Long-Term Nursing Clinic There are four departments in Long-Term Nursing Clinic: Departments of Geriatrics, I Long- Term Nursing Department , II Long-Term Nursing Department and Department of Patient without Medical Insurance. The head of Long-Term Nursing Clinic is Jüri Ennet, the head of Long-Term Nursing Centre is Raivo Kolle and the head nurse of Clinic is Silvia Petrova. Offering long-term nursing care in Estonia is becoming increasingly more important due to the aging of the population. More attention is being paid to how patients cope and this requires close cooperation and communication between the patient, their next of kin, hospitals and national social welfare. The structural change that occurred in the East Tallinn Central Hospital (ETCH) in 2006, according to which medical rehabilitation was separated from the current comprehensive clinic, was the biggest change for departments engaged ...
also possible to say that they are composed of two phonemes each - either t plus or d plus - all of which are already established as independent phonemes of English - the two- phoneme analysis. There are also problems in how to analyse - as a phoneme or allophone, and many others. The second area of difficulty can be called the problem of assignment. There may be found many cases where it is difficult to assign a particular speech sound to a particular phoneme. We use the term neutralisation for cases where contrasts between phonemes which exist in other places in the language disappear in particular contexts. A clearer case of neutralisation can be found in the case of plosives following s in syllable-initial position. Words like 'spill', 'still', 'skill' are usually represented with the phonemes p, t, k following the s. But, as many writers have pointed out, it would be quite reasonable to
Short and long term effects of alcohol Good morning. My name is NIMI. I'm going to talk about short and long term effects of alcohol consumption. Firstly I'll tell you about short term effects and then move on to long term effects. My presentation will take about 5 minutes. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them afterwards. Firstly I would focus on the short term effects of alcohol consumption. The amount and circumstances of alcohol consumption play a large part in determining the extent of intoxication; for instance, consuming alcohol after a heavy meal causes alcohol to absorb more slowly. Hydration also plays a role as for determining the extent of hangovers. Initially, alcohol produces feelings of relaxation and cheerfulness, but as a result of further consumption blurred vision and coordination problems generally occure. As far as cell
Phonetics and Phonology. Mid-term 1. Terminology. Testi tuleb kindlasti see tabel! Nasal, Bilabial: m Nasal, Alveolar: n Nasal Velar: Plosive, Bilabial: p; b Plosive, Alveolar: t; d Plosive, Velar: k; Affricate, Post-Alveolar: t; d Fricative, Labio-dental: f; v Fricative, Dental: ; Fricative, Alveolar: s; z Fricative, Post-Alveolar: ; Fricative, Velar: x Fricative, Glottal: h Approximant, Alveolar ja Post-Alveolar: Approximant, Palatal: j Approximant, Velar: w Lateral, Alveolar: l Phonetics and Phonology. Mid-term 1. Phonetics the general study of the characteristics of speech sounds: how they may be "strung" together to form meaningful units how they are produced It studies: how to describe the speech sounds in the languages of the world what these sounds are how they fall into patterns how they change in different circumstances Acoustic phonetics the study of the physical properties of the ...
EU Internal Market Law Mid-term online evaluation assignment for Distance Learning Students The Assignment: Hypothetical Case In the Member State A several NGOs, uniting parents concerned with safety of children and young adults, ordered a study of dog attacks on people (and especially children) resulting in deaths or maiming. The aim of the study was to identify, if possible, the dog breeds of potentially enhanced danger for people. The study’s results showed that pit bulls and their close mixes as well as Rottweilers and their close mixes were jointly responsible for over 70% of attacks. The authors of the study explained the statistics by popularity, big size and powerfulness of the named breeds and their ability to do a lot of damage. Besides, about the pit bull attacks the absence of warning from a dog played a significant role, because due to the custom of docking (cutting short) pit bulls’ tails warning signals could n...
dekoratiivset tähtsust. Täiustamine võimaldas roomlastel ehitada mitmesuguseid keerulisi ja väga vastupidavaid rajatisi, nagu näiteks nende kuulsad sillad ja akveduktid (veejuhtmed) , mis on osaliselt püsinud tänapäevani. Olulisemad hooned Ühiskondlikud hooned (kohtupalee, term) Lõbustusasutused (amfiteater, tsirkus) Lossid, villad Triumfikaared Tee ja sillaehitused (akvedukt) Foorum Ühiskondlikud hooned: term Avalikke terme polnud varastes linnades eriti palju (kuni 1. sajandini eKr), kuid hiljem oli enamasti igas linnas oma avalikud termid. Neli peamist ruumi olid riietusruum (apodyterium), külm ruum (frigidarium), soe ruum (tepidarium) ja kuum ruum (caldarium). Lõbustusasutused: amfiteater Amfiteater oli poolringikujuliselt paiknevate istmeridadega ovaalne ehitis.
Chocolate addiction Anete Samelselg 2015 What is this addiction A person who is addicted to chocolate is called chocoholic. A chocoholic is a person who craves chocolate. There is some medical evidence to support the existence of actual addiction to chocolate. However, the term is mostly used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately fond of chocolate. The chocolate addiction happens mostly with women because they eat more emotionally than men. Why do people get addicted to it The essential components of addiction are intense craving for something, loss of control over the use of it, and continued use despite negative consequences. Studies have shown that people can exhibit all three of these components in relation to food,
Rooma kunst 1. Pont du Gardu tööpõhimõte- veejuhe, et saaks puhast vett linna. OLi hästi kõrge ning pikk ja oli pealt kinni et vältida reostamist ja vee ära aurumist 2. Colosseum- 49 m kõrge.4 korrust. areeni osa oli veega täidetav. Peeti merelahinguid ja võideldi vee loomadega. Mõõtmed on 150-180 m. Esimesel korrusel istus keiser oma kaaskonnaga ning see oli tehtud marmorist. Teisel korrusel olid rooma sõjaväelased, 3. olid rooma kodanikud(suurim ja laiem korrus) ja neljandal olid vabaks lastud orjaad. Mahutas 50 000 inimest. Tänapäeval varemetes ja kuulutatud pühaks paigaks. FLAVIUSE AMFITEATER igal korrusel on 80 kaart 3. Pantheon- Antiikaja suurim kuppelehitis (u. 43m). 4. Mõisted: Akvedukt -kinnine veejuhe millega saadi linna vett, sillataoline ehitis, mis kannab üht või mitut veekanalit. Tavaliselt kaetud, et vältida saastet...
The monarch is the Queen of England It's ten provinces and three territories extend Canada's national anthem is `' O Canada '' How Canada got it's name? Canada's name comes from `' kanata, '' the Iroquois-Huron word for `' village '' or `' settlement '' Aboriginal people, First Nations and Inuit Aboriginal Canadians, also known as Indigenous Canadians, are the indigenous people within the boundaries of present - day Canada. The first largest group were the Indians. Nowadays the term `' First Nations `' is used instead of `' Indian '' Some 4,000 years ago another group of people arrived in Canada. They called themselves the Inuit, which means `' the people '' First Nations First Narions were divided into 6 groups : Woodland First Nations, Iroquoian First Nations, Plains First Nations, Plateau First Nations, Pacific Coast First Nations and First Nations of the Mackenzie and Yukon River Basins The Inuit The Inuit moved from place to place fishing and hunting
termin võib koosneda mitmest sõnast. Selguse huvides püütakse allpool võimaluse piires vältida väljendi termin kasutamist erialatermini tähenduses, selle asemel eelistatakse väljendit oskussõna või oskuskeelend. Erialases sõnakasutuses on vajalik, et sõna või fraas oleks võimalikult täpselt piiritletud tähendusega. Selliseid sõnu või fraase nimetatakse oskuskeelenditeks ehk terminiteks või erialaterminiteks, ingl (technical) term, ka konkreetse eriala, nt matemaatika terminiteks. Termin õigusteaduses (õigusteaduslik termin) on täpselt piiritletud juriidilise tähendusega oskussõna või fraas. Mitmest sõnast koosnevat terminit võib nimetada ka. fraseoloogiliseks terminiks. Termin võib olla univookne ehk ühetähenduslik ehk ühemõtteline (univocal), ekvivookne ehk mitmetähenduslik (equivocat) või analoogiline (analogous). Univookset terminit kasutatakse alati
Memory also depends on one last process: retrieval. In retrieval, material in memory storage is located, brought into awareness, and utilized. In sum, psychologists consider memory as the process by which we encode, store, and retrieve information. Each of three parts of this definition – encoding, storage, and retrieval – represents a different process. Forgetting unnecessary information is as essential to the proper functioning of memory as is remembering material. Sensory Memory. The term “sensory memory” encompasses several types of sensory memories, each related to a different source of information. There is iconic memory, which reflects information from our visual system; echoic memory, which stores information coming from ears; and corresponding memories for each of the other senses. Short-Term Memory: Our Working Memory. Short-term memory is the memory store in which material first has meaning, although the maximum length of retention is relatively short
should be remembered that American English has about 10 times more speakers than the RP and thus the significance of it in the today’s world should not be underestimated. 2) Submarine sandwich is ‘a large sandwich consisting of a long roll split lengthwise and filled with layers of meat, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and condiments’ (www.ahdictionary.com). How did it get its name? It is difficult to say when the term submarine sandwich was first used for these types of large sandwiches. Although it is quite obvious that the sandwich got its name because of its long shape that resembles submarines, there are several myths around the origin of the term. The first theory is that at the beginning of World War II a sandwich was specifically created in a restaurant in Scollay Square in Boston to appeal to the mean serving at Charlestown Navy Yard.
UNIVERSITY OF TARTU DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Using Blogs as a Platform in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Research paper Tartu 2010 ABSTRACT This work analyses the usefulness of blogging in teaching English as a foreign language. The definition of the term `blog' is provided along with the advantages and disadvantages of blogs' usage in practice. The analysis of language skills developed by students throughout the use of blogs for learning purposes is given in the paper with possible limitations that blogs have. Author of this paper also shares personal comments about the experience in the field. In this paper it is also described which research methods are planned to be employed for the conduction of research project.
VARAD (assets) Käibevarad (Short-Term Assets) Põhivarad (L Ostjate maksmata arved (Accounts Kontoritarbed Seadmed kuupäev Majandustehingute kirjeldus Raha (Cash) receivable) (Office Supplies) (Equipment) + (D) - (K) + (D) - (K) + (D) - (K) + (D) 01.12.2006 ...
5. Milline ehitusmaterjal võimaldas roomlastel püstitada suuri kupleid, sildu ja akvedukte. Mördi kasutamine aitas neil ehitada võimaldas roonlastel püstitada suuri kupleid, sildu ja akvedukte. See aitas materjalil siduda. 6.Mida skulptuuris oli uuenduslikku? Portree, ajaloolised reljeefid (triumfi kaarte peal) 7. Kirjuta pildi alla õige nimi. (term, triumfikaar, Colosseum, akvedukt) Koostas: Malle Raudoja Term Colosseum Triumfikaar Akvedukt Term- Vana-Rooma avalikud saunad. Colosseum- suurim amfiteater Roomas. Triumfikaar- Prantsuse võidkuaar. Akvedukt- sillataoline rajatis, mis kannab üht või mitut veekanalit. Koostas: Malle Raudoja
INDEPENDENT MUSIC Also known as `'INDIE'' What is Indie? · `'Indie'' is a genre on alternative rock music. · In popular music, Independent music, is a term used to describe Independence of major commercial record labels. · Indie contains of simple but original guitar riff and keyboards or violin to bring out the underlying melody. · The lyrics are powerfully emotional(but not whiney), they spark emotion but they don't talk about their bad life or problems. So when did it all start? · The roots of modern `'indie'' are tracked back to 60's and 70's rock music. · The bands like The Velvet Underground and The Beachboys
Addictions Business English Marion Soomre 10.b What is addiction? The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical depence or psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video games, crime, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography, etc. Drug addiction Drug addiction is widely considered a pathological state. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the
- Power of attorney: volikiri(authorise somebody else to do something) - Power of figure: arvuaste - The Great Powers: Suurriigid - Power station: elektrijaam Technical and Descriptive Terms Example: Est: pinta – troopiline nakkushaigus(descriptive) Entootne – kõrvasisene(technical) Reasons for using: absence of the object in the TL, need to avoid repetition, building a contrast with another term. You are talking to someone who is not professional, you would use technical Descriptive terms are usually longer and much more transparent than technical terms. Good practise: translate a technical term by a technical term and a descriptive by a descriptive term. Beginning a Technical Translation: The basic technology is engineering The main branch of engineering is mechanics Do not specialise to early
00 Worksheet 7 Worksheet 8 My Balance Sheet Your Name Insert Your Figures Insert Your Figures ASSETS Assets Liabilities Monetary Assets Monetary Assets Short Term Liabilities Cash 2 Credit Card #1 1 Checking Account #1 0 Credit Card #2 0 Checking Account #2 0 Credit Card #3 0
True False - see 8. Which of the following Christian churches used to be referred to as non- conformists The Roman Catholic Church The Methodist Church – The Church of England The Baptist Union – see The Church of Scotland 9. Match the social grade and class C2 – skilled working class A- Upper middle class C1 – lower middle class D – working class B – middle class 10. Match the term to their definitions Movement in the Church of England that emphasizes Evangelicalism and lays little stress on sacraments, church rituals and church authority= the low church A church that attempts to be inclusive representing a wide spectrum of theological thought and practice – The church of England- broad church 11. Public schools are the same as state schools in the UK True False- see 12. Viewing the world from the perspective of one particular ethnic
In britain, the newspaper industry, often called Fleet Street, has a mojar influance on public opinion and is a strong force in political life. Britain's press is unusual in that it is divided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press. The term quality press is used to describe papers, which follow the tradition of the journals of the 18th and early 19th centuries. The 'quality' papers are printed on large papers, have an undramatic layout and are serious in tone. They have editorials which comment on important issues and reflect the political views of the editor. They are more expensive than tabloids. Examples of the quality dailies are The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent and the Financial Times
k Neljahobuse kaarikute võiduajamise koht Keiser Nero on ka olnud ajur ja loomulikult võitnud Circus Maximus Kaariku võidusõit Circus Maximus täna Maanteed Via Appia -kuulsaim Rooma maantee Ehitati IV saj eKr, viis Capuasse ja oli 195 km pikk Maanteed rajati otse ja ehitati väga põhjalikult Üldse oli 80 00 km ja 372 teed Keiser Augustus rajas ka postijaamad iga 37 km järele Kiirkäskjalg läbis päevas 180 km Via Appia Caracalla term Kõige kuulsam term-avalik saun Ehitati alates III saj. eKr Põrandaküte, saunad, riietusruumid, veini- ja söögipood. Ehitatud marmorist ja rikkalikult kaunistatud. Ümber park ja lähedal spordiväljak Mahutas 3000 inimest IV saj. pKr oli Rooma linnas 1000 sauna Caracalla termid Caracalla term Triumfikaared Constantinuse trumfikaar ehk võidukaar Puhtdekoratiivne ehitis, ühe või kolme kaarega Püstitati sõjaliste võitude või muude
Biotechnology-Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity defines biotechnology as:[1] Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. Biotechnology is often used to refer to genetic engineering technology of the 21st century, however the term encompasses a wider range and history of procedures for modifying biological organisms according to the needs of humanity, going back to the initial modifications of native plants into improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization. Bioengineering is the science upon which all biotechnological applications are based. With the development of new approaches and modern techniques, traditional biotechnology industries are also acquiring new
Tööleht nr. 3 Vana-Rooma Õpilase nimi: Rühma nr: 1.Rooma võttis oma kultuuris eeskuju kreeklastelt 2.Tähtsalt kohal oli roomlastel ehituskunst 3.Nimeta uuendusi, mida võtsid roomlased kasutusele ehituskunstis. Ja tunne ära Rooma tuntuim hoone! 1.Mört 2.Betoon 3.Kaar 4.Põletatud tellised 5.Kuppel Colosseum 4. Kõikidele jumalatele pühendatud tempel on Pantheon Milline on selle templi katus?poolkera kujuline kuppel 5. Milline ehitusmaterjal võimaldas roomlastel püstitada suuri kupleid, sildu ja akvedukte. nad kasutasod mörti kivide sidumiseks, betoon 6.Mida skulptuuris oli uuenduslikku? Portree, ajaloolised reljeefid (triumfi kaarte peal) 7. Kirjuta pildi alla õige nimi. (term, triumfikaar, Colosseum, akvedukt...
P10-2A päevaraamat Majandustehing Kuup. Kontod Deebet Kreedit 01.01.2007 Vana mootorsõiduki vahetamine samalaadse uue vastu Uue sõiduki turuhind 176 tuh, Mootorsõiduk (uue sõiduki soetusmaksumus) 146 000 vana vahetusväärtus 70 tuh, ülejäänud tasuti rahas. Akumul. depret. (vana mootorsõiduki) -90 000 Vana sõiduki bilansiline jääkmaksumus 40 tuh ja Mootorsõiduk (vana sõiduki soetusmaksumus) 130 000 vahetusväärtus 70 tuh, seega realiseerimata kasum 30 tuh, Raha (uue sõiduki turuhind 176 000 - vana sõiduki turuhind 70 000) ...
CAR Hallo,my name is ... .I speek the car. Motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. The term motorcar has also been used in the context of electrified rail systems to denote a car which functions as a small locomotive but also provides space for passengers and baggage. These locomotive cars were often used on suburban routes by both interurban and intercity railroad systems. There are approximately 600 million passenger cars worldwide (roughly one car per eleven people). Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in
Tõnis Luik Ravuslik metallitöö Forge What is forge A forge is a heart used for forging. The term "forge" can also refer to the workplace of a smith, although the term smithy is then more commonly used. Types of forges Coal/charcoal forge Gas forge Gas forge A gas forge typically uses propane or natural gas as the fuel. Gas forges vary in size and construction, from large forges using a big burner with a blower or several atmospheric burners The primary advantage of a gas forge is ease of use, particularly for a novice. A gas forge is simple to operate compared to coal forges, and the fire produced is clean and consistent Coal/charcoal forge
kasutusel ostsillograaf Tektronix TDS 2012B. Mõõtmiste tulemused saab salvestada USB pulgale. Kasutusel on RS-232C ühenduskaabel koos klemmplaadiga. 3. Töö käik 3.1 Sümboli edastamine RS-232C liidesel Joonis 1: Ühenduste skeem klemmplaadil Ühendasime arvuti järjestikliidese väljundisse pikenduskaabli abil klemmplaadi. Klemmplaadil ühendasime omavahel juhtmetega Rx ja Tx klemmid (vaata joonis 1) Seejärel käivitasime arvutis programmi Tera Term ja veendusime, et ekraanile ilmub klaviatuuril trükitu. Mõõtmiseks ühendasime ostsillograafi mõõteotsiku klemmplaadil klemme Rx ja Tx ühendava juhtme külge. Ostsillograafi maandusjuhtme aga klemmplaadi klemmi kirjaga G külge. Pärast ostsillograafil seadistamist ("CH1 menu" ja "Coupling DC" ning vertikaal 1 ruut=....mV, horisontaal 1 ruut=....µs.), seadistasime ka programmis Tera Term järjestikpordi seaded(menüü Setup --> Serial Port) selliselt, et edastuskiirus oleks 300
5. A multinational state- A multinational state is a sovereign state which is viewed as comprising two or more nations. Such a state contrasts with a nation-state where a single nation comprises the bulk of the population. 6. A single-nation state- a geographical area that can be identified as deriving its political legitimacy from serving as a sovereign nation. A state is a political and geopolitical entity, while a nation is a cultural and ethnic one. The term "nation state" implies that the two coincide, but "nation state" formation can take place at different times in different parts of the world. 7. Commonwealth realm- is a sovereign nation within the Commonwealth which has Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. There are 16 of them (including the UK) and they have a combined area of 18.7 million sq km and a population of 140 million. The vast majority of the
Requirements for certification: 1. Prices - produsers are guarateed a minimum price for the good, and a fare trade premium 2. Workers - safe working conditions, wages at least equal to the legal minimum, child labor is prohibited 3. Institutional structure - farmers must work as cooperatives, where decisions are made democratically 4. Environment certain harmful chemicals are forbidden 5. Stability and access to credit - buyers agree to long- term contracts (at least one year) Does fair trade work? UPSIDES · Fare Trade farmers received an average price of $0.56 per pound, while conventional farmers received an average price of $0.40 per pound · Fair trade is associated with higher yields, incomes and sales · Fair trade farmers receive 4 cents more per pound for exports, but there is no difference in terms of quantity sold or exported · Fair trade has been successful at promoting environmentally friendly practices
Schedule of fund release .Amount of interest to be charged .Documentation of fund release such as a promissory note .Repayment terms .Rights of prepayment .How and when payments are to be made .Promises made by the borrower .Issues when a lien will be granted to secure funds against any assets .Possible loan default .Remedies available to lender if borrower default or fails to repay the loan .General legal terms WHAT IS A DEMAND LOAN? A demand loan is a type of short-term loan, with a term of 180 days or less. These loans are not typical because there is no fixed date for the loan repayment. Another feature of demand loans is the floating interest rate that varies depending on the prime rate. The lending institution or person can require the loan repayment at any time. These loans can be secured and unsecured. Demand loans are usually extended on a more personal arrangement between business partners who know each other for a long time.
ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852, when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now, acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers. Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid rain usually come from automobiles or coal-burning power plants. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between
President of Estonia Kadi Hõim Form 10 The President of the Republic (in Estonian: Eesti Vabariigi President) is the head of state of the Republic of Estonia. Estonia is a parliamentary republic, therefore President is mainly a symbolic figure and holds no executive power. Presidential Flag of Estonia The President is elected by the Parliament or a special electoral body for a five-year term. The electoral body is convened in case no candidate secures a two-third-majority in Parliament after three rounds of balloting. The President can not be elected for more than two consecutive terms. History Estonia didn't have a president from 1918 to 1938. This institution was intentionally left out of the first Estonian constitution, for its authors tried to avoid the concentration of power in one person's hands by all means possible.
In these areas, it is believed that in the 11th century is when Creolism began. In search of new lands, ideas, riches, knowledge and to dispute the philosophers and historians, men became brave explorers. It is through their discoveries that these varying cultures co-existed in harmony to form the structure of Creolism. It is documented in the records of history that Creoles of Senegal, whether as freemen or as slaves, traveled directly from Senegal and Mali to Louisiana. People The term Creole and its cognates in other languages -- such as crioulo, criollo, créole, kriolu, criol, kreyol, kriulo, kriol, krio, kreol, etc. -- have been applied to people in different countries and epochs, with rather different meanings. Those terms are almost always used in the general area of present or former colonies in other continents, and originally referred to locally born people with foreign origin. United States Louisiana
Mortgage Insurance Mortgage Insurance (LPMI) (BPMI) Cost included in the Premium added to monthly interest rate mortgage payment Higher monthly mortgage Lower monthly payment payment No closing costs Cancellation feature (LPMI) users (BPMI) users move within ten years remain more than ten shorter term mortgage years down payment under 15 longer term mortgage percent down payment over 15 reduce monthly percent mortgage payments higher monthly payments increase in home value Pros of private mortage insurance lower down payment protect your lender save money for the things you need Cons of private mortage insurance raises your monthly payment insurer does not take into account
weather 13. Talverehve kasutatakse harva- winter tyres are seldom used 14. Veekindlad joped ja vihmavarjud- waterproof coats and umbrellas 15. Keskmine aasta temperatuur- Annual tempearature over the year 16. Ilma väljavaade- weather outlook 17. Auto klaasipühkijad- car windscreen wipers 18. Lumesahk- snowplough 19. Esimene lill on lumikelluke- first flower is snowdrop 20. Äikesetorm- thunderstorm 21. Ilm on lühiajaline aga kliima pikaajaline- weather is short term and climate is long term 22. Mereline kliima- maritine climate 23. Vahemereline kliima- merreterreian climate 24. Kaugus merest- distance from the sea 25. Võimutsevad tuuled merelt- prevailing winds 26. Õhu tihedus sõltub kõrgusest- air density depends on altidude 27. Ookeanihoovused- ocean currents 28. Õhurõhk- air preassure 29. Sademed- precipitation 30. Vesi aurustub ja muutub veeauruks- water vapowizes and turnis into vapour 31. Küllastunud veeaur- saturated vapour 32
A) report B) papers C) diploma D) account a) Have you done exercise 3 yet? b) Martin has quite a good ……. of physics. b) I can't come this afternoon. I'm ……. A) result B) pass C) understanding D) head an English exam. c) In Britain, children start ……. school at the age of five. c) Jack has ……. very well this term. A) kindergarten B) secondary C) nursery D) primary d) I'm afraid that you haven't ……. any d) Edward has a……. in French from Leeds University. progress. A) certificate B) degree C) mark D) paper e) Sue didn't know the answer, so she e) My favourite ……. at school was history. ……. a guess.
Rooma arhitektuuri süsteem Sillad Sillad võimalikud tänu kaarekonstruktsioonidele Kasutati ka veejuhtmetel Juhiti vett mägedest ja ojadest Pont du Gard Itaalias Rooma arhitektuuri süsteem Termid Ehitustüüp loodi I sajandi keskel Kujutasid endast müüriga ümbritsetud väikseid linnu Roomas oli neid terme umbes tuhande ringis Caracalla term Roomas Roomlastele oli saun tasuta Rooma arhitektuuri süsteem Erineva temperatuuriga higistamisruumid Basseinid Suured saalid lõdvestumiseks Jalutamiseks Suhtlemiseks Caracalla term tänapäeval Roomas Rooma arhitektuuri süsteem Amfiteatrid Peeti veriseid gladiaatorite võitlusi Selleks ehitati mitmekordseid amfiteatreid Tuntum neist Colosseum Moodustab ovaalse suletud kehandi
Education: The number of comprehensive(general education) schools is 717. There are 15 universities in Estonia, including 5 private universities. Applied higher education is provided in 14 schools. 41 schools proovide vocational education (2007). Language: The official language in Estonia is Estonian, which is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish and more distantly related to Hungarian. Government: Chief of state is the President, who is elected by the parliament for a five-year term. Tomas Hendrik Ilves is currently in his first term. The parliament, Riigikogu, has 101 members and is elected for a four-year term. Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Andrus Ansip. Currency: Since June 1992, the Estonian national currency is the Eesti kroon (EEK). One kroon equals 100 sents. The kroon is officially pegged to the euro at 15.65 kroons. Economy: The average monthly gross wage is currently 10,000 kroons. Unemployment rate (i.e
structure of probability. It would, in fact, be virtually identical with the contributed a richer stock of literature to the philosophy of science than either could mathematician's calculus of probability. have contributed alone. /.../ A semantic explication of probability would begin with an analysis of the 7. The Philosophy of Particular Sciences, Methods, or Theories. Seventh and meaning of the term in an informal sense. Assuming that there is general agreement finally, one may approach the philosophy of science from a single scientific discipline or about the formal properties of probability, semanticists focus their attention on what from several. Some people specialize in the philosophy of mathematics, physics, it is that probability statements are supposed to be about. As we will see below, some biology, psychology, history, economics, or sociology
• Kalaripayattu • Musti yuddha • Silambam • Varma kalai KALARIPAYATTU • Originated as a style in southern India • The word kalari • Each warrior in the Sangam era received regular military training • One of the oldest fighting systems in existence • Originally practiced • The Sri Lankan martial art • Currently many other Indian states also practice this martial art MUSTI YUDDHA • Traditional South Asian form of boxing • Musti Yuddha term • Muki boxing from Varanasi • Panjab • Years of apprenticeship • Any part of the body may be targeted, exept the groin • Techniques incorporate • Boxers clothing • Matches SILAMBAM • Weapon-based Indian martial art • Silambam referred to the sound derive from swinging of the perambu a particular type of bamboo from the Kurinji hills in southern Indian sub continent • Named after its primary weapon
Summary This is the summary for the presentation about big data by xxx. The presentation was divided into four topics. Starting with what is big data and briefly about it’s history, secondly discussed about it’s characteristics, nextly what can one do with big data and lasty the 5 big data challenges. Firstly the author brought out what does the term big data mean. Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing application software is inadequate to deal with them. In the article „Big Data For SMBs“ the author mentioned that big data could be described with the three V-s: volume, velocity and variety. This paragraph talked about the amount, speed and variety of the data gathered. The author continued with big data opportunities. She brought out that by dipping into and analyzing
Brands *Pros: quality is well-good/stylish/to show they have good taste/good design/reliability *Cons : don't want to show people you have a lot of logos/people have the same clothes/ inflated prices/needs value of money Marketing *The basic concept underlying marketing is human needs. *Marketing has been defined as the process of matching an organisation's resources with customer needs. *4 conditions necessary for exchange : value, delivery, communication, parties *4 variables of marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion The four variables, creation, distribution, promotion, and pricing are called the marketing mix. Product *Product is marketing process result. *An organisation must remain dynamic because the product is the only key to the organisation's solvency and profitability. *Company and consumer are independent because no matter how else the organisation runs itself cost-effecitively and sensibly, if the product is not se...
description of our immediate experience (the phenomena) than in the logical analysis of concepts or language. Continental Philosophy In "Being and Time" Heidegger turned phenomenology toward "existential" questions about freedom, anguish and death. Later, French thinkers influenced by Husserl and Heidegger, especially Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, developed their own versions of phenomenologically based existentialism. Continental Philosophy The term "continental philosophy" was the invention of analytic philosophers of the mid-20th century who wanted to distinguish themselves from the phenomenologists and existentialists of continental Europe. Over the last 50 years, the term has been extended to many other European movements, such as Hegelian idealism, Marxism, hermeneutics and, especially, post-structuralism and deconstruction. Academic Culture Clash Analytic philosophers accuse continental
INDIAN MARTIAL ARTS · Kalaripayattu · Musti yuddha · Silambam · Varma kalai KALARIPAYATTU · Originated as a style in southern India · The word kalari · Each warrior in the Sangam era received regular military training · One of the oldest fighting systems in existence · Originally practiced · The Sri Lankan martial art · Currently many other Indian states also practice this martial art MUSTI YUDDHA · Traditional South Asian form of boxing · Musti Yuddha term · Muki boxing from Varanasi · Panjab · Years of apprenticeship · Any part of the body may be targeted, exept the groin · Techniques incorporate · Boxers clothing · Matches SILAMBAM · Weapon-based Indian martial art · Silambam referred to the sound derive from swinging of the perambu a particular type of bamboo from the Kurinji hills in southern Indian sub continent · Named after its primary weapon · Nillaikalakki discipline
law without legislative review, although the constitution notes that they must not go against the constitution or other laws) ( M c C l e n a g h a n , 2 0 0 3 ) . The Law on Presidential Elections requires that the winner has to receive more than 50% of the votes. If candidate doesn't receive more than 50% of the votes, the top two candidates in term of votes must face each other in a run-off election. Under the original 1993 constitution, the President was elected for a four-year term but now the constitution states that the term is six years. The President is eligible for a second term, but not for the third. The first President of Russia was Boris Yeltsin, who started his term after the Soviet Union's fall. After Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin held the term for 8 years. Now Putin is the Prime Minister and Dmitri Medvedev is the President. When Putin's term as the President ended, he became the Prime Minister and now he has more power than the President
London speech spreading at various rates socially into middle-class speech and geographically into other accents of south-eastern England.[3][4] Rosewarne (1984) states that "the heartland of this variety lies by the banks of the Thames and its estuary". However, in the name itself the Thames is not mentioned. This seems to have irritated some of the academics, who willingly displayed their reluctance to the term. In his posting to the Linguist List, for instance, Battarbee (1996) talks of "... regional arrogance of the SouthEast within the UK: it takes for granted that 'Estuary' means the Thames Estuary. There are many estuaries in Great Britain, and several of the emerging regional mega-accents are estuarially based". Other linguists have criticised the term because it suggests that the variety is restricted to the area of the Thames estuary. Trudgill (2001) severely criticises both the concept
The product is the only key to the organisation's solvency and profitability. Company and consumer are interdependent. Successful product management depends on the organisation knowing how and if the current product range meets consumer and organizational objectives. The most important attitude towards product management is to view the product as only one part of the marketing mix which also includes price, place and promotion. "Product-market strategy" is the term used to describe all the decisions which the organisation makes about its target markets and the products it offers to those markets. This strategy represents a decision about the current and future direction of the organisation. Product-market strategy must be developed in the most cost-effective manner, paying attention to cash flow and profitability requirements. A sound marketing approach will usually attempt to increase profits and cash flow from existing markets. 1
Stress What is stress? Physiologists define stress as how the body reacts to a stressor, real or imagined, a stimulus (erguti) that causes stress. Acute (terav) stressors affect an organism in the short term; chronic stressors over the longer term. The term stress was first employed in a biological context by the endocrinologist Hans Selye in the 1930s The effects of stress: Alarm is the first stage. When the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the body's stress response is a state of alarm. During this stage adrenaline will be produced in order to bring about the fight-or-flight response (võitle või põgene) Resistance is the second stage. If the stressor persists (püsib), it becomes necessary to attempt
The Greenhouse Effect: Scientists are sure about the greenhouse effect. They know that greenhouse gases make the Earth warmer by trapping energy in the atmosphere. Climate Change: Climate is the long-term average of a region's weather events lumped together. For example, it's possible that a winter day in Buffalo, New York, could be sunny and mild, but the average weather the climate tells us that Buffalo's winters will mainly be cold and include snow and rain. Climate change represents a change in these long-term weather patterns. They can become warmer or colder. Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease. Global Warming: Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue o...