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"idiot" - 43 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: idiot

Faile: 0

Noun/Adjective, Verb/Noun

collect collection prefer preference organize organization idiot idiotic conclude conclusion compare comparison visit visit steadiness steady

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs with take inglise keele ühendtegusõnad koos eessõnaga take

TAKE BACK = A. retract sth said B. return sth to a store, exchange A. The politician tried to take back what he said to the press. B. The gift I received didn't fit, so I took it back and exchanged it for sth else. TAKE DOWN = A. write what is spoken, keep notes B. remove A. The secretary took down the minutes of the meeting B. The building owners had to take down the wifi tower on top of their building. TAKE FOR = consider, view Don't take him for an idiot... he's actually quite smart. TAKE IN = A. learn B. deceive C. make smaller D. watch A. Many students have difficulties taking in all these phrasal verbs. B. She was taken in by the smooth talking salesman. C. The tailor took in my jacket after I lost weight. D. Let's take in a movie sometime. TAKE OFF = A. launch plane or rocket B. remove C. leave work for some time D. leave A. The rocket took off with a loud blast and cloud of smoke. D. We took off after the last bell rang.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Vaimsed võimed

Indikaatorite indiferentsuse reegel · On väga raske konstrueerida sellist vaimsete võimete alltesti, mis ei oleks korreleeritud ehk seoses kõigi teiste alltestidega · Kõik vaimsete võimete alltestid on omavahel üsna tugevalt seotud · Seega, lisaks erivõimetele mõõdavad need testid veel midagi, mis on ühine kõigile alltestidele ­ g-faktor (generaalne) · Üldfaktori teooria töötas välja Charles Spearman (1863-1945) Idiot savant · Mõned erilised oskused, näiteks peastarvutamine või joonistamine, ei eelda kuigi kõrget vaimse võimekuse taset · Idiot savant (,,harimatu õpetlane") tähistab inimesi, kelle õppimis-, kirjutamis- ja lugemisvõime jääb oluliselt alla keskmise inimese võimele, kuid kes ilmutab erakordseid oskusi ühes kindlas valdkonnas (IQ võib olla 25 punkti) · Aritmeetika, muusika, joonistamine, mälu · Esinev eriti autistide hulgas · Film ,,Vihmamees" (Rain Man)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
21 allalaadimist


" *"Life is like a bad dream. The only difference is you don't feel happy to wake up." *You'll never see me fall apart *I'd like to read a story in the newspaper that ends with "but she was just having a bad dream, really she's okay." *Availability is a question of time. The minute you get interested is the minute they find someone else. *I have two sides of brain: left and right one. In the left one there is nothing right and in the right one there is nothing left. * Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. *We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. *goodbye to yesterday *Due to lack of interest tomorrow has been cancelled

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist


* If the left half of the brain controls the right hand, and the right half the left, then lefthanded people are the only ones in their right minds. * I'm going to live forever. Or die trying. * Kill one person you're a murderer, kill ten people your a serial killer, kill a million and you get invited to a peace conference. * Knowledge is knowing something. Wisdom is knowing what to do with that knowledge. * Love makes time pass. Time makes love pass. * Making the world smarter, one idiot at a time. * Mankind can not, and will not, destroy its self. But a few men can. * My body may be broken, but not my spirit. * Never look down on anyone unless you're helping him up. * Nobody is perfect. I am nobody. * None of us are as stupid as all of us. * Pray for what you want. Work for what you need. * Practice does not make perfect...Perfect practice makes perfect. * So close, and yet so far away. * Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Character- inglise keel

25. Arglik, häbelik ­ shy 26. Oma tundeid näitama ­ show her feelings 27. Huumorimeel ­ sense of humor 28. Töökas ­ hard-working 29. Laisk ­ lazy 30. Täpne ­ punctual 31. Alati hilineb ­ always late 32. Usaldusväärne ­ reliable 33. Ebausaldusväärne ­ unreliable 34. Tark, nutikas ­ clever 35. Rumal - stupid 36. Paindlik ­ flexible 37. Järeleandmatu ­ inflexible 38. Ambitsioonikas, edasipüüdlik ­ ambitious 39. Kaine, praktiline mõistus ­ common senise 40. Idioot ­ and idiot 41. Esmamuljed ­ first impressions 42. Väga head esmamuljet jätma ­ make a very good impressioon 43. Näima ­ come across as 44. Näima, paistma ­ appears to be 45. Lahkus ­ kindness 46. Optimism ­ optimism 47. Täpsus ­ punctuality 48. Laiskus ­ laziness 49. Usaldus, kindlus, usk ­ confidence 50. Ambitsioon ­ ambition 51. Ülbe, upsakas ­ arrogant 52. Kamandav ­ bossy 53. Võistlev, konkureeriv ­ competitive 54. Kaha jalaga maas ­ down­to-earth 55. Lojaalne ­ loyal 56

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

My Chemical Romance

My Chemical Romance on Ameerika rock-bänd New Jerseyst. Bänd alustas tegevust 2001. aastal. Bändi liikmed on Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero ja Mikey Way. Varajane karjäär (2001-2002) Bänd formeerus, kui umbes üks nädal pärast 9.11.2001 rünnakuid said kokku Gerard Way ja endine trummar Matt Pelissier. Gerard oli näinud, kuidas lennukid World Trade Center'isse sisse lendasid. See mõjutas tema elu nii palju, et ta otsustas alustada bändi. Gerard kirjutas oma esimesee laulu "Skylines and Turnstiles", et väljendada oma tundeid 11. septembri kohta. Mõne aja pärast helistati Ray Torole ja kutsuti ta bändi, kuna sel ajal ei suutnud Gerard laulda ja samal ajal kitarri mängida. Bändi esimesed lindistused tehti Matti pööningul, kus laulud "Our Lady of Sorrows" (sel hetkel nime all "Bring More Knives") ja "Cubicles" linti võeti. Mikey Way'le, Gerardi nooremale vennale, meeldisid demod nii palju, et ta otsustas bändiga liituda. Bändi nime võttis ...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist


sister chose a black dress and a shiny golden bracelet. "Why that?" Suzan asked her, yet the twin only smiled. They were similar, but thought very differently ­ especially Creasha, who considered herself a mighty bounty hunter as well, just as Denis was is the eyes of the society. "Let's check that noise out," said Creasha and jumped from the open window to the slippery rooftop. "Are you crazy? You'll get killed there!" "Come and help me then!" "You idiot!" But Creasha only smiled as an answer. Soon the both girls were climbing on the roof. "Wait," said Creasha, the oldest. "What is it?" "What do you mean, can't you hear that?" "Hear what?" "This...I don't know how to describe it,,, It's like a clock's ticking or something!" "Maybe it's a bomb?" asked Suzan with an irony in her voice, her imagination was very rich. Creasha went really pale and shook her sister. "A bomb? You really think so?" "It could be

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Aforismid ja mõtteterad

Ma armastan sind liiga palju, et sind muuta ja ennast liiga palju, et sinuga leppida. See, et jumal mees on, ei tähenda, et iga mees jumal on. Inimesed, kes vihkavad kasse, sünnivad järgmises elus hiirtena... I know I'm not easy to love, but could you try anyway ? Behind every great woman, is a guy looking at her ass. Boys hate 2 words: "don't" and "stop" , but they love them , when they are together Aeg ei paranda haavu ta muudab meid tuimaks Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. It's easy to give up smoking.. I know, I've done it thousands of times Seoses Eesti liitumisega 1. jaanuarist 2011 eurotsooniga hakkab Kamasutra poos, varem tuntud kui 69, kandma nime 4,41. I finally found you ­ my missing puzzle piece ! I'm complete. Ära usu mu ilusaid sõnu, enne kui pole näinud tegusid.Ära usu mu süütuid silmi, enne kui pole näinud neis pisaraid. Ära usu mu

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
39 allalaadimist

Indefinite pronouns

• With questions except the types noted above: Have you got any money? Did he catch any fish? • After if, whether and in expressions of doubt: If you need any money, please let me know. I don’t think there is any petrol in the tank. 2 Some or any can be used with singular, countable nouns: Some here usually means ’an unspecified or unknown’: Some idiot parked his car outside my garage. Or other can be added to emphasize that the speaker isn’t very interested: He doesn’t believe in conventional medicine; he has some remedy or other of his own. Any can mean ’practically every’, ‘no particular (one)’: Any book about writing will tell you how to saddle a horse. Any dictionary will give you the meaning of these words. No (+ Noun) and none (+ Pronoun)

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The Norman Conquest

his uncle's death, he crossed to England from France and was crowned king. Theobald accepted his younger brother's success, but Matilda did not give up her claim. Also as before, the nobles in England had to choose between Stephen, who was in England, and Matilda, who had quarrelled with her father and who was still in France. Most chose Stephen, who seems to have been good at fighting but little else. He was described at the time as "of outstanding skill in arm, but in other things almost an idiot, except that he was more inclined towards evil." In 1141 Matilda invaded England. Her fight with Stephen led to a terrible civil war, her supporters defeated Stephen in battle and took him prisoner. A council of noblemen at Winchester deposed Stephen and elected Matilda as ruler of England. But Matilda quickly made herself unpopular. Before the end of the year, the English barons released Stephen and he was again crowned king.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
11 allalaadimist

Mõtteterade kogumik

Usu ning sa suudad kõike. Leia oma tee. Mitte kunagi, mitte mingisugustel asjaoludel ei tohi võtta sisse kõhulahtistit ja unerohtu samal öösel. Ära muretse selle üle, mida inimesed mõtlevad, nad ei tee seda eriti tihti. Mitte ükski tõestusmaterjal ei viita sellele, et elu on tõsine asi. I'm not a complite idiot, some parts are missing. Kõik naised on inglid..kui neil aga tiivad murtakse..istuvad nad luua selga! Kes kaua sõuab, sellel mädanevad aerud ära. Kui tunned et tahaks kohe hirmsasti midagi teha, heida pikali, ehk läheb üle. ,,Eksimine on inimlik'' ütles siilike, ning ronis kaktuse otsast alla. Mehed on nagu pilved, kui nad hommikul ära lähevad, võib veel ilus päev tulla.

Psühholoogia → Mõjutamise psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

221. It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. 222. I did not attend his funeral; but I wrote a nice letter saying I approved of it. 223. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them. 224. Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. 225. He was an incorrigible borrower of money; he borrowed from all his friends; if he ever repaid a loan the incident failed to pass into history. 226. By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity. Another man's, I mean. 227. When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist


Sa õpetasid mind armastama , äkki õpetad nüüd ka unustama ! Lase end õhku , õhus on armastust!!:P You know that I love you, why do you don't love me back? Poisi elus on armastus vaid peatükk , tüdruku elus, aga terve raamat. True love storyes never have endings! I'm not a complite idiot, some parts are missing. Kui hulluks lähen , võtan sinu küll kaasa ! Vabal ajal olen normaalne, aga vaba aega mul kahjuks ei ole. Ma ei käitu sinu pilli järgi, kuna sinu pill on häälest ära I rock , you suck. It's end of the story Mitu korda ma pean vett tõmbama, et sa ära kaoksid ? Hommikul ärgates leidsin padja pealt kirja

Eesti keel → 7. klassi ajalugu
23 allalaadimist


*If you love someone tell them ,because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. *Kills for the beauty. *I'm the girl your parents warned you about. *Tired of trying ,sick of crying. Yeah i'm smiling ,but inside i'm dying. *I shine like a star. *You didn't lose me ,you let me go. *831 means: "I love you" 8 letters ,3 words ,1 meaning. *Smile...Tomorrow will be worse. *Good gifts come in small packages. *I'm not a complete idiot some parts are missing. *Everyone smile in the same language. *If i had to choose between breathing and loving you ,I would use my last breath to say:"I love you." *Love is like a war:easy to start ,hard to end ,impossible to forget. *If you were to ask how many times you run through my mind ,i'd only say:once,because you never even left. *"I love you," is eight letters, so it's bullshit.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
48 allalaadimist

English literature

­ and alliteration. It is structured as two parts. In the first part King Hroghtgar, king of Danes built a palace ­ Hereot ­ near a lake. He disturbed the lake monsters sleep with his racuous parties. Grendel then goes to the castle every night and kidnaps a man. This went on for 12 years. Beowulf, a young viking, decides to put an end to it. He chooses 14 men to join him and sails across the strait ­ with no weapns, mind you, because Grendel fought unarmed and Beowulf was an idiot ­ however according to the rules of fiction he defeats Grendel. To reward him the king gave Beowulf armour of precious metals. At night Grendel's mother come for revenge at night, Beowulf defeats her as well with a magic sword. At the beginning of part II 50 years have passed. Beowulf is a wise king of Jutland when a fire dragon comes to exact revenge for the theft of its precious cup. B. summons his men to battle the dragon, but only one man shows up

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Individual Differences (Differential Psychology) Psychology 1 It is generally assumed that: Differential Psychology · People vary on a range of psychological attributes Ian Deary · It is possible to measure and study these individual differences · Individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance Differential psychology reading Human...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

names of wapons: sword-mõõk, coat of mail-soomusrüü; names of musical instruments: loot-lauto, lyra-lüüra). New words include neologisms and nonce words: neologisms are words that appear to satisfy the needs of society. They stand for new things and concepts that appear due to the development of science and thought. (nt, lasor, computer, nuclear physics, high-fi). *affixation-jawnee, deadee(surnu portree), to criminalise *composition- vanity-surgery, idiot box *conversion-to time-table, to beaver *back formation- to sight see, to play act *abbreviation- marvy-marvellous *blending-botel(boat plus hotel), candygram(candy plus telegram) Abstract neologisms are words in which no word building type is present. Random letters are put together. Nonce words are made up by the writer to sound original, expressive or humerous. (nt, togetherness, withness, to hamletize) Such words are not used by other people as a rule, but some words found their way to engl

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Aforismid ja mõtteterad

D Our thoughts define our reality. O Mu maailm kukub kokku & õnnelik lõpp jookseb minema . M Sõprus on kiirtee keskel kulgev kõnniteeriba. S If I could give you one thing I would wish for you, the ability to see yourself as oothers see you, then you would realize what a truly special person you are!! Life isn't about waiting storm to pass , it's about learning to dance in the rain . Läbikukkumine on osa elust ja mina ei ole tüdruk, kes midagi tegemata jätaks L II'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing. Tahtsin seda öelda, et kõik ei peagi mind mõistma. Ma olengi üks suur mõistatus . It kills me to know that you're online, but you wont talk to me then I realize. She's oonline too I'm going to smile like nothing's wrong, talk like everything's perfect, act like it's all a ddream and pretend it's not hurting me. Honey, even if its fake... I love your smile. H Elu on kui imelik anekdoot , kord on naljakas , kord mõttetu , kord ajab naerma ja

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
307 allalaadimist

Individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia

Individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia I loeng - Kõigil on 1 pea – eksam valikvastustega Isiksus, intelligentsus ja individuaalsed erinevused Definitsioonid - Isiksus: suhteliselt püsivad ja mingile konkreetsele inimesele iseloomulikud regulaarsused käitumises, tunnetes ja mõtlemises o Iseloomulik: eristab teda teistest -> individuaalsed erinevused o Iseloomulik on talle tähtis, teeb temast selle kes ta on -> unikaalsus - Intelligentsus: vaimne võimkus, võime lahendada keerulisi mõtlemisülesandeid - Seletus vs kirjeldus: o Struktuurid või ’mehhanismid’ : kuidas ja miks inimene käitub nii nagu ta käitub – kitumise seletamine o Mõõdetavad individuaalsed erinevused: mõned inimesed on näiteks ekstravertsemad kui teised; nendel erinevustel ei ole ühtainsat seletust Isiksuse mõõtmine Enesekohased...

Psühholoogia → Individuaalsete erinevuste...
171 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

technology, on and through which the American way of life was formed. It is, however, no time to suggest strategies when the threat has not even been acknowledged to exist. I am in the position of Louis Pasteur telling doctors that their greatest enemy was quite invisible, and quite unrecognized by them. Our conventional response to all media, namely that it is how they are used that counts, is the numb stance of the technological idiot. For the "content" of a medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind. The effect of the medium is made strong and intense just because it is given another medium as "content." The content of a movie is a novel or a play or an opera. The effect of the movie form is not related to its program content. The "content" of writing or print is speech, but the reader is almost entirely unaware either of print or of speech.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ülevaade psühholoogiast

Ülevaade psühholoogiast eksam. 6. jaanuar kell 14.00 1. Mis on psühholoogia Psühholoogia on teadus inimese psüühikast. Teadus mis uurib inimese hinge- ja vaimuelu olemust ning avaldamise viise. See on õpetus hingeelu nähtustest ja käitumisest. Psühholoogia on teadus, mis uurib käitumist ja vaimsed protsesse ehk psüühikat. 2. Mis on psüühika? Psüühika on organismi võime peegeldada keskkonda ning vastavalt sellele muuta oma käitumist, peamiseks eesmärgiks on maailmast tervikpildi loomine. Psüühika on organismi sisemuses toimuvate protsesside kogum, mille kohta tehakse järeldusi välist käitumist järgides. 3. Kuidas jagunevad psüühilised nähtused? Psüühilised nähtused jagunevad: Psüühilisteks protsessideks – vaimne tegevus välismaailma peegeldamisel, tunnetusprotsessid – aistingud, tajud, kujutlus, mõtlemine, tähelepanuprotsess jt. Psüüh...

Psühholoogia → Ülevaade psühholoogiast
43 allalaadimist

Punk rock kokkuvõte

While they were viewed as Green Day "acolytes",[334] critics also found teen pop acts like Britney Spears, the Backstreet Boys, and 'N Sync suitable points of comparison for Blink-182's sound and market niche.[337] The band's Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (2001) and Blink-182 (2003) respectively rose to numbers one and three on the album chart. In November 2003, That same year, Green Day, which had gone through a relatively fallow period commercially, took American Idiot to number one on both the U.S. and UK charts; the band matched the feat five years later with 21st Century Breakdown. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day The Offspring - Self Esteem The Clash "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" SUBMISSION-SEX PISTOLS The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen Simple Plan - Your Love Is A Lie Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care Joan Jett - Bad Reputation J.M.K.E. - Tere Perestroika Bowling For Soup - Punk Rock 101 Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus "Psühholoogia Gümnaasiumile"

Psühholoogia gümnaasiumile Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus Psühholoogia, psüühika, teadvus Psühholoog töötab nõustajana, kelle ülesandeks on anda inimesele abi, kui neil on hingehädasid, millega nad ise toime ei tule. - Psühhoteraapia - protsess, millal inimese aitamiseks on vaja selleks teda tundma. - Psühholoogia - teadus, mis uurib inimese (ja loomade) hinge- ja vaimuelu olemust ning avaldumise viise. Psühholoogia - teadus inimese psüühikast (sündmus kellegi peas / vaimsed ja hingelised tegevused). - Psüühika - organismi võime peegeldada keskkonda ning vastavalt sellele muuta oma käitumist. Psühholoogia ei uuri ainult psüühikat, vaid ka organismide käitumist. - Teadvus - teadlik olemine välise maailma ja iseenda olemasolust, seisunditest ja tegudest. Teadvustamata psüühilised protsessid: 1) teadvust...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
99 allalaadimist


- Mida ilusam poiss, seda mürgisem süda. - Tütarlaps piinab seda poissi, keda armastab! - Unistused on nagu paber mis puruneb kergesti. - This reality is really just a fucked-up dream. - Mul on miljon põhjust et minna, aga üks põhjus et jääda. - I'm a fucked up little freaky girl in her little fucked up freaky world - Ja Su üks lause ja see üks moment võib muuta KÕIKE! - It supposed to be you and me, not you and SHE - I'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing. - "I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere!" - Please, don't flirt with me and make me feel special, unless you really mean it - Tahtsin seda öelda, et kõik ei peagi mind mõistma. Ma olengi üks suur mõistatus - When i'm with you, I smile and laugh I seem happy. But when I'm alone, I cry and feel pain in my heart. I am really sad because you're not mine. You're her's

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
36 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

tailored voice, very dead, stony silence) Trite epithets are highly predictable (sweet smile, rosy lips) Compound epithets are compound adjectives (a cloud-shaped man) Syntactic epithet has a structure: A+NOUN/ADJECTIVE+A+NOUN (a devil of a time) Phrase epithets are hyphened words built out of a phrase or a whole sentence (an I- couldn't-care-less attitude) Sentence epithet is a one word sentence. Here a noun is used with an exclamation mark. (Fool! Thief! Idiot!) String epithet occurs in strings (a nice kind dear fellow) From the point of view of meaning epithets may me: · Metaphorical epithets are based on a metaphor--soft smile, whispering trees · Transferred epithet transfers the quality of one object to its nearest neighbour He was tossing his head on a sleepless pillow, She shrugged her indifferent shoulders) Oxymoron is a combination of 2 words with clashing meaning. (Living corpse, calm

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist


akadeemilistele võimetele, on liiga kitsad ­ arvesse tuleb võtta ka teiste inimeste soorituse aspekts, et anda täiuslik ülevaade inteligentsest käitumisest. Savandid · Isikud, kes tavaliselt saavutavad tavapärasel skaaladel mõõdetud madalad intelligentsuse tulmused, kuid kellel võib olla üks suurepärane võime. Seetõttu anti sellistele inimestele nimetus idiot savant. Howen ja Smith kirjeldasid Davei juhtumit, kellel oli hoolimata madalast IQ tasemest, suurepärane võime arvutada kuupäevi. Intelligentsustesti kasutamine · Hoolimata murest tavapäraste intelligentsus testide sisu valitsuse suhtes kasutatakse neid siiski sageli, sest need on üheks meetodiks selgitada välja lapse tugevad ja nõrgad küljed. · ÕPIRASKUSTEGA LAPSED ­ kehva õppeedukusega laste hindamisel

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
84 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

they still have made a step forward, they have will to leave. There are two memorable scenes that somewhow symbolise the will to live. When roses baby dies, he breasfeeds the dying man, he gives his milk to a dying man, he saves the mans life. ,,Of mice and men". It is a kind of folk tragedy, set on a california ranch. And two men arrive at this ranch. George and Lenny, the protagonists. George is fairly intelligent but impractical worker. Lenny is in many ways opposite, he is half witted, idiot, gentle and giant. The two of them start of dreaming about buying a ranch of their own. Man called candy, he has some money, he is supposed to provide money. Soon the dream becomes the drug, ends in tragedy and disaster. One point Lenny sees a young girl who tries to flirt with him and he kills her, crushes her. But he is aware that he has done something wrong, he goes to George, and George knows that the police are looking for him and he shoots Lenny, when he kills Lenny

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


Ma avastasin ainsa võimaluse, kuidas kõhna muljet jätta ­ veedan aega paksude seltskonnas. *Mida ühist on benji-hüppel ja prostituudil?Mõlemad maksavad tonna ja kui kumm katki läheb oled omadega perses.:D Täna hommikul sain hea tünga. Tegin alasti kätekõverdusi ja ei märganud hiirelõksu. *Mõeldes mõttetuid mõtteid mõistad ­ mõttetul mõttel on mõnikord mõte. Üks asi , mida ma kaotanud asjadest kõige rohkem igatsen on mu mõistus. I'm not a complite idiot, some parts are missing. Vabal ajal olen normaalne, aga vaba aega mul kahjuks ei ole. Sulgen õhtuti kõik uksed, sest unemati on pervert . Kurvast pepust ei tule õnnelikku peeru. :D Lõke on nagu armastus ­ paar keppi ja põleb edasi The elephant says to camel: "Why do you have 2 boobs on your back?" The camel replies:"That's a pretty stupid question coming from someone who has dick on his face!"

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
22 allalaadimist

Individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia

suhtelised tugevused ja nõrkused) # sooritust väga spetsiifilistes ülesannetes võivad mõjutada täiesti unikaalsed nõrkused ja tugevused Mittepsühhomeetrilised teooriad Howard Gardner (s 1943) # Ei ole olemas ühte üldist võimekust, vaid ta eristas vähemalt seitse omavahel sõltumatut vaimset võimekust Nt. näiteks inimene, kes ei oska arvutada, võib olla hea tantsija jne # Postuleeritud, uurides ajukahjustusi, aju tööpõhimõtteid, idiot savant tüüpi inimesi, geeniusi, arengu ningv informatsioonitöötlemise seaduspärasusi jm Gardneri 7 intelligentsust 1. Lingvistiline intelligentsus: ­ lugemine, kirjutamine, kirjutatust arusaamine, keelte õppimine 2. Loogilis­matemaatiline intelligentsus: ­ matemaatiliste või loogiliste probleemide lahendamine 3. Ruumiline intelligentsus: ­ ruumiliste suhete ja mustrite tajumine 4. Kehaline intelligentsus: ­ võime kehaliseks väljenduseks; liigutuste osavus ja koordinatsioon 5

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
221 allalaadimist

Ülevaade psühholoogiast eksamiks valmistumine (Õppejõud: Kristjan Kask)

1 ÜLEVAADE PSÜHHOLOOGIAST (EKSAMIKS VALMISTUMINE, PSP6001 Kristjan Kask) ESIMENE LOENG (ÜLEVAADE PSÜHHOLOOGIAST) Mis on psühholoogia? Psühholoogia - teadus, mis uurib käitumist ja vaimseid protsesse ehk psüühikat. Lühidalt öeldes on psühholoogia õpetus hingeelu nähtustest ja käitumisest. Mis on psüühika? Psüühika on organismi sisemuses toimuvate protsesside kogum, mille kohta tehakse järeldusi välist käitumist jälgides. Kuidas jagunevad psüühilised nähtused?  Psüühilised protsessid  Psüühilised seisundid  Psüühilised omadused Psühholoogia harud teoreetilise orientatsiooniga  Psühhofüüsika  Psühhofüsioloogia -Psühhofarmakoloogiaga  Isiksuse psühholoogia  Sotsiaalpsühholoogia  Arengupsühholoogia  Neuropsühholoogia Psühholoogia harud rakendusliku orientatsiooniga  Kliiniline psühholoogia  Õiguspsühholoogia  O...

Psühholoogia → Ülevaade psühholoogiast
175 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia konspekt

Psühholoogia - teadus, mis uurib käitumist ja vaimseid protsesse ehk psüühikat/ teadus, mis uurib inimese hinge- ja vaimuelu olemust ning avaldumise viise. Eesmärgid: kirjeldada, mõista, prognoosida. Psyche (kreeka k) – hing, vaim Logos (kreeka k) – õpetus Psüühika - organismi sisemuses toimuvate protsesside kogum, mille kohta tehakse järeldusi välist käitumist jälgides/organismi võime peegeldada keskkonda ning vastavalt sellele muuta oma käitumist Psüühilised nähtused jagunevad:  protsessid - tunnetus- ja emotsionaalsed protsessid, toiminguid käivitavad ja suunavad protsessid (nt inimesele meenub midagi - ta mõtleb sellele - tunneb midagi - unustab)  seisundid - inimese üldine aktiivsuse tase, olek, psüühiliste protsesside kulgemise eripära, meeleolu.  omadused - inimese psüühika tüüpilised erijooned, mis iseloomustavad inimese psüühikat kiiruse, täpsuse, püsivuse, muutlikkuse, aktiivsuse taseme, mahu, suunitluse ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
106 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia konspekt

Psühholoogia - teadus, mis uurib käitumist ja vaimseid protsesse ehk psüühikat/ teadus, mis uurib inimese hinge- ja vaimuelu olemust ning avaldumise viise. Eesmärgid: kirjeldada, mõista, prognoosida. Psyche (kreeka k) ­ hing, vaim Logos (kreeka k) ­ õpetus Psüühika - organismi sisemuses toimuvate protsesside kogum, mille kohta tehakse järeldusi välist käitumist jälgides/organismi võime peegeldada keskkonda ning vastavalt sellele muuta oma käitumist Psüühilised nähtused jagunevad: protsessid - tunnetus- ja emotsionaalsed protsessid, toiminguid käivitavad ja suunavad protsessid (nt inimesele meenub midagi - ta mõtleb sellele - tunneb midagi - unustab) seisundid - inimese üldine aktiivsuse tase, olek, psüühiliste protsesside kulgemise eripära, meeleolu. omadused - inimese psüühika tüüpilised erijooned, mis iseloomustavad inimese psüühikat kiiruse, täpsuse, püsivuse, muutlikkuse, aktiivsuse taseme, mahu, suunitluse jm ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
44 allalaadimist


143. My imaginary friend thinks you have mental problems 144. I'm that kind of woman that when my feet hit the floor each morning the Devil says : "Oh crap, she's up! 145. last night I was looking at the stars and I wondered...Where the hell is my ceiling 146. I'm 10% sugar, 10% spice, but I'm 80 % b*tch, so you betta be nice! 147. I was thinking : "Why frisbees got bigger, when they get closer?!" And then it hit me 148. There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. 149. I like you. You reind me of when I was young and stupid 150. I'm nobody. Nobody is perfect, therefore, I'm Perfect! 151. Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and do all us a favor and jump off it ! 152. People will believe anything if you whisper it 153. Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey 154. do not take life too serously, you never get out of it alive 155. never forget who you are. 156. Don't think you are, know you are 157

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
115 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

mugavalt, valmis teisi arvestama, näevad ennast kiindumist väärt olevana, usaldavad ja heade kavatsustega Milline on minu EI? 10 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent Individuals 1. Label their feelings rather than labeling people or situations ( “I feel impatient” vs. “This is ridiculous.”, “I feel hurt and bitter” vs. “You are an insensitive jerk.”, o “I feel afraid” vs. “You are driving like an idiot.”) 2. Distinguish between thoughts and feelings. (Thoughts: I feel like…. I feel as if…. I feel that… Feelings: I feel…) 3. Take responsibility for their feelings. 4. Use their feelings to help them make decisions. (“I feel jealous.” vs. “You are making me jealous.” “How will I feel if I do this?” “How will I feel if I don’t do this?” 5. Show respect for other people’s feelings (“How will you/they feel if I do this

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

maroon-colored bricks. There were so many trees and shrubs I couldn't see its size at first. Where was the feel of the institution? I wondered nostalgically. Where were the chain-link fences, the metal detectors? I parked in front of the first building, which had a small sign over the door reading front office. No one else was parked there, so I was sure it was off limits, but I decided I would get directions inside instead of circling around in the rain like an idiot. I stepped unwillingly out of the toasty truck cab and walked down a little stone path lined with dark hedges. I took a deep breath before opening the door. Inside, it was brightly lit, and warmer than I'd hoped. The office was small; a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices and awards cluttering the walls, a big clock ticking loudly. Plants grew everywhere in large plastic pots, as if there wasn't enough greenery outside

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


Ma pole sinu tüüp. Mul on pulss:) Kuuldavasti oli sul kunagi üks mõte, aga see suri üksinduse kätte ära. Mine ja hangi endale elu. Ära muretse, ma pole sind kunagi tõsiselt võtnud. Sa oled nagu emo, kes on žileti kaotanud. Sa oled nii mõttetu, et isegi usaldustelefonist soovitatakse sul enesetapp teha. Vaata teda. Ilmne tõestus, et hullari aed on liiga madal. Ma ei ole sinu tüüp. Ma pole täispuhutav. - I'm not a complite idiot, some parts are missing. - Kui hulluks lähen , võtan sinu küll kaasa ! - Üks asi , mida ma kaotanud asjadest kõige rohkem igatsen on mu mõistus. - Elu on nagu lehm , koguaeg saab pulli. - Life is like a dick - when it gets hard, fuck it. - Kõik naised on inglid..kui neil aga tiivad murtakse..istuvad nad luua selga! - Kes kaua sõuab, sellel mädanevad aerud ära. - Elu on lill, persse need muruniidukid - Tõeline sõber ei naera, kui sa püksi pissid vaid pissib koos sinuga.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
9 allalaadimist


The recent fighting in the Congo Republic is a case in point. Several weeks ago, the two countries backing the rebels, Rwanda and Uganda got together with Kabila’s government and other African heads of state to iron out a cease-fire agreement. Now, Uganda and Rwanda are the main suppliers of military war to rebels. President Yoweri Museveni, who regards himself as a new and progressive African, backs two rebel groups, while his counterpart in Rwanda, Paul Kagame, another military idiot, backs the other group. Mind you, these two countries are poor according to the United Nations, but have decided to invest in military hardware rather than providing essential services to their people. They have to import the military hardware that they supply the rebels. There is no gun making factory in Uganda or Rwanda. I used to have great deal of respect for Yoweri Museveni when he ousted the buffoon Idi Amin. Then he

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A New Earth

happens to be playing. Most of the people who are in positions of power in this world, such as politicians, TV personalities, business as a well as religious leaders, are completely identified with their role, with a few notable exceptions. They may be considered VIPs, but they are no more than unconscious players in the egoic game, a game that looks so important yet is ultimately devoid of true purpose. It is, in the words of Shakespeare, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”1 Amazingly, Shakespeare arrived at this conclusion without having the benefit of television. If the egoic earth drama has any purpose at all, it is an indirect one: It creates more and more suffering on the planet, and suffering, although largely ego-created, is in the end also ego-destructive. It is the fire in which the ego burns itself up. In a world of role playing personalities, those few people who don't

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


sajab. *If you love someone tell them ,because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. *Kills for the beauty. *I'm the girl your parents warned you about. *Tired of trying ,sick of crying. Yeah i'm smiling ,but inside i'm dying. *I shine like a star. *You didn't lose me ,you let me go. *831 means: "I love you" 8 letters ,3 words ,1 meaning. *Smile...Tomorrow will be worse. *Good gifts come in small packages. *I'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing. *Everyone smile in the same language. *If i had to choose between breathing and loving you ,I would use my last breath to say:"I love you." *Love is like a war:easy to start ,hard to end ,impossible to forget. *If you were to ask how many times you run through my mind ,i'd only say:once,because you never even left. *"I love you," is eight letters, so it's bullshit.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
135 allalaadimist


27 An intention to make a testament or will. This is required to make a valid will; for korral ­ nimetatakse testamendiks. Kuid testamendiks nimetatakse ka seda dokumenti, whatever form may have been adopted, if there was no animus testandi, there can be no milles on väljendatud isiku viimane tahe. Viimse tahte avaldajat nimetatakse testaatoriks, will. An idiot for example, can make no will, because he has no intention. viimse tahte avaldamist testeerimiseks." 24 tehingute olemuse avamisel

Õigus → P?rimis?igus
132 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

bumper-to-bumper traffic while facing rigid deadlines. Real New Yorkers cruised right through it all, their love for the city as comfortable and familiar as a favorite pair of shoes. They didn't view the steam billowing from potholes and vents in the sidewalks with romantic delight and they didn't blink an eye when the ground vibrated beneath their feet as the subway roared by below, while I grinned like an idiot and flexed my toes. New York was a brand new love affair for me. I was starry-eyed and it showed. So I had to really work at playing it cool as I made my way over to the building where I would be working. As far as my job went, at least, I'd gotten my way. I wanted to make a living based on my own merits and that meant an entry-level position. Starting the next morning, I would be the assistant to Mark Garrity at Waters Field & Leaman, one of the preeminent advertising agencies in the US

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

"I then found myself saying the following to him: `For me, it doesn't even matter what I wear; I'm not going to look good anyway.' "I think he agreed with me. I can't remember, but that's not the point. The point was that, as I said those words, they hung in the air like when you say something super-embarrassing in a loud room but happen to catch the one randomly occurring slice of silence that happens all night long. Everyone looks at you like you're an idiot. But this time, it was me looking at myself critically. I heard myself say those words and I recognized them not for their content, but for their tone of helplessness. I am, in most of my endeavors, a solidly successful person. I decide I want things to be a certain way, and I make it happen. I've done it with my career, my learning of music, understanding of foreign languages, and basically everything I've tried to do.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun