neigbouring countries. France, Spain - greatest enemies.So he could save much money and thus laid a good economic basis for his state. Besides that he built a merchant fleet (kaubalaevastik) England begun to dominate in international trade. Unfortunately the king got old and died. Next king was Henry Vlll, second son of the family, wasn't prepared to become a king. Had to take the role as his elder brother died. Was prepared to come a clergyman got good education: languages, music, literature. Brother jumped off horse into a river, died in bed. Elder brother was already married. Henry Vlll married with his brothers widow.Catherine of Aragon, she came from Spain, she was arden(innukas) Catholic. At first they had good relations. Soon there were big problems. Had daughter Mary, couldn't get a son. Needed a new king. Henry decided to get a divorce. Henry wrote a long letter to Pope for a divorce. Pope said no. Then Henry decleared himself the head of English church to get divorce
THE ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD English literature came when the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes and the Frisians invaded Britain. During this time English was called Anglo- Saxon or Old English. In the chronicles of Roman history (composed in Latin) is said that Britain makes its first appearance in written language when Romans invade the England. BEOWULF most important poem, surviving in a 10th-cent manuscript. The historical period of the poem's events can be dated in the 6th to 8th century. Much of the material of the poem is legendary and paralleled in other Germanic historical-mythological literature in Norse, Old English, and German.
and Julius Caesar never returned to Britain after that. The island was left undisturbed for nearly a century. *The Roman occupation of Britain 43-410 and its legacy Britain was conquered by Emperor Claudius, the Roman rule in England lasted up to 410. The Romans left behind a huge legacy: many types of animals and plants were brought to Britain in Roman times. Roman introduced theire measurements, Christianity, reading and writing. Also, many words in English and Welsh have been borrowed from the Latin language. An important legacy of the Romans was its roads, agriculture and cities. In the Roman times the land was dominated by rules and reguations. *Christianity in Roman Britain The Roman authorities were suspicious of Christianity because followers of Jesus Christ refused to take an oath of loyalty to the Roman emperor. For this reason the early Christians were regarded as dangerous enemies of the Empire. That
decisions to their Shires. Edward I continued this experiment and in 1295 called a parliament that became known as the Model Parliament. The House of Commons as a separate Chamber resulted from the unofficial meeting of these knights and burgesses. The person chosen to speak for these commoners in Parliament became known as the speaker. The Hundred Years War fought between France and England had a devastating effect on the English economy. The high taxation necessary to finance the war and the Black Death (1348) led to such extreme hardship for the peasant class that there was a revolt in 1381. Although the Peasant's Revolt was soon put down, it led to greatly improved conditions for the peasant class and was the first step towards the ending of the feudal system in England. The Tudors Tudor Period began when Henry VII (Henry of Tudor) of the House of York defeated
Officials were appointed (governors, procurators to collect taxes, look after the estates and mines and se that the gold, silver, iron and lead were exported back to Rome). Introduced schools,a new language Latin, large farms (villas), baths. In AD 410 they had to leave . roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years. They left behind very little. Roman province of Britannia covered most of present-day England and Wales. 4. Latin influence on English *The influence of Latin is noticeable also in the names of European cities: the Latin noun colonia (settlement, colony) may be found in numerous place-names: Lincoln, Colchester, Cologne ; from Latin word castrum (military camp) were derived English affixes -chester and -castle: Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle; Latin word portus (seaport) in Portsmouth *-tor - person, doer, masculine form. The suffix is attached to the stem: victor (`winner', from the
th western Scotland, until 10 c Mysteriously disappeared Constantly fought with Romans Teir country- Caledonia- Pictland The Scots, Hibernia Raiders, Celts living in Ireland/Hibernia Migrated to Scotland Raided Roman Britain After Kenneth McAlpin united Scotland all inhabitants became Scots The Venerable Bede A monk in the Northumbrian monastery of Jarrow In 731 ,,The Great Ecclesiastical History of the English People"- overshaows all other sources of 7th, early 8th C Well-founded scraps of tradition, first work of history, where AD system is used Angles, Saxons, Jutes. Frisians 430´s onwards, Germans settlers arrived in large numbers. Anglo-Saxon invasions in 499 The Saxons- Saxon country to South and West The Angles- Angulus to East Anglia, Jutes in Kent Same culture as southern Scandinavia, Germany, northern France 600 they had founded their 7 kingdoms
стран мира. 6 INTRODUCTION Aspects of British History presents a brief outline of the most significant milestones in the long and eventful history of Great Britain, such as the five successful invasions of the island, the birth of Parliament and transformation of an absolute monarchy into a constitutional monarchy, the origin of the English language, the rise and fall of the British Empire. The units contain an informative reading text on an important issue, preceded by preparatory discussion questions and followed by notes offering some additional information, and a vocabulary with relevant language notes. The main reading text is accompanied by comprehension, vocabulary and grammar exercises and discussion activities. Some of the units include reading passages.
The foundation stones The Island Britain has a mild climate due to the Gulf Stream which brings warm waters from the Gulf of Mexico. The northern part of the island in average 5'C cooler and it's mountainous or hilly and that's why the south has been more populated.. Britain became an island only 5000 years BC after the Ice Age ended. Britain's prehistory The first evidence of human life on the island are dated back to 250 000 BC. 50 000 BC in a milder Ice Age period Britain became habitable again. People from that time were the ancestors of the modern British. 10 000 BC ige age ended and Britain became inhabited by small groups of hunters who probably followed herds of deer. 5000BC Britain became an island and deer died out. 3000BC the Neolithic people came (probably from Spanish peninsula or even North African coast). They may be the forefathers of the peo
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