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"here" - 764 õppematerjali

here – there- tomorrow-. the next day ago- before-yesterday- the day before last night – the previous night-soon- later next week/year – the following week/year me muudame oleviku modaalverbe can – could

Kasutaja: here

Faile: 0

"I was here" - "Mina olin siin"

(name) Original title: "Mina olin siin" Genre: Drama Director: René Vilbre Adaptation and script: Ilmar Raag Director of Photography: Mait Mäekivi Art Director: Jaagup Roomet Rasmus Kaljujärv Hele Kõre Tambet Tuisk Margus Prangel Marilyn Jurman Runtime: 87 min Release Date: September 2008 Country of origin: Estonia Rass (dreams and chance to start better life)

Keeled → Inglise keel
80 allalaadimist

pink floyd--wish you were here

Muusika → Muusika
2 allalaadimist

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern: I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for (ENTER A NAME HERE). As the Student of (ENTER A NAME HERE) Secondary School I have known (ENTER A NAME HERE) for 10 years and feel that he is a deserving canditate for your taxi driver spot. (ENTER A NAME HERE) joined our school as a smart boy. He likes to do job and studies well. (ENTER A NAME HERE) drives cars very good and fast, but he never goes faster than it's allowed. He also has a clean driving licence. In traffic he always drives responsibly and looks ahead. I believe that (ENTER A NAME HERE) exhibits many of the qualities that are essential to a taxi driver. He also communicates good with people, I think that's important for taxi drivers. They need to commune with their clients. I highly recommend (ENTER A NAME HERE) for your taxi driver's spot and hope that you will carefully consider admission application. Sincerely, (ENTER A NAM...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

Direct questions and indirect questions. 1. Asking and answering questions How to ask and answer direct questions where a short Yes or No answer is expected: Are you cold? Yes I am./No. I'm not Are you waiting for someone? Are you coming on Friday? We usually make questions by changing the word order: we put the first auxiliary verb before the subject: You are ­ Are you? In present simple questions we use do/does: Do you live near here Does the film begin at three? In past simple questions we use did: Did you sell your car? Practise: Is it raining? Is your brother married? Are there any questions you'd like to ask? Is there a station near here? Is there time to buy a newspaper? Were you late this morning? Were you born in Estonia? Was your friend with you last night? Was it cold this morning? Were there many people at the party? Were there any problems?

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

My area

Homework I live in Muuga, it's about 13km from the city center. Muuga belongs to city Maardu, it is like a little village between Maardu and Pirita and Lasnamäe. Here in Muuga, there are many little cottages and detached houses with yards. It is a very quiet and calm village. We have here only 3 food-shops, two really small ones and a bigger one ,,Maxima". Here is also being built a kindergarden. Near here we have a little staying place, something like a motel. We have a bus from the center, it takes nearly 35 minutes to get from the center to Muuga. Bus comes every 17-25 minutes, so it is quite comfortable. A lot of place to walk, go jogging and ride a bike. I'm happy that i live near the bus stop, it's very good for me, but however sometimes I may miss the bus. I can walk here in my yard only in a robe and nobody will tell me anything, that's why i like Muuga and also for its tranquilness

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Metsakooslused Helena Teras Asend Kuuluvad parasvöötme metsavööndi segametsade allvööndi põhjaossa. Pinnase koostisest ja niiskusreziimist sõltuvalt väga palju erinevaid metsatüüpe. 2 July 22, 2012 Footer text here Salumetsad Kasvab kõige viljakamatel muldadel. Lõpuks haritakse põldudeks. Seal kasvavad enamasti kuused. Peale kuuskede ka paljud väärislehtpuud nagu näiteks tammed, saared, jalakad, vahtrad ja pärnad. Sellist sorti metsasi iseloomustab lopsakas ja liigirohke alusmets.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Tourists in Estonia

Tourists in Estonia Everyday a we can see a ship-load of Finland tourists. And they are here for only one thing. Finns are not anyone who would like to see Estonian sight-seeings or old-town, they are here for cheap alcohol. Regular Finn are an over-weight and very loud, usually because they are drunk. And our hotels are full of Finns. If you ever visit a passenger-port and see a person who have one or more luggage carriers full of export beer boxes then you have seen our north-neighbour. The Brits Usually here are only British bachelors who want to have a stag party in our pubs. These kind of Brits are very annoying. But here are also nice old Brits, much less than bachelors but still some

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

CV blankett

Address 1 Phone Number Address 2 E-mail Address Address 3 Your name Objective [ Type Objective Here ] Summary of [ Dates Attended ] [ Company/Institution Name ] [ Town, County ] Qualifications [ Job Title ] Y [ Details of position, award, or achievement. ] Education [ Dates Attended ] [ Company/Institution Name ] [ Town, County ] [ Degree/Major ] Y [ Details of position, award, or achievement. ] Professional [ Dates Attended ] [ Company/Institution Name ] [ Town, County ]

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

Houseworks in my family

I was scrubbin a stain cursin out loud in vain say'n to myself So many other things that I could be doing Vacume vacuming My black carpet again Say'n to myself So many other things that I could be doing Dishes are gathering quietly into the sink at night It's a consperacy leaving me here on my own leaving me here on my own All alone and Dishes are gathering quietly into the sink at night It's a consperacy leaving me here on my own leaving me here on my own all alone Leaving me here On my own on my own Dishes are gathering quietly into the sink at night It's a consperacy leaving me here on my own leaving me here on my own

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

C. Excuse me? SA. Yes, can I help you? C. Well, I bought this red jacket here last week. I m afraid there s a problem with it. SA. Really, what s that? C. This is Large and wrong size. It s too large. SA. I m terribly sorry about that. Have you got a receipt, please? C. Yes, here you are. SA. Thanks a lot. Well, would you like a refund or would you like to choose another kind of jacket? C. I d like another jacket, please. On for size M. SA. Here is collarless brown jacket with two pockets in size M. It s slightly more expensive but it s a really fit your. C. Thanks very much. I ll take these. SA. Not at all. How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card? C. In cash. How much does it cost? SA. This costs 39.50. C. Here is 40.00. SA. Thank you. Here is your change 50 c and here is your receipt. C. Thank you. Bye.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Present Simple & Continuous

PRESENT SIMPLE I You work here. ... do not (don't) work ... We They Do you work here? ­ Yes, I do. / No, I don't. He She works here. ... does not (doesn't) work ... It Does she / he work here? ­ Yes, she / he does. / No, she / he doesn't. Time expressions always often not often never usually normally rarely sometimes occasionally hardly ever when after before unless in case as soon as until Uses - for permanent facts - for actions and situations which are generally true - for habits and routines PRESENT CONTINUOUS

Keeled → Inglise keel
133 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia rakendamisega kaasnevad probleemid

umbrohule, muutes ka selle elujõulisemaks. · Väheneb looduslik mitmekesisus (looduslikud 6 liigid tõrjutakse välja). KÜSIMUSED 1. Mis on geenitehnoloogia? 2. Kus valdkondades kasutatakse geenitehnoloogiat? 3. Nimeta 2 kasutusala 4. Mis on kloonimise põhilisemad probleemid? 5. Mis on GMO-de probleemid? 7 Two Content Layout with SmartArt · First bullet point here · Second bullet point here · Third bullet point here 8 July 22, 2012 Footer text here VIDEO TÄNAME KUULAMAST!!! 10 July 22, 2012 Footer text here

Bioloogia → Biotehnoloogia
8 allalaadimist

Letter from Australia

Letter from Australia Dear Dave! I've been in Australia for two weeks and it's been a pretty exciting place I like it here. Actually, I'd like you to be here, too. There are so many species of birds and animals that you would like to see the animals because they are interesting. When I jõdsin was 20 degrees outside but it was only the beginning as we went more hot and more hot. Currently, there are so warm that give it a go. I hope that you too are doing well and I hope that when you come here because you can get here is interesting. See you soon Ben!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

One reason why is good live in Estonia

Good morning my dear classmates and teacher. I'm here to talk about one reason why is good live in Estonia. Estonia is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Estonia is a very beautiful country because of its versatility. I can read a lot of reasons for living here. We have a very beautiful nature, which will take many speechless. We have also a lack of mineral resources, which is very important to us. These reasons may be very much to read. Each person has their own reason why he likes to live in Estonia. For me personally the most important thing is our language. Estonian language have very many rules that make it very difficult to learn for some people. If leave those

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Tüdruk perekonnast

, . , , , , . , , , . , , . , . , , . , , . , . . . «» , , . , . . , -, . , , . , - , . «» - . , . . - - . - , , - , . - . , «» . «»? *. , , - , . , , . , , - , . - . * here the meaning is: "oh, absolutely everything" The "" is here used only for emphasis Vocabulary - young nature lovers' society +instr. - to look after - crew - hard - brave ­ resolution ­ luxuriant, splendid, bushy (of hair, beard etc) ­ to rummage in the engine / - to mend / ­ to acquire ­ compartment, department ­ quality / - to take apart / ­ (here) to grow ()/ - - to shave - razor / ­ to happen ­ event, incident, case. ­ just in case; ­ in any case

Keeled → Vene keel
4 allalaadimist

Kristiina Ehin

Tartu Ülikoolis eesti filoloogiat spetsialiseerunud rahvaluulele 2004 omandas Tartu Ülikoolis magistrikraadi eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule alal 3 July 22, 2012 Footer text here Abikaa sa muusik SILVER Sep p On kuulunud kirjandusrühmitus se Erakkond Ta esines Eesti esindajana Londoni 2012. aasta suveolümpiamäng ude satelliitüritusel Laulis ansamblis Sinimanis eele ja aastast 2012 ansamblis v=ZlEsAJENyG8 7 July 22, 2012 Footer text here Kasutatud allikad TÄN A N!

Kirjandus → Laste- ja noortekirjandus
1 allalaadimist

Unistuste KONTOR aknad SUURE D :&imgrc=L2B_nlTVCz8OFM:&spf=1516628920913 mööbel MODERNE q=modern+office&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm= HUBAN söögiruum E ERALDI puhkeruum 5 July 22, 2012 Footer text here tööruumides VAIBAKATE 6 July 22, 2012 Footer text here ERILINE ooteruum

Õigus → Kinnisvaraõigus
2 allalaadimist

Pivot diagrammi moodustamine

Pivot diagrammi moodustamine Diagramm - /diagram, chart/ - arvjoonis, millel arvusid kujutatakse nendega võrdelise pindalaga kujundite, nagu sektorite, tulpade vms. abil. Inglise keeles nimetatakse neid ka "graph", Vahendit, mis diagramme Excelis moodustab nimetatakse "Microsoft Graph". Mõnikord on kasulik enne diagrammi tegemist andmed tabelis summeerida. Üks võimalus selleks on moodustada tabelis uus veerg, kuhu saab sisestada soovitud valemi. Edasi moodustada selle veeru alusel diagramm. Teine võimalus on kasutada niisugustel juhtudel Pivot' diagrammi. Pivot' diagramm on spetsiaalne diagrammitüüp, mis võimaldab summeerida andmeid. Pivot' diagramm on seotud Pivot' tabeliga. P. tabel võimaldab olemasolevaid andmeid esitada kokkuvõtvalt. P. diagramm sobib kõige paremini siis, kui on olemas palju üksikandmeid, mida soovid grupeerida ja summeerida. P diagrammi ei ole mõtet asutada, kui andmed on juba summeeritud või koondatud. Näide Pi...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
8 allalaadimist

Should space exploration be a priority

aboard. Travelling in space could become very important and useful for people on earth in case something happens to our planet. Many things could happen since humans are taking advantage of earth's natural resources like oil and building dangerous factories that produce toxic waste. With space travel we could find planets that have the material to replace our resources and maybe get rid of the toxic waste we no longer have room here. Besides that, a war could break out involving majority of the countries which would lead to total destruction and it might be harder to rebuild the society here than to move to another planet that is not damaged. On the other hand, the money and time we would spend on space exploration by making it our priority might be better off spent here on earth. We could instead study our planet more to find new ways we could make living here better

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Gerunds and infinities

Gerunds (to) and infinitives (-ing) 7.1 Verbs followed by the gerund form ­ing. I considered buying a flat in Monte Carlo, but they were too expensive. Here are some common verbs which are followed by the gerund: Admit, appreciate (hindama), avoid, can´t help, can´t stand, consider, delay (viivitama), deny, detest (jälestama), dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine (ette kujutama), involve (sisaldama), mention (mainima), mind, miss, postpone (edasi lükkama), practise, put off, recall, resent, risk, suggest, understand 7.2 Verbs and phrases followed by the infinitive without ´to´ You must answer all the questions. Here are some common verbs/phrases which are followed by the infinitive without to: Can, could, may, might, must, need, must, need, had better, would rather 7.3 Verbs followed by an object + the infinitive without ´to´ She made me do it. ( sundima ) Here are some ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Toompea lossi inglisekeelne kirjeldus

This is Toompea Castle. The history of Toompea is actually the story of rulers and power in Estonia. The times and rulers changed and so did power and mentalities – each new ruler built and fortified this place according to his needs and taste. Today, visitors to Toompea can find here buildings mostly dating from three periods: the medieval order’s stronghold with its impressive western wall and towers, the most well-known of which is the tower of Tall Herman; the Russian-era government administration building with a facade representing classical styles and opening onto Castle Square; and the building of the Riigikogu, which originates from the time of the First Republic of Estonia and is hidden behind the walls of the castle Time has been generous to Toompea castle

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia

One reason why it's nice to live in Estonia Estonia is the place where i live and i like to live in here. There are many reasons why i like to live in Estonia, but the main reason is that the Estonia is naturally great place where to live. Estonia has got very beatiful nature where we can go hiking or fishing. There are many great places wich you can visit in nature. In nature you can do a lot of things. It also attrackts many tourists. Estonia is also naturally quiet place, in here we don´t have volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes or other dangerous natural phenomenas

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

This a little help they who play with Gameforge games

So: The 1. As a step register onto PayPal side. On this link There will be a cell like this there: Your country or region let us put Ez in another place The one under it Your language leave it so on the factory setting. (U.S. English) Then vállasszuk who from among the 3 opportunities Personal Account -ot and push Get Startedre. ! On the appearing sheet got now much kitlteni truth data. (To grant worthy real data) ! Email address : Here grant your real email address. Choose the password : Select a password (there have to be at least 8 characters) First name : Your first name Last name : Your surname City : The city,where you live. State/Province/Region: County name,you are N/A. (it doesn't matter which one you are in) Postal Code : postal code. We would turn up with this, on the appearing side our heaven the go TO MY ACCOUNT-ra The 2. Our step, that register BUX.TO -ra. As a little short summary, the essence the

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Present perfect and Present perfect continious

I've just seen a ghost! • Indefinite events, which happened at an unknown time in the past. No definite time is given. Jim has had three car accidents. (up to the present) • Indefinite events, which may have an obvious result in the present. I've twisted my ankle. (that’s why I'm limping) • With state verbs, a state which lasts up to the present. I've lived here for the past ten years. 2 • A habitual action in a period of time up to the present. I've been jogging every morning for the last month. Contrasts with Past Simple Past Simple is used with time expressions which refer to definite times. The time may be stated or understood. Compare: I've bought a new car. (indefinite) I bought a new car last week. (definite) I bought the car after all

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keele test Unit 13

Test 13 1. Complete the sentence Choose from here : a lovely tune, tongue twister, sneezes, put on the light, plague, nursery rhyme, recit poems, sunshine, mysterious, dream. 1.Last night i had a strange dream about travelling to Mars 2.My sister´s favourite nursery rhyme was Twinkle, Twinkle, Litter Star. 3.In our literature classes we often learn and recite poems. 4.What do you say when someone sneezes? ­ Bless you! 5.Don´t you think it´s dark here? Could you put on the light, please? 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Sustainable forest management jutt

3. slaid If we destroy some kind of spiece, we cant recreate it. They carrie unique information which cant be restored. Maybe in the future, the technology will get so far that they can recreate some extincted spieces. Here is araucaria mirabilis which was living approximately 160 million years ago If we create some culture on the field or cut down some alder forest and replace it with spruces, will it have interaction to the whole world? It's extremely difficult to answer, because there are so many factors. 4. slaid Renewable resources have became metaphor with meaning that its easy way to produce energy. Its easy to destroy our forests but it changes our ecosystem

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Religion in Ireland

Roman Catholic Church, Saint Patrick and Saint Patrick's day . 3. Christianity is and has been the largest religion in Ireland. Most churches are organised on an all-Ireland basis which includes both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Many people believe that St Patrick was the one responsible for bringing Christianity to Ireland. Although he made a major impact on Christian Ireland he certainly wasn't the first to arrive here. St. Palladius was the first Christian to arrive in Ireland. 4. The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church. It is the largest Christian church in Ireland. This map is based on a reasearch made in 2011, that shows how many catholics are in The Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland. Areas in which Catholics are in the majority are blue. Areas in which Catholics are in a minority are red. 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika reeglid

1. Active/Passive Active - the professor teaches the students. Passive - The students are taught by the professor 2. Present Simple [VERB] + s/es in third person. Tegevus on korduv või tavapärane. You speak English. I play tennis. Cats like milk. The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. I am here now. Active= Once a week, Tom cleans the car. Passive= Once a week, the car is cleaned by Tom. 3. Present Continuous [am/is/are + present participle]. Tegevus toimub/ei toimu praegusel hetkel. You are watching TV. You are learning English now. I am studying to become a doctor. I am meeting some friends after work. Active= Right now, Tom is writing the letter. Passive= Right now, the letter is being written by Tom. 4. Past Simple [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist


He, she -s business. PRESENT CONTINUOUS You are dancing well tonight. (kestev olevik) Am, is, are + ing PAST SIMPLE (üldminevik) He went there by car. -ed, II PAST CONTINUOUS I was reading when the phone rang. (kestev minevik) Was, were + -ing PRESENT PERFECT I have lived here since 1983. (täisminevik) I have lived here for 10 years. Have, has + -ed, III PAST PERFECT She had left when i arrived. (enneminevik) Had + -ed, III FUTURE (tulevik) I will give up smoking. Will I am going to give up smoking. Going to

Keeled → Inglise keel
50 allalaadimist

Kõne : The Wisdom of Youth

Older generations are not used with upgrades in and new features in society and thats why they are all saying that the youth is in .... But younger generation have more advanced and newer information with them. Nowadays the young know much more than the older did at the same age. They have innovative ideas, they are very active and fully commited into their doings and projects. If they take something up, they are will finish it. The next generation are not here just to receive knowldege and information, they are here to be heard and involved in decision making processes. It clearly reflects in workmarket. Especially in tehcnology, networking and information technology. The fact that executives and international leaders have started to employ people much younger than themselves, proves that younger people are neccecary and essential for society. They are sometimes called the Fat brains.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

The Advantages and Disadvantages of City and Country Living

least temporarily forget about daily routine and pollution, crime (especially in bigger, crowded cities) and noise they have to endure when they go outside. I'd say that it is disadvantages for living in a city. On the other hand advantages of living a city life are easier communication, access to stores and entertainment and possibility to get a good-earning job, which I prefer. Also your it is a good chance that your social circle can expand here, but in country people live far from each other and don't see so often new faces like in city. The best part about living in a rural area is its quiet mood and the idea of not having to constantly breathe in exhaust fumes, not be part of traffic jams and often hear people honking the horns of their cars or speak loudly. Living in a farm, however, involves a lot of daily labour, such as feeding and cleaning animals that need constant care.

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

About England

It's hard to believe, but in Great Britain one you can find practically any type of scenery. Britain is unusually beautiful country! England can be divided for four parts: the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England. The Southeast is a highly populated region of England. London, the capital of the UK, and such historical cities as Windsor, Dover and Brighton are situated here. When people travel to Britain by sea or by air they usually arrive in the Southeast, for this is where the main passenger ports and airports are. Heathrow airport, one of the world's busiest airports is about 33 km west of central London. The Southwest is the region where the main activity is farming. The Southwest used to be known for its pirates. The two principal cities of the region are Bristol and Bath. If you want to see the famous Stonehenge you should also come here

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

8. Klass Unit 3 I love english test

Unit 3 1. 1. Did you have to pay to park here. 2. Ou musnt cycle on the pavement. 3. Pleace fastenrour sealtbelts/ The plane is going take off in a minute. 4. Excuse me is there a bookshop near here. 5. Go stright on and turn raight at the traffic lights. 6. This street is for pedestrians only. 7. A police officer the stopped us and wanted to see Dads driving licence. 8. Jim was fined for speeding. 2. 1. Can 2. Musnt 3. Must 4. Musnt 5. Must 6. Can 3. 1. Was opened 2. Are sold 3. Musnt be dry-cleaned; cant be washed 4. Was created 5. Was damaged 6. Was stolen;Was found 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

One story

crying voice stopped her. "Oh poor Laurel!" said Mary, "When Elisa entered the kitchen and said you didn't notice her, I...I just..." And she started to cry, feeling very helpless at the moment. Laurel whispered then, "Don't be sad! I'm sure the doctor will help me! I feel like in a's so..." But she couldn't be strong any more and soon tears overhold her as well. Fast footsteps were heard again, but this time an older man entered the small room. "The doctor is here, Mary!" announced Elisa and ran off to kitchen to look after the porridge soup they were supposed to have for breakfast. "Hello..." said Mary and the old man bowed politely back. "My name is dr. Winchester ­ I am the family doctor of the Ebes who live in a castle nearby. By the way ­ I am your neighbor." Mary helped Laurel to sit back on her bed and asked if the doctor could help her somehow. The man examined the girl and said, "Well, to be honest ­ these symptoms are

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


·Here are 4 seasons ­ Winter ­ usualy could and with snow, Spring ­ green time, when everything is sprout (spraud), summer ­ usually warm, with rain and thunder, autum ­ also raining, nature is very colourful ·We have a lot of green grassy areas and landscapeses. ·Hiest hill in Estonia ja Suur Munamägi, wich is 314m hie and is in South ­ Estonia. ·Here are many lakes, rivers and islands. You can ride with canoe, swim in lots of places and be keen on fishing. ·In Estonia here is many natoinal parks. Like Matsalu and Lahemaa National Parks. Many birds and other animals are under protect there.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Frank Sinatra powerpoint

Oli USA laulja ja Oscari võitnud näitleja. Tihti on nimetatud teda 20. sajandi USA parimaks meessoost poplauljaks. Klassikalised albumid ,,In the Wee Small Hours" ,,Songs For Swingin' Lovers" ,,Come Fly With Me" ,,Only the Lonely" ,,September of My Years" Teisega koos: ,,My Way", ,,New York, New York", ,,Strangers in the Night" ja ,,It Was a Very Good Year". Näitleja karjäär Näitlejana muutus ta kõrgelt hinnatuks oma esinemistega filmides: · ,,From Here to Eternity" · ,,The Man with the Golden Arm" · ,,Suddenly" · ,,Pal Joey" · ,,Ocean's Eleven" · ,,The Manchurian Candidate" Auhinnad Aastal 1971anti talle Cecil B. DeMille'i nimeline elutööauhind 11 Grammy auhinda (nt: Parima muusika video pikk vorm- "Frank Sinatra: Portrait of an Album" (1985)) Mitmed Oscari auhinnad (nt: Parima peameesnäitleja roll filmis ,,The Man with the Golden Arm" (1955), parim meesnäitleja filmis ,,From Here to Eternity" (1953))

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Shatelie world

"Where oh Earth am I?" the girl wondered now. She wasn't scared, just tired of the work she had to do on her father's farm. Suddenly, strange music of a lonely violin started playing. The melody was so unhappy that Shatelie wanted to cry. She didn't see anyone, yet the music was so close to her heart! "You're so sad," she said and closed her eyes to listen, but an unexpected silence arrived. "Why?" asked Shatelie now, "Continue, please! Your violin brought me here from a totally different world... So don't stop! Please! Before I disappear again..." "Who are you?" a scared man's voice called," This is the cursed castle of the Devil ­ are you a Demon, his servant?" Shatelie laughed saying, "The Devil? Here? But there are so many nice flowers around!" "Flowers?" "Yes! Come and have a look yourself if you are so superstitious!" "But won't you kill me?" "Do I have a reason?" "No...I think." "Then it's fine to come closer! And don't forget your violin!"

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Informal letter

Õie 67A-4 Pärnu, Estonia 80032 April 14, 2008 Dear Jaanika, It's been a while since we last wrote, so I thought I'd drop you a line to bring you up to date with what's been happening here. Actually, right now I'm laying under the palm tree and having a nice vacation at Bahama Island. I've been here for a week already and the time is just flowing by. I'm planning to relax and enjoy my vacation for another 2 weeks. Then I have to fly back home and start to work hard. But as a matter of fact I'm already thinking about my summer plans. I'm kind a sure that it wont be that relaxing at all, because I've thought about some money collecting.

Keeled → Inglise keel
393 allalaadimist

A letter to an old friend

I really want to know your latest news and know everything about your studying. I'm writing to tell that I have been to France and it was great. Do you believe that I met my new boyfriend Sergei there,who is by the way estonian citizen! It was by accident.He has been there for five years studing chemistry. I tell U a little secret-he is already talking about getting married and having a is amazing! Well this is all about me and we are all doing fine here. I am waiting to here from you soon. Take care! Your best friend, ....

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34 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside is boring

countryside. In my opinion, living in the countryside is awesome. I think that people, who live outside of big cities are more tolerant and friendly. To sum up I have lived in countryside all my life and I am not complaining. I have friends here and I can deal with my hobbies. On the other hand I am not denying that living in a city would be even richer, but also I think I would rather live here. Moreover the environment where we grow up shapes who we are and finally growing up in the countryside forms you a better person.

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12 allalaadimist

A letter of application

Raudtee 27 43222 Estonia, Püssi November 28 2010 OÜ P6llu Kunn Lammutajate tee 178 Savala, Estonia Dear Mr. /Madam RE: Application for tractor driver Position. I would like to be a tractor driver. I heard from your firm years ago when I was very young. My grandfather also works here; he has worked here for a very long time. So he told me that there is one job as a tractor driver. My name is............... I have graduated nine classes in Lüganuse 1. Keskkool. I didn´t have no threes on my school-leaving certificate. I was a very good student. I learn very fast. I have experiences in this job. In summer 2010 I had a summer job. I mowed in Kiviõli, Jõhvi, Sillamäe and Narva with a John Deere tractor with my grandfather. I am young and strong and I very much like this job

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78 allalaadimist


sparsely populated countries in Europe, only 35 people per square kilometers. Nearly the third of the population live in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. There are many bays and islands located along the coastline of Estonia. There are great number of islands away from the west and north shore. The biggest of these are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa islands. Geagraphically Estonia can be devided into four: North, South, Western and Eastern Estonia. North ­ Estonia is quite flat and low. Here are very nice waterfront brights with its capes and cliffs. SouthEstonia is more hilly, but here are no mountains or mountains chains. The highest point of Estonia the SuurMunamägi (the Great Egg Mountain) is here in SouthEstonia. It is 318 meters above sea level. The largest industrial citys are located in Eastern Estonia. In Western Estonia there are many beautiful nature parks. Hinterland is mainly agricultural. Estonia is known for its thousands of lakes and beautiful nature

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11 allalaadimist

Verb forms ülesanne vastustega.

to meet me tomorrow. We are getting together tomorrow evening. 3. When Mary (enter) entered the room, I (recognize, not) did not recognize her because she (lose) had lost so much weight and (grow) grown a long, healthy and beautiful hair. He looked totally different! 4. I like listening (listen) to music when I am sad, it really comforts me. 5. I (visit) have visited so many beautiful places since I (come) came to UK. Before moving here, I (hear, never) had never heard of Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral and Trafalgar Square & Nelsons Column. 6. When I (arrive) arrived home last night, I discovered that my dog Chubby (chew) had chewed up my brand new shoes. 7. By the time I got to the school, the class (begin, already) had already begun. My teacher (be) was furious with me and I (be) was punished. 8. After they had finished eating (eat) they went back home. 9

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2 allalaadimist


Hi, my name is Elsa Clay and I studied at an all-girls Catholic high school .And here are some answers to the questions about my school. First, yes, we wear uniforms what consist of button-down blue or white blouses or polo shirts and a pleated blue and green plaid skirt. At our school we do not wear a miniskirt teamed with thigh-high socks, pink lipstick and a bare midriff. But we do have casual days when we can dress down at least once a month. Sometimes some of us are barley recognizable without uniform. Second, no boys in our school, and it's a relief not

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4 allalaadimist


M: That can't be possible. My mom was married. L: Her husband couldn't get children. M: I don't belive you, you're lying. L: Really? I remember it like yesterday, it was a sunny day in 1990. M: You have to prove it to me. L: You're mum doesn't want to see me. M: I don't care, let's go to the nearest hospital. My mum doesn't have to come with us. L: We'll go when you buy me new socks. M: I'll buy you one right now and another one if you really are my father. (few hours later). M: Okey , we're here. L: Okey, let's do the test, I want my other sock. (even more hours later) M: So here are our results, WTH you really are my father. L: I told you so, where's my sock now ? M: Forget your sock. We're gonna see my mother. (even more more hours later in front of mother's house) L: I haven't seen your mother in 20 years. M: If you really are my father, she should remember you. L: I'm scared. M: Wait, i'm gonna talk to her. L: OK, I'll wait here. M: she said that she doesn't want to see you.

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9 allalaadimist

Presenting arguments

Well, firstly I'm an agnostic - I don't know whether or not God exists.... Well, firstly we need to take an interest in developing countries instead of just competing with rich countries. To begin with, most women and men want the right to work. I'd start by rationing petrol to cut out unnecessary car journeys. For a start, it would have to be a mixed school and not a boarding establishment. There're two points here. Firstly, the cost to the environment. Think of all the rain forests. Secondly, the advertiser may pay, but the costs are passed on to the consumer. There are two problems here. Some of these homes are a long way from bus routes. Moreover, bus services can disappear altogether when the tourist season comes to an end. .... the economic strength of Japan hasn't led to much teaching of Japanese.

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23 allalaadimist

Tallinn Old Town

including the largest in Tallinn, weighing 15 tonnes. You can hear the entire ensemble playing before each service.!p_307 Old Town Twisting cobblestone lanes and iron street lamps. Gothic spires and medieval markets. Cappuccino and Wi-Fi. This is the city's famous Old Town. If you're looking for that mix of historic ambience and cutting-edge culture that defines Tallinn, you'll find it here. Built up from the 13th to 16th centuries, when Tallinn ­ or Reval as it was known then ­ was a thriving member of the Hanseatic trade league, this enclosed neighbourhood of colourful, gabled houses, half-hidden courtyards and grandiose churches is, quite rightly, the city's biggest tourist draw. And the fact that it's all neatly packaged within a mostly-intact city wall and dotted with guard towers gives it an extra dose of fairytale charm. http://www.tourism.tallinn

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14 allalaadimist

Will/shall kasutamine lauses.

Ect. `ll=will : I`ll (I will) / you`ll/ she`ll etc. Won´t= will not :I won`t (=I will not) / you won`t / she won`t etc. 2.We use will for the future(tomorrow/next week etc.): *Sue travels a lot.Today she is in Madrid.Tomorrow she`ll be in Rome.Next week she`ll be in Tokyo. *You can phone me this evening.I´ll be at home. *Leave the old bread in the garden.The birds will eat it. *We´ll probably go out this evening. *Will you be at home this evening? *I won`t be here tomorrow.(=I will not be here) *Don`t drink coffee before you go to bed.You won`t sleep. We often say I think... will...: *I think Diana will pass the exam. *I don`t think it will rain this afternoon. *Do you think the exam will be difficult? 3. SHALL You can say I shall (=I will) and we Shall (=we will): *I sahall be late tomorrow. Or I will (I`ll) be late tomorrow. *I think we shall win. Or I think we will (we`ll) win.

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17 allalaadimist

What might attract tourists to Estonia?

What Might Attract Tourists to Estonia? What might attract tourists to Estonia? Definately sightseeing. Estonia is a beautiful country and theres alot to see. Tallinn is the most popular place for tourists to visit. Tourists will also like the friendly people of Estonia, and ofcourse they will like the beautiful girls in here too. Tallinn, as the capital of Estonia, has alot of tourist attractions. For instance tourists can take tours in Tallinn or visit the Old town and its colorful shops. In Tallinn tourists can see the beautiful Kadriorg park with its Swan Pond and the Baroque Catharina Palace. Not far from Kardiorg is the Song Festival Grounds. In Pirita they can see the Forest Cemetery, where many important Estonian public figures are buried. Tourist can also visit the ruins of St.Brigitta's Convent

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35 allalaadimist

Inglise keelse riigieksami suuline osa - enesetutvustus

are singing? They only know that. Because flying is so great, that's why. So I suppose I will probably sing too after that. I have another exciting interest in my plans too. It is diving. Most of all I like to swim. Sometimes I drive hobby cart. I like to do different things. For example I enjoy dancing, skating, skiing, reading, traveling and also many another things. But I guess it is not necessary talk about all my hobbies and interests. OK, why I'm here today? As we know learning is becoming more and more popular nowadays and it is never late to do it. I want to continue my study by correspondence at university. Ok that's why I was decided to take this examination once again and refresh my memory. Besides that make it possible easily go on, without any difficulties. Therefore I am here now. Ok, what kind of person I am? Everybody thinks he is the best, so I'm too. I am friendly, energetic, cheerful, loyal, calm, sincere and enough wise

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122 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun