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“Ajastu muutub, kas ka inimene?” (0)

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Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #1 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #2 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #3 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #4 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #5 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #6 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #7 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #8 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #9 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #10 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #11 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #12 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #13 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #14 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #15 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #16 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #17 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #18 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #19 Ajastu muutub-kas ka inimene- #20
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Leheküljed ~ 20 lehte Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2011-06-04 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 6 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 0 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
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· And when you begin to miss me, dont forget it was you who let me go. · There is an end to things no matter how much we want to hold into them. · Otsisin keset seda pimedust, sind ja loodetud vabadust,kui mu käed su poole, tegid alguse loole, printsessist ja printsist, ühest kaunist kandist, kus oleme meie kaks, kus lõbutseme, kuni otsas jaks. Sa ei pea muinasmaad looma, sa ei pea tähti taevast tooma. Ole vaid minu kõrval, kui tõuseb päike. Ole vaid mu kõrval kui mind piinab meeleheide. Ole mu kõrval, kui kumab kuu, kui su nime hüüab mu suu, ära tõota mulle, et armastad mind, kui ei ole valmis ohverdama end. Luba, et printsess jääb printsiga, kuni nad veel siin ilmas elavad. Unustame hetkeks kõik muu me, tunnetame üksteise kiireid südamelööke, kas tunned, kuidas süda jätab lööke vahele, see kõik on midagi uut, meile kahele. · Women are stronger than men, because they can walk in a 12 cm stilettos without showing t

Inglise keel

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

TARTUFFE A COMEDY CHARACTERS MADAME PERNELLE, mother of Orgon ORGON, husband of Elmire ELMIRE, wife of Orgon DAMIS, son of Orgon MARIANE, daughter of Orgon, in love with Valere CLEANTE, brother-in-law of Orgon TARTUFFE, a hypocrite DORINE, Mariane's maid M. LOYAL, a bailiff A Police Officer FLIPOTTE, Madame Pernelle's servant The Scene is at Paris ACT I SCENE I MADAME PERNELLE and FLIPOTTE, her servant; ELMIRE, MARIANE, CLEANTE, DAMIS, DORINE MADAME PERNELLE Come, come, Flipotte, and let me get away. ELMIRE You hurry so, I hardly can attend you. MADAME PERNELLE Then don't, my daughter-in law. Stay where you are. I can dispense with your polite attentions. ELMIRE We're only paying what is due you, mother. Why must you go away in such a hurry? MADAME PERNELLE Because I can't endure your carryings-on, And no one takes the slightest pains to please me. I leave your house, I tell you, quite disgusted; You do the opposi

Inglise keel

Pink Floyd

Contents Contents.................................................................................................................................. 1 # When the Tigers Broke Free................................................................................................ 2 # In The Flesh ?...................................................................................................................... 3 # The Thin Ice......................................................................................................................... 4 # Another Brick in the Wall part 1........................................................................................... 5 # The Happiest Days of our Lives........................................................................................... 6 # Another Brick in the Wall part 2........................................................................................... 7 # Mother..........................................................


Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Sylvia Day Bared to You Sylvia Day Bared to You The first book in the Crossfire series, 2012 This one is for Dr. David Allen Goodwin. My love and gratitude are boundless. Thank you, Dave. You saved my life. Acknowledgments My deepest gratitude to my editor, Hilary Sares, who really dug into this story and made me work for it. Basically, she kicked my ass. By not pulling her punches or letting me shortchange the details, she made me work harder and because of that, this story is a much, much better book. BARED TO YOU wouldn't be what it is without you, Hilary. Thank you so much! To Martha Trachtenberg, copy editor extraordinaire. This book is an important one for me and she treated it that way. Thank you, Martha! To Victoria Colotta, for all her hard work on the i

inglise teaduskeel

DIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadel

H-Helen, J - Julia 1.Receiving a money order H: - Hello, I would like to cash a money order. J: - Hello! You should present your identity card. H: - But, you know, I'd like to receive money order for my sister. How do I go about it? J: - Your identity card and letter of attorney, please. H: - Here you are. J: - Well...Unfortunately, I can't cash your money order ­ your signature is not witnessed. H: - Ok. Than, please, I'd like to cash my money order. J: - Take this form and fill it in. May I see your passport? H: - Yes. Please. So...Should I write my full name, my passport number and the sum of money that has been sent to me, right? J: - Certainly. How would you like the money? H: - I prefer one hundred rouble notes, if you don't mind. J: - Here is your money. H: - Thank you Getting a post-restante. H: - Hi, Julia! What are you doing here? J: - I'm getting post restante letter from Boris... H: -Ah, yeah, remember him. What is he saying? J: - Oh, well...He is asking to come to

Inglise keel

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

Color-- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- Text Size-- 10-- 11-- 12-- 13-- 14-- 15-- 16-- 17-- 18-- 19-- 20-- 21-- 22-- 23-- 24 TWILIGHT By Stephenie Meyer Contents PREFACE 1. FIRST SIGHT 2. OPEN BOOK 3. PHENOMENON 4. INVITATIONS 5. BLOOD TYPE 6. SCARY STORIES 7. NIGHTMARE 8. PORT ANGELES 9. THEORY 10. INTERROGATIONS 11. COMPLICATIONS 12. BALANCING 13. CONFESSIONS 14. MIND OVER MATTER 15. THE CULLENS 16. CARLISLE 17. THE GAME 18. THE HUNT 19. GOODBYES 20. IMPATIENCE 21. PHONE CALL 22. HIDE-AND-SEEK 23. THE ANGEL 24. AN IMPASSE EPILOGUE: AN OCCASION twilight STEPHENIE MEYER LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY New York Boston Text copyright © 2005 by Stephenie Meyer All rights reserved. Little, Brown and Company Time Warner Book Group 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Visit our Web site at First Edition: September 2005 The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intende


Inglise Keelsed Aforismid / mõtteterad

Only in the darkness you are available see the stars. If you end up with boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some gut on television telling you how to do your shit, then you DESERVE it. - Frank Zappa *It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. - Marilyn Monroe *I love the feeling when you smile at me, or even just look at me, because I know that I've crossed your mind. Even just for a second - Anonymous You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I feel, of what I've said, of who I am, but most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the

Inglise keel

Billie Holiday

Billie Holiday elulugu Lapsepõlv Billie Holiday, sünnijärgselt Eleanora Fagan Gough, kaootiline elu algas Baltimores 7.aprillil, 1915. Laulja isa, Clarence Holiday, oli kuueteist aastane jazz-kitarrist ja bändzo mängija, kes hiljem kuulus Fletcher Hendersoni orkestrisse. Ta ei abiellunud kunagi lapse ema Sadie Faganiga ning jättis ta koos tütrega maha. Holiday ema oli samuti väga noor, kolmeteist aastane. Ema oskamatuse või hoolimatuse tõttu jäeti Billie tihti vanaema või sugulaste hoida. Paraku sugulased suhtusid temasse kui teenijasse. Billie saadeti kümneselt katolikku kooli1, sest tüdruk tunnistas üles, et teda on vägistatud. Kahe aasta pärast sai ta sealt välja tänu perekonna sõbrale. Olles kogenud mentaalseid kriise, kolis Billie koos oma emaga 1942. aastal New Jerseysse ja hiljem Brooklyni. Karjääri redel New Yorgis aitas Holiday oma ema majapidamistöödega, hiljem töötas lisa raha teenimiseks bordellis prostituudina. Selle tõttu oli sunnitud ta


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