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"unemployment" - 114 õppematerjali

unemployment - tööturuinstutsioonide funktsioon, joblessness- riigiametite funktsioon.

Fiscal Policy

households) T, or some combination of the two. The logic of the change is to influence the performance of the economy. Non-discretionary policy is really the overall framework and design of the government spending and taxing authority. As an example, having a progressive tax system, once set up, works automatically in the economy. Recession A recession could happen if C, I, G, or X fell. The short term effect was falling RGDP and raising unemployment. The ratchet effect kept the price level from falling The short term rising unemployment is painful and the focus of Fiscal Policy is to try to counterbalance the fall in C, I, G, or X so that the unemployment does not result. The tools the government would use are 1) Increasing G, or 2) lowering taxes (on households) and thus increasing C, or 3) some combination of the two. Expansionary Fiscal Policy The goal of expansionary fiscal policy is to reduce unemployment

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

Report: estonian ecnomy

A balanced budget, almost non- existent public debt, flat-rate income tax, free trade regime, competitive commercial banking sector, innovative e-Services and even mobile-based services are all hallmarks of Estonia's market economy. Estonian main exported raw material is wood, because Estonia is a richly forested country. Other raw materials include oil shale, peat, limestone. Agricultural main raw materials are grain and legume. According to Statistics Estonia, the unemployment rate in was 5.2% and the employment rate was 67.2% in the 3rd quarter of 2015. The employment and unemployment figures of the 3rd quarter resemble those of the economic boom. In the 3rd quarter of 2015, compared the same quarter of the previous year, the unemployment rate decreased by 2.3 percentage points, which meant that the estimated number of unemployed persons reached 36 500 and the unemployment rate decreased to 5.2%. These figures resemble more and more the figures of

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Social problems in England

Social problems in England What are social problems? Racism Crime Unemployment Alcohol/Drug abuse Economic recession Poverty Riots Racism Common problem all around the world Many refugees and immigrants Locals with false perceptions Different cultures and ethnic groups Crime Racism related crime Robberies and burglaries Murders Petty crimes Unemployment People have less money A lot of free time Necessity of meeting the needs Unemployment benefits Alcohol and drug abuse Worldwide problem Has a negative effect on the country's human development Quantities have incresed Young people using drugs and alcohol Economic recession Decrease of income Loss of employment Health and education recession Barriers to housing and services Poverty Lack of food and water Lack of residence Insufficient income Fuel poverty 2011 Riots Several districts and cities suffered widespread rioting, arson and looting 5 fatal accidents 20...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist


Tööpuudus Tööjõud; Tööjõu moodustavad kõik töötavad ja aktiivselt tööd otsivad inimesed. Kui inimene lõpetab aktiivse tööotsimise, siis ei loeta teda tööjõu hulka. Tööjõu hulk ei ole püsiv suurus, vaid muutub vastavalt äritsüklile. Tööjõud koosneb töötutest ja töötajatest, s.h. ettevõtjatest. Tööjõu suurust, tööpuudust ja teisi seotud suurusi mõõdetakse enamasti tööjõu- uuringute- suurte üleriigiliste küsitluste käigus. Tööpuuduse määr on protsentides väljendatud suhtarv, mis saadakse, kui töötute inimeste arv jagatakse tööjõuga. Näitab kui lihtne on inimestel tööd leida- nendel, kes seda tahavad. Tööpuuduse määr = töötud/ tööjõud * 100% Tööhõive määr on protsentides väljendatud suhtarv, mis saadakse, kui tööga hõivatud inimeste arv jagatakse tööealiste inimeste arvuga. Tööhõive määr = hõivatud/ tööealine elanikkond * 100% Tööjõus osalemise määr= tööjõud / tööealine elanikkond* ...

Majandus → Majandus
21 allalaadimist

I exercise for carpentry Choose the right word

I exercise for carpentry Choose the right word sacked, profession ,skilled, employment, unemployed, job, professional, overtime, unemployment 1. EMPLOYMENT agencies help people to find work. 2. After Roger had won amateur championship he decided to turn PROFESSIONAL 3. He got a parttime JOB as a gardener. 4. The manager SACKED 10 employees. 5. The author of this guidebook is an architect by PROFESSIONAL. 6. In Germany there are thousands of UNEMPLOYED people who are unable to find work and must live on UNEMPLOYMENT benefit. 7. Automation and mechanization demand great numbers of SKILLED workers and technicians. 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

Author Group Girli Vasiljev RB1X Title of report Number of pages Economic Country Review: Finland, Estonia 20 and Hungary Teacher Kalevi Torunen The goal of this paper is to compare the economic performance of Finland, Estonia and Hungary. First, a general overview on the countries will be given. After, economic indicators (real GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget and deficit) of the three countries will be compared to draw a conclusion. Keywords GDP, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget, deficit, surplus Table of contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................1 2 Country Specs ...............................................................

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keel 9.klass Unit 9 words

fame-kuulsus employ-tööle võtma, tööd andma,( tööd alustama) qualification-kvalifikatsioon, erial. ettevalmistus part-time work/job-osalise tööajaga töö full-time work/job-täispika tööajajga, põhikohaga töö payment-tasu specific-eriline, spetsiifiline self-employed-füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja, FIE CV-elulookirjeldus, curriculum vitae Rescue-päästmine; päästma career lesson-kutsenõustamise tund vocational-kutsehariduse- course-kursus vocational course-kutseõpe college-kolledz factory-vabrik praise-kiitus; kiitma peace of mind-meelerahu disappointment-pettumus rapidly-kiiresti demand-nõudlus; nõudmine; nõudma massive-hiigelsuur version-variant, versioon underage-alaealine founder-asutaja, rajaja personally-isiklikult select-valima establish-kehtestama alcohol-alkohol guideline-juhtnöör, suunis gap-auk, tühimik innovative-uuenduslik innovator-uuendaja entrepreneur-ettevõtja salary-töötasu, palk reference-(tööotsija) soovitaja; soovituski...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Töötus ja tööpuudus

­ On võimeline kiiresti (näiteks kahe nädala jooksul) tööle asuma. Tööjõud koosneb töötutest ja töötajatest, s.h. ettevõtjatest. Ülejäänud isikud ei kuulu tööjõu hulka. Tööjõu suurust, tööpuudust ja teisi seotud suurusi mõõdetakse enamasti tööjõu-uuringute -- suurte üleriigiliste küsitluste -- käigus. Tööpuuduse liigitamine Sõltuvalt probleemiasetusest võib tööpuudust liigitada väga mitut moodi. Enam tuntud liigid on: Siirdetööpuudus (frictional unemployment, ka hõõrdetööpuudus) on seotud töökohavahetustega (parema töö otsimisega). Kuna uue töökoha leidmine võtab enamasti aega, on inimesed mingit aega vahepeal tööta. Siirdetööpuudus on enamasti lühiajaline ning seda ei peeta üldiselt probleemiks. Struktuurne tööpuudus (structural unemployment) on põhjustatud töötute oskuste, kvalifikatsiooni, asukoha jne., ning ettevõtete vajaduste mittevastavusest. Struktuurne tööpuudus võib olla teatud elanikkonna gruppidele väga raske

Majandus → Majandus
119 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

less imports that occur within a defined territory. Business cycles. · refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production or economic activity over several months or years. These fluctuations occur around a long-term growth trend, and typically involve shifts over time between periods of relatively rapid economic growth (expansion or boom), and periods of relative stagnation or decline (contraction or recession). · important phenomenon associated with cyclical fluctuations is unemployment, (people seeking work cannot find it, even when the economy is growing rapidly). The unemployment rate is the ratio of the number of unemployed workers to the size of the labour force. The labour force consists of · those who are either working or are actively looking for a job. In comparison with the total population, it leaves out - young people who are not yet working, - the old who are retired, - and those who do not wish to work--or have given up hope of working.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Küprose Vabariigi makroökonoomika

2011 Venemaalt 2,5 miljardi euro suuruse laenu 4,5 aastaks ning 4,5% intressiga. 2013 aastal palus aga Küpros laenu tagasimaksmise aega pikendada viie aasta võrra (Venemaa restruktureerib...2013). Küprose olukord halvenes veelgi ning aastal 2013 oli valituse võlakoormus juba 112,01% SKP-st. Töötuse määr kasvas pidevalt. Aastal 2011 oli see 6,5%, kuid aasta hiljem juba peaaegu 10%. Sellega tõus ei lõpenud ning 2013. Aasta lõpus oli töötuse määr juba 16,9% 9 (Cyprus unemployment rate...2014). Selline töötuse tõus teeb raskeks majanduse taaselavdamise. Võrdluseks võib tuua, et 2013 aasta euroala töötuse määr oli 12%. Küprose majandusliku olukorra lõplikule taastumisele aitab kaasa ka Euroopa Liit, pakkudes Küprosele 10 miljardi euro suurust abipaketti. Abipakett on nüüdsest juba jõus, kuid see tõi kaasa väga karmid tingimused Küprose pangandusele. Tingimused olid, et Küprose valitsus määrab kuni 100 000 euro suurustele hoiustele 6.7 protsendi

Majandus → Majandus
10 allalaadimist

The United States economy

The United States and its economy are known to be one of the thriving and strongest in the  world. It represents 16.6% of the world’s total GDP. The estimated worth of USA's GDP is  estimated to be around 17.5 trillion dollars and dollar being the third currency in the world  and the official currency of the US. They also manage a 5% growth every quarter. So how do they manage it? There are three main sectors that contribute to the USA's GDP.  First is services that is 80% of the total GDP. The output of services in 2014 was 13,8 billion  dollars witch was the nr.1 in front of European Union’s output witch was 13,4. The second  contributing sector is the industry sector which provides 19% of the country’s GDP. In this  area USA has fallen behind and has to accept the third position in the world’s total industry's  output. First in industry’s output last year was European Union who had 4,6 billion dollar  output, not far was China who ha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier

Japanese propaganda in India. His wartime work for the BBC gave him a solid taste of bureaucratic hypocrisy. Orwell, who was prone to illness, had his career and his life cut short when he died of tuberculosis on January 21, 1950. He left behind a substantial body of work and a reputation for greatness. He's most know books are: Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Road to Wigan Pier. SETTING The story in the book takes place in 1930's at the time of unemployment in the United Kingdom. MAIN CHARACTERS · George Orwell ­ he talks about the life in mining towns in northern England and the life in England itself. He talks about his life and how he became a socialist. THE PLOT The book is divided into two parts. In part one he describes the life in in industrial towns and it's unemployment. In the first chapter of the first part he talks about his life in a lodging-house owned by the Brookers

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


problems 1950s developing world's demographic explosion Quick process 60% of population are children No vacant places for ppl or colonies Education and Employment North ­ every ppl can get general education, basic education South: the Mediterrarean, the Carribean, Latin-America ­ quite good South-East Asia, Africa ­ the worst It isn't possible to satisfy all the needs. They dont have equipment North ­ average percent of unemployment 10-15%, structural employment, not enough specialists South ­ hidden-unemployment/sub-employment, soldiers, bodyguards, prostitutes etc Agrarian society ­ 90-98% agriculture Industrial society ­ 60-70% industry Info-society ­ 1.service; 2.industry; 3.agriculture (6-7% I, 10-15% II, 60-80% III world) Marginal population People are living in city and looking for jobs, have left the countryside Sub-employed people They want to eat; produce rubbish

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Reporti kirjutamine

.... In general..... On balance, it seems that... Sample task: Write a report describing the changes in the number of pupils in Simuvere Gymnasium over the period of ten years from 1989-1998. Give reasons for the changes. Use the data from the bar chart and the notes below. (150-200 words) Notes: 1988-1989 baby boom 1990 two nearby schools closed 1997 the local dairy closed 1998 high unemployment, population getting older Sample answer: This report will describe the changes in the number of students in Simuvere Gymnasium over the period of ten years- from 1989 to 1998. In 1989 there were 380 students. The next year the number rose sharply, reaching 460. This was due to the fact that two nearby schools were closed and the students from these schools continued their studies in Simuvere. During the next four years the number was relatively stable.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1027 allalaadimist


shelter ( ) , temporarily housed in hostels, night shelters , institutions such as psychiatric hospitals, and those temporarily () accommodated () by relatives or friends. Persons living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless , and demographic groups who are more likely to experience poverty are also more likely to experience homelessness . Homelessness usually increases during periods of economic recession () and rising unemployment, when people can no longer afford ( ) housing, and governments cut down public housing expenses. Inadequate shelter or housing creates conditions that promote disease. Without decent ( ) protection, many of the poor are exposed ( ) to severe ( ) and dangerous weather as well as to bacteria and viruses carried by other people and animals. They also are more likely to become infected with diseases carried by insects or rodents (). In arid()regions, drought leaves the

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


In the 3rd quarter of 2014, the GDP at current prices was 4.9 billion euros. Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2013, the GDP increased 2.2%. In 2013 the GDP per capita in current prices was 14 217.6 euros. In the 3rd quarter of the last year, the increase in average monthly gross wages was 5% compared to the year before that. The average monthly gross salaries were 977 euros and the average hourly gross salaries were 5.89 euros. The labour market remained quite stable. The unemployment rate was 7.5% and there were nearly 8,600 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. According to statistics the labour force participation is trending upwards as the participation rate was 69.1%, compared to the same quarter of 2013 when it was 68%. In my opinion Estonia is doing rather well, but of course it could do better. I believe that the economic factors will keep improving in the foreseeable future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Riikide võrdlus

GDP contracted by 3.7% in 2009, ending a 16-year growth trend, and by another 0.1% in 2010, before turning positive in 2011, making Spain the last major economy to emerge from the global recession. The reversal in Spain's economic growth reflected a significant decline in construction amid an oversupply of housing and falling consumer spending, while exports actually have begun to grow. Government efforts to boost the economy through stimulus spending, extended unemployment benefits, and loan guarantees did not prevent a sharp rise in the unemployment rate, which rose from a low of about 8% in 2007 to 20% in 2010. The government budget deficit worsened from 3.8% of GDP in 2008 to 9.2% of GDP in 2010, more than three times the euro-zone limit. By restricting severely spending, Madrid cut the deficit to 6.5% of GDP in 2011. Spain's large budget deficit and poor economic growth prospects have

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
18 allalaadimist


Eesti Töötukassa works with unemployed people and organisations looking for employees. Reports to: Career Information Specialist will report to leading consultant. Employee will work and consult with other consultants and specialists. Position summary: · Conducts workshops and workclubs, · mediates career information and job searching, · supervises and advises job hunting ( individual and / or group, · informs the unemployment about fund services for jobseekers. Skills required : · Desire to help people find work, · a university degree (preferably in social sciences), · at least one year of experience in the field of counseling, · Estonian and Russian language skills and advanced levels of proficiency in English communication (professional vocabulary proficiency); · good computer skills (MS Office ) · honestness, correctness, resbonsibility and empathic;

Sotsioloogia → Karjäärijuhtimine
2 allalaadimist

Tourism Advantages, Disadvantages

Tourism Tourism is becoming one of the most attractive sectors in many countries in the world. It developes very quikly because people travel a lot and companies invest much money in tourism. It has many benefits but also much can be said against the tourism. Firstly, the main advantage of tourism is that it gives people places to work. For instance hotels, bars and museums. Due to that, the standards of living increases and unemployment decrease. Secondly, many countries depend on the money whick tourism brings. It can help developing countries to become stabled. By attracting people from almost everywhere, the area can get much money in order to develop the other public services such as hospitals and schools. On the other hand, tourism may cause misunderstandings and problems because tourists do not always respect traditional cultures. They bring the bad influence to the community and affect local custom

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Inflation Rate (%) 3.0 3.4 GDP: 44.16 billion EUR 2.4 GDP per capita: 5 700 EUR 0.4 Budget Deficit: -3.1% of GDP 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Government debt: 27.2% of GDP -1.1 Exports, FOB: 52.1% of GDP -1.6 Unemployment Rate (%) Imports, CIF: 59.2% of GDP 12.3 13.0 10.3 11.3 11.4 Trade balance: -7.1% of GDP 9.2 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source:, FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FDI Inflow, 2010 - 2015 ( mln.) FDI by host country, 2010 - 2015 ( mln.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele majandussõnastik

..................nõudluse ristelastsus 123. Currency board system ­ ..................................valuutakomitee süsteem 124. Currency fluctuation ­ ......................................valuuta kõikumine 125. Current account ­ .............................................jooksevkonto 126. Current account deficit ­ ..................................maksebilansi puudujääk 127. Current account surplus ­ .................................maksebilansi ülejääk 128. Cyclical unemployment ­ .................................tsükliline töötus 129. Deadweight loss ­ .............................................puhas heaolukahju 130. Debit side ­........................................................ passiva 131. Deductions ­ .....................................................hinnaalandus; mahaarvamine 132. Defined ­ ..........................................................määratletud 133. Deflation ­ .......................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

Majanduse areng ja stabiilsus

Majandusõpetus Teema 13. Majanduse areng ja stabiilsus inimesed ühiskonnas, kes on võimelised töötama, seda ka 23. , teevad. State of economy in which all eligible people who want - , to work can find employment at prevailing wage rates. However, it does not imply 100 percent employment because allowances 24. ­ , must be made for frictional unemployment and seasonal factors. . , . 25. Töötu, unemployed ­ tööta olev isik, kes otsib tööd ja on . valmis kohe tööle asuma. 26. Töötuse e. tööpuuduse määr, unemploymentrate- näitab töötute osakaalu tööjõus . % U = E/(U+E), töötud/ 25. ­ ,

Majandus → Majandus
20 allalaadimist


TRANSLATION Hea käitumise musternäidis- model of good behaviour Lastetoetus- child benefit Töötu abiraha- unemployment benefit Maksimaalselt kasu saama- maximum benefit Valikuid piirama- restrict choices Kaalutletud valik- deliberate choice Ettenägematud asjaolud- unforeseen circumstances Meist sõltumatud asjaolud- circumstances beyond our control Halvustatud märkused- nasty/derogatory comments Pöörane/absurdne kaebus- preposterous comment Halvad ilmastikuolud- adverse weather conditions Ta seisukord halvenes- His condition deteriorated Vältimatu tagajärg- inevitable consequence

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist


Traffic congestion droughtpõud floodüleujutus conjure up esile kutsuma, välja meelistama(creat in the mind) mimic miimika(imitate) fool narr, loll deadline tähtaeg(time limit) feud vaen, võitlus hype meediakära camp laager, leer(groups) pull off teoks tegema(achived) evocative esilekutsuv batty oger hang over kohal rippuma regarded kõrvale jäetud proof tõend bitter verine, kibe heap kuhi pile riit mainstream põhivool technological advances tehnilised arengud unemployment space junk consumer society fast food urban sprawl impersonal service GM food biological weapons stressful lifestyle extreme weather changes nuclear power immers süübima, asja sees olema outletshop outcomeresult outlookfuture outingexcursion outsetbeginning outrageanger outbreakepidemic outlaycosts outdistance kaugele maha jätma outdo ületama outsmart ülekavaldama outrun kiiremini, kaugemale jooksma Outgrow välja kasvama outsell space station scientific journal exper...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Makroökonoomika valemid

standard of living of its citizens. (pikas perspektiivis riigi `s võime toota kaupu ja teenuseid määrab elatustasemekodanikele) 2. In the short run, aggregate demand influences the amount of goods and services that a country produce. (lühiajalises perspektiivis kogunõudlust mõjutavad kogus kaupu ja teenuseid, mida riiktoota) 3. In the long run, the rate of money growth determines the rate of inflation, but it does not affect the rate of unemployment. (pikemas perspektiivis, määra raha kasvu määrab inflatsiooni, kuid see ei mõjuta töötuse määr) 4. In the short run, policy makers who control monetary and fiscal policy face a tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. (lühiajalises perspektiivis, poliitikud, kes kontrollivad raha-ja fiskaalpoliitika nägu kompromiss vahel inflatsioon ja tööpuudus)

Majandus → Makroökonoomia
127 allalaadimist

Australia slideshow

Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent as well as the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. world's sixth-largest country by total area. The lowest point in the country is lake of Eyre (15m below sea level) and the highest point is Mount Kosciuszko (2229m) Economy Mixed economic system Division of labor Agriculture 3,6%; Industry 21,1%; Tendance 75% Units of labor 11,45 mlj. 2009. Unemployment 5,6% Most important export articles: coal, iron,gold Most important import articles: machinery and transport equipment Australia is one of the most important mining industry countries Politics Capital: Canberra Largest city: Sydney National language: English (de facto) Demonym:Australian, Aussie Government: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Monarch: Elizabeth II Governor-General: Quentin Bryce Prime Minister: Julia Gillard Independence from the United Kingdom

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
12 allalaadimist

The Crucial Problems of the World

The light from the Sun reaches us and after that the light reflexes from the Earth's surface back to the space, but thanks to the pollution, it absorbs and reflexes back to us again, causing global warming. The third problem is the fastly growing population. There are now more than 7 milliard people in the world and the number is still getting bigger. That leads us to the overcrowded cities, poverty and hunger. The recession causes the unemployment and different disagreements. To prevent that and much more, what may come in the future, we must think more about the environment and the people and animals, whose living in it. There are many campaigns about the recycling and reproducing, like "Teeme ära" and many others. We have to sort the packages and bottles we buy and help ourselves in that way, because we don't want our children to grow up in pollution and bad environment.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Challanges of the 21st century

Challenges of the 21st century We live in 21st century almost for 12 years. It seems like a very long time, but it has gone like a bird and by this time has changed very many things. Honourable audience, I would like to talk about challenges of the 21st century. If we talk about Estonia then in my opinion our first challenge of the 21st century is to stop exodus. But to solve this problem we should ask why is the exodus so high? Answer is simple: salary, unemployment, salary. Very many things depend on incomes, so we head away from our country to find a better place where salarys are higher. For me it seems like our parliament wants to help all other countrys, for example Greece, or reckon with somebody else before help ourselves. To my way of thinking parliament should take care of our county number one and then think out how we can and should help others. The second aspect is economic crisis. This problem comprises all the world not only Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A business student´s insight into life in Estonia

Estonians are successful in creating different e-government solutions. We have e-school, e- voting and e-stores. Also the Skype is partly invented by estonians. A lot of talented people come from Estonia. Interesting about Estonia is that, although it is very small coutry it is still really popular among foreign stuents. It means that we have good education system. Consequently we can say that estonians are tolerant and foreign students feel comfortabe while living Estonia. Negative side is unemployment. It has decreased compared with the last year, but it is still too high. Also a lot of young people are unemployed. It might be caused by the economical crisis, which stopped in fall 2010. Now our economy has risen and situatsion is going to be better. In conclusion i would like to say that life in Estonia is good. The economy is not in a bad situation any more and we can get through the difficulties. Estonia is a little country but

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The Intouchables

The movie was dubbed. Music by Antonio Vivaldi. Summary In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe (François Cluzet) is a quadriplegic millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his carer, with his red-haired secretary Magalie (Audrey Fleurot). Out of the blue, the rude African Driss (Omar Sy) cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the Social Security and asks Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is seeking a job position so he can receive his unemployment benefit. Philippe challenges Driss, offering him a trial period of one month to gain experience helping him. Then Driss can decide whether he would like to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the challenge and moves to the mansion, changing the boring life of Phillipe and his employees. Annika Õisnurm 9a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside – a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship?

Some people even raise their own animals. Accordingly, because cars are not idling in traffic there is less smog. However, there are some negative aspects of living in the rural area. For some, the lack of entertainment and smaller community is the biggest turn-off. Others are concerned about distances between two points, especially if an accident has happened and medical care is needed. What is worrying is also the fact that the unemployment rate is also much higher in the countryside than in the city. Living in the non-urban area has both advantages and disadvantages. I think that the biggest advantages are fresh air, scenic landscapes and comfort. As with anywhere, living in the country has its drawbacks. Transportation system, entertainment and and bigger field of work are some of the things that cities have a more convenient way of offering.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

the urban working class finally began to make its voice heard The labour party gradually replaced the liberals as the main opposition to conservatives From the 1930s to 80s the trades union congress was probably the single most powerful political force outside of the institutions of government and parliament since then the working class has faded as a political force in 1900 a general sence of prosperity was combined with a rather high long term unemployment rate and concerns about an underclass in 1950 sense of austerity was combind with a very low rate of unemployment

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

conditions as well as to social security and social assistance. Employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of high level employment by developing a coordinated strategy, particularly with regard to the creation of a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic change. EURES: to encourage free movement and help workers to find a job in another Member State. The White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment: unemployment in European Union. The European Council of Essen: five key objectives were introduced: invest in vocational training; increase employment-intensive growth; reduce non-wage labour costs; increase active labour market policies; fight youth and long-term unemployment. The contribution of the Amsterdam Treaty: coordinating Member States’ employment policies at Community level. The European Employment Strategy 1997-2004: employment guidelines; national action plans; Joint

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Technology in our daily lives

We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the area of information technology and in the home. In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries such as carmanufacturing robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they do not need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see job opportunities dwindling further and unemployment levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology mean that fewer people are needed in fulltime employment. More and more people are working from home using personal computers, which can result in a sense of isolation. Home workers also lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people. Another example of the negative effect of technological change can be found on the domestic front, in the home

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

rahvastik Hõivatu emploied Занятые Tööjõud Labour force Рабочая сила Töötu unemployed Безработный Heidutatud töötajad Discoraged workers Отчужденный работник Tööpuuduse määr Unemployment rate Уровень безработицы Tööhõive määr Employment rate Уровень занятости Tööjõus osalemise määr Labour force participation rate, LFPR Степень участия в рабочей силе Inflatsioon Inflation Инфляция Deflatsioon Deflation Дефляция

Majandus → Majandus
24 allalaadimist

Life in town vs Life in the country

polluted than in Town, which enlarge people lenght of life. Food and other important things for life is cheaper than in Town, because it is really hard to find a job and almost impossible to spend money. People who live in the Country don't need to dress like pople in Town. In Town it is very important to look good and be well-established, specially in the downtown, but in the Country it doesn't matter what people wear. Although life in the Country is easier , it has its own negative sides like: unemployment, establishment will be closed, distress services are hardly available. Usually people prefer to live in the Town, because in the Country don't have job or it is dfficult to find it. Many schools, post offices and store will be closed, because there aren't enough people who will need it. If in the Country should be happen any emergency, it will takes time to deal the situation, which put people to worry. Life in Town is completely different. For example : huge shopping centres, better

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Esitlus Indiast

India Mairi Kaseorg 9. A Overview of India India is the largest country and biggest democracy in the world today. It is the secondmost populous country with over 1.2 billion people which is about 17% of the world's population. The unemployment rate of India is 10.4%and many people live in poverty. The offical languages are Hindi and English. India is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south west, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast. Overwiev of India It is also home to a diversity of wildlife in protected habitats. India is a federation with a parliamentary system. It is the thirdlargest standing army in the world and ranks tenth in military

Keeled → Inglise keel
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otsimisega (paremate palgatingimuste jm sellise otsimine); · sesoonne töötus, mis on tingitud tööpuuduse kasvust looduslikest ning hooajalistest teguritest sõltuvatel töökohtadel põllumajanduslikud tööd, turistide teenindamine jt); · vabatahtlik töötus e nn heidutatud töötaja efekt, kus töövõimelises eas inimesed on kaotanud lootuse leida sobivat tööd. Vabatahtlik ja mittevabatahtlik töötus. · Vabatahtlik töötus (voluntary unemployment ) ilmneb, kui tööotsija ei suuda leida tööd koheselt (ruttu), kuid jätkab aktiivseid tööotsinguid paremate palga- ja/või töötingimuste leidmiseks, see tähendab inimene ei ole veel leidnud sobivat töökohta. · Tahtmatu e mittevabatahtlik töötus (involuntary unemployment) ilmneb, kui inimene kaotab töö, kuid on valmis ja võimeline töötama, aktsepteerides valitsevat palgataset,

Majandus → Majandus
87 allalaadimist

Riigi majanduslikud funktsioonid

1. Riigi majanduslikud funktsioonid: mis on allokatsioonifunktsioon, jaotusfunktsioon ja majanduse stabiliseerimise funktsioon? Rahandus täidab kolme funktsiooni: Allokatsioonifunktsioon, mille toimel jaotuvad tootmistegurid (võime nimetada ka ühiskonna käsutuses olevad ressursid) erakaupade ja avalike hüviste tootmiseks. Nende osade omavahelise suhte otsustab riigi fiskaalpoliitika ning sellele tugineb ka avaliku sektori struktuur, tegevuse ulatus ning maht. Allokatsioonifunktsioon seab raamid valitsuse pakutavatele avalikele hüvistele, mis omakorda seondub turutõrgetega ning konkretiseerub iga valitsuse fiskaalpoliitikas; Jaotusfunktsioon, st nii ettevõtete kui kodanike sissetulekute ja vara jaotamist hõlmav tegevus. Põhimõte, mis seda jaotust saadab, peab demokraatlikus ühiskonnas ühtima riigi ja kodanike enamuse arusaamadega õigest ning õiglasest jaotamisest. Riigi fiskaalpoliitika peaks sellest juhinduma, sest ebaõigl...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
43 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside – a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship?

Life in a countryside is much cheaper than in the city. You can grow your own vegetables and fruits. It is healthier and cheaper way to eat and live. People in a countryside are very friendly and kind. They are helpful for each others and they alert their neighbour's if there is something weird going on. As well as there is a positive sides living in the countryside, there are also negative sides. The main disadvantage is that the rate of unemployment is high. Many people do not have a job and they have to make living of grewing vegetables and fruits as well keep animals to survive. Also there are problems with communication. There might not be internet or television connection. Also, if you do not have a car, then going to work might be complicated. The same problem concerns the access to the hospitals, schools, police stations and shops, which are usually located far from the village

Keeled → Inglise keel
61 allalaadimist

Prantsusmaa rahvastiku analüüs

2.08 children born/woman (2012 est.) countr y comparison to the w orld: 118 18) HIV/AIDS ­ people living with HIV/AIDS: 150,000 (2009 est.) countr y comparison to the w orld: 33 19) Literacy: üle 15 a elanike kirjaoskus definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 99% male: 99% female: 99% (2003 est.) 20) School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education): total: 16 years male: 16 years female: 16 years (2008) 21) Unemployment, youth ages 15-24: total: 22.6% countr y comparison to the w orld: 39 male: 23.4% female: 21.7% (2009) 22) Rahvastikupüramiid 2015: Viita:

Geograafia → Demograafia
13 allalaadimist

Introduction of Estonia

Applied higher education is provided in 13 schools. 41 schools provide vocational education. Government: Head of state is the President who is elected by the parliament for five- year term. Toomas-Hendrik Ilves is currently in his second term. Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Andrus Ansip. Economy: The national currency in Estonia is Euro. The average wage and gross wage in Estonia is 913. Average net income is 717 euros. Unemployment rate in Estonia is 13.3 % National symbols of Estonia: Estonian flag represents the republic of Estonia. It is a blue-black-white 105x165cm rectangle. The current coat of arms of Estonia is a golden shield which includes three slim, blue lions in the middle, with oak branches along the side of the shield. The heraldic lions of the coat of arms are the most ancient of Estonia's symbols. ,,My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy" was adopted as the national anthem of the Republic of

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

(Estonia TEST english I)

2. a county/ to devide into counties 3. a rural municipality/ mnicipalities 4. urban/ rural/ total population- Linna/ maa/ kogu rahvaarv 5. according to census 6. to proovide general/ vocational/ secondary/ higher edukation 7. the official language 8. head of state 9. to elect for a five-year term 10. to be in his/ her first term 11. head of government 12. the average monthly gross/ net wage 13. The kroon is pegged to the euro at 15,65 Estonian kroons 14. unemployment rate 15. to export: to import 16. exports/ imports were.. 17. exports equalled 60% of it 18. imports accounted for 10% 19. the European Union 20. the CIS= Commonwealth of Independent States = SRÜ- Sõltumatute Riikide Ühendus I Complete the sentences to make up questions about Estonia. Answer the questions 1. What ...(is)... the area of Estonia? 2. How many peole ...(-).... lives here? 3. How ...(does/is).... Estonia dividend administratively? 4. What ...(is)..

Keeled → Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist

Test Population

). Vastused 1. 1. Demographic transition, 2. Changes that take place in education and full employment, 3. Migration, 4. Urbanization, 5. Etno-cultural process. 2. This is a theory according to which all societies start with traditional alternation (vaheldus) of generations. It is influenced by industrialization and urbanization. 3. Demographic explosion 4. Demographic crisis means that BR=DR 5. . 6. The NORTH: structural unemployment (enough places, but no people), vocational education (kutseharidus), 10-12% unemployed people. 7. It is a discrepancy(erinevus) between the birth and death rate. It shows nation's increase of population or the opposite. 8. Because there are no vacant places, where people could live anymore. 9. Diseases, accidents, aging, crime, religion, poor healthcare, etc. 10. 1. Famine, 2. AIDS, 3. Diseases. 11. Teine rühm 1. Why is population a very changeable phenomenon?

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Political analysis (PEST) Lithuania

supplemental income from investments or interest dividends. Labour law Essential political economic and legal reforms started after the independence of Lithuania in 1990. Since then the legal system has been reformed to meet the demands of the social and economic changes brought by the return to democracy and the free market economy system. The population of Lithuania is 3.4 million, with a labour force of 1.6 million. Unemployment has been low, but has increased to almost 10 per cent during 2009. All employees in Lithuania have equal employment rights, regardless of race, colour, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. The five-day working week with two rest days is the standard established under the law. According to the Labour Code working time may not exceed 40 hours per week and the duration of daily working time must not exceed 8 working hours. Maximum working time,

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


Esmane kontakt teeninduses on äärmiselt oluline ja esmase kontakti loojaks peaks üldjuhul olema teenindaja. Lisaks on üheks suureks miinuseks Eesti teeninduses kvaliteeti liigne kõikumine. Kvaliteet kõigub nii piirkonniti kui ka ühe asutuse sees. Ettevõtted peaksid koolitama oma töötajaid ühte moodi ja peaksid suutma hoida ettevõtte siseselt kvaliteeti. 12 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD 1. Markosoo, Ü; Tammaru, T. 2011. Long-term Unemployment in Economic Boom and Bust: The Case of Estonia. - TRAMES: A Journal of the Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. 15 (3), p217-234. 2. Maksekaartide teenindamine internetis. ­ Lepingu üldtingimused. ­ Swedbank. 2013. []. 3. Kivipõld, K; Vadi, M. 2013. Market orientation in the context of the impact of leadership capability on performance. - International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol

Turism → Restoraniteenindus
13 allalaadimist

Social problems in England - tekst

1) 1.Racism 2. Crime 3. Unemployment 4. Alcohol/Drug abuse 5. Economic recession 6. Poverty 7. Riots 2) Racism is a common problem in many countries and in Englad it is present because there are many immigrants from all over the world. As it is a widespread social problem it's also one of the worst ones, because the hatred directed to different races or even nationalities makes the foreign people feel bad and also to hate the locals. This brings up many conflicts like the bombings in 2005 (when 4 islamic suicide bombers killed thmeselves and 52 civilians), but usually the conflicts are smaller, like brawls between different ethnic groups or mockery and insults. 3)In 1999 was the biggest racism related crime in the last 3 decades, when a Neo-Nazi David Copeland placed homemade nailbombs at public places directed to african and bangladeshian communities and killing 13 and injuring 139 people.,. Petty crimes are commited ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Tööpuudus Loomulik tööpuudus ● Loomulik tööpuudus: ○ Pikaajaline keskmine töötuse trend. ● Languse ajal tegelik töötus on kõrgem loomulikust tööpuudusest. ● Kasvu ajal vastupidi MUDEL Tähistused: L= Tööjõud E= hõivatute arv U= Töötute arv U/L= töötuse määr Eeldused: 1.L on fikseeritud. 2.Jooksva kuu jooksul, s= lahkumise määr (rate of job separations), Osa hõivatutest, kes töölt lahkuvad( mitu inimest hõivatutest lahkub) f= töö leidmise määr (rate of job finding), Osa töötutest, kes leiavad tööd( kui suur osa töötutest leiab töö) s ja f on eksogeensed Pikaajaline tasakaal ● Kui tööturg on pikaajalises tasakaalus on töötus konstantne. ● Kogu mudeli juures eeldame, et mitteaktiivsus on muutumatu Tööturg on tasakaalus- nii palju kui jääb töötuks sama palju leiab aasta jooksul tööd, siis turg on tasakaalus. Kui s x E= f x U. Tasakaalu töötuse leidmine- loomuliku töötuse määr kirjutame E= L-U Poliitika järel...

Majandus → Töö-ökonoomika ja tööturg
1 allalaadimist

The Future of Work or How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Us in 20 years

The Future of Work Automation anxiety has been spreading lately. What's clear is that there will be significant change. What's less clear is what that change will look like. The threat of technological unemployment is real. A picture that we see on our television screens, in everyday commentary is one where an army of robots descend on the workplace with one goal in mind: to displace humans from their work. Yes, machines displace humans from particular tasks, but they don't just substitute for humans. They also complement them in other tasks. Sometimes they complement humans directly. So a taxi driver can use a satnav system to navigate on unfamiliar roads.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Often the conditionalities are attached without due regard for the borrower countries’ individual circumstances and the prescriptive recommendations by the World Bank and IMF fail to resolve the economic problems within the countries. As a example author is using Ecuador that is a small country in South America. In 1968- 1998 IMF and World Bank interviened with large loans to help the country but the growth of poverty increased form 50% to 70%, under or unemployment 15%to 70% and the public debt grew from 240 million to 16 billion (Perkins, 2004, lk 239). This essay is going to explore how this kind of thing could have happened? The idea is not to blame well-known organizations. The idea is to observe and explain what happened to Ecuador and discuss if the criticism about this matter is grounded. In this essay author is going to use a book “ Confessions of an Economic Hitman“ by John

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun