Anna Sewell (1820-1878) wrote only one novel during her lifetime, a book describing the life of a beautiful, black horse, Black Beauty. Sewell was very concerned about animals and used the book to write about the terrible treatment of horses in England at the time. The book is written from the point of view of the horse, which helps us to understand the influence that good and bad treatment had on the horses in the story. Black Beauty spent his early years in a picturesque, green field with his mother and some other young colts. When it was time for him to be trained to serve men, he
Chapters 1–5: Black Beauty spent his young life with his mother on Farmer Grey’s farm. Farmer Grey was a good, kind man and the horses had a good life. His mother told him that not all people were good and she gave him some advice: ‘Always be good so people will love you. Always work hard and do your best’. Black Beauty tried to follow this advice all his life. First, he went to live at Birtwick Park with Mr Gordon and his family, who treated their horses well. He became friends with two other horses, Merrylegs and Ginger. He was cared for by a groom called John Manly, who never used a whip. His wife gave him the name of Black Beauty. He learnt to carry a rider and pull a carriage. Chapters 6 – 8: The stable boy, James, got a better job with a nearby farmer so he was trained by the head groom.
THE Pyramid of Amenemhat III About the pyramid § The Pyramid of Amenemhat III or the Black Pyramid is situated in the necropolis of Dahshur, which is one of the most impressive sites of Ancient Egypt. Dahshur is located on the west bank of the Nile, south of Cairo. § The city is known for several pyramids, two of which are among the oldest, largest and best preserved in Egypt. About the pyramid § The Black Pyramid was built by King Amenemhat III, during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (20551650 BC). § The pyramid earned the name "Black Pyramid" for its dark, decaying appearance as a rubble mound. § The pyramid's ancient name was: ,,Amenemhat is mighty" About the pyramid § Typical for pyramids of the Middle Kingdom, the Black Pyramid is made of mud brick and clay instead of stone. § The pyramid's Height ~ 75 metres Base ~ 105 metres §
Talllinna Kuristiku Gümnaasium Referaat Joseph Black Tallinn 2016 Sisukord 1.Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................ 3 2.Joseph Blackist.................................................................................................... 4 2.1.J. Blacki elust.................................................................................................... 4 3.Süsihappegaas.....................................................................................
Black hat SEO Juri Kononov Tallinn, ITK, 2012 BLACK HAT SEO / SPAMINDEXING MEETODID Content Spam · Keyword stuffing (võlts märksõnade täidis) · Hidden or invisible text (nähtamatu teks) · Meta-tag stuffing (võlts meta andmete täidis) · Doorway pages · Article spinning (artiklide varastamine) Link spam · Mirror websites / Redirection / Cloaking KEYWORD STUFFING · Tõstab saiti otsingu resultaatides teatud märksõnade hulgas. HIDDEN OR INVISIBLE TEXT · Sarnane Keyword Stuffinguga, lisaks paneb otsinguämbliku mõtlema, et teatud otsingusõnadel on reaalne kontent. META-TAG STUFFING DOORWAY PAGES Article spinning LINK SPAM MIRROR WEBSITES / REDIRECTION / CLOAKING
( ja Allen Pineda ( Mõistes, et nad jagavad ideid ja eelistusi muusika osas, otsustasid nad luua oma bändi. Varsti hakkasid nad esinema erinevates ööklubides Los Angeles, kutsudes ennast duett Atban Klann (Tribe Beyond Nation). 1992-1997 Atban Klann sõlmisid lepingu Ruthless Recordsiga(omanik Eazy- E). Pärast ootamatut kokkuvarisemist ja Eazy-E surma 1995.aastal, Atban Klanniga liitub kolmas liige Jaime Gomez(Taboo). Nad muutsid bändi nime alguses Black Eyed Pods-iks ja siis Black Eyed Peas-iks. 1998-2000 Pärast lepingu sõlmimist Interscope Recordsiga, tuli 1998 aastal välja album Behind the Front, mis sai kriitikute heakskiidu. 2000.aastal ilmub albbum Bridging the Gap. 2001-2004 Aastal 2002 liitub nendega Stacy Ferguson(Fergie). 2003.aasta juunis tuleb ilmavalgele album Elephunk, millel on sellised hitid nagu "Where is the Love?", "Shut Up","Hey Mama" ja "Let´s Get it Started". 2005-2008
The black Death(1340s) Laura Runthal Overview Originated in 1338 in Kyrgyzstan. It spread by way of the Silk Road or by ship to Europe. By the end of 1346 it had reached the seaports of Europe. In 1348 the disease spread northwest across Europe, including England. It killed between 75 and 200 million people by current estimates. The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1347 and 1350. The speed with which the disease could kill was terrifying to population of the medieval world. Infected people can spread the disease through the air by coughing, sneezing, or just breathing! When there was a infected in the house, a red cross was painted on the door. Because of black spots, the disease was called the black death.
Euroopa teatrikultuur Antiikteater: Tekkis 5. saj. eKr Deus ex machina- jumalik sekkumine Skeene- stseen Orkestra- ringi kujuline suur ala Altar- asus orkestra keskel, kus ohverdati loomi ja lauldi laule Dionysose auks Dionysos- veini ja viljakusejumal Koturn- kõrge tallaga puukingad 17 000 külastajat mahtus teatrisse Kui polnud raha, et ise piletit osta siis maksti pilet riigi poolt Pidulik riietus- kitoon (põlvini ulatuv ja vööga kinni tõmmatud riie) ja tuunika Maskid- maskide vahetamisega said samad näitlejad esitada mitut erinevat rolli Commedia dell’ arte: Seal näitlesid professionaalsed ja elukutselised näitlejad Suurimad naerutajad olid teenrid ehk džannid Peamised tegelaskujud olid: Pantalone- vana hirmur, sarvekandja Dottore- tarbetult askeldav õpilane Capitano- seiklev sõjamees Arlecchino- veiderdav juhmar...
How genre and narrative makes meaning in ``The Black Dahlia`` When analyzing a film, people understand the movie is much more complicated than it seems. To make a difference, to give a meaning to the film, film-makers have used different visual and thematic features. There are macro features (genre, narrative) as well as micro features (mise en scene, cinematography) and they are linked together in many ways. I have chosen to analyse the closing sequence of ``The Black Dahlia``, directed by
Black Carbon (must süsinik) Annika Pindis 10A Mis on must süsinik ja kuidas see tekib? Must süsinik on atmosfääri aerosooli koostisosa. Tekib põlemisproduktina, (eriti mittetäielikul põlemisel) fossiilkütustest, bioloogilisest kütusest, biomassist. Esineb nii looduslikest protsessidest kui ka inimtegevusest eralduva tahmana. Musta süsiniku toime Maale Must süsinik soojendab atmosfääri, kuna see on kõige suurema valguse neeldumisvõimega atmosfääris. Tahm vähendab maakera albeedot (päikesekiirguse peegeldumisvõime), muutes lume ja jääga kaetud alad tumedamaks. Mõjutab arktiliste alade jääkatte sulamist. Musta süsiniku allikad globaalselt 42% avatud biomassi põlemine 18% elamute kütmine biokütusega 6% elamute kütmine söega 14% diiselmootorid transpordis 10% diiselmootorid tööstuses 10% tööstus ja energia tootmine Kasutatud materjal content/uploads/2012/08/tahm_ettekanne....
Runtime: 98 min Language: English Awards: 1 win & 8 nominations Treiler of Big Momma's House Big Momma's House 2 Release Date: January 27, 2006 (USA) Plot: On his latest assignment, FBI agent Malcolm Turner (Lawrence) goes undercover as Big Momma, and works as a nanny for an unhappy woman (Procter) who is under investigation for murder. Runtime: 99 min Language: English Awards: 1 win & 2 nominations Treiler of Big Momma's House 2 Another most popular movie Black Knight Release Date: November 21, 2001 (USA) Plot: Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After sustaining a blow to the head, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England. Runtime: 95 min Language: English Awards: 1 nomination Treiler of Black Knight clip 5 The King's daughter
Kolija Asa Call of duty: black ops 2 mängust See on aasta parim mäng. Seda on ostetud üle miljoni. Lõppeva aasta edukaimaks videomänguks sai ,,Call of Duty: Black Ops II." Pärast müügile tulekut teenisid tegijad esimese kahe nädalaga mängu pealt miljard dollarit. Miinimumnõuded (arvutile) Protsessor: 2.4 GHz dual core CPU Mälu: 2GB RAM (32-bit OS), 4GB RAM (64-bit Windows OS) Kõvaketas: Vähemalt 16GB vaba ruumi Graafika: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT või samaväärne AMD Radeon Heli: DirectX 9.0c ühilduv OS: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 või Windows 8 (XP tugi puudub) Internet: Esimesel installeerimisel vajalik internetiühendus Steami
It is a story told by a horse, in his own words. It's about how he was treated and taught when he was a young and healthy horse and how he fell into illness and was treated badly. The Black Beauty didn't remember everything when he was small, but he remembered some very important advice from his mother. She told him that the better he behaved, the better was he treated and he always had to do best of him to his master. One day a man took him with him to the Birtwick Park. There lived other horses and the Beauty became friends with the others. The Black Beauty was a good horse and everyone loved him. One morning a master Gordon had to go to the city with Beauty
How Are Black Women Portrayed in the Novel? The story begins in the early nineteenth century when the main protagonist Antoinette is a young girl. A white girl Antoinette is the daughter of the ex-slave owners, but it is the time when the passage of the Emancipation Act takes places. This means that black slaves are freed and led to the demise of many white slave owners. Because of this act, black men and women start to feel more powerful and superior towards the ex-slave owners. Throughtout Antoinette´s childhood, hostility is present between the weakened white aristocracy and the black servants they employ. On account of this situation, black women feel themselves more independent and strong. First of all, when the slaves are free and there is no need to work for others anymore, many servants leave their employers and turn their back on them
FISH AND CHIPS: England is internationally famous for it's fish and chips. Large number of restaurants and takeaway shops selling this dish. The most popular English dish. There are lot of different combinations, but the traditional is potato slices cooked with fish. SAUSAGES: English sausages are colloquially known as ,,bangers". They are made from fresh meat and rarely smoked, dried or stronglu flavoured. A variant of the sausage is the black pudding. (you can eat every part of pig except it's squeal) There are also white puddings, similar but lacking blood. PIES: The English tradition of meat pies dates back to the Middle Ages. Meat pies contain chicken and mushrooms or steak and kidney pie. (originally steak and oyster) Pork pies consists of chopped pork and pork jelly and they are usually eaten cold. Cottage pie contains meat and fisherman's pie contains fish and other seafood.
Pikad või mustaks Second level värvitud juuksed Third level Fourth level Nahktagid Fifth level Must värv Fännid on väga pühendunud Käemärk Näited Kon - Kidnap The Sandy Claws Black Sonic Prophets - Leave Me Alone http:// Cookies -Ööliblikas Aitäh!
"The Black Cat" Edgar Allan Poe Book Report Characters: Pluto- who is outstandingly beautiful, big, black and clever cat. Man who loves at the beginning of a story his animals, but when he change an alcoholic, he did horrible acts. Man's wife This story told a man who was absolutely pretty man, before that when he likes alcohol. He married when he was a young. He had a lot of animals: birds, gold fish, dog, rabbit, monkey and cat. The last was his favorite pet. Pluto followed everywhere where man went. Once when man was drunk, he saw that Pluto kept away from him. Man took
HEAVY METAL Denis Kotov HEAVY METAL · 1970. aastate algul bluusist ja rokkmuusikast tekkinud muusikasuund · Üheks esimeseks heavy metal'i bändiks peetakse sageli briti Black Sabbathit · Heavy metalil on paks, massiivne heli, mida iseloomustab tugevasti võimendatud kitarride kõla, pikendatud kitarri soolod, rõhutatud rütm ja üleüldine valjus · Laulmine on väga jõuline ja tihti on laulutekstid seksuaalse alatooniga · Black Sabbath on Suurbritanniast Birminghamist pärit heavy metal ansambel · Bändi peetakse tavaliselt heavy metali kui stiili üheks algatajaks · Bändi nimevaliku põhjustas liikmete huvi musta maagia ja okultismi vastu · Ozzy Osbourne,Tony Iommi,Terry Butler,Bill Ward · · https:// W0e9P
Inimesele ohtlikud ämblikud Ämblike mürgi bioloogiline tähtsus seisneb peamiselt saagi surmamises ning seetõttu on mürk toksiline eeskätt putukaile. Ämblikuliike, kelle mürk toimib tugevasti püsisoojastele loomadele, on vähe, kuid mõned neist on inimesele ja koduloomadele äärmiselt ohtlikud. Enamike surmavate ämblike mürgisus pole aga täpselt teada. Nende hulgas sisaldab Phormictopus'e mürginääre mürki, mille hulk on küllaldane 20 hiire surmamiseks. Teatakse, et busmanid Lõuna- Aafrikas kasutavad nooleotste mürgitamiseks selle perekonna ämblike mürki segatuna amarüllise sibula mahlaga. Kuigi tapikuliste hulka kuuluvad kõige suuremad (linnutapiklased, üle 10cm pikkused karvased ämblikud), ei ole paljud nendest inimesele mürgised. Surmavaks osutuvate tapiklaste liigid paiknevad peamiselt Lõuna-Ameerikas, Ida-Aafrikas ja mujal troopilisematel aladel. Pärisämbliklaste alamseltsi kuuluvatest keraämbliklastest on mürgine ämblik karakurt (Latr...
ühiskonda suhtumine, mis peaks olema salliv suuremosa inimeste suhtes, välimus, mis võiks veidikenegi viidata erinevusele hallist massist ja ka vaimne tasakaal peaks olema korras. Vaimse tasakaalu kohast arvavad paljud inimesed, et metalistid, sammuti nagu punkaritest arvatakse, on pätid ja narkarid. Tegelikult on suuremosa metalliste ja punkareid palju sõbralikumad kui need n.ö. ossid. Heavy Metal stiilid · Alternatiivne Metal · Nu Metal · Black Metal · Metalcore · Death Metal · Power Metal · Doom metal · Progressive Metal · Folk Metal · Speed Metal · Glam metal · Symphonic metal · Gothic Metal · Trash Metal · Grindcore · Viking Metal · Indrustial Metal · NWOBHM · Hardcore Punk · Black Metal Ekstreemne alamtüüp Metalist kus on tavaliselt
JAMAICA The english speaking country · Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, consisting of the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles (*The Greater Antilles is a grouping of the larger islands in the Caribbean Sea). · The flag consists of a gold saltire, which divides the flag into four sections: two of them green (top and bottom) and two black (hoist and fly). · black representing the strength and creativity of the people which has allowed them to overcome the odds, gold for the wealth of the country and the golden sunshine, and green for the lush vegetation of the island. · Coat of arms: On the dexter side a West Indian Native Woman holding in the exterior hand a Basket of Fruits and on the sinister side a West Indian Native Man supporting by the exterior hand a Bow all proper. · The motto : "Out of Many, One People" - as tribute to the
Stardi-ja kromatograafia. lõppjoon on ülemisest ja alumisest servast 15 mm kaugusel. Stardijoon Töö eesmärk: Tselluloosikiuga keemiliselt reageerivate värvainete on jaotatud ni, et värvainete vahele jääb 12-13 mm. Seejärel kantakse segude lahutamine komponentideks. plaadile vävained: esimene täpp 1 x Black B, teine täpp 2 x Black GSP ja kolmas täpp 1 x Black GSP. Seejärel asetatakse plaat klaasnõusse, kuhu on eelnevalt lisatud eluent 80%-line 2-propanool- vesi, vahekorras Töövahendid: Värvained, värvainete lahusti 75% etanool, eluent: 80 4:1 (40 ml + 10 ml). Klaasinõus jälgitakse eluendi tõusmist
live-esinemised. 10. aprillil, 2006 alustas bänd kolmanda stuudioalbumi lindistamist koos mitmete Green Day albumite produtsendi Rob Cavalloga. Algul arvati, et plaadi nimeks saab "The Rise and Fall of My Chemical Romance", aga intervjuus ajakirjaga Kerrang! ütles Gerard, et see oli ainult ajutine nimi ning pigem nali. 3. augustil, 2006 lõpetas bänd videode filmimise kahele esimesele singlile uuelt albumilt - "Welcome to the Black Parade" ja "Famous Last Words". Videode rezissöör oli Sam Bayer, kes on teinud ka Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit" ja Green Day "American Idiot'i" videod. "Famous Last Wordsi" filmimise ajal said bändiliikmed Gerard Way ja Bob Bryar vigastada. Way vigastas pahkluud ja Bryar sai põletusi jalale, mis põhjustas tõsise põletiku ning vajas pidevat haigla järelvalvet. Selle tõttu oli bänd sunnitud osa tuurist ära jätma.owie ja Queeni klassikalisest loost "Under Pressure"
Racism Racism is discrimination between different race people. Mostly people are discriminating people who aren't the same skin color as they are, but there are many more discriminations. Racism is belief, that people, who aren't the same skin color, who don't look like you or whose life standards aren't like yours, then you are better and more intelligent than them. White people mostly discriminate black people. They call them dumb and violent. Biggest issue with racism is in USA. Many centuries ago black people were white people's slaves, but when the slavery became unacceptable, white people and black people had to live together in America and have mixed. Nowadays many americans still believe, that black people aren't as intelligent as they are and call them violent and dumb. Some even are, but that doesn't mean that all white people in America are good intelligent.
Endangered species Chris Anderson Endangered animals There are 8,462 types of animal whose futures are threatened. Top 10 Most Endangered Species 1. Black Rhino 6. Alligator Snapping Turtle 2. Giant Panda 7. Hawksbill Turtle 3. Tiger 8. Big Leaf Mahogany 4. Beluga Sturgeon 9. Green-Cheeked Parrot 5. Goldenseal 10. Mako Shark Black rhino The Black Rhinoceros or Hooklipped Rhinoceros. An adult Black Rhinoceros stands 140170 cm high at the shoulder and is 3.33.6 m in length. An adult weighs from 800 to 1,400 kg . The females are smaller than the males. Black rhino Alligator Snapping Turtle largest freshwater turtles in the world about 12 years of age. Female clutch of 1050 eggs hunted for their carapaces Alligator Snapping Turtle Thank you!!!
Mõndade Aafrika müütide kohaselt on need mandad kiiremad kui hobused. see pole tõsi. Mustad mambad näevad väga hästi Nende madude mürgist saab valuvaigisteid Allikad Danleo~commonswiki (2005) File:Black Mamba 01.jpg [joonis 1]. Vaadatud: Must mamba. Loetud: Vikipeedia (2017) Must mamba. Loetud: Animal Corner (2017) Black mamba snakes. Loetud: D. Brito (2011) Moments [joonis 2]. Vaadatud: Allikad Black mamba. Loetud: Kat Spence (2013) File:Black mamba snake dendroaspis polylepis.jpg [Joonis 3]. Vaadatud: aspis_polylepis.jpg Wildscreen Arcive (2017). Loetud: http://www.arkive
Harry Potter ja Azkabani vang avaneb õhtul enne Harry kolmeteistkümnes sünnipäev, mil ta saab kingitusi poolt Owl Postil tema sõbrad koolis. Järgmisel hommikul kell hommikusöök, Harry näeb televisioonis, et mees nimega Black on lahti vanglas. Sel ajal, tädi Marge tuleb jääda Dursleys ja ta solvangud Harry vanemad korduvalt. Harry kogemata põhjustab tema paisutada. Harry jätab Dursley maja ja hakkasid Knight Bus, vaid alles pärast murettekitav täheldusaruande suur must koer. Knight Bus tilka Harry maha Diagon Alley, kui ta on tervitatud Cornelius Fudge Minister of Magic. Ta üürib tuba ja ootab algust kooli. In Diagon Alley, Harry lõpetab oma koolitööga
Bears Uljana Brezgina Bears Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Bears Black bears Black bears live in north America and central and eastern Asia. Black bears are smaller than brown bears. Black bears Polar bear Polar bears live near the north pole. They are good swimmers and the like to ride on pieces of ice. Polar bears eating fish , seals and birds. Polar bears Sun bears Sun bears live in southeast Asia And they live in trees. Sun bears ...
kasutamist põhjamäärdena. Seda eriti kunstlume ja vana lume korral Libisemismäärete valik lumetüüpide ja õhuniiskuse järgi Alusmäärimise teostamine 1. Kontrolli, et suusatald oleks kuiv ja puhas.. 2. Sulata põhjale: floorita Start SG-määrete alla Start SG grafiiti või BW - Start LF ja HF- floormäärete alla Start BWLF põhjamääret - Start Nano määrete alla Start BM 4 või BM 6 libisemismääret Start Black Magic floormolübdeenmäärde alla Start SG6 sinist või SG8 rohelist määret. 3. Eemalda tsikeldades üleliigne määre, kui see on jahtunud ja harja jahtunud tald messingharjaga ning selle järel vaskharjaga, et põhja struktuur ja sooned tuleksid esile. Kui vaskharja ei ole, võib harjata ainult messingharjaga. TÄHELEPANU! Metallharjadega harjatakse ühes suunas nina poolt kanna poole. Alusmäärimine vähendab hõõrdel tekkiva soojuse libisemist vähendavat mõju
, Character, Body English bulldog (British bulldog) Bred: 1209 Height: 31-40 cm Weight: 24-25 kg 22-23 kg Fur: short, smooth and tidht sitting coat Colour: red tones, plain or balck-white spots Character: peaceful, loves children, lovely familydog Body: small ears, screw-tail, wide shoulders, short muzzle English greyhound Height: 71-76 cm 68-71 cm Weight: 29-31 kg 27-29 kg Fur: tidht sitting coat and smooth Colour: black, white, red, blue or yellow-brown Character: friendly, true, gentle, loves children Body: long tail, small ears, deep chest, long muzzle English cocker spaniel Bred: 14 century Height: 39-43 cm 38-41 cm Weight: 12.5-14.5 kg Fur: tidht sitting coat, long, silky Colour: all colours Character: lovely, popular familydog and first-class bird dog Body: strong body, long ears, short tail, round eyes, English mastiff
Referaa t Tallinn a Amy Reaalk Wineh ool ouse 9c klass Õpetaja Heli Roos Mirjam Süvari Tallinn 2008 Sisukor 3. ,,Back to Black" d lk 5 Biograa fia 1. 5. Lugude järjekorrad lk 6 Tiitelle ,,Frank" ht lk 3 lk 6 ,,Back to Black" 4. lk 7 Diskogr aafia lk 1 2. lk 4 Sisukor ,,Frank" d lk 2 lk 4 eklektilis Praeguseks on Fielder-Civil e vangis ja Winehouse taotleb Biograa muusikas temalt lahutust. fia tiiliga, mis on Winehouse on...
Racism in USA The term ''racism'' is used usually to dercribe the negative feeling of one group of ''people'',the qlimax of the history of racism came in the twentyeth century. Racism has been the problem in USA for many centurys.It is a kind of discrimination where people,who are black or another race,have not been treated according to normal human rights- they were not allowed to go normal schools and be part of the community.That made them develope their own society and became hostal to white people. After the black people came out of slavery the other problems started,they were pushed away from the everyday society,they had to work harder to get jobs,education but in the other hand there was people who helped them and tried to solve those issused to make a better
homework In this picture I can see girls, and her style looks like hip hop. I can see that this girls is Korean. Her clothes have red, black and white colors. One the first picture I see girl, who have red cap. leggings, and black shoes, t-shirt. For the second and third picture I see one more this girl, but she was in a black t-shirt, leggings, shoes, and red cap. I´d like this style, they are so cool, but I think that in our time, not everyone will be wearing it. Her accessorise was so beautiful, she has a bracelets and two chain. Her makeup so beautiful, she has a eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. As well as her hair color, suitable for her style. I think that this style is suitable for music singers such as Jason Derulo, Pitbull, and Flo Rida - preferably remix
Heavy Rock ja AC/DC Heavy Rock Jõuline muusikastiil; Arenes 1960. aastatel; Paralleelnimetused Hard Rock ja Heavy Metal. Bluus, kantri ja psühhedeelilise rock; Tugevasti võimendatud kitarridekõla; Trummi partiis rõhutatakse 2. ja 4. Jõulised ja korduvad motiivid; Heavy Rock Agresiivne laulustiil; Virtuoossed kitarrisoolod; Bluusi helirida; Laulutekstid; Heavy Rockist arenenud muusika suunad: Thrash Metal Black Metal Death Metal Nu Metal Tuntud Heavy Bändid: Deep Purple Led Zeppelin Black Sabbath AC/DC Metallica Uuiah Heep Iron Maiden AC/DC Austraalia päritolu; Rajasid vennad Malcolm ja Angus Young. Nimi AC/DC tuleneb ingliskeelsetest sõnadest alternating current/direct current, mis tähendab vahelduvvool/alalisvool. Väidetavalt soovitas seda vendadele Youngidele nende õde Margaret, lugedes seda lühendite paari õmblusmasinalt.
Product name Part name Part number Lego Digger 123456 Document number Document type Revision xxx-xxxx-xxx Work Instruction 01 Originator Date originated Date of current rev. ... 7.10.2009 7.10.2009 Materials 1pc Black bottom part, 12 studs 1pc Black top part, 8 studs TQC Check number of "studs" in Black top part 1. WORK CONTENT 1. Press black top part to black bottom part VERIFY Check that there is no joint between parts Product name Part name Part number Lego Digger 123456
· Death of brother Jack First marriage · Vivien Liberto · August 7, 1954 · 4 daughters · Divorce 1966 Early career · Memphis, Tennessee · "Hey Porter" · "Cry, cry, cry" · Sun -> Colombia Records · "Don't Take Your Guns to Town" Outlaw image · Drinking, amphetamines, barbiturates · 7 number of being in jail · 1968 · June Carter "The Man In Black" · The Johnny Cash Show · Dressed all in black. · Band dressed in black shirts Illness and death · Shy-Drager Syndrome 1997 · Autonomic neuropathy; diabetes · September 12, 2003 Interesting facts · Instruments: Guitar, voice, harmonica
tuleb perele külla Vernoni õde tädi Marge, kelle Harry juhuslikult õhku täis puhub, sest ta käib Harryle oma jutuga närvidele. Pärast seda jookseb Harry majast minema, arvates, et ta visatakse väljaspool kooli võlukunsti kasutamise eest Sigatüükast välja. Tema üllatuseks läheb kõik aga teisiti. Ta võib rahulikult Sigatüükasse naasta, et seal 3. klassis õppida, aga enne kooliaasta algust saab Harry teada, et võlurite vanglast Azkabanist on põgenenud maniakk nimega Sirius Black ning käivad jutud, et ta otsib Harryt taga. Et koolis võimalikult ohutu oleks, pannakse territooriumi valvama dementorid: õudustäratavad Azkabani valvurid, kes muudavad enda ümber kõik negatiivseks. Iga kord kui Harry mõne lähedusse satub, hakkab tal paha ning ta minestab. Harryt aga hakkab aitama kooli uus mustade jõudude vastase kaitse õpetaja professor Remus Lupin, kes õpetab talle, kuidas neid eemale tõrjuda. Aja jooksul jõuab Sirius Black koolile lähemale
sünkroonis. • Trummipartii on lihtne ja ühtlane, rõhutatakse 2. ja 4. lööki. Lüürika • Vokaal on heavy metalis tähtis. • Laulmine on väga jõuline ja tihti on laulutekstid seksuaalse alatooniga, vahel räägivad ka mõnest müstilisest seiklusest või fantaasialoost. • Lüürika on tihti väga tume ja vahel depressiivne. Juured • Heavy metal arenes 1960. lõpus ja 1970. alguses, kõige laiemalt levis Inglismaal ja Ameerikas. • Paljud arvavad et, Black Sabbath on esimene heavy metal’i bänd. • Põhiliselt algas see tänu Black Sabbathile, Deep Purple’ile ja Led Zeppelin’ile ning paljudele bändidele veel. Black Sabbath • on Suurbritanniast Birminghamist pärit heavy metal ansambel, mis alustas tegevust 1969. aastal. • Bändi peetakse tavaliselt heavy metali kui stiili üheks algatajaks. • Bändi nimevaliku põhjustas liikmete huvi musta maagia ja okultismi vastu.
Harry Potter ja Azkabani vang kokkuvõte Tegelased: Harry, Hermonie, Ron, Sirius Black, onu Vernon, tädi Petunia, Dudley, professor Lupin, professor Snape, professor Dumbledore, professor McConnagal, Cornelius Fudge, Hagrid, Peter Pettigrew, Draco Malfoy Harry Potter on 13-aastane võluripoiss. Ta on kuulus, sest tema jäi ainukesena ellu ööl, kui tapeti musta-maagiat valdava kurja võluri, Lord Voldemorti poolt tema vanemad. Harry suutis Voldemorti tagasi hoida ja nüüd on ta kogu aja proovinud tappa ka Harryt. Harry elas enda tädi perega, Dursleydega
MOST ENDANGERED BEARS SIIRI PAURSON EMÜ 2016 TOPICS 1. GIANT PANDA (hiidpanda e. bambuskaru) 2. SUN BEAR (päikesekaru e. malai karu e. biruang) 3. ASIATIC BLACK BEAR (kaeluskaru) 4. SLOTH BEAR (huulkaru) 5. ANDEAN BEAR (prillkaru) 6. POLAR BEAR 7. BROWN BEAR 8. THE AMERICAN BLACK BEAR (baribal) 1. GIANT PANDA • The giant panda remains the world's most threatened bear species. • A very high risk of extinction (väljasuremine) in the wild. • Despite "the establishment of nearly 60 panda reserves, a ban on logging (metsaraie keeld), and widespread reforestation programmes," habitat destruction and degradation are still the panda's greatest enemies. 2. SUN BEAR • The world's smallest bear species. • We estimate that sun bears have declined by at
Rock Oliver Jurkatam 8B klass Oliver Jurkatam History of Rock Its roots go back to 1940s and 1950s Influenced by rythm and blues and country music The first real rockstar was Elvis Presly The best-selling Rock album is by AC/DC ,,Back in Black" (1980) 49 million copies Instruments used in Rock: Electric guitar Electric bass guitar Drum kit Piano, hammond organ, synthezisers Different Rock styles: Death'n'roll Hard Rock Trash metal Heavy metal Progressive Rock Why do I like it? Strong rythm Emotionally satisfying Great lyrics Famous bands: AC/DC- ,,Back in Black" Led Zeppelin- ,,Stairway to Heaven" Pink Floyd- ,,Comfortably Numb" The Beatles- ,,Hey Jude" Black Sabbath- ,,Paranoid" References
INTRODUCTION The history of England has always been fascinating for me and plague was one the most horrifying diseases in human history with millions of deaths across the world. That is why I chose the Great Plague as the topic of my research. The purpose of my study is to educate myself and gain more knowledge on the history and find out how people lived in England in the seventeenth century. For a start, I will give a short review what the bubonic plague is. Then I tell about Black Death in England before the Great Plague, city life before and during the plague. Secondly, I will examine how the plague reached Great Britain. After that I will describe how people dealt with the plague and what the government decided to do with the corpses. Subsequently I will write about plague doctors, what they wore as a protection against the plague, how people invented different techniques to fight the plague and what the City Corporation did with cats and dogs.
Tundra swans Tundra swans ● Whooper swan, Bewick´s swan and mute swan (laululuik, väikeluik, kühmnokk-luik) Whooper swan ● Large white swan (bigger than bewick) ● Lenght – 140 to 165 cm ● Deep honking call and powerfull fliers ● Require large areas to live in ● Adult birds – feathers entirely white, black feet, mostly black bill ● Pens (females) – slightly smaller than cobs (males) ● Immatures – white mixed with some dull grey feathering; bills – black, large dirty-pink patch ● In Estonia first nesting - 1979 Whooper swan Behaviour of whooper swan ● Pair for life, cygnets stay with them all the winter ● Breffered breeding habitat – wetlands ● Both build the nest ● Male will stand guard over the nest while female incubates ● 4 to 7 eggs
Not long time ago I met again with Helena. I haven't seen her since last year christmas. She is very beautiful and gorgeous. I first met her some years ago at party. There were many beautiful looking girls ,but she was only one who I leapt the eye on. She had curly blond hair, blue eyes, tiny nose, small bright red mouth, bright white top and small red skirt, curvy body figure just like an angel. For today she is changed a lot. She got long black hair with pink stripes in it and still she got that pretty face, she's wearing high-heel shoes, black tight jeans, and black calash top. In her character is something special what I like. She is friendly most of the time, she got so much energy but she don't have a place to express herself. And the thing what I like most about her that she is very honest with me i think and i can trust her allways and of course she is very helpful.
Post 1910 state strong and centralized institutionalised racism: "power, wealth and privileges [distributed] unequally on a racial basis" (Giliomee, 1995, p190) Farming and mining (the basis of the economy) both required large work forces. Once slavery was abolished, need for to generate labour force. Taxation (poll tax) used to force blacks into labour force. Segregation used to control access of blacks to land. A strong, centralized and unequal state. 1936 Black voters removed from common roll. 1956 Coloured voters removed from common roll. 1948 `Apartheid' state based on idea of `separate development'. Contested control of the state In South Africa, different population groups made conflicting claims to self-government (i.e. democratic rule). Nationalism is the doctrine that nations are entitled to self-government. (Hague & Harrop, p.9) Afrikaner Nationalism : Talking here about different types of nationalism: cultural&political
Summary: After receiving a heart wrenching note from best friend and werewolf Jacob Black, Bella seems more determined than ever to mend their broken friendship. Charlie has decided to release Bella from her punishment under the condition that she not neglect her other friendships, particularly that of Jacob Black's. Bella agrees, grateful for the freedoms this will give her to both spend time with Edward, and attempt to visit Jacob. Her freedom doesn't include a visit to the nearby city of Seattle Washington, which is currently the setting
Mallard The Mallard is 5665 cm long (of which the body makes up around two-thirds) has a wingspan of 8198 cm and weighs 0.91.2 kg. The breeding male has a bright bottle-green head, black rear end and a yellowish orange (can also contain some red) bill tipped with black (as opposed to the black/orange bill in females). Mallard has a white collar which demarcates the head from the purple-tinged brown breast, grey brown wings, and a pale grey belly. The dark tail has white borders. The female Mallard is a mottled light brown and has buff cheeks, eyebrow, throat and neck with a darker crown and eye-stripe. Both the
make it long and slim, or short and fat, or the opposite. And if I hold down SHIFT as I’m drawing it will constrain it to create a perfect circle. Now if I hold down ALT while I’m drawing it will start to draw from the center and thats a keyboard shortcut that I like to use just to draw from the center of my Document. Now while I’m drawig I can also hold down Space Bar and that allows me to move it slightly into position. Now I’m going to fill it with black. You have to select the object first. Now we’re going to to select black from our color panel and now you have black Elipse.
Was it a spontaneous mutation? Crossing of those cats with known chocolate and cinnamon colour cats of other breeds ruled out chocolate/lilac and cinnamon/fawn genes. These cats were a totally new colour, peculiar to the Norwegian Forest Cat gene pool and dubbed the "X Colours". They are now called Amber and Light Amber. The Amber effect is due to the extension gene (also called red factor) which controls the production of red and black pigment. The dominant version of the gene produces normal black pigment in the coat while the recessive version produces red pigment. The name comes from the effect of black or brown pigment not being extended throughout the whole coat, but being restricted to the skin of the extremities and to the eyes (for example in bay horses). This Norwegian Forest Cat was bred by Yve Hamilton Bruce from a silver mackerel tabby female (imported from Denmark) and a classic red tabby and white male. The result was 1 silver tabbies and 2 silver tabbies with white