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Kategooria inglise keel - 1815 õppematerjali

Keeled >> Inglise keel
inglise keel on ametlik keel (kuid mitte kõige rohkem räägitav keel) veel Botswanas, Kameronis, Eritreas, Fijil, Gambias, Ghanas, Indias, Keenias, Kiribatil, Leshotos, Liberias, Malavil, Marshalli saartel, Mauritiusel, Mikroneesias, Namiibias, Naurus, Niuel, Pakistan, Palaul, Paapua-Uus Guineas, Filipiinidel. Tema lähimad suguluskeeled on šoti keel ja Põhja-Hollandis räägitav friisi keel. On keeleteadlaseid, kes ei pea šoti keelt eraldi keeleks, vaid inglise keele murdeks.

British Literature: John Tolkien

British Literature Ilya Zaitsev 10 class John Tolkien  Was born in 3 January 1892 Bloemfontein.  English writer, philologist, and Oxford university professor, best known as the author of the classic high- fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings.  Tolkien was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II on 28 March 1972. His works  The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings form a connected body of tales, fictional histories, invented languages about a fantasy world called Arda, and Middle-earth. While many other authors had published works of fantasy before Tolkien,[ the great success of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings led directly to a popular resurgence of the genre. This has caused Tolkien to be popularly identified as the "father" of modern high fantasy literature. Biography. Childhood  John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein in South ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


CALIFORNIA POPULATION The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of California was 38,041,430 on July 1, 2012. LOCATION AND SIZE California is the 3rd largest state in the United States in area, after Alaska and Texas. California is on the west coast of the U.S.A. MAIN SIGHTS Yosemite Valley Alcatraz ­ A prison in the San Francisco city centre. ALCATRAZ FAMOUS PEOPLE Katy Perry ­ an U.S.A pop singer, very famous. Kim Kardashian ­ an U.S.A celebrity Jaden Smith ­ son of Will Smith, an actor Steve Jobs ­ make "Apple computer company". PECULIARITIES Has the biggest population and at the same time one of the biggest crime rates in the U.S One of the best economyes in the U.S, but a very high unemployement rate INTERESTING FACTS California is the USA's most populous state with almost 40,000,000 residents, more than Canada as of 2008. One of eig...

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2 allalaadimist


Zeitformen Präsens Ich verliere ma kaotasin oma Tegusõnas 1 PV passi meinen Pass Präteritum Ich verlar Ma kaotasin oma Tegusõnast 2PV passi mein Pass Perfekt Ich habe meinen Abitegusõnast haben(omama) 1PV ja pass verlasren Abitegusõn.. tegusõnast 3PV OLEVIKUS Plus- Ma olin oma Abitegusõnast haben Quamper- Ich hatte meinen passi kaotanud (omama) 2PV ja Perfekt Pass verloren Abitegusõn. ­ tegusõnast 3PV LIHTMIN. Future Ich werde meinen Ma kaotan oma Abitegusõna ­ Pass verlieren ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
112 allalaadimist

Cv and covering letter

32 Rahu Street Narva IdaVirumaa 20608 18 November 2008 Mrs J. Lo Personnel Officer AUDI AG City Road London EC3 4HJ Dear Mrs Lo I would like to apply for the position advertised in The Murzilka on 10 November for a Sales Manager. As you will see from my curriculum vitae, the work I did in my last position is practically the same as in position offered. I dealt with all sales manager's duties: dealing with customers, presentations at work meetings, the organization of goods delivering, working with computer application Microsoft Office XP, etc. Your advertisement asked for a knowledge of languages. I can speak both good English and Estonian. My mother tonque is Russian. Now as a hobby, I am learning Italian. I am particularly interested in the position you are offering, as I would like to become a part of AUDI AG. I like cars very much, especially AUDI models. I read a lot of technical information about cars constructio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

Foreword Bridging rivers, gorges, narrows, straits, and valleys always has played an important role in the history of human settlement. Since ancient times, bridges have been the most visible testimony of the noble craft of engineers. A bridge can be defined in many ways, but Andrea Palladio, the great 16th century Italian architect and engineer, hit on the essence of bridge building when he said "...bridges should befit the spirit of the community by exhibiting commodiousness, firmness, and delight." In more practical terms, he went on to explain that the way to avoid having the bridge carried away by the violence of water was to make the bridge without fixing any posts in the water. Since the beginning of time, the goal of bridge builders has been to create as wide a span as possible which is commodious, firm, and occasionally delightful. Spanning greater distances is a distinct measure ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars Republished from the pages of National Geographic magazine Written by Ron Cowen March 2007 Ever since he was a teenager, Stan Woosley has had a love for chemical elements and a fondness for blowing things up. Growing up in the late 1950s in Texas, "I did everything you could do with potassium nitrate, perchlorate, and permanganate, mixed with a lot of other things," he says. "If you mixed potassium nitrate with sulfur and charcoal, you got gunpowder. If you mixed it with sugar, you got a lot of smoke and a nice pink fire." He tested his explosive concoctions on a Fort Worth golf course: "I screwed the jar down tight and ran like hell." "kaboomWoosley", now an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz, has graduated to bigger explosions--much bigger. Woosley studies some of the most powerful explosions since the birth of the universe: supernovae, the violent deaths of stars. The universe twi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sample Business Letter

Sample Business Letter You may copy this sample business letter for your own use. Your street address City, State Zip Date Recipient name and surname Job title (Sales Manager etc.) Company name Street address City, State Zip Dear Mr. __________ Your message here. Use short paragraphs 3 to 4 lines each. Triplecheck your business letter for typos and bad grammar. Keep your business letter short and formal. Sincerely, Your signature Your name and surname

Keeled → Inglise keel
83 allalaadimist

Pick your brains about Italy

Mina valisin oma raamatuks Pick your brains about Italy. Itaalia valisin sellepärast, et sellel suvel õnnestus mul seda maad külastada ning seda raamatut lugesed äkki avastan endale veel midagi põnevat selle maa kohta. Raamat on jaotatud 16-eks peatükiks, nendest kõigist üritan ka siia väikese lühikokkuvõtte teha, et ka Sul, kallis lugeja, oleks aimu selle maa võludest ning üllatustest. Esimene peatükk : Vital Facts and Figures (eluliselt olulised faktid ja figuurid). Teine peatükk : Italian History in a Nutshell(Itaalia ajalugu kokkuvõtvalt). Kui minna tagasi piisavalt kaugele, siis kõikide maade ajalood algavad hõimudest. Itaalia ajalugu algas tegelikult umbes 1000 aastat tagasi. Inimesed tulid siia kodu rajama kõikjalt vahemereäärest. Kreeklased Itaalias. Kreeklaste tsivilisatsioonil oli tugev jalgealune Põhja- Itaalias. Sealhulgas tervenisti Kalaabria ja suur osa Sitsiiliast, Pugliast, Basi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Turismi sõnad

Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot Järsku alandatud-rock-bottom price Juhi töökoht-Management job Kasum,tulu-Revenue Kallis-expensive Kaaskiri-Covering letter Koopia-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Animal collective

Animal Collective - "Merriweather Post Pavilion"(ilmumisaeg 20.01.2009) Animal Collective on Ameerika avangardmuusika bänd, kes on üks freak-folk trendi esile toojatest viimase dekaadi sees. Viimaste albumitega on aga nad läinud akustilisest muusikast elektoonilisemaks ja tantsulisemaks. Grupp alustas oma tegevust 2000 aastal, koosneb hetkel kolmest mehest Avey Tare (David Portner; vokaal, kitarr, süntesaator, sämplingud, löökpillid), Geoloog (Brian Weitz; elektroonika, sämplingud, vokaal), Panda Bear (Noah Lennox; vokaal, löökpillid, sämplingud, kitarr), varem oli bändis ka Deakin (Josh Dibb, kitarr, vokaal), kes võttis bändist ajutiselt puhkust. Neil on ka oma plaadi firma Paw Tracks. Panda Bear ja Avey Tare on andnud välja ka sooloalbumeid. Merriweather Post Pavilion`i on nimetatud paljude kriitikute poolt aasta(2009) parimaks albumiks, juba enne selle ametliku ilmumist. Animal Collective on külastanud ka Eestit 20...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tartu ajalugu

Sculptures and monuments St. John's Lutheran Church St John's Church was probably built in the first third of the 14th century. There is no other brick church decorated with so much terracotta plastic in Europe Eduard Tubin Monument The Eduard Tubin monument, marking the 100th birthday of the composer, was dedicated in 2005. The authors of the statue are sculptor Aili Vahtrapuu, architect Veronika Valk, with sound installations by Louis Dandrel.Eduard Tubin (1905-1982) was a versatile composer and conductor, one of the most recognized symphonists throughout history. He served as concert master and conductor at the Vanemuise Theatre. In 1944, when the theatre was destroyed, he left Estonia to Sweden. Monument to Gustav II Adolf In 1632, King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden, then at the war camp near Nürnburg, signed the charter to found Tartu University, which was also named Academia Gustaviana in his honour....

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Writing in the Business World

UNIT 1 Writing in the Business World Writing gives structure and form to our ideas. In the business world this is done for a purpose: to persuade, recommend, offer advice, give an order, etc. The business text must therefore be easily and quickly read and its message must be understood exactly as intended. If you learn to recognize and avoid the more common errors of information control, grammar and style, you will achieve this aim. You will write more confidently and more correctly if you check everything you write. Pay particular attention to the following: · Appropriate Subject Heading Take care to prepare your reader by introducing the subject appropriately in your subject heading. · Carefully Organized Information If a reader needs to be persuaded or convinced, your information will need careful planning and organizing. · Correct Grammar and Sp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

UNIT 6 Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively The aim of the section is to assist you to produce an effective topic outline: a skeleton of your document. If this stage of the production process is done properly all you really need are the language control techniques to connect your ideas logically and effectively. If you have a well documented list of techniques to connect your ideas effectively the writing process is less formidable. You will want to know how to join similarities, compare and contrast certain facts, introduce the next topic, offer a supporting idea, or refer to previously presented facts. You will also need to know how to present different shades of argument to produce logically a recommendation you wish to make. This requires an ability to emphasise certain facts and 'bury' others. However, all facts need to be linked to give a logical flow. This unit will give you language practice in...

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53 allalaadimist

Presentation vocabulary

Performing the presentation Introducing yourself and your talk Greeting, name, position, opening formalities Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, everyone. Good morning. My name's (...). I'm the new Finance Manager. Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. I started out in... Welcome to Standard Electronics. I know I've met some of you, but just for the benefit of those I haven't, my name's (...). It's very nice to see you all here today. I'm very pleased to be here. I'm glad you could all make it. Thanks for inviting me. Thank you (all) for coming. Title/Subject I'd like to talk (to you) today about ... I'm going to present the recent ... explain our position on ... introduce ... brief you on ... inform you about ... ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Formal expressions

List of formal versus informal expressions Informal Formal A lot of a number of We have got the permission authorization has been received To hire to these jobs to recruit for these posts We shall finish at late 2001 completion is scheduled for 2001 We have noticed that it has been noted that Short inadequate Bring in a system introduce a system Get receive Give provide The same sort of bus a similar bus Another system an alternative system Can you tell me if this system is ok? Your approval would be appreciated For some time/for the time being temporarily Now currently Is being fixed is under repair Because of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Referaat Emma Watson

Essay Full Name: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson Nicknames: Em, OneTakeWatson Age: 17 Birthdate: April 15th 1990 Place of Birth: Paris, France Hometown: Oxfordshire, England Hair: Dark Blonde Eyes: Brown Parents: Jacqueline Luesby & Chris Watson Siblings: brother Alex Pets: 1 Cat About Emma Watson: Emma Watson was born in Paris, France to Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, English lawyers who lived in France at the time; she has a younger brother named Alex. She lived in Paris until age five, then moved with her mother and brother to Oxford, England. Watson attended The Dragon School, a private preparatory school, until June 2003, when she moved to Headington School, a private allgirls school in Oxford. In June 2006, Watson sat GCSE examinations in 10 subjects, achieving eight A+ and two A grades. She is studying for her Advanced Subsidiary (AS) levels in Dance, Art and English literature. Watson is an ...

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15 allalaadimist

Unit 7-8 sõnavara

Unit 7- 8 1. Tarbija ühiskond ­ Consumer society - the world of people who buy goods or make use of services 2. Keskkond ­ Environment - the natural world around us 3. Pakend ­ Packaging ­ many companies use it (boxes, bottles, etc.) 4. Ümbertöötlema ­ Recycle ­ that is made using old materials 5. Saaste ­ Pollution ­ like smoke in the air, can be reduced if companies use trains instead of road transport 6. Osooni kiht - Ozone layer - high above the earth's surface, helps to protect the earth from harmful rays of the sun 7. Kemikaal/ tuuma saaste - Chemical/ nuclear waste- dangerous substance which pollutes nature 8. Globaalne soojenemine - Global warming - increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere 9. Prügikast - Rubbish bin(GB)/ trash can(US) - a place where you can throw your trash 10. Õli laigud - Oil spills - pollutions, usually in the sea ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Kuidas esseed kirjutada?

WRITING YOUR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ESSAYS 1. Keep it simple · Don't use unnecessary words (i.e. don't use three words when one will do) · Don't include unnecessary information just to "fill the page" 2. Keep it neat · Type ALL your application materials (refer to the scholarship application form for specifics ­ i.e.: double spacing, margins, font, etc. · SPELL CHECK your essay ­ make sure words are used correctly (i.e.: two, to too, there their, they're, its it's, etc.) · Have someone else read your essay for clarity 3. Talk about your accomplishments · Be clear and to the point · Don't brag or over market yourself 4. State your need · What is your financial situation? Do you work? Do you receive support from your family? Do you receive financial aid? 5. Plan ahead · Don't procrastinate! · Give yourself plenty of time to review...

Keeled → Inglise keel
282 allalaadimist

Unit 5-6 sõnavara

UNIT 5 National culture ­riigi kultuur, country culture Hierarchy-subordinates have to report to managers, one person is leader Subordinates- alluvad, persons who report to somebody Authority- right to make decisions and give orders Delegate- edasi andma, give authority to subordinates Initiative- omaalgatuslik, makes decisions without asking their manager Abroad- välismaal, in or to foreign country (2) A minefield-varitsevad ohud, a situation with hidden dangers A pitfall-hädaoht, a likely problem(7) A custom- tava, something done in a society because of tradition (1) Etiquette- etikett, formal rules for polite behaviour in society (3) Scheduled- plaaniline, arranged for a certain time To be a sign of- to show or represent (5) Offensive- solvav, rude or insulting (4) A compliment- something that expresses admiration Sensitive- able to understand others feelings (6) Impossible- võimatu ...

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103 allalaadimist

E-kursuse tõlkelaused


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179 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

English lexicology 1. Size of English vocabulary  Vocabulary is a sum total of words used in a language by speakers or for dictionary-making. Active and passive vocabulary.  The Old English vocabulary was homogenous. There were about 50 000 – 60 000 words, 1/3 of which have survived. o About 450 loans from Latin o About 2000 from the Viking invasions.  The Middle-English vocabulary became a heterogeneous hybrid of Germanic and Romanic languages. 100 000 to 125 000 words. o About 10 000 loans from Norman French, 75% are still in use o Continuing Latin influence  Early Modern English. 200 000 – 250 000 words o English becomes a pluricentric language. o Polyglot. Cosmopolitan language  Modern English. 500 000 words o At present at least 1 billion lexical units 2....

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Unit 3-4 sõnavara

UNIT 3-4 Retailing - Jaemüük ­ the business of selling goods to the general public Retailers - Jaemüüjad ­ sellers Shop ­ store ­ Pood - place, where you can buy things Outlets - Firma esinduspood ­ a retail outlet Retail chains - Jaeketid - one company but many shops Shopping centres - Ostukeskused - malls Hypermarkets or superstores ­ hüpermarketid vs supermarketid Retail Park - Ärikeskus - there is number of large stores Department store - Kaubamaja - large shop which sell a wide variety of products Assuming ­ Eeldamine ­ expecting Consumer ­ Tarbija ­ person who buys goods for their own use Bargain hunter - Otsima allahindlusi - look for cheap goods High fidelity - Suur usaldusväärsus Flexibility - Paindlikkus Suppliers - Varustaja Sales pitch ­ what salespeople say to convince you to buy Quirky or unusual, untypical ­ Veider vs ebatavaline Alternative or not traditional ­ Alternatiivne vs...

Keeled → Inglise keel
121 allalaadimist

Stipendiumi taotlus

Scholarship application Essays My name is .... and I am asking for the Swedbank scholarship for the 2009-2010 academic year. My educational objective is to graduate in 2010 the Tallinn University of Technology and obtain a degree in Business to pursue a career in Accounting. I like to talk to you why I chose for my specialty of accountancy. I have always enjoyed working with computers and I love numbers. In high school was my favorite subject mathematics, too. Accountancy is the specialty, that allows me to pursue both interests ­ I can do something what I really enjoy. In future, when I have finished the university I like to go to work in bank. Maybe in the loan department, because there I have to expand lots of documents, that likes me very much. I like to do work, where I have always something to do. Now I want you to know something about me and my history. In my family, there are my mother, fat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Essee Eesti ja Usa haridussüsteedide võrdlus

TALLINN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING INGLISE KEEL Essee Differences between Estonian and USA school and education systems. Juhendaja: Koostanud: 2009 Differences between Estonian and USA school and education systems. Question is, how different are our own and this big country they call United States of America's education. Or maybe there is no difference at all, and our

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87 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne presentatsioon-Windows 7

Windows 7 MARTI merirand 093515IATB Features Better memory management Jump lists Moveable taskbar icons Customize UAC Snap to windows to screen edges Control over system Tray icons Media player Lightweight mode The announced versions of Windows 7 Windows 7 starter Windows 7 Home Basic Windows 7 Home Premium: Reccomended Choice for consumers Windows 7 Proffesional: Choice for Enthusiasts and small business customers Windows 7 Enterprise Windows 7 Ultimate The Task Bar Thumbnails can represent devices and applications Quick Launch toolbar is gone Tascbar icons can be moved and pinned as desired by user Jump Lists One click acces to task associated with an application Extends the recent documents feature from XP and Vista tying it to specific applications Start menu goes back to the two panes of windows XP If an application uses the standa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist


It is a well-known fact that most people will say they want to be successful in numerous, but success is many things to many people. Why is it difficult to define? What means real success to you? When we talk about success very often we think about money. Perhaps it happens because money pays a big role in our life. In other words, we can say if someone has money this person is successful. For some people the word success means being famous, for others it means being great at some specifc career. Yet for other people the word success means all together: having money, being good at one's professional life, personal life, romantic life, health life and so on. It is a very difficult task to start looking for a definition of success, because in fact it can have many different meanings. Puting it in another way; some people can see themselves doing great at some time of their life. Could every one else accept the fact those people had achi...

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6 allalaadimist



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3 allalaadimist

How to become successful?

How to become successful? Success as a rather abstract term has become the main goal that youngsters want to achieve nowadays when they are putting the things in their lives into perspective. Success is measured individually by each person based on their values, intrests and achievements. But what could be the gameplan when inching one's way towards success in my point of view? First of all, i believe that figuring out the path one wants to follow in life and being persistent on staying on that path is even more important than a well-rounded education. An excellent example to support that idea is Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Inc., who had a poor education, but a clear vision of what he wants to do. Conclusively, one will be able to foresee even some of the hurdles one will or will not have to overcome, a physicist knows, that his physical condition won't be a barrier on his ...

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3 allalaadimist

The Coca-Cola presentation

The Coca-cola Company The History of Coca Cola In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta. Fank Robinson ­ the bookkeeper of John Pemerton recommended to have Coca Cola for the name of the soft drink invented by Pemberton. Robinson also scripited the flowing Logo oF Coca ­ Cola. The soft drink was first sold to the in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. About nine servings of the soft drink were sold each day. The first year of the sales were a big loss which is quite logical i think. Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut ­ sales went up strictly. On April 23, 1985, the trade secret "New Coke" formula was released. Mission · To refresh the world... · To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... · To create value and make a difference. 2009 annual review : In 2009, our Com...

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68 allalaadimist

Fish and chips

Fish and chips Fish and chips is a hot dish of English origin, consisting of battered fish, commonly Atlantic cod or haddock, and deep-fried chips. It is a common takeaway food. The dish became popular in wider circles in London and South East England in the middle of the 19th century. Joseph Malin opened the first recorded combined fish-and-chip shop in London in 1860. Fish and chips traditionally wrapped in white paper or newspaper.Fish and chips is easy to make in home too.Chips are usally long friece fries or sliced chips.To make fish and chips you need:  Atlantic Cod or Haddock  Some beaking soda  Vinegar  Water  Flour Batt er

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2 allalaadimist

AC Voltage Regulators

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electricl Power Engineering and Mechatronics Report on Exercises 4 on Power Electronics AC Voltage Regulators Tallinn 2017 Given parameters: Output voltage, Ud = 20 V Input frequency, fin = 50 Hz Load resistance, Rload = 70 kOhm Calculations: U ¿ =2∗U out =2∗20=40V U max U rms = =17.09 V √2 Period = pulse width + delay => 10 ms = 5 ms + 5 ms Table 1. Control curve data. Delay time, Pulse with, Alpha, firing Switch SCR ms ms angle Uout, V Iout, mA Uout, V Iout, mA 0 10 0 28.14 ...

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2 allalaadimist

Three-Phase Rectifiers

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electricl Power Engineering and Mechatronics Report on Exercises 3 on Power Electronics Three-Phase Rectifiers Tallinn 2017 Given parameters: Output voltage, Ud = 10 V Input frequency, fin = 50 Hz Load resistance, Rload = 70 kOhm Calculations: M3 rectifier: u1 10 I d= = =0.143 mA R L 70000 2π Ud 2 π∗10 U ¿max = = =12.09 V 3 √3 3 √3 U ¿ max 12.09 U ¿rms = = =8.55V √2 √2 B6 rectifier: πUd π∗10 U ¿max = = =6.05 V 3 √3 3 √3 U ¿ max 6.05 U ¿rms = ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifiers

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electricl Power Engineering and Mechatronics Report on Exercises 1 on Power Electronics Single-Phase Half-Wave Rectifiers Tallinn 2017 Given parameters: Output voltage, Ud = 10 V Input frequency, fin = 50 Hz Load resistance, Rload = 70 kOhm Calculations: u1 10 I d= = =0.143 mA R L 70000 πUd 3.14∗10 US= = =22.2 V √2 √2 PIV =π∗Ud=3.14∗10=31.42V U max =√ 2∗U s=√ 2∗22.2=31.4 V Table 1. Value comparison table. Parameter Calculated Measured Error Ud, V 10 9.667 0.33 Fin,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifiers

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electricl Power Engineering and Mechatronics Report on Exercises 2 on Power Electronics Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifiers Tallinn 2017 Given parameters: Output voltage, Ud = 10 V Input frequency, fin = 50 Hz Load resistance, Rload = 70 kOhm Calculations: u1 10 I d= = =0.143 mA R L 70000 πUd 3.14∗10 US= = =11.1 V 2 √2 2 √2 U Smax =U S∗√ 2=11.1∗√ 2=15.7 V PIV =2∗U smax =2∗15.7=31.4 V I max=I d∗√ 2=0.143∗√ 2=0.2 V Table 1. Value comparison table. Parameter Calculated Measured Error Ud, V 10 9.6 0.3 Id, mA 0.143 0.137 0.006 Usmax...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Types of higer education

Types of higer education- 1. University- 2. Professional higer education establishment/University of Applied sciences- 3.Vocational educational establishment- Studies- 1. Bachelor`s degree- 2. Master`s degree- 3. Doctoral/Doctorate degree- 4. Credit points, credits- 5. In-service training- 6. Full-time study- 7. Distance learning- 8. To study correspondence- 9. To train applied engineers- Staff- 1. Administration- 2. Staff- 3. Rector- 4. Vice rector- 5. Dean- 6. Head of department- 7. Professor- 8. Lecturer, instructor- 9. Researcher- 10. Personnel- Places in a University- 1. Campus- 2. Faculty- 3. Department- 4. Main building- 5. Lecture room- 6. Auditorium- 7. Assembly hall- 8. Study library- 9. Reading room- 10. Study department- 11. Personnel department- 12. Dean`s office, rector`s office- 13. C...

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3 allalaadimist


THE CAPITALIST NIGER Chika Onyeani ………………………Every African must internalise this book - period….DAA INTRODUCTION In October 1960, Nigeria received its independence from Britain. By then, Ghana the former Gold Coast had been independent for three years under the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkumah. It was a time for celebrating Africa’s coming of age, as more and more African countries received their independence either from Britain or France. It was especially a poignant time for Africa, as then British Prime Minister Harold McMillan articulated his now famous “winds of change” sweeping Africa. We had high hopes for Africa, for the Black race, that the insidious imposition of foreign rule on us, the looting of Africa’s natural resources by our colonial masters accorded us would be things of history. That is more than forty years ago. Unfortunately, the promise of independence has not been fulfilled. Today, Africa has become more desolate; th...

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4 allalaadimist

Hazardous waste essee

Steve Astok If we are poisoning the Earth, then we are poisoning ourselves Hazardous waste is one of today's biggest environmental problems. The waste poses substantial threats to public health and to the environment. Hazardous waste is mostly produced by major industries. Almost all industries have to get rid of the waste that has been produced due to their work. Mostly, it is difficult and expensive to get rid of the waste so that it does not endanger the environment or human lives. Many industries create landfills to store waste and quite often the new landfill is near the water. The levels of dangerous waste continue to grow thanks to individuals too. Some people are too lazy to throw the trash into the litter bin. They think that it is easier to dump it without realizing that it could be dangerous for the en...

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8 allalaadimist

How can we increase the quality of breathable air? Essee

How can we increase the quality of breathable air? “I’ll go out for a breath of fresh air” is an often-heard phrase. But how many of us realize that this has become irrelevant in today’s world? Air pollution is the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. Firstly, we should use green methods of powering like wind energy and landfill gas energy. This would reduce the amount of harmful gases. Another useful suggestion would be to plant trees. In this way we can increase the source of breathable oxygen. Unfortunately, many companies are contributing to deforestation. Finally, it would help if we put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline. In this way people and companies will have greater incentives to conserve energy and pollute less. In conclusion, there are many ways to ...

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Old Tallinn

Kunda Gymnasium Rait Türkel Old Tallinn Report Instructor:Teacher Kristi Aron Kunda 2012 Introduction Like most cities with an eight-hundred-year-old past, Tallinn is a patchwork of historic areas. The city's pride and joy is without a doubt its Medieval Old Town, but equally enchanting is the Kadriorg district, a throwback to the time when Estonia was ruled by the Russian Tsars. Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It occupies an area of 159.2 km2 with a population of 416,470. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world.The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with urku, Finland.T...

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Describing people - appearance

Describing people ­ appearance Vanus ­ age Teismelise eas ­ in one's teens Varastes/keskmistes/hilistes kahekümnendates ­ in one's early/middle/late twenties Elatanud ­ elderly Keskeas ­ middle-aged Noor täiskasvanu ­ a young adult Vastsündinud ­ new born baby Pikkus/kehaehitus ­ height/build Keskimist kasvu ­ of medium/average height Laiaõlgne ­ broad-shouldered Hea kehaehitusega ­ well-built Muskliline ­ muscular Sale ­ slim Tüse ­ plump Ülekaaluline ­ overweight Rasvunud ­ obese Juuksed ­ hair Sirged ­ straight Heledad ­ blond/fair Laines ­ wavy Lokkis ­ curly Krussis ­ frizzy Turris, püstised ­ spiky Lühikeseks pöetud ­ (close-)cropped Kiilanev ­ balding kiilaspea ­ bald Õlgadeni ­ shoulder-lenght Keskmise pikkusega - medium-lenght Punakaspruunid, ingveri tooni ­ ginger Seitel keskel ­ a centre parting Nägu, huuled, nina, põsed, kulmud, ripsmed ­ face, lips, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes Nur...

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Swimming Jorke Raadik 7.B Tallinna Kristiine Gümnaasium Some of my personal facts about swimming I have been swimming for 7 and half years. The clubs were i have trained were Redmoto, Kalevi Ujumis kool and Orca swim club. How many years i have been swimming in other clubs At Redmoto i swam for half a year At Kalevi Ujumis kool i swam 2 years And at Orca Swim Club were i currently am for 5 years Question Name 1 swimmer who is known in Estonia and 1 who is know in the world About Michael Phelps He has won 28 medals and 23 of them are olympic golds He has a 200 m freestyle world record About swimming history Evidence of recreational swimming in prehistoric times has been found, with the earliest evidence dating to Stone Age paintings from ar...

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1 allalaadimist

What Makes a Successful Manager?

What Makes a Successful Manager? A manager is a person who is responsible for everything that happens in the company. He gives out orders to subordinates so that everything would function fluently and makes sure that those are fulfilled. A successful manager often is not a successful business owner because those are two totally different positions and demand for different qualities and personality traits. What makes a successful manager? Firstly, in my opinion the manager should be an excellent communicator and more important I find being a good motivator as employees normally quite often have ups and downs or loss of motivation, so it is crucial for the company that the manager were up to motivate and find suitable solutions for his subordinates. Secondly, I think that the manager should have a positive attitude, for example, even though the situation is really bad and some others would have given up as seeing it ...

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31 allalaadimist

Computers breed laziness and discontent

Computers breed laziness and discontent Nowadays most people have computers.People are getting more and more addicted to computers and of course Internet. I think that every human should control his or her computer using habits. First of all, people have to use their brains lesser. They do not have to remember how to spell words anymore, the computer does it all for them. What is more, students do not have to go library to do their home tasks. They can just use Internet search engines. For this reason, people`s brains grow lazy. Secondly, people are just sitting behind the computer and watching the screen. They are chatting or doing work but they do not understand that they must take break and do some exercises. In my opinion not exercising can make people stressed and unsatisfied. Finally, we think that is very comfort to communicate with friends and other people via Internet.This kind of communication can lead ...

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Inglise keel sõnad

Inglise keel Holidays package holiday-puhkusepakket trip-reis tour-ringreis resort-kuurort to go on holiday/take a vacation-puhkusele minema to go sightseeing-vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minema to stay in a guesthouse-peatuma külalistemajas coach-reisibuss to hire a car-autot rentima cruise-kruiis beach-rand scenery-maastikupilt wildlife-loodus tent-telk mobile home-haagissuvila pool-bassein equipment-varustus remote places-kõrvalised kohad ancient cities-iidsed linnad white water rafting-kärestiku parvetamine adventure-seiklus cable car-tõstuk backpacking-seljakotiga reisimine to be fed up-kõrini olema abroad/aboard-välismaal/kaldal high season-kõrghooaeg travel agent's-reisibüroo to cash travellers'cheques-tsekke sularahaks tegema jab-süst to book a ticket in advance-proneerima piletit ette regional cuisine-kohalik köök handicrafts-käsitöö accommodation-majutus well-equipped-hästi varustatud Travelling Chec...

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Child Progidy - Priyanshi Somani

Priyanshi Somani is a mental calculator. She was the youngest participant of the Mental Calculation World Cup 2010 and won the overall title. She is the only participant who has done 100% accuracy in Addition, Multiplication and Square Root till date in all four Mental Calculation World Cups. Somani is the winner of "Pogo Amazing Kids Awards 2010" in genius category. Her name is also added in the Limca Book of World Records. Priyanshi Somani was born on 16th november in 1998 in india. She is a daughter of businessman Satyen Somani and Anju Somani. She started learning Mental Maths at the age of 6. She was the youngest participant of the Mental Calculation World Cup 2010 and won the overall combination title in Germany. Somani claimed the title among 37 competitors from 16 countries, after standing 1st in extracting square roots from 6 digit numbers up to 8 significant digits in 6 minutes. She also has a World Cup Record in calcul...

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Inglise keele sõnad

1. Kingapael-shoelace(My shoelace came undone) 2. Keeris-whirlpool 3. Kube(me piirkond)-groin(How painful is it when a guy gets hit in the groin?) 4. Puhkemine-onset 5. Kruus-gravel(Gravel considered a small stone pieces) 6. Hape-acid(H2SO4 is a strong acid) 7. Uudsus, uudisesse-novelty 8. Põlgus,solvumine-contempt 9. Kõõlus-sinew(The sinew conects muscle to bone) 10. Kannatus,mure-distress 11. Habeme tüügas-stubble 12. Elavus,joovastus-exhilaration 13. Katuseta istekohad publikule-bleachers 14. Kaastunne-compassion 15. Ventima(aega)-stall 16. Kildukas purunema-shatter(The glass shattered into a thousend pieces) 17. Läbi imbuma-pervade 18. Juhmistama, oimetuks lööma-stun 19. Mässama, vastu hakkama-mutiny 20. Nõutuks tegema-baffle 21. Tagasi võtma, tagasi tõmbuma-withdraw 22. Vinguma-whine 23. Minema viskama-dump 24. Kummuli minema-capsize 25. Alla neelama, üle ujutama-engulf(The flames rapidly engulfed the house) 26. Viskama, heitma-pit...

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100 new words

1. Ceased Lakanud 2. Span Kaarelaius 3. Among Hulgas 4. Volume Kogus 5. Traffic Liiklus 6. Bonds Võlakirjad 7. Grants Toetused 8. Contemporary Kaasaegne 9. Landscape Maastik 10. Define Määratlema 11. Acclaimed Pälvinud 12. Magnificent Suurepärane 13. Enduring Püsiv 14. Exhibition Näitus 15. Principles Põhimõtted 16. Suspension Vedrustus 17. Sparked Tekitanud 18. Bascule Estakaad 19. Associate Liitlane 20. renowned Kuulus 21. Unprecedented Enneolematu 22. Bidders Pakkujad 23. Consolidation Ühendamine 24. Industry Tööstus 25. Competitors Võistlejad 26. Estimately Hinnanguliselt 27. Strands Tegevusvaldkond 28. Engineer Insener 29. Incorporated Asutatud 30. Respectively Vastavalt 31. Basis Alus 32. Manufactured Valmistatud 33. U...

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Alexander Nevski katedraal

The Russian Orthodox St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral The Russian Orthodox St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is designed by Mikhail Preobrazhensky ( a professor at St. Petersburg Academy of Arts) And built on the order of Alexander III between 1894 and 1900,during the period when the country was part of the Russian Empire The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is Tallinn's largest and oldest orthodox cathedral It is dedicated to Saint Alexander Nevsky who in 1242 won the Battel of the Ice on Lake Peipus The church's towers' hold Tallinn's most powerful church bell ensemble,consisting of 11 bells (one of them weighing 15 tonnes) Orthodoxy in Estonia is practiced by 12.8 % of the population,making it the second most identifield religion after Lutheran Christianity with 13.6 % Orthodoxy is mostly practiced within Estonia's Russian ethnic minority The first mention of an Orthodox...

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Chinatown review

Chinatown Review Chinatown is an American movie which was realeased in 1974, starring Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway and John Huston. Director Roman Polanski was recognized for this amazing movie. The film has categorized as mystery and psychological drama and for multiple times it has been listed among the greatest films in world cinema. 1 In 1975 the film was nominated for eleven Academy Award, which were Best writing-Original screenplay, Best actor in Leading Role, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Art Director-Set Decoration, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Music-Original Dramatic Score, Best Picture and Best Sound. An Oscar went to Robert Towne for Best Writing-Original Screenplay. It also has won three BAFTA Film Awards for Best Actor, Best Director and Best Screenplay, Edgar Allan Poe...

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The Internet and Social Order

The Internet and Social Order KAROLIN PETERSON The Internet is, as of today, a fairly unrestricted medium where all sorts of information can be published and accessed. Do I think there should be any restrictions and censorship imposed relating to inappropriate or potentially dangerous content that could pose a threat to public safety? In my opinion there shouldn't be any kind of information that could danger people available online e.g you can easily find instructions how to build a bomb (smoke bomb, atomic bomb) checking in online (e.g on facebook) shows where you are at the moment and that makes it easy for the burglars to know when you're away from home. Do I think the government has any right or reason to monitor people's online activity? The government should find out about potential threats online but should still let people keep their priva...

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The London Underground

The London Underground The London Underground is a really good way to travel in london. London Underground has more names than one (the Underground, the Tube and so on). The Underground servers a large parts of london like Greater London, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. It allso serves 270 stations, it's 402 kilometers (250 miles) long and it has 11 lines (Bakerloo line, Central line, Circle line, District line, Hammersmith & City line, Jubilee line, Metropolitan line, Norther line, Piccadilly line, Victoria line and finally Waterloo & City line ). All the lines have been color coded (Brown, Red,Yellow and so on). The Underground doesn't cost too much (In our age 1.40£ to 6.60£). If you use it regularly you can buy a "Oyster card", which you can use to store your rides/money. The first Underground was opened in 1863 (10 January) useing gas-lit wooden carriages hauled by steam locomotives and it was cal...

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Farm land rationalisation and land management

Põllumajandusmaa ratsionaliseerimine ja ­korraldus: Edasijõudnud maakorraldusstrateegiad Ida- ja Kesk- Euroopas Võtmesõnad: Maa killustatus, maapiirkondade tuluallikad, kaastegevus Valitud artikkel käsitles põllumajandusmaaga seonduvaid maakorralduslikke probleeme ja arenguid Teisest maailmasõjast kuni artikli koostamiseni 2002. Aastal Ida- ja Kesk- Euroopas. Artiklis tutvustati nimetatud valdkonnas toimunud arenguid ja nende tingitud vajalikke muudatusi maakorralduse vallas. Valisin selle artikli kuna olen küllaltki ajaloohuviline ja samas tundus ka teema lühida ülevaatuse põhjal mulle piisavalt huvitav, et seda põhjalikumalt uurida. Artiklit läbi töötades selgus, et minu ootused artikli ja ka selle teema kohta olid õigustatud ja tegemist oli väga asjaliku kirjutisega mis vaatamata kümne aasta möödumisele avaldamisest on minu hinnangul suures osas päevakohane ka täna. (Ridell, Rembold 2002) Artiklis tutvustatakse lühidalt maakorra...

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The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu 2012 The Subject The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook By Tanya Davis in 2007 Florida, USA Chapter 2: Predevelopment Chapter 3: Refining Your Idea Target group The target group of "The Real Estate Developer´s Click to edit Master text styles Handbook" consists of Second level anyone who is starting or Third level Fourth level has an interest in starting Fifth level working in the real estate developing scene, including students . Predevelopment · From the first glimpse to the beginning of construction. · Set up a "waterproof" business. · ...

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Retelling the Aboriginal people

Retelling the Aboriginal people 1. The formation of the continent Australia, a continent of geographic and biological diversity (mitmekesisus), has an amazing range of animal and plant life, as well as one of the world's oldest ethnic groups. After the last Ice age, when sea rose considerably (märkimisväärselt kasvanud), Australia and its largest island Tasmania, became isolated form the rest of Asia. 2. The earliest inhabitants The earliest humans living in Australia are called Aborigines and they are descended (pärinevad) from among the earliest humans in the world. For thousands of years Aborigines lived as hunter-gatherers along the coast and in the inland desert areas, following the same lifestyle as their ancestors. 3. Finding food and water Aboriginal tribes obtained water from trees and roots and even squeezed water out of the bodies of frogs. Women collected anything that grew or moved,...

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MUSE History Muse are an English rock band from Teignmouth Formed in 1994 Muse are known for their fusion of many music genres: progressive rock, alternative rock, heavy metal, classical music and electronica. Also they are known for their energetic and extravagant live performances. They are considered best live band in the world. Members Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Matthew Bellamy Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Members Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Christopher Wolstenholme Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Members Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Dominic Howard ...

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New Mexico

New Mexico 47th State Annika rösler Origin of the State Origin of the name: from Mexico, "place of Mexitli" an Aztec god or leader Name: New Mexico Abbreviation: N.M./NM Nickname: Land of Enchantment (1999) Basic Capital: Santa Fe Motto: Crescit eundo (It grows as it goes) Language: English/Spanish Number of counties: 33 Geographic center: Torrance Co., 12 mi. SSW of Willard. Size Land area: 121,356 sq mi. (314,312 sq km) Population est.: 2,059,179 (2010) New Mexico is smaller than Estonia. By size NM is in 5th place. State flag The flag of New Mexico. First time in New Mexico : Spanish explorers in 1540. On the flag: Red sun with rays stretching out from it. Joining the Union Jan. 6, 1912. 47th state Not a state at the time of the Civil War. (Union) Symbols Flower: yucca Tree: pinon Animal: black bear Bird: roadrunner Fish: cutthroat trout Vegetables: chili and frijol Gem: turquoise Song: "O Fair New M...

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North Carolina

North Carolina Annika Rösler Origin of the state l Nickname: Tar Heel State l Origin of name: In honor of Charles I of England l State abbreviation: N.C./NC l Name for Residents - North Carolinians Basic l Capital: Raleigh l Motto: Esse quam videri (To be rather than to seem) l Largest City - Charlotte Size l Land area: 48,711 sq mi. (126,161 sq km) l 2010 resident population est.: 9,535,483 l Number of counties: 100 l North Carolina is the 28th biggest state in the U.S Joining the Union l Entered Union (rank): Nov. 21, 1789 l North Carolina was the 12th state to join. l North Carolina joined the Confederacy during the Civil War. State flag North Carolina's official flag was adopted in 1885. l Symbols l Flower: dogwood (1941) l Tree: pine (1963) l Bird: cardinal (1943) l Mammal: gray squirrel (1969) l Insect: honeybee (1973) l Reptile: eastern box turtle (1979) Symbols l Gemstone: emerald (1973) ...

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Heavy rock (heavy metal)

Heavy rock(heavy metal) Heavy metal on 1960. aastate lõpul ning 1970. aastate algul bluesist ja rockist tekkinud muusikasuund, mida algusaastatel iseloomustasid sünged, sageli okultsetemõjutustega, laulutekstid, depressiivsete meloodiate kasutamine ning mille mängimisel omasid muusikainstrumentidest suuremat rõhku elektrikitarrid ja trummid. Aastate jooksul on stiil pidevalt arenenud ja laienenud ning hõlmab tänapäeval väga erinevaid alamstiile, mis muusikaliselt võivad üksteisest olla üsna erinevad. Esimesed zanrid olid hard rock, shock rock, progresiivne metal, glam metal, pop metal ja briti heavy metali uus laine (tihti tuntud akronüümina NWOBHM, new wave of British heavy metal). AC/DC - Austraalia päritolu hard rock ansambel. Angus ja Malcolm ning nende vend George Young olid sündinud Sotimaal Glasgow's, kuid kolisid perega 1963. aastalAustraaliasse Sydney'sse...

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5 allalaadimist

"The Catcher in the Rye" ("Kuristik rukkis") Salinger - Book report/review

BOOK REPORT Title of the book: The Catcher in the Rye Author: Jerome David Salinger (January 1, 1919 ­ January 27, 2010) was an American writer who died at the age of 91. He was married three times and has two children. Some of his most notable works are The Catcher in the Rye, Nine Stories and Franny and Zooey. The Catcher in the Rye is by far the most famous and most critiqued book of his, selling over 250,000 copies every year. In total the book has sold over 65 million copies worldwide. The success of The Catcher in the Rye led to public attention: Salinger became reclusive, publishing new work less frequently. Analysis of the book 1. Setting The story starts in the year 1950 when the novel's protagonist and narrator Holden starts telling a story from a hospital about the events of last year's winter. Most of the story takes place in winter of 1949 just over a coupl...

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9 allalaadimist

Kodutöö: Research (Internet addiction)

Research INTERNET ADDICTION This study set out with the aim of assessing the negative effects of computer addiction in life. The results of this study show that the Internet may become a problem when it absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relations, your work, school, or other important things in your life. Surprisingly, computer addiction covers a variety of impulse-control problems including cybersex addiction, cyber-relationship addiction, net compulsions, information overload and Internet addiction. These findings supports the importance of the Internet addiction. Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. This suggests that it's important to remember that there are healthier (and more effective) ways to keep difficult feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, using sensory relaxation strategies, and practi...

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English literature

ENGLISH LITERATURE Ancient Britain Lived on the British Isles in the 1st millenium. They most probably came from Eastern Europe and belonged to the Celtic race and also spoke Celtic. They were primitive hunters- gatherers, farmers. Some Celtic words are still used in modern English, however they are used mostly in place names. For example: · avon ­ river · cumb ­ valley · ford ­ shallow place in the river Ancient Britons had their own religion and priests or druids and temples. In the year 55 BC Britain became a Roman province. Romans were highly developed and had their own language ­ latin, which has also greatly influenced English. The military occupation of the Isles ended in 410 AD. The Romans eventually brought Christianity to Britain. Hadrian's wall on the border of Scotland and England. It began constru...

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rich became richer poor people became poorer working class began to fight for rights towns began to grow families were separated work was hard working hours-> 12 hours in 19th century many new newspapers started to appear. magazines books house of commons-> rich bankers and rich people *kasvatati Kensingtoni süsteemi järgi *abiellus Albertiga *valitses 63 aastat ja 7 kuud *tal oli 9 last 42 lapselast. they brought rabbits to australia. What was the function of the Sunday school? ...

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Problems of the planet

PROBLEMS OF THE PLANET Problems ­ Cause - Effect 1. Destruction of the rainforests ­ Trees are cut down to make room for cattle or to get paper and land ­ Less clean air, Loss of natural habitat = die 2. Water pollution ­ Factories, oil tankers, farmers use pesticities that get into our drinking water ­ Sea life close to extinction, No clean drinking water, Beaches polluted 3. Air pollution ­ Cars and factories give off fumes ­ Cities will become impossible to live in, Breathing problems, Allergies 4. Famine ­ Crops failing (saak ikaldub), Overpopulation = lack of food ­ People die of hunger 5. Flooding ­ Climate changes cause excessive raining, Polar icecaps melting (makes sea levels rise) ­ People lose their homes, Loss of animals, Loss of land 6. Drought ­ Lack of rain due climate changes ­ All vegetation, animals and people die 7. Holes in the ozone ...

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3 allalaadimist

How can we reduce air pollution level in cities?

How can we reduce air pollution level in cities? The air pollution levels are extremely high in cities, but how can people change this situation? Cars and big factories emit lots of deleterious gases into the air, for example carbonic acid gas, cities are not healthy places to live anymore. Firstly, we should using the public transport. Everybody can walk and bicycle instead of driving cars. Vehicles emit a lot of harmful gases into the air. Every family member does not need his or her own car. One car for the whole family would minimise the number of cars in cities and air pollution levels will come down. Secondly, people have to recycle. It would help reduce factories work. It will emit less harmful gases into the air. Finally, we should plant more trees in cities and also create more national parks. They produce oxygen. In conclusion, there are many ways to make cities better...

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4 allalaadimist

British humor

BRITISH HUMOR Marie Viiol Marju Pall Ineken Nuut Ada Leif 12.a Tartu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium BRITISH HUMOR United Kingdom and it's former colonies Sarcasm and self-deprecation Deadpan delivery Insensitive to other cultures No subject is taboo Lack of subtlety, crass THEMES INNUENDO ­ SATIRE ­ imply to sth or ridiculing human someone vice or weakness Sexual humor Most commonly Shakespeare polititians ,,Young men will Irony, sarcasm, do't if they come parody to't/By Cock, they ,,I'm not young are to blame" enough to know everything." THEMES ABSURD ­ surreal Unreasonable Monty Python Compared ...

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Global Warming

Global warming Global Warming effects on the natural balance of environment Climate significant change day by day What causes it? Greenhouse gases Fuel burning Ozone layer Deforestation traffic clogging up the city streets rapid growth of unplanned industries the use of CFCs in packaging and manufacturing products Detergents Overpopulation Killing animals like birds, big cats, lions, tigers What it causes? Temperature raising Melting polar ice sheets Currents change its circulation e.g. The Gulf Stream El nino Pollution sea-water to swell up. Natural system Animals deaths Sea level rise reduce mankind's ability to grow foods, destroy wildlife. Agriculture, forestry and fishery damaged Is it dangerous is very dangerous for our existence and survival. sun's scorching heat comes to earth in a direct way the earth's surface becomes seriously heated. What should we do to prevent the dangerous effects of GW? We should not cut off tree...

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Ülo Sooster life and time

Ülo Sooster life and time · [slaid 1] Ülo Sooster was born on 17. October 1924 in the village of Ühtri, Käina county, on the island of Hiiumaa. And he died in 25 October 1970, in Moscow. · He started school in his homevillage of Ühtri and continued on the island, in Kärdla. His high school days were spent in Tallinn at France Lycee. Ülo Sooster studied art in Tartu during the period of 1943 ­ 1949. During his first year there, the scool was renamed the ,,Pallas Higher Art School". · In November of 1949 Ülo Sooster and the men belonging to his circle of friends were arrested, acvused of hardended decadence and bourglious natsionalism (süüdistatuna paadunud dekadendsuses ja kodanlikus natsionalismis). · The fate carried him to a prison camp in Karanganda. Despite everything he continued creating his art there and even found offical ,,application" as the camp's artist. In Krangand...

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Ülo Ilmar Sooster

Ülo Ilmar Sooster Ülo Sooster life and time Born on 17. October 1924 Died on 25. October 1970 Schools: homevillage school in Ühtri, Kärdla school. Franch Lycee and Tartu art school. 1949 Ülo Sooster were arested. He was in a prison camp, in Karanganda. In 1956 the returned to Estonia together. 1957 he went back to Moscow. Tennopent Sooster 28. December 1957 Treasured member of Moscow's alternative art crowd. His works weren't missing from practically a single exhibition in Moscow. International artist. His art. Three periods: pallaslik, modernistic and surrelistic. Pallaslik art: time when he was learning at Pallas Art School, 19431949 Modernistic and surrelistic art were parallel. Junipers, fishes and eggs. Main tools: pencil, oil, Indian ink, felt marker. Personal exhibitions 1971 Tartu Art Museum 1971 Tallinn Art Hall Lounge 1979 The United Committee of Graphics, Moscow ...

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The European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union where are 27 member states drom European continent. The EU operates through a system of independent institutions and decisions are made by the member countries. EUs population is of over 500 million inhabitants which is 7.3% of the world population, there are 23 different languages and for now 17 countries are using EUs common currency Euro. EU was founded after World War II, when Europe was struggeling in social and political devastations. In 1948 a congress in Hague was held to discuss ideas about the development of European political co-operation. There were many important political figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Winston Churchill. On 9th May in 1950 French Minister of Foreign Affairs proposed that France and the Federal Republic of Germany should combine their coal and steel resources and let other European countries join also. From that on, the 9th of May has been cons...

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun