettevõtte aktsiakapitali väärtus on 2 miljardit eurot. SEB Strategy Balanced on ülemaailmselt investeeriv fondifond, mille vara paigutatakse olenevalt finantsturgude väljavaadetest kuni seitsme varaklassi

Majandus → Investeeringute analüüs
94 allalaadimist

How to write a Business Plan

Polina Baranova University of Tartu 2017 • The first thing to do is create an outline for your plan. The outline should cover the main topics or points • that will be • 1. Executive Summary • 2. Business Description and Vision • 3. Definition of the Market • 4. Description of the Products and Services • 5. Organization and Management • 6. Marketing and Sales Strategy • 7. Financial Management • 8. Conclusion 1. Executive Summary A typical executive summary for a startup company includes the following sections: • The business opportunity - describe the need or the opportunity. • Taking advantage of the opportunity - explain how will your business will serve the market. • The target market - describe the customer base you will be targeting.

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Pharmacy management

Price: 60% of average turnover on last 2 years + 10% of profits per year during next 2 years (võib olla kasumit ei tule, kuna on vaja investeerida). Quack bank present buiseness plan by 8 november, presentation 9 november long term loan (10 years), at 4,8% interest rate. Conclusion ­ I need this sum of money from bank. Business plann: 1. management summary 2. organisational profile 3. internal analysis 4. external analysis 5. strategy 6. financial prognosis Group feedback 7/11. Leadership and management A good manager is competent in all different management styles, and knows when to apply which style. 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic 3. Free reign (vabad käed, dellegeerimine) 4. Patriarchal (he knows best what is good for his children, "family" structure) The management process:

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

rights as having the same binding force as the treaties: recognizes the so-called “solidarity rights” such as workers’ right to information and consultation and the right to collective bargaining and to fair and just working conditions as well as to social security and social assistance. Employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of high level employment by developing a coordinated strategy, particularly with regard to the creation of a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic change. EURES: to encourage free movement and help workers to find a job in another Member State. The White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment: unemployment in European Union. The European Council of Essen: five key objectives were introduced: invest in vocational training; increase

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise olemus ja terminoloogia

Strateegilise juhtimise areng ja koolkonnad Militaarteooriatest ... Strateegia mõiste pärineb Vana-Kreekast ­ sõjapidamiskunstist Esimene oluline raamat militaarsest strateegiast ­ 2000 a tagasi hiina ohvitserilt Sun Tzu (Sun Zi) "Sõjapidamisekunst" 18-19.saj Preisimaa väejuhi Carl von Clausewitzi strateegiateooriad, mis kaalukad tänaseni Prantsuse kindral ja militaarteoreetik Andre Beufre (1902-1973). Militaarstrateegia klassikaline teos "Modern Strategy for Peace and War" 1963 Briti ohvitser ja militaarteoreetik sir Basil H. Liddel-Hart "Strategy: The Indirect Approach" 10 militaarstrateegia reeglit: 1. Formuleeri eesmärk ja keskendu sellele 2. Säilita hea võitlusvaim 3. Tegutse ründavalt 4. Püüdle ootamatusele, üllata 5. Tegutse fokusseeritult 6. Ole kindel, et sinu rahvas on kaitstud 7. Kasuta oma sõjajõude säästlikult 8. Taotle head koordineeritust 9. Adapteeru, ole paindlik 10

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
177 allalaadimist


Sõna 'strateegia' tuleb Vana-Kreeka keelest (stratos-armee + ago- juhtima) ''Strateegia ilma taktikata on kõige aeglasem tee võiduni. Taktika ilma strateegiata on ainult ettevalmistumine alistumiseks.'' ''Igaüks võib näha ja mõista minu võidutaktikaid, kuid mitte ükski ei saa näha strateegiat, millest võit kujuneb.'' ­ Sun Tzu (544-490 BC) Strateegilise juhtimise klassikud: · (1954)Peter F. Drucker ­The practice of management · (1962)Alfred Chandler ­ Strategy and Structure · (1965)Igor Ansoff- corporate strategy · (1980)Michael Porter ­ Competitive Strategy · (1982)Kenichi Ohmae ­ The mind of the strategist · (1994)Gary Hamel, C.K Prahalad ­ Comepting for the Future · (1994)Henry Mintzberg-The rise and fall of strategic planning · Eestis TTÜ- Jaak Leimann Strateegilise juhtimise koolkonnad: 1) Disaini koolkond ­ Strateegia koostamine seisenb püüdes saavutada kooskõla

Majandus → Juhtimine
20 allalaadimist

Estonain Air

History Partners Activities Structure Strategy History On December 1, 1991 Estonian Air was created. In 1996, the Estonian state decided to privatise the airline and 66% of the shares were put on sale. In 2003, Maersk Air sold its 49% share to SAS Group. Partners v Scandinavias Airlaines v Aeroflot, Russian Airlaines v Belavia, Belarusian Airlaines v AeroSvit, Ukrainian Airlaines v Spanair, Spanish Airlaines v KLM, Royal Dutch Airlaines v Brussels Airlaines v Rossiya, Russian Airlaines Activities Ø Estonian Air'sprincipal field of activity is provided scheduled flights to both business and holiday travellers Ø Estonian Air's fields of activity include training of flight attendants, freight transport and the on-board sale of merchandise. Structure to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles econd level Second level Third level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


.................................................................................................4 TARGET MARKET ..............................................................................................................5 Main competitor..................................................................................................................5 MARKETING AND SALES PLAN .....................................................................................5 Marketing strategy .............................................................................................................5 Sales strategy ..................................................................................................................... 6 MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL .................................................................................6 Management .......................................................................................................................6

Keeled → Inglise keel
389 allalaadimist

Business process reengineering

benefits, but cannot yield dramatic improvements if the process itself is fundamentally inefficient and outmoded." ,,For that reason, reengineering focuses on redesigning the process as a whole in order to achieve the greatest possible benefits to the organization and their customers." ,,BPR derives its existence from different disciplines, and four major areas can be identified as being subjected to change in BPR - organization, technology, strategy, and people - where a process view is used as common framework for considering these dimensions. The approach can be graphically depicted by a modification of "Leavitt's diamond".[8]" Early BPR literature [9] identified several so called disruptive technologies that were supposed to challenge traditional wisdom about how work should be performed. · Shared databases, making information available at many places · Expert systems, allowing generalists to perform specialist tasks

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
21 allalaadimist

Referaat Bullwhip Effect

vajadused kliendi prognoositud lõppkasutaja nõudlus siis, jälgida tegelik nõudlus häälestada tegelik VMI tasanditel. (Märkus: VMI võib suurendada müüki ja kasumit eriti sellistes tööstusharudes, kus ostjad saavad minna alternatiivseid allikaid kui teie või teie edasimüüja stock-out). How to Forestall Bullwhip Effect? Deduce Centralized Demand Information Production and supply of goods according to the demand will help to reduce bullwhip effect. To implement this strategy, it is important to analyze the statistics of consumers who demand the particular product. For example, if the product involved is a shaving cream, it is important to estimate the number of men in a particular region who might use shaving cream. This can be found by deducting the number of woman and children in the area of demand. There are several other factors such as income, age, price, preferences, customer satisfaction, etc., that determine the demand which needs to be

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
32 allalaadimist


,,Mõelge juba täna, kuidas teil endal on võimalus üheskoos naabritega kodu ja koduümbrus turvalisemaks muuta. Sõbralik naeratus ja TERE naabrile olgu esimene samm, et muuta tõeliselt koduks piirkond, kus elate," ­ ütleb MTÜ Naabrivalve kodulehekülg. 4 Ka Suurbritannias on oma sarnane naabrivalve projekt Neighborhood Renewal Unit ja uus naabrivalve strateegia England and Wales Neighborhood Renewal Strategy. Suurbritannias ja Wales`is pandi tähele, et elu keskkond ja naabruskonna teadlikkus ning kodanikujulgus on otsese seoses kuritegevusega. Mida tagasihoidlikum on elanikkond, mida vähem nad ise pööravad tähelepanu oma kogukonnas toimuvale, seda suurem on tänavakuritegevus piirkonnas. Üle 40 % kogu tänavakuritegevusest leidis aset 10 % nn ,,halva kuulsusega" linnaosades, kus elanikkond oli frustreerunud ja ei näidanud üles

Õigus → Kriminoloogia
12 allalaadimist


•Adidas has a branded range of male and female geodorants, perfumes, aftershave and lotions. About company •Number of employees- 53 731 •The company's clothing and shoe designs typically feature three paralleel bars and the same motif is incorporated into Adidas's current official logo •It is the largest sportwear manufacturer in Europe and the second biggest in the world •"Adidas is all in" is the current global marketing strategy slogan for Adidas. Adidas Competitors •Nike •Puma •Converse Adidas Subsidiaries •Reebok •Runtastic •TaylorMade- Adidas •Ashworth Position and responsibilities •I would like work a Designer • Be responsible for the design of clothing and footwear •Thinking of new ideas

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Monopoly paper / DeBeers monopol

De Beers strength is that they change their business strategies very quick as needed. They found out that only mining diamonds don't keep their position, they expanded them business. Nowadays, they control every process step by step from mining to production sale and also they selling to individual consumers, like example once they are extracted from the mines, they also polishing, cutting, marketing and branding. Also, De Beers shifted its strategy from managing supply to driving demand. Under its "Supplier of Choice" program, De Beers had the goals of stimulating diamond demand by 5% per year; improving the efficiency and margins of all De Beers operations, from mining to sales; and leveraging the De Beers brand by offering De Beers-branded jewelry directly to consumers (O'Connell 2009) Also DeBeers entered joint ventures with famous luxury brands like Louis Vuitton. They also

Majandus → Mikromajandus
3 allalaadimist

Dr.Phil McGraw

popular in America. Dr.Phil has also founded The Dr.Phil Foundation, which is a non-profit charitable organization that is committed to helping families at risk. He also gives out awards to notable children who are working hard and overcoming vast obstacles. If you want to get somewhere you have to set priorities. This will make it much easier for you to reach your target in the future. If you are a good athlete and go to competitions , you have a strategy. Therefore, you do not quit nor give up until you have crossed the finish line. Those who take care of themselves are much healthier and stronger than those who do not take care of themselves. I think that my recipe for a happy life is to be friendly and smiling everyday, even if you've had a bad day.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused - strateegia mõiste

Strateegiline juhtimine Kordamisküsimused. 1.Millised viis erinevat tähendust pakub välja Henry Mintzberg? Tooge näiteid selle kohta, kuidas need viis tähendust on omavahel seotud. Plaan, tegevusmall, positsioon, perspektiiv ja tegevus. Ettevõtte edukus on tugevalt seotud ettevõtte strateegilise mõtlemisega. Pannakse paika kindel plaan kuidas käituda et asi toimiks, kõigil on ühesugune tegevusmall et vähendada probleeme ja arusaamatusi, põhiotsused kuidas end tegevusharus positsioneerida, organisatsiooni kultuuri ja inimeste mõtlemise muutmine, konkurentide üle kavaldamine. 2.Millised on strateegia kolm olulist komponenti? Pika-ajaliste eemärkide püstitamine, vajalike tegevuste valik, ressursside paigutamine . 3. Kuidas sõnastas strateegia mõiste prof. Chandler? Strateegia on ettevõtte põhiliste pika-ajaliste eesmärkide kindlaksmääramine, nende eesmärkide saavutamiseks vajalike tegevuste valik ja ressursside paigutamine. 4. Kus hakati e...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
31 allalaadimist

One-pager doc Fors Rent

current runway? Revenue drivers? 1% Tallinna elanikest, turistid - 5% külastavatest turistidest (turistide arv 400 000 aastas) ja etevõted. Core team: Julia Krupenina - raamatupidaja Income from: Reiko Urbla - müügijuht 1. Autode rent Market: Current status: Äriplaan on valmis. Samuti on Go-to-market strategy: olemas esimesed kliendid. 1. Veebileht, kus klient saab tutvuda meie ettevõtte tegevusega, kaubavalikuga ja toimuvate kampaaniatega. 2. Sotsiaalmeedia (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VK, foorumid 3. Reklaam autode peal. Key milestones: Ettevõtte koduleht on valmis. Lepingud autode ostmiseks on ette valmistatud. Competition, Competitive advantage: 02.01

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
2 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine

· organisatsioon kui hierarhiline ressursse paigutav masin · mänguteooria Strateegilise juhtimise areng · 70-ndatel majanduskriis ja optimismi lõpp ­ Pikaajalistest plaanidest lahtiütlemine (, loobumine) ­ Jaapanlased tehnoloogia arengus esirinnas ­ Konkurentsieelise ja kasumlikkuse allikate otsimine ­ Strat Juhtimise tormiline areng: planeerimiselt tegemisele Michael Porter "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors" - 1980 Kenichi Ohmae (Mr Strategy) ,,The Mind of a Strategist ­ the Art of Japanese Business" ­ 1982 Teooria 80-90-ndatel 1980-1990 veelgi teravam konkurents, vähenenud marginaal turuosa suurendamise otsingud kasvu finantseerimise võimalused vähenenud konkurentsieelise otsimine, positsioneerimine ja segmenteerimine - SJ segunemine turundusega SJ horisont lühem

Majandus → Juhtimine
62 allalaadimist


Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool optomeetria õppetool OP 11 Karolin Karbus KAMEELEONI NÄGEMINE Referaat Nägemise arengus ja binokulaarses nägemises Tallinn 2013 Kameeleoni silmad on peaaegu üleni ühinenud poolkerajate üla- ja alalaugudega kaetud ning silmamunast näha on vaid pupill. See kaitsev koonusjas laug liigub koos silmaga. Joonis 1. Kameeleoni silmamuna ilma kaitsate laugudeta (A) ning kõrva asukoht. (B) Kõik teised liikuvate silmadega loomad vaatavad mõlema silmaga ühte suunda, kameeleonil liiguvad need aga teineteisest sõltumatult ja võivad pöörduda 180º ulatuses horisontaalasendis ja 90º võrra vertikaaltasandis. (Lenz 2002) Joonis 3. Kameeleoni silmade vaateväli. Eksperdid on öelnud, et kameeleonitel on nii hea nägemisteravus, et see liik ei vajaks kunagi näiteks lugemisprille. Nad suudavad oma silmi pöörata...

Muu → Nägemise areng ja binokulaarne...
13 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

Guido Leibur Service Management processes ITIL V3: 26 processes and 4 functions Continual Service Improvement (CSI) 7-Step Improvement Process Service Measurement Service Reporting Service Operation (SO) Service Strategy (SS) Service Design (SD) Event Management Strategy Generation Service Catalogue Management Incident Management Financial Management Service Level Management Request Fulfillment Service Portfolio Man Capacity Management Problem Management Demand Management Availability Management Access Management IT Service Continuity Management

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist


to arrogance, and eliminates the single-language entity from effective competition. There are any number of ways for the individual to learn a second or even third language. Immigrants, who refuse to become fluent in the language of their host country prevent their own success. It is mind-boggling that there are Russian-speaking families in Tallinn, for example, who have lived here in the Estonia for forty years and still have learned nary a word of Estonish! So the logical, success-promotive strategy is to learn one or more languages of a higher Tier. And such must be the policy in the schools, from the first day of pre-school or kindergarten. Children who do not speak Estonish (for example) are little disadvantaged in Estonia. I do not propose any one method or program over another, but rather assert that the policy of bilingualism is necessary for the success of every individual and thus also for the success of local and regional society.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Computer games - for and against

Computer games ­ for and against Nowadays people of all ages all around the world are spending a lot of time playing computer games. It's a general consensus, that playing video games is bad for people's mental and physical health. But is playing computer games really all around bad? First of all I'd like to point put the negative sides of computer gaming. One, that instantly comes to mind is addiction. Nowadays video gaming addiction is fairly common occurence, when kids don't think about anything but playing games on the computer and sacrificing hours upon hours of studying and socializing to play "a few more" rounds. Another bad thing is teen obesity. It's confirmed that the risk being overweight is increased for every hour spent behind the computer. This is caused by lack of physical activity, because people are spending their free time at home, killing terrorists and racing in video game instead of going ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Fantaasia maailmad ja rollimängud

Paljud rollimängud põhinevad kirjanduteostel, filmidel või koomiksitel. Kõige kuulsamateks RPG-s nimetaks ma: The Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, The Witcher, Final Fantasy, Fallout, Torchlight jne.. Üks versioon RPG-st on MMORPG ehk Massively Multiplayer online role-playing games, mis on kombinatsioon RPG-st ja MMOG-st, kus on väga palju mängureid, kes suhtlevad üksteisega onlines virtuaalsesmaailmas. Siis on ka olemas Action RPG-d, kus võitlused toimuvad reaal- ajas; Strategy RPG-d, kus on vaja nutikust, et võita vastane; Adventure RPG-d, kus tegevuselemendid on kombineeritud "asjade" ja spetsiaalsete relvadega, mida karakter korjab oma teel; Tactical RPG, kus ülistatakse taktikad enne strateegiat. Mäng tiirleb ümber "kuninga", kes peab oma sõdurid juhatama lahingusse. Seda kutsutakse ka varaseks RTS-iks. Jaapanis kutsutakse neid simulatsiooni RPG-deks. Siis leidub ka tekstipõhiseid RPG-sid ehk MUD(Multi-User Dungeons), kus mängur saab peas

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
3 allalaadimist


4. The plan fails to clearly define the Objective, forcing the reader into making their own conclusions based on the information presented throughout the plan. 5. The plan suggests multiple marketing tools and channels under the "Marketing methods and channels" section, offering a rather comprehensive analysis of the marketing possibilities. At the same time the section shows no attempt to create a brand image, therefore not allowing us to speak of a Marketing Strategy as a whole. 6. The same "Marketing methods and channels" section offers a rather clear Action Program. However it feels that the latter would have been better off as a separate section, as opposed to being merged a combined with Marketing channels. Considering both pros and cons raised in the analysis, I would say that despite some major gaps the plan still succeeds at presenting most of the information. The plan's failure to adhere

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Managment of IT

A2. Sisukord A.2 Infotehnoloogia juhtimine ­ Management of IT..........................................................................................................2 A.2.1 Infotehnoloogia strateegia ­ IT strategy .............................................................................................................. 2 A.2.1.1 Mõista infotehnoloogia strateegia vajadust. ­ Evaluate the need for an IT strategy. ....................................2 A.2.1.2 Kirjeldada infotehnoloogia strateegia ja äristrateegia integreerimist. ­ Describe how integrate the IT strategy with the business ..........................................................................................................................................2 A.2.1.3 Seostada infotehnoloogia strateegia äriplaaniga. ­ Relate IT strategy with business processes. ..................2 A.2

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
61 allalaadimist

Tööalane inglise keel

kogemus administratiivtöös 3. advanced / fluent English language skills (both verbal and written) – hea inglise keele oskus (nii suuline kui kirjalik) 4. willingness to work – valmisolek töötada 5. learn & grow in knowledge and career – täiendada teadmisi ja karjäärivõimalusi 6. is a huge bonus – on suureks eeliseks 7. will be considered as advantage – on eeliseks 8. Develop and implement a business plan and sales strategy – arendada ja rakendada äriplaani ja müügistrateegiat 9. Be responsible for the budget – vastutada eelarve eest 10. initiate and implement promotion and advertising activities – algatada ja viia ellu uusi reklaamimisviise 11. in order to increase competitiveness – et suurendada konkurentsivõimet 12. Competitive remuneration package – konkurentsivõimline töötasu koos lisatasudega 13. Problem handling in complex and distributed application

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

through a business process of other entities in the pipeline i.e. suppliers and costumers, and the organization it self. COMPONENTS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT The following are the five basic components of Supply Chain Management: 1. Plan:- This is the strategic portion of SCM. You need a strategy for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for your product or service. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less and delivers high quality and value to customers. 2. Source:- Choose the suppliers that will deliver the goods and services you need to create your product. Develop a set of pricing, delivery and payment

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
3 allalaadimist

eSport PP (Inglise keelne)

eSports Deivid Armulik Kadrina Secondary School 2017 What is it? A.k.a electronic sports Form of competiton By electronic systems (video games) Multiplayer video game competitions Between professional players Real-time strategy, fighting, FPS, MOBA History 19th Oct, 1972 Stanford University Spacewar Intergalactic spacewar olympics Year's subscription for Rolling Stone ... Space Invaders Chamionship Atari, 1980 10000 participants Established competitive gaming as a mainstream hobby ... Netrek ­ "the first online sports game" Nintendo World Championships (1990) Television shows featuring eSports, GamesMaster Tournaments in 1990's included Cyberathlete Professional League, QuakeCon, Professional Gamers League

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Mida nimetatakse organisatsiooniks

1. Mida nimetatakse organisatsiooniks, millised on organisatsiooni tunnused? Organisatsioon on inimrühm, kes töötab ühiste eesmärkide saavutamise nimel. · Organisatsioon on sotsiaalset identiteeti omav grupp, mis tähendab , et org-l on psühholoogiline tähendus igale tema liikmele. Org-i iseloomustab koordineeritus, inimeste tegevus on organiseeritud ja struktureeritud. Org-i tegevus on eesmärgistatud, on suunatud teatud tulemuse saavutamiseks 2. Mis on organisatsiooni edukude eelduseks? Organisatsiooni tähtsaim ülesanne on tulemuste andmine. Igal organisatsioonil on vähemalt neli põhilist koostisosa: inimesed, tegevused, siseehitus ning ainelised ja rahalised varad. Organisatsioon peab olema suunatud pidevale arengule, märksõnadeks loovus, uuendused, muudatused. Organisatsioon peab jälgima ja arvestama väliskeskkonda, tegemaks muudatusi ja uuendusi. Uuendustel on mõte ainult siis, kui väliskeskk...

Majandus → Organisatsioonikäitumine
4 allalaadimist

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook

Fourth level Fifth level Stages of Real Estate Development · Feasibility Study · Design · Financing · Construction · Marketing/Leasing · Operations and Management Refining Your Idea · Decisions ­ site, use, marketing strategy · Pro Forma statement · Feasibility study · Verifications and recalculations Capital · Make sure, how to finance your development · Approach several potential lenders · Remember that there are choices(pension/insurance funds, equity financing, private/public grants) · Lenders mediation ( Due Diligence Contract Data - is everything in order? Title Entitlement ­ rights and restrictions Adverse Conditions ­ How much is buildable?

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

USA tuumaajastu diplomaatia ja Kuuba kriis

Tartu Ülikool Filosoofiateaduskond Ajaloo osakond Uusima aja õppetool Kaisa Kamenik USA tuumaajastu diplomaatia ja Kuuba kriis Referaat Juhendaja: Prof. Eero Medijainen Tartu 2010 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus………………………………………………………………..…….3 1. Tuumarelvad ja külma sõja algus………………………………….………….…..…4-6 2. John F. Kennedy administratsioon………………………………………....……..…7-8 3. Kuuba kriis……………………………………………………...……..……………9-11 Kokkuvõte……………………………………………………...………………12 Kasutatud kirjandus………………………………………………...…………..13 2 SISSEJUHATUS Tuumapommide heitmine Hiroshimale ja Nagasakile 1945. aastal tõi modernsesse sõjapidamisse kaasa uue võimsa relva. Riikidevahelistele suhetele ja diplomaatiale tähendas see panuste suurendamist – iga eksimus ja arusaamatus võis...

Ajalugu → Õiguse kujunemine
5 allalaadimist


assuring compliance with EU rules and norms, and legal harmonization, making the EU the "locus of domestic policy-making and transnational relations for the entire region" Through a highly asymmetrical process, where the candidate countries have to internalize all the chapters of the non-negotiable acquis communitaire, the enlargement policy holds the powerful incentive of the membership and the effective tool of conditionality. Through regular reports and strategy papers, the EU keeps the track of developments in each candidate country and recommends closure and opening of acquis chapters. After all acquis chapters are closed and the candidate country complies with all the accession requirements, the membership is granted upon the unanimous decision of the memberstates. However, the ENP is a policy without a "uniform acquis" and offers its partners a "privileged partnership" "sharing

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Passive houses

Another reason is, that many houses were built before the energy laws were passed. So let´s talk about the cost. It is said that passive homes cost 6 to 12% more than other new homes, supposedly a medium house costs about 100,000 euros, so you would have to pay 12,000 euros more, it ´s actually quite a lot, isn´it? And to ensure that your passive house is efficient, it would be wise to get the certification, which ensures that the proposed design performs as expected: in terms of heating strategy, comfort and building maintenance - institutes charge for the certification up to 700 euros, value differs from the house´s size. And beforehand you would have to hire a consultant, who would also liked to get paid, to advise you on design and to verify the home´s efficiency. And last but definitely not the least negative side, which people might consider, is that looks count too. Most passive homes have limited windows and a boxy shape, which is the easiest geometry to keep

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Service marketing

Chapter 12 It gives structures for different kinds of strategic marketing plans (3year plan, 1year plan etc.). What I found very useful and interesting was that there were examples from real business world and from different kinds of services brought out. Questions Do you think the book was good that you read? Why? What could be the risks when planning a service marketing strategy? Does the service marketing have to be different from product marketing? If yes, then why? What do you think is most important about planning service marketing?

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline äritegevus Eksam

strateegia VASTUSED: globaalne standardiseeritud strateegia, globaalne kohandatud strateegia, regionaalne strateegia. 10. Rahvusvaheline turundus on oma olemuselt üks turunduse alaliikidest, st turundustegevus toimub sarnastel alustel lui koduturul, kuid turunduskanalid, turundusmeetmestik, hinnastamine ja sihtklientide positsioneerimine on erinev. . International marketing is based on an extension of a company’s local marketing strategy, with special attention paid to marketing identification, targeting, and decisions internationally. Õige/vale 12. Multinatsionaalseks nimetatakse ettevõtet… a. mis ekspordib või impordib paljudesse välisriikidesse b. mis tegutseb peale koduturu veel vähemalt ühes välisriigis c. mis on teinud otseinvesteeringu mõnda välisriiki d. mille tegevus on täielikult üle viidud mõnda välisriiki 13. Eesti ettevõtete peamisteks ekspordiartikliteks: a. masinad ja seadmed b

Majandus → Rahvusvahelise majanduse...
45 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

The Body Shop will manage the use of chemicals in a responsible manner by: applying the precautionary principle to the use of chemicals continuously reviewing and updating our criteria and guidelines for the development of new products implementing action plans for the timely and realistic phase-out of relevant chemicals from our formulations conducting regular reviews of our use of chemicals against published lists of hazardous substances engaging with stakeholders to help inform our strategy and action plans communicating our position to our product suppliers conducting open and transparent communication with customers producing annual updates on our position and progress via The Body Shop website. If the weight of scientific evidence deems a chemical to be of immediate concern, we will ban its use in new products. Apart from those substances already banned by EU or UK authorities for use in cosmetics, The Body Shop has already banned a number

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


to consumers. 16. generic products - products without brand name 17. own brand product - products which have the trademark or label of a retailer 18. brand leader - most widely sold and recognized product of a particular brand 19. brand equity - the value premium that a company realizes from a product 20. brand loyalty - when a person buys the same brand products repeatedly rather than other brand's. 21. brand stretching - a marketing strategy in which a company uses the same brand name of a product with a well-developed image in a different product category or for a new product HOW COMPANIES ADVERTISE 1. Word-of-mouth advertising - is when people tell (in a good way) their family or/and friends about products or services that they have bought and used. 2. Institutional or prestige advertising - tries to develop goodwill for a company rather than to sell a specific product. 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


kahel peamisel alustalal – pidev paranemine (kaizen) ja vastastikune lugupidamine. Läbirääkimistel tarnijatega ei varjata midagi ning püütakse „avatud kaartidega“ leida parim koostöö viis. Taoline lähenemine eeldab ka avatust tarnija poolt. Kõige levinum koostööviis tarnijatega baseerub, tema sõnul, partnerlusel. See on samm edasi projektipõhisest koostööst (selected supplier strategy – tellija täidab ainult mõned arenduse lüngad tarnija kompetentsiga ning hoiab arenduse ja tarnimise lepingud lahus) partnerluse strateegiale (Relationship strategy – tarnija kaasatud „suure pildi“ kujundamisse. Arenduse, tootmise ja tarnimise allsüsteemid on integreeritud). [6] Selle strateegia populaarsust kinnitab ka see, et mitmes riigis Toyota on viinud hankeosakonnad ja arenduse osakonnad ühte kohta. Samas, Toyota

Majandus → Majandus
35 allalaadimist

Sisejulgeoleku koht Euroopa Liidu julgeolekusüsteemis2

olla täiesti ideaalne. VIIDATUD ALLIKATE LOETELU Aimre, I 2007. Julgeoleku ja turvalisuse sotsioloogiline analüüs. Rmt: Sisekaitseakadeemia toimetised 2007 (6) Sisejulgeolek. Artiklite kogumik. Pohl, T. Tallinn 2007, lk 50 Eenmaa, R 2007. Sisejulgeoleku tähtsus uues julgeoleku keskkonnas. Rmt: Sisekaitseakadeemia toimetised 2007 (6) Sisejulgeolek. Artiklite kogum. Pohl, T. Tallinn 2007, lk 65, 72 Enhancing EU Impact on conflict prevention. The EU Security Strategy: Implication For EU Conflict Prevention. Saferworld Internatioinal Alert. 2004, lk 4 Refereeris Indrek Jõgi, Eesti sisejulgeolek ühinemisel schengeni ühtse viisaruumiga, lõputöö, Tallinn 2008, lk 11 Euroopa Liidu sisejulgeoleku strateegia. Euroopa Liidu kodulehelt välja otsitud 07.11.2012 Kaitseministeerium

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
8 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Corporate Financial Management

In a modern, sophisticated economy there are largescale flows of investment resources from the ultimate owners (individuals who make up households) to the business sector. Even the profits of previous year´s endeavours retained within the business belong to households ­ they have merely permitted firms to hold on to those resources for further investments on their behalf. The role of the financial manager Strategy To be able to carry on a business a Managers need to formulate and implement long company needs real assets. term plans to maximize shareholder wealth. To obtain these real assets corporations This means selecting markets and activities in which the firm, given its resources, has a sell financial claims to raise money; to

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

informatsiooni ja pildi tehnoloogiad (28%); loodusteadused (22%) ja kaubandus-ja tarbijakaitse (14%). Need neli sektorit on jaotatud 15 ,,strateegiliseks ärikeskuseks" ­ AV tooted, lihvimisvahendid jne ja iga keskus vastutab kolme või nelja firmade 50 operatsiooni divisjoni eest. Operatiivseid divisjone juhitakse nagu väikseid firmasid ja 3Mi töötajad räägivad, et igal on oma kultuur. Global strategy is determined by the business centres in St Paul. European input comes via group directors (one for each business centre) based at 3M's Eurepean headquarters in Brussels. In additions, the European organisations has a number of product managers (most of them in Brussels) plus managing directors in charge of each of the 17 European subsidiaries. These subsidiaries are run nationally, with a few exceptions ­ for example, the MD of Spain is also the MD of Portugal, and the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun