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"communication" - 435 õppematerjali

communication - Power-2009.pdf 2. John Fiske „Intoduction to Communication Studies“ Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002 id=J3XzYCuDLNYC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onep age&q&f=falsei 3. Denis McQuail “McQuaili massikommunikatsiooni teooria” Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus,

Dog Communication

Dog Communication Kristjan Olt Dog communication comes in a variety of forms, and is part of the foundation of dog social behaviour. Dogs use certain movements of their bodies and body parts and different vocalizations to express their emotions. One gesture may mean many different things. For example a tail wag may mean: ­ Excitement ­ Playfulness ­ Happiness ­ Anxiety Greeting ritual When one dog meets another dog, they usually walk around each other, sniff each other or even bark if they don't like something Body movements Tail position usually shows dog's mood. Ear position shows dogs level of attention Mouth expressions inform us about dogs mood Dogs use their tongue to lick each other and that is the sign of friendliness. Dogs stamp their legs when exited. The position of head is a sign of curiosity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Poor communication

#KNOCK ON THE DOOR Dr. McLovin : Yeah, please come in Dr. McLovin : Good afternoon, my name is Henry McLovin. I am a super puper family psychologist. #VISITORS INTRODUCE THEMSELVES AS Mr. and Mrs. Carabelablanco Dr. McLovin : What happened to your family life? Mrs.Carabelablanco : Poor communication Mr. McLovin. Sanya : We talk with him, I tell him something, and in the end it turns out that he does not listen to me at all and does not even remember what we were talking about. Dr. McLovin : Hmmm. I understood your problem Mrs.Carabelablanco. Soon we will find the right solution. Dr. McLovin : Mr.Carabelablanco, now it’s your turn. Please describe one type of problems you face in your everyday-life with Mrs Carabelablanco. Mr.Carabelablanco : Okaay

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Staying in touch

Many centuries ago there were not many ways to communicate with your friends. The most common way of corresponding with friends was sending a telegram or letter. Nowadays there are many new possibilities for communicating with others: internet, cellular phones etc. Over the last fifty years, businesses have increasingly dependent on the use of telecommunications. I think using mobile phones are the easiest and most comfortable way of corresponding with each other, because cellulars are so small and you can fit them anywhere you want and carry them with you. They are also affordable for anyone. Nowadays almost all people have and use cellular phones, because you can talk to your friends everywhere where there is network connection. The other easy way to communicate is using internet, which was developed in 1968. Hundreds of millions of people are using internet all over the world. Using internet is very easy and most people learn to use...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


multiple-of-five-year installments for the convenience of biographers. VOLUME 1 1935-1955 GROWING IN SCOTLAND Flunked out of elementary school, High School, and Glasgow University. The Psychology of VOLUME 2 1955-1960 STUDYING IN CANADA Communication Work by day and study by night. B. A. Sir George Williams University. High School Teaching Diploma McGill University. VOLUME 3 1960-1965 STUDYING IN USA Ph. D. Cornell University. Nothing else happened. VOLUME 6 1980-1985 VOLUME 4 1965-1970 THINKING IN CANADA TEACHING IN CANADA Member of GAMMA Group, Assistant Professor of Psychology, an inter-university, inter-disciplinary think

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Efficient means of communication

I think that one of the most efficient means of communcation is email. Sending emails is free. You don't need anything but Internet connection. Users are not limited to a certain number of chracters in each message. Email is also fast means to communicate with your friends. Email is environmentally friendy. You can send emails from almost any point on the globe. Email provides to save conversations , so friends can look back previous discussions they have had, share memories and dig up old pictures. An other the most efficient means of communication is telephone. Telephone is basic means to communicate. Telephones allows two people to talk each other from long-distance. It is also fast way to communicate. For example if you have something important to say to someone you can call immediately.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Means of communication

Maturitní otázka c. 23. Means of communication Introduction A few centuries ago people knew only a few kinds of communication. They could speak to each other, they could send their message from one place to another by smoke signals, they used mail. Later on, they also had some newspapers. The first expansion of media was when the radio and television were invented. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit. There are 4 main media: Newspapers, TV, Radio and the Internet. Today's people take this as an ordinary thing and we don't realise that we nearly can't live without it. Media are very important for us. They give us big amount of information, so big that we can't remember all that things. They help us to understand things and if you have lots of information you are able to make your own decisions. This is connected with

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication Ursula Potivar Showing ANGER Angry people may have clenched fists and they usually point their fingers. Anger moves people to fight or attack. In anger, the closed fists are projected toward the sky or the object of anger. Eyebrow frowns ­ their eyebrows are pushed down in the middle and pulled up at the sides. Nose wrinkle - their nose is pushed up as their brows furrow. Lip corners depressing ­their lip corners are pulled down to illustrate their dislike. Jaw clinching ­their jaw muscles tense up, making their teeth clinch and grind. Showing joy When happiness appears on face, the cheeks will be pushed up and their face will simply light up. Happy people have slightly raised eyebrows. They often smile and laugh. Forehead relaxing - their forehead muscles relax, bringing their eyebrows up a little. Eyes smile - the outer corners of their eye...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Communication. An introduction.

Informaatika → Kommunikatsioon
12 allalaadimist

Polar bear communication

olar bear communication P Polar bear v The polar bear or the sea/ice bear are the world's largest land predators. They can be found in the Artic, Canada, Russia, Denmark (Greenland), and Norway. v In the wild polar bears live up to age 25. v Polar bears have been known to swim 100 miles at a stretch. v Polar bears primarily eat seals. Communication v When a Polar bear wants to play, he communicates this to another bear by wagging his head from side to side. Such play sessions involve ritualised fighting or mock battles. v A mother Polar bear can comfort, protect, or punish her cubs by using her body, muzzle, or paws and scold her cubs with a low growl or a soft cuff. Communication v Among Polar bears, hissing, snorting and a lowered head signifies aggression. An attacking Polar bear will charge forward with head down and ears laid back. Submissive Polar bears always move downwi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Animal communication - CATS

CATS - COMMUNICATION · Cat communication is the range of methods by which cats communicate with other cats, humans and other animals. · Communication methods include postures, movement, auditory and chemical signals. Meowing · A meow is a sound used by cats to signal a request to their mother or owner. When communicating with human beings, adult cats express variations of this tone to demand food or attention, register complaints, and convey bewilderment. An alteration in tone, pace, or punctuation changes the meaning, however slight. Purring · A purr is a sound made by

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Identity as a personal project

story and characters. I think every word in this metaphor means something special about self-identity. My own “narrative” consists of these three words “particular” “narrative” “going”. Like every story, my one has to be special, individual. The one I designed by myself and for myself. I find, that my own narrative was built with help of my family and friends – that’s what adds individual traits. I learned from my parents our family culture and from my friends rules of communication. In my opinion, these are groups what influenced my behaviour at the start. The “narrative” means the context. Sociocultural and physical, the one I live in. Its my country, my language, my work and my hobbies – everything what makes me feel. Also for me in my narrative is very important to get experience, to build a concept of me and my identity. Word “going” means for me, that it´s a process. Like every process, mine has semi-starts (attempts) and semi-finishes (achieved goals)

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of digital communication and face-to-face communication

Pros and cons of digital communication and face- to-face communication Richard-Sven Rivik Digital communication: pros • Convenient • Fast • Simple • Record of conversation • Hybrid meetings • Media content Digital communication: cons • Lying • Bad for your eyes • Fake identity • Overuse • Privacy Face-to-face communication: pros • Express of feelings • Instant response • Better knowledge • Collaborate • Suitable for discussions Face-to-face communication: cons • Schedule availability • Distance • Time consuming • Media content • Not effective in large gatherings THANKS FOR WATCHING AND LISTENING! References 1 • / •

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

For and against modern technology for communication

For and against modern technology for communication From time to time the technology for communication has developed forward. The developing has its good and bad sides. The positive side is that it is faster and more comfortable because we have the Internet. The Internet is used similarly around the world.because of its low cost it is a good way to communicate with friends and family,especially contact with those who are far away for example in other countrys. On the other hand many people work with the Internet because it is the fastest and easiest way to contact others and send files

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

Perspectives: Studies in Translatology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: When `we' are `the other'. Travel books on Romania as exercises in intercultural communication a Rodica Dimitriu a Department of English , Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaþi , Romania Published online: 06 Aug 2012. To cite this article: Rodica Dimitriu (2012) When `we' are `the other'. Travel books on Romania

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour

at once. Not many take the time to sit down, grab a pen and a piece of paper and write a letter for someone. A letter filled with thoughts, emotions and personality itself for that matter. Instead, people send text messages and e-mails through the air to each other. These quick messages can never replace the feelings gathered in a premeditated letter from a loved one. Furthermore, if people rely on these options too much, they become reserved in nature. The internet and mobile communication have their upsides. They help people to keep in touch with their close ones. They help to sustain the bonds between people. These global communication devices don’t let people forget that no matter how far they are from home, no matter for how long, there is still someone missing them. These ways of communication make the missing a little easier. They do this by creating the illusion that the person, you’re talking to, is right next to you

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Alternatiivkommunikatsioon (AAC)

AAC (Augumentative and Alternative Communication, Augmentatiiv- ja alternatiivkommunikatsioon) Joonas on liitpuudega kõnetu noormees, kes õpib individuaalse õppekava alusel hooldusõppes põhikooli lõpuklassis (nimi muudetud). Joonas istub ratastoolis poollamavas asendis, oma pead hoiab ta püstiasendis spetsiaalse toe abil. Paremat kätt suudab Joonas aga ise pisut tõsta. Klassi siseneb külalisena kõrge riigiametnik, kes vaatab kaastundlikult poissi. Joonas palub pilguga

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
126 allalaadimist

Internet (inglise keeles)

The Internet is the latest in a series of technological breakthroughs in interpersonal communication, following the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. The evidence suggests that the Internet has blended into the rhythms of every day life: the Internet is used at work, in schools, in universities, and hospitals etc. It is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as surfing for information, working, playing online games, and just chatting. The fact that people are not interacting in visible public spaces does not mean that they are in isolation. It is just sometimes quicker and easier way to find needed information and for some people who simply doesn't have time to meet and have a chat in a cafe or somewhere it might be the only way to chat. It is through that fore some people Internet through its entertainment and information capabilities draws people away from family and friends, but I would say that most still prefer meet...

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour and relationships

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour and relationships? Virtual world is growing closer to ours every day. It has its pros, as well as cons and the industry involved in it has grown most rapidly in the last 15 year. Therefore, does virtual communication influence us positively or negatively? Becoming virtual in the means of communication has changed our lives forever. Recent studies tell that about 75% of the people in North-America use the internet and from that 95% use email and other virtual communication software. This percentage has grown over 130% from the year 2000. I bring my examples on North-America because there is the highest percentage of Internet users in population. Talking of it, what is internet? Statistics say that it is porn, but I believe that people mostly use it for communication. But can it be bad?

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Internet ( slaidid )

Protocol (IP) addresses, application port numbers in the transport protocols, and many other parameters. Globally unified name spaces, in which names and numbers are uniquely assigned, are essential for the global reach of the Internet. ICANN is governed by an international board of directors drawn from across the Internet technical, business, academic, and other non-commercial communities. Communication Electronic mail, or email, is an important communications service available on the Internet. The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Pictures, documents and other files are sent as email attachments. Emails can be cc-ed to multiple email addresses. Internet telephony is another common communications service made possible by the

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

An Invention

Dear classmates, I'm going to talk about a mobile phone invention Mobile phones have brought about a dramatic change to the communication industry. The development of mobile phones has made long-distance communication a matter of seconds. The mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Dr. Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee. On April 3, 1973, the first cell phone call was made. The caller was naturally, Dr. Cooper himself. Prior to the development of mobile phones, people used two-way radios to communicate while they were mobile. The idea behind two-way radios gave rise to the invention of mobile phones

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni sisekommunikatsioon

ala spetsialistid, et probleemide sõnastamise ja planeerimise etapis ei tuleks sisse vigu ja protsess oleks valdkonniti õigesti koordineeritud kohe alguses, sest kommunikatsioon ei ole ainult „ütleme midagi edasi kuhugi kunagi kellelegi“ vaid sellel on selge sisu ja suunitlus. Kas kõiki neid allikaid vaatasid paberil? Kui midagi netist, siis võiks lisada vastavad lingid, panen ühe suvalise näite. Ma kõiki vormistausasju siin ei vaadanud Agenti, P.A. Corporate Communication. 5-th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwen, 2009, 313 p. Kasutatud 01.01.2016 Bovée, C.L, Thill, J.V. Bisness Communication Today. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995, 676 p.7. Braedyn, A.M. Effective Organizational Cock, G., Witte, K., Nieuwkerke, S. (1998). Effective Communication within the Organization. Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry, H., Wolff, C.J., Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (pp387-400). Hove: Psychology Press Ltd. Fiske, J

Majandus → Organisatsioonikäitumine
42 allalaadimist

Ärialane suhtus ing. keeles

Aim to enhance their chances of doing business with companies from English speaking countries. BE can refer to the study of business Engl voc used in the fields of trade, business, finance, or international relations. If the study focuses on techniques on business presentations, negotiations, correspondence, writing and other skills needed for business communications, then it can be classified as the study of Business English communication skills in the workplace. Both are important and used usually together. Culture. Barriers to Intercultural communication Synergy (from Greek for "working together") means that the combined effect is more than the effect of the sum of the individual parts. Culture: Could refer to literature, music, art. Here: refers to the system of shared attitudes, beliefs, values and behavior. The iceberg model: Behaviour, clothing, food above the surface of the water. Meanings,

Majandus → Ärialane suhtlemine...
19 allalaadimist

Effective Teamwork (Business English)

EFFECTIVE TEAMWORK “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” Helen Keller MEETING OUTCOMES By the end of this meeting participants will learn: O About the importance of teamwork in a business environment O About common teamwork problems and how to solve them O About the characteristics of effective teamwork WHY IS TEAMWORK IMPORTANT? O Improves communication and resolves conflicts O Goals are achieved in a faster pace O Promotes healthy competition between members, increases motivation WHY IS TEAMWORK IMPORTANT? O Team members gain from each other through working together O Fosters flexibility and responsiveness to change O Maximizes the strenghts of each team member COMMON TEAMWORK PROBLEMS PROBLEM SOLUTION Problems in communication Listen and pay attention to

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
1 allalaadimist


NO SMARTPHONE DAY Marleen Paist, Kirsika Vildersen, Kristin Kannimäe 2016 TERM  Worldwide.  Not using smartphone for a day.  Rising awardness of ilnesses caused by phones.  Communication (talking eye to eye). HISTORY  Was first held in 2013.  It started from small city named Kiviõli. REASONS  Health is wealth  Communication without cellphone  Phone addiction DATE  Official national „No Smartphone Day“ is on the 9th of October.  Everyone can make their own „No Smartphone Day“ everyday. CONTRIBUTION  Keep your phone in your pocket and turn off social notifications from Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.  Do not access any apps or social media platforms.  Do not get your phone out and put it on the table when meeting friends,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kodulugemine teemal: Mass Media

Mass Media What is Mass Media? Statistics show that there are few things which impact the human mind more than mass media. The advice of teachers, parents and relatives may fall on deaf ears, but the mass media influence holds us all spellbound! At this point, it becomes necessary to define mass media. Mass media may be defined as any form of communication which is meted out to the people at large, through the various forms of communication. What modes of communication are we talking about? Well there can be no static definition for the channels of mass communication as they are increasing all the time. But any form of communication which is seen and understood by a large mass of people can be taken to mean mass communication or mass media channels. Why is mass media so attractive to people? Mass media holds a kind of mystique in the minds of the people. It is because the communication is designed in such a way

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Infotehnoloogiast ja suhtlusvõrgud

about computers and computer networks but it also includes other information sorces such as television and telephones. Electronic computers began to appear in the early 1940's. The origins of the internet are from the 1960's. Over a third of the human's population have used the services of the internet. But what about the other two thirds? Is is better for them to have not been able to use this huge network, or is it a bad thing? The first biggest concerns are the communication sites because they are used too often and they tend to change the view how we understand the term ,,personal relationships". The most popular social network-Facebook-was launched in 2004 and it has become one of the best earning web sites there is. Now, there are over one billion users. Unfortunately, it has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. Many people are becoming to think that it is enough when they communicate with their friends only on Facebook

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Different cultures

Different cultures- a problem or blessing? When we live in our country we never think that something that we do is wrong and needs some changes. Only by meeting the different cultures you may think that some things that you had before were worse or better than they need to be. Effective communication with people of different cultures is especially challenging. Cultures provide people with ways of thinking--ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. The same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the "same" language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases. Second are "behavior constraints." Each culture has its own rules about proper

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Europass CV

Russian B1 B1 A2 A2 A2 Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Acquire good communication skills when i was young, because my parents taught me at an early age to interact with people, and that's why I have not ever had problems communicating, but communication skills improved even more when I worked in the hotel Tõru. It consisted only of my work in communicating with people. I had a telephone talk in English and Russian, and Estonian.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne kõne

which leads to happiness. Now, secondly, about the drawbacks of modern life technology. The ease of electronic communication probably leads to weaker social ties, because people have less reason to leave their homes and actually interact face-to-face. It allows people to work from their home, to form friendships from home, to vote and discuss social issues from home. Internet communications can potentially displace face-to-face communications. People tend to loose their real-life communication skills and the generation growing up now has bigger chance to face the problems similar to social anxiety. Sure, I assume that I am also living a virtual life, but all of my friends online, are also my friends in real life. And even if I make some cyber friends, I always manage to enable face-to-face communication and exchange of emotions. I think it is very important and it should be a priority to everyone. In conclusion, I think everyone should bear in mind to closely examine their behaviour

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison (11.02.1847-18.10.1943) By Jekaterina Kolessova Thomas Edison Inventor American greatest inventor Businessman Scientist Developing fields: mass communication electric power generation sound recording motion pictures Thomas Edison The seventh and last child Samuel Ogden Edison, Nancy Matthews Elliott Hearing problems Nickname: AL Short studying in school Sale of sweets and newspapers Telegraph operator Achievement Mass communication, telecommunication Principles of mass production Large teamwork

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Space Business

Case study: Launching of a Communication Satellite Luxembourg France The facts: · Luxtra, a Luxembourgian broadcasting company, intends to launch a communication satellite · Type : Medium-power satellite using the Ku band · Purpose : To broadcast Luxembourgian TV channels throughout the EU · Engages help from France: Ø Launching of satellite with Ariane V Ø Launch pad in Kourou, French Guiana I) Responsibilities for outer space activities 1) Outer Space Treaty (Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies)

Õigus → Äriõigus
30 allalaadimist

Timetable Dec 2013

1-2.dec Narva stock balance comparison with Kaubamaja forecast (task given by Pernilla) 7,5 12-13.dec SEB Baltics tender documents' arrangement and dissemination 9 16.dec Eesti Post summer uniform new tender analysis and info dissemination 3,5 17-18.dec Kaubamaja Dressat subsite texts translation (task given by Pernilla) 8,5 19-20.dec Communication with Police and submitting confirmation letter reg Police shirt tend 4,5 Week 50-51 Communication with Tallinna Kaubamaja 5,5 20. and 25.dec Composition of Eesti Post summer uniform infosheet 9,5 25-26.dec Translation of Kaubamaja products for webshop (task given by Pernilla) 9

Majandus → Ettevõtemajandus
4 allalaadimist


Gestures Gestures A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate conventionalized particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Examples Hands on knees: indicates readiness. Hands on hips: indicates impatience. Lock your hands behind your back: indicates self-control. Locked hands behind head: states confidence. Sitting with a leg over the arm of the chair:

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

The DOI theory has been generated or analysed for already more than 100 years. It was made known by Everett M. Rogers in 1960s. According to Rogers (1983, p. 6), ‘Diffusion is a kind of social change, defined as the process by which alteration occurs in the structure and function of a social system. The elements of the diffusion: o The innovation – a new object or idea, not necessary objectively new, but perceived new to one society. o Communication through channels – essence of the process is the information exchange, done through several channels/ in several ways. o Members of social system/ network – inseparable aspect as without members there is no communication. The transfer of ideas is easier in homogenous groups (same language etc). (Also, the norms and values of the system – culture i.e. – can inhibit the diffusion.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Why languages essee

Why Languages? Languages are very important nowadays. There are more than seven thousand languages in the world. Some of the languages are more widely spread than others like English, German and Mandarin language. It is important to learn languages because people travel a lot and then the communication is easier. In the world there are so many languages and it is impossible that we could speak them all. That's why there are some dominant languages. I think one of the most spoken languages is English, because so many people in the world can speak it. Some foreign languages are taught in very young age children. For example in Estonian children learn in school German, Russian and English. Main is English. Main reason why English is so widely spread is because many young people learn English. So

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essee kommunikatsioon organistatsioonis

kommunikatsiooni manageerimisel ning, et eelpool mainitud meetoditega on täiesti tõenäoline parandada kommunikatsiooni organisatsioonis. Samas ei välistaks, et mõni neist meetoditest ei pruugi töötada nii efektiivselt kui ma seda praegu eeldan ning kindlasti leidub palju rohkem meetodeid, mil viisil võiks, lisaks eelpool mainitutele, parandada kommunikatsiooni kvaliteeti organisastioonis. Kasutatud allikad Abugre, J. (2011). APPRAISING THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION ON WORKER SATISFACTION IN ORGANIZATIONAL WORKPLACE. Problems Of Management In The 21St Century, 17-15. Keyton, J., Caputo, J. M., Ford, E. A., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S. A., Liu, T., Polasik, S. S., Ghosh, P., Wu, C. (2013). INVESTIGATING VERBAL WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION BEHAVIORS. Journal of Business Communication 50(2), 152 - 169. Kumar, B. P., Giri, V. N. (2009). EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND JOB SATISFACTION IN INDIAN ORGANIZATIONS

Psühholoogia → Organisatsiooni psühholoogia
49 allalaadimist


Florida, 34211 Dear Mr. Ashburton, I am interested in the part-time position at Sarasota Saddlery advertised in The Sarasotian. I have equine experience, as I have been around horses for over nine years. Not only have I showed and rode horses, but I have also had extensive experience assisting in a barn. Through working with horses, I have acquired a thorough knowledge of horses, tack, and equine apparel for both horse and rider. While I have equine experience, I also have excellent communication skills and an aptitude for customer service. My past experience as a volunteer at Sarasota Hospital made it necessary for me to focus on providing quality customer service, and also enabled me to work with all types of people. I believe that my communication skills, partnered with my equine knowledge, would make me an asset to your company. Thank you for your consideration. I am available for interview at your convenience and can be contacted or a message left at my mobile

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google

609344 kilometers Otsingusse kirjutan: km in 5 mile Tulemuseks saan: 5 mile = 8.04672 kilometers 7. Esitage arv 1949 rooma numbrites. MCMXLIX 8. Tõlkige inglise keelest saksa keelde lause Ambition is the last refuge of the failure. Esitage tõlge. Millist otsingukategooriat kasutasite? Kasutasin kategooriat ''Keele tööriistad'', tõlgi tekst. Ehrgeiz ist die letzte Zuflucht des Versagens 9. Leidke täistekstiline teadusartikkel, mille pealkirjas on fraas e-government communication ja mis on ilmunud viimase kümne aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kasutan lehekülje täpsustatud otsingut. With the exact frase: e-government communication Where my words occur: in the title of the article Aastaarvudeks 2001-2011 2 tulemust nt: A Safe Information Sharing Framework for E-Government Communication (2003) 10. Leidke täistekstilisi digiteeritud raamatuid Balti riikide kohta, mis on ilmunud viimase 10 aasta jooksul

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
44 allalaadimist

My life without the Internet

My Life Without the Internet The Internet is the latest in a series of technological breakthroughs in interpersonal communication, following the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. The humanity of today wouldn't imagine the life without the internet anymore. Internet is now dominating in the communication between republics too. The evidence suggests that the Internet has blended into the rhythms of everyday life: the Internet is used at work, in schools, in universities, and hospitals etc. It is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as surfing for information, working, playing online games, and just chatting. The fact that people are not interacting in visible public spaces does not mean that they are in isolation.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The mobile phone - a good thing or a bad thing

The mobile phone ­ a good thing or a bad thing In reacent years mobile phone has become a most popular way of communication, but it is not perfect way. It has also advantages and disadvantages. · Firstly an advantage is that a mobile phone is easy to use. Even my grandmother who is over 70 years old has a mobile phone and she can use it. · Secondly mobile phones are comfortable to use, because you can use it when ever you want. No matter if you are in the bus or just walking in the park, you can always make a call. · Another point is that there is a big variety of mobile phones

Keeled → Inglise keel
63 allalaadimist

Should schools permit computers for their students?

expect us to use Internet. It also simplify teacher work, teacher does not have to waste her time preparing the lessons.Because they can check out the difficult words quickly from internet. On the other hand, sitting in the computers every day is not good for our health, staring at a computer screen for several hours is enough to tire the eye muscles and it also causes stress and fatigue. Spending too much time in computer will lose students communication skills , because chatting only in the internet forums does not promote their communication skills. The worst about this problem is that in virtual world students prefer talking slang instead of correct english . And they will forget soon how to talk like they used to talk before. Finally, I really hope that in future there will be more computers in our school, that will simplify totally student`s and teacher`s lives. It will also develop our searching skills which

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

14.7 Suzanne McNair Saskachewan Prarie 29.1 Suzanne McNair Saskachewan Prarie Customer Segment Product Category Product Sub-Category Small Business Office Supplies Storage & Organization Corporate Office Supplies Scissors, Rulers and Trimmers Corporate Furniture Office Furnishings Corporate Furniture Tables Corporate Technology Telephones and Communication Corporate Technology Computer Peripherals Corporate Office Supplies Pens & Art Supplies Corporate Technology Telephones and Communication Home Office Technology Telephones and Communication Corporate Technology Computer Peripherals Consumer Office Supplies Pens & Art Supplies Corporate Furniture Office Furnishings

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
1 allalaadimist

NON-Continuous Verbs

NON-Continuous Verbs Verbs It is important to understand that English verbs are divided into three groups: Normal Verbs, NON-Continuous Verbs and Mixed verbs. Today we're going to talk about NON-Continuous verbs. These Verbs are usually things you cannot see somebody doing. Non-Continuos Verbs include: Abstract Verbs. Possession Verbs. Communication Verbs. Sense Verbs. Emotion Verbs. Abstract Verbs examples: Click to edit Master text styles · I now realize that using the Second level internet is more useful. Third level Fourth level He loves her. · Fifth le...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


I think my selling skills are appropriate for this job, because I have necessary experiences of this kind of occupation. As you will see from the enclosed CV, I have learned Russian and Latvian in school. I speak both languages in the course of my work. My mother-tongue is Estonian. Also, my Lithuanian is good, because my husband is Lithuanian and I have lived in Lithuania for ten years. I love to travel and I have excellent communication skills, because I have attended in communication skills improvment courses. I believe that I would be an ideal candidate for the position. I consider myself to be reliable and industrious worker, and am capable of working on my own initiative. I would be grateful if you would consider my application for this position. Please find my enclosed CV and two references from previous employers. If there is any further information you require, please contact me. Yours sincerely,

Keeled → Business english
23 allalaadimist

Vocabulary: Internet; Finding a Job; Food; Anatomy

Vocabulary list 1. internet service provider ­ company that provides internet for a fee 2. globalization - or extending to other or all parts of the world 3. flash drive ­ a portable miniature solid state drive that connects to a computer via a USB port 4. abbreviations ­ a shortened form of a word 5. nonverbal communication ­ communication without talking 6. social networking ­ service that connects people who for example share interests, backgrounds or real-life connections 7. addiction - state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming 8. plagiarism ­ presenting someone else's work as your own 9. distractor ­ a person or thing that distracts the attention 10. cyberbullying ­ the act of harassing someone online 11

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Internet - a blessing or a curse?

Also, when you have access to the Internet, you always know what is going on. You can find out about a flood in Bangladesh within minutes of it happening. The purpose of the Internet has drastically changed over the years. Originally, just a massive global encyclopaedia, the possibilities of the Internet now have become endless. It has also become a social network, connecting you to people from every corner of the world, instantly. It has replaced live, face-to-face communication with other people. Instead of going out and meeting a friend for coffee, people prefer to sit In front of a computer screen, typing. The internet has another very bad characteristic feature: it is highly addictive. It takes valuable hours from your working day without you even noticing. Because the Internet is limitless, it has no boundaries, much like the universe, people always discover new things, new websites, new information and that curiosity is what keeps them constantly online. Not

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele töö spikker (brands jne)

Brands *Pros: quality is well-good/stylish/to show they have good taste/good design/reliability *Cons : don't want to show people you have a lot of logos/people have the same clothes/ inflated prices/needs value of money Marketing *The basic concept underlying marketing is human needs. *Marketing has been defined as the process of matching an organisation's resources with customer needs. *4 conditions necessary for exchange : value, delivery, communication, parties *4 variables of marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion The four variables, creation, distribution, promotion, and pricing are called the marketing mix. Product *Product is marketing process result. *An organisation must remain dynamic because the product is the only key to the organisation's solvency and profitability. *Company and consumer are independent because no matter how else the organisation

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Artikkli kokkuvõte

Summary My maded abstract ,what is talking about communication with children.It is mainly for parents and grandparents. Communication with children include: · The words you speak · Your tone and voice - loud, soft, harsh or whispered · Gestures · How you stand · Your facial expressions Every child notices how her/him parens talks with her/him. Usually child responds just the same. Partens should look their bodylanguage to. If you are cheerful then they can recive te message better than the parent is angry. It is better when you are at the same level, when you talk with child. It's bad when you

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

BMW summary

company in the world, and had subsidiaries in many European countries, South Africa, New Zealand, the United States, Canada and Japan. By 2006, BMW had 22 production sites in 12 countries and delivered 1 138 000 cars to costumers. Its major market is Western Europe (59 per cent of all cars sold), though China is an increasingly important market for luxury Rolls-Royce cars. The company has its own six inner values, which are communication, ethical behaviour to its staff, achievement and remuneration, independence, self-fulfilment and the pursuit of new goals. This value-oriented policy came from senior managers back in 1980s. The company also emphasises extensive consultation, information sharing and seeking to establish positive interrelationships between individual changes. In response to increased competition, market over capacity and lower working hours in Germany, BMW sought more efficient working practices

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist


SISSEJUHATUS Referaadi eesmärgiks on mõiste „eestvedamine“ määratlemine ning soovanda ülevaade mõistest kirjandusallikate põhjal. Me uurisime erinevate artiklide ja raamatute definitsioone teemal „eestvedamine“ ning meid huvitas, mida erinevad autorid tähtsaks pidasid defineerimisel. Meie materjal pärineb kolmest teadusartiklist – Alberto Silva „What do we really know about leadership?“, Antra Line ja Anita Lasmane „Leadership, communication and union commitment in Latvia: development perspectives of strategic management“ ning Robert J. Allio „Leaders and leadership – many theories, but what advice is reliable?“ Samuti on mõiste määratlemisel kasutatud aine juhtimise alused õppematerjale ja raamatut „Juhtimine“ Aino Siimoni ning Kulno Türgi poolt. Lisaks sellele kasutasime oma töös ka õpikut „Organisatsioon ja juhtimine“, mille on kirjutanud Raoul Üksvärv.

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun