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"extra" - 375 õppematerjali

extra - Terrestrial Valesti määratletud ALF-id (Alien Life Forms - tulnukatest eluvormid). Ma ütlesin seda selle- pärast, et teised 5 tüüpi on ka ALF-id. Kõik 6 tüüpi tulnukat on ALF-id.

Kasutaja: extra

Faile: 0

Extra deutsch 11

EXTRA Deutsch 11 Ferienzeit Übungen Übung 1 Vokabeln und Grammatik: Was stimmt? Unterstreiche das richtige Wort! 1. Wie sagt man das in / auf Deutsch? 2. Deine Augen sind wie / als Sterne. 3. Du sagst, dass sie getrunken / betrunken ist. 4. Sie hat keinen freien Tisch für uns / wir. 5. Sie muss den Tisch noch abdecken / decken. 6. Was für den / einen Tee möchtest du? 7. Prinz William sitzt dort da / drüben am Tisch. 8. Ich habe ein Date mit ihn / ihm. Übung 2 Konditionalsätze Was gehört zusammen? Vervollständige die Sätze! 1. Wenn ich mir ein Ferienziel aussuchen könnte, 2. Wenn ich mir einen Urlaubsort aussuchen könnte, 3. Wenn ich mir einen Mann aussuchen könnte, 4. Wenn ich mir eine Torte aussuchen könnte, 5. Wenn ich mir mein Gepäck aussuchen könnte, a. würde ich Prinz William wählen. b. würde ich auf Mauritius Urlaub ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
3 allalaadimist

Extra deutsch 10

EXTRA Deutsch 10 Anna demonstriert Übungen Übung 1 Verständnis: Richtig oder falsch? Kreuze die richtigen Sätze an! 1. Sam muss heute Nacht arbeiten. 2. Anna demonstriert allein. 3. Saschas und Annas Wohnung ist ordentlich. 4. Sascha weiß genau, welches Outfit sie tragen wird. 5. Sascha recherchiert über Madonna. 6. Sie wird Madonna zum Mittagessen treffen. 7. Sam braucht nach der Nachtschicht nicht zu arbeiten. 8. Barbarella interviewt Anna. 9. Barbarella hat gestern mit Herrn Garrier zu Abend gegessen. 10. Anna gefällt das Interview mit Sam. 11. Sascha möchte Leonardo di Caprio heiraten. 12. Nic hat gut auf die Meerschweinchen aufgepasst. 13. Anna muss die Meerschweinchen in die Fabrik zurückbringen. 14. Barbarella hat ihre Meinung über Tierversuche geändert. Übung 2 Verständnis Füll die Lücken aus! 1. Worauf soll Nic aufpassen? Auf Annas _________________________ . 2. Welche wichtige Entscheidung muss Sascha treffen? ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
3 allalaadimist

Extra deutsch 9

EXTRA Deutsch 9 Jobs für Nic und Sam Übungen Übung 1 Adjektive Wer oder was ist so? 1. kindisch a. Sam 2. süß b. Anna 3. k.o. c. Nic 4. berühmt d. Nic 5. beeindruckt e. Sam und Nic 6. perfekt f. Sascha 7. müde g. das Casting 8. mysteriös h. Saschas neue Chefin 9. fantastisch i. Shakespeare 10. wütend j. Kate Moss 11. lächerlich k. Nic 12. dumm l. Sascha 13. beliebt m. Fußballer Übung 2 Der Imperativ Wer soll das machen? Unterstreiche die richtige Antwort. 1. Sascha: Na, dann steh auf! Sam und Nic / Nic 2. Anna: Komm her! ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

A letter of application / Applying for a job

Application Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in reply to your advertisement I saw in a magazine and I would like to take part in your program but I would need some extra information. The first question that emerged when I read the title of the advertisement was is there any age limit that I need to fit in? It would be really nice of you, if you could tell me, where I need to publish my work and if it is acceptable if I send you my poetry. I would be really pleased, if you could answer my most important question. Do you have any official e-mail addresses, where I could send my manuscript and is there any dedline? I look forward to hearing from you.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


Väikepingesüsteemid Kaitseväikepinge on pinge väikepinge, mis on sedavõrd madal, et tema toimel inimkeha läbiv elektrivool ei kutsu esile elektrilööki. Kaitseväikepinge süsteemid: •maandamata (maast eraldatud) kaitseväikepinge süsteem, tähis SELV (ingl. safety extra-low voltage); •maandatud kaitseväikepinge süsteem, tähis PELV (ingl. protective extra-low voltage); selles süsteemis on üks toiteallika poolustest või kolmefaasilise trafo neutraalpunkt maandatud. Elektriohutus ja töökindlus on kõige paremini tagatud maandamata süsteemis, sest selles on kaitseväikepinge ahelate pingealtid osad (s.o rikke korral voolu alla sattuda võivad osad) maast eraldatud, s.t pole ühendatud kaitsejuhtidega. Maandatud väikepingesüsteemi tuleb kasutada juhul, kui vooluahelas on seadmeid, mis vajavad talitlusmaandust, s.t maandust oma normaalseks tööks. Kaitseväikepinget saadakse eraldustrafost, mida sel juhu...

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Õlide suitsemistemperatuurid

Õlide suitsemistemperatuurid Toiduõli suitsemistemperatuurid (C) Avokaadoõli 271 Riisiõli 260 Viinamarjaseemne õli 252 Oliiviõli (Extra Light) 240 Maapähkliõli 232 Sojaoa õli 232 Maisiõli 232 Palmiõli 232 Oliiviõli (Rafineeritud) 220 Mandliõli 215 Kreekapähkli õli 215 Seesamiseemne õli 210 Kookosõli (või) 176 O...

Toit → Kokandus
2 allalaadimist

Traveling packages

bathing,boating,canoeing,divin Fourth level g,kayaking biking, Fifth level hiking,sailing,photography,pic nic areas,beaches In the price: Plane tickets Partially self-served breakfast 7 nights Water taxi to the location and back Extra payments: Visa,if needed Travel insurance Tours Moorea Surf Bed And Breakfast + Tours Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Praktikaaruanne 2013 M/S Silja Europa

(krevetid , friikartulid,pizzad) , kalatooted . 4.Kaupade müügiks ettevalmistamine ja väljapanek 4.1Kaupade väljapanek Kaupluses kasutati erinevaid väljapaneku võtteid . Enima kasutati vertikaal väljapanekut . Sama kaubamärgiga tooted paigutati nii. Suveniirid ja Tallinki logo kaubad paigutati kuhiväljapaneku võttega. Lahja alkoholi puhul ja karastusjookidel kasutati virnväljapanekut. 4.2Kampaaniad Klubikaardi ja Extra kampaaniad vahetuvad iga kahe kuu tagant. Alati kuu alguses. Extra kampaaniatooteid, mille hinnad on tavahindadest kuni 35% soodsamad. Soodsamalt saavad osta ka ClubOne püsikliendiprogrammiga liitunud, kes lisaks headele pakkumistele saavad koguda ostude pealt väärtuslikke boonuspunkte.Kaupluses on oma klubiriiul ­ See on mõeldud nendele , kellel ClubOne kliendikaart. Extra kampaania on mõeldud kõigile ja nende hinnasildid on punased. Iga kampaania alguses on laeval uued reklaamraamatud. Need on kõigile kättesaadavad ja tasuta

Ametid → Ametijuhend
62 allalaadimist


Hurling About hurling oHurling is an out door team game oIt is widespread in Ireland oThe game purpose — to receive more points and goals, than team opponent. oIt already more than 2000 years Sports equipment oHurley oBall ( sliotar ) oHelmet Rules • Each team consists of 15 players. The form of the goalkeeper differs on color from a form of field players. • During game at most 5 replacements of players are allowed. In an extra time three more replacements are allowed. • Game time usually makes 2х35 min. Extra time of 2х10 min. U.S. president Barack Obama accepting a hurley from Taoiseach Enda Kenny Thanks for watching!!!

Sport → Ekstreemsport
1 allalaadimist

Hambapastade sortiment

.......................................................................3 7.Brändid.....................................................................................................................................3 1. Erineva värvusega  Dermosil Jr Hambapasta- lastele mõeldud ja on sinist värvi. 2. Lastele  Kids Hambapasta maasikamaitseline  Mirra-laste hambaoasta kaltsiumi ning lagritsaga-kaariese vastu ja hambaemaili tugevdamiseks 75ml  R.O.C.S HP Puuviljatuutu 45g 3. Extra strong  White Glo Professional Choice – tugevalt valgendav hambapasta 150g/100ml 4. Pakend  Tuub- Blend-a-Med  Karbis- R.O.C.S Valgendav 5. Ravivad  GUM Paroex Daily Prevention  R.O.C.S Greip ja Piparmünt (igemete veritsuse vastu) 2 6. Valgendavad  R.O.C.S Sensation Whitening valgendav hambapasta eriliste graanulitega  R.O.C.S Valgendav 7. Brändid  R.O.C.S  Mirra

Keemia → Keemia
9 allalaadimist


töötlemist (pressimist), ilma kuumuse või kemikaalide abita, on tegemist ,,esimese külmpressimisega" (first cold pressing). Külmpressimise ajal hoitud temperatuuril on oluline tähtsus õli kvaliteedi jaoks. Kui temperatuur peaks tõusma üle 30ºC, siis halveneb saaduse kvaliteet ning ,,külmpressimiseks" seda lugeda ei saa. Külmpressimisel saadud õli on parimate aroomidega ja kõrgeima kvaliteediga ning kvalifikatsioonis kuulub tippklassi ­ Extra Virgin või Virgin. Extra Virgini õlisid kasutatakse tänu aroomirohkusele eelkõige toidu maitseomaduste täiendamiseks. Kui oliivid pressitakse aga lubatust hiljem või kasutatakse pressimisel kuumuse või kemikaalide mõjutusi, siis see õli ei kuulu kumbagi klassi. Väiksemad oliiviõli tootjad piirduvadki esimese külmpressimisega. Teises pressimises kasutatakse ära esmapressimiselt saadud mass, mis asetatakse taimest või plastikust mattide vahele virna ning surutakse kokku. Eraldunud õli ning

Geograafia → Geograafia
19 allalaadimist

Ülesanne 6-Tabeli struktuuri muutmine-Erinevad päringud

1. Lisa tabelisse RAAMAT uus väli Tiraaz, mis on täisarvu tüüpi. mysql> ALTER TABLE RAAMAT ADD COLUMN Tiraaz mediumint(10); Query OK, 42 rows affected (0.00 sec) Records: 42 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> DESCRIBE RAAMAT; +------------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+-----------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Raamatu_id | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | Pealkiri | varchar(100) | NO | | NULL | | | Autor | varchar(50) | YES | | NULL | | | Aasta | year(4) | YES | | NULL | | | Koht | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
4 allalaadimist

Unit 5 words

Refill- uuesti täitma Store- hoiule panema Steak praad Fried chicken kanapraad Menu menüü Dessert- magustoit Pie pirukas To specialise in spetsialiseeruma Counter lett Lid kaas Customer klient Extracharge lisatasu To be broud of olema ühke millegi üles Task 67 „to go“ means to take away The menu in a drive in restaurants is displayed on a board Plastic knives and forks are thrown into a trashcan after a meal Americans usually tip waitresses 15% In a coffee shop you can have extra cups of coffee for no extra charge Americans have deep freezers to store food Macdonalds specializes in fast food Hot drinks are in plastic cups with tight lids Task 68 Deep freeze- a fridge or a room , in which food is stored for a long time at low temperatures Sundaes- dish of icecream with crushed fruits, nuts, etc Tightly-fitting lid-a cover fixed or fastened well on a container , a closely fitting cover Customer-a person who buys something Trash-can-a dustbin a container for rubbish

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tööleht brändi kohta.

1. Mis ajast pärinevad esimesed teated brändilaadsete jookide valmistamisest ? 2. Mis on brändi parim serveerimistemperatuur ? 3. Millest algab brändi tegemine ? 4. Mis Vaate kasutatakse parimate armanjokkide tegemisel ? 5. Mille järgi on Hispaania tippbrändi nimetatud ? 2. Täida lüngad. ...... tippkvaliteet on eeskujuks paljudele praegustele ja tulevastele konjakitootjatele. ....... kujutab endast erinevas küpsusastmes oleva baaspiiritusega vaatide süsteemi, mille täitmine ja tühjendamine toimub ....... . See osa vanimast ......... , mis läheb villimisele, asendatakse sama koguse .......... vanuselt järgmisest vaadist jne kuni ahela kõige viimase ehk sisult noorima vaadini, millele lisatakse vastavas koguses värsket ............... . Brändid, eriti ........, ei sobi kiirustava elulaadiga. See aristokraatlik jook väärib nautimist kõigi meeltega ja mitmel erineval moel ­ puhtalt, ...... , pikendatult, tee võ...

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
4 allalaadimist


8th February, 2015 Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to enquire about Beachside holiday home as I am planning to go on holiday with my family. I found your advertisement in the Internet which seemed suitable to me, but I need more details. The first thing I would like to know is whether we can take our dog with us, or are there extra conditions? As we usually travel by car and it is said in your advertisement that it is possible to park a car, but I wonder if we have to pay extra for it. I hope you can also let me know about the holiday house which has 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. However, if I want to buy some food, is there a fridge I could use? As the advert states one week costs € 252. Could you also inform me if the price includes bed linen and towels too or I have to bring my own? Finally, I am interested whether you have the Internet access where I can find out more details. I look forward to hearing from you. Your faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Report to the shop manager

make it more profitable. Discounts: Firstly, one suggestion would be to make several discounts on popural products. For example, reducing the price of a popural item by about 15 percent would really pay off. Also if a customer buys two same items, he gets the third one for free. This would certainly be profitable and I am confident that more people would visit your shop. Extra shop assistants: Lastly, I think that hiring an extra two or three shop assistants would be a very good idea too. Then customers would have to wait less to pay for their items and the shop could service a lot more customers than before. Bonuses for regular customers: Secondly, I think that regular customers who have been visting your shop for years, should get different bonuses. For example an even bigger discount for many products, a gift voucher or maybe sometimes getting the contents of their shopping cart for free. I think that

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


SHAMPANJA Prosecco Special Cuvee, Zonin, Itaalia( Italy) 20cl 5,50 Fresita, Tsiili( Chile) 20cl 5,50 MUMM CORDON ROUGE BRUT 20 CL 17.90 MUMM CORDON ROUGE BRUT 75 CL 50.50 VAHUVEIN Prosecco Extra Dry, Fantinel, Itaalia (Italy) 3,90 DUC DE PARIS 12 CL / 75 CL 2.00 / 11.00 FREIXENET CARTA NEVADA SEMISECO 75 CL 12.00 JACOB'S CREEK CHARDONNAY 75 CL 18.00 MARTINI ASTI 75 CL 18.00 APERATIIV/Aperitive/ Extra Dry, Cinzano 8cl 3,00 Bianco, Cinzano 8cl 3,00 Rosso, Cinzano 8cl 3,00 Rosé, Cinzano 8cl 3,00 Campari Bitter 4cl 3,00

Toit → Joogiõpetus
23 allalaadimist


Koostas: Andrus Saartok Brändi on kääritatud viinamarjadest, veinist või veinitööstuse jääkidest destilleeritud ja tammevaadis laagerdatud alkohoolne jook, mis reeglina sisaldab umbes 40 (35% - 60%) mahuprotsenti alkoholi. Valmistamine Rääkides konjakist ja brändist, tasub tähele panna - nende jookide baasiks ei ole teraviljapiiritus, vaid piiritus, mida saadakse viinamarjadest. Calvados`e baaspiiritus saadakse aga õuntest. Slivovitz`i oma aga sootuks ploomidest. Meelde tasub jätta ka väide - kõik konjakid on brändid aga mitte kõik brändid ei ole konjakid. Mida see tähendab? Väide, et kõik konjakid on brändid aga mitte kõik brändid ei ole konjakid, tuleneb põhimõttest, et konjakit võib valmistada ainult ühes kindlas piirkonnas Prantsusmaal - Cognac`i piirkonnas. Ajalugu Esimesed teated brändilaadsete jookide valmistamisest Euroopas pärinevad juba 13. sajandist. Prantsusmaal, Armagnaci piirkonnas arvestatakse selle ajalugu aastast 128...

Toit → Joogiõpetus
15 allalaadimist


TALLINNA POLÜTEHNIKUM Automaatika ja energeetika erialaosakond Kelly Olvi SELV, PELV ja FELV Referaat ELEKTRIOHUTUS JA ELEKTRIALANE SEADUSANDLUS AA-15 Tallinn 2018 Sisukord 1.Väikepingesüsteemid SELV, PELV ja FELV................................................................................3 2.Kaitseväikepinge süsteemid..........................................................................................................3 3.Kasutusalad...................................................................................................................................4 4.Vooluahela ehitus......

Elektroonika → Elektroonika
22 allalaadimist

Java Programming Exercise

For a video rental store we want to create a system for managing the rental administration. We want three primary functions.  Have an inventory of films  Calculate the price for rentals  Keep track of the customers “bonus” points Price The price of rentals is based type of film rented and how many days the film is rented for. The customers say when renting for how many days they want to rent for and pay up front. If the film is returned late, then rent for the extra days is charged when returning. The store has three types of films.  New releases – Price is PREMIUM_PRICE times number of days rented.  Regular films – Price is BASIC_PRICE for the fist 3 days and then BASIC_PRICE times the number of days over 3  Old film - Price is BASIC_PRICE for the fist 5 days and then BASIC_PRICE times the number of days over 5 PREMIUM_PRICE is 4 EUR BASIC_PRICE is 3 EUR

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Music review

They mainly make mainstream rock and have published 3 albums so far. Their debut album was "Three days grace", which was published in 2003. It was followed by "One- X", which was released in 2006. Their latest album is quite new, its name is "Life Starts Now" and it was published on the 22nd September in 2009. The album that I'm going to review is their debut album "Three days grace", which has 12 tracks on it, but if you decide to buy the deluxe version you get one extra track and acoustic versions of two tracks that are already on the CD. The songs on the album are named as follows: "Burn", "Just Like You", "I Hate Everything About You", "Home", "Scared", "Let You Down", "Now or Never", "Born Like This", "Drown", "Wake Up", "Take Me Under" and "Overrated". The extra track on the deluxe version is named "Are You Ready?" and the two acoustic versions are of "I Hate Everything About You" and "Drown".

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Propositional logic and simple predicate assignments

Home assignment 1 : Margus Martsepp 121843IAPM Propositional logic and simple predicate assignments Advanced Course of Applied Logics ( ITV0081 ) Task 1: Code Task 1: Results Task 2: Code Task 2: Result Task 3: Code Task 3: Result Task 3: Proof - distribution of intersection over union. Task 3: Extra proof - distribution of union over intersection. Task 4: Code Task 4: Result Task 5: Code

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


41 111 173 1 Yes Yes 45 117 173 1 Yes Yes 47 146 173 1 Yes No 48 86 173 4 Yes Yes 5 44 179 1 Yes No 43 57 180 1 Yes No 16 124 181 1 Yes No 14 130 183 1 Yes No 40 82 183 2 Yes No 43 57 183 1 Yes No 8 145 185 2 Yes Yes Notes For a birthday party-- cake should read, "Happy Birthday, Daddy!" For the Mayor's NYE Gala-- arrange on best platters and deliver. No extra charge for an order this b Cake should read, "Congratulations, Yuki!" For a St. Patrick's Day party. Make everything we can green (green food coloring to cake and cookie For a kindergarden party. Write, "Happy 6th Birthday, Matthew!" on the cake and draw a rabbit in ic Apparently, he plans to eat most of this himself?! Maybe that was a joke… Extra icing Christmas- Write "Happy Birthday Jesus" on the Carrot Cake Apparently, he plans to eat most of this himself?! Maybe that was a joke…

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
4 allalaadimist

Kutsealane oskussõnastik

· Suite ( King s., Presidential s., Junior s.)- kuninglik, presideni, juunior sviit · Dorm (itory) ­ hosteli tuba · With a sea / park view ; overlooking the park / sea ­ vaatega pargile / merele 1.4 Beds- Voodid · King size bed ­ kuninglik voodi · Double bed ­ lai voodi · Twin beds ­ kahene voodi · Sofa bed = double sleeper ­ diivan voodi · Bunk bed ­ narivoodi · Four poster bed / canopy bed ­ baldahin voodi · Extra bed ­ lisavoodi · Cot / crib ­ lastevõre voodi · Folding bed ­ külaliste voodi · Camp bed ­ välivoodi · Bedding ­ voodiriided · Bedlinen ­ voodipesu · Duvet ; duvet set ­ suletekk ; sulepadi/tekk · Quilt / bedspread / bedcover ­ voodikate · Blanket ­ tekk · Pillow ­ padi · Pillowcase ­ padjapüür 1.4 Floors- Korrused · ( IN THE ) basement ­ kelder · gorund floor / first floor ­ esimene korrus · top floor ­ kõige kõrgem korrus

Turism → Hotellimajandus
36 allalaadimist

Ladina juriidiline terminoloogia kodutöö

abstractio ­ üldine süü; culpa in concreto ­ kindel süütegu, hooletus; ignorantia iuris ­ õiguse, seaduse mittetundmine; fraus creditorum ­ võlausaldaja petmine; Actio fiduciae ­ tagatise hagi; actio iudicati ­ kohtuotsuse hagi; cessio actionis ­ hagi tagasivõtt, hagist loobumine; Bonorum pessessio ­ varade valdamine; distractio bonorum ­ vara jagamine; Res in commercio ­ käibeline asi; res extra commercium ­ käibeväline e käibetu asi; Per aes et libram ­ vase ja kaaluga; Libripens ­ kaalumees; Emancipatio per rescriptum principis ­ isiku vabastamine valitseva juhi käskkirja kaudu (pojad saavad vabaks pere võimu alt täisikka jõudmisel); Rei vindicatio ­ omandihagi; res universitatis ­ rahvale kuuluvad asjad; Obligationes ex delicto ­ õigusrikkumisest tulenevad kohustused;

Keeled → Ladina juriidiline...
308 allalaadimist

Passive houses

And beforehand you would have to hire a consultant, who would also liked to get paid, to advise you on design and to verify the home´s efficiency. And last but definitely not the least negative side, which people might consider, is that looks count too. Most passive homes have limited windows and a boxy shape, which is the easiest geometry to keep insulated and highly energy efficient. Homes with curves and larger footprints require extra insulation and sealing , therefore they cost more money. Now let´s imagine, that despite all the extra fees, you still want to build an energy efficent house. So you must wonder, how high the standard is? Well, one passive house consultant in US reviewed a home, that was designed to earn top raiting from the Green Building Council, and yet he determined that it wouldn´t qualify as a passive house for several reasons ­ it had too many windows ­ but we all want to see the daylight, right

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

I exercise for carpentry Choose the right word

I exercise for carpentry Choose the right word sacked, profession ,skilled, employment, unemployed, job, professional, overtime, unemployment 1. EMPLOYMENT agencies help people to find work. 2. After Roger had won amateur championship he decided to turn PROFESSIONAL 3. He got a parttime JOB as a gardener. 4. The manager SACKED 10 employees. 5. The author of this guidebook is an architect by PROFESSIONAL. 6. In Germany there are thousands of UNEMPLOYED people who are unable to find work and must live on UNEMPLOYMENT benefit. 7. Automation and mechanization demand great numbers of SKILLED workers and technicians. 8. You will be paid extra for working OVERTIME .

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Football (soccer)

· UEFA affiliation 1954 · IFAB affiliation 1886 Football · Known · Between · One football used in game Gameplay · Time 45 + 45 min · Played using a football · Into the other team´s goal · Goals Some laws · Goalkeeper · Game stopping · Players · Offside · Throw-in Corner kick Football pitch Footballer equipment About 24.05.2014 game · Atletico in end of the game 1:0 · In extra time Real Madrid did a score 1:1 · Atletico player Godin made goal · Real Madrid players: Ramos, Bale, Marcelo, Ronaldo did goals · Final Score 4:1, Real Madrid won Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid · -champions-final-league-2014-real- madrid-vs-atletico-highlights-of-all-goals Thank You

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Betooni võib valada kohe pärast raketise valmimist ning ajaline võit on märgatav. Samuti vähenevad kulutused raketisele ning puudub vajadus kvalifitseeritud armeerijate järele. Betooni suurem tõmbe- ja paindetugevus võimaldavad vähendada konstruktsiooni mõõtmeid. Betooni mahukahanemisest tingitud pragunemisriskide vähenemine. Suureneb betooni löögikindlus. Konstruktsiooni valamise kulutused on täpselt etteplaneeritavad. Näiteks TAB-SLABTM ja ARMIXTM Extra betooni ei ole vaja vibreerida. Kasutamine Põrandad ­ Kõige laialdasemalt leiab kiudbetoon kasutust põrandates. Tänapäeval valatakse Eestis umbes 90% põrandatest kiududega. Enamjaolt kasutatakse põrandaplaatides teraskiudusid, vajadusel kapolüpropüleenist, plastikust ning klaasist kiudusid. Betoonpõrandad jagunevad alusele toetumise järgi: · Pinnasele toetuvad põrandad · Vaiadele toetuvad betoonpõrandad · Tasanduskihid

Ehitus → Ehitus
26 allalaadimist

Jobs I like

Jobs I like In the near future I want to find work as rapporteur, it is a good opportunity to earn extra money. At the moment I`d like to have time evening job, after school, of course. For example, I would like to wash dishes, with the machinery. After high school I`m probably going to study economics. I want to open their own cafe, breaking through the corporate world must be educated. Primary school I wanted to become a singer, but I realized that I`m not suitable for this purpose. Stewardess, it seems an interesting profession, as it offers the opportunity to travel a lot. Is a small chance that I`m gonna craftsmen, because I love crochet. Or gonna fashion designer. Maybe I`m gonna teach literature. (Especially do not believe it.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about the mobile phone which I bought from your store and about your customer service. I bought the phone on 15th September. I was told that the phone has guarantee for 6 months. It worked properly for three weeks. Then it suddenly stopped working, the screen went black and the buttons didn’t function. I immedately phoned your helpline and was told that this was completely my fault and i have to pay extra money for the repair. I think that it is unreasonable that I have to pay for the phone repair because guarantee is 6 months. I also think that in the future you should talk to your employees about their attitude. I would like to get my phone repaired for free. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, xy

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Job Application

used to work part-time for a local newspaper. Please find details of my qualifications and work experience in the enclosed curriculum vitae. Last year I was a student at Märjamaa Gymnasium. There I used to publish the school newspaper. Since I left school I have been working as the assistant of the sports magazine site in the Internet. I am familiar with using computer programs. I also have experience of translating books in English. I've done it beside my present job to earn some extra money. That shows I have good English skills and I am able to work under pressure. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Johanna Elmik

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist

Letter homework

Beachside Holiday Home Dear Sir or Madam, My family is planning to spend a month in England and we wish to rent a holiday house. I have found the advertisement in the Internet and I am going to ask some questions. First of all I wonder if pets are allowed in the house of family booking? We have a dog and that would be really very difficult to leave him at home alone for two weeks. What about extra fee car parking? How much would it cost? Is there a fridge in the kitchen? I am also interested in price. All the rent costs 252 €? Including bed linen & towels? Or we have to take along our toiletries? And finally: What about internet access? Do you have it? Looking forward to your answer, Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Names In The English-Speaking Countries

Names In The English-Speaking Countries Naming children has always been important to families and authorities. A long time ago, when people lived in small communities, only one name was given to a baby. As the population increased, there were too many people living in the same place and having the same name. Between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries, depending on the part of Britain, families began to add an extra name to baby's first name. Many surnames were given after a person's father or mother. In the Middle Ages the name of a newborn baby was not said out before christening. It was a widespread belief that witches and fairies used the names of their future victims in their spells. In some parts of Britain people used to call each other by nicknames in order to avoid the sound of their real names reaching the ears of cruel fairies. I think it's pretty weird to call each other by nicknames because of

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Dear Mum

Dear mum, Mum, you know how much I love dogs. I can't stop thinking about dogs. I know you don't like dogs. But when you see a little puppy in our home, you will change your mind. Of course dog needs extra money, but I have some savings. I will change my pocket money for a dog. Mum, don't worry about walking dog, feeding dog or cleaning after dog. I will do all! Please mum, let's have a dog. You don't have to worry about noise what dog makes. Let's buy headphones for all family. No broken things, because we will take cultured dog, who don't scratch or break things. Dad agreed with me with having a dog. He said that I need to ask you, and that's what I am doing right now

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


· Term originates from the 19th century London · Coined in Daily Telegraph July 26, 1905 · Worsened by thermal inversions Origin: Smo(ke) + (fo)g = Smog Main Causes The London Smog: coalpowered industry. Photochemical smog = vehicular fumes + industrial fumes + sunlight The main pollutants: NO2, SO2 Thermal Inversion Health Risks · Bad for everyone · Extra risk for people with heart, lung conditions and children, elderly Smog in NYC, 1988 Beijing, 2005 The Worst Case Scenario 5 "Smoggiest" Cities · Beijing, China · New Delhi, India · Santiago, Chile · Mexico City, Mexico · Ulanbataar, Mongolia Alternative Meanings Smog may also refer to.. ·A founding brand of dubstep in the US, est. 2006 ·Design company, Santiago, Chile ·DE based clothing company The List Of References

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Ametlik kiri

I am writing to you as I read the advertisment in Eesti Päevaleht about becoming an exchange student at a secondary school in Canada. I am 17 years old and I go to secondary school in Kilingi-Nõmme. I have good grades and I speak English well. Also I am interested in the chance to be an exchange student and improve my English. But there are few things I would like to ask you. Firstly, I was wondering about the accommadition possibilites, what it would be like, and are there any extra fees I should be avare of? And, secondly, what are the requierments and procedures to enter the school? I hope this information is useful to you and I would really love to have this chance. I am looking forward to your answer. Yours Faithfully Kalle Karu

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist


I love literature and arts; however, learning new ideas and cultures has always been my secret passion. There are many places I have been to and even more yet awaiting to be explored. I would like to know more about the location of your school, strengths and major subjects. Are there any accommodation possibilities such as staying with host families? It would be interesting to try it at least once in a lifetime. And one more question about the fees ­ is there any extra pay for studies, books, uniform, etc? I look forward to your letter. Sincerely, [eesnimi perekonnanimi]

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival

§ There was no Coachella festival held in the year 2000 § In 2007 the organizers extended the the festival to 3 days Festival passes § 1999-50$ § 2001/2002/2003-75$ § 2004-140$ § 2005-150$ § 2006-160$ § 2007-2012-275$ § 2013/2014-350$ § 2015/2016-375$ § 2017-400$ Vip festival passes § 900$ § Enables access to: Special foods and beverage facilities Shaded relaxation tents Extra restrooms Other unique vendors Safari tent-7000$ Recycling Trashed-Art of recycling Recycling store 10-1 Merch Energy playground § Thanks for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Estonia Medical Spa Hotel esitlus

saunas. All rooms have air conditioning. 108 places of accommodation: single and double rooms, rooms for three and suite. The Green House and the White House are connected with a glass gallery. 280 places of accommodation: single and double rooms, suites. All hotel rooms are hypoallergenic. Standard rooms have comfortable beds, desks, satellite TV, telephones, toilets and shower rooms. Most rooms have balconies. Extra beds are available. All hotel buildings are equipped with ramps and lifts.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Pasta bolognese

I like it, because it`s tasty and easy to make. Ingredients 500g Spaghetti 2 tsp oil 100g smoked baco 1 pc Onion 2 cloves of garlic 400g minced beef 500 g of tomato puree 1 tablespoon of oregano (dried) salt Black pepper 1 teaspoon sugar From 1 to 2 dl of bouillon AFTER 50 g (grated) Parmesan teaspoon Prepared Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the chopped bacon, onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes. Add the minced meat and continue frying for 5 minutes. Finally, extra tomato sauce, broth and oregano. Simmer over a low fire under the lid for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Season with sugar, salt and pepper. Cook the spaghetti in salted water until tender, drain and mix with the sauce. Serve with pasta, succulent sauce over-molded with grated Parmesan cheese.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Destileerimata joogid

,,Veristamise" meetod, kus osa punast mahla välja llastakse nõust ja ülejäänust saadakse eriti parkaineterikas punane vein. Suhkrusisalduse järgi liigtatakse vägakuivad, kuivad, poolkuivad, poolmagusad, magusad ja väga magusd.Suhkrusisaldus oleneb sellest, kas käärimine on lastud lõpuni toimuda või ei. Suhkrusisaldust saab tõsta külma poolt näpistatud, väärhallitusega kattunud, närtsitatud viinamarjade või rosinate kasutamisel. Üldreeglina EI LISATA suhkrut. Väga kuiv- extra sec, seco, extra dry ­ 0...0,5% suhkrut Kuiv ­ sec, seco, dry ­ 0,5...3% suhkrut Poolkuiv ­ demi sec, semi dry- 3...5% suhkrut Poolmagus ­ demi doux, dulce, semi sweet ­ 5...8% suhkrut Magus ­ doux, dulce, sweet ­ 8...20% suhkrut Väga magus ­ üle 20% suhkrut. Kahte viimast nim. Ka dessertveinideks Vanuse järgi liigitatakse noorema ja vanema aastakäigu veinideks. Põhitehnoloogia alusel ­naturaalsed, kangendatud, aromatiseeritud, vahuveinid, veinijoogid

Toit → Toitumisõpetus
23 allalaadimist

Kiudbetoonid ning nende kasutus

Nende eribetoonide loomisel lähtuti kiudbetooni kui komposiitmaterjali iseloomustavatest omadustest nagu armeeringu e.kiu ühtlane paiknemine kogu ristlõikes ja betooni suurendatud paindetõmbetugevus. ARMIXTM betoon on spetsiaalne kiudbetoon lint- ja plaatvundamentide, seinte jm. konstruktsioonide valamiseks. Sõltuvalt konstruktsioonile mõjuvatest koormustest ,konstruktsiooni mõõtmetest ning pinnase kandevõimest on projekteeritud eriklassid ARMIXTM 1,2,3,4,5 ning ARMIXTM extra. Viimane võimaldab valada ka mitmekorruseliste (näit. kuni 10 korruseliste) kivihoonete vundamente ilma tavaarmeeringuta. Eestis juba üle kahe aasta kasutuses olnud TAB-SLABTM süsteem on kombinatsioon APC varrastest ja spetsiaalsest kiudbetoonist , mis võimaldab kuni 10 m sildega monoliitsete vahelagede valamist ilma klassikalise armeeringuta. Nende eribetoonide nagu ka tavaliste kiudbetoonide puhul on väga oluline tellija, ehitaja , projekteerija ja betoonitootja koostöö

Ehitus → Ehitusmaterjalid
13 allalaadimist


The majority of students cannot afford the taxi fare from home to college. Some of them are unwilling to go on foot, because they are living far from college. The most realistic solution is to improve the bus service, writing to bus company. As a result good public transport will reduce the number of private cars. The second decision is to raise the price of car parking and extend it into the sports field. Perhaps it will take some time and extra money, but it will solve the majority of our transport problems. Yours sincerely, xxx

Keeled → Inglise keel
341 allalaadimist

Ausbildung in Estland

In der Berufsschule lernt man normal 3 Jahre lang, danach macht man auch Prüfungen, schreibt man ein Referat und kann sich auf die Suche Uni nach einer Arbeitsstelle machen. Nach Wunsch kann man auch hier Abitur machen und später an der Arbeit Universität studieren. In die Universitäten werden die Abiturienten auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Abiturprüfungen aufgenommen, meistens Ausser staatlichen gibt es keine extra Aufnahmeprüfungen. Kindergärten, Schulen und An der Uni dauert das Studium 3 Jahre bis Universitäten gibt es private. zum Baccalaureusgrad, noch 2 Jahre und Die sind ziemlich kostspielig, dann kriegt man nach der aber auch angefragt. Diplomverteidigung Magistergrad. Es gibt an den Unis Stipendien, die für die besten Leistungen vom Staat bezahlt werden. Das heisst, am Ende jedes Semesters wird die Durchschnittsnote gerechnet, und falls sie

Keeled → Saksa keel
9 allalaadimist

Assessment report

To: Mrs D.White, Marco´s Manager From: Kevin Raev , Assistant Manager Subject: Assessment report of Marco´s suggesting changes Introduction. The purpose of this report is to assess the good and bad points of the Marco´s fast food restaurant. Food and Prices Furthermore the meals are good value for money as the prices are quite reasonable. However the clients are complaining that there are not many dishes to choose from, so we need more meals. Service The staff are very friendly and and helpful and they are able to make helpful suggestions about the menu. However the service is a little short handed, It would be a good idea to hire extra people during the lunch and dinner time for rushes so that the service is always fast and efficient Atmosphere There is friendly relaxed atmosphere in our restaurant. . However the restaurant is old and not very clean. Conclusion Marco's is a fast food restaurant with reasonable prices. If you would co...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Writing a formal letter in english about a newspaper ad

There are about 6-7 questions. It is essential that you put them in a logical order. Some of the questions (at least 3-4 questions) should be indirect questions. NB! Sentence ,,Could you tell me, when will be the flat available" is NOT an INDIRECT QUESTION, because it is a request. Requests are not good to be used in a formal letter. These questions should be used in one paragraph. It would be good if you could give some extra information about one of the questions, why you have to ask that. The extra information in my example is marked with yellow backround. P2: Q1, Q2 P3: Q3, Q4, Q5 P4: Q6, Q7 For example, the second paragraph: ,,Firstly, I would like to know how soon the flat will be available. How far is Finsbury Park from central London? The advertisement did not mention if there are any extras to pay like electricity or water." The third paragraph:

Keeled → Inglise keel
99 allalaadimist

Referaat , Kiudbetoon

ajaline võit on märgatav. Kulutused raketisele vähenevad.Puudub vajadus kvalifitseeritud armeerijate järele. Betooni suurem tõmbe- ja paindetugevus võimaldavad vähendada konstruktsiooni mõõtmeid. Betooni mahukahanemisest tingitud pragunemisriskide vähenemine. Suureneb betooni löögikindlus. Konstruktsiooni valamise kulutused on täpselt etteplaneeritavad. Näiteks TAB-SLABTM ja ARMIXTM Extra betooni ei ole vaja vibreerida. Kiudbetoon Omadused [WWW] (12.03.2012) (12.03.2012) 1.2. TTK 3 T.Michelson 12.03.2012 1.3.Kasutamine 1.3.1. Põrandad Kõige laialdasemalt leiab kiudbetoon kasutust põrandates

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
205 allalaadimist

Programmeeritavad kontrollerid Labor 2

The following section contains the actual `code' that the controllers are running. To simplify the understanding and to make the scheme more manageable, most of the implementation is divided into user functions. The functions themselves will be provided and described below. FIRST CONTROLLER In the first controller, blocks Mode1, Mode2, Mode3 and ChooseMod are associated with choosing the mode in which the system must be working. Extra describes the function of the pedestrian crosswalk button, StopLight Sequen insures that the stoplights are lighting up in the right sequence. Displays is responsible for the things that need to be shown on the display. Tallinn University of Technology March 2013 MODE 1 This block describes the behavior of the Democratic manual mode. It is connected to the sensors

Informaatika → Informaatika
105 allalaadimist

Women's ideals of beauty through the ages

WOMEN's IDEALS OF BEAUTY THROUGH THE AGES Renaissance 15th century High forehead In the warmer climate hair in plaits, jeweled turbans or caps Using bleach A few extra pounds of weight. Used white lead powder Elizabethan 16th century Queen Elizabeth Naturally pale complexion Red hair Healthy glow to cheeks 18th Century Women had trim Crimped or curled heads Powdered Decorated with garlands(vanikud) Wire cages Three feet in the air Feathers Ribbons Jewels Even ships, gardens Victorian Natural beauty Without makeup Used cosmetics less Hygiene and health 1840s ­ heads were sleek, demure Heavy knot of curls Plaits in back 1920s "Bobbed"

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun