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"chill" - 32 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Chill

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(°-°) (°°? Csaba Kiss · University of Debrecen (°°? Reply · 537 · Like · Follow Post · Yesterday at 2:44pm Adonis Cornejo · Top Commenter (° -°) chill bro. (·_·) that's what you call. ( ·_·)> le sexy time. (_)

Antropoloogia → Antropoloogia
3 allalaadimist

POEM - The months

POEM The months. January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glows. February brings the rains, Thaws the frozen lake again. March brings breezes sharp and chill, Shakes the dancing daffodil. April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. May brings flocks of pretty lambs, Sporting round their fleecy dams. June brings tulips, lilies, rose, Fills the children's hands with posies. Hot July brings thundershowers, Apricots, and gillyflowers. August brings the sheaves of corn; Then the harvest home is borne. Warm September brings the fruit; Sportsmen then begin to shoot. Brown October brings the pheasant,

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

A day out to remember

A day out to remember It was a sunny summer day. I woke up, like always, brushed my teeth and went to eat. After all that, I chill in my computer, chat with friends and just watched TV. I had a phone call, I was a little bit surprised because it was my old friend with who I didn't see a long time. she called me, to ask, whether i want to go out with her. I agree and started to dress. When I stepped out from the house, I looked around and see that day was wonderful. When I was walking by the old lady, she was smiling to me, I smiled to her too. And then she said something strange, she said < Be careful today, girl

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

My day

My favorite subject is Maths . I think . After 12.35 when the lessons end I go home and always with somebody . At home I eat something light like apple or yoghurt . Then I do my homework , watch TV , sing or play the flute . At 4.30 p.m I start to go to Music school . There the Solfedzo startsat 5.15 p.m. After this is flute lesson . I have a Russian teacher so I have quite a lot of fun, because she has such an accent . It is pretty funny. Later I go to chill at the town . Mostly we swing on our school swings . We often do other stuff to , like walking , playing football or basketball , or we are just sitting at the school ,,mountain" , too . There are so many good people . Once in a while I get home after 10 p.m , but mostly 9 p.m . If I am very hungry then I eat something light , but mostly I only drink water or juice .Then I take a shower , brush my theet and go to bed . I ma usually Vary tired so I all asleep very quickly

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


tervitasid ja kohtlesid üksteist kui sõpra, kõigil paistis väga tore olevat. Kes tantsis, kes maalis, kes silitas hobust, kes jalutas matkarajal – see oli fantastiline. Ettevalmistus oli nagu rusikas silmaauku: looduskaunil festivalialal liikusid vabalt ringi lammas, siga, kits, hani ja hobune, maastikule oli lisatud dekoratiivseid elemente, mis peolistele eriti efektsed paistsid. Ei puudunud ka batuut ja kiik. Pisiasjadele oli tähelepanu pööratud. Üritusel oli kaks lava, üks chill, kus olid heina täis kott-toolid, laest rippuvad tupsukesed, mõnusalt värviline valgus ja üldse igati chill õhkkond. Teine, non-stop-trance lava oli oma nime vääriline. Sealt kostus pidev vali tümakas, laserid ei puhanud hetkeks ja lava ees oli alati keegi. Sinna sattus ka mitmeid rõngakeerutajaid, eriti populaarsed olid nöörid, mille otsa olid raskused kinnitatud ja mida sai samuti ringluses hoida ja erinevat pidi ümber enda keerutada. Taolised tegevused on party

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
4 allalaadimist

The Rasmus

" Albumid · Peep (1996) · Playboys (1997) 3 · Hell of a Tester (1998) · Into (2001) · Dead Letters (2003) · Hide From the Sun (2005) Singlid · 1st (1995) · 2nd (1996) · 3rd (1996) · Kola (1997) · Blue (1997) · Playboys (1997) · Ice (1998) · Liquid (1998) · Swimming With The Kids (1999) · F-F-F-Falling (2001) · Chill (2001) · Madness (2001) · Heartbreaker / Days (2002) · In The Shadows (2003) (2004- UK) · In My Life (2003) · First Day Of My Life (2003) (2004- UK) · Funeral Song (The Resurrection) (2004) · Guilty (2004) · No Fear (2005) · Sail Away (2005) · Shot (2006) Auhinnad · 1996 Soome Grammy auhind ­ parim uus artist. · 2004 ja 28. aprill 2006 mainekas ESKA auhind kategoorias "Maailma parim rokkbänd".

Muusika → Muusika
10 allalaadimist

Marijuana Facts For Teens artikkel

Marijuana Facts For Teens Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs among teenagers because most teens don't consider it to be harmful. This idea that marijuana is harmless is a very common misconception among teens. Teens use marijuana because it is a great way to relax and just chill out with friends, but most teens aren't aware of the risks associated with marijuana use. Teens may think that marijuana isn't dangerous because it's not a "hard" drug like cocaine or heroin, but what they don't know is that marijuana has its own set of dangers. Everyone has heard that marijuana is a "gateway drug" and this idea has been a point of debate for many years. However, even if marijuana does not lead to the use of other drugs, there are still negative consequences that

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Vene keele ja inglise keele kasvav mõjujõud Eesti ühiskonnas

teiseks riigikeeleks on juba aastaid arutlusel olnud. Pöörates pilgu tänapäeva haridusele ja keskendudes rohkem noorte keelekasutusele, võib koheselt märgata mõjutusi inglise- ning vene keelest. Eks see ole omat moodi arusaadav, televiisorites on tänapäeval rohkem inglisekeelseid kanaleid kui eestikeelseid. See kõik aga mõjutab eesti keelt suuresti, sest tänapäeval on väga vähe noori, kes ei kasuta igapäevaselt mitte ühtegi slängisõna inglisekeelest. Selfie, chill, hey – need inglisekeelsed sõnad kuuluvad iga keskmise teismelise igapäevase sõnavara hulka. Noored suudavad uue keelega kiirelt kohaneda. Tugevalt on tunda võõrkeelte mõju ka koolipingis. Võin öelda, et enamus minu sõpru tunneb ennast mugavamalt inglisekeele tunnis kui eesti keele tunnis. Riigieksamil muretsetaks samuti rohkem eesti keele eksmi kui inglisekeele oma pärast. Öeldakse, „eesti keel on raske ja keeruline“,

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
18 allalaadimist

My Future plans

I will start my career in one of the biggest newspapers as a journalist. For my main job I will write stories for "USA Today", "The Wall Street Journal" and "The New York Times". I will live in a very big house with my husband and children. We will have two cute Chihuahua and many fish in a giant aquarium, which will be situated in the living room. We will have a big garden, where I will have a big pool with kids playground. There we will have little garden house, where we can grill and chill with my friends in summer. When I get 40 I will go to live abroad for a year. We will travel to many countries, learn different cultures and get many new friends. When I'm 50, my first sons' third wife will give birth to my first grandchild, which will give me and my husband great joy. In my late 60s my children will be grown-up. I don´t bother to work any more and I will stay at home to enjoy my life with my husband. We will go travelling time to time, spend time with our

Keeled → Inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Jason Marz - I'm yours

F Dm Gm tried to be chill but you're so hot that I mel - ted I fell right through the cracks

Muusika → Muusika
2 allalaadimist


an experience not to be missed. Billed as "an extravagant joint with remarkable decoration", it lives up to its claim. There's a cover charge of 1,500 pesetas (about £6) and you have to buy a minimum of two drinks which don't come cheap. Unless you want to feel left out, go flamboyantly dressed. Slip on silver platforms, don that pink feather boa, pull on your fright wig ­ and play "is that a guy or a girl?" game. Then head for bar l'Ascensor on Carrer Bellafila. It's a cosy place to chill out to cool music in an unhurried atmosphere and have those end-of-the-night, philosophical conversations with friends. CAVA Cava is the Spanish equivalent of French champagne. Just as bubbly, as delicious and a lot less expensive (around £4 a bottle), you can quaff it at the city's most popular Cava and tapas bar, El Xampanyet. It's an intimate little place with a sunny, Mediterranean feel and friendly staff, who keep the corks popping until 2 am. ACCOMMODATION 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

"Tants maailmade vahel" - Retsensioon

"TANTS MAAILMADE VAHEL" NYYD `07: Mark-Anthony Turnage. Scorched 19. oktoober 2007 "Estonia" kontserdisaal Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester Dzässtrio John Parricelli (kitarr, Suurbritannia) Peter Erskine (löökpillid, USA) John Patitucci (kontrabass, USA) Dirigent: Olari Elts Tegemist oli kümnenda rahvusvahelise uue muusika festivali NYYD `07 raames toimunud kontserdiga, mis leidis aset "Estonia" kontserdisaalis. Kontsert oli pühendatud ühe Briti noorema põlvkonna edukaima helilooja Mark-Anthony Turnage`i loomingule. Kontserdile eelnes Erkki-Sven Tüüri ja külalise vaheline avalik vestlus sealsamas. Positiivne oli see, et oma küsimustega võisid Turnage`i kõnetada ka ülejäänud saalisviibijad. Tegemist oli äärmiselt vaba ja siira, isegi südamliku jutuajamisega, kus õhtu peakangelane demonstreeris huumorimeelt ning avas oma loomeprotsessi ja karjääri tagamaid. Algul oli küsimuseesitajaid üsna kesise võitu, aga kui algus oli lahtu tehtud...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
48 allalaadimist

Loovtöö "BMX"

8. 12. Kuhu sa tahad bmx'i sõitmisega jõuda tulevikus? Tahan lihtsalt sõita ja sellest rõõmu tunda nagu seda siiamaani olen teinud. Pole erilist plaani jõuda kuskile või parimaks sõitjaks saada vms... 13. Mitmel korral sa oled simple sessionil võistelnud? 2010 oli esimene, 11 teine ja 12 kolmas, kui hästi läheb, siis sellel aastal oleks 4.kord 14. Mis meeleolu sul on, kui sa võistled? Eestisisestel võistlustel on alati chill ja hea tuju, sest võistlus toimub ikkagi ju sõpradega. Aga kui Sessionist ja suurematest võistlustest rääkida, siis on igakord närv sees ja adrenaliini laks mitu korda suurem, aga see on ikka üüratu kogemus võistelda mitmekümne tuhande vaataja ees, live streamid ja kohapeal tuhanded vaatajad, kirjeldamatu :D 15. Oled sa pettunud, kui ei võida võistlust? Ei kindlasti mitte, sel alal on kõik igatepidi võitjad ja no ma oskan kaotada ka :D haha 16. Kellega sa tavaliselt sõidad?

Sport → Ekstreemsport
52 allalaadimist

Slängi populaarsus ja kasutatavus Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasiumi 10.b klassi õpilaste seas

Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasium Slängi populaarsus ja kasutatavus Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasiumi 10.b klassi õpilaste seas Uurimustöö Autor: Helina Romantosov 10B Juhendaja: Piia Jullinen Tartu 2011 SISSEJUHATUS Uurimustöö teemaks on valitud slängi kasutatavus ja populaarsus Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasiumi 10.b klassis. Teema näis huvitav ning kuna släng on väga kiiresti muutuv, sooviti läbi uurimuse rohkem aimu saada hetkel kasutuses olevatest slängisõnadest, mida ehk ka enda sõnavara täiustamiseks kasutada saaksite. Selle info saamiseks koostati ankeetleht, kuhu oodati ausaid vastuseid viiele küsimusele. Tänu sellele selgus õpilaste arvamus, kas släng mõjutab meie emakeelt, miks ja kui tihti seda kasutatakse ning samuti paluti igal õpilasel individuaalselt kirja panna, mida släng otseselt temajaoks tähendab ja välja tuua tänapäevaseima...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

Introduction Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti or Eesti Vabariik) is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by the Russian Federation (338,6 km). The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people closely related to the Finns, with the Estonian language sharing many similarities to Finnish. The modern name of Estonia is thought to originate from the Roman historian Tacitus, who in his book Germania (ca. AD 98) described a people called the Aestii. Similarly, ancient Scandinavian sagas refer to a land called Eistland, close to the German term Estland for the country. Early Latin and other ancient versions of the name are Estia and Hestia. Until the late 1930s, the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

“Ajastu muutub, kas ka inimene?”

while tryin' ta make it last I drank a 5th for that ass when you passed.... cause life goes on Chorus Verse Two: Yeah nigga I got tha word as hell ya blew trial and tha judge gave you 25 with an L time to prepare to do fed time won't see parole imagine life as a convict that's getten' old plus with tha drama we're lookin out for your babies mama taken risks, while keepin' cheap tricks from gettin on her... life in tha hood... is all good for nobody remember gamin' on dumb hoties at chill parties Me and you No true a two while scheming on hits and gettin tricks that maybe we can slide into but now you burried rest nigga cause I ain't worried eyes bluried sayin' goodbye at the cemetary tho' memories fade I got your name tated on my arm so we both ball till' my dying days before I say goodbye Kato, we're meant to rest in peace Thug till I die Chorus Verse Three: Bury me smilin' with G's in my pocket have a party at my funeral let every rapper rock it

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete sõnade ja väljendite kastamine eesti keeles

kus on õpitud erinevaid väljendeid, milleks olid: raamatud, mängud, erinevad interneti leheküljed, filmid jne. Joonis 5. Ingliskeelsete sõnade õppimine. Järgnevas küsimuses enamkasutatavate ingliskeelsetest sõnade/väljendite kohta toodi välja 33 erinevat näidet (joonis 6), peale selle said vastajad ise kirjutada erinevaid sõnu, mida kasutatakse. 10 kõige enam kasutatavat sõna ning väljendit selle nimekirja järgi on: nice, oh my god! (omg), like/likema, chill, hate/hatema, selfie, share/sheerima, please, by the way(btw) ning laugh out loud (lol). Kasutatakse palju lühendeid, sest see on kergem. Vastuse variandi "muu" all toodi välja veel erinevaid sõnu. Nendeks olid: really? why? mate, bro, rest in peace (rip), no problem (np), sick ja veel palju teisi. 12 Joonis 6. Ingliskeelsed enamkasutatavad väljendid.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
7 allalaadimist

Suurköögi eksam

Idee: Koorene lõhesupp on kindlasti meie pere köögihitt. Otsustasin selle supi kasuks, kuna minu sooviks on jagada ka teistega seda lihtsat ning maitsvat suppi. Lõhesupi valmistamismeetod erineb traditsioonilisest retseptist ning arvan, et just see saigi saatuslikuks supi valimisel. Supp valmib üsna kiiresti ning ka hind on suurköögi eelarvele vastav. 6 Chilli con carne/ keedetud riis TOIDU NIMETUS chill con carne/ keedetud riis portsjoni kaal g 150/150 valmistatavaid portsjoneid kokku 60 Valmistamise Hind km- Kalors Retsepti kaal kaal ta us 1 Kao 1 x Ühiku Retsepti 1 Toiduained Ühik bruto % neto bruto x neto hind hind portsjon

Toit → Köögi õpetus
22 allalaadimist

Baaritöö konspekt

Soodavesi Apelsinilõik Täida klaas jääga Täida sheiker jääga Võta klaas ja joogid Valmista ette garneer Mõõda sheikerisse suhkrusiirup. Sidrunimahl, gin ­ kork pihus sheikeri kohal Sheigi Kurna klaas, pool jääd Vala sheiker tühjaks Liiguta sheikerit, vala veelkord Pikenduseks soodavesi Liiguta baarilusikaga Garneeri Ulata kliendile, ütle nimi Tuntumad likööride kaubamärgid: Bols, De Kuyper, Marie Brizard. Kogupäevajook Kogupäevajook The Big Chill Wiki Waki Woo 4 cl hele rumm 1 cl vodkat 3 cl ananassimahla 1 cl heledat rummi 3 cl apelsinimahla 1 cl tumedat rummi 3 cl jõhvikamahla 1 cl tekiilat 3 cl kookoskreemi 1 cl triple sec või coitreau 2 cl amarettot Ananassisektor + 2 cl apelsinimahla

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
61 allalaadimist


Võta klaas ja joogid Valmista ette garneer Mõõda seikerisse suhkrusiirup. Sidrunimahl, gin ­ kork pihus seikeri kohal sheigi Kurna klaas, pool jääd Vala seiker tühjaks Liiguta seikerit, vala veelkord Pikenduseks soodavesi Liiguta baarilusikaga Garneeri Ulata kliendile, ütle nimi Tuntumad likööride kaubamärgid: Bols, De Kuyper, Marie Brizard. Kogupäevajook Kogupäevajook Wiki Waki Woo The Big Chill 1 cl vodkat 4 cl hele rumm 1 cl heledat rummi 3 cl ananassimahla 1 cl tumedat rummi 3 cl apelsinimahla 1 cl tekiilat 3 cl jõhvikamahla 1 cl triple sec või coitreau 3 cl kookoskreemi 2 cl amarettot 2 cl apelsinimahla

Toit → Joogiõpetus
26 allalaadimist


Bill declares that he is fonder of Jake than anyone on earth. He states that he could not make this claim in New York because he would sound like a "faggot." He makes an extended joke about how the Civil War was all about homosexuality. "Sex explains it all," he says. Bill and Jake pack a lunch and bottles of wine, and head to the river. They walk through beautiful meadows, fields, and woods, and, after a long hike, arrive at the river. They place the wine in a spring up the road in order to chill it. Jake fishes with worms, but Bill tries fly-fishing. They both catch many fish, but Bill's fish are bigger. Over their lunch, they joke about the friends they met in the war. Bill then asks Jake if he was ever in love with Brett, and Jake says that he was "for a hell of a long time." They take a nap under the trees and then head back to the inn. They spend five days in Burguete, fishing, eating, drinking, and playing cards. They get no word from Cohn, Brett, or Mike. Summary: Chapter XIII

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist


( kui ta 10 minti enne seansi lõppu vihma hakkab panema, kuidas siis teda rahustada) 11) Ole sundimatult viisakas. 12) Ei tohi lasta ennast mõjutada isegi kui provotseeritakse ebaprofessionaalselt tegutsema 13) Selgesõnaline kokkulepe edasise ravu/nõustamise suhtes Vägivaldne ähvardav klient Mida siis teha? Kõigepealt vaadata, millised on väljapääsnud. Enne peaks juba teadma, kuidas töötada hädaolukorras. Haiglas on eriti chill narkouimas klientidega. Kui tead ette, ära üldse võta seda tööd. Või on miskine turvamees uksetaga? Peaks olema kindlustatud tagasitee endale. Peaks paluma kliendil istuma, leppima kokku, et tööd tehakse istudes. Leppida kokku, et käed on nähtaval nii minu kui tema. Peaks olema miskine distants. Peaks säilitama rahu. Kõnemaneer peakso lema tasakaalukas/rahulik ja võimalikult vähe klienti katkestada. Hinnangulisust vältida. Kliendi probleeme ei tohiks alahinnata

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
224 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

J.: Wiley-Liss. muscle. Life Sciences 9:443–449. Juncher, D., B. Ronn, E. T. Mortensen, P. Henckel, A. Hess, D. T., A. Matsumoto, S. O. Kim, H. E. Marshall, Karlsson, L. H. Skibsted, and G. Bertelsen. 2001. and J. S. Stamler. 2005. Protein s-nitrosylation: Effect of pre-slaughter physiological conditions on Purview and parameters. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol the oxidative stability of colour and lipid during chill 6:150–166. storage of pork. Meat Science 58:347–357. Hess, D. T., A. Matsumoto, R. Nudelman, and J. S. Kaminski, H. J., and F. H. Andrade. 2001. Nitric oxide: Stamler. 2001. S-nitrosylation: Spectrum and specific- Biologic effects on muscle and role in muscle dis- ity. Nat Cell Biol 3:E46–E49. eases. Neuromuscul Disord 11:517–524. Hitchcock, S. E. 1975

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Heiki Vilep ja uusim lastekirjandus

TARTU ÜLIKOOL FILOSOOFIATEADUSKOND EESTI KIRJANDUSE ÕPPETOOL Eike Metspalu HEIKI VILEP JA UUSIM LASTEKIRJANDUS BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Juhendaja: dotsent Ele Süvalep Tartu 2007 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS .......................................................................................................... 3 1. LASTEKIRJANDUSEST JA UUSIMAST EESTI LASTEKIRJANDUSEST ... 5 1.1. Tõlkekirjanduse domineerimine ................................................................... 6 1.2. Intertekstuaalsus............................................................................................ 7 1.3. Diletandid...................................................................................................... 9 1.4. Elektroonilise meedia võidukäik................................................................. 10 1.5. Kommertsialiseerumine ..............................

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
69 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

investments as they lead to the Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 17 Maturita Solutions Advanced Workbook Key 2 Reading: rock, indie, underground 3 1 That must be Andy's brother ­ Unit 8 punk, hardcore he's the spitting image of him. Big Chill: electronic 2 You must have been over the 8A Fashion page 65 Glastonbury: all sorts moon when you were picked for 1 1 neat. The others all mean the the team. 3 1 many 7 can opposite of neat. 3 I shouldn't be late home this

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

H o w can you increase the contrast? 3. In what ways is your hero Tested, and when does she make Allies or Enemies? Keep in mind there is no "right" way. T h e needs of the story may dictate when alliances are made. 4. Are there loner heroes who have no Allies? 5. Is your hero a single character or a group such as a platoon, a crew, a family, or a gang? If it is an "ensemble piece" like The Breakfast Club or The Big Chill, when does the team become a coherent group? 6 . H o w does your hero react to the S p e c i a l W o r l d w i t h its strange rules a n d unfamiliar people? 141 STAGE SEVEN: APPROACH T O THE I N M O S T CAVE ^ C O W A R D L Y LION.- There's only one thing more I'd like you fellows to do.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

members are committed to the project teams goals and values. Leadership is taken by the team member most capable in regard to specific work and services. Often, design professionals and contractors lead in areas of their traditional competence with support from the entire team; however, specific roles are necessarily determined on a project-by-project basis. Roles are clearly defined, without creating artificial barriers that chill open communication and risk taking. 63 5.2.3 Organization, operating system and commercial terms Project-based delivery systems, like construction, form the three sides of a triangle, or in other words, they have three basic domains: organization, operating system and commercial terms (see also chapter 3)

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Turismiettevõtluse lõpueksami märksõnade konspekt

toidu nõutajate, lihtsalt kerge pooldajate arv jne). Erinevate tervisetrendide jälgimine (eriti 20 30 aastaste põlvkond terviseteadlikud). Inimesed suhtuvad suurema tähelepanuga tervisesse. Restoranides tavapärane hooida menüüs nn "Golden door" ­ menüüd, kerget einet energiväärtusega mitte rohkem kui 800 kcal, päevamenüü ei ületa 1400 kcal. Suurte hotellikettide areng, millel tsentraalköögid, töötavad cook & chill põhimõttel. Praegu tegutsevad Euroopas edukalt pitsabaarid, hamburgeribaarid, pannkoogibaarid jt kiirtoiduettevõtted klientide poolt armastatud, samas tootmiskulud väikesed Levinud on buffet restoranid , ka karussellteenindusega toitlustusettevõtted. Jookide müügimahtude kasv on selge eduvõimalus. See puudutab nii alkohoolseid jooke kui ka karastusjooke. Eriti on esile tõstetud vee müügi trendi.

Turism → Turismiettevõtlus
114 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

" I didn't follow him when he left, feeling too unsettled to eat. Instead, I crawled onto the bed that was exactly like my own and curled around a pillow, closing my eyes. I didn't hear Gideon come back, but I felt him as he drew to a stop at the edge of the bed. "Please don't make me eat alone," he said to my rigid back. "Why don't you just order me to eat with you?" He sighed, and then slid onto the bed to spoon behind me. His warmth was welcome, chasing away the chill that had brought goose bumps to my skin. He didn't say anything for a long while, just gave me the comfort of having him close. Or maybe he was taking comfort in me. "Eva." His fingers caressed the length of my silk-clad arm. "I can't stand you being unhappy. Talk to me." "I don't know what to say. I thought we were finally coming to a point where things would smooth out between us." I hugged the pillow tighter. "Don't tense up, Eva. It hurts when you pull away from me."

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

I'd left my jacket in the car, and a sudden shiver made me cross my arms tightly across my chest. A single van passed me, and then the road was empty. The sky suddenly darkened further, and, as I looked over my shoulder to glare at the offending cloud, I realized with a shock that two men were walking quietly twenty feet behind me. They were from the same group I'd passed at the corner, though neither was the dark one who'd spoken to me. I turned my head forward at once, quickening my pace. A chill that had nothing to do with the weather made me shiver again. My purse was on a shoulder strap and I had it slung across my body, the way you were supposed to wear it so it wouldn't get snatched. I knew exactly where my pepper spray was -- still in my duffle bag under the bed, never unpacked. I didn't have much money with me, just a twenty and some ones, and I thought about "accidentally" dropping my bag and walking away. But a

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


1 The theatre also attempted to widen national identity. Mare ja ta poeg (Mare and Her Son, 1935) by Aino Kallas, referring to events of the St. George’s Night Uprising; Lipud tormis (Flags in the Storm, 1937) by Hugo Raudsepp, Nimed marmortahvlil (Names in Marble, 1939) by Albert Kivikas2, both based on the War of Independence and its consequences. In a lighter vein, the witty allegorical play Kuningal on külm (The King Feels a Chill, 1936) by Anton Hansen Tammsaare satirised many ideas from the past and present and their contradictions, the King representing the decline of the Old World. 1 Looming (Creation) 9 (1933): 1081. 2 Based on his novel of the same title, the play was co-written with August Annist, it was filmed in 2002. The film industry was centred in Tallinn around the studio Eesti Kultuurfilm (Estonian Cultural Film, 1931-1940, and sponsored by the Cultural Endowment).

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


" That same day, Yamamoto promulgated Combined Fleet Top Secret Order Number 1, the plan for the Pearl Harbor attack. Two days later, he set December 8 (Tokyo time) as Y-day and named Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo as Commander, First Air Fleet—the Pearl Harbor strike force. In the days that followed, the 32 ships that were to compose the force slipped, one by one, out to sea and vanished. Far from any observation, they headed north to rendezvous in a bay of barren Etoforu Island, one of the chill, desolate Kuriles north of the four main islands of Japan. Behind them the ships left their regular wireless operators to carry on an apparently routine radio traffic in their own "fists," or sending touch, which is as distinctive as handwriting. As the force was gathering, the Foreign Office, which knew only that the situation was tense and was never told in advance of the time, place, or nature of the planned attack, prepared on open-code arrangement as an emergency means of notification

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

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